Strawberry jam, a recipe for the winter - how to prepare the perfect treat quickly and easily? Thick strawberry jam for the winter recipes.

Perfect strawberry jam

How to make sure that the jam is not cloyingly sweet, the berries and syrup retain their natural taste and aroma, the color is ruby ​​and as transparent as possible, and the consistency is thick, but not jam-like.

Every year I make jam: strawberry, raspberry, apricot, cherry, blueberry and currant. But in the recipes that I inherited from my mother, the technology for making jam, regardless of the berry or fruit, was the same, only the amount of sugar changed.

This year, during strawberry season, I decided to find a new recipe for strawberry jam and achieve not only the perfect taste, but also the perfect consistency. So, I want the jam to be not cloyingly sweet, the berries and syrup to retain their natural taste and aroma and not smell like caramel, the color to be ruby ​​and as transparent as possible, and the consistency to be thicker, but not jam-like.

For the perfect jam, the perfect berries

The berries should be fresh, dry, ripe and preferably the same size, but not large, so that you don’t have to cut them. In the process of buying berries, I noticed that most housewives take cheaper, rotten and wrinkled strawberries for jam, with the words: “It’s a waste of money to cook anyway.” I will not dispute the logic of this approach, but my jam will contain only the best berries. While grandma was weighing the strawberries for me, carefully placing them in my basket, I found out her recipe for jam. It began with the words: “You boil 7 glasses of water,” after which all subsequent information lost all meaning for me. I remembered the phrase of one great chef: “The main mistake of all novice cooks is to add water everywhere”
Strawberries are almost 90 percent water, which will be more than enough to make strawberry syrup.

Berries and sugar

So, the main components of our jam are berries and sugar. But strawberries are fairly low in acidity, around 2%, so they need a little help to achieve the perfect flavor balance rather than a cloyingly sweet taste. In addition, due to the low pectin content of strawberries, the jam will be very liquid, unless, of course, it is boiled for hours until the syrup thickens, but then we sacrifice the natural taste and smell. By the way, this is another argument in favor of ripe, but not overripe berries. In overripe berries, the acid and pectin content decreases, and the jam turns out liquid. Unripe berries have a low juice content and therefore the taste of the jam will be less rich.

Jam is a jelly-like mass with pieces of various fruits or whole berries. The main element of jam is pectin, which provides the desired consistency. Pectin is found in many fruits, but it is best to make jam from plums. Red currants, gooseberries and apples.

Where is pectin obtained?

If the word “pectin” has given you an irresistible desire to look into Wikipedia, then let me give you a simple explanation. Pectin is the “cement” that holds plant fibers together. In confectionery, it is used as a gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener, humectant and clarifier. If certain proportions are observed, in the presence of acid and sugar, pectin forms gels.

Sour apples, currants, gooseberries, cranberries, lemons, limes, grapes, and blackberries are high in acid and pectin, and form a jelly when sugar alone is added.

Strawberries, peaches, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, pears and overripe fruits have very low levels of both acid and pectin. Therefore, to form a jelly-like structure, the addition of both is required.

My strawberries definitely need a little help to get the right consistency, ie. I need extra acid and pectin. Of course, you can use powdered or liquid pectin, sold in health food departments, but I will leave this simple path for mass producers, and I myself will try to add fruits or berries with a high content of acid and pectin. Of the seasonal representatives, the first thing that caught my eye was red currant. It was decided to use it.


1. First, we get rid of the stalk, wash the strawberries, let them dry (remember that we don’t need excess water), put them in a jam pan and cover them with sugar. The classic ratio of sugar to berries is 3:4. Leave at room temperature for 8 hours so that the strawberries release juice.

2. Meanwhile, let's prepare our currants. To extract maximum pectin, pour currant berries with cold water so that the water lightly covers the berries, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat until the berries burst. Turn off, cool completely and rub through a sieve to remove seeds. We hide the resulting liquid in the refrigerator until its finest hour comes.

