Homemade sausages. Cooked-smoked and semi-smoked sausage

Hard-boiled eggs and soft cheeses should be eaten first on the train, and baked boneless chicken packed in foil will last much longer than fried chicken.

The shelf life of food that we are familiar with in the summer “does not work” - everything spoils much faster. What can you take with you on the road in such heat? Moreover, if you have to travel on the train not for several hours, but for the whole day? There is no need to choke on dry foods; even in July you can create a full traveler’s menu, says nutritionist Natalya Karpenko.

Let's start with meat dishes

The desire to take sausage and boiled chicken with you is fraught with gastrointestinal problems. “Varenka”, for example, can turn green in 2-3 hours. However, this is a known fact. But many people are trusting of semi-smoked and boiled smoked sausages.

Although in fact these are the same boiled sausages, which are smoked at a low temperature to impart a specific taste and aroma, and not to increase shelf life. Another thing is raw smoked, it is carefully smoked and then dried. Thus, the percentage of moisture is minimized (and those products that contain more liquid spoil faster). Even in hot weather, this sausage lasts for 1–2 months.

Fried chicken will last almost twice as long as boiled chicken. But her “record” in summer is small - 6–8 hours. And a product that can become unusable overnight is hardly needed on a long trip. Therefore, if you really want poultry, it is better to bake the chicken in the oven and then store it in foil. If you do not suffer from gastritis, add more spices, herbs, and herbs to the meat.

Many of them (garlic, tarragon, basil) act as natural preservatives. You can also extend the life of the chicken by removing the bones and packing only the meat - this way it will be stored better.

Any products made from minced meat on the road are taboo. And not only cutlets quickly develop a smell, but also cabbage rolls, dumplings, and pancakes with meat.

Fish is a perishable product

If you are not sure about the freshness of canned food, nutritionists do not recommend taking it on the road. It is better to give preference to meat rather than fish. The latter, heating up in direct sunlight, can deteriorate in a matter of hours. Speaking of fish! This is one of the most perishable products, which is not suitable for travel, either fried or boiled. Of course, lovers can grab dried ram or well-salted herring, although in the heat such food will make you unbearably thirsty.

And the “mix” of stuffiness, summer temperature and eating salt can cause your blood pressure to jump. But at least poisoning can be avoided if you do not buy lightly salted fish with beer. It deteriorates in 4–6 hours. Smoked will not last much longer.

Make sure the packaging is sealed

Among canned vegetable and vegetable-meat products, those with an acidic environment are more stable: with tomatoes, sauerkraut. Naturally, an open can does not protect the contents in any way.

A controversial issue is sausage slices in vacuum packaging. In theory, such products can withstand a week - but not in 30-degree heat, and especially not in direct sunlight. It happens that the product loses its quality after 12 hours. You need to be especially careful about the integrity of the packaging. If it bends at the corners, if there are holes, air will get inside and the same 2-3 hours of heat will do its dirty work.

Dairy products are the way out. But which ones?

It's much easier with hard cheese. It may well provide proteins and fats to those who travel. To prevent it from drying out longer, wrap it in a thick, damp cloth. Cheese cheese in jars with a salt solution will also work. But soft, creamy, and processed cheeses are not the same at all. So either don’t take it with you, or eat it first of your trip. The same goes for eggs. Traditional “hard-boiled” ones remain fresh for only 6–12 hours, and only if they were bought fresh and there are no cracks in the shell.

Dairy products are a good help when traveling. Long-life milk, packed in a tetra pack, will wait until the next morning. And together with muesli or instant porridge they will make a good breakfast. Kefir and yoghurt will help quench your thirst. When sealed on a train, they are stored for up to a day, after opening - no longer than 3-4 hours.

Rescue on the train - vegetables and fruits

It is clear that hard apples, pears, and bananas are much better preserved than juicy fruits. But berries, peaches, and apricots are too tender for road food and should not be taken. Dried fruits, nuts - as much as you like. Cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, and firm, firm tomatoes go well as garnishes. And take traditional potatoes only boiled in their skins. Simply boiled, like fried, will quickly turn sour. If you want to season side dishes and salads, take vegetable oil...

The most dangerous are ketchup and pies.

Mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces become perishable once they are printed. They are among the leading products that cause poisoning. Nutritionists categorically advise against taking them on the road.

Cookies with creamy layers, pies with rice and eggs - all these are continuous dangers. From flour, only dry cookies and baked pies with vegetable fillings or jam will do.

Sausage is a popular appetizer for the table and an excellent snack when there is no time for a full meal. There are many varieties of meat products, some more often use aromatic smoked or tender boiled, others prefer delicacy dry-cured.

There are housewives who know how to cook very healthy, delicious homemade sausage. To ensure that the taste and quality of the product pleases you for as long as possible, it is better to study the recommendations on how to store homemade sausage and other varieties.

Rules for storing sausages

The best place where it is customary to store dry-cured and other sausages is considered to be a refrigerator, but with the condition that the product is packaged according to all the rules. The use of plastic bags is not recommended, since moisture heats up inside, and various types of bacteria receive an excellent environment for life, which reduces the shelf life of the sausage product.

For long-term storage, dry-cured and other deli meat products should be wrapped in parchment, foil, or use a plastic container. Unopened original packaging will extend the shelf life of the product, which is in refrigerated storage.

The shelf life of a raw-dried, smoked or boiled product will increase if you lubricate the cut area. Fat, lemon juice or egg white are suitable for this. To enhance the effect, wrap the greased area with cling film.

You can safely store different types of sausage in the freezer. If you defrost it, the taste will remain the same. This method is suitable for large volumes.

The slippery shell of dry-cured and other products is washed under running cool water and the product is fried in a frying pan using vegetable oil. If the dry-cured sausage is wrinkled, soak it in milk for half an hour.

How to store smoked and cheese-made varieties?

The smoked variety is divided into boiled smoked and semi-smoked sausage. Storage requirements imply that the product is placed in the refrigerator at 4 or 6 positive degrees. A product with an intact shell will be suitable for 14 or even 30 days. Freezing will extend shelf life up to 90 days.

Unopened smoked sausage can be stored for 4 months in the refrigerator, and for nine months in the freezer. The started stick must be eaten within 21 days.

Raw smoked products can be stored for up to 60 days in a room where the temperature does not exceed 16 degrees plus and is well ventilated.

Advice; If a white coating appears on a raw smoked sausage, you should wipe it with vinegar and take a little vegetable oil to lubricate the product.

Dry-cured delicacy products are obtained by drying natural beef or pork meat. Horse and lamb sausages are also available for sale. If you follow the recommendations of experts on how to store dry-cured sausage at home, you can use the delicacy stored on the refrigerator shelf for six months. If the stick is not unsealed, it can be stored at room temperature for up to 30 days.

Dry-cured meat products can take up the fruit compartment of the refrigerator. If dry-cured sausage is stored for a long time, it can be refreshed by wrapping it in a linen cloth.

Horse sausage will last for months if it is buried in bran or flour. Dried products can be kept in rolled up sterile jars and stored in the pantry for six months, in refrigerated conditions for a year. The shelf life of hunting sausages is estimated at a week, no more.

How to store boiled sausage and ham?

Boiled sausage products, frankfurters, sausages and ham can be stored for at least 2 or 3 days, maximum for a month and a half. The period depends on the type of product, what it is filled with, what the shell is made of, and what technology was used in production. Such products can only be located on the shelves of the refrigerator and in special compartments in its door. The optimal temperature fluctuates between 0 and 8 degrees with a plus sign. It is better to use foil to tightly wrap the stick so that the product does not dry out or become damp. Animal fat is used to lubricate the cut edges.

Vacuum containers serve as ideal storage for cooked meat products. The sausage is placed in the tray. There is a pump on the lid of the container; it pumps air out of the container. This method will prolong storage, because there cannot be fungi and bacteria in the vacuum space. Proper storage will help keep the products intact for almost a week.

Boiled sausage can also be frozen. After the product is defrosted, it will require heat treatment. You can make pizza with the addition of defrosted sausage, prepare German soup or another original dish.

Storing homemade sausage

At home you can prepare kupaty, liver or meat sausages. Raw products cannot be stored for more than 24 hours. The finished product will last for 4 days. To extend the period, you should master some storage tricks.

If raw products are frozen, they will be good for approximately 60 days. Defrosting in stages: remove the product from the freezer into the refrigerator; from the cold the sausage ends up on the kitchen table.

Blood sausages cannot be frozen raw. Sometimes cooked sausage is filled with pork fat, which is previously melted. The container with the product should be tightly covered with a lid. In this form, five weeks of refrigerated storage is possible.

Finished products are frozen to be reheated in a microwave or oven in a covered container before use. Before putting homemade products in the freezer, you need to dry them with napkins. To store homemade products longer, you should not use additives in the form of onions and garlic.

At any time you need, you can make your own homemade delicacy at home from pork intestines stored in advance.

The intestines for homemade sausage will need to be thoroughly washed, lightly salted, divided into portions and frozen. When necessary, the natural shell is removed from the freezer, thawed, and filled with any minced meat.

Homemade meat products can be placed in clay pots. To seal, melt the pork fat. Fill the pots completely with hot liquid. Cloves or bay leaves can be added to the fat. The cooled containers with waxy fat on top are covered with lids and tied with ropes. Store the sausage in the pantry or on the refrigerator shelf.

Liver, liver and blood products are kept strictly in the refrigerator and consumed within 2 or 4 days.

Meat is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so it is very easy to get sausage poisoning.

In this article we will look at:

  1. What are the signs of bad sausage?
  2. You have sausage poisoning - causes, symptoms and treatment.
  3. Features of poisoning in children.
  4. How to provide first aid to someone who has been poisoned?

What causes poisoning?

You can be poisoned by any substance contained in sausage. Food poisoning is typical. Spoiled sausage grows millions of microorganisms that produce toxins that poison our body. Among them:

  • salmonella;
  • clostridial bacillus;
  • staphylococcus

The most severe sausage poisoning can be obtained by consuming a low-quality product in vacuum packaging that has expired or is stored improperly. Unscrupulous manufacturers do a poor job of cleaning soil containing spores of anaerobic (living without air) bacteria called clostridia. They secrete botulinum toxin or “sausage poison.” Symptoms of poisoning will be listed below.

Also, for the preparation of sausages, second-class raw materials, various additives, thickeners, preservatives and dyes are often used. An overdose of these substances may result in chemical poisoning.

How can you tell if a product is spoiled?

Signs of product spoilage are not always present, so be sure to check expiration dates to avoid poisoning. You can focus on the following indicators:

  1. The sausage smells bad.
  2. The surface is green and covered with mucus.
  3. It has a bitter, nasty taste.
  4. If you have an upset stomach after use.

There is no need to fry or boil spoiled sausage. Very often, spoiled sausage is heat-treated, in the belief that this will destroy harmful substances. However, scientists have proven that botulinum toxin does not break down when exposed to high temperatures, so popular frying will not save you from botulism. It is better to throw away suspicious meat immediately without risking your health.

What are the symptoms?

Based on the prevailing clinical symptoms, it is possible to determine which pathogen caused sausage poisoning. The speed and tactics of treatment will depend on this.

Poisoning agent, symptoms:

  • Salmonellosis is an acute onset a few hours after eating sausage. A sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 C, accompanied by chills. The whole stomach hurts, worst of all in the navel area. Vomiting of undigested food and green diarrhea appear up to 7-9 times a day. Symptoms of dehydration increase: rapid breathing, palpitations, dry mouth, dizziness and fainting may occur. The illness can last up to 2 weeks.
  • Staphylococcus - literally within an hour, repeated vomiting and severe abdominal pain begin. The stool is liquefied, up to 3-5 times a day. The patient's condition usually improves the next day.
  • Botulism – within 24 hours of eating sausage, vomiting and diarrhea begin, which is then replaced by constipation. At the same time, the patient feels a deterioration in vision: a “veil” before the eyes, double vision of objects, drooping of the upper eyelid. If measures are not taken at this stage, then it becomes difficult for the poisoned person to swallow, then breathe and move. Death occurs on days 3-5 from respiratory failure.

