What can you make smoke from? How to identify foods cooked with liquid smoke

Smoke is not always a sign that there is a fire nearby and a reason to call the fire department immediately. Smoke has long been used during concerts and parties as a decorative element that adds glamor to the performance. For such cases, smoke generators have been created and are being created, which are sold in specialized stores and cost a lot of money. We suggest that you spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with this material in order to save money that would have been spent on purchasing a smoke generator.

As you may have guessed, we will be making a small smoke generator, but before moving on to the manufacturing process, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the author’s video.

So, we will need:
- a soap bubble gun;
- Electronic Cigarette;
- screwdriver;
- drill;
- drill;
- stationery knife.

First of all, we need to disassemble the gun and remove from it several parts that are unnecessary for our generator. We begin to unscrew the screws and remove the batteries.

The next thing is to take the electronic cigarette and remove the sensor from it.

After this we need to drill a hole on the sensor.

We insert the sensor back into the cap.

Now we need to make sure that the sensor fits into the “barrel” of the toy gun. Most likely, without some modifications this will not work, just as the author does not. To do this, you will have to remove all excess with a stationery knife.

Drill a hole to fit the diameter of the electronic cigarette.

Now we insert the electronic cigarette into the air duct of the gun.

Putting the toy back together.

Thus, we get a quite good and miniature smoke generator in the form of a pistol. The bubble gun itself will now “shoot” not bubbles, but smoke. We will add that, if desired, you can purchase liquid tobacco with different smells and aromas especially for an electronic cigarette, which will doubly surprise your guests when they not only see your homemade product, but also feel the aroma of some fruit or flower.

Liquid smoke is used to cook food and give it a smoky taste and smell. It can be of natural or chemical origin, in the form of a dry or liquid concentrate. Let's learn about how to prepare this product with your own hands, as well as its use and possible harm to the body.


The composition of this substance varies, but most often it contains a combination of the following components:

  • water - up to 92%;
  • phenols - 0.2-2.9%;
  • acids - 2.9-9.5;
  • carbonyl compounds - 2.6-4.6%.

Did you know? The first method for producing liquid smoke was developed by the Russian scientist V. Karazin in 1814. But his contemporaries did not appreciate this invention, since in those days they ate only natural products. Therefore, the innovation was considered unsuitable for human nutrition.

Now we will describe how the procedure for obtaining natural liquid smoke occurs:

  1. Natural wood chips are manually loaded into an industrial smoke generator (you can use different suitable wood: birch, bird cherry, beech, alder, apple tree).
  2. As a result of burning wood chips, smoke is generated, i.e. smoke is generated.
  3. The resulting smoke from the smoke generator passes through pipes through spark arresters into special equipment, where it is brought under pressure to a certain concentration and undergoes triple filtration to remove tar and resin.
  4. During filtration and settling, carcinogens from the smoke settle in a storage tank and are then removed.
  5. The next stage is fine filtration, the smoke is analyzed for the presence of benzopyrene, and then the purified smoke is sent through pipes for packaging.
  6. The resulting smoke is packaged in glass bottles, sealed and sent for sale.


Using smoking liquids in cooking, they imitate the natural smoking of meat, fish and their products, as well as cheeses:

  • smoked cheeses - Gruyère, Gouda, Suluguni, cheddar, processed sausage and others;
  • meat delicacies - sausages, sausages, pates, chicken breast, balyk, brisket, etc.;
  • fish products - various smoked fish, canned food (herring, smelt);
  • sauces for smoked products.

The main task is to improve the aroma and taste of various dishes from the mentioned products.

Important! If you constantly eat foods prepared with natural smoke substitutes, then after a few months this will lead to gastric problems - destruction of the mucous membrane of the stomach walls.

Benefits and harms

Experts warn against using liquid smoke when cooking. They argue this by saying that when products are smoked, oncogenic substances are already formed, and smoking smoke will only intensify this process. During the debate on this issue, it was also concluded that some useful features of this flavor are present.

So, when smoking with liquid smoke the following processes occur:

  • Heavy substances such as tar and ash do not get into the products, so food smoked in this way is cleaner than with conventional smoking;
  • food acquires a special aroma, taste and color;
  • the price of products processed in this way is much lower than naturally smoked products.

Despite the listed advantages, today there is no absolute evidence proving the safety of this dietary supplement. The European Medical Community has a clear negative attitude towards this product, and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) is currently conducting tests on this controversial issue.

Therefore, for now, all useful arguments in defense of smoking concentrate are doubtful. In any case, consumers must make their own choice, weighing all the consequences for their health.

Important! Since 2003, most European countries have strictly regulated the use of smoking liquids in food production, and some even prohibit it.

