We are preparing festive dishes for the New Year's table. Preparing festive dishes for the New Year's table Ideas for dishes for the New Year

The Year of the Dog promises to be interesting. Moreover, it will be able to provide a calm and peaceful life for those people who love to work. If you decide to celebrate 2018 with dignity, then take care of the holiday menu in advance. Think about how the dishes will be placed and what decorative elements will be used to decorate the New Year's feast. In this article we will tell you about what to cook for the New Year 2018. Here you will find many interesting dishes that will decorate the table and delight you with their taste.

What drinks and dishes to decorate the New Year's table with?

Before revealing to you the recipes for dishes for the New Year's table, it is necessary to say that the mistress of the year will not tolerate unnecessary idleness and brightness. To please her, place on the table:

  • hearty dishes,
  • delicious dishes,
  • vegetable and meat dishes.

Drinks on the table do not have to be all alcoholic. In this case, wine is an ideal option, as well as unusual teas and coffee. In general, the Dog is not picky. It follows from this that you can prepare completely different dishes and treat guests with a variety of drinks.

On a note! Guests can be treated to barbecue or steaks. Other popular meat dishes are also welcome. The children's New Year's menu should consist of dishes that have been stewed in the oven or steamed.

For dessert, pastries with nuts and chocolate, as well as berry salads are served.

What foods does the Yellow Dog like?

The dog is a predator. Therefore, she will, of course, like meat. Be sure to prepare a wide variety of meat dishes for the New Year's table. And for people who do not eat pork and beef, you can prepare fish or poultry dishes.

The Yellow Earth Dog will be able to appreciate it if the holiday menu contains vegetables that are brown or yellow. And such vegetables are potatoes and peppers. Also on the New Year's table can be nuts and mushrooms.

Of course, there should be bread on the holiday table. It will be good if you cook it with spices and garlic. Sandwiches with red caviar would also be appropriate in this case. Next, you can find out recipes for New Year's dishes that you will definitely want to cook.

New Year's menu 2018

There are a huge number of New Year's menu options. However, each menu includes the following dishes:

Cold appetizers. This could be the “Christmas Balls” appetizer, New Year’s tartlets, canapés with boiled pork and cucumbers, cheese and ham rolls, eggs stuffed with red caviar, “Festive Assorted” canapés, turkey boiled pork and other snacks.

Hot appetizers. It can be French meat, rolls with pineapple and pork, Spanish rabbit, beef in pots, baked trout, stewed lamb with vegetables, tobacco chicken and others.

An unusual and bright tomato salad.

You now know what New Year's dishes 2018 should be. Now we will list the recipes for these dishes. The first salad recipe is incredibly simple. And if you can cook it, then your table will become even more festive. To prepare the salad, prepare:

  • Small size tomatoes (according to the number of guests);
  • Chicken eggs 4 pieces;
  • Hard cheese 100 grams;
  • Greens for decoration and mayonnaise.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the chicken eggs until cooked.
  2. Then cut the clean tomatoes. The core is removed from each half.
  3. Grate the eggs on a coarse grater. But for cheese, use small ones. Mix everything. After which, mayonnaise is added to the mixture, as well as spices (pepper and salt).
  4. Tomatoes are filled with this mixture, and a sprig of parsley is used on top as a decoration.

Meat balls.

If you want to know what to cook for the New Year of the Dog 2018, then pay attention to the following recipe. We wrote that dogs love everything meaty. But if you are bored with traditional dishes, then prepare an original meat dish. This hot dish is very tasty and appetizing. What to prepare the balls you will need:

  • Minced pork and minced beef, 150 grams of each minced meat;
  • One onion and salt and pepper;
  • Chicken yolk;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Puff pastry is easy to make yourself. But it’s more convenient to buy a box.
  2. The minced meat is mixed and one onion is added to it, which is first cut into small pieces.
  3. The dough is rolled out into layers. They are cut into thin strips. They should resemble strings.
  4. Meatballs are formed from minced meat. They should be entangled with threads of dough. Lubricate each ball with yolk.
  5. Sunflower oil is poured onto a baking sheet. It is heated and laid out in “balls”. It is necessary to fry until fully cooked.
  6. For a side dish, boil buckwheat porridge.

Boneless kebab.

In this publication we list for you new New Year's dishes that you can prepare with great pleasure. It is worth noting that this kebab can be made quickly. And it will look very original. To prepare the dish take:

  • Minced pork and minced beef in the amount of 200 grams;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Skewers and puff pastry without yeast.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, they are soaked in water. The minced meat is mixed and pepper and salt are added to taste.
  2. The dough is rolled out and cut into thin “strands”.
  3. Small meatballs are formed from minced meat. Place a few meatballs on a skewer. And entangle with strings of dough.
  4. Place the skewers with meat on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature should be 200 degrees.
  5. The dish is served with boiled potatoes.

Hot appetizer - “Bear's Paw”.

To prepare this snack you will need mashed potatoes and meat. But let's describe all the ingredients in detail. So take:

  • Pork meat 300 grams;
  • Hard cheese 100 grams;
  • Chicken eggs 3 pieces;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic, onions;
  • One and a half kg of potatoes;
  • Vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. The cooking process is important in this appetizer. Cut the pork into equal pieces. Then try to beat each piece carefully. Rub the meat with salt and garlic, as well as pepper.
  2. Grate the peeled potatoes. Finely chopped onion is added to it. Raw chicken eggs are also added and everything is mixed well.
  3. It is necessary to form cakes from potatoes. Each of these flatbreads contains a piece of pork that has been beaten. Bring the edges of the tortilla together to hide the meat.
  4. These flatbreads are fried on both sides in vegetable oil.
  5. The appetizer can be served hot or cold.

The trout is tender.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of what you can cook for the New Year 2018, then remember that fish is also an important dish. Trout goes well with seasonings such as thyme. You can also use tarragon. Use the following ingredients for preparation:

  • A kilogram of fresh trout;
  • A kilogram of potatoes;
  • Sour cream 500 grams;
  • Chicken eggs 3 pieces;
  • Half a lemon and 3 onions;
  • Any greens to taste;
  • Salt, pepper, and vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. A whole fish or just pieces can be used for cooking. But the whole fish is first gutted and cut into pieces. Then the fish is marinated. Use lemon juice to pour over the fish. Then sprinkle with pepper, as well as salt and more finely chopped thyme. The fish should marinate for half an hour.
  2. The potatoes are peeled. It is cut into slices and salted. Then sprinkle lightly with vegetable oil. Everything mixes well.
  3. Place foil on a baking sheet. The fish is placed alternately on the foil in pieces, then a layer of potatoes. Preheat the oven to 1802 degrees and place the fish baking tray for 20 minutes.
  4. Prepare the sauce. Beat the eggs until foamy. Then add sour cream and salt and pepper. When you remove the pan from the oven, pour this sauce over the fish. Then place back in the oven. And increase the temperature to 200 degrees. Bake for another 20 minutes.
  5. Prepare a large round plate and place the finished dish in it. Garnish it with lettuce leaves. Sprigs of dill and parsley are also used for decoration.

An independent potato dish - Garten.

Vegetarians will definitely appreciate this dish. The main component of the dish is potatoes, which are baked in cream. In addition, other ingredients may be required:

  • The potatoes themselves are 1 kg;
  • Hard cheese 50 grams;
  • Cream 500 grams;
  • Salt, pepper and nutmeg;
  • Garlic 3 cloves.

How to cook:

  1. Potatoes without peel are cut into slices. Everything is placed on a baking sheet.
  2. Salt and pepper.
  3. And add ginger and mashed garlic to the sour cream filling.
  4. Place the baking sheet in the oven for an hour. Potatoes should be baked at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  5. Sprinkle the almost finished potatoes with grated cheese.

Salad called “Crystal Miracle”.

You should definitely try this snack. There is no need to describe its taste. To prepare it you may need:

  • Chicken fillet 200 grams;
  • Chicken eggs 5 pieces;
  • Onion 1 onion.
  • Potatoes 3 pieces;
  • Pickled cucumbers 3 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise for dressing.