3. After many hours of interaction with sugar, the strawberries have given juice, and we are ready to make jam. Place the strawberries in a colander, put the drained syrup on the fire, add red currant extract and bring to a boil. During vigorous boiling, foam will begin to form on the surface. There are two ways to get rid of it: remove it with a spoon or add a few drops of grape seed oil to reduce foaming.

The main thing is to remember that for perfect jam you must get rid of the foam. Because, firstly, the strawberry syrup will be as transparent as possible, and secondly, you will extend the life of the jam on the shelf.

4. Let the syrup boil for 5-10 minutes. Turn off the heat, after 5 minutes pour it over our strawberries. When the syrup and berries have cooled completely, put them in the refrigerator until the next day.

5. Before repeating the procedure the next day, separate the syrup from the berries again. Place the syrup on the fire and simmer over medium heat until the desired consistency is reached (10-20 minutes). While the syrup thickens, place a small plate in the freezer. To check if the syrup is ready, drop it onto a cold plate and see if you have the desired thickness. Once you are satisfied with the result, add berries to it, let them simmer for 5 minutes and pour hot into pre-sterilized jars.

Alexander Seleznev

Autumn is the time for preparations.
And of course, many people now make jams and preserves.
So, it’s time to talk about pectin, and how to use it to make more tasty and healthy jam.

My grandmother, mother and I made jam like everyone else: the ratio of sugar to fruit is 1:1, and sometimes even more - 1,200 - 1,300 sugar per 1 kilogram of fruit!

Sugar plays three roles in jam: it is a sweetener, a thickener and a preservative.

But sweet berries and fruits do not need large doses of sugar; sterilization can take on the role of a preservative - jam packaged hot, in hot and dry jars, and hermetically sealed, stored without a refrigerator no worse than grandma’s.

So what's the problem?

The fact is that without a large amount of sugar you get not jam, but compote...

Therefore, when reducing the amount of sugar, pectin is used as a thickener.

With pectin you can make jam and preserves, thick, beautiful and not at all sweet.
Not to mention the fact that we find this jam much tastier, and it also has a lot fewer calories!

What is pectin?

Pectin is a polysaccharide that is naturally found in all vegetables and fruits.

Citrus fruits and apples are the richest in pectin, with the highest percentage of pectin contained in the peel and seed pods.

The industrial method of producing dry pectin involves extracting it with acid from plant materials and then drying it.

Industrially produced dry pectin looks like a fine, creamy, odorless powder.

Its labeling as a food additive is E440.
Liquid pectin is obtained from boiling apple juices or citrus peels.
Dry pectin is usually used for making jams and preserves, as an additive to dairy products, etc.
Liquid pectin is used to make jelly and marmalade (sweets), etc.

Liquid pectin can be cooked at home!

For example, if you are peeling apples for apple pie, or squeezing juice, don't throw away the waste!
Fill them with water, cook for 30-40 minutes and strain. If you put the broth in the refrigerator, make sure it thickens. This is a decoction with a high content of pectin, and it can be used to make jam instead of water.
Of course, its properties are not as strong as those of dry pectin.

Liquid pectin is sold sterilized, like juice.

Dry industrial pectin is sold in various forms - both pure and in mixtures with sugar, dextrose, and acid.
If you bought a ready-made mixture, then proceed as written on the package.

If you bought pure pectin, then you should know the following:

Pectins are different!

Buffered pectin. This is pectin, which does not require acid in the product for gelling.
Not buffered - requiring the obligatory addition of acid for the gelling process.
Thermally stable - i.e. withstand subsequent heat treatment, which is important, for example, if the jam is then used for fillings in confectionery products. These are pectins containing a lot of methoxyl. (high-methoxy, designated HM or HR on the packaging). Within the group, these pectins are also subdivided according to the strength and speed of gelation, therefore they may have additional markings indicating this strength (100,200, etc.).
Non-heat stable - cooked and jellied jam cannot be reheated, it will become liquid.
This pectin has a low methoxy content (low methoxy, LM or LR on the package).