How to make liquid smoke yourself

Some lovers of smoked meats, when buying these delicacies in the store, may be afraid that they may contain a high percentage of resins and carcinogens. In order not to put yourself at risk and avoid negative consequences, you can prepare your own flavoring in an apartment from available products and materials. Here are some options.

From foil and matches

To make smoke flavor from foil and matches, you will need:

  • glass glass frozen in the freezer;
  • food foil;
  • a bunch of matches;
  • lighter.

Now the sequence of actions:

  1. Cut a square out of foil, the sides of which should be approximately 10-15 centimeters.
  2. Place 10 matches in a pile so that the heads point in the same direction.
  3. Place the matches on the foil and roll it tightly into a tube.
  4. Wrap the tube from the side of the heads and leave the other end as is.
  5. Insert the tube into the frozen glass so that the twisted side is on the outside, and the free side just touches the side wall of the glass, without reaching the bottom. To make the task easier, you can hang a tube with matches on an improvised tripod made of copper wire.
  6. Heat the twisted end of the foil containing the matches with a lighter until they ignite. After the matches begin to burn inside the foil, the lighter must be removed.
  7. Smoke from burning matches will begin to flow from the free end of the tube, placed in a glass. Upon contact with a frosted glass, the smoke condenses and flows to the bottom of the glass. This will be the liquid smoke that we need to prepare smoked products.
Video: how to make liquid smoke This process may need to be repeated using several frozen glasses to produce enough smoke.

From rice, sugar and tea

For this recipe you need to take:

  • 1 teaspoon unflavored without additives;
  • 1 teaspoon, also without impurities;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • a piece of foil.

The following actions:

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Take foil of such a size that you can wrap the finished bulk mixture in it. Roll the foil into a ball.
  3. Use a fork to make several holes in the bag to allow future smoke to escape.
  4. Place the prepared bag on a baking sheet, and place products that require smoking, such as meat, fish or lard, on top.
  5. Place the pan in the oven and bake the dish until done.
Video: preparing liquid smoke During hot weather, the mixture wrapped in foil will heat up and release smoke through the holes. This smoke will give your dish a smoky aroma and taste.

Did you know? It was a popular dish in Rus'“smoked nesting doll”: a larger fish was filled with smaller ones, then even smaller ones, and so on several times, and then it was all smoked.

How to Identify Foods Cooked with Liquid Smoke

When choosing smoked delicacies in a store, first of all you need to pay attention to their appearance and color. If they were subjected to the traditional smoking method, their color will be dull and dull.

If you see products colored in rich golden or yellow-orange, bright colors, then this means food prepared with the addition of liquid smoke or other dye.

This is especially noticeable on fish and products made from it. If the fish, one might say, shines and turns golden, then this is a product treated with a smoke flavor. If the color is dull, it means the fish was traditionally smoked.
The same is true with other foods, such as smoked chicken or sausage. In addition to liquid smoke, store-bought products mostly contain many flavoring additives that are not particularly beneficial to health.

Now let’s summarize the signs by which you can identify products prepared with smoke flavoring:

  • meat and fish are unevenly colored;
  • products with bright orange or golden colors;
  • unnatural gloss on products.
Video: liquid smoke products

What to replace

The two methods described above use smoke from the combustion of substances, which may also contain combustion products, although in very small quantities. If you want to get a food supplement that is not inferior in taste to the factory one and is completely devoid of such side impurities, then prepare the following mixture.

Did you know? Sometimes rather unusual products are smoked, for example, the Japanese smoke daikon, and in South America they smoke jalapeno peppers.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 sachet;
  • 200 g;
  • 1 medium head.

Now the preparation:
  1. In a separate bowl, mix garlic, curry, mayonnaise and soy sauce.
  2. Pour the resulting marinade over fish or meat and mix.
  3. Leave to brew for 3-4 hours.

After this time, the pickled foods can be prepared in the way you want. The dish will taste as if it was cooked on smoke.

Another simple way to add a smoky flavor to your dishes is to use special smoked salt, which is available in stores. It gives food the flavor that liquid smoke has.

To do this, directly during cooking meat or fish, you need to mix them with such salt. Then they will be sufficiently saturated with smoked aroma and taste. Products prepared with smoked salt will differ only in appearance: their appearance and color will remain natural.

How to use what you bought

Processing food with liquid smoke is not difficult. First, you need to carefully read the instructions included with the food supplement. Usually, to prepare a dish with a smoky flavor, it is enough to add 0.5 teaspoon of the substance to the marinade, for example, for barbecue, and fry the meat in a frying pan.

The end result is a delicious kebab, which in appearance and aroma cannot be distinguished from one baked over a fire. It is also used in the preparation of herring, mackerel, capelin, as well as chicken and minced meat. Let's take a closer look at some dishes with a smoked flavor.