How to cook:

  1. You should prepare the jelly. Take 30 grams of gelatin, 3 peppercorns, a clove of garlic, and a bay leaf.
  2. Chicken fillet is boiled in salted water. You need to add garlic, bay leaf and peas to the broth.
  3. When the meat is ready, you need to strain it when the meat is cooked. Then pour gelatin into it and wait for it to swell.
  4. A little broth is poured into a portioned transparent cup. Give him a chance to cool down. The height of the gelatin pillow should be 2 cm.
  5. Boiled potatoes are cut into cubes. It is laid out on a gelatin cushion. Lubricate with mayonnaise.
  6. Then, a layer of cucumbers, which are also cut into small cubes.
  7. After which a layer of chicken fillet is laid, which should be cut into cubes. After which, the layer is greased with mayonnaise.
  8. After that, the eggs are cut and laid in a layer. Grease with mayonnaise again.
  9. Then everything is filled with broth and gelatin. Allow the salad to cool completely, then flip it over for a great crispy appetizer. You can cut it into cubes or serve it as is.

Above in this article we showed you dishes with photos. And in addition to what we have listed, it is worth telling you that you should not forget about desserts and drinks. Also cut up the fruit. In order for the guests to be satisfied with the holiday, and for the Dog to enjoy your feast, you need to set the table correctly, using some rules.

According to the Eastern horoscope, the Dog is responsible for order. Therefore, everything on your table should be perfect. There should be a beautiful setting on the table. For every dish there must be knives and forks. AK is also very important not to forget about the wine glasses.

The dog likes prosperity. Therefore, without hesitation, you can place the most expensive dishes on the table.

The color of yellow should be present in the design of the New Year's table 2018. He will be able to bring some zest and please the eye. In addition, this shade corresponds to the color of the year. Yellow can be dishes, decorative table decorations, as well as the tablecloth itself.

You can complete the table decoration with the symbol of the year, which is recommended to be placed under the decorated Christmas tree.

Preparing for the New Year always causes a whole storm of pleasant troubles and positive emotions. New Year's Eve is a great occasion to meet with family and friends, have fun and, of course, eat delicious food. Housewives are already starting to select simple and tasty recipes for the New Year 2018: we have also prepared recipes with photos so that an atmosphere of celebration and comfort settles on your table and in your home, which will last throughout the next year. Of course, every family has its own traditional holiday food set and “signature” home recipes. These can be your favorite snacks, salads, “crown” fish or aspic, baked poultry or a signature cake. However, it is always possible improve and update the list of dishes by adding something interesting, filling and not very expensive. These are the dishes we chose when putting together the holiday menu for the New Year 2018: what to cook new and interesting in the Year of the Dog - we’ll tell you and show you in the photo right now.

The traditional menu for any holiday consists of several types of dishes of different calorie content:

  • cold appetizers: sandwiches, jellied dishes, rolls, slices, pates, tartlets;
  • : meat, vegetables, seasoned with mayonnaise or vegetable oil;
  • hot dishes: meat, fish, poultry, potatoes;
  • Dessert.

When creating a list of dishes for the New Year's feast, you should focus on the tastes of the guests, and also make sure that the ingredients in the dishes are not repeated. When wondering what to cook for a New Year's party, every housewife dreams of not only feeding, but also surprise and delight your guests with delicious and beautiful dishes. The approximate composition of the New Year's menu for a company of 5-7 people will be as follows:

  • 2-3 snacks;
  • 2-3 salads;
  • 1-2 hot dishes;
  • dessert;
  • sliced ​​meats and vegetables;
  • pastries, bread;
  • mushrooms, pickles;
  • sauces.

Astrologers recommend serving the New Year's table in the Year of the Dog with simple, but satisfying and high-calorie dishes - more meat, vegetables, herbs and delicious salads. Along with traditional aspic dishes, sandwiches and Olivier, it’s worth trying something new.

New Year's table 2018: salads

Light and delicate salads are the first thing we present on the New Year's table when we plan what to cook for the New Year 2018: recipes with photos will help you not only imagine, but also see the whole cooking process.

New Year's salad "Dog"

Salads with the image of the New Year's symbol have already become a good tradition on the holiday menu. In fact, there are a huge number of “winter” salads, as well as ways to serve them in original ways. For example, like this cute and tasty dog you can prepare for the New Year's table.


  • take 3 boiled potatoes;
  • 100 g pickled mushrooms;
  • 5 boiled eggs (chicken);
  • 100 g processed cheese;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 150 g smoked chicken;
  • 100 g mayonnaise;
  • 6 pcs. carnations (for decoration).

Cooking method

  1. Grate the boiled and peeled ingredients onto a coarse grater ( potatoes, carrots, separately whites and yolks). We also grate the cheese and cut the mushrooms and chicken into cubes.
  2. Place half the amount of potatoes on the prepared dish, forming a dog's face.
  3. Lubricate a layer of potatoes with mayonnaise and place chicken on top.
  4. The next layer is part of the protein, and then mushrooms.
  5. Cover with grated cheese on top and season with mayonnaise.
  6. Place carrots and mayonnaise on the cheese.
  7. Top with the remaining potatoes.
  8. We decorate the silhouette of the dog - the middle with yolk and the ears with white.
  9. We line the middle of the muzzle with egg white.
  10. We make the dog’s eyes, eyebrows and nose from mushrooms, the mustache from cloves, and the tongue from a piece of sausage.

We soak the finished salad in the refrigerator and serve it to the New Year's table. This This colorful dish will please both adults and children.. By the way, for kids you can cook it with boiled chicken, homemade mayonnaise and without mushrooms.

New Year's salad with tuna and fresh vegetables

The dog is not a picky animal, it loves both meat and fish, so fish salad on the New Year's table will look very appropriate.
And if you also organize a colorful portioned serving, then there will be no limit to the guests’ compliments. Expensive varieties of fish can be replaced with canned food - for example, tuna.

Prepare the ingredients:

  • fresh cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • Chees Feta;
  • can of tuna;
  • quail eggs;
  • onion greens;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • pepper, salt;
  • for decoration - red caviar and olives.

Cooking method

  1. Cut cucumber, tomato, feta into cubes.
  2. Finely chop the onion greens.
  3. Place the tuna on the bottom of the glass and smooth it out with a fork.
  4. Further 2 quail eggs, cut in half and green onions.
  5. Place cheese on top and add a little salt.
  6. Place cucumbers, tomatoes and onions on the cheese.
  7. Mix for dressing olive oil, lemon juice and black pepper.
  8. Pour the dressing over the salad, garnish with lemon and dill.
  9. You can add olives for beauty, quail egg and red caviar.

Snacks for the New Year's table 2018

New Year's snacks- this is another delicious side of the holiday, for the sake of which you want the New Year to never end.

Snack “Christmas trees on crackers”

This wonderful appetizer will decorate your holiday table and cause a storm of compliments. The ingredients in the snack are simple and healthy.

  • 200 g crackers;
  • 20 g red caviar;
  • 150 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 bunch of spinach;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • salt.
  1. Wash and dry the spinach. Tear it into pieces and put it in a blender bowl.
  2. Add cottage cheese, mayonnaise and salt. Beat the ingredients until smooth and creamy. If the mixture turns out thick, dilute it with milk.
  3. Place the filling in a pastry syringe and carefully squeeze it onto the crackers.
  4. Decorating our curd-spinach Christmas tree using red caviar. On top is a star made of powder for Easter cakes.

Stuffed crab sticks are perhaps the best thing you can come up with from this product.

Prepare the ingredients

  • Lettuce leaves
  • 11-12 crab sticks
  • 2 quail eggs
  • 50 g cheese
  • 3 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • Bunch of greenery
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • Salt pepper.

  1. Unwrap crab sticks and lay it on the wrong side.
  2. Grate cheese and egg, chop the garlic and stir.
  3. Season the ingredients with mayonnaise, season with herbs and spices.
  4. Place the filling on each crab stick and wrap it in a roll.
  5. Cut each stuffed stick in half and place on lettuce leaves.