Poisoning in a child

You can find “children’s sausage” on the market. Despite the name, doctors do not recommend giving it to children under 7-8 years of age, since the enzymes and protective factors of the child’s digestive tract have not yet fully matured.

Children suffer from poisoning more severely than adults: dehydration develops faster, and the list of approved medications is shorter. If adults can cope with the disease at home, then the baby must be hospitalized in the hospital.

What to do?

Remember that you can self-medicate only if it is impossible to call a doctor at home!

When the first signs of sausage or sausage products appear, first aid must be provided as soon as possible.

First aid algorithm:

  1. Call emergency medical assistance;
  2. Rinse the stomach: give the victim to drink about 2 liters of cool liquid and induce vomiting (press on the root of the tongue with a spoon). In no case should you rinse the stomach with warm liquid, this will enhance the absorption of toxins and complicate treatment
  3. If there are sorbents in the first aid kit, give them to the patient according to the instructions. For example, 1 tablet of activated carbon per 10 kg of human weight, which will correspond to 6-7 tablets for an average weight of 60-70 kg.
  4. For salmonellosis, antimicrobial drugs may be prescribed;
  5. To restore water balance, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended; it is advisable to use special saline solutions (the same as Regidron Bio). If vomiting is repeated, an antiemetic drug is necessary.

Recipe for rehydration at home:

If you don’t have a special powder in your medicine cabinet to restore lost fluid, a simple recipe can help:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. baking soda.

You need to drink this solution gradually over 3-4 hours.

Where will the ambulance take you?

If you realize that you cannot cope with the symptoms of sausage poisoning on your own, then an emergency medical team will take the patient to the infectious diseases department of the nearest hospital.

Take with you the product that could possibly cause poisoning. In the hospital they will examine him and give an opinion on the cause of the disease. This could save your life!

Emergency department doctors will assess the degree of dehydration, take tests and administer IVs. In cases of severe dehydration or the development of signs of respiratory failure, hospitalization in the intensive care unit is indicated.

What tests are taken in case of poisoning?

The list of studies is standard:

  1. General and biochemical analysis of blood and urine.
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs and kidneys.
  3. X-ray of the chest and abdomen.
  4. Culture of stool and vomit to identify the pathogen.

How will they be treated in the hospital?

The patient will be transferred from the emergency department to the infectious diseases department. Based on the test results, approximately the following treatment will be prescribed:

  • droppers with glucose-saline solution;
  • antibacterial drug;
  • detoxification;
  • probiotics;
  • therapy of concomitant diseases.

In severe respiratory distress, artificial ventilation may be required.


With staphylococcal intoxication, the outcome is favorable: improvement is noticeable at the end of the day without any pills.

If the poisoning is caused by salmonella, the average course of treatment will take 7-10 days. But if botulinum toxin is detected, and the clinic worsens, then without prescribing a therapeutic serum, the outcome is fatal.


To protect yourself from a low-quality product, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Do not eat expired sausages.
  2. Throw away suspicious products (with mucus, foreign smell or taste, opened or swollen packaging).
  3. Follow the storage times and conditions indicated on the packaging.
  4. Do not buy sausage secondhand if you are unsure of its quality.
  5. Carefully study the composition: if it contains a lot of artificial additives, then there is a risk of chemical poisoning.

Video: Improper food storage is the cause of poisoning.


In summer, during picnics or on New Year's holidays, the most popular products on the table are sausages and sausages.

Now you know what the symptoms of sausage poisoning are, how to provide first aid and how to avoid the poisoning itself. To ensure that the feast passes with joy and does not lead to a hospital bed, always be careful when choosing sausage.

A word to the reader

By the end of autumn and beginning of winter, chickens and pigs, geese and lambs have gained fat, and now the frosts are getting stronger - the best period for slaughtering domestic animals. Now it is important to process meat products and, if possible, preserve them for a longer period. It is, of course, difficult to cope with this work alone, and both a young and worldly-experienced housewife is unlikely to refuse help. To help everyone who has a difficult, but very tasty job to do, we offer you to get acquainted with the recipes of our readers, proven by many years of practice, published at different times on the pages of “Our Kitchen”, and which we, to the best of our ability, have summarized and collected in this brochure . Here you will find almost everything that those interested in home sausage production need to know - from buying a wild boar to smoking, salting, drying or preparing stew. Cook, taste and enjoy the natural taste of dishes prepared with your own hands.

Tatishchev also noted that the Russians knew how to salt meat already under Svyatoslav. According to Karamzin, ham was prepared under Prince Vladimir the Red Sun. At his famous feasts in Kyiv, as the epics tell, hams were served. Mentions sausages and “Domostroy” from the 16th century. And yet, the widespread appearance of sausages in Rus' is associated with the era of Peter the Great. At his call, among other artisans, German sausage makers came to us. The Russians who were students of the Germans very soon learned to make sausages and sausages according to Russian taste. So, for example, Uglitsky sausage, invented by Prasol Rusinov, and others with local names appeared.

The first purely Russian sausage production appeared in the cities of the Moscow region. Before the revolution, there were about 2,500 sausage factories in Russia. Of these, only 46 produced sausages in a factory way. The rest were small workshops attached to butcher shops.

Sausage production includes not only the production of the sausages themselves. This also includes the preparation of different varieties of pork, ham, corned beef, etc.

To make sausages tasty

Choosing a pig

The main thing is how the piglet eats. Grabs the whole mouth indiscriminately - excellent. He eats slowly, picking at it, but everything without a trace is good or satisfactory. Sucking, picking and leaving his food is bad.

A normal piglet should be of average fatness. The bristles on it are clean, shiny, not dull. The skin is smooth, non-flaky, slightly pinkish. And the ears are translucent. A healthy piglet should be cheerful, active, clear-eyed, and willing to accept or chew any food. His tail is curled into a ring.

Don't go after the shiny ones, drunk on milk and sugar - they are calm, smooth, sleep a lot, but are already spoiled: any other food is not interesting for them. In a healthy pig, the squeal is loud and abrupt, while in a weak or sick pig it is muffled, sometimes even causeless. The shape of the best pig is on high legs, with a long, straight back, without interception behind the shoulder blades.

The teeth of the upper and lower jaws must match, otherwise the pig will swallow poorly chewed food, and even refuse coarse and unchopped food.

If you choose a pig successfully, you will acquire a live share, which is always in price. Dividends from it will grow by 400–500 g of live weight per day - to the delight of your family.

Fattening and slaughter

Pig meat is most suitable for making sausages. A pig is easier to feed and grows faster than a cow or bull. Its fattening lasts 2–4 months. When a pig is fed bread, its meat becomes light, tender, fibrous, and the fat becomes dense, white, with a pinkish tint. When fed with waste, the meat will become darker, the fat will become soft and yellowish.

Before slaughter, if the animal is brought from afar, it must be allowed to rest for at least a day. The day before slaughter they are not given food. This is done to obtain more tasty meat.

Before slaughtering, the pig is usually stunned by hitting the forehead between the ears with a mallet. It is stabbed in a lying position or hanging with a sharp knife in the throat, in the lower left part of the neck, towards the chest. Do not push the knife too deep, otherwise internal bleeding may occur. Place a bucket under the wound to drain the blood. To keep the blood fresh, beat it as it flows. In this case, clots will not form. Keep the blood cold, but so that it does not freeze.

After slaughter, the pig is singed or scalded with boiling water in order to remove the bristles. When using fresh pork, it is better to scald it. If the pork is intended for salting, then it is singed.

The pig carcass is gutted after scalding or singeing. In this case, it is hung by the hind legs and a longitudinal incision is made in the middle of the belly. The breastbone is cut in half lengthwise. Then the insides are carefully removed (intestines without damage, bladder without spilling urine into the abdomen, liver without rupture of the gallbladder), the incision is washed with water and wiped with a clean rag. Those insides that will be used (intestines, liver, liver) are thoroughly rinsed and lightly dried.

The influence of feed on product quality

Improves the quality of meat and lard barley, rye, peas, lupine, wheat, potatoes, carrots, sugar beets, semi-sugar and fodder beets, dairy waste, green legumes.

Reduces the quality of pork buckwheat, corn, wheat bran, beet molasses (however, using these feeds you can get high-quality pork if the share of feeds of the first group in the diet is 40–50%)

Pork quality deteriorates soybeans, oats, cakes, fish and food waste. They contain a significant amount of vegetable fats and impart a specific smell. 1.5–2 months before slaughter, these feeds are excluded from the diet. During the fattening period, they should make up no more than 25% in feed mixtures.

Approximately 12 hours before slaughter, the pig is put on a starvation diet, and water is given ad libitum all the time. It is better to slaughter directly on the ground: the pig is knocked onto its right side or overturned onto its back and a sharp blow is applied to the neck (between the head and chest) with a sharp narrow knife. It is very important to immediately cut the anterior vena cava and carotid arteries.

The carcass is bled for 5–6 minutes, then it can be cut up. The skin must be removed from fatty and greasy pork. You don’t have to remove the bristles from meat, but only singe the bristles with a blowtorch or burning tufts of straw. To prevent the skin from burning, the singed areas are wiped from time to time with a wet rag and scraped with a knife.

The skin is removed from pigs with a well-sharpened knife. First, incisions are made around the head (at the level of the occipital crest), along the belly, around the joints of the limbs and along them from the inside. They begin to remove the skin from the legs, then move on to the stomach, chest, and shoulder blades. With one hand they pull it towards themselves and upward, with the other they carefully separate it from the fat using a knife so as to prevent cuts. Turning the carcass left and right, remove the skin from the sides and back, work with the back and front hams without a knife, separating the skin with a fist with an outstretched thumb.

The next operation is gutting, which is best done on a suspended carcass. Along the white line of the abdomen (in the middle), a cut is made from the chest to the rear end of the body. In this case, it is advisable to support the abdominal wall from the inside with the index and middle fingers to protect the intestines from cuts. The entrails are removed from the cut carcass and the gall bladder is immediately separated. Fat is removed from the intestines and stomach, their contents are released and washed thoroughly. The carcass itself is not washed, otherwise the meat will quickly deteriorate. Then it is placed in a cool place with a temperature of +3–5 degrees for two days.

The carcass is cut into two vertical halves with an ax and the shoulder blade is separated from each half-carcass with a knife, cutting the muscles with a knife. Then the ham is separated between the first and second sacral vertebrae, and the remaining part is cut into loin, brisket and neck, having previously disconnected the breast bone from them along the cartilaginous joints.

For canning, the removed skin is rolled lengthwise along the ridge with the bristles facing out and left for 30–45 minutes to cool. After no more than 2 hours, the fat trimmings are removed from the skin, cleaned of dirt and spread with the bristles down on a clean floor sprinkled with an even layer of salt, carefully straightened and sprinkled with salt on top. For every kilogram of skin weight, 300 g of salt are consumed. After rubbing the salt well into the skin, roll it up into a bag (with the bristles facing out) and leave it for 6 days in a room with a temperature of at least 8 degrees.

Folk signs and beliefs

The pig is killed during the new moon to make the lard white. If you cut with the “old moon”, the lard will turn yellow.

At a time when a pig is being killed, one should not remember acquaintances or relatives who live far away: the pig will take a long time to freshen up; You can’t remember the dead either: the meat and lard will quickly begin to rot.

Finale in the poultry yard

To get good quality meat, you need to properly organize the slaughter of poultry, properly process the carcasses and, if necessary, be able to preserve them for a long time.

Before slaughter, the bird is not fed for at least 24 hours. If it is killed without this “sagging”, then the meat in the abdominal area may acquire a green tint due to the decomposition of the food remaining in the digestive tract. In order for the stomach and intestines to be cleansed faster and more completely, during “sitting” the poultry is given a 2% aqueous solution of Glauber’s salt instead of drinking water: chicken - 80, duck - 120, goose, turkey - 300 g. Shelf life of poultry carcasses that have received a laxative 6 hours after the last feeding, it more than doubles.

When slaughtering a bird, try to bleed the carcass as completely as possible, this improves its presentation and extends its shelf life.

