Genetically engineered products. Test questions and assignments

Genetically modified organisms (GMO)are organisms in which artificially Genetic material was added from other animal organisms to obtain improved characteristics of the original organism (calorie content, resistance to pests, diseases, weather, accelerated maturation, longer storage, greater fertility), which reduces the cost of products.

Drought-resistant wheat with the scorpion gene. Potatoes with the gene of an earthen bacterium that even kills Colorado potato beetles. Tomatoes with the flounder gene. Soybeans and strawberries with bacterial genes. This is probably a big salvation in the face of an ever-growing population and other economic problems.

On this moment There are studies showing that frequent consumption of GMOs can lead to serious problems. According to some studies transgenes can be retained in the body and integrated into the genetic apparatus of human intestinal microorganisms.

In addition, it has been observed that growing transgenic soybeans leads to genetic mutations associated plants that become resistant to the effects of herbicides. It is also assumed that living organisms that feed on genetically modified plants may mutate.

GMO products.

Grocery list, which may contain GMO:

  1. Soybean and its products (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.).
  2. Corn and its products (popcorn, flour, chips, cereals, oil, starch, syrups, etc.).
  3. Potatoes and its products (chips, semi-finished products, crackers, dry mashed potatoes, flour, and so on).
  4. Tomatoes and its products ( tomato paste, mashed potatoes, sauce, ketchup and so on).
  5. Zucchini and products made from them.
  6. Sugar beets, table beets, sugar from sugar beets.
  7. Wheat and products made from it, including bread and bakery products.
  8. Sunflower oil.
  9. Rice and products containing it (cereals, flour, granules, chips).
  10. Carrots and products with them.
  11. Onions, shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.

And, of course, there is a chance to find GMOs in products that are produced using these plants.

The most commonly genetically modified are soybeans, rapeseed, corn, sunflowers, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, zucchini, paprika, and lettuce. Genetically modified soybeans are included in bread, cookies, baby food, margarine, soup, pizza, fast food, meat products, flour, candy, ice cream, chips, chocolate, sauces, soy milk and so on. Genetically modified corn (maize) is most often found in products instant cooking, soups, sauces, seasonings, chips, gum, cake mixes. Genetically modified starch is added to a very wide range of products, including yoghurts. You should also know that 70% of well-known baby food companies contain GMOs. Approximately 30% of tea and coffee is genetically modified. Most products from America or other foreign countries that contain soybeans, corn, canola or potatoes contain GM components. If a product contains vegetable protein, then you can be almost sure that it also contains genetically modified soybeans.

In addition, insulin, vitamins, and antiviral vaccines may also contain genetically modified organisms.

Below is a list of some organizations that supply genetically modified raw materials to Russia or are producers themselves:

  • Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
  • LLC "BIOSTAR TRADE", St. Petersburg;
  • ZAO "Universal", Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Monsanto Co., USA;
  • "Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;
  • LLC "Agenda", Moscow
  • JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow
  • JSC "GALA", Moscow;
  • JSC "Belok", Moscow;
  • "Dera Food Technology N.V.", Moscow;
  • "Herbalife International of America", USA;
  • "OY FINNSOYPRO LTD", Finland;
  • LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;
  • "Intersoya", Moscow.

Below is a list of organizations that use GMOs in production:

  • Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - ready-made breakfasts, cornflakes,
  • Nestle (Nestlé) - chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, baby food,
  • Heinz Foods (Heinz Foods) - ketchups, sauces,
  • Hersheys (Hersheys) - chocolate, soft drinks,
  • Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) - Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic,
  • McDonalds (McDonald's),
  • Danon (Danone) - yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food,
  • Similac (Similac) - baby food,
  • Cadbury (Cadbury) - chocolate, cocoa,
  • Mars (Mars) - chocolate Mars, Snickers, Twix,
  • PepsiCo (Pepsi-Cola) - Pepsi, Mirinda, 7-Up,
  • Daria - meat products,
  • Campamos - meat products,
  • Corona - meat products,
  • Mikoyanovsky - meat products,
  • Tsaritsyno - meat products,
  • Lianozovsky - meat and dairy products,
  • Volzhsky PC - meat products.

GMOs are often disguised indexes E. But that doesn't mean that everything E supplements contain GMOs. You just need to understand which E supplements may contain GMOs.

These additives are primarily called soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: used as a fatty element in milk formulas, cookies, chocolate; riboflavin (B2) or E 101 and E 101A. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be made from genetically modified grains. The names of additives are also often written in words on packages.

  • E101 and E101A (B2, riboflavin)
  • E150 (caramel);
  • E153 (carbonate);
  • E160a (beta-carotene, provitamin A, retinol);
  • E160b (annatto);
  • E160d (lycopene);
  • E234 (lowland);
  • E235 (natamycin);
  • E270 (lactic acid);
  • E300 (vitamin C - ascorbic acid);
  • E301 - E304 (ascorbates);
  • E306 - E309 (tocopherol / vitamin E);
  • E320 (VNA);
  • E321 (VNT);
  • E322 (lecithin);
  • E325 - E327 (lactates);
  • E330 ( lemon acid);
  • E415 (xanthine);
  • E459 (beta-cyclodextrin);
  • E460 -E469 (cellulose);
  • E470 and E570 (salts and fatty acids);
  • fatty acid esters (E471, E472a&b, E473, E475, E476, E479b);
  • E481 (sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate);
  • E620 - E633 (glutamic acid and glutomates);
  • E626 - E629 (guanylic acid and guanylates);
  • E630 - E633 (inosinic acid and inosinates);
  • E951 (aspartame);
  • E953 (isomaltite);
  • E957 (thaumatin);
  • E965 (maltinol).

