Beef jellied meat. How to make jellied beef legs

Today I will tell you in detail how to cook beef jellied meat at home - step by step, a recipe with all the details and details so that you succeed the first time!

So, to prepare delicious and beautiful jellied meat made from beef, you only need to follow two rules. First, choose the right meat. And secondly, cook it for a long time, at least 5 hours, then the broth will turn out rich and will harden perfectly.

What kind of meat is suitable?

Before you cook beef jellied meat, you need to choose the “right” and fresh meat. You will need beef on the bone, with cartilage and sinews, which will give the broth the necessary richness and ability to gel. Pure flesh, that is, fillet, is not suitable. Most often they take for jellied meat: the front shin, motor leg, ribs, beef tail and legs. It is these parts that contain greatest number collagen, which will be responsible for the density and hardening of jellied meat.

Total cooking time: 6 hours
Cooking time: 5 hours
Yield: 10 servings


  • beef on the bone (shank, joints, ribs) – 3.5 kg
  • water – 2-2.5 l
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide or to taste
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.
  • cloves – 2 pcs.
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • large carrots – 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • allspice – 2 pcs.
  • garlic – 1 head
  • parsley, boiled eggs - for decoration

How to cook beef jellied meat

For jellied meat this time I took beef shank on the bones, a couple of joints, as well as ribs with meat. Total weight meat set amounted to 3.5 kg.

The beef was thoroughly washed and cut into pieces so that the pieces fit in the pan. For large bones, ask a butcher to cut them at the market or cut them with a hacksaw yourself - in the latter case there will be much fewer bone fragments. The more tightly you pack the beef into the pan, the less water you will need to cover the meat, which means the resulting broth will be more concentrated.

I placed the meat parts tightly, without gaps, in large saucepan(volume 5 liters). Flooded from above boiling water and put the pan on maximum heat. As soon as it starts to boil (do not allow active boiling!), I immediately drained all the water - along with the first broth, the “noise” will go away from the pan, since we did not soak the meat, the protein particles will curl into large reddish-gray flakes. Don’t worry, in 5-7 minutes the meat will not have time to cook and will not lose its gelling properties.

After draining the first broth, I thoroughly washed the contents of the pan in cold water. Returned the pan back to the stove and filled it with clean cold water- it should cover the contents by 3 fingers (the ratio of water and meat products is 1:1 or less, I used 2.5 liters of water). Bring to a boil again and cook the beef over low heat with the lid slightly ajar for 4 hours.

After the specified time, you need to add onions, garlic, carrots and spices to the pan: black and allspice, cloves, bay leaf. You can expand the list to include parsley root and celery. Also at this stage I added salt - 1 heaped tablespoon (use your taste). Returned the pan to the heat and continued to cook the jellied meat for another 1 hour over medium heat.

As a result, the meat should be easily separated from the bones and divided into fibers, the broth should be clean and transparent, golden color. I removed the beef from the broth to cool slightly.

In the meantime, I prepared the dishes for the jellied meat. Deep bowls, bowls, muffin tins, etc. are suitable. If you plan to turn the jellied meat over onto a flat dish after hardening, then first place the decoration on the bottom of the molds. As decoration you can use pieces of boiled carrots, eggs, herbs, peas, corn, etc.

I divided the slightly cooled meat into small pieces (using a pair of forks). I filled the molds about 3/4 full.

Strained the broth through cheesecloth folded 4 times to get rid of small fragments of bones. I poured clean broth into the molds so that the liquid completely covered their contents. I left it at room temperature until it cooled and then transferred it to the refrigerator.

Beef jellied meat, cooked according to all the rules, hardens very quickly - after 3-4 hours it will become elastic and dense, but it is still better to wait until the morning so that it can be easily cut with a knife. From silicone molds it comes out very easily. Place dishes made from other materials in the hot water, then the jellied meat will easily fall onto the plate with which you cover it on top.

It is best to serve beef jellied meat with mustard or horseradish. Have a delicious holiday!