Cooking meat sausages

Preparing the intestines

To prepare sausages, small and large intestines, as well as the stomach of a pig, are used. The intestines must be processed immediately after slaughtering the animal, before they lose their elasticity. Carefully separate the intestines from the mesentery and fat and lower them into a basin of water. Then cut the entire intestine into two or three parts to make it easier to empty it of its contents. Fold each part in half and squeeze it out, passing it between your fingers. Then rinse the intestines several times in cold water. Turn out the washed intestines and clean them from the mucous membrane with the blunt side of a knife; you can turn out the intestines using a round stick.

The finally treated intestines need to be rinsed several more times, and a few crystals of potassium permanganate should be added to the last water, this will help remove the unpleasant odor.

If the intestines are stuffed soon after processing, they should be left in water; if this work is postponed for at least one day, the intestines must be salted. Sprinkle the intestines tied into bundles generously with salt and place them in a box or other container so that the brine drains from them. Guts that have been left in brine for a long time quickly deteriorate. Salted intestines should be stored in a cool basement at a temperature of 5 degrees, without access to light.

Intestines can be stored dry for a longer period of time. To do this, they need to be inflated with air, tied and hung. After drying, when the intestines become rustling, the air must be released from them, the intestines should be rolled up and stored in a dry, well-ventilated area. Before filling the intestines with minced meat, soak them in cold water for several hours, and salted ones in warm water.

It is convenient to clean the intestines like this: cut into about a meter, rinse inside and out under cold water and leave in salt water for three hours.

After this, turn them out under running water (this is more convenient and faster) and clean them with two pencils (not round, but with edges). Squeeze the pencils with your fingers and pull the gut through them.

Then turn it back out, dry it a little and you can stuff it with minced meat.

Homemade pork sausage

Recipe 1. For 5 kg of pork - 1 kg of lard, 0.5 tsp. ground allspice and black pepper, 0.5 tsp. coriander or cardamom, 1–2 pcs. grated nutmeg, 10 g alcohol, 180 g salt, 2 g saltpeter, 10 g sugar, 3 cloves garlic.

Pass the pork through a meat grinder and mix with finely chopped pork lard. Add salt, black and allspice, coriander, nutmeg, alcohol, saltpeter, sugar, crushed garlic juice, and a little meat broth to taste. To stir thoroughly. The minced meat should be soft, not very salty. Attach a tin tube to the meat grinder to fill the intestines. Prepare in advance thin, well-washed inside, inverted pork intestines and keep them in cold water while the minced meat is being prepared. Pull these intestines one by one onto the tube, then carefully, so as not to tear them, insert the minced meat into them using a meat grinder. You should not stuff the sausages particularly tightly.

Dry the sausages for several days in a cool, well-ventilated place, then smoke the sausages intended for storage, and eat the rest fresh (fry or boil).

Sausages intended for storage should be stuffed more tightly, no broth should be added to their minced meat, and more salt and pepper should be added than in fresh sausages.

Recipe 2. For 1.5 kg of pork meat - 1 tsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. ground black pepper and sugar, 5–6 pcs. allspice, 1 tbsp. marjoram.

Separate the meat from the bones, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and salt, leave for a day in a cool room for salting. Cut the lard into small cubes and also refrigerate. Then pass the meat through a meat grinder 2 times, add water or broth, spices to the minced meat, mix thoroughly and add chopped lard. Fill the prepared intestines tightly with minced meat. Tie the ends with thread. Boil the finished sausages in salted water or smoke in smoke.


For 1 kg of pork - 5 g ground black pepper, 20 g salt, 3 g cumin, 3 g thyme, small pork intestines.

Finely chop the meat and mix with salt and chopped seasonings. Keep this mixture in a cool place for 24 hours and fill thoroughly washed intestines with it. Hang the sausages to dry in a cool, ventilated place, pressing them with a rolling pin or bottle every 1–2 days.

"Old Man" in Banski

For 2 kg of pork (loin) - 300–400 g of back fat (lard), 50 g of salt, 10 g of ground black pepper, 10 g of caraway seeds, 500 g of tripe (1 piece).

Finely chop the meat and lard, add salt and coarsely ground seasonings. Stir the mixture well and fill the tripe with it. Sew up and rub with fine salt. Place between two boards and keep under weight for a month, turning occasionally. Then wash with cold water, dry, sprinkle with wood shavings and hang to dry in a cool, ventilated place.


For 1 kg of lean pork - 15–20 g of salt, 1/4 tsp. pepper (half black and allspice), 2 cloves of garlic.

Cut benign raw lean pork meat into 1.5–2 cm cubes. Pass approximately 1/4 of the weight of the pork through a meat grinder. Then mix all the meat well with salt, garlic, and ground pepper. First, finely chop the garlic with a knife, or, even better, grind it in a mortar and salt. Fill the intestinal membranes with the resulting mass - minced meat.

Having cut the prepared intestine into several parts of 25–30 cm each, tie them tightly at one end with twine or a strong thread. You can stuff the minced meat with the simplest devices - a funnel, a horn. You can also fill the intestinal shell with your hands: with your left hand, straighten the edges of the shell, and with your right hand, add the minced meat pinch by pinch. Having stuffed the intestine tightly, tie its other end tightly. Prick the sausage loaf in several places with a clean needle, pin or small thin awl.

Then cook the sausage loaves for 30–40 minutes. in water with a temperature of 80–85 degrees. After this, either fry the sausage in fat or bake it in the oven.


2.5 kg pork, 400 g bacon, 3.5 tbsp. crushed crackers, 2-4 raw eggs, 3 tbsp. cream, salt, sugar, cinnamon - to taste.

Place fresh lard in one piece in a saucepan and add water. Cook until it becomes completely soft. Cut the finished bacon into small pieces.

Also cut fresh pork into pieces, add crushed and sifted crackers, raw eggs, cream, cinnamon, salt, sugar. Mix everything thoroughly with pieces of bacon. Fill the intestines with this minced meat, tie them at both ends and cook in water for half an hour over high heat.

(boiled homemade sausage)

Beef or offal is used for the filling. They add cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat or oatmeal), onions, eggs, pepper, salt, milk or broth. The intestines of cattle or small animals (sheep, goats) are used as casing, but it is best to take beef or horse intestines. Process the intestines: scrape off the mucous membrane with a knife and rinse thoroughly, tying one end of the intestine with a thread, turn it inside out and fill with filling.

With beef and rice

For 1 kg of meat (pulp) - 100 g of raw rice (or 250 g of boiled rice), 100 g of onions, 300–400 g of milk or broth, 1–2 eggs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Pass the fatty beef (flesh) with onion through a meat grinder (you can chop it), add egg, pepper, salt to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. Add a little milk or cold broth and raw or boiled washed rice. The filling for tutyrma should be liquid.

Fill two-thirds of the processed intestine with the prepared filling and tie off the open end. You should not add the filling until the end, as during cooking the cereal will become soft and the tutyrma shell may burst. Tie the stuffed tutyrma to a rolling pin, place it in a pan of boiling salted water and cook. Serve hot.

If desired, tutyrma can be cut into portions and fried with fat in a frying pan or in the oven. You can also fry it whole.

Tutyrma is served with ayran, cold katyk or hot meat broth.


1 kg pork, 200 g internal pork fat, 1 kg beef, 100 g garlic, 3 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper, 50 g cognac, salt.

Rinse the meat, remove films and finely chop. Crush the garlic, cut the lard into small cubes. Mix meat, lard and garlic, adding cognac, pepper and salt. Place the well-mixed mass in the cold, leave for 5–6 hours, and then stuff the prepared intestines with it. Tying the intestines with a strong thread, form sausages of the required length and roll them into a ring, bringing the knotted ends together. Prick the sausages with a fork, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until cooked.

Chopped ham

1.25 kg beef, 0.5 kg lean pork, 750 g fatty pork belly, 2.5 tbsp. salt, 0.5 tsp. sugar, 10 g each of ground black and red pepper, 2-3 cloves of garlic.

Beef meat (from the hind leg and shoulder blade) is stripped of connective tissue and passed through a meat grinder 2 times, pour in 0.5 liters of water and mix well. Cut fatty and lean pork meat into slices, salt and place in a cold place for 12–24 hours. Mix the ground beef with the pork and spices so that the pieces of pork are evenly distributed in the mince. Stuff the resulting minced meat into the thin pork intestines and tie the ends. Cook the sausage for about an hour (if desired, you can fry it).

You can stuff the sausage through a funnel made from a plastic bottle. Tie one end of the intestine tightly with twine or strong thread, insert a funnel into the other and also tie it with thread so that it does not slip off. Put the minced meat into the funnel and carefully push it into the intestine, making sure that there are no voids, otherwise juice will collect in them during cooking, and this is undesirable. It is also unnecessary to stuff the intestines tightly, otherwise the shell will tear during further processing. Bandage the filled intestines every 30–40 cm, and then roll them into a ring and connect the ends.

With beef

1 kg beef, 1 kg lean pork, 500 g salted bacon, 60 g salt, 1/4 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. ground black pepper, 2 tsp, ground red pepper, 5 g coriander, 1-2 cloves of garlic.

Pass the beef through a meat grinder with a fine grid, add 0.5 liters of water, salt, sugar and mix. Cut the pork and bacon into pieces weighing 50-100 g, mix. Place everything in a cold place for 12–24 hours. Pass the beef mixture through the meat grinder again, cut the pork into small pieces, and cut the bacon into cubes. Mix the prepared products with spices, fill the prepared small pork intestines with the resulting minced meat, twisting and tying them after 20–25 cm. Boil or fry until done.

From pork

1 kg of pork, 2–3 onions, 1–2 cloves of garlic, nutmeg, bay leaf, marjoram, pepper, salt - to taste.

Finely chop the pork and onions or pass through a meat grinder with a large wire rack, add chopped garlic, salt, chopped spices and mix. Fill the washed pork intestines with minced meat, tie the ends tightly with thread, place in a spiral in a frying pan and prick with a fork. Bake the sausage in the oven on both sides, periodically basting with the released juice. If there is not enough juice, you can add a little water or dry wine, sprinkle with lemon or pomegranate juice. Serve immediately after cooking with fried or boiled potatoes.


For 10 kg of minced sausage: 6 kg of beef, 3 kg of pork, 5 cloves of garlic, 1 kg of bacon, 0.5 g of black pepper, 2 tsp. sugar, 1.5 liters of water, 300 g of salt.

Mix the meat minced in a meat grinder with water and salt, add pepper, sugar, crushed garlic, lard, mix thoroughly. Fill thin pork intestines with minced meat, pre-processed, cut into small cubes, and washed. Tie them so that the sausages fit into liter jars. Before cooking, it is advisable to smoke the sausages a little (about an hour) in hot smoke or dry them for two hours near the stove. Then put them in jars, pour boiling water over them brine(1 liter of water and 40 g of salt), roll up the lids and place in the tank for sterilization. Sterilize for 2.5 hours, remove after the water in the tank has completely cooled.

"Tea" made from rabbit meat

To prepare 5.5 kg of sausage, you need to take 4.6 kg of rabbit meat, 300 g of bacon, 100 g of starch, 120 g of salt, 5 g of sugar, 2 g of saltpeter, 3 g of ground pepper (a mixture of allspice and black).

Mix the meat with salt, sugar, saltpeter and leave in a cool place for a day. Then pass through a meat grinder twice and add starch and pepper to the minced meat. Gradually adding water (1 tbsp. water per 1 kg of minced meat), knead thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After this, add chopped bacon to the minced meat and mix well. Stuff the minced meat into the intestines (preferably beef intestines) and cook at a temperature of 80–85 degrees (do not bring to a boil). Please note that the cooking time depends on the diameter of the sausages. Thin ones are cooked for 40–50 minutes, thick ones for up to 1.5 hours, and sinyugi for up to 3 hours.


800 g duck flesh with skin, 800 g beef, 0.5 heads of garlic, salt, spices.

Pass the beef through a meat grinder with a fine grid, and pass the duck flesh with skin through a meat grinder with a large grid. Mix the chopped meat, add salt, spices, finely chopped garlic and mix again. Fill the intestines with this minced meat and fry in a frying pan in fat, and then finish in the oven.