Taste and smell genetically modified products no different from natural. But, not spoiled, not damaged by insects too much beautiful products may arouse suspicion.

Since seeds are also modified, one cannot be sure of the naturalness of the products on the markets.

GMOs - pros and cons Why are such products and organisms needed? Maybe they will only harm humanity by violating our...
  • GMO bacteria are destroyed... Most cancer tumors have a central zone where the oxygen content is significantly reduced (region...
  • Have you ever thought about what is in beautiful and not cheap jars of baby food? Seems,...
  • In England, they have learned to breed transgenic chickens, the eggs of which have important medical value. The thing is...
  • An American scientific journal reports that trials of the drug have been successful in the United States...
  • Scientists at the University of Washington have developed a GMO poplar variety that can destruct certain...
  • GMO. Maybe everything is wrong... To stop fainting at the word genetically modified foods, let's turn a little to...
  • How do GM foods affect... Any food that appears on our plate can easily turn out to be genetically modified. Disputes...
  • Scientific facts against... Exists fundamental difference between genetic engineering and selection. When interfering with the gene structure...
  • The community of American scientists decided to patent the first artificially synthesized living...
  • A genetically modified organism, or GMO for short, is a living or plant organism whose genotype has been changed using genetic engineering methods in order to create new properties of the organism. Similar changes are being made today almost everywhere in the field of creating food products for economic purposes, and less often for scientific purposes.

    Genetic modification is distinguished by the targeted construction of the genotype of an organism, which is in contrast to the random one characteristic of natural and artificial mutagenesis.

    A common type of genetic change today is the introduction of transgenes for the purpose of transgenic organisms.

    Due to genetic modifications, the roots of cassava (Manihot esculenta, family Euphorbia), the main raw material for cooking of many millions of Africans, have increased in size by about 2.6 times. American geneticists, having made the above modification, expect that modified cassava (cassava) will be a solution to the problem of hunger in dozens of African countries.
    Professor R. Sayre and his team - molecular biologists from Ohio University - removed the E. coli gene that regulates starch synthesis and implanted it into three cassava shoots.
    Sayre comments: Cassava has virtually the same gene, but the bacterial version is about 100 times more active.
    As a result, the modified cassava, which was grown in a greenhouse, has enlarged tuberous roots (200 g, while ordinary cassava has 75 g). The number of roots (from 7 to 12) and leaves (from 90 to 125) also increased.
    Both the roots and leaves of cassava can be eaten. Cassava serves as the main raw material for cooking for 40% of Africans, and its root is regularly consumed by about 600 million people.
    However, Sayre noted that large sizes do not provide commensurate energy value to the product. And GM plants still need to be quickly processed immediately after being removed from the ground, because The roots and leaves of cassava that have not been properly processed contain a substance that triggers the synthesis of cyanide.

    Scientists at the University of California at Oakland have produced specific photographic film from GMO bacteria.

    New Scientist writes that during the research, Chris Voight's group of scientists used E. coli (Escherichia coli), which does not need sunlight to survive. To give Escherichia coli the necessary properties, researchers introduced genetic material from blue-green algae into the membrane of the E. coli cell. As a result, Escherichia coli began to respond to red light.

    After this, a colony of bacteria with a genetically modified genome was placed in a medium with specific indicator molecules. When this “biofotofilm” is exposed to red light, one of the Escherichia coli genes is deactivated, which provokes a change in the color of the indicator molecules. As a result, by changing the state of microorganisms at specific places on the film, a monochrome image can be obtained. Moreover, due to the microscopic size of microorganisms, the drawing has an incredible resolution - about 100,000,000 pixels per inch squared. However, it takes about 4 hours to produce a square inch of design.

    Scientists believe that their achievement will most likely not be applied in the field of conventional photography. However, these experiments can provoke the appearance of nanostructures capable of creating any substances specifically in those areas where light falls.

    The community of American scientists decided to patent the first artificially synthesized living organism in history. This is not the first time people are trying to outmaneuver nature, this time starting with obtaining a patent.

    Researchers at the Venter Institute have been trying for many years to create an artificial bacterium with the smallest possible number of genes based on the structure of the bacterium Mycoplasma genitalium, in which they registered 250-350 genes necessary for survival. The synthetic organism was to be called Mycoplasma laboratorium (laboratory mycoplasma). The experiments were carried out in secret mode. In 2004, the founder of the institute, Craig Venter, claimed that an artificial microorganism would be created by the end of the year, but he was wrong.

