Blueberries - beneficial properties of the berry of youth. Blueberries - beneficial properties and contraindications


The blueberry is similar in many ways, although in our country it is less popular. Nevertheless, its benefits are enormous for both our health and beauty.

What are the beneficial and medicinal properties of blueberries for health, the benefits of the leaves of the berry for the human body, what are the harms, are there any contraindications for use, how best to prepare and take it? We will tell you everything!

Composition and benefits

Blueberries contain a lot of organic acids, vitamin C and tannins. The fruits contain a large amount of polyphenols that can relax and dilate blood vessels.

Together with probiotics, they relieve inflammation and destroy the microorganisms that cause them. The leaves of the plant are also useful.

The product contains anthocyanin substances, which help fight cancer, various inflammations and bacterial infections.

The aging process slows down. The risk of developing destructive processes in the brain is also reduced.

The berry has choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory properties. With its regular use, the functioning of the stomach and heart, intestines and other gastrointestinal organs improves.

You can improve your metabolism thanks to medicinal decoctions from the leaves and berries of this plant.

This product is useful as a general tonic. with vitamin deficiency, reduced immunity. It also has the following benefits:

Benefits for men, women, children and pregnant women

For men Blueberries are useful because they have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system, ensuring the prevention of impotence, infertility and prostatitis.

For women This is an excellent prevention of anemia, as well as obesity. The berry is low-calorie, so you can eat it without fear of gaining weight.

During pregnancy the berry brings double benefits. The reason is that during this period, a woman’s body needs large quantities of valuable substances, and blueberries allow you to replenish their reserves and ensure the prevention of a number of problems.

But it is important to eat these fruits in moderation to prevent an allergic reaction.

Blueberries are also good for children, especially during periods of seasonal illnesses, it strengthens the immune system and vitality, preventing the baby from catching the virus - all benefits and no harm!

The product also helps strengthen growing bones and improves blood clotting, helping to heal wounds and bleeding.

The program “Live Healthy!” talks about how blueberries are useful for the human body, what the healing properties of the berry are, and how to prepare them correctly:

Which is healthier – fresh or processed?

The highest concentration of substances is, of course, preserved in fresh berries. The beneficial substances and properties of blueberries are also preserved when frozen.

Since blueberries are stored for only a short time, housewives try to preserve their beneficial properties by making jam, marmalade, compote, and jelly from them.

Benefits of drinking fresh juice. Also, many lovers of natural alcoholic beverages use it to prepare wine, liqueurs, and tinctures.

How and when is the best time to eat berries?

If you want to get the maximum amount of substances, eat it fresh during the season when this berry is available on the shelves.

Jams and preserves made from this berry are, of course, delicious, but keep in mind that processing at temperatures above 60 degrees destroys all beneficial substances.

Fresh berries can not only be eaten as an independent dish, but also add it to fruit salads.

Also, do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying fresh juice from these fruits. It is both tasty and healthy - it contains a lot of vitamins and antioxidants.

Cooking recipes

Blueberries are consumed both fresh and cooked.. Jams and preserves are made from it, it is added to cottage cheese products, baked goods, fruit salads, juices, wines and tinctures are made.

There are many recipes for preparing dishes that allow you to preserve the properties of blueberries. Here are some of them.

Berry compote. You need to prepare the blueberries, place them tightly in sterilized containers. Prepare syrup from 400 g of sugar and 600 ml of water, pour this syrup over the berries and close the jars with lids.

Blueberry jam. You will need a kilogram of fruit, a kilogram of sugar and one and a half glasses of water. Sort and wash the berries, put them in a saucepan and pour sugar syrup.

Keep it in it for several hours, then cook until done. Place the jam in jars and seal them.

Berry charlotte. You need to beat the sugar to make foam, combine with flour and mix everything. Then add blueberries, soda and citric acid.

Mix everything again and pour into a pre-oiled mold. Bake in the oven for twenty minutes.

