Thick cherry jam: a modern recipe with gelfix. Pitted cherry jam for the winter, a simple recipe

Cherry jam is an exquisite delicacy. It combines a unique English sense of style and the purely Russian taste of ripe berries that ripen in our gardens throughout the summer. The sweet, tasty, long-storable product can be used as an independent addition to an English breakfast, as a filling for pancakes and cakes, and as an integral part of a sauce for fish and meat dishes.

What are the benefits of cherry jam?

Cherry jam, prepared at home, retains the range of vitamins and dietary fiber that fresh berries have. When cooking cherries, the organic compounds present in them are not destroyed, but are completely transferred into the composition of the new dish.

Jam can be stored from three months to two years, depending on sterilization and storage conditions: in aluminum and thermoplastic jars the product can be stored from three to six months, in glass, sterilized jars - from a year to two. And all this time you will be able to access the beneficial properties of cherries, the main one of which is its anti-inflammatory effect, which allows you to easily eliminate pathogenic bacteria that enter the body, heal wounds and normalize painful joints.

The red-purple berries are a powerful antioxidant. They not only lower blood cholesterol levels, but also prevent the risk of developing cancer. In winter, cherry jam, which boosts immunity, can be used as a preventative against colds. Few people know, but cherries and their derivatives are an excellent sedative (so great that they are recommended for use by people suffering from mental disorders).

What is the best way to make cherry jam?

There are several nuances in making cherry jam:

1. You need to choose the right cookware. For cherry jam, it is best to take a wide (it has the maximum area for moisture evaporation) enamel pan or tinned cooking basin. Steel and deep dishes are not suitable.

2. No need to overdo it with volume. It is clear that you want to cook as much jam as possible at a time, but this is difficult: it will be difficult to mix the berries, and as a result, the finished dish may not turn out quite as you expected.

3. There should be less sugar than cherries, otherwise its piquant taste will be lost. It is clear that the more sugar you put in the jam, the longer it will be stored, but... You don’t want to eat only sugar, do you?

4. During cooking, cherry jam must be constantly stirred. Otherwise, it will burn to the container in which it is cooked.

5. Cherry jam is cooked at a slight boil, so during the cooking process you need to constantly monitor the temperature, either decreasing it or increasing it.

6. The finished, cooled jam easily falls off an inverted spoon. Any dripping means the jam needs to cook a little more.

7. The finished jam is immediately put into jars, which must first be cleaned with soda, sterilized and heated. Hot jam is evenly distributed throughout the jar, leaving no air voids.

8. The cherries for jam must be ripe (ideally, they should ripen directly on the tree). They must be picked with the stalks, which can be separated immediately before cooking.

9. Cherry jam is cooked without seeds, but since the latter give it a unique, original taste, the following trick will help preserve it: the removed seeds need to be poured with water (so that it completely covers them), then boil them over a fire and use the resulting broth in making jam.

10. Cherry has low astringent properties, so its jam is usually cooked in combination with other berries.

Classic cherry jam

We prepare sugar syrup from nine hundred grams of sugar and five hundred grams of water. Add to it five grams of gelatin dissolved in a small amount of cold water and one kilogram of pitted cherries. Cook the cherries in syrup over moderate heat, periodically skimming off the foam.

Cherry jam with lemon juice

Place one kilogram of pitted cherries in an enamel bowl, add one kilogram of sugar and leave for an hour. Cook the berries that have released their juice over low heat for thirty to forty minutes. As soon as the jam thickens, add one teaspoon of lemon juice to it, stir thoroughly, boil for a few minutes and mix thoroughly again. We put the finished jam into jars, close the lids, wrap them in a blanket and leave until it has cooled completely.

Cherry jam with citric acid

Cover two kilograms of pitted cherries with one kilogram of sugar and leave for six to eight hours. Cook the jam over high heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the jam thickens, add a quarter teaspoon of citric acid to it.

