What is useful fragrant tea from pine needles? Jam from pine cones. Useful properties of needles

How often, what surrounds us, we are accustomed to underestimate and take for granted. We start looking for something exotic and unusual for treatment when it comes to our health.

But often the most effective solution is to be very close to us, and unfamiliar and alien can harm our body.

Pine needles are widely used in folk medicine

It's about applying pine needles in folk medicine.

What is in pine needles?

Coniferous forests occupy a large area, the collection of needles is not difficult, and its use is quite extensive.
These slender needles, emitting such a familiar oily aroma, contain:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins B, PP, E, D;
  • carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • iron, manganese and other trace elements.

More about healing composition pine needles you will learn from the video:

Medicinal properties and contraindications of pine needles

The benefits for the body of decoctions, infusions of pine needles are not exaggerated:

  • The most well-known treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections during seasonal colds. For these purposes, a decoction of pine needles is often used, the benefits of which are anti-inflammatory action;

    To quickly get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of acute respiratory infections, they are also used. About this thick resinous mass, which stands out from the cracks of a forty-meter taiga giant during sap flow, they say that it restores vital energy person.

  • When coughing, the decoction acts as a high-quality expectorant. It also improves well-being in asthma and other lung diseases. BUT a large number of in the composition of vitamin C needles (even more than in citrus fruits) will help a weakened body recover faster and help with beriberi;
  • Pine needles act as diuretic, therefore, it is used to treat the genitourinary system;
  • Due to the content of phytoncides beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere, calms and reduces stress. And the regular use of pine needles for baths normalizes sleep, fights insomnia, bad mood and invigorates the body as a whole;
  • Treatment with pine needles for diseases gastrointestinal tract also successfully practiced, the decoction helps with ulcers.
  • For women it will be interesting to know about the beneficial properties of pine needles for the skin. Masks from decoction and infusion of needles are successfully used in cosmetology.

    And it will help to emphasize the beauty of the face and hide minor flaws. The main task of the novelty is to highlight and highlight, as it were, from the inside, specific protruding areas of the skin of the face, to emphasize relief, and also to create the effect of radiant skin with health and beauty, as well as to mask the first wrinkles.

    They are able to smooth out wrinkles, thanks to their bactericidal action, they promote rapid healing, heal boils, abscesses, acne, and also cleanse and tone the skin. A decoction is also used for the scalp to prevent baldness, shine and hair density. oral cavity needles have also been used since ancient times.

Pine needles carry great benefit body

You can not use needles in any form for pregnant women, with caution in case of liver diseases, heart failure, inflammatory processes.

The benefits and harms of pine needle tea

Fragrant tea is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to prepare fresh shoots of needles, rinse, chop and pour boiling water. When brewing pine needles, you can add sugar, honey, lemon to taste.

Such tea has a beneficial effect on the body, which is worth one of its aroma, inhaling which, the condition of a cold is facilitated.

Tea brings relief in such diseases:

  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the bladder and kidney diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • flu.

It is an excellent prevention of scurvy, vitamin deficiency gives vigor and good mood.
However, pine needle tea can also harm the body, in particular, pregnant women. In addition, it is better not to self-medicate and consult a doctor about doses and individual tolerance.

How to cook pine tea- see the video:

Preparation of infusion from pine needles

It is known to use pine raw materials as an infusion. To do this, pour 4 cups of unground washed needles with 3 cups of cooled water with the addition of vinegar or citric acid. Hide the infusion in a dark place for 72 hours, then strain and a healthy drink is ready.

The disadvantage of infusion is a short shelf life - only one day. It is used to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

Decoctions from pine needles

There is a huge variety a variety of recipes decoctions from pine needles, their use in traditional medicine is known for its health benefits. So, the decoction is taken for sclerosis, rheumatism, arthritis, hemorrhoids, gout, for the treatment of the oral cavity, for rinsing teeth and gums.

Harm in the form of irritation of the gastric mucosa, headaches, the decoction can cause, if you do not follow the dose, take it uncontrollably long time without consulting a doctor.