Jellied meat - traditional Russian dish from meat and frozen broth, which we love to cook for the holidays. Especially during the cold season. For many, jellied meat is just as important and mandatory dish at the New Year's table, like Olivier. Each housewife has her own secrets for preparing jellied meat; recipes are passed down from generation to generation. Tastes and preferences for such a dish are also formed in families over the years. Some people like cold meats made exclusively from pork, while others add chicken or beef to it. Often all types of meat are found in one aromatic frozen jellied meat. The set of favorite spices is also individual.

Very often jellied meat is prepared more than once, until the moment when the very recipe is found that will appeal to every family member. After all, you can cook with large pieces of meat and with the addition of vegetables and herbs. You can grind meat into minced meat and cook a very satisfying and jellied meat, dense texture, or you can make a thin and transparent frozen broth that will melt on your tongue as if by magic.

That's why there is such a wide variety of recipes. But the most important thing that unites them is that in most cases jellied meat is cooked without adding gelatin, but only on the basis of thick, rich broths of high concentration, which harden on their own. This is due to the fact that the broth is cooked from pieces of carcasses that have big amount cartilage tissue, which gives such properties to the broth. Usually legs, tails, and ears are used for jellied meat. Everything where there are bones, joints, cartilage and skin. In addition to its richness, such a broth will also have a special taste. But for the full bouquet and richness of the dish, meat is best suited, which is added during the cooking process and, unlike bones and joints, ends up in the finished dish.

If you want to make the jellied meat elegant and beautiful, then put beautifully chopped vegetables, olives, and green leaves in it. This is done before the broth is poured into the mold, so that when it hardens, all this elegant beauty remains inside.

Cooking jellied meat yourself is quite difficult and takes a long time; jellied meat from pork feet takes a particularly long time to prepare. This jellied meat is prepared without adding gelatin; many housewives are concerned about whether it will harden, but if you strictly follow the recipe, the cooking process will be crowned with success. The result is ultimately worth the effort, and the most important thing is that properly cooked tender jellied pork legs are a very tasty cold appetizer for a holiday or even for every day.


  • pork neck - 1 kg;
  • pig legs - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • bay leaf, peppercorns, salt - according to preference.


1. Place in a 5 liter pan pork feet, meat cut into large pieces, carrots and onions. Pour all the ingredients with water and put on fire. After the water begins to boil, the jellied meat must be salted and the foam that appears is removed with a slotted spoon; this is necessary so that the jellied meat turns out to be transparent in color.

2. Cook the jellied meat for 5-6 hours over low heat. Remove the vegetables from the pan after one hour of cooking.

3. 30 minutes before readiness, add the remaining ingredients. We take out the meat and cook the broth for another 15 minutes. Strain the broth.

4. We separate the meat into fibers, do it with our hands to feel and remove all the bones.

5. Place decorations on the bottom of the mold; chopped olives and herbs can be used as decoration.

6. Place the meat in the mold and fill it with broth. Leave it like this until it cools completely, then put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

7. Before serving, place the jellied meat on a plate, turning the form upside down. If you followed all the steps in the recipe, the jellied pork legs will be elastic, hold their shape well and will not melt at room temperature.

Delicious, aromatic, transparent jellied meat ready, you can start eating.

A hearty snack will be an excellent decoration for the holiday table.

To prepare you will need the following set of products:

  • beef - 0.5 kg;
  • processed pork legs - 1.3 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 210 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bay laurel leaves, pepper, salt - optional;
  • greens - used for decoration.

Cooking steps:

1. Rinse the meat with water, put it in a pan, fill it with water so that the water completely covers the meat. Turn on the heat, wait for it to boil and skim off the foam.

2. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid, and leave in this position for 5 hours. Salt and pepper the broth, add vegetables and bay leaves, continue cooking for another 60 minutes.

3. Remove the vegetables and meat from the broth and set aside on separate plates, leaving the broth to cool. Strain the broth through a fine sieve.

4. We butcher, sort and cut the meat, which will be added directly to the jellied meat. Use only the pieces you intend to eat.