Hot appetizer: canapes with prunes and bacon

Another hearty appetizer for the New Year's table. It consists of healthy and tasty ingredients, besides you will get 3 different snacks at once.

  • 100 g parmesan;
  • 100 g mozzarella;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 6 pieces of prunes;
  • 6 pieces of Brussels sprouts;
  • 8 strips of bacon.

On the eve of the New Year, housewives have a lot of reasons for headaches. You need to buy gifts for family and friends. Think over the holiday menu. Set the New Year's table. Choose an outfit. Take care of your hair... And it is also advisable to do all this in accordance with the tastes of the new mascot - in this case, the Yellow Earth Dog. Well, we’ll talk about gifts and outfits another time, but today we’ll talk about what to cook for the New Year of the Dog 2018 and how to organize a feast so that the guests are well-fed, the oriental hostess is happy, and you don’t get knocked off your feet, scurrying between kitchen and living room 5 minutes before the chimes strike.

What to put on the New Year's table 2018

It is not difficult to please the yellow guest. A simple-minded Dog, prone to traditional values ​​and simplicity, will not require venison on skewers, fried seal flank, or other culinary delights from you. Most likely, she will not appreciate the less exotic consommé or squid with mushrooms. It’s easier to please an earthy dog ​​by putting a piece of meat on the table, and a bigger one: a whole leg of lamb, a shank, a hefty piece of beef with prunes and spices...

If you don't like meat, cook poultry. Your dog will appreciate it too. But it’s better - the whole carcass, it’s more appetizing, more impressive, and completely in the spirit of tradition.

The four-legged mistress of the year respects fish less, but on occasion she is not averse to feasting on it. Jellied pike perch, salmon rolls, trout steaks on a bed of vegetables will go with a bang, as long as it all looks attractive and smells seductive.

Also, be sure to take care of the cut meats. Moreover, the more components it contains, the better: let your guest’s eyes sparkle and her mouth water at the sight of ham, boiled pork, basturma, jamon, dried chicken breast, smoked and boiled sausage, laid out on a dish in neat fans and decorated with bright greens.

The most well-mannered dog cannot resist meat

The dog loves abundance and hates hoarding, so it is advisable to organize a table that breaks under the weight of the dishes placed on it. Doing this with meat dishes alone will be difficult, expensive, and unhealthy, so be bold in using a variety of side dishes and salads. Fortunately, they don’t have to buy expensive products - the unpretentious Dog will be quite satisfied with mashed or country-style potatoes, the traditional Olivier, herring under a fur coat.

Use yellow and orange colors more widely. Place an appetizer of chopped vegetables on a flat plate, among which yellow bell pepper will occupy the dominant place; feel free to use carrots as a decoration for hot dishes, place a bowl of pickled squash on the table... A side dish of pumpkin or corn salad will be an excellent bright touch.

Finally, take care of dessert. Here it is worth focusing on treats made from cottage cheese and milk, which the Dog will like, and on a colorful assortment of fruits. Two or three types of apples - red-sided, yellow and greenish - will help create a feeling of abundance, tangerines will play the role of bright color spots that attract attention, and grapes, bananas and large pomegranates will create a feeling of abundance.

The choice of drinks is entirely at the discretion of the owners. The main thing is that at the table there is something to quench the thirst of both adults, children, and convinced teetotalers.

Treats for the Yellow Dog: what exactly is best to cook

Salads. They should be simple, without frills or exotic ingredients. And above all, give preference to dishes with meat components and yellow vegetables. Suitable for you:

  • merchant salad with pork;
  • capercaillie nest with beef and quail eggs;
  • layered salad with ham and mushrooms;
  • Caesar with chicken;
  • string bag with tongue;
  • crab salad...

...and just any colorful mash-up of your favorite vegetables, herbs and spices.

The brighter and more varied the salad, the more the Yellow guest will like it

Hot. If your financial situation and your culinary skills allow, throw the Dog a bone! Baked shoulder or brisket, ribs, chicken legs and drumsticks should be on the New Year's table. Well, if none of the above appeals to you, turn your attention to fish dishes. What the Dog will like:

  • Veprsova Zhebirka - breathtakingly juicy and tasty ribs in a honey-mustard marinade in Czech style;
  • Bavarian pork feet;
  • brisket roll;
  • royal kebab;
  • chicken stuffed with oranges (Dog's favorite color is orange);
  • meat in pots;
  • bacon crusted gefilte fish;
  • Japanese gyoza dumplings with duck and ginger (a big plus - they can be prepared in advance);
  • Originally served hot dogs – “hot dogs”.

Shish kebab is good both outdoors and at the festive table

Snacks. Here again meat comes first. But if the beloved delicacy of the yellow guest is not in honor in your family, use mushrooms, eggs, cheese and similar appetizing foods. Pay attention to:

  • lavash tubes stuffed with feta cheese and herbs;
  • Italian tomatoes with garlic, mayonnaise and cheese;
  • canapes of bread, ham, purple onions, olives, cheese and whatever you want;
  • champignons stuffed with chicken and cheese;
  • tongue aspic and jellied meat;
  • eggplant rolls with nuts;
  • tartlets with any filling;
  • halves of baked potatoes stuffed with salmon and cottage cheese.

There are countless options for fillings for holiday rolls.

Side dishes. Enough has been said about them today, so we’ll simply list the most, in our opinion, suitable dishes for meeting the Yellow Dog:

  • carrots in a spicy marinade with orange, lemon and coriander - ideal for meat;
  • fried zucchini with cherry tomatoes;
  • cauliflower in batter;
  • Idaho potatoes - an original variation on the theme of French fries;
  • side dish of pumpkin baked with garlic, cheese and nutmeg.

Yellow, crispy, healthy - just what you need!

Beverages. It seems that there is no point in recommending that you buy champagne, this or that wine, or something stronger for the New Year’s table: you can figure it out perfectly yourself, focusing on the tastes of the company that you plan to gather at your place that night. But if you want to surprise your guests with dog-themed cocktails, mix for them:

  • "Salty dog";
  • "Red dog";
  • "Black Dog"
  • "Stray Dog";
  • "Dog six."

Well, for those who do not accept alcohol, prepare mineral water, juices, fruit drinks and soda.

Make sure there is a drink for everyone's taste

Dessert. What would be so original to surprise both the eaters and the Dog? May be…

  • German Cold Dog Pie with cookies, coconut oil and cocoa;
  • sour cream with yellow bananas;
  • curd soufflé with chocolate chips;
  • milk jelly with fruits;
  • peach parfait;
  • homemade ice cream;
  • candied orange and lemon peels?

Abundance on the New Year's table will attract wealth to the home

But form the fruit table according to your wishes. The main thing is that it is varied, cheerful and full of bright yellow-orange spots of tangerines - the most New Year's fruit.

Three important prohibitions

We, of course, do not live in Korea, so we are not in danger of miscalculating and accidentally serving guests a dish made from the main symbol of the year. However, astrologers warn: the furry mascot will react just as negatively to all kinds of salads and buns in the shape of dog faces. You are going to, no less, cut into portions and create an image of the new mistress of the year! If you really want to get creative with the shape of your dishes, give them the appearance of a bone, so adored by the Dog, or a kennel. Both fun and safe.

In addition, you cannot cook horse meat for the New Year of the Dog 2018. For some reason, the peaceful pet cannot stand the Horse, so it is better not to organize a meeting for them at the New Year's table. No horse sausage or other exotic delicacies made from horses!

Since vegetarians have not yet been noticed among Dogs, it is safe to say that the beast will not like a completely lenten menu. If you don’t eat meat on principle, put at least a couple of sliced ​​dishes on the table for the meat-eating friends who will probably be in your company. So the principles will not suffer, and the furry patroness will be satisfied.

The recipes are delicious and interesting

And now - the most interesting part. We choose what to treat our guests to on New Year's Eve. Moreover, both real and “virtual” ones, with four legs and covered with yellow fur.

What would you like to treat your dear guest with?