An interesting type of decoction with the addition of pine needles onion peel and wild rose: mix all the ingredients, pour water and boil for 15 minutes. This decoction helps with high blood pressure.

How to prepare a decoction of pine needles - see the video:

Pine needle jam

Cook delicious and healthy jam from pine needles is not difficult. It is enough to collect 1 kg of young shoots, pour water and boil for 20 minutes, then let it brew for 24 hours, add sugar and boil again. Roll the resulting mass into jars and take it in the cold winter as a vitamin remedy to increase immunity.

When to collect? It is best to collect pine needles in the cold season and only young shoots. Stored for no more than three months.

Such wonderful recipes for our health and longevity, nature itself suggests, we can only use them for our own benefit.

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Pine is a tree with a resinous-fresh aroma. Many have noticed how well-being improves after walking through a pine forest. Since ancient times, pine needles have been used to make medicinal products. Beneficial features and contraindications to the use of preparations from the needles of this tree will be discussed below.

Composition of pine needles

The composition of the needles may vary depending on growing conditions, age of the tree, terrain and weather conditions. Scientists have been studying the content of useful substances in needles for a long time. Based on their research, we can conclude about the chemical composition of pine needles:

Medicinal properties of pine needles

The benefits of needles in the treatment of diseases are due to chemical composition pine needles. Such folk medicines can be used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system. Pine needles normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Inflammation of the throat and mouth. Essential oils can help relieve pain, reduce swelling and redness.
  3. Diseases of the bladder and kidneys. A decoction of young needles acts as a diuretic and bactericidal agent.
  4. Colds. Compositions based on pine needles have anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.
  5. Metabolic disorders. Decoctions and infusions of needles improve metabolism in the body.
  6. Insomnia and stress conditions. Pine needles help to calm the nervous system. After a walk in a pine forest, mood often improves, depression disappears and sleep normalizes.
  7. Skin damage. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, pine needles promote wound healing.
  8. Avitaminosis. Coniferous remedies will help satisfy the body's need for vitamins.
  9. Diseases of the joints. Substances in the composition of the needles strengthen bones, therefore, pine needle-based products are used to treat age-related joint diseases, as well as for rickets in children.

Contraindications to the use of pine needles

The needles are rich in biologically active substances, which are not shown to all people. In some cases, pine needle formulations can be harmful. Pine medicines should not be used in the following cases:

Even if a person has no contraindications to the use coniferous preparations, it is necessary to observe the measure in the reception of such funds. Excessive passion for compositions of needles will only bring harm. An overdose is possible, which manifests itself in headaches and inflammation of the stomach.

How to collect and prepare needles

collect needles best in winter, during this period, the needles contain the largest number useful substances. It is better to go deep into the forest, away from busy roads, where the purest pines grow. Trees must be treated with care. Do not cut more than 2 branches from one pine tree. And also you can not cut off young branches with shoots, because of this the tree may die. It is better to cut the lower branches. You should choose young pines, their needles contain more nutrients. You can collect branches from the ground that were torn off during windy weather.

You do not need to collect too many needles, they may lose if stored for a long time. medicinal properties. Fresh needles can be stored indoors no more than 2 weeks. During this period, the amount of vitamin C in them decreases by 2 times. Tools made from old needles will not bring any benefit. If you put the branches in the cold (for example, on a balcony in winter), then the needles can be stored for about 2 months.

Pine branches with needles do not need to be stored in a vessel of water, so everything useful material turn into liquid. However, they can be put in a vase with water not for the purpose of storage, but for flavoring the room. It is useful to add a cedar branch to them. This will contribute to the ionization of the air and will have a positive effect on well-being. You can set fire to a few needles, and then extinguish them so that they exude smoke. This will also help purify the air.

You can store needles for a long time in the following ways:

Vitamin drink and pine needle tea

These funds are useful to use not only suffering from beriberi, but also healthy people(if there are no contraindications). A drink or tea will help fill the deficiency of vitamins in winter and spring.

