Pine jam from fir branches. Fir cone jam: recipe with photo

Ecology of consumption. Spruce jam has a whole bunch of extremely useful properties, but, nevertheless, first of all, it is valued as a very effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds.

Spruce jam has a whole bunch of extremely useful properties, but, nevertheless, first of all, it is valued as a very effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds. A tasty delicacy will help fight cough, sore throat, bronchitis, flu, tuberculosis and give strength to overcome illnesses. There is a jam recipe in several versions (from cones, shoots or twigs) that will give you the opportunity to prepare an excellent natural cold medicine for adults and children with your own hands.

In the spring (before May 15), place young shoots in a jar in layers with 1.5 kg of sugar. In the morning, stir, tie the jar with a cloth and leave on the windowsill in the sun for 10 days. The needles will rise up, the juice will remain at the bottom. On the 11th day, drain. Take 2 tablespoons in the morning.

2. Fir cone jam

It is best to collect spruce cones in May and the first half of June - they are still young, green, barely opened. Wash the collected raw materials and soak in cold water for a day. For jam you will need fir cones and granulated sugar in equal proportions.
- Cook sugar syrup by mixing sugar and water. Pour the hot mixture over the soaked fir cones. Cook this mass over very low heat until the cones bloom and soften. During heat treatment, foam will form on the surface of the jam - you should not remove it.
- Roll the finished jam into sterilized jars. Store the product in a cool place.

3. Jam from spruce shoots

For this jam you will need 3 cups of shoots, 500 ml of water and one and a half cups of sugar. Mix all the ingredients and place on very low heat, or better yet, on the coals of the fire. Cook the mixture, stirring continuously, for about twenty minutes. Cooled jam is immediately ready for use.

4. Jam from spruce twigs and needles

To make such a delicacy, take one kilogram of spruce branches, add three liters of water and boil until the volume is reduced by three times. Strain the resulting mass, add a liter of honey and a tablespoon of alcoholic propolis solution to the liquid. Heat the jam and put it in jars, which should be stored in a cool place. You shouldn't eat it large quantities- a small portion will be quite enough for the treatment and prevention of various colds.

Spruce jam, in addition to its healing properties, has delicious taste And pine aroma. This useful medicine with pleasure all year round adults and children will eat, receiving a set of vitamins and strengthening the immune system.

Spruce phytotherapy.

Do you like going to the bathhouse? So take with you not only a birch, but also a pine broom. A well-steamed pine broom does not prick, but in the process of using it in a steam room, almost all active points on the human body are severely stimulated. In addition, the air in the steam room, and even in the bathhouse itself, is filled with the smell of pine needles and has a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

To achieve a homemade phytotherapeutic effect and treat pulmonary diseases at any time of the year, use a mixture of spruce resin and yellow wax. They are melted in a water bath and mixed thoroughly in a 1:1 ratio. Then, during the cooling process, balls the size of a large pea are formed from the resulting mixture. Can be stored on any shelf in the refrigerator. To use, the ball is melted in a hot frying pan (while camping on a hot coal from a fire), a light smoke is formed, it is breathed in in the treatment of bronchitis, in addition, it well disinfects the room in which the ball was melted.

Spruce shoots are rich in unique natural vitamins. From young shoots they make medicinal decoctions for coughs, but I must say, they are terribly not tasty. You need to have enormous willpower to drink even a spoonful of this decoction. So why mock yourself if you can make wonderful jam or “spruce honey” from the same spruce shoots?

But, since at this time the shoots of the trees are actively growing, you can lose time, and the “legs” grow into full-fledged branches. This does not mean that you will be left with nothing for the winter, just that you will need to use my recipe to make spruce jam.

Place the spruce paws in a saucepan with cold water. The water should cover the needles by about 1-2 cm.

Place the pan on the stove and cook the spruce shoots for 25-30 minutes over low heat.

Remove the pan from the heat, close it with a lid and leave to steep for 8-10 hours.

Next, we look at the “legs”. If the collected shoots do not exceed 2-3 cm, then you can cook jam with them. If there are more shoots, then it is better to remove them. They have already put everything they need into the broth, but it will be very difficult to chew them.

Strain the broth and add sugar to it at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of broth.