It is better to stuff the intestines with minced meat together. Remove the cutting parts from the meat grinder And screw on a special tube. Place the end of the intestine on it. One person puts the minced meat into the meat grinder and turns the handle, the other person clamps the end of the intestine with his left hand, and with his right hand, at the right moment, removes it from the tube and adjusts the completeness of filling.

From goose leg

With pork belly and two goose legs remove the skin and cut the meat into small pieces. Mix the resulting minced meat with salt (per 1 kg 1 tbsp), garlic (to taste) and spices. Fill with this mixture pork intestines and smoke for a day in warm smoke so that the sausages are baked.



800 g lean beef from the hip, 800 g lean pork from the shoulder or hip, 400 g bacon without skin, 50 g salt, 2 tbsp. ground white pepper, 1 tsp. ground nutmeg, 1 tsp. marjoram, half a grated clove of garlic, 1 tsp. mustard seeds.

Pass beef, pork and lard through a meat grinder. Mix the spices with salt and sprinkle them over the minced meat. Mix everything thoroughly for 5 minutes. and fill the pork intestines with the resulting mixture. The length of the sausages is 20 cm. Hot smoke the sausages for an hour and cook in hot water at 75 degrees. Sausage mince can also be used for canning. Sterilize a 400 gram jar for 2 hours.


1.3 kg layered pork belly without skin, 400 g lean pork, 300 g pork brain, 50 g salt, 1 tbsp. ground white pepper, 2 tsp. ground allspice, 1 tsp. ground nutmeg and 100 g grated onion.

Pass raw meat and peeled pork brains through a meat grinder. Add spices and mix well. Then fill the pork intestines with minced meat and twist the sausages, giving them the desired length. Smoke with warm smoke for at least an hour, and then cook in hot water at 70 degrees. If desired, fresh sausage can be fried without smoking.

Lean beef

1.5 kg lean beef, 500 g layered beef, 40 g salt, 1 tsp. Maggi powder, 1 tsp. ground nutmeg and half a grated clove of garlic.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder. Mix the spices and pour them into the minced meat, mix everything thoroughly. Fill the pork intestines with the prepared minced meat. Smoke with warm smoke for an hour and then cook for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 70 degrees, or fry without smoking.

"Hard smoked"

In order to get sausage no worse than from any recognized meat processing plant, you need to strictly observe the proportions of the products and the mode of their processing.

Take 3.5 kg of beef loin, the same amount of lean pork, 3 kg of salted lard, 1 tbsp. salt, 2 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. black and allspice powder, 30 g of ascorbic acid.

Sausage made from fresh meat obtained shortly after slaughter will taste better. Free the meat from tendons, films, and fat. Cut into pieces of 300–400 g and rub them with salt. If it’s warm outside (and therefore it won’t be cold in the cellar), then instead of one glass of salt you need to take a glass and a quarter.

Place the meat in an enamel bowl, tie it with a thick cloth and leave for 5 days in a cold place at a temperature of 1–2 degrees.

After this you can cook the sausage. Pass all pieces of beef and pork through a meat grinder with large holes. Remove salt from lard, chop finely, mix with minced meat and add everything else: sugar, two types of pepper and ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is a preservative. It will not only prevent the sausage from spoiling, but will also more or less preserve the color of the meat.

Mix the minced meat with additives thoroughly with your hands. This is a very important process, you need to spend at least half an hour on it.

Prepare enamel baths or basins in advance and place the minced meat in them so that the layer is no higher than 5 cm. Leave for two days in a cold place and after that stuff the intestines with minced meat. You can use a regular meat grinder.

You need to twist the meat grinder handle carefully. Move the minced meat in the intestine half a meter long by hand to the opposite edge. Once filled, tie with a strong thread on both sides and tie the ends together. Where voids are visible, pierce with a needle to allow air to escape.

Hang the sausages, of which there are 15–17 pieces, on a stick and take them to a cool place so that the minced meat compacts.

After a week, the sausage can be smoked. Keep it in the smoking chamber for 2–3 days, maintaining the temperature at about 20 degrees.

Store smoked sausages hanging in a cool, dry cellar. If mold appears on the surface, wipe it off and remove it. To ensure that the sausages continue to be stored safely, smoke them for a few more hours to destroy any mold that remains. This time put them in the refrigerator.

Raw smoked

Making raw smoked sausage requires maximum skill and attention. Due to the fact that the minced meat used for its preparation is not subjected to heat treatment, the sausage can quickly deteriorate, in particular, due to non-compliance with hygiene requirements.

You can prepare raw smoked sausage only in the cold season, i.e. from November to February, in any case, when the air temperature is not higher than 15 degrees. To prepare raw smoked sausages, you can only use the meat of old animals. Such meat contains little moisture, has the required density and has a high degree of acidity. Pork is suitable from old sows or castrated boars, and beef from old cows. When preparing raw smoked sausage, it is recommended to keep pork for 2 days and beef for 3 days, since during this time the acidity of the meat increases significantly and the pH value decreases (a large amount of acid contributes to better preservation of the sausage). The lard used in the preparation of sausage must be dense, grainy, white, from adult, fattened pigs. Backfat from adult sows or castrated boars meets these requirements. When using soft, fatty back fat from pigs that are too young and fattened, the result is a soft, greasy, raw smoked sausage that quickly spoils. Both meat and bacon must be hygienically impeccable. Bloody or slimy meat is considered unfit. When passing through a meat grinder, the meat and lard should have a temperature of approximately -3 degrees. Therefore, they should be placed in the freezer before processing. The meat temperature is determined using a thermometer. When filling sausage casings, the temperature of the minced meat should not exceed 4 degrees. Therefore, this operation is performed only in very cold rooms. The cross-shaped knife and the grid with holes in the meat grinder must be in perfect condition, that is, sharpened and without the slightest trace of rust. The outer ring must be screwed in tightly enough. Only if these conditions are met can one count on success. Otherwise, the meat is not so much cut as it is pressed, and the sausage made from such minced meat quickly becomes greasy and turns gray or yellow. Spices used for the production of raw smoked sausages should in no case be contaminated.

After filling the sausage casings with minced meat, they need to be tied very tightly and tightly. When filling the casings, do not allow air to enter them. In addition, you should pay attention to ensure that the sausage casings do not become greasy when touched by your hands. The finished sausages are hung from a stick and placed in a cool, dark, well-ventilated room to redden and ripen. The room temperature can, in principle, be regulated by opening and closing the windows, but care must be taken to ensure there are no drafts. The room temperature should be no lower than 5 degrees and no higher than 15 degrees. After about 3 weeks, the sausages turn red due to the formation of a “pickle” blush. In houses with central heating, the relative humidity is usually very low. In dry rooms, the outside of the sausages becomes very dry and there is a risk of defects. Therefore, it is better to store sausages in basements that are not too bright, have a window (one or more), and have a relative air humidity of approximately 80%. In a damp room, sausages can become moldy, so it is important to carefully look at the surface of the casing and note any undesirable changes. Mold from the shell can be washed off at any time. Maximum effort must be made to ensure that dry edges do not appear on raw smoked sausages in the first weeks after cooking, which lead to hardening of the peripheral layers of the sausage and thereby prevent the evaporation of moisture from the inside. Sausage begins to dry out when the air humidity in the room is too low or when stored in a draft. If the edges dry out, the sausage should be left for about 20 minutes. into warm water or spray repeatedly with water using a flower sprayer. However, it is better to store them in rooms where the temperature and humidity are normal. In order to avoid mistakes and minimize economic losses, we strongly recommend that you first make sausage in small quantities, thereby gaining experience. After the sausage has acquired a red color (the duration of this process depends on the air temperature in the room and may take longer than indicated in the recipes), it must be smoked with smoke at a low temperature (18–22 degrees). As the temperature of the smoke increases, the sausage fat spreads and clogs the pores of the casing from the inside. As a result, the sausages “suffocate.” The sausages are smoked until they turn brown. With daily one-time smoking, optimal color can be achieved in about a week. To prevent the air in the smoking chamber from becoming too dry, it is recommended to hang a wet cloth in the chamber (however, drops should not drip from it). The fabric needs to be moistened daily. You can also slightly moisten the sawdust. By increasing the air humidity in the smoking oven, the sausage casings are prevented from drying out and becoming brittle. Smoking this type of sausage primarily improves their taste and increases their shelf life. You can prepare raw smoked sausages only if you have a special cabinet for cold smoking. After smoking, sausages are stored in cool, dark rooms at a temperature of 5-15 degrees, and with little air movement. Raw smoked sausages can be stored in a smoking cabinet if the room is not too warm. In subsequent weeks, the sausages ripen, become even more aromatic, and their color becomes more pronounced. During this period they lose 25–40% of their mass. After a few weeks, the sausages become firm enough to cut and can be eaten.


1 kg of lean pork from the hip and lean beef from the rump, 600 g of high-quality back fat without skin, 1 tsp. with glucose top, 3 tbsp. with the top of the salting mixture, spices: 2 tbsp. l. without top white ground pepper, 1 tbsp. ground allspice, 2 grated cloves of garlic.

Place the meat and bacon in the freezer for 3 hours. Pass meat products through a meat grinder, using a grid with holes with a diameter of 4.5 mm for meat, and a grid with holes with a diameter of 8 mm for bacon. Add spices and salt to the minced meat and mix well for 10 minutes. Fill the intestines with minced meat. After 3 weeks, the sausages acquire a reddish tint. Then smoke them once a day with cold smoke for a week.


4 kg of fatty pork, 6 kg of pork belly, 1 g of glucose powder, 10 g of cognac, 350 g of salt, 1 g of sodium nitrite, 10 g of sugar, 5 g of ground white pepper, 5 g of garlic.

Thoroughly clean the raw materials from veins, cartilage, films and freeze for 3 hours. Pass the pork through a meat grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2 mm; Cut the brisket into pieces measuring 0.5x1x3 cm. Stir the raw materials for 10–12 minutes, adding curing agents, spices, and cognac. Fill the shells or intestines with minced meat, bandage tightly, hang on sticks and place in a cool (6 to 15 degrees), ventilated, dark room for 3 weeks. After the surface of the sausages turn red, smoke them for 10 days, 1–2 hours a day.

“Hey, let’s whoop!”

60 g homemade cheese, 2 kg pork, 1.5 kg beef, 50 g salt, pepper, cloves and cinnamon - to taste.

Finely chop the cheese and meat, add salt and spices, knead well. Stuff clean pork intestines with minced meat, bandage and hang in a cool room. From time to time, wipe the sausages with a clean towel.

The longer they hang, the better. Serve the sausage boiled and fried.


7.5 kg lean beef, 2.5 kg backfat, 0.75 g sodium nitrite, 10 g sugar, 400 g salt, 15 g ground black pepper, 2.5 g cardamom or nutmeg, 1 g glucose, for casing - wide beef intestines with a diameter of 40–50 mm.

Grind the frozen beef in a meat grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2–3 mm, cut the bacon into cubes. Add curing agents, spices and stir vigorously for 10–12 minutes.

Fill the shells with minced meat, tie the loaves 20 to 40 cm long with twine. Hang the loaves in a cool (5-15 degrees) dark room and keep for 10–12 days. After the surface of the loaves turn red, smoke them for 10 days for 1–2 hours daily, then dry them for another 2–3 weeks.

Air dry

2 kg mixed minced meat (beef and pork), 2 tsp. glucose, 2 tbsp. with a top of salt, 2 tbsp. ground white pepper, 1 tsp. dry marjoram and cumin seeds, a clove of grated garlic.

Add spices to freshly prepared minced meat and mix thoroughly for 5 minutes. Fill the pork intestines with minced meat and roll them into sausages 25–30 cm long. Store them in a cool, dark, ventilated area. After about 3 weeks, the sausages are ready to eat.

Sausages of this variety can be cooked throughout the year, but the air temperature in the room should not exceed 18 degrees.