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Potential Harm

Are blueberries healthy and what are the benefits of them, what are the advantages of the berry, we figured it out, now we need to talk about contraindications and possible harm.

Berries can rarely harm the body. But it is important to use them within reasonable limits, since certain substances in the composition, entering the body in excess, can cause intoxication.

Possible nausea and vomiting, general weakness, headaches. and, even taking into account the beneficial properties of blueberries, it is important to consume the berry in moderation, so as not to cause harm, because otherwise the baby may have an allergic reaction, and all the benefits will be negated.

It is also not advisable to eat it if you are taking blood thinners, because the berry can increase its coagulability.

Naturally, Those who are allergic to it should avoid this product. In all other cases, you can safely use this berry, of course, remembering a sense of proportion.

Alternative uses

Blueberries are valuable not only as a food product. It can be used for medicinal purposes as a general strengthening, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory property.

So, pureed berries will not hurt to be consumed by those who suffer from cystitis, enterocolitis.

What are the benefits of blueberry leaves? Based on the leaves, you can prepare a decoction that is useful for heart diseases and anemia. You can also drink it for constipation, as it has a mild laxative effect.

Berry juice is used to cleanse the blood. It is also able to increase the tone of the body, have a calming and diuretic effect.

Used in folk medicine not only the leaves and berries, but also the bark, shoots and roots of blueberries. Based on them, decoctions and compresses are prepared that can be used to treat the skin for frostbite and burns. They will also be useful for those who suffer from excessive sweating of the extremities.

The following recipes are popular among people.

  • Compote to strengthen the body and prevention of cancer. To prepare compote, you need to mash fresh berries and pour water over them, then boil and add sugar.

    This infusion should be drunk throughout the day, like water.

  • Infusion for the treatment of diarrhea. You need to pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of dry leaves of the plant and let it brew. It is recommended to consume before meals.
  • Decoction of leaves and shoots plants to normalize blood pressure and strengthen blood vessels. It is enough to pour boiling water over young branches with leaves, let them brew and consume three times a day.

Blueberries are also used in cosmetology, since the beneficial substances in its composition help preserve beauty and youth.

  • Berry extract is added to various creams and facial serums. Flavonoids provide the skin with protection from free radicals and sun rays, thoroughly cleanse the skin, and whiten it.
  • The extract from it can be used against inflammation and damage to the skin. It has a strengthening and exfoliating effect, helps restore collagen fibers.

In order for the berry to bring maximum benefits, you need to know certain rules for its selection and storage.

To be sure of the naturalness and quality of the berries, It's better to grow it yourself. But not everyone has such an opportunity and desire, so when purchasing, inspect the fruits carefully.

Fruits must be whole and dry, damage and rot are not allowed. Their color should be dark blue, and the whitish coating should be uniform.

Fresh berries do not last long. You can put it in airtight containers and leave it in the refrigerator. It can be stored for up to 14 days

Blueberries are a berry that is better known and appreciated in the north than in the south.

This is understandable: the southern, fertile climate gives its residents a huge variety of fruits and vegetables that can be purchased all year round.

But the northerners are not spoiled with such variety; only the most resistant plants can withstand harsh weather conditions, and imported delicacies are either too expensive or grown in artificial conditions that exclude the abundance of valuable substances in the fruits.

But, despite the paucity of choice, almost all the plants of the northern region are medicinal and have a rich chemical composition that can compensate for the lack of any elements in the diet.

Blueberries are no exception. It is a storehouse of valuable vitamins and minerals, which not only traditional healers and healers know about, but also official medicine recommends.

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It’s worth clarifying right away - blueberries are indeed very similar to blueberries, and in fact are closely related to them, but their taste and composition have significant differences.

Ripe blueberries may seem to some to be too sweet, without that pleasant sourness that is present in blueberries, and also less aromatic. Blueberries are inferior in taste to blueberries, but this does not in any way affect their medicinal properties. value.