Meat dishes

No, no, no hints of Korean cuisine or dogs! Just juicy, healthy and unusual cutlets with multi-color filling and oriental flavor. For them you will need:
  • minced beef - 550 g;
  • nuts (walnuts, peanuts, cashews) – 50 g;
  • celery - several stalks;
  • large carrots - 1–2 pcs.;
  • green onions - 20 g;
  • garlic - 30 g;
  • corn starch - 20 g;
  • soy sauce - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper;
  • chilli;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • salt - to taste.

The combination of meat, vegetables and nutty notes makes this dish a real culinary masterpiece


  1. Cut the green onions into pieces.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Grind the nuts using a meat grinder or grind them in a mortar. 1–2 tbsp. l. set aside for decoration and add the rest to the mince.
  4. Following the nuts, add green onions, garlic, sugar, spices, starch, 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  5. Salt everything and knead well.
  6. Dilute 2 tbsp in 50 ml of clean water. l. soy sauce, pour in 0.5 tbsp. l. butter and all the honey. Stir until smooth.
  7. Peel the carrots and cut into large strips together with the celery.
  8. Wet your hands with cold water. Take some minced meat and knead it in your palm into an oblong flat cake.
  9. Place a few sticks of celery and carrots in the center of the flatbread and wrap them with minced meat so that you get an oblong patty with the filling protruding from both sides. Do the same procedure with the remaining minced meat.
  10. Place the cutlets in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil and fry on all sides until golden brown.
  11. After 10-15 minutes, when the meat is baked, pour soy-honey sauce into the frying pan, reduce the heat and simmer the dish for another 10-12 minutes.
  12. To serve, place the cutlets on a flat plate with chives or lettuce and sprinkle the nuts set aside for decoration on top.

In Korea, royal oyster mushrooms or daikon radish cut into thin slices are added to celery and carrots.

New Year's meat ball

Do you want to surprise and please your Dog for real? Treat her to a spectacular pork meat ball with cheese filling. You will need:
  • pork fillet - 300 g;
  • chicken fillet - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • champignons - 5–7 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • hard cheese - 80 g;
  • a bunch of cilantro and parsley;
  • Italian herbs;
  • pepper;
  • soy sauce - 2 tl.;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • juice of 1 lemon.

An original dish has a place at a party


  1. Using a whisk, combine soy sauce with lemon juice, mustard and oil.
  2. Arm yourself with a hammer and beat the pork thoroughly, and cut the chicken into finger-thick ribbons.
  3. Sprinkle both types of meat with dry herbs. Pepper and pour the spicy dressing from the first point.
  4. Let the meat brew, and in the meantime, peel and grate the carrots, chop the onions and pass half of the garlic you have through a press.
  5. Carefully remove the caps from the mushrooms and throw them into boiling water for 3-4 minutes, and finely chop the stems.
  6. Lightly fry the vegetables (except the champignon caps) in oil until the onions are golden brown.
  7. Use the press again to pulp the remaining garlic you have and mix it with the finely grated cheese.
  8. Fill the mushroom caps with the fragrant cheese mixture.
  9. Line the bottom of a semicircular bowl with foil and overlap the pork so that the edges hang freely outward.
  10. Place half of the sautéed vegetables on top of the pork.
  11. Distribute mushroom caps “with a surprise” on top.
  12. Cover them with ribbons of previously cut chicken.
  13. And complete the design with another layer of sautéed vegetables.
  14. Fold the free edges of the pork up to form a ball, wrap it tightly in foil and place in an oven preheated to 180°.
  15. After 30 minutes, unwrap the foil, generously sprinkle the ball with cheese and leave it to bake for another 10-15 minutes.


Both the Dog and the eaters sitting at the table will be happy with such a “gift”. You will need:
  • puff pastry packaging;
  • cheese braid;
  • chicken drumsticks - 6 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • onions - 150;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

A gift for each guest


  1. Rinse the drumsticks, pat dry with a paper towel, rub with a mixture of herbs, salt and pepper and marinate in wine for 60–90 minutes.
  2. Peel the potatoes, boil and puree them, adding milk and butter.
  3. Peel and chop the onion.
  4. Chop the mushrooms and then fry them along with the onions (15–20 minutes).
  5. Add onions and mushrooms to mashed potatoes.
  6. Fry chicken drumsticks in vegetable oil. On average, this takes no more than half an hour.
  7. Roll out the dough sheets on a floured surface and cut into 15x15cm squares.
  8. Place 2-3 tbsp in the center of each square. l. puree, place the chicken drumstick vertically on top. Gather the edges of the dough into a bag and carefully tie with twine.
  9. Place the bags on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, grease with oil and place in an oven preheated to 180°. In 20 minutes the treat will be ready. Don't forget to remove the twine and tie the bags with thin strips of braided cheese.

golden duck

This bird, of course, is not golden, but juicy orange oranges, spicy ginger and fresh apples give it a taste so piquant and interesting that by the end of the evening, your duck on the New Year's table 2018 will definitely win the hearts of the guests, and you will be awarded the title of unsurpassed cook.

You will need:

  • duck weighing about 3 kg;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • apples - 1 large or a couple of medium ones;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g;
  • grated ginger - 20 g;
  • lemon jam;
  • chili pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • black pepper;
  • salt.

Yellow fruits and an intoxicating aroma will definitely attract a yellow guest to your home


  1. Arm yourself with a sharp knife and remove excess fat from the duck carcass, then give it a bath in hot water and dry it with a paper towel.
  2. Remove the core and peel from the apple. Grate the pulp on a coarse grater.
  3. Lightly beat the eggs and add a couple of spoons of jam to them.
  4. Combine the fruit pulp with beaten eggs and breadcrumbs. Add chili pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper, salt to taste and mix well.
  5. Rub the prepared duck with a mixture of salt and black pepper, place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and stuff with a spicy mixture of apples, breadcrumbs and eggs.
  6. Secure the hole in the carcass with toothpicks, connect the legs with twine.
  7. Bake the duck for 40–45 minutes in an oven preheated to 200°.
  8. Carefully remove the pan from the oven, drain off any accumulated fat, place quartered oranges around the carcass and pour in 500 ml of water. Return the golden bird to the oven for 30 to 40 minutes.
  9. Finally, spread a thin layer of jam on the duck, pour some orange juice on it and let it stand at the same temperature for another 10-15 minutes.
  10. Place the carcass on a plate, remove the toothpicks and twine, and garnish the duck with orange slices, apple slices and rosemary sprigs.

Meat and fish salads

If you want to save your energy for New Year's fun, feel free to choose this salad. A fun crumble of vegetables and meat is prepared in an elementary manner, looks appetizing, and leaves the most pleasant impressions.

Bright salad

You will need:

  • baked or smoked chicken breast - 500 g;
  • 2 ripe tomatoes;
  • a couple of cucumbers;
  • eggs - 23 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2–3 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Affordable products, easy preparation, excellent results


  1. Boil the eggs, peel, separate the yolks from the whites. Grate both on a fine grater.
  2. Wash the vegetables, peel and cut into small cubes.
  3. Cut the breast as desired.
  4. Chop the greens.
  5. Combine oil with lemon juice and salt. Whisk.
  6. Place chicken breast, cucumbers, egg whites, tomatoes and yolk in layers in a salad bowl.
  7. Pour over the dressing and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

White birch

What could be better for a happy dog ​​than a walk with a loving owner in nature - for example, where birch trees rustle in the wind? Remind your guest about this to put her in a good mood.

You will need:

  • chicken fillet - 350 g;
  • mushrooms - 200 g;
  • cucumbers - 200 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • prunes - 150 g;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

Imagination in design is welcome


  1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, cool and cut into strips across the grain.
  2. Boil the eggs, divide into whites and yolks and grate both on a fine grater.
  3. Peel the onion, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil.
  4. 5 minutes after the start of frying, add thinly sliced ​​mushrooms to the onion. Add some salt.
  5. Cut the prunes steamed in boiling water into cubes. Just don't forget to save 2-3 pieces for decoration!
  6. Slice the cucumber. Yes, that's right, cubes again.
  7. Take a rectangular salad bowl and start sculpting a birch lettuce. Place a thin layer of prunes, mushrooms and onions on it, followed by strips of chicken fillet. Lubricate the meat with mayonnaise for greater tenderness and move on: a layer of yolks, cucumber (add a little salt), whites and a new layer of mayonnaise.
  8. Level the surface of the salad with a spatula and place prunes cut into strips on top of the mayonnaise, imitating strips of birch.