    And today a request was received for a patent both for the artificial bacterium itself and for its genetic code, says World Science. Patents have been acquired on GMOs before, but now, as scientists from the Venter Institute say, the matter concerns an entirely artificial genome, synthesized by human hands. The patent application states that the artificial microorganism has 382-387 genes.

    An artificial microorganism was created by removing its genetic material from the bacterium that serves as the basis and implanting artificial genes synthesized by laboratory methods. The intractable problem is not only the synthesis of genes, but also their introduction into bacteria and regulation of actions.

    Michael Seibert, an employee of the American laboratory NREL and his colleagues from the University of Illinois are developing a modification seaweed at the molecular level, in order to produce hydrogen in large quantities.
    Previously, scientists had already demonstrated a method for producing hydrogen through domesticated bacteria. In addition, an interesting idea was proposed for the production of hydrogen from sunflower oil.
    Researchers have discovered that hydrogen is one of the elements involved in the photosynthesis reaction in algae. But in order for it to be produced in production volumes, it is necessary to determine the processes and hydrogenase enzymes necessary for the formation of hydrogen, as well as the reactions for producing oxygen.
    To decipher these chains of connections, scientists use powerful computers and are already planning how to modify the algae. Once modified, they will produce hydrogen 10 times faster than natural algae, Seibert says.
    As the development scientists calculated, a specialized farm (or several farms) covering an area of ​​approximately 20 thousand km2 could produce hydrogen for all passenger cars in the United States, even if they were all equipped with fuel cells rather than internal combustion engines.
    But even if such fuel extraction does not become such a global practice, the contribution of GMO algae will still bring great benefits to the environment.

    Insect-resistant genetically modified rice on Chinese farms: benefits and impact on human health.

    Until now, in no state has the grain crop used for food been grown mostly from GMOs. But practice in China, where genetically modified rice is grown in ever-increasing quantities, suggests that it benefits small farmers and likely benefits the public.

    China is on the cusp of global expansion of genetically modified rice cultivation and production. In China, a study was carried out on two of the 4 varieties that farmers are testing. In a word, such rice is at the final stage before permission for global use.

    Randomly selected farms were studied that developed rice varieties that are unpretentious to harmful insects, independently, without the help of professionals in this field. It was determined that, compared with traditional rice farms, small and marginal farms benefited from the use of genetically modified organisms by producing larger crops with less pesticide use. Reducing the amount of pesticides used is also a very positive factor for preserving public health.

    If you move a modern person two or three hundred years ago, he would probably die of starvation. Modern technologies made life easier busy people. Now we practically no longer prepare nutritious food. Fast food, convenience foods and ready meals delivered to your home - that's all a tired person needs at the end of the working day. For many people, the process of cooking has become impossible due to the busy life that most major cities live.

    For many residents of the metropolis, a hot home-cooked dinner is a childhood memory. Do not forget that all these products familiar to city dwellers from a bag bought in a supermarket are simply stuffed with various chemical additives: taste improvers, flavors, dyes, preservatives, a huge amount of salt and GMOs. The decoding of these letters is known, if not to everyone, then to very many. Most people on the planet have heard of such products, but not everyone is aware of the consequences of their consumption.

    Why are GMOs needed?

    The term GMO, which stands for “genetically modified organism,” was introduced by scientists in the twentieth century. What does it mean?

    Genetics is the science that studies the properties of genes and their manipulations that will help humanity in the future. The creation of such organisms was dictated by the natural need to develop food for the Earth's population, whose numbers are growing every year. Over two hundred years, the number of people living on our planet has grown by five billion, and this process has not ended. The scientific world is concerned about this growth in the human population, so it is creating genetic engineering products that could provide a stable population for the inhabitants of the planet.

    Plants change

    Plant species have changed greatly over the past centuries. Many species have disappeared, and those that remain have been transformed beyond recognition. For example, carrots in their original form were unusual for us purple and we would hardly like the taste.

    It was used as medicinal plant. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, we eat carrots in the form in which we are used to now, and we don’t even think that everything was once different. We grow and cultivate those types of plants that are convenient for us to use as food. Thus, many species are left unattended and simply disappear from the face of the Earth.

    Selection and genetic engineering have been part of our everyday lives for quite some time now and have ceased to be something supernatural. We and our children consume high-tech products every day, without even noticing it and without thinking about what this could lead to for our humanity in the future.

    First stage

    Selection is the process of biological crossing of similar organisms in order to obtain a new species with better adaptive characteristics. This process began in ancient times. Thus, animals were domesticated and wild plant species became cultivated.

    Through selection, crossbreeding is carried out various types plants, as well as animals, and ultimately obtain an organism that has the required properties. For example, frost-resistant wheat or large strawberries. Scientists even tried to crossbreed a lion and a tiger, a dog and a cat, and these experiments had some success.

    Discovery of GMOs

    The further stage of progress was the development of genetic engineering. Genetic scientists created a sensation with their bold statement: “We can create organisms with the properties that humanity requires without much difficulty.” The concept of GMOs was introduced. The meaning of the abbreviation is genetically modified organism. This opened up enormous opportunities for a large group of people. Imagine for yourself: millions of farmers suffer from crop failure, poor growth and development of livestock. Some vegetable and fruit crops are difficult to store and transport over long distances. In cold regions it is simply impossible to grow many heat-loving plants. These and many other difficulties can be solved with the help of genetic engineering.