Cherry jam with gooseberries

We pass one kilogram of pitted cherries through a meat grinder with holes two and a half millimeters in diameter. Pour the crushed berries with one hundred and fifty grams of water, cook for a while over low heat, then add one kilogram and one hundred grams of sugar and cook until fully cooked. At the end of cooking, add one hundred and fifty grams of pre-squeezed gooseberry juice to the jam. Place the boiling jam in hot dry jars, seal it tightly, turn it upside down and leave it in this position until completely cooled.

Cherry jam with red currants

We pass one kilogram of pitted cherries through a meat grinder with holes two and a half millimeters in diameter. Pour the crushed berries with one hundred and fifty grams of water and cook for some time over low heat.

Grind five hundred grams of red currants in a meat grinder, add sixty grams of water and cook until thickened.

Mix cherries and currants, add seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar and cook until ready. Place the boiling jam into jars, close, turn over and wait for it to cool completely.

Cherry jam with pistachios and cognac

Mix a handful of raw, peeled, chopped almonds in a saucepan with the chopped zest left over from the lemons, add water (so that it rises one finger above the nuts) and cook over medium heat for forty-five minutes until the zest is softened.

Place one and a half kilograms of pitted cherries in a saucepan, add juice squeezed from four lemons, add six hundred milliliters of apple juice, one hundred grams of finely chopped pistachios and cook under the lid for thirty minutes.

Strain the decoction of almonds and zest through a fine sieve, add to the cherry jam, stir and cook for five minutes. Place one kilogram of sugar, intended for jam with pectin, into the pan and stir until the latter is completely dissolved. Cook the cherry jam for five minutes, add one hundred milliliters of cognac to it and cook for another five minutes.

We remove the foam from the finished jam, put it in jars and seal it tightly.

Cherry jam with melon

Mix five hundred grams of pitted cherries with the pulp of two hundred and fifty grams of melon, cut into thin slices. Add seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar and a small cinnamon stick. We insist from one to two hours to the whole night. Boil for four minutes over high heat. Pour in two or three tablespoons of cherry vodka, mix thoroughly and cook until ready.

Cherry jam with cherries

Pour five hundred grams of cherries and five hundred grams of pitted cherries with a small amount of water and cook for ten minutes. Add forty grams of pectin and two hundred grams of powdered sugar to the berries. After three minutes of boiling, gradually add four hundred grams of sugar, making sure that the boiling does not interrupt. Cherry jam should simmer vigorously throughout cooking.

Cherry jam with apples

Cut one kilogram of apples into slices with the peel, cook until softened, rub through a sieve, mix with five hundred grams of sugar and cook until the latter is completely softened.

Mix one kilogram of pitted cherries with five hundred grams of sugar, leave for an hour or two (until the berries release juice) and transfer to boiling applesauce. Cook until done.

Cherry jam with plum

Grind one kilogram of plums and seven hundred and fifty grams of pitted cherries in a mixer. Add two kilograms of sugar and ten grams of citric acid to them and cook over high heat for ten seconds, stirring continuously. Pour gelatin dissolved in a small amount of cold water into the jam, mix thoroughly, boil over high heat and place in jars.

Cherry jam for the winter - recipes.

But, before you start preparing real, thick cherry jam for the winter, first I’ll give you some tips on preparing the delicacy to get the most pleasure and benefit from it:

  • Use only enameled containers for making jam; cherries are a sour berry; they may oxidize in containers of a different quality.
  • Wash any containers for seaming (jars and lids) with soda and sterilize.
  • Make jam only from ripe berries. Cherries, just like sweet cherries, must ripen on the tree, only then will desserts have their incomparable taste.
  • It is advisable that the berries be picked with the stalks. They must be removed immediately before preparing jams.
Cherry jam is usually made by removing the pits from the berries. But you must admit that jam with seeds is always more aromatic and tastes better. Therefore, do not throw away the seeds, fill them with water, let them boil, and cook for a few minutes. Then drain the broth and use it instead of water in making cherry jam.

Cherry jam is a simple recipe without water.