Shouldn't you arrange an excursion for your guest... to the sea? After all, Dogs are very curious, everything new, exotic, and even deliciously smelling of fresh fish will definitely arouse their keen interest! You will need:
  • fresh salmon - 200 g;
  • shrimp - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • tomato;
  • olives - 100 g;
  • half a lemon;
  • sour cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • lettuce leaves for decoration.


Yellow corn decor would also be appropriate
  1. Boil the eggs and chop using a fine grater.
  2. Grate the cheese on it.
  3. Boil the shrimp, peel and cut into smaller pieces.
  4. Mix everything and place on a starfish-shaped dish decorated with lettuce leaves.
  5. Cut the tomatoes and olives into thin slices. Set the olives aside for now, and cover the prepared salad with tomato slices.
  6. Combine sour cream and mayonnaise taken in equal proportions, acidify with a small amount of lemon juice. If necessary, salt and coat your “star” on all sides.
  7. Place salmon, cut into thin slices, overlapping on the salad - it will give the dish the desired color, and at the same time hold it together so that the “star” does not spread ahead of time.
  8. Decorate everything with olives.

Video: Meat salad for the New Year



Homemade foie gras

An exquisite French dessert created in a single apartment from more than budget products?! Why not! You will need:
  • chicken liver - 300 g;
  • yolks - 5 pcs.;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • bulb;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • butter;
  • pepper;
  • nutmeg;
  • salt;
  • cognac - 50 ml.

Homemade foie gras will amaze guests with its delicate taste


  1. Peel the onion and garlic, chop finely and lightly fry in vegetable oil until the onion becomes transparent but does not darken.
  2. Pour cognac into the pan and let it partially evaporate.
  3. Free the liver from films and grind in a blender.
  4. Combine the resulting minced meat with onions and garlic poached in cognac, milk, yolks, flour, spices and salt.
  5. After thoroughly mixing, place the liver mass into molds, place on a baking sheet, pour water onto it on your finger, and place in an oven preheated to 180°.
  6. After 1 hour the dish will be almost ready. Pour melted butter over the foie gras, cool and store in the refrigerator.
  7. As soon as the improvised foie gras has completely hardened, remove the appetizer from the molds, cut into slices 1 cm thick and arrange beautifully on a platter.

Zucchini Pea Pod

For this unusual snack you will need:
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • rice (preferably brown) – 100 g;
  • egg;
  • 50 g each of Dutch cheese and Parmesan;
  • champignons - 4–5 pcs.;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • basil;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

These boats look very impressive


  1. Boil the rice in salted water.
  2. Turn the fillet into minced meat using a blender.
  3. Wash the onions and mushrooms, peel and chop as desired.
  4. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
  5. Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil with salt and pepper.
  6. Combine the minced meat with rice and egg, add salt and pepper, form small balls from the resulting mass and roll in flour. Fry in vegetable oil until nicely golden brown.
  7. Cut the zucchini in half. Armed with a tablespoon, remove the core and seeds, salt and pepper the resulting “boats” and fill them with sautéed vegetables.
  8. Place the meat balls on the vegetables and place the entire composition in the oven, bake at 180°.
  9. After half an hour, sprinkle the almost finished zucchini with the filling with a mixture of cheeses, let it stand for 5 minutes at the same temperature, and remove the dish from the oven.
  10. Serve with fresh herbs.

Side dishes

Brussels sprouts with bacon

For this simple but tasty and healthy dish you will need:
  • Brussels sprouts - 500 g;
  • bacon - 200 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt.

A simple but pleasant dish is perfect for a table served in a rustic style.


  1. Wash and sort the cabbage well. There should be no dry leaves or spots of rot left on it.
  2. Boil the heads of cabbage in salted water for 15–20 minutes and drain in a colander.
  3. While the cabbage is draining, fry the bacon in butter, then combine both ingredients and continue frying for another 10-12 minutes.

Three earthly freshness

We already had Korean cutlets. Let's find them a worthy pair from Asian cuisine. For example, a side dish with the poetic name “Di San Xian” - “Three earthly freshnesses”. Great idea for the New Year's table 2018!

You will need:

  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • medium sized eggplant;
  • bell pepper - half yellow and half red;
  • red hot pepper - 0.5 pods;
  • green onions - 5–6 feathers;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt.

Asian cuisine for a meeting Dogs from the Chinese calendar? Perfect!


  1. Cut the eggplants into cubes, place in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. This is necessary to remove the bitter taste from vegetables.
  2. Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces approximately the same size as the eggplant.
  3. Remove the core with seeds and stalks from the pepper, cut the pulp into pieces.
  4. Chop the green onions into rings.
  5. Chop the hot pepper.
  6. Mix soy sauce with starch and water.
  7. Rinse the eggplants to remove salt and place in a colander to drain.
  8. Pour oil into a thick-bottomed saucepan. Let it warm up properly, throw in the potatoes and fry for 3-5 minutes, stirring continuously with a spatula.
  9. Add eggplant.
  10. After 3 minutes, put both types of peppers in the saucepan - bell and hot.
  11. After another minute - onions and garlic.
  12. Carefully drain the oil, and instead pour soy sauce mixed with water and starch into the vegetables.
  13. In a minute the vegetables will be ready. Place them on a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onions and serve hot.

Desserts and drinks

Cold Dog Cake

Even a novice cook can master this extremely simple German dessert with a strange name. But it tastes no worse than complex store-bought cakes and pastries. Perhaps even better, because you will sculpt a howling sweet masterpiece with all your heart! You will need:
  • 1 tbsp. l. brewed instant coffee;
  • cocoa powder - 40 g;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 250 g;
  • cookies - 350 g.

In the original recipe, this cake is made with coconut oil, but in the absence of it, you can get by with regular butter.

Making such a cake is a couple of trifles.


  1. Melt the butter in a water bath.
  2. Beat eggs with coffee, cocoa powder and sugar.
  3. Continuously whisking the mixture, pour in the oil. It should not be too hot, otherwise the eggs will curdle and you won’t get a uniform consistency.
  4. Line a muffin tin with cling film or foil.
  5. Place a layer of cookies on it, then a layer of chocolate cream, more cookies, and so on until you've finished both.
  6. Refrigerate the cake for at least 2 hours, then remove from the pan and sprinkle with chopped nuts or coconut flakes.

Sugar Pit Cookies

For crispy sweet cookies that perfectly match the theme of the New Year's table, you will need:
  • flour - 300 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • egg;
  • 1.5 tsp. baking powder.

The main eater will definitely like it


  1. Combine and thoroughly knead all ingredients to obtain an elastic shortbread dough.
  2. Divide it into pieces, shape each into a bone and place on a baking tray covered with baking paper.
  3. Bake until the cookies have a nice golden hue.

If desired, mix food coloring into the dough pieces.

Cocktail “Red Dog”

When it’s time for desserts, guests will probably have time to sip on a glass of champagne or a glass of a stronger drink more than once. In order not to lower the temperature, invite them to evaluate a cocktail that is actually dedicated to the new mascot of the year. To do this you will need:

  • ginger ale - 100 ml;
  • whiskey - 60 ml;
  • orange vodka - 15 ml;
  • orange juice - 45 ml;
  • cranberry juice - 45 ml;
  • cherry for decoration.

On New Year's Eve it's not a sin to get a little drunk
  1. Preparation: Pour vodka, whiskey, orange and cranberry juices into a shaker.
  2. Shake and pour into a glass with ice.
  3. Add ale and garnish with a cherry. They drink this cocktail through a straw.