Cooking chicken

To prepare smoked chicken, you need the following ingredients:

  • chicken carcass;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • garlic;
  • ground black pepper (optional);
  • liquid smoke.

Cooking process:
  1. Thoroughly clean the chicken carcass from any remaining feathers and rinse in warm water.
  2. Squeeze the garlic through a chopper.
  3. Mix chopped garlic, salt, mayonnaise, pepper and liquid smoke.
  4. Rub the chicken carcass with the resulting marinade.
  5. Marinate the chicken for no more than 3 hours, otherwise the meat will become too soft and take on a strong brine taste.
  6. Place the marinated chicken in a baking sleeve and place in the oven for an hour and a half at 250 degrees. It is necessary to periodically carefully turn the sleeve so that the released gravy evenly lubricates the carcass.
Video: cooking chicken with liquid smoke

Cooking pork pastrami

To do this you need to take:

  • 1 kilogram of pork neck;
  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt;
  • 40 g liquid smoke;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of sugar;
  • ground black pepper and garlic - to taste;
  • food foil.

Prepare pastrami as follows:

  1. Cut the pork into rectangular strips along the muscle line, about 3 cm thick.
  2. Make diagonal cuts on the plates with a sharp knife. This is necessary for better salting of meat.
  3. Mix water with spices, add smoking liquid, stir and rub the pork pieces with it.
  4. Place the meat with the marinade in an enamel or glass container with a lid and place in a cool place for a day.
  5. After the allotted time has passed, wrap the meat pieces in foil, place them on a roasting pan and place in an oven preheated to 270 degrees. Baking time - 15 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat without opening the oven door for 2 hours to allow the pastrami to absorb its juices and flavor.
  7. The finished meat is cut into slices and served to the table.


Sausage made from chicken or pork meat with the addition of a smokey aroma is very tasty.

For this you need the following ingredients:

  • 700-800 grams of meat;
  • 200 grams of fresh lard;
  • 0.5 cups rice;
  • one egg;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of smoking concentrate;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • spices, salt - to taste.

Now a step-by-step recipe for making sausage:

Important! To ensure even baking, you need to turn the sausage occasionally. You can add a little hot boiled water to the baking sheet to prevent the sausages from burning.

After baking, the finished product should be allowed to cool and then placed in the refrigerator to cool. When serving sausage, the film must be removed.
Now the recipe:

  1. Thaw the fish, gut it, wash it thoroughly and cut into pieces.
  2. Place the chopped mackerel in a container of sufficient depth.
  3. Mix salt and sugar, add seasonings and smoke concentrate.
  4. Pour the mixture onto the fish pieces, stir and cover with cling film.
  5. Place the mackerel in the refrigerator for 8 hours.
  6. After marinating, rinse the fish from the marinade and let the water drain.
  7. Peel the onion and cut into rings.
  8. Place the pieces on a dish, place onion rings on them and pour oil over them.
Video: recipe for cold smoked mackerel using liquid smoke

Whole smoked mackerel


  • 4 frozen mackerel;
  • 3.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 150 grams of salt;
  • 50 ml liquid smoke;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • spices - allspice, black peppercorns, bay leaf.
  1. Remove the fish carcasses from the head and tail and rinse thoroughly with running water.
  2. For the marinade, pour all the spices into the water and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
  3. Cool the finished marinade to 25-30 degrees.
  4. Pour liquid smoke into the cooled marinade and stir.
  5. Pour the prepared brine over the mackerel and leave for 4 days.
  6. After marinating, remove the fish from the marinade, thoroughly wipe off any remaining residue with a paper towel and leave to dry for 1 hour.
  7. Afterwards, grease each carcass with oil and serve.

Did you know? Mackerel can be called a long-lived fish: in the wild, some individuals live up to 25 years.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that each of us must decide for ourselves which foods are worth consuming and which ones we should abstain from. In any case, cooking smoked products using liquid smoke will diversify your diet and add a spicy twist to it.

Smoke bombs They are used not only in military affairs, but also for signaling, disinfection and creating special effects.

On the farm, smoke bombs help in the fight against insects and fungi in enclosed spaces, for example, in greenhouses, vegetable stores and basements. In agriculture, smoke from bombs protects crops from frost.

A smoke bomb made from soap works well to repel mosquitoes. Colored smoke from a bomb creates a beautiful design for a photo shoot or performance on stage.

Smoke bombs are classified according to their duration of action:

  • instant;
  • long-term

The duration depends on the size of the “smoke” and its composition.

Here you will find a similar article about.

How to make a smoke bomb from soap at home?

Making such a smoke bomb at home is not at all difficult.