This is the simplest and most familiar option for making jam; it is proposed in cookbooks from different years. You will get thick cherry jam, perfect for tea drinking and filling in baked goods. For example, you can make a cherry roll using this jam.

  • Cherry - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.
How to make cherry jam according to this recipe:
  1. First of all, prepare the berries for cooking: do the most monotonous and least favorite job - remove the seeds. It is clear that before this the cherries are sorted and all debris and stalks are removed.
  2. Place the berries in a bowl for cooking, bring to a boil, without adding sugar for the first time (however, you can add it, it doesn’t matter).
  3. Boil the berry for 20 minutes, remove from heat and let cool. Next, connect the blender to work and chop the cherries.
  4. Now proceed to the second cooking, but add sugar and let it dissolve thoroughly so that no grains remain. Stir, foam will appear - remove without sparing. Cook for another 20 minutes and set the bowl aside to cool.
  5. During the third approach, do not move away from the jam, it will already be quite thick and may burn. Boil to the desired consistency, remove and place in jars.
Cherry jam - a recipe for the winter with gelatin.

The cherry berry does not thicken well when cooked; in order to achieve the desired consistency when cooking cherry jam at home, it always needs to be cooked for a very long time. But we don’t have time, and why waste time if there are excellent helpers - special thickeners. For example, gelatin.

We will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • Gelatin - 5 gr.
  • Water or seed decoction - 500 ml.
How to make cherry jam with gelatin:
  1. First of all, make a syrup - dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil.
  2. While you are preparing the syrup, place the gelatin in cold water, let it sit for a while to swell, and then add it to the hot syrup.
  3. Place the cherries there too. Cook over moderate heat so that the jam does not boil too much, remembering to remove the foam.
  4. How long does it take to cook jam? Here you can see for yourself. Once the jam has thickened to the desired consistency, remove. Let cool slightly and put into jars.

Cherry jam - a recipe for the winter with strawberries.

As I already said, cherries have low gelling properties, and the berry is juicy, so making thick cherry jam at home is quite difficult. That's why you see other berries in many recipes - they will give a dense consistency to the delicacy. Many housewives use strawberries for this purpose; fortunately, these berries are found in season; the strawberries are not yet gone when the first cherry appears.

We will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Strawberries - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 0.9 kg.
  • Water - 0.3 - 0.5 liters. First, pour in a little and see, if it’s not enough, then add, but keep in mind (I remind you) that cherries are a juicy berry.
How to make thick cherry jam with strawberries:
  1. First, prepare the berries for working with it: remove the stalks and debris. Rinse the berries, and when the water has drained, remove the pits from the cherries.
  2. Grind cherries and strawberries in a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Place everything in a cooking bowl, add water and cook over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Remove the bowl and set aside until cool.
  4. Add sugar the next time you cook. Stir well and cook over moderate heat. Don’t forget to skim off the foam (children love it, so it won’t go to waste - it will be very tasty with a loaf of bread and tea).
  5. You will determine the cooking time yourself; you will understand that it is time to turn off the heat when the consistency of the jam becomes the required thickness.
  6. Let the jam cool a little, and in the meantime, prepare the jars for sealing - sterilize them. Spread out the treat and roll it up.

Cherry jam with chocolate.

Cherry jam prepared according to this recipe is similar to everyone’s favorite chocolate covered cherries, only on the contrary - here the chocolate will be bathed in cherries. Intrigued? Then we move on to cooking. We will use zhelfix as a thickener, then the jam will be of the desired thickness.

To prepare this luxurious jam we will need:

  • Pitted cherries - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 800g.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  • Gelling sugar, gelfix - 1 package.
  • Coffee - prepare regular strong coffee in advance.
  • Chocolate - 40 gr.
  • Cinnamon - to taste (on the tip of a knife).
How to make cherry jam for the winter:
  1. Remove the pits from the cherries, squeeze the juice out of the orange, add sugar, vanillin, gelling sugar (what is this, if anyone doesn’t know, I wrote below) and mix everything well. Let it sit for two hours.
  2. Put it on the fire and when the sugar starts to dissolve, add 400 ml. brewed coffee. The type of coffee does not matter, but it must be strong.
  3. We break the chocolate into small pieces, and when our jam boils, we throw it in. And five minutes later, after the jam boils again, add cinnamon (on the tip of a knife). Cooking time is approximately 40 minutes.
Cherry jam with chocolate should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 months.