Boil the spruce decoction until it becomes honey and do not forget to stir. If the sugar burns, the “honey” will acquire unnecessary bitterness.

Check the readiness of spruce honey by dropping a drop onto a chilled plate.

If the jam is thick enough, pour it into small sterilized jars and close tightly with lids.

You can store jam from spruce shoots in a cool, dark place for up to 18 months.

How to make jam from spruce shoots, watch the video:

Pine shoots are often used for medicinal purposes. You can make absolutely anything from them - dry them, prepare decoctions, add them to tea and even make jam. For jam, shoots that have not yet opened are usually used, at the time of bud growth. During this period, they are cut and made into incredibly tasty, but at the same time delicious jam.

Benefits and contraindications

Even in ancient times, our ancestors used pine cones to prepare various medicinal products. From these components they made decoctions and various healing drinks. In addition to cones, they used pine needles, resins, shoots, and buds. Currently, pine shoots are also used in cooking.

Pine shoot jam is healthy dessert, which is simply necessary in winter. The aroma alone is worth it, it only characterizes it a little healthy treat. The most popular quality for which this dessert is valued is high level phytoncides.

This component has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thanks to this, jam is actively used to treat various colds.

If you use this product daily, you can easily eliminate:

  1. Flu and colds;
  2. Bronchial asthma;
  3. ARVI;
  4. Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  5. Pneumonia;
  6. Avitaminosis;
  7. Gum diseases.

Pine shoots jam contains a high level of various beneficial components:

Thanks to antioxidants, harmful and toxic components are cleansed from the body. Vitamins and minerals ensure saturation of the body and also have a strengthening effect on the immune system. Essential oils can protect against various viral and infectious diseases. These components have a calming effect on nervous system, lift your spirits.

However, jam has contraindications:

  • not recommended for people with kidney disease;
  • increased consumption of cone jam can have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane;
  • should not be used if you have hepatitis;
  • Sometimes allergic reactions and headaches may appear. Therefore, it is best to try the jam in the amount of ½ teaspoon and see how you feel throughout the day. If everything goes well, it means you can continue to eat this delicacy, but no more than 4-5 large spoons per day.

Simple recipe

What components will be required:

  • pine shoots - 5 kilograms;
  • 5 kilograms granulated sugar;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • citric acid – ½ tbsp.

How long to cook - cook three times for 1 hour. Cooking the infusion - 20-30 minutes. Calorie content – ​​210 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

How to make jam from young pine shoots

What components will be needed:

  • 2 kilograms of young pine shoots;
  • 3 kilograms of granulated sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a little lemon juice.

The cooking process will take 8-10 hours of infusion, cooking three times for 20-30 minutes. Calorie content – ​​225 kcal.

How to do it:

  • It’s better to use more sugar, it will add good taste jam;
  • It is advisable to store in a cool place so that the jam does not spoil;
  • best during the last cooking process or after fully cooked add a little lemon juice. This will prevent the jam from becoming sugary.

Pine shoot jam is primarily a medicine, so it should be used only when absolutely necessary. Do not eat it excessively, it can cause unpleasant conditions. But you still need to have at least one small jar of this dessert, because it can cure and prevent various colds.

Spruce jam has a whole bunch of extremely useful properties, but, nevertheless, first of all, it is valued as a very effective remedy for the treatment and prevention of various colds. A tasty delicacy will help fight cough, sore throat, bronchitis, flu, tuberculosis and give strength to overcome illnesses. There is a jam recipe in several versions (from cones, shoots or twigs) that will give you the opportunity to prepare an excellent natural cold medicine for adults and children with your own hands.

In the spring (before May 15), place young shoots in a jar in layers with 1.5 kg of sugar. In the morning, stir, tie the jar with a cloth and leave on the windowsill in the sun for 10 days. The needles will rise up, the juice will remain at the bottom. On the 11th day, drain. Take 2 tablespoons in the morning.

It is best to collect spruce cones in May and the first half of June - they are still young, green, barely opened. Wash the collected raw materials and soak in cold water for a day. For jam you will need fir cones and granulated sugar in equal proportions.
- Make sugar syrup by mixing sugar and water. Pour the hot mixture over the soaked fir cones. Cook this mass over very low heat until the cones bloom and soften. During heat treatment, foam will form on the surface of the jam - you should not remove it.
- Roll the finished jam into sterilized jars. Store the product in a cool place.