As a rule, it is impossible to know what type of pectin you bought.
But if you really want to, you can check both for buffering and thermal stability by cooking a small portion of jam - with and without acid, and then heat the sample after gelling.

The standards for adding pectin are also not easy!

A lack of pectin will cause the jam to remain liquid. Excess pectin will add an off-flavor, ruining the taste.

What I found out after reading and experimenting:

1. Pectin consumption rates range from 5 grams per 1 kilogram of fruit to 15 grams.
The more sugar and less liquid, the less pectin you need to add.
General rule:
if sugar is taken in the ratio of 1 kilogram of fruit: 500 grams of sugar, then 4-5 grams of pectin is enough
if sugar is taken as 1: 0.25 then you need 7-10 grams of pectin
if sugar is not used at all, then 12-15 g of pectin is taken per 1 kg of fruit.

The amount of pectin depends on its quality; moreover, with such a small weight, the error of the scales is inevitable.
See for yourself, don’t be afraid to experiment! Brew a small amount as a test batch and adjust.

2. Pectin is added to boiling jam/fruit puree, and must first be mixed with a small amount of sugar (so that it is distributed evenly in the jam).
This is due to the peculiarities of pectin dissolution. Pectin does not melt like sugar, but behaves like gelatin - it first swells, absorbing water, and only then dissolves. If pectin powder is not mixed with sugar, its particles may stick together and then no force will force them to dissolve, they will remain in the syrup as a gelatinous lump.

3. Jam with pectin is cooked from 1 minute to 3-5 (maximum!). With longer cooking, pectin is destroyed, losing its gelling properties. Besides, what's the point of cooking jam longer than necessary? The shorter the cooking time, the more beautiful the jam!

4. Complete gelation occurs as with gelatin, after cooling.

5. A large amount of acid in the starting material reduces the gelling properties (and then you need to either add sugar or increase the amount of pectin), but not a large number of acid promotes gelling, so if you don’t know what type of pectin you bought (buffered or not), you need to add a spoonful of lemon juice to sweet fruit jam.

Where to buy pectin.

In Israel it is sold in spice shops and stores like Four Chef, etc.
In Russia it is sold under the name "Zhelfix".
In Italy it is sold under the name "Fruttapek"
Can be purchased online. It weighs little, is not expensive, and you compensate for the costs by saving sugar.

And finally, as an example, my recipe fresh fig and ginger jam.

And here is a wonderful selection of recipes from my friends: preserves, jams and even marmalade!
From Luda milav

here is a list of some recipes, what I prepared and what I translated

Jam with figs.

One of many favorite desserts is strawberry jam, a healthy and aromatic delicacy, the recipe of which is simple and every housewife, of course, strives to prepare several jars for the winter. Strawberry jam is now prepared in the traditional way, in a slow cooker, in a bread maker, with gelatin, and with pectin, and it always tastes wonderful.

In our family, children love baked goods with strawberry jam, pies, buns, rolls, and just like that it’s good with tea as a snack. Strawberry jam can be used as an ingredient for some confectionery products. Its consistency, thick and viscous, allows it to be used in many recipes.

In addition, strawberry jam is very useful, especially when we lack vitamins and summer sun. And when making strawberry jam, you don’t have to try to maintain the shape of the berries; you can take slightly unripe or bruised ones, because they will still be crushed and cook for a long time.

How to make strawberry jam for the winter

In order for us to get a healthy dessert, we need to choose the right utensils. No aluminum or copper basins or pans. The berry necessarily interacts with metal, because it contains fruit acids that quickly oxidize copper and destroy porous aluminum. You don't want any metal contaminants in your jam.

If possible, always use stainless steel containers, or enameled containers in extreme cases, but everything often burns in them, so you need to cook carefully. It is also better not to use metal spoons for stirring jam; a wooden spoon or spatula would be much more environmentally friendly.

The jars must be sterilized in advance and dry. You can use Euro jars, but it is advisable to place parchment under the lids so that the contents do not come into contact with the metal and the lid is closed more tightly.