5. We see fat on the surface of the broth; it needs to be removed. If you leave it, then a thick white layer of frozen fat will form on the surface of the finished frozen jellied meat.

6. Combine the meat with the broth, a small amount of Leave the meat for decoration. Stir and place back on the hot plate.

7. Let the broth boil and turn off the heat. Pass the garlic through a press.

8. Cut the carrots into thin circles or flowers, put them in a mold, and add the greens there too.

9. Use the remaining meat to secure the decoration so that it doesn’t run away.

10. Using a ladle, pour the meat and broth into the mold, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

11. Before serving, the layer of fat that has formed on the surface must be removed. It not only spoils appearance, but also not very pleasant to the taste.

12. Transfer the jellied meat to the surface, with the decoration on top.

Serve cold, garnished with fresh herbs and vegetables. Don't forget about mustard and horseradish, these two seasonings are the best friends of real homemade jellied meat.

Beef jellied meat prepared according to this recipe is a separate dish, in this case there is no need to add gelatin. The jelly will set on its own if you prepare it from the correct part of the animal carcass, for example, pig ears, tails or legs. For beef jellied meat The most commonly used part of the leg is called the motolyga (motorski). This is essentially a knee with a joint; it is the joint tissue that allows you to make a thick, well-hardened broth. After all, this is exactly what is needed for jellied meat. The taste of beef, of course, will be different from pork. The characteristic smell and taste of beef and veal will give the jellied meat its own properties. The color of the jellied meat will also be darker, as happens with beef broth. In my example, I will show how to make jellied meat with meat ground in a meat grinder, but you can also make large pieces, cutting the meat with a knife or disassembling the pieces into fibers. Choose according to your taste.


  • beef motoski (part of a leg with a joint) - 1 kg;
  • beef - 300-500 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 1-3 cloves;
  • peppercorns, salt - to taste.


1. Fill the meat with water, after boiling, drain the water. Fill with new water, add the peeled vegetables and cook the meat for 5 hours. Skim the foam when boiling, this will help keep the broth, and subsequently the jellied meat, transparent.

2. After an hour of cooking, remove the carrots and onions from the pan so that they do not overcook. Continue cooking the meat. When it is ready, take it out and separate the meat from the bones. Pass the boiled meat and garlic through a meat grinder.

3. Pour the strained broth over the chopped meat and mix, distributing evenly. Season to taste and add ground black pepper.

4. Cool the beef jellied meat, put it in the refrigerator until completely frozen. It is best to cover the container in which it will harden with a lid, and if there is none, then cling film.

The jellied meat is ready, decorate it with herbs and serve. Cut into portioned pieces and serve with spicy seasonings and sauces. Bon appetit!

People who have little time can prepare jellied meat according to “ lazy recipe" The entire cooking process will take no more than 1 hour. This kind of jelly is very simple to prepare; the main difficulty is to find a really high-quality stew. Ideally, you should use stew homemade, the quality of store products should be verified in advance. Since the stew itself does not have the properties necessary to thicken the jellied meat, it will have to be helped with this. On help will come ordinary gelatin, which will give the desired jelly-like consistency.


  • beef stew - 300 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • peppercorns - ½ tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp.


1. Pour gelatin into a bowl and dilute it as indicated in the instructions on the package. Set aside to swell.

2. Place the carrots, peppers, and onions in a saucepan and fill with water, you will need 500 milliliters. Turn on the burner and cook the vegetables for 10 minutes.

3. Remove from stew big pieces meat and cut them up, put them in a mold. Pour the rest of the jar into the broth. Cook for 25 minutes.

4. Strain the broth through a sieve and combine it with the swollen gelatin. Mix and pass through the sieve again.

5. Cut the boiled carrots into slices. Take 3 circles, cut them in half and send them to the meat, sprinkle with dried green onions.

6. Fill the stew with broth. Close the container with a lid, and after cooling completely, put it in the refrigerator.

At first glance, the combination of stew and gelatin may seem unusual, but nowadays the simplicity of cooking is valued. To taste, stewed jellied meat prepared according to quick recipe, no different from the classic one.