3. Jam from spruce shoots

For this jam you will need 3 cups of shoots, 500 ml of water and one and a half cups of sugar. Mix all the ingredients and place on very low heat, or better yet, on the coals of the fire. Cook the mixture, stirring continuously, for about twenty minutes. Cooled jam is immediately ready for use.

4. Jam from spruce twigs and needles

To make such a delicacy, take one kilogram of spruce branches, add three liters of water and boil until the volume is reduced by three times. Strain the resulting mass, add a liter of honey and a tablespoon of alcoholic propolis solution to the liquid. Heat the jam and put it in jars, which should be stored in a cool place. You should not eat it in large quantities - a small portion will be enough to treat and prevent a variety of colds.

Spruce jam, in addition to its healing properties, has a delicious taste and pine aroma. This healthy medicine will be enjoyed by adults and children all year round, receiving a set of vitamins and strengthening the immune system.

Spruce phytotherapy.

Do you like going to the bathhouse? So take with you not only a birch, but also a pine broom. A well-steamed pine broom does not prick, but in the process of using it in a steam room, almost all active points on the human body are severely stimulated. In addition, the air in the steam room, and even in the bathhouse itself, is filled with the smell of pine needles and has a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic effect.

To achieve a homemade phytotherapeutic effect and treat pulmonary diseases at any time of the year, use a mixture of spruce resin and yellow wax. They are melted in a water bath and mixed thoroughly in a 1:1 ratio. Then, during the cooling process, balls the size of a large pea are formed from the resulting mixture. Can be stored on any shelf in the refrigerator. To use, the ball is melted in a hot frying pan (while camping on a hot coal from a fire), a light smoke is formed, it is breathed in in the treatment of bronchitis, in addition, it well disinfects the room in which the ball was melted.

Fir cone jam is a tasty and healthy delicacy that you can easily make with your own hands. Our ancestors also made this dish for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. What are the benefits of this dessert? We will tell you about this right now.

Fir cone jam: the benefits of a homemade delicacy

Fir cones - unique product, which combines completely different useful elements. This gift of nature contains resins and a number of tannins.

Spruce cones are rich in phytoncides, various essential oils and ascorbic acid. Also, this plant material is a source of tannins, iron, manganese and chromium. In addition, it contains aluminum and copper.

Fir cone jam, the recipe for which we will consider below, has a choleretic, diuretic and antimicrobial effect. It should also be said that such a delicacy has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-scorbutic properties.

Fir cone jam is especially often recommended for those who suffer from colds, as well as bacterial and viral ailments. This delicacy quickly eliminates headaches, general malaise and helps lower body temperature.

The dessert we are considering effectively treats coughs and removes toxins from the body that accumulate during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Experts believe that eating this dish will help get rid of diseases. oral cavity. Resins and other elements of fir cones effectively fight stomatitis, inflammatory lesions of the gums, jams, etc. When treating such abnormalities, the jam must be chewed for a long time so that its beneficial elements have a local effect.

It should also be said that eating this dessert helps patients recover after a stroke or heart attack. This jam has a positive effect on the activity of the entire human cardiovascular system. It cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, prevents blood clots, helps normalize blood pressure and normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Harm to the human body

Before I tell you about how to make jam from fir cones, I should tell you that, along with beneficial properties, such a delicacy also has contraindications. It is prohibited for use by people with individual intolerance, which manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions. You should also not enjoy this dessert if you have hyperacid gastritis or gastric ulcers.

Fir cone jam should not be given to people with diabetes. It is also not included in the diet of young children, as this may cause allergic reactions.

Fir cone jam: recipe with photo of homemade delicacy

This dessert should be made only from young shoots of spruce. You need to collect cones only from female trees, as they are dense and contain more resins. It is also very important that the product used is still green.

Fir cone jam (the benefits and contraindications of this delicacy were described above) is prepared quickly and easily. The approximate yield of the dessert is 3 liters from 1 kg of green fruits.

So, what products do we need to make jam from fir cones? The recipe for this delicacy requires the following:

  • green fir cones - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - at your discretion;
  • beet sugar - 2.5 kg.