We prepare the berries this way: we sort them, tear off the tails, remove spoiled berries or completely green ones and wash them in several waters, possibly in a basin or under running water. It is also better to grind the berries in advance, using a blender, through a meat grinder, or rub through a sieve, then choose what is more convenient for you.

Strawberry jam, a classic recipe for the winter

The simplest recipe you can come up with. Even the most novice housewife can cope here. A little time and our delicious dessert will be ready.

For it we will need:

  • Two kilos of strawberries
  • Two kilos of granulated sugar

How to make strawberry jam:

We chop the prepared berry, I prefer to rub it through a fine sieve, although this process is one of the most labor-intensive, but the jam always turns out thick and without special thickeners.

Immediately pour the berry puree into where the jam will be cooked, add all the sugar, mix well and turn on the stove to bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles begin to appear on the surface, we reduce the temperature and let the berries simmer slowly for half an hour. After that, set aside and just let it cool.

These steps need to be repeated two more times, after which the jam will take on the desired consistency. The last time we don’t leave it to cool, but immediately put it in jars and seal it. Our jars should cool at room temperature.

Strawberry jam - five minutes

Here you will have to tinker a little, but the result is worth it, the jam turns out beautiful, aromatic and more vitamins are retained in it, because the thermal effect is short-lived.

We will need:

  • A kilo of fresh berries
  • Two hundred kilos of sugar
  • Lemons on the tip of a knife

How we will cook:

We wipe or chop the berries and mix them with sugar in a separate container. We keep the already sterile jars on hand, because we will be pouring them right away. I take 200 gram ones so that a portion of cooked jam fits just right.

Pour a glass of berry puree with sugar into a saucepan and bring to a boil, cook for five minutes. Now take a clean and dry jar, add lemon on the tip of a knife, fill it with jam, and immediately roll it up. Then we do all the remaining portions in the same way. The jam will thicken in a few days and can be refrigerated.

Strawberry jam recipe with gelatin

Using this recipe, you can prepare jam very quickly and there is a guarantee that it will thicken 100%. Gelatin will not spoil the taste at all and will give the product the desired consistency.

We will need:

  • A kilo of strawberries
  • Glass of granulated sugar
  • Gelatin packet (20 grams)

How to make strawberry jam with gelatin:

Please note that in this recipe you need less sugar, since gelatin plays the main role of the thickener. The rest of the cooking principle is almost the same.

We wash the berries and cut off the tails. Then we grind or twist, as you like. Immediately pour the strawberry liquid, sugar and gelatin into the cooking container, all at once. Put it on the fire and wait until it boils. At the same time, don’t forget to stir, you don’t want burnt jam.

As soon as our strawberry-sugar mixture begins to boil, we set the temperature to the lowest possible and cook it, stirring all the time for a couple of minutes. After two minutes the jam is ready, just in case you can check if the drop is spreading. If the shape holds, then you can turn off the heat and pour the jam into jars. By the way, it will thicken even more as it cools.

Strawberry jam, bread machine recipe

This option is good for those who do not like to stand over a saucepan, but prefer to do more exciting things while the vitamin preparation is being cooked.

What we will need:

  • A kilo of strawberries
  • One and a half cups of sugar
  • Juice of half a lemon

How to make jam in a bread machine:

We prepare the berries as usual. In this case, it is not necessary to chop it, you can simply cut it into several parts.

We immediately pour the berries and sugar into the bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, this is so that the color of our jam is bright and beautiful. Close the bread maker and set the jam mode.

Strawberry jam for the winter, recipe with pectin

This is also a quick recipe, due to the addition of pectin thickener, the time is significantly reduced, which means more useful vitamins are retained, which is why we cook in general.

What we will need:

  • A kilo of strawberries
  • Half a kilo of sugar
  • Pack of pectin
  • Lemon juice about a teaspoon

How we will cook:

As in all other recipes, we wash and sort the berries. We grind them in any way available to us.