There are 2 ways to make a drink:

  1. You need to take 400 g of needles, 500 ml of water and 2 teaspoons lemon juice. All ingredients are mixed in a jar and the composition is left to infuse for 3 days. The jar must be kept in a place protected from sunlight. Before use, the composition must be filtered through cheesecloth. The drink is consumed 50 mg 3 times a day.
  2. For 100 g of boiling water, you need 1 tablespoon of chopped needles and half a teaspoon of citric acid. All ingredients are mixed and heated for 20 minutes over low heat. Then the drink is cooled and filtered. 100 g of drink contains 80% daily allowance vitamin C.

These drinks are quite bitter in taste. Therefore, they need to add sugar or honey.

Can cook kvass on needles. To do this, take 5 liters of ordinary bread kvass and 1 kg of pine needles. Kvass insist on needles for 24 hours. The needles are then filtered off. It turns out a delicious vitamin drink.

Can cook coniferous tea . It has a tonic effect on the body. The crushed needles are brewed like regular tea.

There is another recipe for making tea. For 1 liter of boiling water, you need to take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 2.5 tablespoons of onion peel and 3 tablespoons of rose hips. The ingredients are mixed, put on fire, bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then the drink must be infused for 12 hours.

Pine needle tea not only fills the body with vitamins and tones. This drink is beneficial for high blood pressure, varicose veins, and even with such a complex disease as multiple sclerosis. However, tea is not recommended for pregnant women and all those who are contraindicated in pine needles.

Medicinal preparations from pine needles

Pine needles can be used to treat various diseases. There are many recipes for healing compounds.


We can say that the needles are an excellent folk remedy for many diseases. It is only necessary not to forget about contraindications to the use of this remedy, so as not to harm health. That's why everything medicinal products from needles are applied after consultation with the attending physician.

Pine has been growing on Earth for over 150 million years. A beautiful evergreen tree entered the history of medicine as a cure for 80% of diseases. Already medieval healers used pine needles to prepare medicinal elixirs for coughs, internal inflammations and kidney diseases.

Many of old recipes are still relevant. Clinical studies prove that medicinal raw materials have analgesic, antibacterial, choleretic, sedative and immunomodulatory properties.

The most active element of the product - essential oil, which gives the needles a characteristic aroma and a bitter-tart taste. This fatty substance contains 23 components, including:

  • α-terpineol;
  • borneol;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • linalool;
  • limonene;
  • anethole;
  • caryophyllene.

These monoterpene alcohols have powerful antimicrobial properties, kill fungi, stabilize nervous system, remove toxins from . Recent studies show that pine needle terpenes inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

In addition, many trace elements necessary for health were found in needles - iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and manganese. The needles are rich in vitamins C and A, which increase immunity and protect cells from premature aging. Pine alkaloids eliminate pain and relieve nervous tension, and polysaccharides improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

How and when to collect?

Medicinal substances are stored in pine needles all year round. But most high level vitamin C is observed in winter needles. Being at rest, the tree accumulates valuable elements, so it is better to procure raw materials in December-January.

It is preferable to take needles from young trees. The lower branches should be cut, avoiding young shoots with buds.

At home, spruce branches are dried by spreading on paper. The crumbled needles are placed in glass jars with tight lids and cleaned in a dark place.

There is also a second storage option - scroll fresh branches in a meat grinder, put the resulting mass into bags and place in the freezer. If you plan to use needles in the near future, the branches can be left on the balcony or attic, at a temperature not higher than + 5ᵒ C.

Important! At room temperature the amount of vitamins in the needles is halved.