For this you will need:

  • Laundry soap 72%.
  • Sheets of paper or old newspapers.
  • Scotch tape or plastic film.
  • Container with water.

Laundry soap should be cut or grated on a coarse grater. Pour into a container of water and heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Or add hot water and stir until dissolved.

The solution should be concentrated, use a little water, but enough to saturate all sheets of paper. For 1 piece of soap you will need 5 liters of water. Completely immerse the paper in the soap solution for impregnation.

The paper should not get wet. The sheets are kept whole because the torn sheet contains more air, therefore there will be more fire, but less smoke. The paper is carefully removed and dried. A fan is used to speed up the drying process.

Dry sheets are rolled into a tight roll, or crumpled and formed into a ball. Wrap tightly with tape or polyethylene. String on a wooden rod. “Smoke” is ready.

Tip: to get a thick paper roll, you need to twist the first sheet in half and put the next one in it. Continue rolling and insert another sheet. So insert all the sheets.

Set the checker on fire and wait until the flame engulfs most of the paper. Active combustion indicates that there is little soap in the solution or poor impregnation. The fire is quickly extinguished. The device begins to smoke heavily.

Newspaper smoke is made from paper soaked in soapy water. After soaking, the newspaper is dried. Then it is crumpled and wrapped with tape to form a roller. They set fire and wait until the third part burns out. The fire is extinguished and left to smolder.

The smoke from the soap bar is not toxic. The downside is that it only produces a small amount of smoke.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

How to make a colored smoke bomb?

A colored smoke bomb or several multi-colored ones will help you impress your guests or colorfully decorate an important event.

Preparation of components:

  • Baking soda – 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar – 40g
  • Potassium nitrate – 60g
  • Dye – 3 tsp.

Combine saltpeter and sugar in a bucket and mix. Heat over low heat with continuous stirring. The mixture should not burn, otherwise everything will be ruined.

When the mass becomes homogeneous, slightly golden in color, add soda, and then dye and continue stirring. A chemical reaction will occur and foam will form.

Cool the resulting composition to room temperature.

Seal cardboard tubes from paper towels or fax paper on one side. Fill the tubes without voids with the prepared mixture, insert a wooden stick in the center and leave to dry for a day. Replace the stick with a piece of rope, which will serve as a wick. The smoke bomb is ready.

Adding henna as a dye produces orange smoke. They also use potassium permanganate and food coloring for eggs.

I regularly inspect my site, and I am very pleased with the results! I really liked that it runs on a solar battery. I recommend this repeller to everyone."

How to make a smoke bomb out of paper?

Method 1

You can make a “smoke pipe” yourself in the following simple way.

For this you will need:

  • Ammonium nitrate from the fertilizer store.
  • Thick newspapers.

Dissolve saltpeter in warm water. Take the ingredients based on 1 liter of water - 300 g of saltpeter. Cut newspapers into pieces similar in size to A4 format and immerse in the solution for several minutes. Remove and dry well.

The peculiarity of the chemical is that it absorbs moisture from the air and therefore the leaves do not dry well. To achieve complete drying, use auxiliary means, such as a radiator, iron or hair dryer.

You can also wet newspapers using a spray bottle. Dry leaves should be rolled into a tight tube and secured with tape or thick thread. The tube should not have a hole in the center.

It is not advisable to make the checker long or thick, because the saltpeter will burn unevenly. If a whole sheet of newspaper is used, it is folded along its length twice and then rolled.

A large checker, rolled from several newspapers. placed in an aluminum beer can, cut off at both ends. This is done to avoid the checker catching fire. The length of the body is cut with an allowance of 1-2 cm on each side, relative to the roll. The edge needs to be folded.

For the body, empty cans of paint or deodorant are used. The thickness of the winding is adjusted according to the opening of the can so that it fits tightly. The finished saber is set on fire at one end, waiting until it flares up and puffs of smoke emerge. Throw to the side as far as possible. Thick, white smoke is produced.

Store ready-made saltpeter-impregnated sheets in glass jars, closed with lids or sealed plastic bags with a zipper.

Method 2

It's very easy to make a smoke bomb out of paper and salt.


  • Newsprint.
  • Fine salt.
  • Scotch.

Form a tight ball from the paper. Tear the paper in one place and add salt. Wrap everything tightly with adhesive tape. Ready to use. It is not advisable to use coarse salt, because it shoots out when heated.

How to make a smoke bomb from flour?

A smoke bomb made from flour has a long smoldering period and the availability of the necessary components.

You need to take:

  • flour or sawdust - 4 parts;
  • sulfur – 1 part;
  • ammonium nitrate – 5 parts.