Blueberry is a shrub that prefers shaded places with a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil - peat bogs, swampy thickets of coniferous or deciduous trees, the banks of reservoirs.

Just like blueberries, fruiting in an adult plant occurs quite late - after 11-13 years. A blueberry bush lives for about 100 years.

The root system is highly branched, forming a large number of shoots, which makes the shrub look like real thickets.

In cooking, blueberries are an excellent raw material for making jams, confitures, as well as wine and liqueurs.

One of the characteristic features of the dark blue berry is its completely colorless juice, which, by the way, is considered one of the healthiest and most bioactive drinks in the world.

Blueberries are frozen, dried, dried - all three methods of harvesting preserve the beneficial substances of the berries as much as possible, which can subsequently be used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases throughout the calendar year.

During the season, when blueberries are available, it is better to eat them fresh - the benefits will be obvious.

A little history

Today blueberries are among the representatives of the encyclopedia of medicinal plants.

It has been known to mankind since ancient times. Siberians still prepare it using a special ancient method, which will seem quite strange to most contemporaries - the berries, packed in small birch bark boxes, are poured with fish oil and immersed in moss, about the antibacterial properties of which many have heard.

They say that in this form, blueberries do not lose their healing properties and presentation at all.

There are several types of blueberries - swamp blueberry, which is well known in the west and north of Russia, and common blueberry, whose homeland is considered to be North America.

Marsh bushes are low, up to 40 cm, while American bushes reach a height of up to three meters, large, but quite demanding to grow.

Garden varieties of blueberries are usually hybrids with improved characteristics. The berry is large, sweet, productive - it grows almost in clusters, like grapes.

Chemical composition

This is the main wealth of blueberries. It is a record holder for the content of various chemical elements. In short, in addition to almost 90% water, blueberries contain:
vitamins – B group, a lot of C, E, PP, A, K, P;
organic acids - citric, acetic, malic, oxalic, nicotinic, ascorbic;
plant pigments;
fiber, sugar;
compounds of mineral salts;
phosphorus, iron, calcium

In terms of calorie content, blueberries are no different from most berries - approximately 38-40 kilocalories per 100 grams of fresh product. Therefore, it is recommended for all dieters.

Numerous experiments have been conducted with blueberries and their effect on the human body, including by American scientists.

It has been proven that daily consumption of 100 grams of berries is an excellent prevention of senile sclerosis and a guaranteed improvement in brain activity.

In addition, blueberries are indispensable for other problems in the physical and psycho-emotional state of people, as well as for maintaining the normal functioning of all organs and tissues.

1. Improves digestion, promotes increased secretion of gastric juice.

2. Accelerates, breaks down fats and helps to lose excess weight.

3. It has a pronounced sugar-lowering effect and is recommended for everyone suffering from diabetes.

4. Has an antimicrobial effect.

5. Also anti-inflammatory.

6. Helps quickly overcome vitamin deficiency; has long been used as an antiscorbutic remedy.

7. As an immunostimulant, blueberries are prescribed as a general strengthening and preventive remedy against acute respiratory viral infections and other viral and colds.

8.Blueberry juice is the best antioxidant; daily consumption minimizes the occurrence of cancer.. The berry is also a good cancer preventative and a source of antioxidants.

9. Stimulates the regeneration of cells and tissues of the body.

10. Well strengthens the walls of large and small vessels, inhibits the progression of varicose veins.

11.Slows down aging and wear of nerve cells, improves thinking abilities and memory.

12. Provides a complete vitamin and mineral supply to the body.

13. Fresh blueberries help remove toxic substances and heavy metals from the body, neutralize the effects of radioactive radiation - recommended for workers in all hazardous industries.

14. Improves vision, helps fight glaucoma.

15. Raises vitality, relieves nervous tension.

16. Blueberries help normalize blood structure and are prescribed during the postpartum, postoperative, and post-traumatic periods.