A unique combination of healing substances makes pine needles effective means against many diseases. Among them:

  • Arthritis and rheumatism. Pine essential oils stimulate blood circulation and relieve inflammation in the joints.
  • , tracheitis, pneumonia. Removing mucus from respiratory tract, coniferous decoctions relieve irritation of the mucous membrane and stop coughing.
  • , laryngitis, pharyngitis. Rinsing with a decoction of pine needles eliminates swelling and.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Decoctions of pine needles strengthen blood vessels and cleanse them of cholesterol.
  • , cholecystitis, . Preparations from pine needles remove excess bile and relieve internal inflammation.
  • Anemia. Vitamin C and iron help improve blood composition.
  • Fungal infections. Baths of coniferous decoction relieve foot fungus.
  • Skin diseases. Antibacterial substances of pine help fight acne, eczema, dermatitis.
  • Age-related decline in vision. Vitamin A strengthens the retina, preventing its weakening.
  • Reduced immunity. Vitamins in the composition of the needles help to avoid infection with SARS and influenza during seasonal epidemics.

Sedative baths

Dissolving in hot water, essential resins of pine needles have a complex effect on the skin, muscles, respiratory organs and the olfactory center of the brain. Pine baths are recommended for physical overwork, neurosis, insomnia, severe menopause in women.

To carry out the procedure, you will need a glass of pine needles, along with twigs and buds. Raw materials are finely cut with scissors, put in large saucepan and add 5 l hot water(temperature +60ᵒ С).

The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes on low heat. Leave covered for 20 minutes, then pour through a sieve into hot bath(from +35 to +40ᵒ С).

The procedure is carried out at night, for 20 minutes. After the bath, take a short warm shower. For persistent therapeutic effect a course of 10 procedures is required, daily.

Important! Hot coniferous baths are not allowed in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, thrombosis and malignant tumors.

In cosmetology

Bioactive elements of pine needles help to improve the condition of oily, problematic and aging skin, get rid of acne and fine wrinkles. Care products are prepared on the basis of coniferous infusion. It is made from 1 tbsp. spoons of needles and a glass of boiling water.

Components are connected to glass jar and left covered for half an hour. Moisten a gauze with a filtered agent and apply to the face for 15-20 minutes. As a result of the procedure, the skin is tightened and loses its oily sheen.

From the same infusion, you can make a tonic mask. In a small bowl, mix 1 teaspoon of chopped oatmeal, liquid honey, lemon juice and pine infusion.

The composition is thoroughly mixed and applied to the forehead, cheeks, chin and neck. Withstand 10 minutes, remove with a damp cloth and wash with coniferous infusion.


Under influence high temperature pine needles actively release essential oils. This property has long been used in steam inhalations. They are made for bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, and SARS.

For the procedure, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped pine needles, fresh or dried. The raw material is placed in a saucepan, poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat.

Pine needle pillow

Pine needles gradually evaporate volatile compounds of essential oils. Distributed in the air, they destroy pathogenic microbes and viruses. Penetrating into the respiratory tract, the ethers relieve shortness of breath, facilitate the release of sputum. In addition, pine needles create a sedative effect - they calm the nerves, give a sound sleep.

The action of the pine pillow is based on these properties, which gives preventive protection against respiratory infections and neuroses. To create a product, it is necessary to collect pine spruce branches and dry on paper until the needles crumble.

The pillowcase for the base should be equipped with a zipper in order to regularly replace the coniferous filler. Pine needles are placed inside loosely, otherwise the product will turn out to be sharp. Every 2 weeks, the pillow should be stuffed with fresh raw materials.

Pine and spruce, without which no one can do New Year's celebration, - valuable medicinal plants, from which tea, broth and even jam are prepared. You can surprise your loved ones with useful, warming and truly winter drinks from juniper, pine, spruce and delicious jam!

Tea from pine needles is called the elixir of longevity. Some peoples knew about it many centuries ago. Its useful properties have been rediscovered and confirmed by modern experts. The 15th century Ancient Oriental “Code of Knowledge of Local Medicines” says that pine tea invigorates, eliminates hunger and prolongs youth.

Pine needle tea is a light yellow drink with a greenish tint. It is rich in vitamins: C, E, B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B7), K, P, and also contains iron, copper, calcium, essential oil, phytoncides, amino acids and more than 40 trace elements. Thanks to such a rich composition, pine tea perfectly tones the body and relieves fatigue, improves immunity and prevents, normalizes metabolism, improves microcirculation in tissues and promotes their regeneration, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and acts as a mild sedative.