Video: sweet New Year's drinks


Festive table without meat

Although the Dog does not accept vegetarianism, you can always come to an agreement with it. And sometimes even slightly deceive by slipping in a clever imitation of a meat dish. Don't worry, the mistress of the coming year loves funny pranks and will not be offended by you for this little prank!

Vegetarian Recipes


You will need:
  • peas - 400 g;
  • beet juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • coriander - 2. l.;
  • black pepper;
  • nutmeg;
  • salt.

Beetroot juice will give the peas the desired color.


  1. Boil and puree the peas.
  2. Beat beet juice with salt and spices using a blender.
  3. Add the spice mixture to the butter and then combine everything with the pea puree.
  4. Quickly stir the mixture until smooth, transfer it to a large plastic bottle with the neck cut off, compact it properly, cool and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. After a couple of hours, carefully remove the “sausage” from the plastic and cut it into rings.

Blooming potatoes

You will need:
  • potatoes - 4–5 pcs.;
  • cream - 150 ml;
  • rosemary;
  • black pepper;
  • nutmeg;
  • salt.

You can eat delicious food without meat


  1. Peel and cut the potatoes. You want very thin slices, so don't try to do this with a knife - use the thin, long slot on the side of a grater or a potato peeler.
  2. Take a round baking dish, grease it with oil and place potato slices on the bottom in a spiral, overlapping, from the center to the edge of the dish. As a result of these manipulations, your composition should vaguely resemble a flower.
  3. Add salt and spices to the cream, whisk and pour over the potatoes.
  4. Sprinkle the dish with rosemary, cover with foil and place in the oven, bake at 200° for 20–25 minutes.
  5. 5 minutes before cooking, remove the foil and let the potatoes brown.

Video: vegetarian ice cream


A little about serving

In the Year of the Dog, everything should be simple, relaxed and fun. This is not the time for crispy starched tablecloths and perfectly folded envelopes and napkins! Bet on the rustic style of the New Year's table 2018 - with dishes in pots, linen napkins, wicker vases for sweets and bread, ceramic dishes and bouquets of dried flowers. It will be interesting to look at a patchwork runner thrown across the table, pieces of rough linen under the plates, or handmade crafts.

If you prefer something more sophisticated, show the Dog's respect by setting the table in yellow, gold and warm brown. Dishes with gold rims, a tablecloth with glitter, dark napkins with contrasting embroidery with yellow or golden thread will add just enough chic to your feast so as not to scare away your shaggy guest with excessive pretentiousness.

Don't forget about the figures reminiscent of the symbol of the New Year. Figurines, soft toys, postcards with the image of a Dog - there should be plenty of all this.

Photo gallery: table setting options for meeting the Earth Dog

Photo gallery: ways to decorate holiday dishes 2018

The only thing that is truly important in the Year of the Dog is company and a cheerful mood. It is not so important what color the tablecloth will be on your table, as who will sit at it. Surround yourself with loved ones and friends, prepare records with rhythmic music for dancing, think about entertainment that is interesting for everyone. You can meet the four-legged patroness both in the palace and in the forest around the fire, as long as it is fun, with sincere smiles and joyful laughter. Then she definitely won’t pass by your friendly company.

Many housewives try to prepare dishes for the New Year's table that would correspond to the symbol of the New Year 2018 - the yellow earthen Dog.

Especially for them, we have put together a wonderful New Year's menu for 2018. We will also share some tips on how best to decorate the table for the New Year holiday.

What's the best way to cook for New Year 2018?

What must be on the New Year's table in 2018

In 2018, meat should dominate the New Year's table. These can be any dishes containing it:

  • cutting smoked meats;
  • winter barbecue;
  • French Olivier;
  • chicken with garnish;
  • smokey with chicken;
  • meat salads.

Don't forget for the canned mushrooms and annual sandwiches with white loaf and red fish.

The 2018 menu will appeal most to the entire manly half of humanity. But for her fair half, it is advisable to cook something easier so that she remains that way.

Menu for the Year of the Yellow Dog in New Year 2018

You need to approach the preparation of the New Year's menu very carefully, because if you include unfamiliar dishes in it, then there may be no time left to redo it. But do not forget that all types of dishes should be on the table, at least one option: hot dishes, cold appetizers, meat and vegetable salads, side dishes, children's and strong drinks. Here's what exactly you can prepare for the 2018 New Year's table by type of dish.

Main dishes: potatoes (with vegetables, in a baking sleeve), pork ribs in sweet and sour marinade, stuffed pig in the oven, chicken wings, chicken with garnish.

Hot appetizers: cheese croquettes, appetizer of chicken fillet in bacon, fried pumpkin with garlic, sausages in bacon, shrimp in a crispy cheese crust.

Cold appetizers: canapés for the festive table, pita bread appetizer, Italian-style tomatoes, Casanova tartlets, sandwiches with sprats, “Obzhorka” salad.

Unlike the Rooster, the Dog does not give preference to any of the drinks, so you can put traditional strong drinks and compotes on the table.

You shouldn’t pay much attention to dessert in the New Year 2018. Scatter assorted sweets into the vases, and perhaps prepare some fluffy cakes.

New Year's salad recipes: 2 simple options

You can find the recipe for any of the salads on specialized websites, the main thing is to know the name. We suggest you consider the following options: “Crab sticks salad with beans”, “Emerald scattering”, “Olivier salad with meat and tongue”, “Royal salad”, “Dietary herring under a fur coat”, “Salad with prunes”.

Salad "Fairy Tale"

Ingredients: chicken fillet, mushrooms, 2 onions, 200 grams of nuts, vegetable oil and mayonnaise.

Preparation: Boil the fillet and cut into pieces, fry the mushrooms in oil, roll out the nuts and mix everything with mayonnaise.

Salad “Russian Beauty”

Need to: a couple of cucumbers, a couple of tomatoes, 100 gr. cheese, 250 gr. ham, garlic, mayonnaise and dill.

Cooking: the cheese mode is large, and the tomatoes and cucumbers are fine, the ham should be cut into strips, mix everything with mayonnaise, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and dill.

How best to set the table for the New Year 2018

The symbol of the New Year 2018 suggests that the table setting should consist of yellow. It is best that most of the devices are gold. It is clear that not everyone has the opportunity to use cutlery made from real precious metal, so imitation is enough.

The tablecloth must be white, as this color goes best with golden shades. Of course, a simple white tablecloth will look quite simple, so it is better to have beautiful patterns on it.

Perhaps you can get a set with plates with a gold border, that would be great. Golden candlesticks in the middle of the table will look stunning. It is better to take white napkins, or in extreme cases, with a yellow or brown pattern.

New Year's dishes for vegetarians

Think about delicious vegetarian dishes in advance if your guests include guests who do not eat meat.

Vegetarian lasagna with vegetables

You will need: pita bread or puff pastry, bell peppers and carrots, a little tomato paste, olives, sunflower oil, hard cheese.

Spices: Bechamel sauce, pepper, coriander, sugar, salt.

Preparation: first fry all the spices in sunflower oil. Add carrots and peppers and fry some more. After 3 minutes, add the paste and bring to a boil. Turn it off at the moment when the vegetables are slightly undercooked. Cover with a lid and let it brew.

Meanwhile, put the dough in a baking tray, alternate the filling + grated cheese 5-6 times, and our lasagna is ready for baking. After 50 minutes in the oven at 175 degrees, you can take it out.

Well, housewives and owners - it’s time to prepare for the upcoming holidays. Do you know what to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019? Do you know what will be on your New Year's table, have you come up with something new and interesting, have you already compiled a menu for the New Year?

Oh no, you are in search of the best, new and something interesting - not for everyone. Do you want all your guests to be surprised and envious of your skill and intelligence?

Then, you are on the right track - you did the right thing by stopping by to see me. I’ll tell you a secret - I’ll tell the whole world the whole truth and show you how to cook something delicious. And so as not to rack your brains in vain, I have selected new New Year’s recipes with photos for you.

This salad in the shape of a pig’s face would be appropriate on the New Year’s table.

What dishes to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019

Time is quickly running out. And now the new year 2019 is just around the corner. The symbol of the coming year is the Yellow Earth Pig or Boar, whose element is earth. Our four-legged friends are quite omnivorous, so the variety on the holiday table can be enormous.