A huge number of folk recipes have been developed based on blueberry fruits and leaves that can help defeat most common diseases.

Blueberries - contraindications

Blueberries have a number of specific contraindications and restrictions:

  • during lactation for nursing women;
  • children under one and a half years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with biliary dyskinesia;
  • those who suffer from thrombosis and increased blood clotting;

Blueberries are used for medicinal or culinary purposes - their beneficial properties and contraindications for the body are relevant during the period of fruit harvest. Infusion and fruit drink made from blue fruits are used. Berries have beneficial properties for men, women, and children. For the latter, a contraindication is a large number of fruits eaten at one time.

What blueberries look like

A small forest shrub from the heather family reaches a height of a meter or 30-50 cm, the stem can be creeping. It blooms with small five-toothed flowers, the fruits are juicy, rounded, elongated bluish-purple berries with edible pulp up to 12 mm in size. Blueberry bushes are confused with blueberries; their main difference is the woody stem and larger light-colored berries of the former. Blueberries are slightly sweeter and have purple-red juice that tends to stain your hands.

Where does it grow?

In Russia, the blueberry or blueberry grows in areas from the Arctic to the Caucasus. The further south you go, the more often it is found in wetlands. The shrub is unpretentious and bears fruit well even on poor acidic soils. The creeping variety grows in fires and clearings; there are types of swamp, water and lowbush blueberries. In America, a tree-like variety is grown, which is convenient for harvesting fruits. Cultivated garden blueberries are distinguished by increased berry size, sweeter taste, and early ripening of the plant.

Calorie content of blueberries

The energy value of healthy blueberries is 40 kcal per 100 g of product. This low calorie content is due to the content of sugars and fiber, the minimal content of proteins and fats. The berries contain organic acids, pectins, dyes, tannins, vitamins C, PP, K, A, group B, and essential amino acids. The composition contains magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Regular consumption of fresh fruits brings many benefits, but there are also contraindications for eating berries.

Beneficial features

  • antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect, relief from colds;
  • restoration of the body after illness;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • lowering cholesterol levels, blood pressure;
  • reducing the risk of malignant tumors and cancer;
  • beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improved metabolism;
  • normalization of the pancreas, lowering the acidity of gastric juice during gastritis;
  • lowering blood sugar levels in the treatment of diabetes;
  • removal of radioactive metals, protection of nerve cells from destruction;
  • Relieving eye strain, improving vision;
  • protection against age-related memory changes, increased concentration;
  • losing weight if you are overweight.


Valuable plant steroids and tannins were found in the leaves of the berry. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and reduce high blood pressure. A medicinal decoction of blueberry leaves lowers high fever, normalizes intestinal health, and serves as a means of preventing cancer. Herbal teas on the leaves help relieve constipation, eliminate joint pain, and have a healing effect.


Fresh fruits are useful for older people with pancreatic diseases and vision problems. Fresh blueberry juice or fruit drink lowers blood sugar levels, restores vision, and prevents the development of glaucoma. Other beneficial properties of berries:

  • Magnesium in the composition soothes, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • blueberries contain vitamins K, PP and P, which reduce the risk of developing varicose veins and support blood clotting function;
  • juice protects the body from harmful radioactive radiation and poor ecology.

What are the benefits of blueberries for women?

In addition to its protective properties in case of poor ecology, the effect of preventing the occurrence of vitamin deficiency and the protection of all body systems, the beneficial berry has the following uses in women:

  • masks made from pulp prolong youth, restore collagen fibers, cleanse and whiten the skin;
  • Blueberries are useful for losing weight - they are low in calories, enhance the secretion of gastric juice, the dietary product can be included in desserts or combined with cereals;
  • juice from 300 grams of fresh blueberries can satisfy the daily requirement for vitamins and is considered much more valuable compared to pomegranate;
  • during pregnancy, fruits provide the body with folic acid, ascorbic acid prevents infections, magnesium improves sleep and calms the nervous system;
  • useful microelements in the composition normalize mood swings before menstruation, and during pregnancy they form the child’s neural tube.