Another decoration for the holiday table can be jellied meat that looks like ham. The ham tastes soft and tender, great option cold snack, without adding preservatives.


  • pork knuckle - 3 pcs.;
  • pig ears - 6 pcs.;
  • pork leg - 2600 g;
  • pork neck with bone - 1.8 kg;
  • onion - 250 g;
  • celery stalk - 600 g;
  • garlic, salt, bay, peppercorns - according to preference.


1. Place the pork in a pan, add water, and turn on the burner. If there is stubble on the shank and ears, shave it off with a disposable razor.

2. After boiling, place the pork in a colander and rinse with running water. This way we remove scale from the meat.

3. Place clean pork in a saucepan, add onion, celery, and fill with water. Turn on the heat and remove the scale with a slotted spoon.

4. Cover the pan with a lid and let the meat cook at a low simmer for 4-4.5 hours. An hour before the end of cooking, add chopped garlic, as well as salt and spices.

5. Remove the boiled pork from the broth and cool. We separate the pulp from the bones and ears.

6. Strain the broth through cheesecloth.

7. The form must be wrapped in cling film. Place the ears in the mold, followed by the prepared meat and rich broth.

8. Using a fork, distribute the broth throughout the pan. We wrap the ears up and wrap them with film. We put the form under pressure. We ship to refrigerator so that our ham freezes.

9. Before serving, cut into pieces like regular ham.

Pieces ready-made jellied meat arrange beautifully on a plate. Decorate with vegetables and lettuce leaves and serve on the festive table with mustard and horseradish. Very tasty and appetizing to look at!

There is nothing complicated in preparing jellied meat in a multicooker; just put all the ingredients in a bowl, put the desired program and the dish will be prepared overnight. After this, you need to remove the dish from the mold and cool it.

You will need:

  • pig's ear - 1 pc.;
  • pork hoof - 1 pc.;
  • pork knuckle - 1 pc.;
  • chicken legs - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 130 g;
  • carrots - 80 g;
  • salt - optional.


1. Place the thoroughly washed and de-bristled parts of pork and chicken into a multicooker bowl. Very large pieces cut into pieces.

2. Cut the onion into two parts, no need to peel it, place it in a bowl. Onion peels will give the jellied meat a bright, beautiful color. Divide the carrots into 3 parts and move them to the meat.

3. Pour water into the bowl so that it completely covers the food. Salt the meat and close the lid of the multicooker. We turn on the “jelly” or “stew” mode; in this mode, by default, the meat is cooked for 6 hours.

4. After the time has passed, he takes the food out of the bowl. We separate the meat from the bones and pass it through a meat grinder.

5. Strain the broth through a fine sieve. Combine the chopped meat with the broth, add your favorite seasonings, and stir.

Turn on the “soup” program and bring the jelly to a boil. Then turn off the multicooker and add fresh garlic squeezed through a press.

6. Cool until room temperature, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator until completely hardened.

Prepare delicious jellied meat Even novice housewives can do it in a slow cooker. The meat will not burn if all the water has boiled away and the cooking process will stop. While cooking is in progress, you can calmly go about your business or go to bed, setting it up for the night.

Ready-made jellied meat is perfect as an appetizer for the holiday table.

How to cook delicious jellied pork and chicken

For tasty jellied meat, you need to use only fresh meat; meat that has been frozen will not work. If desired, the chicken can be replaced with turkey neck. A mixture of pork and chicken produces a very tender and pleasant taste, the jellied meat will turn out light and transparent.


  • laurel leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • pork leg - 600 g;
  • pork on the bone - 0.5 kg;
  • chicken leg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2 tsp;
  • peppercorns - 13 pcs.;
  • onion - 140 g;
  • garlic - 25 g.


1. Place the meat and onions in a saucepan and pour in 4.5 liters of water.

2. Place the pan on the fire and cook until it boils. high fire, then reduce to low. After 3 hours, add salt, pepper and bay leaf. We take the chicken out of the broth; it will cook before the pork.