How to make pine needle tea

For tea, needles of the white oriental pine (Pinus strobus) are best suited. The young needles, which are at the tips of the branches and look greener than the rest of the needles, contain a maximum of nutrients. They make tea healthier and more aromatic.

You can also use dry pine needles.

Recipe #1

Rinse the pine needles thoroughly, put them in a cup and pour boiling water over them. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. The needles should turn pale.

Recipe #2

Grind ½ cup pine needles and add them to boiling water. Reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Cooking longer than this time is not recommended, since heating will destroy all valuable vitamins (especially vitamin C). Remove from heat, let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Fresh young pine needles are sweet on their own, but you can sweeten the tea with honey and add a slice of lemon to taste. Such tea is most useful in autumn and winter, during the period of exacerbation of respiratory diseases.

Spruce needle tea

Take 1 tbsp. needles, wash cold water and pour 1 cup boiling water. Boil for 20 minutes, cool and strain. This tea contains many trace elements, thanks to which it maintains a normal metabolism, and is an excellent prevention of beriberi. As a treatment, it is used for frequent colds, coughs (an expectorant), as a diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic agent.

juniper tea

Juniper has an antiseptic effect, eliminates toxins and is a good prophylactic for inflammation of the urinary tract. All parts of the plant are used to brew a refreshing juniper tea.

Take 1 tbsp. juniper and fill it with 200 ml of water, let it brew for half an hour.

be careful: collect needles only in ecologically clean areas and rinse thoroughly. Do not take needles from diseased trees and do not consume this tea if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Jam from pine cones and buds

Jam from pine cones- a real holiday delicacy! Unfortunately, it cannot be prepared as quickly as tea. Take note of this recipe, and then by the next New Year it will delicious jam will be on your holiday table.

This jam is made exclusively from young buds or green and soft pine cones, which are harvested at the end of May. Buds should be soft, juicy and sticky, with coniferous aroma. Do not collect cones near roads.

Pine cone jam

Recipe #1

For 1 kg of green young cones, you need 1 kg of sugar and 2 liters of water. Prepare a syrup from sugar and water, and then add the cones to it. Boil for about 4 hours over low heat ( the best way- pressure cooker), pour into jars and close.

Recipe #2

Sort the cones and rinse with water. Then put in a basin (non-metallic) and fill with cold water. The water should cover the buds by a couple of inches. Leave the cones overnight in this water. Further, this infusion will be used in cooking.

Pour the infusion with sugar (calculation: 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of infusion) and put on fire. Bring to a boil, leave to boil for 5 minutes. The foam that forms must be removed. Cool and repeat a couple of times (you can the next day). The jam will acquire an amber color, an amazing smell and taste. After cooling, pour into jars, store in the refrigerator.

Pine bud jam

In half a liter or liter jar add a layer of pine buds, then a layer of sugar, etc. until the entire jar is full. close the jar nylon cover and put in a dark place. The kidneys will begin to secrete juice, which will turn into syrup.

Syrup and jam from pine cones is an immunostimulant, they are very useful in the treatment of colds, sore throats and flu, as well as a prophylactic against these diseases.

Children really like this jam, but its excess consumption can affect the kidneys. Therefore, for the prevention of diseases, children are recommended no more than 1 tbsp. per day, in the treatment of flu and colds - 2 tbsp.

Find out what real and.

After all, it is a natural cure for so many diseases. In the forests, it is one of the most ancient trees. According to scientists, this tree has been growing here since the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. Spruce needles have truly wonderful healing properties. No such pills have yet been invented that in a short time could produce such a powerful and complex healing effect on the human body, which does not have any side effects. It is such a "pill" that spruce needles are.