    Creation of the first similar products and the introduction of the term GMO, the meaning of which is clear to us, inspired researchers, politicians, businessmen and ordinary people. Scientists rejoiced at the new opportunity for great discoveries, politicians admired the prospects for the mechanisms of power, businessmen began to calculate future profits, and ordinary people were surprised at the height of technical progress.

    What are the benefits of genetic engineering?

    The ability to decipher and defragment the genome of any organism has made it possible for genetic scientists to isolate a section of the DNA of one organism responsible for a certain property and insert it into the DNA of another.

    So, the donor DNA endowed the recipient organism with its own special property. In this way, potatoes with the genes of the scorpion and the Colorado potato beetle, resistant to insect pests, appeared. An example would also be tomatoes and strawberries with the introduced flounder gene, which are frost-resistant. Genetic manipulations are actively carried out with animals. Examples include breeding cows consisting only of muscle tissue and chickens with disproportionately large legs. All these organisms are capable of protecting farmers from the vagaries of nature and field pests, giving them a stable profit. Genetic experiments have made it possible to produce perfectly beautiful and smooth fruits and vegetables that can be stored for a long time without losing their appearance and can be easily transported over long distances. For businessmen, this is a real Klondike.

    Farmers, rapeseed and politics

    Politicians see the term GMO (the abbreviation as “genetically modified organism”) as an attractive facet. It all started with the creation of transgenic rapeseed, which became resistant to weeds and pests. The new crop grew to the happiness of the farm owners, gave an excellent harvest, and its seeds scattered throughout the surrounding area. The joy of American farmers gave way to deep concern when this rapeseed began to fill all nearby fields and crowd out other crops. This turned out to be a real problem for plant growers and aroused the interest of political figures. You can use the spores of a certain plant to infest the fields of an unfriendly country and thus weaken its economy. And then a good pricing policy will interest you in purchasing GMOs of your own production.

    Why were GMOs developed?

    GMOs were originally created to meet the food needs of hungry people in Southern Africa. Residents of the region have never heard of GMOs. The decoding (what it is) and the features of such products were unknown to them. The idea seemed brilliant and very humane. But why then did the African government soon ban the import of GMOs into the country? The population and government of the starving region preferred local, albeit meager, but familiar and safe food. All progressive humanity has pondered this fact. Are genetically engineered foods really that bad for humanity?

    Experimental studies

    Doubts among scientists about the safety of GMOs have led to a number of studies. An experiment was conducted in which male and pregnant female rats participated. The experimental animals were divided into two groups.

    One group, called the control group, was offered their usual food. Another group of rats were fed GMO soybeans. As a result, a large percentage of stillborn pups were identified in the litter of the rats of the last group. About 35% of the surviving offspring were smaller and had low body weight compared to the control group. Scientists also discovered pathological changes in the blood supply to the testicles and destruction of liver cells in males.

    Female, male and infant rats fed transgenic soy as food showed increased levels of anxiety and aggression. Then the researchers tried to get a second generation from the first one. In the control group this was achieved without difficulty. In the second one it was not possible to do this. Thus, we can conclude that GMOs have a detrimental effect on the body, inhibiting reproductive function and causing mutations in offspring. This is such an unfavorable decoding for GMOs. Soy has become synonymous with death.

    The modified gene itself is not capable of inserting itself into human DNA, but when it gets into digestive tract, it is perceived as foreign, causing allergic reactions. By the way, in the USA, where the law is relatively loyal to GMOs, allergy sufferers account for about 70% of the population. And in Hungary, where the use of GMOs is prohibited by law, only 8% of citizens suffer from allergies.

    State against GMOs

    These shocking facts have been taken into account by all progressive humanity. People concerned about their health avoid consuming GMOs. Measures have also been introduced at the state level. In Japan permissible limit the content of transgenic substances in the product is 5%, in the USA - 10%, in Europe and Russia - 0.9%. Greenpeace activists are actively fighting to ensure that GMOs are not allowed in baby food. There is a provision that a product containing a transgenic substance must be labeled accordingly. But not every manufacturer is ready to honestly declare the presence of such a substance in their products. For a businessman this is the right way lose most of the customers. Therefore, you need to carefully read the composition.

    GMO. Decoding on food products. General information

    The definition of the term GMO was presented above. Products of genetic engineering are marked with specific alphabetic and numeric symbols. We often see the presence of substances with index E in a product. This is a kind of GMO decoding (which contains an unsafe component, we will list below).

    Here is a list of these additives:

    E101 and E101 A (B2, riboflavin);

    E153 (carbonate);

    From E301 to E304;

    From E306 to E309;

    From E325 to E327;

    From E460 to E469;

    E470 and E570;

    Fatty acid esters (E471, E472a&b, E473, E475, E476, E479b);

    E481 (sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate);

    From E620 to E633 (glutamic acid and glutamates);

    From E626 to E629 (guanylic acid and guanylates);

    From E630 to E633 (inosinic acid and inosinates);

    E951 (aspartame);

    E953 (isomaltite);

    E965 (maltinol);

    E957 (thaumatin).