3. Take out the meat, when it is ready, let it cool, cut it into small pieces. We do the same with chicken.

4. Finely chop the garlic and place it on the bottom of the mold. Place the meat in the molds. If the meat is not salted, add additional salt.

5. Onion lovers can chop it and add it to the meat.

6. Fill the molds with broth, let cool and put in the refrigerator overnight.

The next day, the pork and chicken jellied meat is completely ready. It will become elastic and soft at the same time and at the same time very tasty. Bon appetit!

Festive jellied pork and turkey - video recipe

I suggest you look at another recipe for making jellied meat. This time the company pork meat The dish will contain turkey, from which we will use a wing. And for a beautiful festive presentation, we will make beautiful flowers on the surface of the aspic from boiled eggs and carrots. It’s nice to put such jellied meat on a holiday table. New Year and hear praise from all guests and household members.

Now you know how to prepare the most delicious jellied meat. In this matter, you do not need to have special culinary skills, the main thing is to have patience and time. Good luck with your culinary experiments!

The most delicious and popular dishes those that are prepared according to the special technologies, using exoticism and fantasy. Most often, favorites on a festive or everyday table are: simple treats, but with an unforgettable aroma and taste, for example, like beef jellied meat. It sounds simple, but it’s so appetizing, it’s not difficult to prepare, but it’s a pleasure, and it’s eaten like a sweet soul, so that you won’t be able to pull your ears away from the dish.

The success of jellied meat largely depends on the correct choice of meat. In order for the dish to turn out truly tasty and festive, you need to know exactly which part of the meat is best to take, and which piece of meat should be discarded.

Since our recipe for preparing “cold” involves the use of beef, we will consider the rules for choosing exactly beef meat. So, what kind of meat is better to use for jelly?

  • Experienced cooks for jellied meat advise using meat with cartilage, bones and joints.
  • When buying a cold meat set on the market, remember that the ratio of pulp and bones should be equal (1:1).
  • It is also very important that such meat parts as beef head and legs.
  • Often noble housewives, using beef recipe, to cook jellied meat, take a cow's shin (front) and a motoleg (part of a cow's (or bull's) leg located above the knees). The motoliga and drumstick contain jelly-like substances, therefore, when using such meat parts when preparing “beef delicacy”, no additional additives that create the stickiness of the broth will be needed.

Checking the freshness of meat

Don't forget about other things important rule, without which a fragrant, appetizing jelly will not be possible, is the freshness of the meat.

How to do right choice in favor of a fresh meat set? Everything is very simple. You need to carefully study the color and smell of beef. The aroma of fresh meat It should be unobtrusively sweet and pleasant, and the color should be light and beautiful.

The same goes for frozen and chilled meat parts. They should smell pleasant, be free of stains, and without signs of frequent freezing and thawing. If the beef is not fresh, or as it is popularly called “old”, then under no circumstances should you buy it; it will still not make a tasty jellied meat.

Secrets of successful jellied meat

From the first days of its existence, jellied meat has become a favorite delicacy of adults and children. For many years, the exquisite jelly has not lost its popularity.

Moreover, every year it becomes a reason for the emergence of new culinary recipes its preparations. What's missing: and traditional technologies the creation of a “cold king”, and extraordinary approaches to processing the dish, there is also an extravagant cooking recipe, according to the idea of ​​​​which several types of meat are added to the jellied meat, the result is a kind of cold assorted meat.

We will try to pay attention all kinds of recipes preparations, but for now let’s focus on the classic creation of beef jelly.

Food preparation


How to prepare a type of meat like beef for the cooking process itself? Not everyone knows about this. However, without proper preparation good food will not work. Therefore, we will pay attention to such an important culinary stage.

So, before you directly process the beef, you need to thoroughly soak it in water to wash off all traces of blood. Otherwise, the finished jelly will not acquire an aesthetically pleasing transparent appearance, but will be cloudy, which will spoil the overall impression of the dish, even if it is tasty.