Cherry jam is a delicious treat that is easy to make yourself. This requires a minimum set of ingredients and time. This article offers recipes for making jam with different thickeners and additives.

Jam- a favorite berry or fruit jam. It is prepared in an original way so that a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. without a single bone. This jam is great to add to baked goods, ice cream, desserts, spread on bread, or simply eat with a spoon while drinking tea.

Depending on the recipe, you need to use different thickeners:

  • Gelatin
  • Agar-agar
  • Pectin
  • Starch
  • Sugar

Not rare jam made with gelatin, called "jelly". The reason for this is the pleasant firm consistency of the jam, which after cooking “freezes” in the jar. A nice feature of jam is that it does not require much effort and time to prepare.

Cherry jam - a delicious dessert made by yourself

To prepare cherry jam with gelatin you will need:

  • Ripe cherry - 1 kilo
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kilo
  • Gelatin – bag(approximately 20 grams)

This recipe is very simple because it contains minimum set of ingredients. This jam will delight you with the taste of fresh cherries all year round.


  • Before making jam, you should prepare the cherries. To do this, it is washed thoroughly and pitted. You can use a special device that carefully removes the pit from the pulp.
  • All peeled berries should be filled with a kilogram of sugar and leave so that the berry “releases juice” and the sand dissolves.
  • While the berry “stands”, you can leave the gelatin to swell. A pack of gelatin should be poured with half a glass of cold water and left undisturbed for half an hour. After this, the gelatin is heated in a steam bath until completely dissolved.
  • When you notice that cherry "let out juice" put it on fire. You should not boil the jam for a long time. Just let it boil and wait five minutes. All the time mix the jam thoroughly so that it doesn't burn.
  • Five minutes later pour gelatin in a thin stream, stirring the jam. Without waiting for the mass to cool, roll the jam into sterile jars. After the jam has cooled, it will take on a more elastic, thick form, similar to jelly.

This jam is very nice to open in winter. It has a rich berry flavor and a thick jelly structure. The jam spreads easily on the bread and “holds its shape.”

Video: “Cherry jelly for the winter”

Cherry confiture recipe for the winter

Confiture is a sweet “French jam”. It is ideal for filling any baked goods: pies, pies, desserts, strudel and even cakes. It’s not difficult to prepare real “confit”, because this will require a simple set of ingredients:

  • Pitted cherry– 1 kilo
  • Sugar– 1 kilo (you can reduce the amount to 700 to taste)
  • Vanillin– one sachet

Confiture - cherry jam


  • The confiture should only be prepared from washed and pitted cherries. To do this, you can use a special device, or you can remove the bone manually.
  • Peeled cherries sprinkled with sugar and left in this state for two or three hours. You should cover the cherries with sugar in an enamel bowl and then put it on the fire.
  • "The one who let the juice out" the cherries should be put on fire for boiling. Boil the jam for about ten minutes and stir the mass thoroughly all this time so that it does not burn and also does not spoil the taste.
  • During boiling you should add a packet of vanillin and mix the mass thoroughly, completely dissolving it. Vanillin will give the confiture a pleasant dessert aroma.
  • Long boiling of confiture is necessary in order to soften rough skin as much as possible. After cooking, let the mixture cool and grind it with a blender.
  • The ground cherries should be boiled again. If you notice high foam - be sure to delete her every time she appears.
  • Hot confiture roll up into sterilized jars and put them away for winter storage. During storage, the confiture will become thicker and also acquire a rich taste.

Video: “French cherry jam”

Cherry jam with soda, how to cook for the winter?

Cherry is a sour berry, every housewife knows this. To make sweet cherry jam, you have to add a large amount of sugar. But it often happens that the jam comes out liquid. This happens because Cherry is a berry with a low pectin content.