    This list is a GMO transcript, where information about the safety of a particular product is obtained. You can independently study the composition on the label and assess whether the product contains a transgenic organism.

    Which manufacturers use GMOs?

    A list of companies and their products that contain transgenic substances has been compiled. New items are regularly added to the list, and old ones are removed from it (due to the cessation of the use of GMOs). Here is a list of trademarks of permanent members of this list:

    TM Mars, producing chocolate bars Mars, Snickers, etc.

    TM Nestle, producing chocolate and baby food.

    TM Heinz, manufacturers of sauces and ketchups.

    TM Coca-Cola and Pepsi with their super popular products.

    Network of points fast food Mc"Donalds.

    TM Danone, producing dairy products.

    TM Kellogs and breakfast cereals that we are used to giving to children.

    TM Cadbury, producing chocolate and cocoa.

    Ferrero TM, which produces Rafaello, Kinder, TicTac products.

    TM Similac, specializing in the production of baby food.

    Baby food HIPP and Unilever.

    Parmalat cookies.

    Campbell Soups.

    Hellmans and Knorr sauces.

    TM Kraft, producing baby food, chips and chocolate.

    Lipton tea.

    Uncle Benz rice.

    How to protect yourself and your family?

    Now you know the manufacturers who use transgenic products. You have a GMO decoding, which means a guarantee of safety for the whole family. This information is especially important for expectant mothers and babies.

    GMO decoding should not cause bewilderment or surprise among educators. You should clearly monitor what children eat in kindergartens and understand the responsibility for the health of the younger generation. On the issue of “GMOs: decoding, school and nutrition of students,” adjustments are being made at the state level. It is unacceptable to give transgenic foods to children. Scientists say that such food causes persistent allergic reactions, eczema, rashes, neurological disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and digestive disorders in children.

    Every person on the planet should understand the responsibility for consuming GMOs (you already know the definition of the term). You need to be especially sensitive to children who are not yet able to appreciate the seriousness of the problem. Parents and employees of preschool institutions and schools must be responsible for them.

    One of them characteristic features XXI century is the active development of such a scientific field as biotechnology. The history of the existence of this science goes back 20-25 years, however, despite its young age, biotechnology has now moved from the category of projects or theoretical developments to our objective reality, not only in the industrial and commercial sphere, but also in everyday life, and has become as commonplace as, for example, computerization or mobile telephony. This science studies the possibilities of using living organisms, their systems or the products of their vital activity to solve technological problems, as well as the possibilities and ways of creating living organisms with the necessary properties using the method genetic engineering. One of the tasks of genetic engineering is the creation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

    Genetically modified organism - This is a living organism of any level of complexity, containing genetically engineered material from other organisms, capable of reproduction and transmission of hereditary genetic material. More in simple words it looks like this: A GMO is an organism that contains genes of other organisms on its chromosomes and is capable of transmitting them to inheritance.

    How are GMOs obtained? Genetically modified organisms are obtained using special molecular biological technologies that make it possible to transfer selected individual genes from an organism of one species or genus to another organism, and this transfer can be carried out between phylogenetically quite distant organisms. Such transfers of hereditary material are almost never possible to obtain naturally.

    When creating genetically modified organisms, several various methods:

    • recombinant methods, in which new combinations of genetic material are formed by introducing nucleic acid molecules (produced by any means outside the body) into any virus, bacterial plasmid or other vector system. This system with new genetic material (donor) is then introduced into the host organism (recipient);
    • a set of methods, providing for the direct introduction into the body of hereditary material prepared outside the body, including microinjections, macroinjections and microencapsulations;
    • cell fusion, or methods cell hybridization, when living cells with new combinations of genetic material are formed by the fusion of two or more cells in a way that does not occur naturally.

    The production of genetically modified organisms has never been “art for art’s sake”, but pursued very specific goals. The integration of “foreign” genes into the host genome is aimed at obtaining a new trait that is unusual for the recipient organism, for example:

    • resistance to certain diseases;
    • resistance to chemicals, having a detrimental effect on the body;
    • increased synthesis of certain chemical compounds;
    • new consumer properties, etc.

    Since GMOs are methodically created by transferring genetic material from one organism to another, they are called transgenic organisms(from Latin trans - “through, through, behind”; a prefix meaning transfer).

    The United States of America is a pioneer in the creation of transgenic organisms. Short story the appearance of genetically modified organisms is as follows: the first transgenic bacteria were obtained in 1972, the first transgenic mammal (mouse) was obtained in 1974, the first transgenic plant (tobacco) - in 1983. In 1985, in the same place, in the USA, there were The first genetically modified farm animals were produced - rabbit, sheep and pig.

    Currently, transgenic plants and microorganisms are already being grown on an industrial basis, however, at the current pace of development of biotechnology, in the future we can expect the appearance of representatives of the animal world in this series. World science has created more than a hundred different types of transgenic plants that are grown in many countries around the world, some of them in industrial scale, and some for research purposes.

