Finnish food. Finnish cuisine

Choux pastry has French roots; it is called choux pastry because the flour is brewed with a hot butter mixture consisting of water, flour and salt. This dough turns out fresh, because it is prepared without any sugar at all. This allows you to make not only sweet desserts from it, but also snack foods, i.e. portioned profiteroles with savory fillings, which is very convenient, for example, for a buffet or banquet table.

By strictly following the recipe, the proportions of the products used and the temperature and baking conditions, you can get wonderful products that are hollow inside so that you can fill them with different fillings or cream. In Soviet times, GOST standards were established for choux pastry; these standards are considered to be a classic recipe for baking excellent profiteroles or eclairs.

So, to prepare choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles, you will need simple ingredients.

The recipe uses 300 grams of chicken eggs. Approximately, this is 5 medium-sized eggs. At the end, eggs are added one at a time, and at this stage it is very important to monitor the consistency of the dough; it should not be liquid or hard.

Sift the required amount of flour into a bowl.

In a small saucepan combine water, butter and salt. Let's put it on fire.

We will heat until the butter melts and the mixture boils.

Pour all the flour into the boiling mixture at once and immediately begin to quickly stir with a spatula, brewing the flour into the hot mixture.

Without removing from heat, actively stir.

As soon as the mass begins to gather into a ball and lag behind the walls, and a light white coating appears on the bottom of the pan, our dough is ready and can be removed from the heat.

Transfer the dough to another bowl and place it in any container with very cold water to cool the dough.

Once the dough reaches a pleasant warm temperature, which is about 40 degrees, you can add eggs to it. To do this, they can be mixed until smooth and added to the dough in several stages, mixing the dough with each portion of eggs.

As a result, the dough should have the correct consistency. It may happen that you do not have to add all the egg mixture so that the dough is not runny. This is very important, because if you add all the eggs at once and there are a lot of them, then it will be impossible to add flour to this dough, so be sure to add the eggs in parts and be especially careful with the last portion! The finished choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles will fall from the spatula in a whole piece; under no circumstances should it flow, nor should it spread apart.

Fill a pastry bag with a round tip with dough. This attachment is convenient for pipetting dough for small profiteroles.

Place in small portions in the form of balls on parchment or silicone mat.

These products should be baked with steam, even though I have a convection oven, I still drip water onto the mat between future profiteroles.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, place a baking sheet with profiteroles in it and bake for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 20-25 minutes, until light golden brown.

We take out the finished profiteroles and place them on a board to cool. This is how they should be hollow inside. For sweet cakes, make a small hole in the cooled profiteroles and fill them with custard or butter cream through it, and for snacks, you can cut them in half, put the filling in the lower part of the profiteroles and cover with a lid.

By the way, the baked pieces can even be frozen in a bag in the freezer, and if necessary, taken out, defrosted, slightly warmed in the oven and filled with any filling, which is very convenient!

Appetizing eclairs with a delicate filling, generously covered with shiny glaze, or plump profiteroles filled with delicious custard... Surely you won’t refuse these wonderful homemade cakes, right? And it is prepared on the basis of choux pastry, the recipe of which I am happy to share with you today, friends!

In general, choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles is not at all difficult to prepare. It is important to follow a number of rules and then everything will definitely turn out 5+. First of all, you need to understand what exactly the consistency of the choux pastry should be so that the finished products do not disappoint in either appearance or taste. I will tell you about all the intricacies of preparing this type of dough below and will certainly share the result.


Number of servings: 1

Cooking time: 30 minutes

in 100 grams - 234 kcal.

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The choux pastry recipe includes premium wheat flour, milk (any fat content), drinking water, chicken eggs (I have 4 very large ones), butter, and just a little salt and sugar for taste.

Take a small saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom) or a saucepan, pour milk and water into it. Add butter (preferably soft so that it melts faster, but this is not important), a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar and put everything on the fire.

Let the liquid warm up and the butter completely melt. Bring everything to a boil, remembering to stir so that the milk does not stick to the bottom.

Now, stirring the mass in a circular motion, pour ALL THE FLOUR into the pan AT ONCE. This is important - this way there will be no lumps in the choux pastry.

Constantly kneading and not removing the pan from the heat (below medium), we should get an absolutely homogeneous and smooth dough. I would say that during the brewing process a thick and dense lump of dough is formed.

Now we need to dry the dough (another 2 minutes on low heat), for which we constantly knead it with a spatula and wait until a thin crust of dried dough forms at the bottom of the dish. At the same time, the lump itself will begin to lag behind the walls and bottom of the pan. This is also important when preparing choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles.