But do not forget that these animals do not like foods that are too fatty and hard on the stomach. And no pork!

Sweets with fruits will also not be out of place, especially if the latter have bright, rich colors. Let's try to prepare properly and not make a mistake before the symbol of the year. Then she will not ignore us in the future.

What should be on the New Year's table in the Year of the Pig 2019

As we already know, the choice of dishes is not limited. Therefore, both meat and fish and poultry in any variations can be present on the table. Well, what to cook for the table? – Desserts, salads, cold and hot appetizers - this is just a small list, because the pig is omnivorous. Such a limitless choice will please any gourmet.

Probably every family has its own traditional recipe for the festive table. But there is nothing worse than consistency, you need to change and try new things. And now, more than ever, the time has come for this.

But do not forget that today the year of the Yellow Earthen Pig or Boar is approaching us. And a friendly dog, a faithful Dog, leaves us. For many, the year passed in neutral notes - there was both good and bad.

But you shouldn’t worry in any way - although the Pig is considered an unclean animal, it is still good-natured and friendly! And this means that she will like absolutely everything that we cook and that we put on the festive table.

The boar loves to eat, and so do we, but preferably not too fatty food - you need something light and healthy. A variety of chicken, fish and seafood dishes are perfect. And also be sure to have fruit.

You can’t celebrate New Year’s Eve without traditional salads, appetizers, tartlets or canapés. And like any holiday table there should be pickles - pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms.

Oh, and don’t forget to beautifully decorate your New Year’s table with dishes similar to the hero of this event. A striking example of this is salads in the shape of a muzzle or the whole body of a Pig, piglets made from eggs or something else - express your fantasies.

It will be great if you prepare New Year's salads and snacks in the shape of a pig's head or in the shape of a Christmas tree.

Don't forget about our favorites: , and .

We are creating a New Year's menu - more than 50 “bomb” recipes for the New Year

On New Year's Eve, almost every housewife thinks about the New Year's menu. This rather difficult task is complicated by the desire to combine the abundance of dishes with reasonable costs for their preparation.

The Pig loves scope and luxury, abundance and generosity. Although the Pig can hardly be called a vegetarian, there can be only one restriction - no pork! The hostess of the year will be pleased if there are fruits, vegetables and mushrooms on the table.

Since the symbol of the New Year is determined according to the eastern calendar, then the menu for celebrating it should be appropriate.

Hot dishes:

  1. “Flying chicken” - recipe with chicken,
  2. “Fish in the oven” - a recipe for juicy fish with a side dish,
  3. “Savory ham” - beef recipe,
  4. Baked bird with apples and prunes,
  5. Interesting recipes for hot dishes - more than 20 options from any meat.

New Year's salads:

  1. Salad "A Man's Dream"
  2. Salad "Tongue"
  3. New Year's salad "Blizzard"
  4. Salad bomb “Tsarsky”,
  5. Salads for the New Year - the best selection,
  6. Meat salad “Chimes” - Video.

New Year's snacks:

  1. Lavash rolls,
  2. “Koloboki” with meat
  3. Appetizer "Olivier" in choux pastry,
  4. Baked fish in puff pastry,
  5. Lots of recipes for tartlets and canapés.

What to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019 - Hot dishes for the table

Let's look at several options for hot dishes that will satisfy even the most sophisticated taste. And the hostess will receive well-deserved praise.

"Flying Chicken" ("Dragon Soaring")

For this recipe we will need:

  • One bottle of light beer (any brand of beer will do, but not too strong);
  • Mayonnaise, about 50 - 60 grams;
  • Salt, pepper, curry, garlic to taste. You can use other spices, depending on your preferences;
  • And, in fact, the chicken itself.

Cooking process:

  1. To begin with, the gutted carcass must be thoroughly washed. Then coat the bird with mayonnaise mixed with spices. In this state, it marinates for about 2.5 hours.
  2. Next, we will need a champagne bottle, thoroughly washed (if the carcass is small, you can use a beer bottle). Pour beer into this container, add salt and pepper with chopped garlic.
  3. Place the container in a cold oven and place the prepared chicken on it. Set the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for 60 minutes.
  4. Everything turns out very juicy, even the breast, which often causes problems with its dryness.

"Red fish with garnish"

You can use absolutely any fish (not only red, but also white). The dish turns out very tasty even for an inexperienced cook.

  • Steaks or fish fillets (about 1 kg.),
  • Pepper, dill and salt,
  • Cream, 200 - 250 gr.,
  • 5 medium potatoes.

Cooking method:

  1. Marinate the prepared pieces of fish in cream with spices for about 40 minutes.
  2. At this time, boil the chopped potatoes in salted water, but not until fully cooked (5 - 7 minutes).
  3. Place the marinated fish in a mold or on a baking sheet. Place potatoes around. Excess marinade should be removed.
  4. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35 minutes.
  5. A delicious, tender dish is ready.

"Savory ham"

Meat lovers will appreciate juicy marbled beef with an unforgettable aroma.

We will need:

  • Vegetable oil 40 grams,
  • Beef carbonate - 1-1.5 kilograms,
  • Spices to taste
  • Ginger and rosemary powder, a few cloves of garlic,
  • Mayonnaise and sweet mustard.

How to cook:

  1. We cut the skin of the meat so that we get a beautiful mesh.
  2. Separately mix mayonnaise, garlic, mustard and spices.
  3. Rub the resulting mixture onto the ham and leave for an hour and a half in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour a glass of water into a high baking tray and place the meat there. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about an hour, periodically pouring over the resulting juice.
  5. The dish is ready if no ichor appears at the puncture site.

Poultry baked in the oven with apples and prunes

You can bake chicken, duck or turkey with apples and prunes.

For this you will need:

  • bird carcass,
  • a tablespoon of honey,
  • salt, spices,
  • soy sauce,
  • a couple of apples
  • and five pieces of pitted prunes.


Rub the carcass inside and out with a mixture of salt and spices, put apple slices and prunes inside, coat the top with honey and soy sauce, wrap the wings and legs in foil and place in the oven for thirty minutes at 220 degrees.

Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and leave for another forty minutes.

To roast the turkey, you will need to increase the time. The fragrant smell and golden brown crust will tell you that the dish is ready.

Interesting New Year's recipes for hot dishes

My article presents a wide variety of dishes made from chicken, beef, and fish. And also video recipes - more than 20 options in total -

Salads for the New Year 2019 recipes with photos - here’s what to cook for New Year’s Eve

On the New Year's table, preference is given to light salads. Here every housewife can fully reveal her culinary talent.

Salads with mushrooms will come in handy more than ever in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, because pigs are the best at finding truffles. It is convenient to use tartlets for serving a variety of salads.

Traditional herring under a fur coat can be successfully replaced by herring with mushrooms, for the preparation of which you need to fry onions and pre-soaked and finely chopped dry mushrooms in vegetable oil, cool and combine with finely chopped pieces of herring fillet. You can serve it in tartlets or in a traditional herring bowl.

Various fruit salads, harmoniously combined with champagne, would be appropriate. But I have some new and old traditional New Year's holiday recipes.

Salad “A Man’s Dream”


  • Two or three medium onions,
  • 30 grams of sugar,
  • 150 grams of any hard cheese,
  • About a quarter kilogram of beef,
  • 4 eggs,
  • Vinegar 30 - 40 milliliters,
  • Three tablespoons of sugar, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First, boil the meat with bay leaf and allspice for about 50 minutes. It is worth knowing that meat should be placed in boiling water. In this case, it retains its juiciness.
  2. After cooling, the beef is cut into small cubes.
  3. Marinate the onion half rings in a mixture of vinegar, salt and sugar (you can add a couple of tablespoons of cold water if the marinade is not enough).
  4. Place the meat cubes in a deep salad bowl and lightly coat with mayonnaise, with pickled onions on top.
  5. Rub in a third layer of hard-boiled eggs, also soaked in mayonnaise.
  6. Grated cheese finishes everything off.