    The increased interest in transgenic plants from a social point of view is due to the fact that traditional agricultural crops do not provide food for the entire population of the Earth. Approximately 13% of the planet's population suffers from malnutrition and hunger, and in the light of the forecasts of international experts, the population on Earth is growing steadily, mainly due to developing countries, where agriculture is at a low level and is not able to provide the population of their countries with food even in present time.

    It is possible that by cultivating transgenic plants the problem of hunger will be solved, however, how safe this is for humanity cannot be answered by any group of scientific experts, since along with the new genetic material the recipient organism acquires not only the desired trait, but a whole set of new ones. qualities that are determined both by the properties of the built-in gene itself and by its indirect action. All negative phenomena and events that occur during the cultivation and consumption of GMOs represent potential risks that can be combined into three groups: food, environmental and agrotechnical.

    There are four main areas in the classification of food risks.

    • 1. Risks associated with the direct effect of toxic and allergenic transgenic GMO proteins. Humanity has already faced such a risk: genetically modified corn from the Starlink line caused severe allergic reactions in humans and is currently banned for use throughout the world.
    • 2. Risks associated with the indirect effect of transgenic proteins on plant metabolism.
    • 3. Risks associated with the accumulation of herbicides and their metabolites in modified plants.
    • 4. Risks associated with the possibility of transferring transgenic constructs to microorganisms that are in symbiosis with humans or are widely used in food production, for example, Escherichia coli, bifidobacteria, Bacillus acidophilus, Bacillus bulgaricus, thermophilic streptococcus, lactic acid streptococcus, etc.

    Research to assess the safety of genetically modified raw materials and products is certainly being carried out in world science, but, unfortunately, it must be admitted that they lack a system, systematicity and globality. They do not follow programs developed jointly by the entire scientific world community.

    The results of studies on the safety of GM food raw materials and products obtained to date cannot be called unambiguous. A number of scientists believe that these raw materials and products do not pose any danger to human health, and in some cases are even beneficial. However, most of the scientific world, based on their scientific research, adhere to a different point of view and, publishing the results of their research year after year, do not confirm such rosy conclusions, but prove the existence of a real threat from GMOs to living organisms.

    Here are just a few examples of work demonstrating the real biological danger of GMOs and GM food products.

    It has been reliably established that transgenic soybeans containing the 2S albumin protein gene brazil nut, has an increased allergic potential. Significant changes in blood parameters (level of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, reticulocytes, lymphocytes, basophils; average concentration of hemoglobin in a red blood cell; prothrombin time value) were revealed in rats fed a diet with a 33% content of GM corn. A transgenic bacterium that produces the amino acid tryptophan along with regular tryptophan synthesizes 1-G-ethylene-bis-tryptophan in small quantities, which enters food in the form of a food additive along with regular tryptophan. An altered form of tryptophan causes a serious disease in humans - eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. GM corn from the Starlink line is prohibited for consumption because it causes severe allergies in humans. When feeding rats soy flour, obtained from GM soybeans (line 40.3.2. resistant to the herbicide Roundup, transgene CP4 EPSPS), the mortality of first generation descendants (/ () exceeded 50%, and surviving individuals who reached reproductive age suffered from infertility. GM peas provoke pneumonia and causes changes in the functioning of the immune system in mice; GM potatoes cause suppression of the immune system, weight loss and pathological changes in rats internal organs: destruction of the mucous membrane digestive organs, changes in the spleen, heart mass, prostate gland; morphological changes in the liver, kidneys, colon; decrease in hemoglobin; increased diuresis. Thus, scientific experiments have shown that GM raw materials and products:

    • have an increased allergic potential;
    • oppress immune system;
    • cause morphological changes in many organs and tissues;
    • change blood counts;
    • reduce the viability and reproductive qualities of animals, etc.

    Based on the above, the already catchphrase of the Canadian microbiologist, Professor D. Feigap, is very relevant: “Using transgenic products in food today is like playing Russian roulette with the whole world.”

    Potential and real risks associated with GMOs force state governments to regulate the production, import and use of food raw materials and products using DNA technologies. In the Russian Federation, issues related to the use of GMOs are regulated by more than 100 legislative acts, the fundamental of which are: Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Federal Law dated 07/05/1996 No. 86-FZ “ On state regulation in the field of genetic engineering activities" and Federal laws on amendments to the above laws (No. 234-FZ dated October 25, 2007 and No. 96-FZ dated July 12, 2000, respectively). The threshold level of GMO content in food products in Russia, as well as in EU countries, is 0.9%, and GMO content in quantities exceeding this value must be reflected on the product label. It should be noted that in different countries there is no consensus on the safe concentration of GMOs in food products, for example, in EU countries the threshold value subject to labeling is 0.9%, in Australia and Japan - 5% (as was the case in our country until 2007), in the USA, Canada, Argentina - products containing EMO are not labeled.

    How are things going with growing crops on an industrial scale on our planet? The sown areas occupied by these crops have been constantly increasing since the 90s of the last century until 2010 (Fig. 9.1). The annual increase in land occupied by transgenic plants averaged 11.5%. The expansion of the area has not been officially registered over the past four years. But despite this, the numbers speak for themselves. The real world reserve of arable land on our planet is approximately 1 billion hectares. And if you consider that in 2010-2013. About 13% of the land was occupied by genetically modified plants, which means that currently approximately every eighth hectare of agricultural land is sown with transgenic crops.