Spruce and its extraordinary healing properties

It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, analgesic, choleretic, antiscorbutic and diuretic effects. It is in the spruce needles that most amino acids are contained, including essential ones, minerals, as well as salts of cobalt, manganese, iron, copper, chromium. Carotene in needles 140:320 mg/kg, vitamins E - 350:360 mg/kg, C - 300 mg/kg in winter and 250 mg/kg in summer. If needles are stored at temperatures below +5 °C, then all these substances remain unchanged for the entire storage period.

Needles can be harvested for future use , and do it better in winter(more vitamin C). It is dried and stored tightly closed banks in a dark dry place. One kilogram of dry spruce needles contains the following substances (numbers are shown through the dividing line harvesting in summer / harvesting in winter): vitamins P - 900:2300 mg / 2180:3810 mg, K - 12/20 mg, PP - 142/29 mg, H - 0.06/0.15 mg, B1 - 8/19 mg, B2 - 7/5 mg, B3 - 16/28 mg,
B6 - 1, 1/2 mg, as well as minerals and trace elements.

The use of spruce for medicinal purposes

For medicinal purposes, young tops of branches with buds, resin-rosin, immature seed "female" cones, needles and turpentine are used. Collection times vary. Young tops of branches are harvested after wintering in May, and immature cones and resin in June - September.

How to distinguish "male" (with pollen) spruce cones from "female" (seed)? After all, collect for use in medicinal purposes need precisely immature "feminine." In the spring, both "female" and "male" cones appear on the branches of the spruce. Usually this time falls on the period of flowering bird cherry. "Female" cones are extremely beautiful and very noticeable on the tree: they are bright red in color, the size of a thimble. The usual location of these cones is at the ends of the branches in the upper part of the spruce crown. They "look" up. An adult "female" spruce cone is large and brown.

"Male" bumps are even smaller than women's ones. They are red or greenish-yellow. Pollen ripens in them - a fine powder yellow color. They are not suitable for medicinal purposes. Pollinated "female" cones ripen in the first year. But the cones open at the end of winter, and therefore they must be collected closer to autumn, unripe and unopened.

Needles - a biological source active substances. Coniferous greens contain valuable components: chlorophyll, vitamins, macro- and microelements, phytohormones, phytoncides. You are probably thinking: “Why should collect needles in winter ? But because immediately after the first frosts in green needles, the content of vitamin C rises sharply, and decreases in summer. And one more thing: keep the collected needles in a cool place. Storing spruce needles for a month at temperatures above 10 ° leads to a loss of 35% of nutrients.

Folk methods and recipes for treatment

Coniferous baths . They are used to relieve severe fatigue, nervous excitement, improve blood supply. internal organs, relieve inflammation different nature, as well as the removal of pain syndromes in menopause, peptic ulcer stomach, joint pain. To prepare such a bath, two handfuls of pine needles are poured with one liter boiling water and boil for 10 minutes, the broth is filtered and poured into the prepared bath. The bath is taken for 12:15 minutes. The water temperature is 37:38 degrees Celsius. Full course of treatment 15:20 procedures. After the bath, you should take a shower.

Infusion of spruce cones. It is used for diseases of angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, rhinitis and chronic tonsillitis. Unripe "female" spruce cones are crushed, poured with boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes with constant stirring. After removing from heat, the mixture is infused for another 15 minutes, then filtered through a three-layer gauze. The result is a brown liquid with an astringent taste and pleasant smell needles. It is used for mouthwash and inhalation. When carrying out inhalation procedures, at least 20 milliliters of this mixture is used, preheated to 60 degrees Celsius. Inhalation time 10 minutes.

Pine tea. It is extremely useful for beriberi, frequent colds, lingering coughs and how natural remedy to maintain normal metabolism in the human body. It is an excellent expectorant, choleretic, diuretic and diaphoretic. Rinse a tablespoon of needles with boiled water, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for another 20 minutes. Strain the tea through a three-layer gauze, cool and drink throughout the day. You can add sugar, and honey is even better.