That's it - the dough brewing process is complete, it needs to be cooled a little. To do this, it is most convenient to transfer the lump to another container, which it is advisable to cool in advance.

Use a spatula to break up the lump of dough so that it cools faster to a very warm state (not hot!). If you start introducing chicken eggs into hot dough, they may curl and nothing will work.

Now, one by one (!), add raw chicken eggs into the choux pastry. After each, knead the dough very thoroughly with a spoon or spatula to achieve homogeneity. In this recipe I use 4 chicken eggs, larger than average (75 grams each). You may need from 4 to 6 eggs - it all depends on their size. That is why, after adding the third or fourth egg to the dough, be guided by the consistency of the resulting mass. If you realize that the dough is still too thick and difficult to mix, add another egg. But not all at once, but break it into a bowl in advance and add a little at a time. You may need the whole egg, or perhaps a third or half. It is important to stop in time, otherwise the dough will be too liquid.

Since the consistency of choux pastry depends on many factors (for example, the quality and moisture content of wheat flour, the size of chicken eggs), you need to understand what to expect as a result. The finished choux pastry (approximately 700 grams) should be completely smooth, shiny and without lumps. It is neither thick nor liquid - it slides off the shoulder blade like a heavy, wide ribbon.

If, for example, you make the choux pastry too thick, it will not only be difficult to pipet it out of the cooking bag, but the products themselves will not rise well and will be too dry and tough. If you prepare too much batter, the eclairs and profiteroles will spread on the baking sheet and will not be able to hold their shape.

If you did everything correctly, you will definitely be pleased with the result! Ready-made preparations for a future dessert or cold appetizer should be light, dry, and have a beautiful golden color. After baking, they do not lose their shape or become deformed - that is, they do not change at all.

You see, the preparation for profiteroles is hollow inside, while it has a crispy crust and soft inner walls.

And some more useful information for those who read the recipe to the very end. I'll tell you how to bake products from this choux pastry. First of all, the oven should be preheated in advance - this is mandatory. Then choose your option. 1. At 190°C for approximately 30-35 minutes. 2. At 200°C for about 20 minutes until golden brown, then reduce the temperature to 160°C and dry the workpieces for another 10-15 minutes. I prefer the second option. Happy choux pastry, friends!

Many housewives often confuse the names of various choux pastries, especially when choosing a recipe for choux pastry for eclairs or profiteroles in a cookbook. To make it easier to find this information, you need to decide on the name of the cake. It is clear that this is an oblong pie with cream. And you will definitely remember profiteroles and want to cook them - this is also a dish of French cuisine; The custard product has a small round shape, and the size is no more than 3 - 4 centimeters. Miniature profiteroles are prepared not only as a dessert, with a sweet filling, but also as an appetizer with various savory fillings. But surprisingly, according to the recipe, the choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles cannot be distinguished by the photo and the set of ingredients, because it is used to prepare both flour products.

Ingredients for choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles:

  • Eggs (large size) - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • Butter (82% fat) - 100 g;
  • Table water - 1 tbsp. (250 ml);
  • Table salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • Premium flour - 1.25 tbsp. (250 g).

How to prepare choux pastry for profiteroles and eclairs:

1. For the quantities of ingredients listed above, take a regular, small saucepan. It is advisable to choose non-enamel dishes. It will even be better if the coating in the pan is ceramic or granite. But just iron utensils without any coatings will do. Pour water into it, add salt and boil. When you see that the salt has dissolved, add butter and boil in the same way.

2. When the mixture of salt, water and butter has boiled, do not rush and remove the pan from the heat. It just needs to be reduced to a minimum. Add flour through a sieve into the pan and quickly stir the dough to avoid the formation of lumps.

Advice: The dough for profiteroles or eclairs that is brewed in a pan will initially be very dense and if you take an iron spoon, you can bend or break it. For this process, it is better to choose a thick wooden or silicone spoon. Well, as a last resort, a wooden spatula.

3. After about 3 minutes of kneading the dough, it will acquire a beautiful elastic consistency. Take note that if you did everything correctly and consistently, the dishes will remain almost clean. Remove the dough from the stove and cool to 40 degrees. This is approximately the temperature of the human body.
You can add one egg at a time to the warm dough and mix.