Preparing the ingredients

To make fir cone jam really tasty and healthy, the main product should be collected in young forests located away from highways.

After harvesting the fruits, they are carefully processed. To do this, wash the shoots thoroughly, then fill them with cool water and leave them like that for one hour. After 60 minutes, the cones are thrown into a colander and rinsed. Next, they are filled with water again, but this time they are placed on the stove.

After the liquid boils, fir cones are boiled for about 4 hours. Then they are removed from the heat and cooled completely. It is best to do this in a cold place.

After a few hours, all the liquid is drained from the shoots again. To do this, they are thrown into a colander.

Preparation of syrup

As soon as the liquid has completely drained from the cones, granulated sugar is added to it and placed on the stove. For 1 liter aromatic composition there should be about 1 kg of sugar. Only in this case you will get thick and tasty jam.

After the syrup boils, previously boiled and cooled pine cones are added to it. Cook the dessert until it thickens.

How to store and use?

After the jam is completely prepared, it is distributed over clean glass jars. Moreover, not only the syrup is placed in each container, but also the fir cones themselves.

As soon as the jars are filled, they are closed with plastic lids and stored in a cool room. You can use this jam after 1-2 weeks. Cone jam is served along with hot tea.

Another cooking method

Young fir cones boil down quite quickly. Therefore, most chefs use a dessert recipe in which the green shoots remain intact and quite dense. It should be noted that to implement this method you will need much more time than in the previous case. But first things first.

To make jam from fir cones, the photo of which is presented in this article, you need to purchase:

  • green fir cones - 2 kg;
  • drinking water - 1 l;
  • citric acid - ½ small spoon (use as desired);
  • beet sugar - 3 kg.

Processing the ingredients

Processing the cones for this jam is quite simple. Green shoots are thoroughly washed in a colander, then poured with cool water and left to cool. room temperature for 2-3 hours. After time has passed, the cones are rinsed again, placed in a pan and boiled for about 5 minutes. Next, the resulting composition is drained, and the fruits are cooled.

The process of preparing homemade delicacies

First you need to prepare the syrup. Sugar is poured into a large enamel basin, and then drinking water is added to it. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, place them on low heat and very slowly bring to a boil.

As soon as the sugar melts, forming thick syrup, all the pre-prepared cones are laid out in it. After mixing the ingredients with a large spoon, they are boiled again. After the syrup begins to boil, the dessert is removed from the stove, covered with newspaper and left in this state until completely cooled. This may take about 5-8 hours. Some housewives leave fir cones for one day.

After time has passed, the bowl with the jam is placed on the stove again and the contents are brought to a boil. This time it is recommended to cook the dessert for 3 minutes. After this, the spruce delicacy is removed from the stove and cooled. The described actions should be performed about 2-3 times. That is, the procedure for making spruce jam can take you 2-3 days.

The output should definitely be thick and fragrant dessert with whole cones.

If you want to store such a product in the cellar all winter period, then during the last cooking process it is recommended to add citric acid or lemon zest. Such components will contribute long-term storage dessert, and also give it a special aroma and taste.

Final stage

After the fir cone jam has been subjected to heat treatment several times, it is placed in a boiling state in sterilized jars small sizes. Next, the containers are rolled up and cooled at room temperature. If you decide to store the treat in the refrigerator, then you can simply cover it with plastic lids.

Let's sum it up

Now you know that there is nothing complicated in making jam from fir cones. Using the described recipes at home, you will get not only very tasty and thick dessert, but also a surprisingly healthy treat. It can be consumed along with strong and hot tea, and also added to various herbal decoctions. By the way, in the latter case you will get an excellent preventative against colds and flu.

We are used to preparing for the winter usual jam from berries and fruits, sometimes experimenting and adding exotic, as well as various additives. There are recipes for jam and unusual ones, for example, from tomatoes, nuts, zucchini, spruce shoots. What is spruce shoot jam and how to prepare it?

Characteristics and properties of spruce shoots

Based on the raw materials for the preparation of this jam, it becomes clear that this product is used rather with therapeutic purpose, and not as a treat. Spruce young shoots are blossoming spruce buds. Appear in the 2nd-3rd decade of May. They look like light green tassels of needles. They grow quite quickly, so they need to be harvested for medicinal purposes no later than May-June. Shoots should be cut off on the side branches - “spruce legs”.