Venison or lamb salami

800 g deer or lamb meat from the rump, 600 g lean pork from the hip, 600 g high-quality back fat without skin, 1 tsp. with a top of glucose powder, 3 tbsp. l. with a small top of the salting mixture, 2 tbsp. l. without top white ground pepper, 1 tsp. ground coriander, 1 tbsp. l. without top of cumin, 2 grated cloves of garlic.

Place the meat and bacon in the freezer for 3 hours. Pass the meat through a meat grinder using a grid with holes with a diameter of 3 mm, and pass the pork through a meat grinder using a grid with holes with a diameter of 8 mm. Cut the bacon into 0.5 cm cubes. Add spices and curing mixture to the chopped meat. Mix everything for 5 minutes. Then add finely chopped bacon cubes and stir for another 5 minutes. until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Fill the intestines with minced meat and tie them tightly. Store the sausages for 3 weeks in a cool, ventilated area until a reddish tint appears, then smoke with cold smoke for several days.

Mini salami

4 kg boneless beef, 3.5 kg lean pork, 2.5 kg back fat, 0.75 g sodium nitrite, 20 g sugar, 350 g salt, 10 g ground black pepper, 2 g cardamom, pork intestines for casing.

Lightly freeze the meat and lard, pass the beef (grid hole diameter 8 mm) and pork (grid hole diameter 4 mm) through a meat grinder, cut the lard into 5 mm cubes. Mix the raw meat with sugar, salt and sodium nitrite (4–5 minutes), then, without stopping stirring, add spices. Mix well again. Fill the shell with the prepared minced meat, twist it into bars 10–12 cm long, and hang on sticks. Allow to ripen and smoke according to the usual technology for making pork sausage.

From liver

To prepare liver sausage, boiled meat products are used: veal, pork, rabbit meat, lean pork cheek, liver (usually pork) and other offal with the addition of spices, salt, fried onions, etc. In this case, the correct processing of fresh (steamed) ) raw materials. In order to prepare viscous and sufficiently hard liver sausage, you need to ensure that the meat and bacon are not overcooked. The viscosity of liver sausage is given by pork liver (up to 25% of the total mass).

The finished liver sausage is cooked over low heat in low-boiling water, the temperature of which is further reduced to 80 degrees by adding cold water (the temperature inside the sausage reaches 70 degrees).

If the liver sausage has a diameter of 5 cm, it needs to be cooked for 1 hour.

After cooking, the liverwurst is cooled by gradually adding warm water to the bowl, and then cold water. To ensure that the fat is distributed evenly across the diameter, the sausage should be turned frequently.

The cooled sausage is removed from the water and placed on clean, smooth boards to dry. In a few hours it will be ready to smoke. Smoked liver sausage has a longer shelf life and can be kept in a cool place for 2 days, but no more. For longer storage, the sausage should be placed in plastic bags and frozen. But liver sausage has a special taste on the day of preparation. The high fat content and crushed minced meat give it a pasty consistency; the sausage, like a pate, can be spread with a knife on bread. Liver sausage is delicious either cold boiled or hot baked in the oven.


800 g pork liver, 800 g lean pork, 2 kg fatty pork belly with skin, 2 onions, 1.5 tbsp. broth, about 3 tbsp. salt with a little top (60 g), 3 tbsp. allspice ground pepper, 1 tbsp. ground ginger, 1 tbsp. nutmeg and 2 tbsp. marjoram.

Quickly pass the scalded pork liver through a meat grinder. Cook fatty pork belly and lean pork for 1 hour, then pass along with onions sautéed in fat. Add salt, spices, mix everything thoroughly and pour in the broth. Fill the casings or intestines with minced sausage.


1 kg of meat from a pig's head, 1 kg of pork liver, 1 kg of fatty pork belly with skin, half a small celery root, 2 large carrots, 1 small bunch of green onions, 60 g of salt, 60 g of broth, 2 onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp ground black pepper, 2 tbsp. marjoram.

Cook the pork head, brisket, carrots and celery for about 2 hours. Separate meat from bones. Peel the onion and garlic, chop and lightly sauté. Pass all ingredients and raw liver through a meat grinder, add spices and broth, mix thoroughly. Fill the sausage casings with minced meat.


500 g pork liver, 300 g veal, 2 kg fatty pork belly with skin, 250 g onions, 1.5 tbsp. broth, salt, 3 tbsp. ground white pepper, 1 tbsp. marjoram, 1 tbsp. ground allspice, 1 tsp. ground nutmeg, 1 tsp. ground ginger and 1 tsp. ground cinnamon.

Boil pork belly for 70 minutes, and liver and veal for 5 minutes. Chop the onion and lightly fry. Pass all this through a meat grinder, mix with spices and salt, adding broth. Ready-made minced sausage can be preserved in jars or filled into sausage casings. The duration of sterilization during canning is 90 minutes, for a 400 gram jar. Cooking time for liver sausage is 1 hour. If there are no pork intestines, put the liver and meat through a meat grinder into a pan with broth and spices and heat, stirring. Place the finished mass in cellophane and shape into sausages.

From the heart and liver

Well washed heart and liver(preferably pork) finely chop. Add finely chopped onions (200 g), salt, pepper, add 100 g washed rice. Mix everything. Stuff the prepared meat with the resulting minced meat. intestines, tie them, pierce them in several places and put them in boiling water. Cook for exactly 1 hour. Serve cold.

“Hasip” from lamb

Lamb intestines, 200 g of lamb, one spleen, 200 g of lungs, 1 kidney, 100 g of raw fat, 200 g of rice, 5 onions, 0.5 tbsp. warm water, salt, pepper, cumin - to taste.

Finely chop the meat, raw fat, spleen, kidney and onion or pass through a meat grinder, add warm water, rice cereal, pepper, salt to the minced meat and mix everything. Fill the intestines with the prepared minced meat, tie the ends with a thread, add cold water and cook for 30 minutes. Khasip can be served both cold and hot.

“Vyatskaya” from offal

For 1 kg of sausage - 0.5 kg of pork, 200 g of kidneys, light and lard, 50 g of garlic.

Cut offal, lard and meat taken from the neck of the carcass into small pieces. Add to 1 kg of mixture 25 g of salt, black pepper to taste, chopped mixture of mint, garlic, cumin and dill seeds.

Knead the minced meat and fill it with clean intestines so that you get sausages weighing 1 kg. Tie them on both sides, pierce them with a needle, and hang them in a dry place. You can smoke it. Serve the sausage boiled or fried.

From headiness

Pig's head remove the bones, chop the pulp into small pieces, mix from 0.5 tbsp. blood, salt and pepper to taste.

Tie one end of the clean intestine with a thread, fill it with the mixture, and use the same thread to grab the other end of the intestine and shape it into a ring. Do not fill the intestines tightly, because during cooking the mass will increase in volume and may rupture the shell.

Place a wooden rack at the bottom of the pan and place the sausage on it. Pour water, boil, add salt. Cook one sausage at a time. During cooking, you need to pierce the sausage with a needle to allow air to escape. Cook for half an hour. If no blood comes out when pierced with a needle, then the sausage is ready.

Store refrigerated. The pieces can be fried before use, but can be eaten without frying.

From the brain

Pour the brains with cold water, soak for 2 hours, remove the top film and bruises, cut into pieces. 500 g pork pulp pass through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Chop 2-3 large onions. 2/3 tbsp. Sort and rinse the rice. Then mix together the brains, minced meat, rice and onions. Salt and pepper and dilute with cold boiled water until the consistency of semi-liquid porridge. Stuff the intestines with the resulting minced meat and tie the ends. Make several punctures with a needle and cook in boiling salted water for 25–30 minutes.

Ready-made sausages also require attention. They may deteriorate during storage. If the minced meat is poorly mixed, or the shell is not tightly stuffed and voids remain, or the temperature and humidity in the cellar increase, then mold will appear on top of the loaf and, even worse, inside it. There's nothing you can do about it, the product is spoiled. If the mold is only on the shell, then the dry coating can be wiped off, and the wet coating can be washed off first, and then the product can be dried.

Boiled meat and liver sausages should not be stored for long. And if they have gone bad, then you can tell by the smell. You cannot recognize spoiled smoked sausage with your nose; the aroma of smoke drowns out the smell of rotting. But spoilage will be revealed by the color of the fat, which, as it decomposes, turns yellow and tastes rancid.

Dried meat

Meat cut from the bones, remove large tendons, cut along the fibers into strips 3–5 cm thick and weighing up to 1–1.5 kg. Prepare brine based on 200 g salt per 1 liter of water, add to it a little spice and boil. Into boiling brine alternately for 2-3 minutes. lower the pieces of meat. Then hang each strip to allow the brine to swell, cool and dry in a dark, dry, clean and ventilated room at a temperature of 0-10 degrees. 15–30 days. If desired, the cured meat can be grated ground mildly hot pepper. Such meat can be prepared from lamb, young veal, horse meat, goat meat, rabbit meat and poultry (turkeys, geese).

Corned beef in Russian

To salt for future use, beat off the meat parts of the carcass and cut out all the bones. For every 5 kg beef will be needed 1 kg salt. Pour salt into the bottom of the tub, place the beef on it in layers, sprinkling each layer. If there are several layers, then sprinkle with crushed mixture pepper, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaf and juniper berries(if there is). You need to rub the salt especially carefully into the voids and slits.

Let sit for a month, then remove the meat from the tub, sprinkle with bran to dry it, and hang it in the kitchen or in a warm room to dry.

After a month, the meat is ready to eat. Store in a cool dry place.

Dry-cured polendvitsa (home-style balyk)

Prepare the pickling mixture: salt, ground black pepper, other spices suitable for meat (proportions to taste). Prepare Polendvitsu: separate the bones and level the surface. Then roll it in a mixture of salt and spices and put it in a bowl. Pour in boiled water until it just covers the meat. Add the remaining dry mixture to the water (there should be as much salt and spices in the water as stuck to the Polendvitsa). Leave in the cold for three days. Then drain the brine, sprinkle the meat again with salt and pepper, wrap it in gauze, tie it with thin twine and hang it in a warm place. Balyk is ready in 2 weeks.

Why is saltpeter used in meat production?

Firstly, it is a preservative and extends the shelf life of meat products. Secondly, it preserves the natural pink-reddish color of the meat. But for food purposes they use special, highly purified saltpeter, and not the kind from which gunpowder is made or used as fertilizer. Food saltpeter is safe for health. But it is used in microscopic doses. - V In large quantities, even food can become poisonous.

Instead of saltpeter, you can use a little alcohol or vodka, crushed garlic.


Blood sausages contain bovine and pork blood purified from fibrin (pieces of clotted blood). To cleanse, beat fresh blood. Fibrin clots will remain on the panicle. Purified blood can be stored for a long time. Before use, it must be strained through a fine sieve.

Pork meat, pork skin or pork trimmings from other sausages, and seasonings are added to the minced meat of ordinary blood sausages; For higher grade minced meat, in addition, tongue (bovine, veal, pork) is added.

The meat and innards intended for blood sausage must be boiled. Salt the tongue first, and then cook until soft. Remove the skin from the tongue.

Mix the prepared minced meat with blood and fill the intestines, but not too tightly. Then cook the sausages at a low boil.

Make two or three punctures in the sausage. If a light liquid flows out, then the sausage has boiled down; if it is bloody, you need to cook it some more. After cooking, rinse the sausage in warm water, dry it and then cold smoke it.


4 kg of raw lard (scald with boiling water, chop finely), 1.2 kg of finely chopped pork skin, 0.8 kg of fresh blood, 150 g of salt, 130 g of white pepper, a pinch of cloves and marjoram.

Loosely stuff the well-mixed minced meat into the middle pork intestines and cook for 50 minutes in water. During cooking, pierce the intestine in several places with a needle to release air. After cooking, cool the sausage in cold water, and then smoke it in cold smoke for a day.


2.5 kg fat pork cook for half an hour in boiling water. After cooling, chop finely, add 50 g black pepper, a pinch of cloves, 70–80 g salt. Pour into this well mixed mixture 150 g of fresh pork blood, half a bottle of Madeira.

Then fill loosely intestines, tie and boil in the same water in which the pork was cooked. Cool and then smoke in cold smoke until light brown in color.