As soon as the beef is soaked, you can begin to “disassemble” it. The pulp must be cut into medium pieces with a knife. You can do the same with the tail. But it’s better to cut the leg with a hacksaw with large teeth. Because if you cut your leg, then the bone will remain sharp and very small fragments that you simply have to throw away.


The taste of the future dish will also depend on the quality of the water. It is imperative to take water that does not contain additional impurities and does not have any foreign smell or taste.

To keep the broth clean, almost transparent, it is advisable to use purified water, but not tap water.


All necessary vegetable products must be thoroughly washed and peeled in advance, so that during the cooking process itself you are not distracted from the “culinary witchcraft”.


  • Beef legs, soup pulp and tailthe whole set weighs about 2 kg + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 6-7 cloves + -
  • — 4.5 liters + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • Allspice— 2-3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -

How to cook beef jellied meat step by step

  • We take a large saucepan so that we can get a lot of jellied meat at once, and put the cut beef into it.
  • Fill the meat pieces with water and put the pan on the fire.
  • We wait until the meat boils, and then cook it for another 15-20 minutes.
  • After this, pour the liquid from the pan, and that’s all meat ingredients that have been cooked, rinse with clean water.
  • Pour a new portion of fresh water into the pan and put the meat pieces into it again.
  • Now you need to understand how to cook meat correctly. Typically, the overall cooking time takes between 5 and 10 hours. According to our recipe, the jellied meat will cook for 6-7 hours. We start cooking by putting the container with meat on the fire and waiting for the moment when it starts to boil.
  • At the first signs of boiling, take a slotted spoon and begin to carefully remove fat and scale from the broth.
  • Reduce the flame, add some salt to the meat and cook it for 3-4 hours, making sure to keep the lid slightly ajar.

  • After a few hours of cooking, add pre-peeled vegetables to the future jellied meat, and leave the container with beef and vegetables on low heat for another 3 hours.
  • When the “cold” is almost ready, you can throw one bay leaf and pepper into the pan. The amount of pepper is usually determined by taste, but you still shouldn’t overuse it so as not to overpower it. delicate taste, and without that special dish.
  • As soon as the meat pieces are boiled, we immediately take them out, cool them a little and begin to separate them from the bone. How to do it right? You can separate the meat with your hands, or you can carefully cut it with a knife, the taste of the meat delicacy will not suffer at all.

The aspic is ready, what to do next?

As soon as we separate the meat from the bones, we can immediately start chopping it. How to do this is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Some people divide the meat pieces into large (or medium) cubes, others grind them through a meat grinder, but this option is good if there are small children in the house. Otherwise, it is better not to grind the meat in a meat grinder, since its special taste is lost.

But the most common method of grinding is to separate fine fibers from whole meat parts.

  • Evenly distribute the meat fibers (or cubes) into trays and bowls.
  • Press the garlic cloves in a garlic press and mix with the chopped meat.
  • Be sure to filter the cooked broth through double or triple cheesecloth (or through a fine sieve) and heat it over the fire.
  • Pour the warm broth over flavorful beef, cool it, then cover the pan with a lid and take it to a place where the room temperature is much lower than room temperature. This is necessary so that our meat dish freezes and turns into real jellied meat.

What to serve with and what to eat jellied meat with

The finished dish should be served in plates. You can put it on the table along with the “cold” fresh bread, mustard, horseradish, salted tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, etc.

You can eat jelly green salad seasoned with vinegar and delicious sour cream, or you can “accompany” a meat dish with adjika or tkemali.

How to beautifully decorate “cold”

Many people think about how to prepare jellied meat according to the classic recipe, but in such a way that in the end it turns out holiday option everyone's favorite meat dish? There's no need to guess too much. To get a luxurious beef jellied meat for your holiday table, you just need to decorate it beautifully. And then you don’t need to invent or look for any intricate cooking technologies.

What can be depicted on jellied meat, and what needs to be done for this? All you need is a couple or three regular ingredients and a little bit culinary fantasy, and then you can depict anything you want.