Pour the strawberry mixture into what we will cook it in and add a pack of pectin, mix well, do not add sugar yet. Let it simmer over medium heat for now, and as soon as gurgling appears, we lower the temperature to minimum and pour in the sugar, continuing to stir everything.

Cook for exactly five minutes, no more is needed, add lemon juice at the end, generally this is optional. Place into jars immediately and seal with lids.

Strawberry jam, simple recipe, video

Strawberries are the first berry that makes us sincerely rejoice at the arrival of summer. There is still a lot of delicious and beloved things ahead, but no one can restrain themselves after vitamin starvation and fragrant berries, barely ripe, disappear from gardens and shelves at incredible speed. After everyone has eaten their fill of strawberries, housewives rush to prepare the remaining berries for the winter. Therefore, there are different recipes for strawberry jam at your service - with whole berries, 5-minute jam, jam with gelatin, jam and even with gelatin! Shall we try?

Recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries

In order to cook strawberry jam with dense whole berries, you need to correctly select and prepare the main ingredient. Small, slightly unripe berries are ideal for this purpose. At the same time, as little time as possible should pass between picking the strawberries and making the jam. So, thoroughly wash and dry the berries.

Under no circumstances should we remove the stalks under running water or in a container with water. We clean the strawberries only after they are dry. Our task is to prevent excess moisture from getting inside the berries. Then we transfer the strawberries into a cooking bowl, sprinkling each layer with sugar. The classic ratio of berries and sugar is 1:1. You can adjust the proportions based on your taste and the preferences of your loved ones. Leave the berries in the sugar for at least 6 hours (overnight is possible). Then bring the strawberry mass to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam in a timely manner. Again we forget about our jam for 10-12 hours. Then we return it to the stove and repeat the procedure - boil for 5 minutes. Let it cool completely again and go to the finish line.

We prepare the jars with lids, and in the meantime boil the jam for the last time. After turning off, wait half an hour until the berries settle to the bottom, put the strawberries and syrup into jars and roll them up.

Strawberry jam with whole berries 5 minutes

When you don’t have free time, recipes like these are very helpful. So, to cook jam for 5 minutes from whole strawberries, you will need prepared peeled berries (1.5 kg), the same amount of granulated sugar and 1 glass of water. Boil the sugar syrup until it has a homogeneous consistency, then add strawberries to it and, after boiling, keep it on the fire for exactly 5 minutes, not forgetting to skim off the foam. Then turn off the stove and rotate the pan in a circular motion in the air to gently mix the berries. Let the jam cool slightly and repeat the same thing 2 more times: cook for 5 minutes, shake, cool slightly. That's all. Transfer to jars, roll up or cover with nylon lids.

The second option is quick:

Cover the prepared strawberries with sugar (1:1) and leave for several hours (overnight is possible). When the berries release their juice, put it on the fire, wait for it to boil, skim off the foam and cook for 5-7 minutes. When hot, pour into sterilized jars and roll up. This jam will be liquid, but will retain a maximum of vitamins and the bright color of fresh strawberries.

How to make thick strawberry jam

Delicious berries in strawberry syrup are very tasty, but eating them is not always very convenient. You can’t spread it on bread, you can’t wrap it in a pancake, everything spreads. For delicious home-baked fillings, and just for variety, you can make thick strawberry jam, like jam.

The proportions remain the same: strawberries and almost the same amount of sugar. Only one ingredient is added - lemon (1 piece per 3 -4 kg of strawberries). Naturally, cooking technology also changes.

Leave the strawberries and sugar overnight. In the morning, boil everything together for 10 minutes, then transfer the berries with a slotted spoon to another bowl. Boil the syrup for an hour. Then add finely chopped lemon along with zest. This will help prevent the jam from becoming sugary and will add a light, fresh touch. Boil the syrup for another hour. Then add the set aside strawberries, and send the pan to boil for the last time for an hour, reducing the heat to low. Place the thick strawberry mixture into sterilized jars and roll up.