Exactly sugar thickens the jam or jam, but also gives it the taste of caramel. This taste is not always pleasant and can give a bitter taste. To get rid of excess acid cherries and make really tasty jam, you should use “grandmother’s tricky recipe.”

You can extinguish the acidity of cherries with regular baking soda. As a result, less sugar goes into the jam and it does not taste bitter. “Jam with soda” turns out to be light, but has a slightly unusual purple tint.

Cherry jam with soda, original preparation

You will need:

  • Pitted cherries – 1 kilo
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 kilo
  • Soda - a large pinch
  • Cinnamon - to taste


  • Cherry follows pit in the usual way. There are often worms in cherries, but this does not spoil the berries at all. Just soak it in cold water for half an hour. After this, place in a colander and dry.
  • Dried cherries should be put into a blender and grind until smooth. Place the mixture in an enamel saucepan on the fire and cook until evaporated for about half an hour.
  • Add soda to the cherry mixture. You will notice how an unusual green foam forms on the surface. No need to remove it. Just stir the mixture.
  • Add sugar and again mix the jam thoroughly so that it completely dissolves and does not have the opportunity to burn. This kind of cooking must continue approximately 25 minutes. All this time, you should thoroughly stir the mass to the desired consistency.
  • Five minutes before the end of cooking the jam, you can add cinnamon. It can be one stick, or it can be powder (half a teaspoon). If you put a stick in, it comes out after cooking.

Video: “Cherry jam with soda, an unusual recipe”

Cherry jam with agar-agar, preparation for the winter

Cherries do not have a large supply of pectin and therefore do not “thicken” well in jam or jam. That is why they are trying to add to the mass thickeners, one of which is agar-agar.

Agar-agar is a natural gelatin of plant origin, which is extracted from algae. It differs in that it has fairly strong binding properties, stronger than gelatin.

You will need:

  • Pitted cherries – 1 kilo
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kilo
  • Agar-agar – no more than 5 grams (that’s one and a half teaspoons)

Cherry jam, prepared with agar-agar


  • Cherry pitted
  • Transfer the berry mixture into a cooking pot. Immediately add sugar and start cooking jam. Before boiling - over high heat, after - over moderate heat.
  • After you bring the mixture to a boil, after ten minutes a white foam will appear. Every time you appear you should remove foam.
  • While making jam, you should stir the mixture regularly so that it does not burn due to the large amount of sugar. After ten minutes of cooking, remove the pan from the heat and leave it to cool.
  • Prepare agar-agar for jam: mix five grams of agar-agar with a spoon of sugar. Gradually add it to the mixture, mixing thoroughly.
  • After this, the berry mass should be boiled again and poured hot into sterile dry jars, then rolled up and put away for storage.

Video: “Cherry in jelly for the winter”

Cherry jam: recipe with pectin

You can increase the amount of pectin in cherries using artificial pectin. Pectin is a polysaccharide that serves as a “thickening agent.” Jam with pectin turns out thick and has a pleasant rich taste.

You will need:

  • Pitted cherries – 1.5 kilos
  • Granulated sugar - about two full glasses
  • Pectin – a full teaspoon (about 6 grams)

Making cherry jam with pectin


  • The entire amount of cherries follows pit and using a blender, grind into a homogeneous mass. The presence of the berry part is acceptable in the form of small skins.
  • Place the mixture on the fire and boil it until thickened about half an hour. After this, add the entire amount of sugar and continue cooking for ten minutes, actively stirring the jam.
  • Remove the berry mixture from the heat and add pectin. Mix thoroughly. Boil again and roll the hot jam into sterile jars. During storage, the jam will harden and become thick.

To taste, you can add cinnamon, zest or lemon juice to the jam so that the jam takes on a pleasant and unusual shade.

Video: “Why do you need pectin in jam?”

How to make cherry jam with chocolate

A very unusual and original jam recipe will be his cooking with cocoa. The classic combination of cherries and chocolate pleases with its pleasant sweetness and richness. You can make cherry chocolate jam at home.