Spruce needles have long been used as healing agent. Most often, pine needles are used as an expectorant and diuretic. It relieves inflammation in the bile ducts. The greatest amount of vitamin C is found in two or three year old needles, in winter and. Spruce needles contain many mineral salts that take part in metabolism.

Jam made from pine shoots is used for colds, tuberculosis, coughs, and to strengthen the immune system. But this product cannot be abused, since there are contraindications when taking pine needles. It is not recommended to use this jam for pregnant women, with hepatitis, gastritis in the acute stage, or glomerulonephritis.

Jam from young shoots of spruce

There are several recipes for making this jam. If you use very young shoots, no more than 2 centimeters long, you can make jam with them. To do this, take 3 cups of raw materials and one and a half cups of sugar, pour the shoots in layers. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of water and immediately begin boiling over low heat. It takes approximately 20 minutes to prepare.

The most common method of preparing this healing jam is to use a decoction of the shoots. With this method, a certain amount of young spruce shoots is collected. The shoots should be washed, cut and filled with water until completely covered with liquid. Cook for 2 hours, cool, then strain the broth. Next, add sugar to the resulting broth at the rate of kilogram per liter of liquid. Cook until thickened, about one and a half to two hours. Pour into jars and seal.

It is known that spruce branches and shoots contain oils with bactericidal properties, ascorbic acid, carotene, tannins, and microelements that are directly involved in metabolism. Spruce jam, the recipe for which we will now present, is often prescribed by doctors to patients with colds or weakened immunity. This is a natural remedy to combat the most various diseases. But even more interesting is the fact that spruce is widely used in cooking. Jam made from pine needles, cones or young shoots of this tree will surpass those made from sea buckthorn and raspberries in taste and medicinal properties. This delicacy can be eaten during colds and stress. It is also very useful for those who have suffered a stroke or heart attack.

The shoots have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, strengthening, diuretic and soothing properties. There are also contraindications - pregnant, lactating women and people with allergies should not use this preservation.

Jam from young shoots of spruce

To prepare, you will need 3 cups of shoots, 500 ml of water and one and a half cups of sugar. Mix all the ingredients and place over very low heat, or better yet, over the coals of the fire. Cook the mixture, stirring continuously, for about twenty minutes. Cooled jam is immediately ready for use.

Jam from pine needles and spruce branches

Spruce needles have a bile- and diuretic effect, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Jam is great for colds.

To make spruce jam, take one kilogram of branches, add three liters of water and boil until the volume is reduced by three times. Strain the resulting mass, add a liter of honey and a tablespoon of alcoholic propolis solution to the liquid. Heat the jam and put it in jars, which should be stored in a cool place. You should not eat jam in large quantities - a small portion will be enough to treat and prevent a variety of colds.

The jam made according to this recipe, in addition to its healing properties, has a delicious taste and pine aroma. Adults and children will enjoy eating this medicine all year round, receiving a set of vitamins and strengthening their immune system.

Spruce jam with rose hips

It is best to use sugar or natural sugar in jam. Bee Honey, as well as citric acid. If you follow the cooking technique, the product turns out dark crimson, and its taste is resinous and tart.


  • 1 cup of chopped spruce needles;
  • 1/2 cup rose hips;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 700 grams of sugar or 500 grams of honey.

Step-by-step preparation:

Grind the Christmas tree needles and mix with rose hips, previously crushed in a mortar for jam. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture and leave for 12 hours. Strain the resulting infusion and add sugar or honey. Place the container with spruce jam on the fire and bring to a boil. When you cook, you can add the juice of two lemons.

Now cook the jam until thickened over low heat, remembering to stir it periodically. The resulting preservation will help you fight colds. It’s enough just to eat 2 spoons of the treat at breakfast, and you will be able to avoid many ailments.

Recipe for jam from fir branches with lemon


  • spruce needles - 2 cups;
  • rose hips - 1/2 cup;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 300 grams.

Cooking method:

Grind spruce needles in a blender and mix with rose hips. Pour the resulting mixture boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours. Strain the spruce infusion and add sugar to it.

Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer the jam over low heat, stirring constantly, for an hour until thickened. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice to the jam. Cool the workpiece and put it in the refrigerator.

Video recipe: Spruce jam

Spruce is a common coniferous tree in Russia. Its cones, needles and resin contain various useful microelements: vitamins, tannins, essential oils, iron, manganese and more.

Needles are widely used in medicine. It has been proven to cure many diseases. For example, it treats atherosclerosis, colds, depression, insomnia, diseases respiratory tract, genitourinary system. Pharmacologists industrially obtain everything from wood necessary substances for creating medical supplies. But for folk method treatment is an easy product to make at home. Many housewives prepare sweet dishes from pine needles. It turns out tasty and healthy.

Spruce shoot jam

Raw materials should be mined in May. When the shoots grow only 2 cm and are not yet fluffy. Collect them from different trees so as not to pluck them completely. Leave the tops of the spruce, then it will not be crooked. In general, try to take care of the forest and protect nature.

At home, carefully sort and rinse the collected shoots. There should be no insects in them. Place the raw materials in a cooking container and fill with water. Place on the fire for one hour. Then strain and cool. Then add sweetness to the product. Per liter of decoction you will need 800 g of granulated sugar. Place back on the stove and wait until the syrup thickens. Pour into jars and close.

Pine cone jam: original taste, forest aroma and healing properties

Take aromatic food for prevention or during illness.

Jam can be prepared a little differently. You will need: 1 kg of young spruce shoots, 3 glasses of water, 4 glasses of granulated sugar. Rinse the main ingredient and pour boiling water. Place on the stove and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. Then cool and leave for a day. Then boil again and add sugar. Finished product distribute into jars and roll up. Store in a cool place.

Spruce shoots have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, strengthening, diuretic and soothing properties. However, pregnant, lactating women and people with allergies should not consume pine needle jam.

Pine branch jam
Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of pine. It is not for nothing that many sanatoriums are located in pine forests.

Pine needle jam

The air, filled with the smell of pine resin and essential oils, is healing for the whole body. Their healing properties The pine tree produces jam and honey, which is made from young branches (shoots) and pine cones. How to make jam from pine cones I already wrote. You can find recipes for pine cone jam here. Today I will tell you how to make jam and honey from young pine branches (shoots).

Honey and jam from young pine twigs are not only tasty, but also have medicinal properties. Such jam and honey will be useful primarily for people suffering from chronic or frequent respiratory diseases. This honey and jam will help with flu, sore throat and other colds.

How to make jam from young pine shoots

Young pine shoots are shoots that grow in the spring from the central bud of the pine tree, resembling candles. Pine shoots are collected away from roads and industrial areas.

Collect pine shoots. Sort them out and rinse under running water. If the shoots are covered with brown husk, then before adding sugar, they need to be cleared of it. It gives bitterness ready-made jam. But it does no harm.

Young shoots can be boiled whole or cut into several pieces.

Cover with sugar for 8 - 12 hours or overnight in the ratio of 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of pine shoots.

Then add 1 liter of purified water and place on the stove. Heat gradually to a boil, reduce heat and cook at low simmer for 5 minutes. Then remove the bowl of jam. Let it brew for 5-8 hours and cook again for five minutes. After boiling for the third time, add half a teaspoon at the end of cooking. citric acid and pour into clean sterilized jars.

You can simply store jam in the refrigerator under a plastic lid.

How to make honey from young pine branches (shoots)

pine branch jam

Honey from pine can be boiled either from young shoots that have not yet blossomed - pine buds, or from young, just opened branches.

To make honey from pine shoots, you first need to prepare a pine decoction. Wash the collected shoots and add purified water in a ratio of 1 part shoots to 2 parts water.

Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook at low boil for 15-20 minutes.

Leave to infuse for a day.

After a day, strain the broth. Add sugar at the rate of 1 part broth to 2 parts sugar. Place on the stove and simmer over low heat for 10-12 minutes until the sugar has completely dissolved and the syrup begins to thicken. Pour into jars. Can be stored in the refrigerator.

To prevent honey from becoming sugary, you can add citric acid or lemon juice to it.

Why is it useful? pine honey and pine cone jam

In addition to the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, pine honey and jam are useful for diseases gastrointestinal tract. Distinctive feature pine honey and jam from pine shoots is that they can be given to children with such diseases.