Strawberry jam with gelatin

Another way to get thick strawberry jam is to add gelatin during cooking. It will also be great if you can get your hands on a little-known but very useful jelly-forming substance from seaweed - agar-agar. It will also help you achieve a nice strawberry jam consistency. Take 2 kg of strawberries and sugar.

So, according to the general scheme: cover the berries with sugar and go to bed. In the morning, cook the strawberries for 5-10 minutes, then let them cool for several hours. After this, if desired, grind it with a blender or leave it in the same form, mashing it a little with a spoon. Boil for another 5-10 minutes. Let it cool again.

During the third stage of cooking, add the juice of one lemon and gelatin or agar-agar to the jam. These ingredients should be prepared first. Gelatin is soaked according to the recommendations on the package. Agar-agar (2 tsp) is diluted in a glass of warm water, placed on the fire to thicken, and after boiling, immediately poured into the jam. After mixing thoroughly, transfer the jam into jars and roll up. Strawberry jam with gelatin will patiently wait for winter to delight you with its excellent taste and aroma.

Strawberry jam with marmalade

Beginning housewives who do not have the skills to work with gelatin or agar-agar can use a wonderful invention - marmalade. This is perhaps the easiest strawberry jam recipe. So, to prepare strawberry jam with marmalade, you need to grind fresh berries, put the pan on the fire, add the required amount of gelling powder and bring to a boil, stirring. Then add sugar. Elementary proportions: 1 kg of sugar: 1 kg of strawberries: 1 bag of jam. Cook everything together for another 5-10 minutes and that’s it! Place in jars and roll up!

Strawberry jam with pectin, the simplest recipe

Don't forget about one more useful substance that will help us turn liquid, spreading jam into a homogeneous thick jam. This is pectin. It can be purchased in the seasoning or baking ingredients aisle. Making jam with strawberry pectin is as simple as the previous one. There is no need to dilute or pre-dissolve anything. You don’t even need to simmer the berries with sugar overnight. Grind fresh strawberries (1 kg) with a blender, put on fire, bring to a boil and add 20 g of pectin powder. Let it boil again and add 1 kg of sugar. Wait for it to boil, boil the mixture for 10 minutes and pour the hot jam into sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over and leave until completely cool.

Strawberry jam with whole berries in a slow cooker

How can you not use a miracle pot if you have one in order to make your task easier in such a troublesome task as making jam? Do not interfere with anything, do not remove foam, do not control the fire. You just need to put clean dry berries in a bowl, cover them with sugar (1:1) and select the program: “Stewing”, “Jam” or “Simmering”. To obtain a more liquid consistency, you can add a little water. However, when preparing strawberry jam in a slow cooker, you should not fill the bowl to the top with whole berries. To avoid troubles such as boiling over through the valve, it is better not to add more than 1 kg of berries at a time.

We hope that from such an abundance you will choose the most suitable strawberry jam recipe for yourself and will delight your loved ones with delicious preparations in the snowy winter.

During the harvest season, many housewives are busy with homemade preparations in order to stock up on vitamins for future use. For example, they make preserves from garden strawberries, which are rich in iodine, potassium, antioxidants, and magnesium. The recipe for making strawberry jam is simple, and you can enjoy its taste until spring.

How to make strawberry jam

This wonderful dessert can be served as a separate dish or used to prepare unusual pastries. Strawberry jam has a bright taste and aroma, has a positive effect on the human body, and is liked by adults and children. It is important to distinguish this product from jam. If you don’t know how to make strawberry jam, then keep in mind that it is important to preserve the shape of the berries. During the preparation process, gelling agents can also be used to obtain a thick consistency.

How to make strawberry jam? It is important to select the freshest berries that have not become overripe. For 1 kilogram of strawberries you need to take the same amount of sugar so that the product can be stored longer. It is possible to prepare jam with honey (in a similar proportion). To check the readiness of the preservation, drop a little product on a saucer. If the composition retains its shape and does not spread, then the dessert can be placed in jars.