"German" with tongue

5 kg pork belly, skinned chop into small pieces, scald with boiling water, add 0.8 kg of finely chopped pork skin, 0.5 kg of pork blood, 150 g of salt, 40 g of ground pepper, a pinch of ground cloves and marjoram. Lightly pour the mixture into pork intestines and stick it in 2 pork tongues, welded and stuffed cloves Tie the sausage every 2–3 cm and cook for 2.5–3 hours. Then cool it and put it under a press. Pressing occurs gradually, no more than a day (first the load needs to be placed smaller, then larger, etc.). Bandage the compressed sausage more tightly and hang it in a smokehouse for 2-3 days in cold smoke.

With tongue and cheek

1.6 kg of blood, 1.6 kg of pork cheek, 3.2 kg of lard, 2 salted tongues, 800 g of pork skin, salt, pepper and other seasonings to taste, a slice of white bread.

Chop the meat, lard and skin finely, put the tongues whole or coarsely chopped. Mix with the remaining ingredients, fill the intestines with minced meat, cook, and put under a press. Then smoke in cold smoke.

BLOOD SAUSAGES prepare from leftover blood sausage mince. Stuff into small intestines, cook and smoke like other blood sausages. Serve hot, like regular sausages.

3 kg of pork from the front part of the carcass and lard from the backbone, 1–1.5 liters of pork blood, 1 tbsp. rice, seasonings (pepper, cloves), salt - taste.

Cut the meat cooked until done and scalded with boiling water (you can use brisket instead) into small pieces.

Cook the rice until done, rinse it under running water and leave until all the water drains away. In the prepared bowl, put chopped meat with lard, rice, salt, season with spices, mix, pour in pork blood and mix everything thoroughly again.

Fill the small intestines with minced meat, tie the ends of the sausages and boil for 15–20 minutes. at a water temperature of 85–90 degrees. After removing from the broth, rinse the blood sausages with cold water and set aside to cool.

* * *

1 kg of fresh or ground blood in a sieve, 0.4 kg of pork kidney fat, 100 g of boiled pearl barley and oatmeal, 100 g of wheat flour, 2 onions, lard, 50 g of mustard powder, salt, spices - to taste.

Cook barley and oatmeal separately in meat broth until completely cooked (instead of oatmeal, you can use coarse oatmeal). Finely chop the onion and sauté in lard. Cut the pork kidney fat into cubes. Combine all products, add salt, coriander, spices and immediately stuff the prepared small intestines with minced meat. Cook the sausage for 40–60 minutes. at a temperature of 85–90 degrees, then refrigerate for 12–24 hours. It is better to eat immediately, but can be stored for a short time at a temperature of 2–4 degrees.

* * *

3.5 meat from a pig's head, 0.5 kg each of brisket, pork tenderloin, skin and lungs, 0.8–1 liters of pork blood, 0.5 liters of fatty meat broth, 1 kg of boiled cereal, 50 g of onion, lard to taste for frying, salt and seasonings (pepper, marjoram, cumin) - to taste.

Boil the meat cut from the pig's head and boneless brisket and grind in a meat grinder.

Separately, cook the skin and lungs until cooked and, after cooling, also pass through a meat grinder.

From any cereal, cook a cool crumbly porridge, pour it into a clean bowl, pour in the blood from the carcass of a freshly slaughtered animal, mix thoroughly and add the cooked meat, skin and lungs, as well as fried, finely chopped onions.

Season this entire mass with spices, pour in the rich, strained broth and mix thoroughly again. Fill the large pork intestines with the resulting minced meat. Boil blood sausages tied at the ends (200–250 g each) for 20–40 minutes. at a temperature of 85–90 degrees, after first piercing the shell in several places with a thin needle. Then rinse them in cold water and lay them out to cool.

* * *

Prepare the largest intestines. Prepare the filling mixture - blood, collected during pig slaughter. If there are clots, grind well. You can also dilute it slightly with milk: for 3–4 liters of blood - 2–3 tbsp. milk. Pour in the boiled crumbly warm buckwheat porridge(Can vermicelli) mix. Heat in a frying pan 150–200 g lard or fry chopped fine lard until small cracklings are formed. Put it there two large onions, chopped fry them until golden brown, let cool slightly and add to the mixture. Add bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste, you can drive in 2–3 eggs. The mass should be no thicker than sour cream (adjust the consistency with the amount of porridge or noodles).

Cut the intestines into pieces, tie one end and fill with the mixture, but not completely. Leave the very edge so that the blood vessels do not burst during frying. Place on a greased baking sheet and place in a moderately heated oven or oven. Check readiness with a small cut. If the liquid does not flow out, the “blood” is ready.

* * *

Rinse the large intestines well, turn them inside out and soak in a salty solution, adding a little vinegar. This will help remove the unpleasant odor.

Fill a 3-liter saucepan halfway with rinsed millet(many years of practice have shown that with millet the blood is the most delicious) and fill it almost to the top with water. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the heat and cook the porridge until half cooked.

Pour into a basin 2 liters of blood, if there are clots, knead them with your hands. Pour 4–5 chopped onions, pepper, add 400–500 g finely chopped (I pinch off pieces) lard(not lard!) and cooled porridge. Mix the mass well, salt to taste, fill the intestines, but not tightly, otherwise they will burst during cooking. Tie the ends of the sausage tightly with strong thread.

Place in boiling water Bay leaf and lower the sausage. Reduce heat, cook for 20 minutes. Check readiness by piercing the sausage with a needle. If the released liquid is light, then the sausage can be removed. Heat the fat in a deep frying pan and fry the sausage in it on all sides until golden brown.

Raw sausage can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months. Or you can put it in an enamel bowl, fill it with melted fat and store it in the cellar. Before serving, cut the sausage into slices and fry in fat.

Salo for future use

Ode to lard

Every person probably loves lard.

That's right, properly salted lard cannot be compared with anything. You sometimes walk through the market, along the rows of stalls where lard is sold, and you swallow your saliva.

Aroma! Taste! Countless piles of white, pink, with veins, without veins, smoked, pickled, with red pepper, with black... The variety makes your eyes wide open, but when you look at the prices...

Yes, real lard, salted according to the rules, and even from a properly fed pig, is expensive and not everyone can afford it.

If you wish, you can salt the lard yourself by buying fresh (unsalted) lard at the market, it is much cheaper. But to do this you need to know a few simple rules.

Lard worthy of being salted is both attractive on the outside and beautiful on the inside. The first thing it presents to the buyer is a stamp, which indicates that the lard is from a healthy animal.

A decent amount of fat has been cleanly scraped out - no stubble. Its color is white or pale pink. Yellowness and grayness mean old age. The lard should not smell of foreign odors (fish, gasoline), otherwise it will not be possible to get rid of them during salting. It happens that you come across boar lard and it smells unpleasantly of urea, but if you keep it in warm water with garlic for three hours, the smell will subside.

Lard, which has been salted to perfection, behaves pliable and soft. The knife should go into the lard easily, like into butter. Thin, yellowish or pink skin indicates that the product will be soft and tasty. Thick-skinned lard - don't chew it. And brown skin color is a sign of old age.

The lard needed on the farm is thick, at least 3 cm. Market lard is not washed, but scraped with a knife. When preparing for pickling, keep in water for twelve hours. Then it will become even more tender and soft. Lard that has all these advantages will “behave decently” when salted.

And now several ways to salt lard.

Dry pickling
(For those who are always in a hurry)

You just need to rub it salo large salt, so that all the fat is hidden under the crystals.

Can be salted with black pepper- the lard will be sharper and the smell will be more pleasant. And if some people like it spicier, you need ground red pepper. Then the lard is placed in the freezer, and in winter on the balcony or between window frames. After 2-3 weeks you can eat. Dry salted lard will keep fresh for a month in the freezer. Then you can eat it too - there is no danger to health, but the taste is not the same.

Wet Ambassador

Salo cut into large pieces, place in a suitable container and pour in strong brine (pour the product into a bucket 2 kg salt and fill to the top with water). Preparation time is nine days. At the same time, change the brine every three days. But the reward for your labors is snow-white lard that melts in your mouth. True, spices are not added to wet lard. Then it is stored in the freezer for a whole year and the taste does not change.

Boiled lard
(For the most cautious)

Before salting salo Cook for 3 hours, adding more salt And spices - pepper, dill, parsley and other things - to taste. The lard will become not only aromatic, but also safe - the risk of infection with trichinosis will be reduced. and pork tapeworm.

Boiled lard is still warm, cut and stuffed garlic and add again salt. After that, go straight into the freezer. It will be ready in a week and will not spoil for six months.

Real jam!

It is best to take lard that is not completely frozen. Remove it with tapes, preferably only from the side parts. A thin, sinewy film runs along the ridge, and the fat from the back will be tough.

pour salt(not “Extra”) into a cup, prepare garlic: cut it into small circles. Cut the lard into not too large rectangular pieces, approximately 6x10-12 cm. Pour a handful of salt into the bottom of a 3-liter jar and, roll the lard in a cup with salt, put it in the jar. The lard is soft and flexible and fits well. Don’t be afraid to put in large pieces, just roll them in salt and sprinkle the pieces in the jar with chopped garlic. Place the lard tightly, adjusting the pieces to each other. If necessary, you can cut small pieces, trying to arrange them so that there are no voids. Usually it turns out that the pieces are laid with the sandpaper against the glass, and from the side of the bank it looks beautiful. Add another handful of salt to the last piece of lard in the jar and set the jar aside. After salting all the selected lard, leave the jars open(!) for 8-10 hours. Then all that remains is to roll up the jars with lids and lower them into the underground or cellar for 7 - 10 days. That's all.

The lard turns out tender, with a pleasant smell and soft skin, and if you come across layers of meat, it’s generally delicious. The main thing is that the lard is fresh.

How to salt lard

More warm bacon you need to cut into pieces 20–25 cm long and 7-10 cm wide. Every 3–5 cm, pierce the pieces with a thin knife and stuff garlic

You can also rub pieces of lard with garlic for more flavor. Then sprinkle ground black allspice. Prepare brine based on 2 kg of coarse salt per 5–6 liters of water.

Place the prepared pieces of lard in an enamel bowl, fill with brine, and place in a cool place. Place a light pressure on top so that the lard is completely immersed in the brine.

After a week, the lard is ready. If it seems to you that it has become very salty, it doesn’t matter. After removing the pieces of glanders from the brine, let them dry, and after a day you will notice that the salt has come to the surface. It needs to be cleaned off with a knife.

Salty “wet”...

Lard with a layer of meat cut into cubes, grate garlic, allspice, broken bay leaf, Place in an enamel pan. IN 2 liters of water dissolve 800 g salt, boil, cool. Pour in lard, apply pressure and let stand for 3 days. Place the lard in clean jars, fill with brine and seal with metal lids.

...and “dry”

This lard can be stored for a very long time. After the pig is slaughtered, it must cool and ripen. This will take 2–3 days. After this, cut the lard into strips of arbitrary length, but no more than 10 cm wide. Then cut the strips crosswise with a sharp knife. Rub them salt, mixed with pepper and crushed bay leaf, and put it in jars in a column of two tiers. If there is a void in the center, you can put a thinner block there. Fill the top of the jar with small pieces. Fill up all the voids salt up to the neck and roll up with a metal lid. The lard turns out very tasty.

* * *

6-10 kg of lard, 1 kg of salt, 2-3 heads of garlic, bay leaf, ground pepper - to taste.

Chop the garlic and bay leaf, mix with pepper and salt, rub the lard bars with this mixture on all sides.

Wash the wooden box (“kubel”) for salting lard with a hot, strong salt solution and dry.

Place a layer of lard, skin side down, on the bottom of the box, and lard, skin side up, on top of it. Then put a layer of clean scalded stones, and lard on them in the same way. Cover the box with a wooden lid. The sample can be removed after 2.5–3 weeks.

Fat under pressure

1.5–2 kg fresh lard cut into pieces 15 cm wide and grate them on all sides salt. 2 heads of garlic peel, grind, mix with ground pepper. Stuff lard pieces with this mixture and sprinkle cumin, coriander, salt again and place one on top of the other.