Advice: you need to monitor the consistency of the dough. Under no circumstances will it be liquid. This directly depends on the eggs you add. Homemade ones are more dense, and vice versa - store-bought ones are more “liquid”. So just watch the consistency after adding each egg. The dough should be like a good, thick tomato paste, that is, it will be soft, homogeneous, elastic and hold its shape well on the baking sheet. The “correct” choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles will be easily squeezed out of a pastry bag and will not spread on the baking sheet.
1st egg:

4. 2nd egg. Mix for a minute or two each time until the egg is incorporated into the dough.

5. 3rd egg. Now you need to carefully monitor the consistency. If the mass is soft and easily mixed with a spoon, then everything is ready.

4. Add the 4th egg as needed. As a last resort, if they are small, you may need a fifth one.

5. As you can see, everything is extremely clear and simple.
The prepared dough is easy to work with.

In any case, a pastry bag or syringe will come in handy.

If you prepared choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles for dessert, then you definitely need to know with milk. This is the most classic recipe ever. Well, the form of a cake or snack. If you were planning to bake eclairs, then squeeze out sausages 10 centimeters long from a pastry bag. If you were supposed to prepare profiteroles, then squeeze out “drops” measuring 3 - 4 centimeters. Well, such pastries are baked for about 30 minutes. The oven temperature will be 200 degrees.

Profiteroles are small custard cakes. They can be made with different fillings (both sweet and savory). Today I prepared profiteroles with fish salad. It turned out to be a satisfying snack.

I always make the dough for eclairs with water, but the dough for profiteroles is made with milk. It seems to me that with milk they turn out softer and more tender.

Prepare ingredients for choux pastry for profiteroles.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and cut the butter into pieces, add a pinch of salt.

Place on the stove and wait until the oil is completely dissolved.

Pour in the flour and mix immediately with a spatula. Until a homogeneous ball is formed.

Remove the pan from the stove.

Transfer the dough to a bowl and let cool.

Break one egg and beat.

Continuing to beat, add the second egg.

Beat the dough to a homogeneous smooth consistency.

Transfer the dough into a bag with a nozzle.

Place the choux pastry for profiteroles on a baking sheet with a mat or baking paper.

Bake profiteroles at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Do not open the oven door early.

While the profiteroles are cooling, prepare the salad filling.

Finely chop the fish. Peel the egg and potatoes.

Add grated egg to the fish.

And grated potatoes.

Add cheese and spices. Mix.

Divide the profiteroles in half. Place a spoonful of filling on one half and cover with the other half.

Do this with all profiteroles.

Bon appetit.

Desperate Housewife

Profiteroles are a very tasty airy pastry made from choux pastry. Depending on the filling, they can be either sweet or not sweet. I really like profiteroles with custard, but you can also make delicious and beautiful snack profiteroles with a spicy filling. At the end of the article there are recipes for various fillings.


  • 1 glass of fresh milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 cup sifted flour;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 1/5 cup of water.

Profiteroles - step-by-step recipe with photos

Step 1. Make choux pastry.

  • After cooking you will receive 4-6 servings
  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Profiteroles with filling:

Canned fish filling:

1 canned fish (not with tomato paste, drain the broth), 3 boiled eggs, 1 small carrot (three on a fine grater), 5 pickled gherkins, 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise, salt and black pepper to taste.
Mash the canned food with a fork. Finely chop the eggs and gherkins. Mix everything.

Salted fish filling:
- 200 grams of salted fish without bones, 100 grams of boiled potatoes, finely chopped olives, mayonnaise, black pepper.

Cheese Profiteroles:
- 200 grams of sharp cheese (three on a fine grater), 1 clove of garlic (finely chopped), 1 small carrot (finely chopped), mayonnaise to taste.

Profiteroles with cottage cheese (spicy cottage cheese filling):
- 200 grams of cottage cheese, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 red bell pepper, 50 grams of walnuts, red and black pepper, salt, mayonnaise.

Profiteroles with curd cream
200 grams of cottage cheese, 1/3 can of condensed milk, 50 grams of raisins (hold in warm water, then drain and dry), 1 gram of vanillin (vanilla sugar can be used).

Sweet filling with nuts

1 can of boiled condensed milk, 100 grams of butter, 50 grams of nuts (preferably almonds).

In the photo above are profiteroles with custard

Additional Information

  • Cooking time: 1,5 hour
  • Difficulty: for beginners
  • Equipment: Blender, Oven, Pastry syringe
  • Type of dish: Festive, Vegetarian
  • Holiday: No
  • Cuisine of the world: Russian