Blueberries during breastfeeding

Fruit drink, infusion of leaves, decoction and juice of blueberries are useful during lactation and feeding a newborn baby:

  • natural antioxidants strengthen the immunity of mother and child;
  • helps restore muscle tissue and cope with stretch marks after pregnancy;
  • Vitamin PP ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • iron serves for the prevention and treatment of anemia and is completely absorbed;
  • calms the nerves;
  • pectin helps not to gain extra pounds;
  • Contraindications for use during lactation are a large number of consumed berries, which leads to diarrhea, bloating, and colic in the baby;
  • Fruits should be introduced into the diet gradually - when the baby is three months old, try a few berries and, in the absence of allergies or diathesis, include them in the diet.

Since ancient times, blueberries have been known to man as a wonderful gift of nature and an invaluable source of vitamins. Blueberries grow on a small shrub that belongs to the heather family. Previously, blueberries grew only in the forest, but now people have learned to grow them in the garden. Garden blueberries differ from wild blueberries in that their berries are larger and their bushes are taller than wild blueberries.

The nutritional value

A portion

100 g

Amount per serving

Calories from fat

% Daily value *

Total fat

0.5 g


0 mg


6 mg


51 mg

Total carbohydrates

6.6 g


6.6 g

Alimentary fiber

2.5 g


1 g

Vitamin C

* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BZHU in the product


How to burn 39 kcal?

Beneficial properties of blueberries

The blueberry is black in color with a blue tint. Blueberries ripen towards the end of summer; during this period the berries become tender and soft, with the most intense taste. Garden blueberries are a very delicate berry, so you need to handle them especially carefully so as not to crush them.

Along with great taste, blueberries have many beneficial properties. So, there is a whole list of its therapeutic effects on the human body, namely:

  • Diuretic;
  • Antiscorbutic;
  • Choleretic;
  • Cardiotonic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antisclerotic;
  • Antimicrobial.

The water content of blueberries is almost 90%. In addition to water, blueberries contain a lot of sugar, organic acids, vitamins, fiber, pectin, and tannins. Blueberry leaves are no less beneficial for health than its berries.

Blueberries contain a lot of useful components:

  • Mineral salts;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Lemon acid;
  • A nicotinic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • Acetic acid;
  • Oxalic acid;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Provitamin and vitamin A;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron (a little);
  • Carotene;
  • Flavonoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins K, P and PP.

Blueberry juice is recognized throughout the world as perhaps the most valuable in terms of vitamin content and antioxidant properties. No other fruit or berry has so many beneficial properties. The juice from this berry is much healthier for the body than pomegranate, apple or grape juice. Blueberries do not contain very much iron, but it is through this product that this microelement is almost completely absorbed by the human body.

By drinking just 0.3 glasses of natural blueberry juice a day, you can provide your body with the average daily requirement of vitamins.


The beneficial properties of blueberries are widely used in traditional and folk medicine, as well as in nutrition.

So, blueberries are useful for consuming the following health problems:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Stomach diseases;
  • Intestinal disorders;
  • Excess blood sugar levels.

So, what are the benefits of blueberries? Regular consumption of blueberries can normalize pancreatic function. This is a very important action for patients with diabetes. It is blueberries that enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs to lower blood sugar levels in patients.

Garden blueberries are extremely useful for those who have vision problems and glaucoma. By regularly eating blueberries, you can gradually restore your vision and relieve eye strain.

Perhaps the main beneficial element of blueberries, magnesium, has a powerful sedative property and is necessary for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The presence of vitamins K, P and PP in blueberries can reduce the risk of developing varicose veins. Vitamin K, moreover, takes an active part in the process of blood clotting in the body. Therefore, blueberries are indicated before and after surgical operations, after childbirth, medical abortions and injuries associated with large blood loss.