    The harvest collected from these areas, one way or another, goes either to our table or to feed animals, which are the raw materials for our food products. Such a spread of EM plants in the world certainly entails an increase in the influx of raw materials and products containing EMO into our country. 90% genetic modified plants grown in five countries: USA (40%), Brazil (23%), Argentina (14%), Canada (6%), India (6%). However, the number of countries that account for the remaining 11% already exceeds 20.

    Rice. 9.1.

    Until recently, the cultivation of genetically modified plants was prohibited in our country, but on July 1, 2014, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2013 No. 839 came into force. “On state registration of genetically engineered modified organisms intended for release into the environment, as well as products obtained using such organisms or containing such organisms,” which specifies the rules for registering transgenic plants for targeted cultivation. Types of intended use of modified organisms are:

    • a) production medicines for medical use;
    • b) production of medical devices;
    • c) production of food raw materials and food products;
    • d) production of feed and feed additives for animals;
    • e) production of medicines for veterinary use;
    • f) breeding and (or) cultivation on the territory of the Russian Federation of modified plants and animals, as well as microorganisms for agricultural purposes.

    In general, food raw materials and products containing GMOs can be divided into the following categories.

    • 1. Transgenic plants (vegetables and fruits in their natural form).
    • 2. Products of processing of transgenic raw materials.
    • 3. Products containing GM ingredients (usually food additives).

    All of them contain genetically modified components to one degree or another and must be subject to examination. The analysis of raw materials and food products in our country is entrusted to the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health "Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology", which should include laboratories for the qualitative and quantitative research of food products for the presence of GMOs. Systematic research of food raw materials and products has been carried out in our country since 2003 (Fig. 9.2). Maximum amount samples were examined in 2008 (almost 50 thousand), then the number of tested samples decreased and in the last three years, it fluctuates between 27,000-28,000. The share of products containing GMOs decreased from 11.9% in 2003. up to 0.05% in 2013

    Rice. 9.2.

    The largest share of food products containing GMO components occurs in the Central, Ural and Volga Federal Districts. It should be noted that in a number of districts only single analyzes are carried out to examine food raw materials and products for the presence of GMOs - in the Republics of Altai, Sakha, Vladimir, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Sakhalin and other regions, Khanty-Mansiysk, Taimyr, Evenkiy, Ust- Ordynsky, Buryatsky, Chukotka and other autonomous districts.

    In conclusion of this chapter, it must be said that despite the fact that, according to official data, the number of products on our market containing genetically modified components is decreasing year by year, you should know that, firstly, even 50,000 samples examined for content GMOs are too small a figure for our country; secondly, the crop of genetically modified plants collected from 130 million hectares somehow ends up in the human food chain. Therefore, there is no absolute confidence in the adequacy of the assessment of this situation in the food market at the present time. In addition, the appearance of transgenic plants in domestic fields in the near future will increase the flow of these raw materials into domestic food production. Therefore, the modern consumer can only count on the fact that the state will take real control over the flow of products containing GMOs, and manufacturers and distributors of food products will strictly comply with state laws and regulations. The author of this textbook, a biochemist and geneticist by training, treats the problem of genetically modified food raw materials and products with great caution.

    Test questions and assignments

    • 1. How are genetically modified organisms obtained?
    • 2. Why are genetically modified organisms obtained?
    • 3. List the potential risks associated with the use of transgenic plants and microorganisms.
    • 4. What are the results of the study on the safety of genetically modified food raw materials and products?
    • 5. What regulatory documents regulate the use of transgenic organisms in the food industry?
    • 6. In which countries are genetically modified plants grown?

    Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are food products, as well as living organisms created using genetic engineering. Genetic modification technologies are widely used in agriculture. Plants with GMOs have increased productivity and are resistant to pests.

    In Russia, the production of GMOs is currently prohibited. However, the import of food products that contain genetically modified components is permitted. Mostly modified soybeans, corn, potatoes and beets are imported to Russia from the USA. America occupies a leading position in both the production and consumption of GMOs. Thus, up to 80% of food products in the United States contain GMOs. According to the National Association of Genetic Safety, about 30–40% of food products on the Russian food market contain GMOs. Over the past 3 years, the association has discovered GMOs in products from companies such as Nestle, Mikoyan, Campomos and others.

    In our country, a significant negative effect of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the biological and physiological parameters of mammals has recently been confirmed.

    Specialists National Association genetic safety (GSSA) On April 14, at the RIA Novosti press club, they presented the results of an independent study examining the effect of food containing components of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on the biological and physiological parameters of mammals.

    The results of a study conducted by the OAGB jointly with the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after. A.N. Severtsov RAS in the period 2008-2010, indicate a significant negative impact of feed containing GMOs on the reproductive functions and health of laboratory animals.

    “Animals (taking GMOs) were found to have a delay in development and growth, a violation of the sex ratio in litters with an increase in the proportion of females, a decrease in the number of cubs in the litter, up to their complete absence in the second generation,” said Deputy Director of the Institute of Pediatrics and Ecology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. n. Alexey Surov, “A significant decrease in the reproductive abilities of males was also noted.”