Grind sulfur and saltpeter in a mortar until a light yellow powder forms. Ammonium nitrate should be dried in the oven on the lowest heat for 20-30 minutes. It is impossible to leave saltpeter unattended, so as not to start melting. Grind dry saltpeter.

Add flour to the mixture of two components and mix thoroughly.

The housing for the smoke bomb is made of thick cardboard. To do this, roll up a cylinder ø3-4 cm from several layers of cardboard, and cover the end with plaster. You can use ready-made cylinders from firecrackers or fireworks.

The powder mixture is poured into the body in small portions. Compact very tightly using a hammer and a rod. Tight pressing ensures long-term smoldering with smoke release. Several circles are cut out of the same cardboard as the body and the tube is tightly closed.

A hole is made in the middle for the wick by piercing or drilling 3 cm through the cardboard and the mixture. A wooden tube or rod is used as a wick. The wick is fixed with several layers of electrical tape.

The smoke bomb is ready for use. Ammonium nitrate is highly hygroscopic and quickly becomes damp. Therefore, the mixture or the finished checker cannot be stored for a long time.

Stories from our readers!
"We have always used fertilizers and fertilizers in our garden. The neighbor said that he soaks the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."

Precautionary measures

When using smoke bombs, as well as any other flammable and explosive objects, it is important to remember the safety measures for people and property:

  1. You should make a smoke bomb outside or in a garage.
  2. Clothes should be such that you won’t be sorry to ruin them.
  3. The face should not be tilted low over the checker when setting it on fire.
  4. Use personal protective equipment when preparing checkers.
  5. When working with ammonium nitrate, protect your hands with rubber gloves.
  6. Use smoke bombs only in deserted places.
  7. All flammable objects located near the place where the smoke bomb is used should be removed.
  8. When igniting, use a remote igniter, for example, a fire on a stick.
  9. Prepare and place extinguishing agents nearby.
  10. It must be taken into account that when set on fire, a smoke bomb sometimes begins to jump and rush around.
  11. Smoke bombs are prohibited from being used in closed spaces, as the smoke can cause poisoning.
  12. Ready-made smoke bombs are to be used in the near future. Even short storage causes dampening of the composition and a decrease in smokiness. In some cases, spontaneous combustion or explosion occurs.
  13. If a fire occurs indoors, fill it with water and take it out or throw it outside.

You can't cover it! Smoke is also released in the absence of oxygen. The checker does not go out and objects nearby may ignite.

Video materials

The presented videos contain detailed guidance on making smoke bombs and conducting tests, demonstrating the smoke effect achieved in each case.

The most colorful and impressive colored “smoke”, especially the launch of several bombs at the same time.

The material presented will, of course, make you want to try it. But first you should think about the purpose of use and possible consequences, so as not to frighten or injure anyone.

The best place for testing is a vacant lot behind the house, the outskirts of a holiday village or a forest. Don’t forget to extinguish all checkers with water and take them away for disposal.

What you need to know about liquid smoke

Before we start cooking up some delicious treats, let's take a closer look at liquid smoke. It was invented in order to cook smoked products without processing them.. This flavoring is an aqueous extract of the products of incomplete combustion of wood, which allows you to prepare a dish with such taste as if it had been smoked in a smokehouse without wasting extra time and effort.

As a rule, the concentrate is diluted with water according to the proportion indicated on the label. In brine with this flavoring you can fish, poultry, then fry it in a frying pan or bake it in the oven or convection oven. The taste of such dishes is not much different from those smoked with smoke from a fire. Interestingly, such liquids have been used for several years in the production of various smoked products, since this significantly reduces the time of heat treatment of products. When buying ready-made store-bought smoked meats, you will most likely have a hard time determining how they were prepared: in a smokehouse in a few days or using liquid smoke in a few minutes.

Meat masterpieces with liquid smoke

Chicken wings

They can be cooked in a convection oven or oven. Whichever option you choose, the marinating steps will be the same. First you need to wash them thoroughly by soaking them for 15 minutes in cold water. After this you can marinate.

For the marinade you will need:

  • Mayonnaise (3 tbsp);
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. liquid smoke.

If you want to make the dish more piquant, you can add your favorite seasonings, spices or herbs. Place all the ingredients along with the wings in a convenient container, stir, and marinate (ideally, let it sit for a day or at least a few hours). Preparing wings is easy: place them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven (200 degrees), bake for half an hour. Ready wings with liquid smoke can be served cold or hot - they are delicious in any form. There are many other recipes for liquid smoke wings. Experiment and share your unusual recipes, the main thing to remember is that you cannot get carried away with such food. Liquid smoke is by no means a healthy product and only serves to give products a smoked smell. It can be used for holiday dishes, when you want to surprise guests, or on rare occasions, to treat yourself to something delicious. In some countries, liquid smoke has long been banned, but as long as it is allowed in our country, we will sometimes take it from the kitchen shelf and prepare the next masterpieces.