A decoction of spruce buds. It is used to improve the processes of hematopoiesis, with joint and muscle pain, with chronic bronchitis, for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. It is prepared and applied in the same way as coniferous tea.

Infusion of spruce buds on alcohol. It is used for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract in the form of external rubbing and warming compresses. This infusion in pharmacies is quite rare, as it is in high demand among a certain part of our population. It is easy to prepare at home. To do this, place 250 grams of young spruce buds in a dark glass vessel and pour half a liter of 40:45 degree vodka into them. Close the vessel tightly and place in a dark dry place. Ten days later, the infusion is ready for use. In a dark place, such an infusion can be stored for up to a year or more without loss of medicinal properties.

To improve eyesight drink a decoction of pine needles: pour 5 tablespoons of crushed needles of pine needles into 500 ml of boiling water, soak in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, leave overnight. In the morning, strain and drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals.

Stroke - drink pine tea.

On a three-liter kettle, take a liter jar of spruce or pine needles with twigs, pour boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. You can add a few different herbs: knotweed, currant leaf, raspberry leaf. Leave the broth until the morning, so that it is infused. You can drink this tea as much as you like: with jam, sweets, honey, sugar, but always with lemon.
This tea cleanses cardiovascular system, removes radionuclides, heals the kidneys, restores the entire body. The full course of treatment is 4-5 months.
Juice from young pine needles
medicinal juice can be obtained from the needles of cedar, pine, fir, spruce, cedar dwarf. To do this, young shoots that are harvested no later than May 15 must be washed well in cold water and lay out on a towel to dry. Then the needles are placed in a glass jar: a layer of needles, a layer of sugar, and so on, to the very top. Last layer should be sugar. A 5-liter jar consumes 1.5 kg of sugar. Leave the jar overnight, and in the morning mix the pine needles and sugar in the jar with a wooden spoon and, tying the neck of the jar with a clean cloth, put it in the sun. The contents of the banks insist 10 days. In this case, the needles will gradually begin to rise up, and the juice will be at the bottom. On the 11th day, the juice is poured into bottles, tightly closed with stoppers, and stored at room temperature.
In folk medicine, such coniferous juice is used to treat asthma, tuberculosis, inflammation of the lungs, bronchi, trachea, weakened blood vessels and the heart.

Folk recipes describe several methods of preparation healing drinks from needles.

Here are just a few of them.
1. Finely chop 40-50 g of needles (spruce, pine, fir, juniper) with a knife, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in an enamel bowl for 15-20 minutes. Then add a liter of chilled boiled water, filter and keep 5-6 hours in the cold. Drain carefully without shaking the sediment. IN
water can be added citric acid, sugar and drink 0.5 tbsp. 4-5 times a day.
2. Pour 40-50 g of needles into 2 liters of water in an enamel bowl. Add 1 tbsp. chopped onion peel and 1 tsp. chopped licorice root, then boil over low heat for 20 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. mashed rose hips and boil for another half a minute.
The resulting broth insist in a thermos for 10-12 hours. Then strain, bring to a boil again, cool and refrigerate. You can drink up to 1 liter per day. This product will boost your immunity
and make up for the lack of vitamins in the body.

3. Take fresh spruce needles pass through a meat grinder, pack in plastic bags for 1 tbsp. spoon (make sure that the juice does not flow out) and store in freezer.
For cooking healing potion take out a briquette with needles, pour a glass of boiled chilled water and leave for 3 hours in a dark place. Then stir, strain, wring out raw materials.
Drink 1/4-1/3 cup infusion 3-4 times a day before or after meals. This coniferous drink is rich in vitamins and microelements, useful for cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infectious and inflammatory diseases, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, urinary and gall bladders, tinnitus, hernia, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, helps with weakening of vision, mastopathy and uterine fibroids, treats hemorrhoids, perfectly relieves fatigue.

Needle remedy regulates blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol and blood sugar levels, helps to cope with overweight, relieves shortness of breath, treats the musculoskeletal system.
In addition, the described infusion cleanses the body, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, protects against premature aging and prolongs life.