Wrap them tightly in white cotton cloth and press down with pressure. Leave at room temperature for 3-4 days. Then put it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. After 2-3 days, wonderful lard is ready for use.


Salo cut into fist-sized pieces, peel in advance garlic at the rate of: 1 clove per 1 piece of lard, cut into rounds. Prepare spices - hops-suneli, pepper, dill(dry), etc. - to taste. Take a wide dish such as a large saucepan or basin, depending on the amount of lard. Sprinkle seasonings, pepper and garlic into the bottom of the pan. Then take a piece of lard in your left hand, and a handful of large lard in your right hand. salt and rub a piece of lard with this salt over the pan. Place the lard in a pan, skin side down, and repeat the operation with a piece of lard, sprinkling with spices and garlic. There is no need to skimp on salt. When the lard reserves run out, it needs to be compacted a little in a container, covered with a lid of a smaller diameter or a plate, with a small weight on top (for example, a 3-liter jar of water) and placed in a warm place for 3-4 days. After this, the lard is almost ready - all you have to do is remove it from the container, shake off the salt, wrap it in cotton cloth and put it in the refrigerator. As soon as it freezes, you can enjoy the unique taste.

"Ponomarev's way"

1 kg of lard, 400 g of salt, onion peels, ground red pepper, garlic, spices - to taste.

Prepare a saline solution (400 g of salt per 1 liter of boiled water). Add a handful of onion peels to the solution. Soak raw lard in saline solution for 12 hours. The lard should be slightly covered with the solution. After soaking, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for 3 minutes (no more). Allow the lard to cool in the solution. Rub the cooled lard with salt (a small amount), garlic and ground red pepper. Allow the lard to soak in the spices - and it is ready to eat.


This recipe is suitable for those who don’t mind indulging in something spicy. 7 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. coarse salt bring to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes. Then put lard there (so that the water barely covers it). Boil for 10–20 minutes (if the pig was old - 20 minutes, young - 10). Leave in brine for a day. Remove from brine and let cool. Grate garlic and red pepper. Place in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer (it tastes better this way).


500 g pork belly with layers of lard, 1.5 tbsp. salt, 1 liter of water, 100 g of onion peels, pepper, garlic - to taste.

Place half the onion peel on the bottom of the pan, then the brisket, add salted water and cover with the remaining peel on top. Cook for 40 minutes. Soak in brine for 3–6 hours, stuffed with garlic, grated with pepper, and put in the freezer.


Place on the bottom of the pan layer of onion peel, then a piece (1.5–2 kg) of fresh lard and again a layer of husk. Pour boiling brine(1 tbsp salt per 1 liter of water). Boil for 10 minutes. Soak in brine for a day. Dry. Cut into strips 3-4 cm thick without cutting to the skin. Pour into the slits minced garlic mixture And ground pepper. Pack tightly in cellophane and place in the freezer for a day.

Bruschi lard sprinkle thickly salt, Wrap in a plastic bag and leave for a day at room temperature. Pour water over the onion skins, add lard and cook over low heat for 30–40 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and cool without removing the lard. Sprinkle the cooled lard with ground pepper, wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. After a day, the “smoked” lard is ready.

How to preserve lard...

Clean the pieces of bacon from the salt, place them tightly in an enamel bucket, pour in melted pork fat and place in the cellar. It can stay here all summer. The lard on top can be taken for culinary purposes, and the pieces remain closed all the time. If you need to get a piece, it is taken out, and the top layer is again covered with lard.

During normal storage, bacon may turn yellow over the summer and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste, but when filled with lard it remains light in appearance and tasty.

...and meat

If you have meat reserves left over from winter, we advise you to do this. Cut the defrosted meat into pieces of 250–300 g, with or without bones. Sprinkle with salt and leave for 2 hours. Heat melted lard in a copper basin and fry the salted meat until cooked. After this, put the meat in any other container (preferably enameled) and pour boiling fat over it. Lightly sprinkle the top of the cooled lard with salt.

Meat drenched in fat continues to fry for some time in it, so it is necessary to put meat in a container when the fibers have not yet begun to separate, but are already ready for this. Usually at this point the meat is light brown in color.

This meat can be stored well for up to a year, even in a warm room. However, you should remember: by taking several pieces of meat and breaking the surface layer of fat, you need to restore it. To do this, just heat a little fat in a bowl and pour it over the damaged area.

Smoking at home

You can prepare many meat products at home.

First of all, I would like to remind you that only fresh meat from healthy animals that have been slaughtered after examination and permission from a veterinarian can be processed. The room in which you are going to work must be absolutely clean, dishes and tools must be thoroughly washed. In no case should we forget about the rules of personal hygiene: hair is tucked under a headdress, hands are immaculately clean. Do not start working with any damage to the skin on your hands. When installing a smokehouse and working with it, it is also important to strictly follow fire safety rules.

Smoked ham

You can smoke not only hams, but also shoulders, loins, and briskets. Rub the prepared meat thoroughly on all sides with the so-called curing mixture. It consists of 1 kg of salt, 50 g of sugar, 1–2 cloves of garlic, chopped pepper, cinnamon and cloves - 1/4 tsp each. for every 16 kg of meat. Make a deep cut in the leg of the ham, down to the bone, and stuff it tightly with the curing mixture. At the bottom of a wide barrel (or other container), placed in a cold place (cellar, canopy - in the cold season), pour a thin layer of curing mixture, then place the hams and shoulder skins down, then the loins, and finally the brisket. Sprinkle the hams and shoulders with more salt than the loin, and the brisket only lightly.

The products laid in this way should be kept for about 2-3 weeks at a temperature of 2–6 degrees. After this, carefully pour in well-chilled brine (for 10 liters of boiled water - 1 kg of salt and 100 g of sugar), first placing a clean circle and pressure on top of the brisket. Tie the barrel with gauze. Hams and shoulders are usually salted after 15 days. Loins and briskets of thinner carcasses are ready in 5–6 days.

Only after this can the meat be smoked either in a simple smokehouse, or in a spacious box or barrel, in a Russian oven.

When smoking, it is important to follow some rules. Place the meat so that its pieces do not touch each other and are not close to the point where the smoke is generated. It is better to obtain smoke from wood chips or small logs of hardwood (for hot smoking), or from smoldering sawdust on an iron tray. Smoke from coal or peat is unsuitable. Do not let the fire get too hot; for this you need to add moistened sawdust as necessary. You need to monitor the temperature of the smoke using a thermometer.

After soaking the ham for 5–6 hours in fresh water, hang it on a loop to dry in a cool, preferably with a slight draft, room. Then transfer to the smokehouse. The smoking mode depends on what kind of product they want to get: boiled-smoked - for direct consumption or raw smoked - for long-term storage. In the first case, the ham must be smoked at a temperature of 40–60 degrees. 12 hours, first with weak smoke, then with thicker smoke. When the surface of the ham becomes dry with a yellowish-brown tint, boil or bake the ham.

To obtain a raw smoked ham, it must be treated for 2-4 days with cold smoke, the temperature of which does not exceed 18–22 degrees, and then kept in a cool, dry room for 3–5 weeks.

* * *

Loin and brisket cook in the same way as ham, only the duration of salting and aging after smoking (or cooking when making boiled-smoked briskets and loins) is somewhat shorter compared to hams.

Lard Only smoke with cold smoke. Remove salt from pieces of salted bacon, rinse with water, hang dry on a loop, then transfer to a smokehouse. Smoke it for 7 days with smoke whose temperature is not higher than 20 degrees. Before smoking, lard can be grated with ground red pepper.

From young pork

The best hams come from young, lean pork. The hams are separated from the cooled carcass, and a cut is made on the leg between the bones for hanging.

Dry method of salting ham. To do this, you will need a wooden barrel or vat with holes (they are needed to drain the brine). Place a layer of dry salt on the bottom. From 1 kg salt and 160 g sugar prepare the curing mixture, rub the hams with it and place them in a container, skin side down. Fill the space between the hams and the walls with the curing mixture. Place the container in a cool place. After 3 days, swap the hams: place the lower ones on top, and the upper ones on the bottom, sprinkling them with fresh curing mixture. After 2–3 weeks, remove salt from the hams, air them, hang them in a cool, dry room.

Salting in brine. Boil 10 liters of water, add 700 g salt and 200 g sugar. Place the hams skin side down tightly in an oak barrel, alternating spices, and fill with cooled brine. The brine should completely cover the hams. Place a wooden circle on top and pressure on it. Depending on the size of the hams and the temperature of the room, salting lasts from 3–4 weeks to 2 months. Air the salted hams in a cool, dry room.

Combined method. First dry salt in a salting mixture. (1 kg salt, 160 G Sahara). Add to the mixture spices and crushed garlic. Salt the hams for 2 weeks and then pour the brine over the hams. (500 g salt, 100 g sugar, 10 l water). After 2–3 weeks, air in a cool, dry place.

Rolling. As fuel The best wood is apple, cherry, pear, and oak. It is better not to use coniferous and birch firewood. Sprinkle fine sawdust on top of the firewood to create smoke. To give the hams a pleasant aroma and taste, you can put herbs and bush branches on top of the firewood: wormwood, juniper with berries, mint, caraway seeds, etc.

Before smoking, soak the ham in cold water for 2–5 hours. To protect against contamination, cover them with gauze. Depending on the size of the hams, smoking lasts 4–6 hours. After this, hang them in a cool place, remove the gauze and wrap tightly in clean paper.

For cooking boiled smoked ham soak the meat, dry it, cover it with gauze and smoke it at a temperature of 40-50 degrees for 8-10 hours. After this, cook the hams in a spacious container for 4–8 hours. Readiness to check by piercing the thickness with a knife to the bone. If the knife fits in freely, the ham is ready.

Used for long-term storage cold smoking. With this method, the hams are smoked at a temperature of 20–30 degrees for 2–3 days. The hams lose a lot of moisture and are well saturated with smoke. After smoking is completed, the hams are kept in a cool room for 15–30 days. Loin and brisket are cold smoked and then dry-salted.

Smoked lard

We smoke our own lard. The result is very tasty, soft, like butter, hot smoked lard. We have a homemade smoker; we smoke on two burners of a gas stove over high heat for 1 hour. 40 min. before 2 hours 30 min. - it depends on the thickness of the fat.

The smokehouse is welded from stainless steel in the form of a rectangular box with a lid, which is placed on top of the box and inserted into L-shaped sides welded on the outside. We pour water into these sides to prevent smoke from escaping. And if the lid is lifted by boiling water, then you need to press it down with a brick. The height of the box is arbitrary - 40–50 cm. First, we place small alder firewood on the very bottom, then we place a baking tray on two transverse welded twigs to collect fat (at a distance of 7-10 cm from the bottom). We place a wire rack on legs 15–20 cm high on a baking sheet and place the lard on this wire rack. You can wrap it in a thin cloth. And finally, close the box with a lid.

We salt the lard using a dry method. Rub it on all sides with garlic, passed through a meat grinder, then with salt (add suneli hops, adjika, grated garlic to the salt to taste). We put it in small wooden barrels, cover it with salt so that there are no voids, and keep it for 10–14 days. The lard is ready for smoking. Place it in the smoker on the grill, skin side down. We do not remove the salt from above, as if there is not enough of it, the lard will be tasteless. There is no need to be afraid that it will be too salty: lard does not absorb excess salt. The thickness of the piece should be no less than the thickness of two fingers - this is 3–3.5 cm.

Immediately after smoking is completed, the smokehouse should not be opened. You need to let it cool for about an hour and open it carefully. Then cool the lard. We cool it, but don't freeze it - the lard ice cream crumbles and isn't as tasty.

Mini smokehouse in the apartment

Our reader A. Chaburko from Dobrush has been using this smokehouse for more than 10 years. It is intended for hot smoking. Works on one burner of a gas stove. For smoking, a handful of sawdust from alder, juniper, etc. is enough. The sawdust is poured evenly onto the bottom of the smokehouse.

Smoking time for fish - 30–35 minutes, lard - 1 hour, chicken - 1 hour 45 minutes.