Appetizing chicken

Chicken with liquid smoke is a delicious masterpiece that is also extremely easy to prepare. You will need a well-fed one, which must be carefully prepared, gutted and only then cooked.

It must be cut along the ridge to make it convenient to process the internal parts, rinse well and marinate, namely: rub with salt, pepper, spices, garlic and leave alone for half an hour. To make the chicken truly delicious, rub it with the following sauce before putting it in the oven:

  • 50 g mayonnaise;
  • 30 g liquid smoke;
  • 4 cloves crushed garlic.

The chicken is cooked in a baking sleeve for 1–1.5 hours in the oven, preheated to 200–250 degrees, while it must be poured with the released juice. How do you know when the chicken is ready? To do this, you need to make an incision on the leg: if the secretion is pinkish in color, continue baking until the juice runs clear. This elementary recipe will be useful for all occasions, and depending on the spices, it will always be unique and tasty.

For those who love smoked lard

Very using liquid smoke. First you need to prepare the brine: take 6 tbsp per liter of water. l. liquid smoke and salt, stir everything well. To give the dish a pronounced taste, add your favorite spices, usually peppercorns, bay leaves, onion peels. By the way, it is the husk that gives the finished lard its characteristic smoked color and notes of spicy aroma.

When the brine is ready, put half a kilogram of lard into the pan, bring it to a boil, and cook over low heat for just under an hour. After cooking, the lard must be dried, grated with red pepper, crushed garlic, and cooled. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.

Smoked rabbit

You can smoke not only chicken, pork and lard using liquid smoke, but also rabbit, geese, ducks and other carcasses. It is not difficult.

The rabbit must be thoroughly soaked in water, cut into medium parts, placed in an enamel pan, and filled with warm water so that it barely covers the meat. After boiling, remove the foam, add salt, add carrots, onions, parsley, cilantro, pepper, bay leaf, and liquid smoke (5 tablespoons per kilogram of meat). Cook for 50 minutes. The finished rabbit can be sprinkled with a mixture of garlic and white wine.

The fish is to die for

A universal cooking method for many types of fish

Favorite dish of millions. This is a first-class snack for beer, and it also makes delicious sandwiches. However, not everyone has the opportunity to buy such fish in a store or smoke it in a home smokehouse. But this is not a reason to deny yourself pleasure - the option of smoking fish with liquid smoke - the most popular artificial flavoring we are talking about today - comes to the rescue.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Fish (you can take your favorite variety);
  • salt;
  • “liquid smoke” additive;
  • 1 potato;
  • 2 deep containers.

Cooking instructions

  1. First you need to wash, clean and gut the fish. It is better to cut a large one along the vertebral ridge into two parts. To ensure that it is well salted, make deep cuts from the inside. Small fish, such as roach, perch, crucian carp, don’t even need to be gutted, just rinse thoroughly. Using liquid smoke, you can smoke as many fish as you like, the main thing is to choose the right size for the salting container;
  2. Next, you can start preparing the brine solution, and there is a trick here. Place a medium-sized peeled potato into a saucepan, add water and begin gradually adding salt, stirring constantly. Floating potatoes are a sign that the solution is ready for pickling. Place the fish tightly in the prepared container, fill it with solution and place it in a cool place (cellar or refrigerator) under pressure;
  3. The fish should be thoroughly salted, then washed and dried for two to three hours in a draft. Now you can start smoking directly: pour diluted liquid smoke into a container so that all the fish is immersed and can be mixed. Place large fish in the flavoring for three minutes; for small fish, 60 seconds is enough. If you smoke fish that has been disassembled into two parts, dip it in the solution for 10–15 seconds, then hang it by the tail in a cool place for a day;
  4. If there is a lot of fish, but there is no large container or little liquid smoke in the house, sprinkle it on the suspended fish using a sprayer - it will turn out no less tasty.

In order to make smoked herring without extra effort, you will need:

  • 1 kg frozen herring;
  • 50 ml liquid smoke;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 1 tsp. ground black pepper.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Gut the thawed herring, rinse it several times in cold water;
  2. Rub the fish on all sides with a mixture of salt and pepper and liquid smoke. Place in an enamel bowl, put pressure on top, marinate for 48 hours;
  3. Remove the fish from the refrigerator, rinse generously with water, dry with paper towels, and dry for five hours at room temperature - the herring skin should have a characteristic shine.

The deliciousness of cold smoking

To prepare the next one you need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of small fish;
  • three-liter jar;
  • salt;
  • ground white and red pepper;
  • dried dill;
  • 5 tbsp. l. liquid smoke.