Stars or daisies

For example, you can cut stars out of carrots and turn the transparent surface of the jellied meat into a “cloudless” starry sky", or make daisies from the same carrot and distribute them evenly on the surface of the jelly to create the impression that in front of you is a chamomile field.

Drawing patterns

How to make other drawings on the “cold”? You can try using olives, sprigs of dill and celery to decorate the dish. From such a natural set you can recreate any pattern.

And, if you add eggs to the previous set, you can get a whole landscape, for example, you can make swans from eggs, reeds from greenery, and stones from olives. So you get a small corner of nature on your festive table created by your own hands.

If the dish will be cooked on New Year's table, then you can safely depict the symbol of the coming year. In a word, no one is limited in creativity here. Be creative and delight yourself and your loved ones not only with the taste, but also with the stunning appearance of the meat dish.

Cooking jellied meat is not limited to using only beef. Very often, pork (ears, pulp, legs, shank) and poultry are placed in the dish. How to prepare jelly with this type of meat?

To prepare it, you can easily use the above recipe. You can safely follow the technology, just replace the beef with pork or chicken. And, if you want to truly surprise yourself and your family, you can add several types of meat to the jelly at once. For example, if you add chicken or duck meat to beef, the resulting jellied meat will be very tender and especially aromatic.

The jelly does not freeze, what to do?

There are often cases when the housewife makes a slight mistake in the proportions of the ingredients or chooses those meat parts that contain very little jelly-like substances.

All this negatively affects the freezing of jellied meat. However, don’t be upset if something doesn’t work out, the situation can always be corrected. Gelatin can come to the rescue. It is with gelatin that the recipe is often used to help the “cold” solidify to the required consistency.

In such cases, gelatin is poured into warm broth, but not into boiling water. This is provided that the gelatin is instant.

If gelatin dissolves slowly, then it must be prepared in advance.

  • To do this, take 45 g of gelatin and fill it with 1.5 tbsp. boiled water.
  • We leave it for 30 minutes so that it can swell.
  • Then mix it thoroughly and pour it into a warm, but not hot, broth.

It is the recipe with gelatin that will help achieve the desired result and make your jellied meat the way you dreamed of.

Cooking “cold” is quite a troublesome task, but worth it. To please your family gourmet dish, you can and even need to waste time and effort.

Having learned how to cook jelly, what ingredients to take for its preparation, how to decorate it and how to serve the dish on the table, you can safely take on, in every sense of the word, jellied meat from delicious beef, turning it every minute into your own culinary creation for the soul.


Beef jelly, or just jellied meat, which we will prepare today, is one of the most common holiday dishes. It is rarely prepared in portions. Most likely they will be filled with endless iron molds refrigerator shelves. It is simply irrational to cook little jellied meat. It takes quite a long time to prepare; again, a lot of meat goes into the broth. That's why enterprising housewives stock up on this delicious dish a week in advance.

If you don't know and have never tried to cook beef jelly, don't despair. Our step-by-step recipe with photos will help you learn everything quickly. We will share with you the intricacies of making broth. It is he who plays one of the most important roles in the future taste of jellied meat. The filling should be both meat and vegetable; neither element should clearly predominate. Only then will the jelly harden correctly and meet all the characteristics classic recipe. Are you ready to try making beef jelly with us? Then go get some groceries.


  • (1.5 kg)

  • (1 kg)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (10 pieces.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (8 cloves)

  • (140 g)

  • (10 pieces.)

  • (1 tsp)

Cooking steps

    You need to be extremely careful when choosing meat for jellied meat. To make the broth rich and satisfying, and then freeze well, we will use beef on the bone. Let's prepare the shank.

    Also suitable beef ribs, so we will prepare them too.

    Let's select a large, capacious pan and fill it with meat and water. 3 liters will be enough cold water. Make sure the pot is big enough and the water completely covers the meat. Bring our future broth to a boil. And then reduce the gas to a minimum and cook for 6 hours. The meat will produce foam, which must be removed from the surface of the water each time. You need to cook the broth without a lid.