If you are wondering how to make strawberry jam, consider these important points:

  1. Do not use aluminum or copper pans.
  2. Jars for storing workpieces are well washed and sterilized.
  3. Strawberries are peeled and washed.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

You will like this recipe if you have a kitchen assistant on hand - a multicooker. It will make preparing strawberry treats easier, even if you have never made such a preparation before. Stock up on the following products:

  • garden strawberries – 1 kg;
  • pectin – 1 sachet;
  • sugar – 200 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Select only the best berries without dents, mold or rot.
  2. Remove the stems and rinse the strawberries under running water.
  3. Cut large fruits into pieces, and small ones can be left whole.
  4. Place the strawberries in a container, sprinkle with pectin, and stir gently.
  5. Transfer the berry mass into a multi-cooker bowl.
  6. Turn on the “soup” mode, stir the mixture until it boils.
  7. Add sugar 5 minutes after boiling.
  8. Periodically skim off any foam that has formed.
  9. After boiling again, cook the berries for another 10 minutes.

Traditional strawberry jam for the winter

The easiest way to prepare a flavorful dessert for future use is the classic recipe. To prepare, take:

  • strawberries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg.

How to make strawberry jam correctly:

  1. Grind the berries using a sieve or blender.
  2. Combine berry puree with sugar.
  3. Let the mixture cook.
  4. Reduce the temperature when the mixture boils.
  5. Cool the composition.
  6. Place it back on the stove.
  7. When the mixture boils, cook for a few minutes.
  8. Allow the product to cool.
  9. Pour into jars.

How to make strawberry jam with gelatin

To obtain a viscous consistency, many housewives prefer to make the product with the addition of gelatin. As a result, the dessert will not spread and is suitable for preparing beautiful and tasty baked goods. You will need the following products:

  • garden strawberries – 1.5 kg;
  • lemon juice – 1 spoon;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • thickener agar-agar (or gelatin) – 1.5 tsp.

How to prepare canned food at home:

  1. Select ripe fruits and rinse with running water.
  2. Cut large strawberries into halves.
  3. Cover the berries with sugar.
  4. Cook the treat in three batches.
  5. Stir the mixture constantly and skim off any foam.
  6. Turn off the stove, cool the mixture a little, and chop the berries with a blender.
  7. Bring to a boil again, cook for 7 minutes.
  8. To make the dessert thick, add gelatin to the composition (pre-soak it in water).
  9. When the composition boils, add the prepared thickener and lemon juice.
  10. Cook the mixture for 5 minutes.
  11. Cool, pour into jars.

How to make strawberry jam Five minutes

According to this recipe, the product turns out beautiful and fragrant. Due to short heat treatment, the berries retain many vitamins. For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • fresh berries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • citric acid – 2 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wipe the garden strawberries and combine with sugar in a separate bowl.
  2. Wash and sterilize jars (0.2 liter volume) for storage.
  3. Pour 1 cup of sweet puree into a small saucepan.
  4. After bringing to a boil, cook the mixture for 5 minutes.
  5. Take the prepared jar.
  6. Add citric acid.
  7. Pour in the finished product and roll up the container.

Strawberry jam with pectin

What you will need:

  • fresh berries – 2 kg;
  • freshly squeezed apple juice – 2 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • pectin – 2 sachets.

How to cook:

  1. Separate the berries from the stalks, wash and dry.
  2. Pour boiling water over the raw material and leave for half an hour.
  3. Grind the berries into a puree using a blender, fork or sieve.
  4. Place everything in a dessert preparation container.
  5. Add pectin to the berries, stir the mixture.
  6. Cook over moderate heat.
  7. To prevent the dessert from burning, stir the mixture constantly.
  8. When the mixture boils, add apple juice and sugar.
  9. Cook for 10 minutes.
  10. Prepare the container: wash, steam.
  11. Place the finished product into jars.
  12. Roll up the lids.

Video: thick strawberry jam