Cooking is easy. First you need to prepare the jar: scald it with boiling water and dry it. Then mix white and red peppers, dried dill, pour this mixture into the bottom of a jar, 1 cm thick, put the fish on top in one layer, pour liquid smoke over it. Next, add another layer of seasonings, put in the fish, pour liquid smoke over it - this is how you need to fill the jar. After three days, the fish will be ready, however, to get a truly tasty snack, the jar needs to be turned over every 12 hours. After three days, the fish must be removed from the jar and dried: first with paper towels, then at room temperature for 24 hours.

Video about the pros and cons of liquid smoke

How to make liquid smoke at home

As mentioned above, liquid smoke is prohibited in many countries, so in Russia it is becoming less and less common every year. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because you can prepare liquid smoke yourself. We warn you that it is unlikely to be possible to create a 100% factory-made additive due to the complexity of its manufacture (in production, smoke, as a combustion product, is treated with a special aqueous solution, thereby removing harmful impurities), but anyone can make an analogue.

Recipe 1

Made from natural cigarette smoke. For this method we need a cigarette, a smoking person and a frozen glass. You need to smoke a cigarette and release the thick smoke into a frozen glass. Harmful resins and impurities will remain on the walls of the frozen glass, and the smoke will be quite thick. It can be immediately poured onto the products that need to be smoked, or into a prepared container.

Recipe 2

The second option is fundamentally different from the first, but it allows you to achieve the taste of factory-made liquid smoke. It is a mixture of mayonnaise, curry seasoning, garlic and soy sauce. By soaking fish or meat in this marinade, you will do without flavoring. In addition, this is a great idea for those who lead a healthy lifestyle.

Recipe 3

This method tastes closest to the original additive. To prepare it you will need rice, a mixture of green and black tea, and a little sugar. Everything needs to be wrapped in two layers of foil and when stewing or frying, simply place it under meat or fish. This creates a thick smoke, which perfectly smokes the meat and gives the dish a completely new taste.

Bon appetit

As you can see, liquid smoke is a panacea for lazy cooks and those who do not have a smokehouse. It is worth noting that if you really love smoked meats, but often buy them in a store with the hope that they were smoked in a large factory smokehouse, we hasten to disappoint you - 50% of the smoked meats that come to us from store shelves were prepared using liquid smoke. So why not try to create your own smoked masterpiece, while also saving money?! If you have already prepared something using this flavoring, we are waiting for your comments and wish you bon appetit!

Meat) always look appetizing. Their aroma drives you crazy. Many people are happy to buy smoked meats without thinking about how they are made. Typically, liquid smoke is used for these purposes, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed today. What does it contain? Where is the product used? How to make liquid smoke yourself? The answers to these questions are contained in the article.

Composition of the product

Surely you have heard such a phrase as liquid smoke. The composition of this product is unknown to many. And in general, few people know what it is. Let's figure it out together.

What is the technology for producing liquid smoke? This happens as a result of burning wood. The resulting smoke is filtered. Special equipment cleans it of tar and resin, and then dissolves it in water. This produces liquid smoke. depends on the materials used. Typically, bird cherry, beech, alder or apple wood is used for these purposes. Liquid smoke is sold in the form of powdered mixtures, sprays and bottled aromatic liquids. Regardless of the form of release, this product belongs to the category of artificial flavors.


Today, many people know that fish can be cooked not only in the traditional way, but also with the help of liquid smoke. Each of the two options has its own pros and cons. We'll talk about them another time, but for now we're interested in liquid smoke. The use of this product is becoming increasingly common. The main goal is to improve the aroma and taste of fish, meat and various dishes.

Liquid smoke (use in cooking):

  • as an additive to sauces (“Grill”, “Barbecue” and others);
  • to add amazing flavor to main courses, soups and gravies;
  • for fish and meat appetizers;
  • for preparing delicacies in the microwave, multicooker or oven;
  • for marinating (smoking) meat and fish products.

How to make your own liquid smoke

Many of us have a weakness for smoked meats. But the products presented in stores do not always indicate how they are made. Some smoked products contain resins and carcinogens that have a negative impact on human health and well-being. You can avoid unpleasant consequences by using natural “Liquid Smoke” flavoring. It is sold in almost all supermarkets and chain stores. If you haven’t found this flavoring agent, then don’t despair. Now we will tell you how to prepare liquid smoke yourself. We offer several options.

Method No. 1 - producing liquid smoke from natural smoke

We'll need a cigarette and a frozen glass. What are the next steps? Light a cigarette, releasing smoke into the glass. What will it give? Harmful resins will settle on the walls of the glass. The smoke will be very thick, which means it can easily be poured into another container or onto food.