For those who are watching their figure and do not want to overeat, you can exclude mayonnaise from the recipe, then the salad will be low in calories, but will still be very filling.

Salad "Tongue"

To prepare such a delicious salad, we need:

  • 350 grams of veal tongue,
  • Two onions and one carrot,
  • Four or five pickled cucumbers,
  • Frying oil and mayonnaise.

It's time to prepare a salad for the New Year:

  1. Boil the tongue. You can check the readiness with a toothpick or skewer (as soon as it is easily pierced, it’s ready). When it cools down, remove the film and cut into strips.
  2. Fry grated carrots and onions in half rings in oil. Then you will need to blot off the excess fat with a paper towel.
  3. Place the tongue on the bottom of the plate, chop the cucumbers on top and cover it all with sautéed vegetables.
  4. Afterwards the ingredients are soaked in mayonnaise. You can decorate with onion feathers and other greens.

Delicious New Year Salad “Blizzard”

We prepared this delight for the first time and you know - it turned out to be very easy to prepare, but how satisfying and tasty - just for our theme.


  • Potatoes 2 medium pieces,
  • Boiled chicken 100 gr.,
  • Champignon mushrooms 200 grams,
  • Canned green peas - 1 can,
  • Eggs 2 pcs.,
  • Pickled cucumbers 2 pcs.,
  • Cheese 100 gr.,
  • Green onions,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Salt and mayonnaise to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel and cut the potatoes as for fries. Fry in oil until golden brown (on all sides).
  2. Next, wash the mushrooms, cut them and fry them.
  3. Boil the eggs and chop them.
  4. Cut the cucumbers into cubes, and the poultry meat into strips.
  5. In a separate bowl, mix the resulting products (except potatoes) with green peas and grated cheese.
  6. Season with mayonnaise and salt to taste.
  7. Place in a salad bowl, and top with potatoes and finely chopped onions.

“Tsarsky” - salad bomb for the festive table

Be sure to prepare this salad. This will be a highlight on the New Year's menu. Guests will immediately pay attention and pester you with questions.

You will need:

  • Carrots 2 medium,
  • Potatoes 3 small,
  • Eggs 3 pcs.,
  • Lightly salted red fish (trout or salmon) 200 grams,
  • Red caviar – 1 jar,
  • Dill – 2 sprigs,
  • Mayonnaise to taste.


  1. Boil vegetables and eggs and finely grate them.
  2. And now layer by layer. First, place the carrots on the foil and spread with mayonnaise.
  3. The second layer is potatoes and again mayonnaise (you can add salt).
  4. The third is eggs and mayonnaise.
  5. Cut the fish fillet into slices and place on top of the dill layers.
  6. Wrap in foil and refrigerate for 3 hours.
  7. Cut into portions, garnish with herbs and top with red caviar.

Salads for the New Year - the most delicious and beautiful - more than 35 recipes

An excellent selection of delicious new and old classic salads that can be modified if desired - what to add or remove:

  1. (though on March 8th, but it will still be interesting)

Video recipe “Meat salad Chimes for the New Year”:

Snacks for the New Year 2019 - here's what to prepare in the Year of the Pig

An integral attribute of any feast will always be various rolls, canapés and tartlets. They go well with strong drinks. And they simply whet the appetite before the main hot dishes.

Don't forget about cheese plates, where cheeses can be served in combination with both fruit and olives.

Not a single New Year would be real without sandwiches with caviar, which have become, along with tangerines and Olivier salad, symbols of this holiday. Moreover, caviar harmonizes perfectly with champagne, without which it is impossible to imagine celebrating the New Year.

Here are a few options that will surprise your guests.

Lavash rolls - cold appetizer recipe

You can fill them with any products you have on hand. The taste will always be pleasant, the main thing is that the ingredients are combined with each other. In this version we will use seafood.

We will need:

  • Lightly salted chum salmon,
  • Several sheets of pita bread,
  • A clove of garlic, salt, dill,
  • Three eggs,
  • Soft cream cheese,
  • Shrimps.

Preparing the snack:

  1. Finely chop boiled eggs, fish and herbs.
  2. Boil and clean the shrimp.
  3. Then mix all the ingredients except the shrimp. Add salt to taste.
  4. Place a third of the filling on the pita bread, with shrimp on top, in random order.
  5. Cover with the next sheet and repeat the steps from the beginning.
  6. After the last layer, roll tightly and cool. Before serving, cut into slices.

Don't neglect snacks with meat. After all, the pig will not refuse him either.

Koloboks with meat, snack recipe for the New Year of the Pig

  • Minced beef 400 gr.
  • Store-bought puff pastry - 1 package,
  • Large onion,
  • Egg and vegetable oil.

How to prepare a meat New Year's appetizer:

  1. Add finely chopped onion and egg yolk to the minced meat. Add some salt and form into small balls.
  2. Cut the dough into strips like noodles. We wrap these strips around the meat so that it is completely covered.
  3. Afterwards, place the koloboks on a baking sheet, brush the top with egg white and place in the oven. Fry at 220 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes.
  4. For decoration, you can pour melted butter and finely chopped herbs with garlic.

Appetizer "Olivier Koloboks for the New Year's table"

The familiar Olivier salad, which we all know, takes part in this recipe in the form of a filling. It looks like small buns with salad - a savory snack.


  • All ingredients for Olivier: pickled cucumber, canned peas, boiled sausage and mayonnaise.
  • For the dough: butter (1 pack), vegetable oil, flour (1 glass), eggs (4 pieces), glass of water, salt.
  • Herbs and spices as desired.


  1. Let's start kneading the choux pastry. Add butter to boiled water.
  2. Add flour gradually stirring.
  3. Cool and add one egg at a time, stirring constantly.
  4. Form dough into balls and place on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 20 degrees. Then reduce to 170 degrees and another 10 minutes.
  5. Cool and cut off the “lid” on top.
  6. Prepare the salad and add grated cheese to it.
  7. Stuff the resulting koloboks without a lid. Decorate with sprigs of dill or celery.

Fish baked in puff pastry will also please the Pig.

Place any fish fillet on a rolled out layer of puff pastry, add salt and pepper, place tomato slices and mozzarella cheese on top, cover with a second layer of pastry.

Connect the edges, brush with egg and place in the oven for thirty to forty minutes at 180 degrees.

When ready, cut into portions. A mold made in the shape of a fish made from dough will look great.

Tartlets and Canapés for the New Year

Separate articles with assemblies of excellent beautiful ones presented in them - from young to old!

Bon appetit!

Video “New Year's snacks - 5 simple ideas”:

Wait, what about tea?! Won't there be dessert?! Well, there is a cake, pie or cookies.

What to cook for New Year 2019 – cake, desserts, cupcakes

I don’t know about you, but it’s our custom to drink tea after every holiday feast. And not just have tea, but with dessert or a piece of cake.

Not so long ago, interesting cakes appeared - cupcakes. Original small cakes for one serving. Such babies, decorated in holiday style, delight all guests.

The basis of such “babies” is cream and dough. You can prepare any dough: biscuit. Shortbread or cupcake. Creams are more often subject to improvisation. Nowadays you can't get by with cream anymore.

And speaking of cake, there is no special New Year’s cake. We invite you to choose according to your taste. For us, for example, the “Honey cake” cake is always a favorite.

And for dessert we whip up ice cream - a real “Ice Cream” or “Tiramisu”. But it was already after the New Year, the next day.

How to decorate the New Year's table?

Earth signs, which include the pig, are characterized by calmness and a love of order. Therefore, when decorating a table, preference should be given to natural, soft tones.

Deep red, light brown or sand colors are ideal for tablecloths and napkins. Naturally, you need to use natural materials. After all, the element of earth is directly related to nature.

You can appease the symbol of the coming year by decorating the table with an animal figurine. Also try baking a cake or cookies in the appropriate shape.

In any case, the New Year is a holiday that gives a great charge of positivity. Now you know what to cook for the New Year of the Pig 2019. I hope these tips and recipes will help you celebrate this fabulous night with dignity.