    “The results of our study confirmed the data of those European scientists who stated the negative health effects that arise from the use of GMOs in the food of laboratory animals,” says OAGB President Alexander Baranov. “We used soybean meal, which is widely used in Russia for fattening agricultural breeds . Soybean line 40-3-2 contained in the meal is approved in our country for use in human food.”

    During the press conference, OAGB specialists announced the need to conduct a new series of experiments to once again verify the conclusions about the dangers of GMOs on human health. The OAGB made a proposal to introduce a temporary moratorium in Russia on 17 approved GMO lines until they are fully tested for biosafety.

    Let us recall that in Russia the use of 17 types of genetically modified lines (GMOs) of five varieties of cultivated plants is permitted: soybeans, corn, potatoes, rice and sugar beets. For example, more than 90 percent of all soybeans produced in the world are genetically modified. Genetically modified soybeans and their by-products are widely used in the production of a large number of human food products and feed for farm animals.

    The experimental study was carried out on a laboratory population of Campbell's hamsters (Phodopus capbelli), selected because they have a rapid generational change, which makes it possible to track long-term consequences. The main negative fact of the influence of GMO food, which was discovered during the study, according to the president of the OAGB, Alexander Baranov, is the “ban on reproduction”, as a result of which it was not possible to obtain a third generation of individuals.

    In Russia there are currently about 5 million infertile couples. According to the speakers, if the negative impact of GMOs on human reproductive abilities is confirmed, there is a risk of a serious deterioration in the demographic situation in Russia.

    OAGB Director Elena Sharoykina noted in her comments that in the recently signed by the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev’s “Doctrine of Food Security of the Russian Federation” states the need to “exclude the uncontrolled distribution of food products obtained from genetically modified plants.” At the same time, Elena Sharoykina stated that in Russian regions there is not sufficient technical equipment and a system for controlling the spread of GMOs has not been developed; there is no comprehensive the legislative framework and government support scientific research in the field of biological safety.

    At the press conference, an open appeal was voiced to the head of the working group on creating an innovation center in Skolkovo, to the First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia Vladislav Surkov with a proposal to develop the “Safe Genetic Technologies” project within the Silicon Valley.

    The project involves the development of a safety system aimed at protecting Russian citizens from possible negative consequences of the influence of GMOs.

    List of products that may contain GMOs:

    1. Soybean and its forms (beans, sprouts, concentrate, flour, milk, etc.).

    2. Corn and its forms (flour, grits, canned food, popcorn, butter, chips, starch, syrups, etc.).

    3. Potatoes and their forms (semi-finished products, dry mashed potatoes, chips, crackers, flour, etc.).

    4. Tomatoes and its forms (paste, puree, sauces, ketchup, etc.).

    5. Zucchini and products made using them.

    6. Sugar beets, table beets, sugar produced from sugar beets.

    7. Wheat and products made using it, including bread and bakery products.

    8. Sunflower oil.

    9. Rice and products containing it (flour, granules, flakes, chips).

    10. Carrots and products containing them.

    11. Onions, shallots, leeks and other bulbous vegetables.

    If you find this information useful, share it with your friends!

    Whose products contain GMOs:

    Kelloggs (Kelloggs) - produces breakfast cereals, including corn flakes
    Nestle (Nestlé) - produces chocolate, coffee, coffee drinks, baby food
    Heinz Foods (Hayents Foods) - produces ketchups, sauces
    Hersheys (Hersheys) - produces chocolate, soft drinks
    Coca-Cola (Coca-Cola) - Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Kinley tonic
    McDonalds (McDonald's) - a chain of fast food restaurants
    Danon (Danone) - produces yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, baby food
    Similac (Similac) - produces baby food
    Cadbury (Cadbury) - produces chocolate, cocoa
    Mars (Mars) - produces chocolate Mars, Snickers, Twix
    PepsiCo (Pepsi-Cola) - Pepsi, Mirinda, Seven-Up

    Daria - produces meat products

    Campamos - produces meat products

    Korona - produces meat products

    Mikoyanovsky - produces meat products

    Tsaritsyno - produces meat products

    Lianozovsky - produces meat and dairy products

    Volzhsky PC - produces meat products.

    GMO world

    The film tells about the products produced by a transnational corporation and their harm to humans and the environment.

    Transgenization is a genetic bomb

    Galina Tsareva

    One of the most pressing problems of our time is the problem of introducing and disseminating new biotechnologies associated with genetic changes in living organisms. Genetically modified (transgenic) organisms contain DNA fragments from any other living organisms in their genetic apparatus; for example, genes from an insect, animal, or even a person can be inserted into a plant. With the help of genetic engineering, hybrids of potatoes with tomatoes, soybeans with blue tobacco, and sunflowers with beans have already been obtained. There is also more discouraging data: a frost-resistant tomato variety with an integrated flounder gene, drought-resistant corn with a scorpion gene, a tomato with a toad gene. But does a person have enough knowledge to play the role of the Creator?