Method number 2 - using spices

Take soy sauce, curry seasoning, garlic and mayonnaise. Mix them in a deep cup (bowl). We will have a marinade in which we need to soak the meat for main courses or barbecue. In this case, you can do without a nutritional supplement. An excellent option for those who choose a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Method number 3 - original solution

A little sugar, a mixture of green and black tea, rice - all these ingredients need to be wrapped in two layers of foil. Place under meat while stewing or frying. The resulting thick smoke will smoke the dish well, improving its aroma and taste.

Now you know how to make liquid smoke in three ways. Choose any of them and proceed to the practical part.

Liquid smoke: benefits and harms

Doctors do not recommend getting carried away with smoked meats. And people suffering from liver and stomach diseases need to reduce the consumption of such products to a minimum. These are general recommendations. But we are interested in liquid smoke. Benefits and harms - which outweighs? Let's figure it out.

Let's start by listing the positive qualities of liquid smoke. Firstly, it improves the aroma and taste of main courses, soups, cheeses, fish and meat products. Secondly, carcinogens, tar and resins are present in liquid smoke in negligible quantities. Due to this, it is considered safer than natural smoke. Thirdly, smoking food with liquid smoke does not take much time.

Now let's highlight the negative points. It all depends on the dose of the carcinogen. Some manufacturers deliberately overestimate the concentration of liquid smoke. This is done in order to eliminate the unpleasant smell of stale meat or fish. But a large dose of carcinogens is dangerous to human health. In a number of countries, the use of liquid smoke is prohibited. After all, it is considered a strong carcinogen. In Russia, permissible doses of this substance are not defined or regulated.

Liquid smoke: recipes

So, you purchased a bottle of flavoring in the store. What to do next? We offer several recipes for preparing real delicacies.

Smoked chicken

Take a deep saucepan. Place the chickens in it, breast side down. In a separate bowl, combine chopped garlic with black pepper. Sprinkle this mixture over the meat. Product consumption per 1 kg of chickens: 20 g garlic and 4 g ground pepper. Press down the pan with meat with a weight, fill it with brine and leave for 14-16 hours. There is no need to put it in the refrigerator. For the brine you will need (per 1 liter): 10 tbsp. l liquid smoke, 5 g sugar and 50 g salt. When the chickens are ready, apply the sauce to them. It is made from 2 tbsp. l tomato paste and 1 tbsp. l liquid smoke. Let stand for 2 hours. Then send and bake until fully cooked. Meat is served both cold and hot.


1 kg of pork should be stuffed with garlic and carrots. Salt and pepper. Fill with liquid smoke (4 tbsp). To ensure that the meat is evenly soaked, you need to massage it for 3 minutes. Wrap the pork in foil, place in the oven and bake until done.

Smoked ribs

Prepare a mixture of black pepper, chopped garlic and liquid smoke (4-5 tbsp). Rub the ribs (1 kg) with it. Place the meat in the refrigerator for a day. Then we take it out and bake it in the oven. You can serve the ribs hot. They will be a great addition to the second course. When cold, smoked and baked ribs are an ideal beer snack.


Take sausages (sausages), remove the casing from them. Apply liquid smoke to the surface. We send processed foods or into the oven. Bake until fully cooked. The dish is served with a side dish (rice, mashed potatoes, pasta).

We smoke mackerel at home

We offer you a simple recipe. You can also do it at home. Liquid smoke is one of the main ingredients. If you strictly follow the recipe, you will get a tasty and aromatic fish.

Grocery list:


1. Frozen mackerel should sit in a plate at room temperature for a couple of hours. After this, you need to start cleaning it. We cut off the head and remove all the insides. Rinse the fish with cold water.

2. Make the brine. Take a pan, pour warm water, add sugar, husks, salt and your favorite spices. The brine should boil for 15 minutes. Next, remove from the stove and cool.

3. Add the above amount of liquid smoke to the brine. We put the mackerel in there. Cover the top with a lid and set a slight pressure. Place the pan with fish in the refrigerator for 4 days.

4. Take out the mackerel and dry it using paper napkins. Now we hang it for 12 hours. Be sure to place a baking tray under the fish so that the fat can drain there.

5. To complete the process, wrap the smoked fish in cling film. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

How to identify foods cooked with liquid smoke

Today, stores offer a huge selection of smoked meats. The method of their preparation is indicated extremely rarely. But it is possible to distinguish a naturally smoked product from one soaked in liquid smoke. We carry out a visual inspection. An orange or golden color of the product, as well as uneven coloration, indicate the use of liquid smoke. Naturally smoked meat should have a dry surface, not an oily one.


Now you can easily prepare liquid smoke. The benefits and harms of this flavoring have been discussed in detail by us. Whether to use it or not is up to you.