You will need:

  • Pitted cherry- approximately 800 grams
  • Granulated sugar– 0.6 kilo
  • Cocoa– (powder) 60 grams

Cherry jam with chocolate - a delicious combination of ingredients


  • Peel the cherries, being careful to maintain their integrity. Fold the cherries into the blender jar and grind until smooth and liquid.
  • Get started boiling the mass in an enamel pan, adding sugar. Cook the mixture for about ten minutes after boiling, stirring thoroughly every 30 seconds.
  • Add cocoa to the mixture. It should be added gradually and the mass should be mixed thoroughly. In this case, cocoa will act as a thickener and will be able to give the jam the desired consistency.
  • If the mass turns out to be too thick and it seems to you that it is burning - add water. No more than 100 ml. Bring the mixture to a boil after adding cocoa and remove from heat. Roll up.

Video: “Cherry in chocolate”

Cherry jam with lemon, how to prepare?

The lemon “note” in cherry jam will add aroma and a pleasant flavor to it. You can add either lemon juice or zest to the jam. You only need one citrus.


  • Pitted cherries – 1 kilo
  • Sugar – 1 kilo
  • Lemon – 1 piece

Cherry jam with lemon


  • Peel the cherry in the usual way. You can leave the berries whole, or you can blend them into a homogeneous mass with a blender. Put the mixture on fire.
  • Add to berry mixture zest of one lemon, grate on a fine grater and squeeze out juice of half a lemon. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  • Add sugar and cook the jam until thickened, about ten minutes. After boiling, roll the jam into sterile jars and put away for storage.

Video: “Cherry jam”

Cherry and gooseberry jam, recipe

Gooseberry and cherry jam is often called “Velvet July” for its “warm” and rich taste. The jam turns out sweet and has a pleasant berry sourness.

You will need:

  • Pitted cherries – 1 kilo
  • Gooseberries – 200 grams
  • Sakha – 1 kilo
  • Water - a few spoons


  • Peel the cherries and puree in a blender until smooth. The cherries should be put on fire and boiled, adding half a kilo of sugar. After this, the mass is cooked for about ten minutes and removed to cool.
  • Peeled gooseberries pour into a separate bowl, add sugar and pour in a few tablespoons of water. You should cook gooseberry jam about seven minutes.
  • After this, the mass of gooseberries should be grind through a sieve. Discard the pulp and add the juice to the cherries. The berry mass is boiled again and rolled into jars for storage.

Video: “Cherry and gooseberry jam”

Cherry jam with starch, a simple recipe

Starch- beautiful thickener for cherry jam. It will help the jam acquire a pleasant thick consistency without any aftertaste.

You will need:

  • Pitted cherries – 2 kilos
  • Sugar – 0.7 kilo
  • Lemon – zest and juice of one fruit
  • Starch – 4 tablespoons
  • Vanillin to taste

cherry jam with starch thickener


  • Pitted cherries should be blend with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Into boiling jam add sugar, juice of one lemon and its zest.
  • Mix the jam thoroughly, add starch to it and vanillin (one sachet). Do not stop stirring the mixture until it seems to you that everything has been thoroughly dissolved.
  • Starch will thicken the jam when it will start to cool down. Therefore, it should be rolled into sterile jars while hot.

Video: “Cherry jam. Preparation for the winter"

Cherry apple jam, recipe

Apple- An excellent flavor complement for cherries. It will add sweetness and thickness to the jam. Choose a sweet apple to make cherry-apple jam.

You will need:

  • Pitted cherries – 1 kilo
  • Apple – 0.5 kilo
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 kilo

Cherry jam with apple


  • Peel the cherry in the usual way. The berry pulp should be placed in a saucepan and covered with sugar, leaving it to “let the juice” for a while.
  • The apple should be carefully peeled from seeds and skins. Apple pulp goes to blender, where it is crushed into puree. You can use a regular grater.
  • The apple is mixed with the cherry. The pan is placed on the fire and brought to a boil. The mass should boil about half an hour for excess water to evaporate.
  • Hot jam follows roll into jars. If you want to add cinnamon or lemon zest, this must be done five minutes before boiling.