    While the meat is cooking, prepare the vegetables. We wash and peel the carrots, and do the same with the onions.

    When there is 1 hour left until the broth is ready, add carrots, onions, peppers and bay leaves to the pan. Salt the broth to taste.

    Remove the meat and carrots from the finished broth and strain it through a sieve.

    Remove the meat from the bone and tear it into small fibers. Place them in a wide suitable form. Its sides should be low.

    Peel and finely chop the garlic cloves. Sprinkle them over the meat in the pan.

    Fill the mold with the cooled, strained broth.

    Cut the carrots into small rings, cut them into molds or add them whole to the jellied meat.

    When the broth has cooled completely, place the pan in the refrigerator until completely set and ready. It will take 2 to 3 hours. Serve the dish and serve. Beef jelly is ready.

    Bon appetit!

1. You need to start preparing jellied meat two to three days before the expected date of its serving. First you need to soak the meat. Place it in a large saucepan or basin and fill it with cold water. For five hours, constantly drain the water and replace it with new, clean water. After this time, place the meat and bones in the pan in which you will cook the jellied meat, and fill everything with cold water. It is very important to maintain the proportions, so the meat should be packed quite tightly, and you need to pour enough water so that it is more than five centimeters above the meat. During the cooking process, do not add water, as the jellied meat will not harden well.

2.Now your jellied meat will cook. Be patient right away, as this will take a long time. Bring the water to a boil over high heat and skim off the foam. Don’t miss the moment, as the transparency of the broth depends on it. If you wish, after boiling, you can drain the broth and refill with clean cold water. Wait until it boils again and only then reduce the heat to medium. At this stage, the broth needs to be salted. Calculate salt based on the fact that it is barely noticeable in frozen jellied meat, so you need more of it than usual. But if you are afraid of oversalting, then add a little, and at the end add salt to taste. Now cover the pan loosely with a lid (leave a gap of one centimeter) and cook for three hours.

3.After the specified time, add peppercorns and bay leaves into the broth and leave the jellied meat to cook for another hour. Prepare the onions and carrots - the latter needs to be peeled (leave the onions in the peel), and then make small cuts on them (this will allow the vegetables to release their juice better). After an hour, throw them into the broth without cutting them.

4.Look at your jellied meat after another hour and a half. Some of the water should already boil away and the bones should move away from the meat. If there are bones that have completely fallen off the meat (bare), then remove them and discard them.

5. The jellied meat will be ready after six to seven hours of cooking. The signal that it can be removed will be the bones coming away easily from the meat, less water than at the beginning, and saturated color broth. Then you can remove the bay leaf and onion and discard them. Remove the carrots, but do not throw them away. Taste the broth for salt – it should taste good. If it’s still not enough, add more salt. Peel the garlic and pass it through a press, and then add it to the jellied meat. Let everything simmer for a minute and turn off the heat.

6. Remove the bones and meat from the hot broth. You can immediately throw away the bare bones - we no longer need them.

7.Next, take a sieve and another saucepan. You will also need a piece of gauze, folded in half. It needs to be placed on a sieve. Strain the broth until it is clear (you will still have peppercorns on the cheesecloth, small seeds, garlic).

8.Now place the meat on deep plates in which you will serve the jellied meat. For beauty, you can cut the boiled carrots into slices and put a few pieces on plates. When laying out the meat, remove everything that you do not eat (skins, fat, films, remaining bones). If you come across large pieces of meat, disassemble them into small fibers.

9. It remains to fill the jellied meat with strained broth. Wait until it cools completely and put it in the refrigerator. There is no need to put it in the freezer to harden; if it is cooked correctly, then in the cool it will begin to harden on its own. When the jellied meat has hardened, you can optionally remove a fatty film from the surface, if any has formed.

Delicious jellied meat is ready. Before serving, you can flip it flat and you will end up with a jelly mound. Decorate it with a sprig of greenery and place it on the table. Horseradish or mustard goes very well with this dish, so don’t forget to put it on the table. Bon appetit!