Recipe for external use : 5 bags of needles pour 0.5-0.7 liters of boiled cooled water, let it brew for at least 3 hours in a dark place. Then stir, strain, wring out the raw material.
Use the resulting infusion for compresses, lotions, washes, rinses for diseases of the oral cavity, larynx and nasopharynx, as well as for rubbing, preparing sitz baths for hemorrhoids, irritation, itching, inflammation and other skin problems, including acne, wounds and abrasions.
For the treatment of paralysis apply recumbent coniferous baths and poultices.
15 frozen bags with needles should be insisted in cool water, stir, strain, squeeze the raw material. Pour the infusion into a bath with warm water. The procedure should be carried out once a week for 15-20 minutes.
To make poultices, take half a glass of coniferous mass (defrost it first), heat it to a hot state, attach it to a sore spot, cover it with polyethylene on top and tie it with a warm scarf.
Keep doing this until you get positive results. Poultices do at night, remove the bandage in the morning and wash the problem area of ​​​​the body with warm water.
Poultices with needles are effective for hernia, gout, varicose veins, osteoarticular and inflammatory diseases.
Hot poultices should not be made on the tumor, in which case only room temperature poultices can be used.
With a non-healing trophic ulcer soak a cotton swab with pine needles juice, apply to a sore spot, cover with compress paper on top and bandage.
Also with the help of juice they treat psoriasis, boils.

Remedy for a hundred ailments . As a preventive measure for many diseases, including oncology , wash the needles in warm, and then in cold water. Finely cut the needles with scissors and cover with sugar in a glass jar 4:1. This spruce "jam" can be stored until the summer. From it you can prepare a coniferous drink: 2 tbsp. "Sweet needles" pour 4 tbsp. cold boiled water, insist for three days, strain and drink 0.5 tbsp. twice a day in courses of three to five days.

Vitamin infusion from spruce needles. It is applied as restorative and antiscorbutic. One tenth of a glass of spruce needles along with a small amount grind cold boiled water in a mortar with a pestle. Pour this pounded needles with a glass of boiling water, add lemon juice or citric acid (slightly acidify) and boil for 20:30 minutes. The ratio of needles and water should always be 1:10. After boiling, insist for 3 hours, then strain. Take 1/3 of a glass twice a day after meals.

Spruce decoction with milk . Used to treat scurvy, intermittent body aches, skin rashes and inflammation of the respiratory system. 30 grams of young spruce shoots or immature unopened shoots are taken<женских>fir cones. They are finely crushed and poured with a liter of milk. Milk is brought to a boil and the whole mixture is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth is filtered, divided into three equal parts and drunk during one day: morning, afternoon and evening.

Spruce ointment. It is applied for rapid healing of ulcers, wounds, pustules. An equal amount of spruce resin, honey, yellow wax and sunflower or hemp oil is taken. All components are thoroughly mixed, heated on fire. In the process of cooling to the temperature of the human body, a viscous mixture is formed. This is spruce ointment. It is applied to the affected areas.


Tuberculosis. Porridge from spruce needles (you can take pine and fir) mixed in equal parts with honey (by weight) and leave in a cool dark place for 2 weeks, stirring occasionally. Drain the honey-pine juice, squeeze out the rest, take 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach. Store juice in the refrigerator.

    with prolonged cough make a mixture of spruce resin and yellow wax (one weight part of each component), melt the mixture, cool, put pieces of the mixture on hot coals, inhale the released vapors.

    expectorant for children: 1 kg of young spruce cones, 1 liter of water, 1 kg of sugar, simmer for 30-40 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up. Take 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day.

    infusion of spruce cones: the cones are poured with boiled water (at the rate of 1: 5), boiled for 30 minutes, stirring, infused for 15 minutes, filtered through 3 layers of gauze. A brown liquid is obtained, astringent in taste, with the smell of pine needles. For inhalations, an infusion heated to 60-80 ° C is used: 20-30 ml per procedure for adults.