Consume pine honey and jam pine branches to lower cholesterol, for rheumatism, arthritis, polyarthritis.

Pine honey and jam from pine shoots have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant, diuretic, choleretic properties, cleanses the blood and rejuvenates the body.

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Jam from pine needles Not only tasty treat, but also very useful. It is often used in the treatment of tuberculosis or bronchitis. Pine jam is perfect product to strengthen the immune system and protect against various colds.

It is best to collect needles away from the city in the autumn-winter period. Pine branches must be scalded with boiling water. Then carefully separate the needles from the branches. You can use scissors for this.


    - pine needles - 2 tbsp.

     lemon – 1-2 pcs.

     rosehip – 1 tbsp.

     sugar – 250-300 g

    - water – 1.5 l and 1.5 l.


1. Pour boiling water (700 ml) over pine needles and grind in a blender.

2. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl and add the remaining water (700-800 ml). Then add a glass of rose hips, cover and leave to settle for 12 hours.

3. Afterwards, you need to strain the solution and pour it into a pan of water (1.5 l). Add sugar and place on low heat, stirring constantly. The mixture should reduce slightly and thicken. It will take about 1 hour.

4. Add lemon juice at the end. This will help get rid of the bitter taste. You need to store pine jam in glass jars.

For the effect of consuming pine needle jam, it should be eaten 2-3 times a day. in small portions. However, it should be noted that for some people this delicacy is contraindicated. For example, when peptic ulcer stomach or liver diseases. Therefore, you should consult your doctor for possible adverse reactions body.

While the dish is being prepared, watch the video and smile:

Jokes about food.

Even tastier here:

The most delicious jam from tangerine slices Cooking delicious food grape jam
If you combine peaches and nuts, you can make delicious jam

The subtle aromas of pine forests have long saved humanity from migraines, nervousness and bad mood. But few people know that beneficial features pine trees can be “rolled into a jar” in literally this word. The jam, which is obtained from the cones, needles and shoots of an evergreen plant, has unusual taste and great healing potential. It is actively used to fight colds, strengthen the immune system and treat serious diseases.

Pine cone jam has absorbed all the most useful and rare ingredients. A special place in their list is given to phytoncides- natural antibiotics, whose power is aimed at fighting bacteria and viruses. When they enter the body, they destroy even those microorganisms that have not yet had time to strike the immune system.

A walk through a coniferous forest will help cure flu and ARVI faster

Responsible for removing toxins and waste antioxidants. They work together with them vitamins B, C and P. They increase protective functions and prevent the spread of infection in the body, helping to prevent ENT diseases.

Conifers essential oils repel viruses and are excellent antiseptics. A short inhalation of the aroma calms the nervous system, relieves stress, eliminates headache and improves mood.

In winter and autumn, pine cone jam is used to increase hemoglobin in the blood and restore the body after illness. IN folk medicine There are many recipes using this delicacy against asthma, bronchitis, indigestion, bleeding gums and general weakness.

Traditional recipes passed down from generation to generation

How is jam used?

Cones, buds, needles, shoots and resin - everything is used to prepare medicine when it comes to health

Healing jam from pine cones is suitable for treating diseases of different nature. Well-known techniques will put both adults and children on their feet. If you have pathologies and chronic illnesses, be sure to consult with your doctor so as not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

For stroke prevention

If there is a risk of stroke, pine cone jam should be included in the diet daily. The product is also suitable for restoring body functions after a stroke. You can drink the jam with tea, make it into snacks, or eat 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. Conifer cones secrete substances that restore blood supply and strengthen the vascular system.

ATTENTION! The daily norm for pensioners is half of the indicated dosage.

For bronchitis

Bronchitis is a common problem during the cold season. To cure the disease, take 1 tsp 3 times a day. pine jam. Wash down medicine preferably a hot drink (water, tea or compote). This way the beneficial substances will take effect faster.

Warm milk with honey is used as an adjuvant for the treatment of bronchitis

For asthma

Asthma attacks are most often associated with an allergic reaction. Since pine is a possible allergen, test the product before use and do not give to children under 12 years of age. Pine cone jam goes well with drug treatment.