In addition, what is useful about blueberries is that it actively protects the human body from the harmful effects of radioactive radiation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and protects nerve cells from destruction. It’s not for nothing that doctors prescribe regular consumption of blueberries for people who live and work in harmful conditions and in unfavorable environmental conditions. In the North, peoples cannot imagine their life without this plant. They consume blueberries in large quantities to compensate for the lack of vitamins in the body.

Blueberry juice, a decoction of berries and leaves of this plant can reduce high fever. The beneficial properties of blueberries allow you to improve metabolism and quickly restore a weakened body after serious illnesses. If you have problems with the intestines, blueberries help to establish the normal functioning of this organ.

Blueberries contain highly active antioxidants that help prevent cancer.

In addition, the properties of blueberries are actively used in nutrition. Blueberry juice is absolutely recommended for any diet. In addition to maintaining vitamin balance, the berry is very helpful in the fight against extra pounds. Blueberries promote the breakdown of fats in the body, so they can be included in any diet. The calorie content of blueberries is only 37 kcal per 100 grams of product.

It is difficult to collect garden blueberries, and even more so, wild blueberries, so as not to damage the berries; its proper storage is no less difficult. If the berries are damaged, you can squeeze the juice out of them or rub them with sugar and store them in a cool place. This way, the beneficial properties of blueberries will not change during storage. During the season, you should try to eat as many fresh berries as possible; it is during the period of their full ripening that the content of vitamins and other useful microelements is maximum.

For the winter, blueberries are frozen and blueberry leaves are dried. Frozen blueberries do not lose their beneficial properties, so you can store blueberries in the refrigerator all winter and spring, eating them all year round. In winter and summer, you can squeeze juice out of blueberries, prepare mousses, compotes and jellies. Blueberry leaves make a fragrant and healthy tea.

Contraindications to the use of blueberries

In practice, blueberries rarely cause any side effects on the body. But just as with any product, it is not recommended to significantly exceed reasonable quantities of berries. After all, blueberries contain a lot of nutrients that, when entering the human body in excessive quantities, can cause various signs of intoxication. This may include nausea, vomiting, headache and weakness.

Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding need to be especially careful when consuming blueberries. In the latter case, a significant excess of the amount of the product can cause allergies and intoxication in the child.

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Compotes, jams, jellies are prepared from it, consumed fresh and made into juice.

In nature, the bushes coexist with wild rosemary bushes, which release ethereal compounds that cause headaches. Previously, it was believed that blueberries had this effect on humans, and they called them “drunkard”, “hemlock”, “headache”.

In terms of nutritional composition, blueberries can “give a head start” to many berries and fruits. The richness of valuable components explains the powerful beneficial properties.

Blueberry composition

Anthocyanins, which enhance the effect of antioxidants, are of particular value. There are more of them in blueberries than in blueberries: 1600 mg in blueberries - 400 mg in blueberries. The substances determine the rejuvenating and anti-carcinogenic properties of blueberries. Regular consumption of berries promotes skin regeneration, collagen production, and cleanses blood vessels of accumulations of harmful cholesterol. Due to this, the walls of capillaries and arteries become flexible, elastic, blood flow and oxygen saturation of cells improves.

The calorie content of blueberries is 61 kcal per 100 g. This allows the fruit to be consumed by those who are on a diet and who do not want to change their eating habits, but want to lose weight. Even when consuming fatty foods, regular consumption of blueberries reduces the amount of triglycerides - neutral fats.

Studies have found that blueberries can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome.

The properties of blueberries are extensive: it has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, cardiotonic effects, acts as an anti-scorbutic and anti-sclerotic agent. Blueberries affect the digestive tract, support normal intestinal and pancreatic function and normalize blood glucose levels. The infusion of berries has a binding property and is used as an antidysenteric agent. But a decoction of the leaves has a laxative effect and relieves constipation.