Video: “Apple and cherry jam”

Cherry jam in a slow cooker: a simple recipe

A multicooker is a modern kitchen appliance that allows any housewife to simplify and speed up the cooking process. It's easy to make cherry jam in a slow cooker.

You will need:

  • Pitted cherries – 1 kilo
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kilo
  • Lemon – 1 piece
  • Vanillin (on the tip of a knife)
  • Gelatin – one sachet (approximately 15-20 grams)


  • Cherry pitted. Place the peeled cherries in a blender bowl and finely chop until smooth and liquid.
  • Transfer the berry mass to the multicooker bowl. Immediately add sugar and start cooking the jam. "Bake" or "Steamer". After boiling, the jam should boil for at least twenty minutes.
  • While the jam is being prepared in the slow cooker, prepare gelatin: Fill the bag with half a glass of cold water and leave for ten minutes. After this, melt in a steam bath.
  • Pour in gelatin in a thin stream into the berry mass, mixing thoroughly. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon there and add a little vanilla.
  • Wait until the mixture boils again and turn off the mode. Prepare jars for sterilization. Roll up the jam and put it away for storage.

Video: “Cherry jam in a bread machine”

Cherries are famous for their antioxidant anthocyanin. Actually, it is he who gives it its red-burgundy color. Cherries, fresh and canned, are useful for gout, problems of the cardiovascular system, and can also reduce cholesterol levels. Cherry jam is especially recommended in winter - it is an excellent way to prevent colds, activates the immune system and improves blood formation.

Cherry jam - preparing dishes

To cook cherry jam, use only enamel pans and bowls. And you only need to cover the jam with varnished lids. Otherwise, the color of the product may change. Any dishes, be it pots or jars, must first be cleaned with soda and then sterilized.

Cherry jam - fruit preparation

Cherries, like cherries for that matter, must ripen on the tree - this will allow them to retain their incomparable taste. Cherries that will be intended for canning must be picked with their stalks. If you pick just the berries, juice may leak out of them, and such fruits will spoil much faster. And just before cooking, the berries are sorted, separated from the stalks and washed.

Cherry jam - recipe 1

You can make delicious cherry jam with gooseberries. What you need is a kilogram of cherries, 1.1 kilograms of sugar, 150 grams of water and gooseberry juice. If necessary, all ingredients must be increased proportionally.

The cooking method is as follows:

1. Washed cherries should be pitted, for which you can use toothpicks or a special device. After which the berries must be passed through a meat grinder with a grid with a hole diameter of 2.5 millimeters.
2. Chopped cherries should be placed in an enamel basin and water should be added at the rate of 150 grams per kilogram of fruit. The cherries and water must be boiled on low gas.
3. After this, sugar is added (for every kilogram of cherry fruit, 1.1 kilograms of sugar is taken), and the mass is boiled until tender. It is important to prevent the jam from burning by constantly stirring the jam.
4. At the very end of cooking the jam, you need to add pre-squeezed gooseberry juice (150 grams of juice will be required per kilogram of cherry fruit).
5. While still boiling, the jam must be poured into hot, dry jars and covered with varnished lids. Then seal it hermetically and, turning the jars upside down, leave to cool.

Cherry jam - recipe 2

Cherry jam also harmonizes perfectly with red currants. The method for preparing this jam is similar to the previous recipe. Only at the end, instead of gooseberry juice, you should add currants. As for the ingredients, you will need a kilogram of cherries, half a kilogram of red currants and 0.75 kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare red currants, you need to sort them, remove the branches and stalks, wash the berries and grind them in a meat grinder.
2. The currants passed through a meat grinder are placed in an enamel basin and approximately 100-150 grams of water per kilogram of currants are added. This mass should be boiled until thickened.
3. Boiled cherries, as described above, are mixed with thickened currants, sugar is added and boiled again until the jam is ready.
4. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed with varnished lids. After hermetically sealing, the jars are turned upside down and covered with a blanket to cool evenly.