Daily portion of pine dessert - 2 tbsp. l. The dose should be taken gradually throughout the day, divided into several doses. Everyone should be independent of food intake. It is forbidden to eat jam before and immediately after meals, or combine it with drinks.

For sore throat

Pine cone jam neutralizes the effects of harmful bacteria and promotes recovery. The product relieves inflammation, lowers temperature and relieves pain. The jam is taken with warm herbal or black tea 2-3 times a day. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to gargle 5-6 times a day alcohol tincture from pine cones. To prepare it, green cones are cut in half and filled with 40% alcohol. The optimal proportion is 1:10. The medicine is infused for at least 10 days.

The medicine is prepared in alcohol or vodka for 10 days

During pregnancy

You can bring down the temperature, cure colds and strengthen the immune system with the help of natural remedy- cone jam. Consultation with a doctor is mandatory. Only a specialist will be able to calculate the correct dosage and give recommendations for use.

For children

Until adolescence, pine jam is given to children 2 tsp. in a day. It can be eaten at breakfast with or without tea. A safe product will serve as excellent protection for child's body. The use of jam is especially important during periods of exacerbation of ARVI, flu and colds. The sweet medicine will strengthen the immune system and improve brain function.

Recipes for making jam

Cones for jam are collected in early spring. They should be soft and sticky with resin.

By classic recipe young cones are collected and sorted to get rid of damaged ones. After this, the product must be thoroughly rinsed and soaked overnight in cold water. 3 days are allotted for preparation.

Once the pine cones have settled, place them in a saucepan and cover with water. Add sugar at the rate of 1 kilogram per 1 liter of water. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil the jam for 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave to steep for a day. Repeat the procedure for two more days.

ADVICE! During cooking, stir the jam regularly and skim off the black foam that forms on the surface.

After the last cooking, cool the jam and pour into jars. You need to store this healing dessert in the refrigerator. To prevent diseases, adults can eat 1 tbsp. l. per day, children - 2 tsp. For illnesses, follow the recommended dosages.

Pine needles contain no less useful substances than tree cones. The medicine is used to fight tuberculosis, various forms cough.

Ingredients for jam are collected deep in the forest, far from city roads and industrial zones.


  • 2 cups pine needles;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 cup rose hips;
  • 300 g granulated sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.
  • Preparation:

  • Before starting cooking, scald the pine branches with boiling water and separate the needles using scissors.
  • Pour 700 ml of boiling water over the needles and grind in a blender.
  • Pour the pine mixture into a convenient container and again pour 700 ml of boiling water.
  • Add washed rose hips to the chopped needles, cover with a lid and leave for 12 hours.
  • Strain the solution. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and add 1.5 liters of water. Add sugar and cook over low heat until thickened. It will take about 1 hour.
  • Before finishing cooking, add lemon juice to neutralize the bitterness.
  • Pour the jam into jars.
  • Pine shoot jam

    Pine shoot jam has a consistency similar to honey or syrup


  • Wash the raw materials and cut into small pieces.
  • Cover the shoots with sugar and leave overnight. Optimal proportion: 2 parts shoots to 3 parts sugar.
  • In the morning, fill the shoots with water: 1 liter of liquid per kilogram. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Remove the pan with the shoots from the heat, cover with a lid and leave for 6 hours.
  • Repeat the procedure three times.
  • During the last cooking, add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or citric acid. Mix thoroughly.
  • Pour the finished jam into jars and close.
  • Shoot jam is stored in a cool, dark place. Opened jar It's best to keep it at the bottom of the refrigerator.
  • Contraindications

    Jam made from pine cones and other parts of the tree is a capricious and potent product. Do not forget that this is not just a healthy dessert, but also medicine. Compliance daily norm mandatory to avoid side effects.

    Preservation is prohibited:

  • for chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • if you are allergic to pine needles (in particular pine);
  • for stomach ulcers;
  • for children under 7 years of age without a doctor's recommendation.
  • For everyone else, pine cone jam is not only safe, but also necessary to resist viruses and germs.

    Video: vitamin jam from pine cones

    A jar of ready-made pine jam - vitamin bomb, which can easily replace half of your home first aid kit. Treatment of off-season colds and other diseases will be effective and enjoyable. Good health along with good mood will accompany you throughout the year, promoting new achievements!

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