Cherry jam - recipe 3

Since cherries have low gelling properties, when preparing jam you need to add other berries to obtain a dense consistency. But you can also use gelatin. Here is a recipe for cherry jam with gelatin. To prepare it you will need a kilogram of pitted cherries, 0.9 kilograms of sugar, half a liter of water and 5 g of gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. First, you need to boil the sugar syrup and add pre-dissolved gelatin (use cold water for this) and pitted cherries into the still hot syrup.
2. Boil cherries in syrup over moderate heat, constantly skimming off any foam that appears.
3. When the mass acquires the consistency of jam, it is necessary to cool it slightly and then put it into sterilized jars.

Cherry jam - recipe 4

You can also make cherry jam with lemon juice. This recipe requires a kilogram of cherries and a kilogram of sugar, as well as a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. Cherries should be sorted, stems separated, washed and pitted.
2. In an enamel bowl, the fruits must be covered with sugar. And let the berries stand for an hour so that they release juice.
3. After this, the cherries need to be cooked for 30-40 minutes over low heat, remembering to constantly stir the mass.
4. Any foam that appears must be removed periodically.
5. Lemon juice should be added when the jam thickens. After this, the mass needs to be mixed thoroughly. Boil for a few more minutes and remove the jam from the heat.
6. Mix the prepared jam well again and place it in sterilized jars.
7. The jars are closed with lids, wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely. The jam prepared according to this recipe has a thick and rich color. Cherry jam is prepared without seeds. Meanwhile, every housewife knows that cherry jam with pits has a slightly better taste and aroma. To give cherry jam an incomparable aroma, pour the extracted pits with water (so that the water barely covers the pits). Boil them over a fire, strain and use the resulting broth in making jam instead of water.

All sweet tooth lovers can easily list the most popular treats, such as cakes, pastries, Turkish delight and other culinary delights. Cherry confiture can also be included in this list. This wonderful dessert not only has a special taste, but is also healthy. After all, in this treat you can find all the beneficial substances found in cherries, which are rightfully considered a storehouse of iron and vitamins. It’s good to know how to prepare it, and therefore we offer a recipe for making the dessert.

A little history

Cherry confiture is considered one of the varieties of jam or preserves. This word comes from the French word "confiture", which means "to boil in sugar". However, it is believed that the origin of the dessert comes from Eastern Europe (Hungary, Bulgaria, and so on). In these parts, in the 17th century, a girl of marriageable age had to have the ability to cook different types of such treats.

Confiture is traditionally a very thick jelly with small pieces of fruit or whole berries. In France, it was originally made from quinces, apricots and apples; later culinary masters began to add currant or cherry juice, which gave the dessert a special aroma and taste. Vanillin, citric acid, gelatin, starch and other thickeners also gradually became permanent ingredients of the treat.

Manufacturing technology

Cherry confiture has a special delicate taste, but in order to get a successful result, it is better to comply with all the conditions prescribed by the recipe. In order to prepare this treat, you need:

  1. Prepare cherries (1 kg). Wash the berries and remove the seeds.
  2. Cover the prepared raw material with sugar (800 g) and pour over the juice of one lemon. Leave the mixture for a while until the juice comes out.
  3. Boil the cherries for about 10 minutes, cool and separate the syrup from the berries.
  4. Cut two apples into small slices and place in cherry syrup. Cook the fruit until the volume of liquid is reduced by half.
  5. Add cooked cherries to the mixture and puree everything using a blender. Put the cherry confiture back on the fire (for about 10 minutes).
  6. Place the hot mass into a glass container and seal.

Another recipe

It might be interesting to know how to make cherry confiture with chocolate and almonds. To prepare it, you need to proceed as follows:

In this way, you can prepare cherry confiture for the winter if you roll it immediately into a sterilized container. This dessert is very tasty and very healthy, since the technology for making this treat will allow you to preserve all the beneficial qualities of the ingredients almost in their original form.