The smokehouse is made in the form of a stainless steel cylinder; any sheet of structural steel with a thickness of 2–2.5 mm is also suitable. Rust is excluded, because the inside of the cylinder is generously lubricated with fat vapor, and the outside can be painted with aluminum powder.

The body is a cylinder with a welded bottom and flange. A tube d = 12 mm and 150–250 mm long is welded to the lid to drain gases and condensate into the window. On the inside there are wire loops d = 3–4 mm. The gasket is paronite 3–4 mm thick. The bowl is aluminum.

For cold smoking

Dig a groove in the ground, at one end place a barrel (wooden or iron, not rusty or painted with oil paint) on bricks. This is a smoking chamber. Install a firebox at the other end of the groove. Connect the barrel to the firebox with an iron pipe. Cover the groove from above with iron sheets and fill it with earth. The smoke from burning sawdust, rotten firewood, and logs, passing from the firebox through the pipe into the smoking chamber, cools down a little. It flows around meat products suspended on pins, but penetrates them slowly, over several days.

Hot smoking barrel

This is the most common, simple and cheap device. You just need to dig a hole, build a hearth in it from stone or brick in three rows up, and build a metal container for fuel in it (usually sawdust is used). At the ground level, place a barrel without a bottom - wooden or iron; not reaching the upper edge of the barrel, strengthen the pins in its walls for hanging products. Cover the top of the smoking chamber-barrel with burlap so that the smoke passes, but slowly, and has time to linger on the meat products.


Rub the pieces of meat with a mixture of salt and seasonings (on 1 kg meat approximately 30–40 g salt, 5 g sugar, crushed garlic, black pepper, cloves), place the skin side down in the tank, periodically swapping the top and bottom pieces. After 6–7 days, remove the meat from the brine and hang it to dry for 2–3 hours in a cool room. Then roll the meat into a roll with the skin facing out, tie tightly with twine and smoke.

Smokehouse in the attic

Lay out the smoking chamber (approximately 100x80x70 cm) from baked brick close to the chimney, in which make two holes (40x40 cm) at the bottom for the smoke to enter the chamber and at the top for it to exit. Install a damper in the lower opening. It needs to be closed when the camera is not working.

Insert a door (60x50 cm), iron or wooden, lined with tin on the inside into the front wall of the chamber. The frame for the door is iron. From here the products are hung, from here they monitor the progress of smoking. When laying out the chamber in the upper part, insert two pieces of iron pipes with hooks for hanging products.

Smoked tongue

For 10 kg of tongues - 1 kg of salt, 1 tbsp. l, sugar.

Grate beef tongues salt, cumin, crushed garlic, bay leaf, sliced dill and parsley, onions. Place in a bowl and leave for 7-8 days, turning over and wiping with brine. Then you can cook it for a cold snack or smoke it 2-3 times in cold smoke.

Storing smoked sausages

Homemade smoked sausages can be stored for a year or more, but for this you must follow certain rules.

After the smokehouse, the sausages need to be hung in front of the stove and dried for 2-3 days. Then melt lard (lard or lard), strain, separating the cracklings. Cut the prepared sausage into pieces 7-10 cm long with a sharp knife and place in boiling lard, lightly add salt and keep on fire for 20 minutes. After processing one portion, you can take on another.

Transfer all the pieces into a clean saucepan and pour in again the melted, boiled and strained fat, but it no longer needs to be salted. Because salted fat in damp weather will absorb moisture and may become moldy.

Let the fat and sausages cool, cover with clean paper and a lid, but not with film - otherwise mold cannot be avoided.

The sausages are juicy and flavorful. When you take the next portion with a fork, the fat on the surface needs to be smoothed out again.

* * *

Hang the smoked sausage in the cellar, after 3-4 weeks it will ripen and be ready for use. From 10 kg of meat products you get 7 kg of excellent sausage. It must be cut very thinly with a well-sharpened knife. Thick pieces are tough and tasteless.

Before storing, coat the sausages well with vegetable oil using a flannel cloth or a bird's feather. Wrap each sausage in wrapping paper and place in a box.

Sausages can be safely stored in the cellar all summer, but in the fall, in damp weather, mold may appear on the surface. To remove it, wash the sausage with boiled water, dry it, grease it again with vegetable oil and wrap it in another paper.

Storing cold smoked sausage depends on the location and temperature. In the attic in cool weather, with a draft, it can be stored for six months.

“Liquid smoke” - a new word in smoking technology

Someone, having once tasted dishes with the addition of “liquid smoke,” now cannot imagine homemade lard or pea soup without the aroma of a fire. And someone reacted to the new product with distrust, saying that they are again slipping in chemicals instead of natural ones. Only you can decide what to choose. Of course, not everything tasty is healthy, but sometimes it is quite possible to treat yourself to aromatic, delicately flavored “smoked” delicacies prepared in your own kitchen without a smokehouse.

Moreover, manufacturers claim that “liquid smoke” is a natural, environmentally friendly product obtained from carefully purified smoke from valuable wood species dissolved in water.

Smoked lard

Brine: for 1 liter of water - 6 tbsp. l. salt, spices to taste, 5–6 tbsp. l. "Liquid smoke." To give a beautiful golden hue, add to the prepared brine. 2-3 handfuls of onion peels. Salo(can be with a layer of meat) pour in brine, bring to a boil and cook for 40–50 minutes. over low heat. Then remove and dry. Grate garlic, red pepper. The lard acquires a beautiful golden hue, smoked taste and aroma. Very tasty and keeps well.


Chickens place in a saucepan breast side down and sprinkle with a curing mixture consisting of black pepper and chopped garlic. For 1 kg chickens- 20 garlic, 4 g black pepper. Press the chickens with a weight, fill them with brine and leave them for 14–16 hours at a temperature of 4 degrees.

Brine composition: for 1 liter of water 50 g salt 5 g sugar and 10 tbsp. l. "Liquid Smoke" Remove the chickens from the brine, spread with sauce from 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or tomato paste and 1 tbsp. l. "Liquid Smoke" Leave for two hours at room temperature and bake in a preheated oven until done. It can be served hot or cold.

Smoked sausages or sausages

Prepare the sauce: whisk 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or ketchup, 2 tbsp. l. "Liquid smoke."

Clear sausages(sausages) from the shell. Pour over the sauce and bake in the oven or microwave until done.

Flavoring of first courses

Add to solyanka, fish soup, pea soup, etc. 0.5–1 tsp. "Liquid Smoke" During the cooking process, they will acquire the exquisite taste of dishes cooked over a fire and with smoked meats.


1 kg pork stuff garlic, rub curing mixture of 20 g salt, 1 g red pepper, 3 g chopped garlic. Fill brine(for 1 liter of brine: 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of salt and 6 tablespoons of “Liquid smoke”). Keep the meat in a cold place for 12 hours, let it drain, wrap it in foil, and place the prepared ham with the fatty part facing up. Bake boiled pork in the oven at 150 degrees. until ready (about 3 hours). Serve chilled.


Rack of pork ribs rub salt(to taste), chopped garlic, black ground pepper with addition “Liquid smoke” (4–5 tablespoons on 1 kg of ribs). Keep in the refrigerator for 16–24 hours. Bake the ribs in the oven until done. You can serve it hot, but if you let it sit for 1 day, the ribs turn into an excellent snack for beer.


Fish (pike perch, pike, burbot, cod, sturgeon, catfish, etc.) are cleaned, gutted, washed, cut into pieces of 100–200 g, salt and pepper to taste, and placed in a pressure cooker. For 1 kg of fish - 0.7 liters of water, 4–6 tbsp. l. "Liquid smoke." Cook the fish at a boil for 15–20 minutes. Instead of a pan, you can use a double boiler; in this case, it is better to first wrap the fish in foil. Serve cold.

Tasty, but doesn't last long

Pork head pork

Pig's head cut lengthwise into 2 parts. Place in a tank, add water, salt, add onions, carrots,(If desired, you can add lungs, heart, liver, kidneys). Cook for 3-4 hours. Remove the meat from the broth and separate it from the bones when hot. You will get 2 large pieces of meat. Place one of them, skin side down, on a piece of gauze laid out on a tray. Sprinkle the meat generously black and red pepper, finely chopped garlic. If you cooked lungs, liver, kidneys, then cut them into pieces and place them on the meat. If the head from the neck side is too greasy, cut off the excess fat and put it on the meat. Cover everything with a second piece of meat and wrap tightly in gauze. Place a board on top and place a weight so that the meat settles, but not all the juice flows out. The next day the boiled pork is ready.


To prepare 5 kg of pate - 2.5 kg of pork head meat, 1 kg of pork liver, 1.5 kg of pork skin, 1.5 tbsp. flour, 100 g salt, 3-4 onions, 2-3 tbsp. broth, black pepper - to taste.

Cook the prepared heads, cut into pieces, until tender, separate the meat from the bones and cartilage. Wash the skin, stripped of bristles, and cook until soft. Wash the raw liver, cut into thin slices, and let sit for 10–15 minutes. into boiling water, drain in a colander and cool. Pass the prepared components through a meat grinder with a fine grid twice, adding raw or fried onions. Add flour, spices, broth and fat obtained during cooking to the mixture. Mix the minced meat and pass through the meat grinder again. Fill the dishes (casserole dishes, bread molds) tightly with the prepared mixture and bake in the oven. Wrap the cooled pate in clean paper and store in the refrigerator.


Chopped pig's head cook for 2–3 hours (until fully cooked). Cut the cooked meat into small pieces, add 3 finely chopped onions and pour into this mass the broth in which the head was cooked. Mix everything thoroughly. If you pour more broth, the brawn will be less dense. If less, the brawn will be thicker.

Add to the mixture to taste spices, cool, place in a plastic bag (about 2/3 full), tie tightly and place in a cool place on a flat surface. Cover the top with a plank and press down with a weight.

Cooled brawn is delicious with potatoes, mustard, horseradish.

Stuffed tripe and brawn

Ground meat prepare from finely chopped raw lungs, liver, heart, spleen, pork cheeks, add ground pepper, salt, crushed bay leaf, garlic and mix everything.

Process thoroughly scar ruminant without cutting it. Tie one hole and fill it with minced meat through the other.

Tie or sew up the second hole in the tripe, wrap in gauze and boil in a large saucepan. Check the readiness of the scar by piercing it with a sharp thin twig. If no dark liquid is released, the scar is ready.

Place it in a basin for 10–12 hours, place a board and a weight on it to lightly compress it.

For the brawn take bladder, cut from the carcass, it must remain inflated with air.

The bubble dries quickly, but to make it soft, it needs to be immersed in hot water at a temperature of 45–50 degrees. You just need to make sure it doesn't cook.

Fill a soft bubble loosely with minced meat, sew up the cut with thread, pierce it in several places with a needle and lower it into the broth. Let it simmer a little.

Then take it out and put a weight on it (no more than 8 kg), put it in a cool place. Excess liquid will flow out through the punctured holes. On the second day, after 18–20 hours, the brawn is ready to eat.

Chicken sausages

2 kg chickens, 400 g intestines, 50 g garlic, 60 g onions, 20 g coriander, 30 g salt, 20 g ground black pepper.

Ground meat: Cut the chicken carcasses into small pieces, add chopped garlic, chopped onion, salt, pepper and spices. Mix everything thoroughly. Stuff cleaned intestines (preferably horse intestines) with minced meat. Divide into sausages.

Boil sausages in water until tender. Serve with side dish.

Canned meat

Pork goulash

Consumption per half-liter jar: 500 g pork, 50 g lard, 50 g onions, 0.5 tsp. salt, 120 g of water, ground red pepper - to taste.

Cut the meat into small pieces and simmer with fried onions and red pepper in pork fat. While stewing, add salt, and add water or bone broth to the meat as needed, stirring from time to time. After about 30–40 minutes. The goulash is ready for canning.

Transfer the meat into jars 1.5 cm below the neck, and the meat should be filled to the top with broth. Therefore, you need to prepare enough broth to fill all the jars. Sterilize the rolled jars for 2 hours at 100 degrees. As a rule, this sterilization is sufficient, since the meat has already been heat treated. Store canned food in a cool place.

Meat fried in fat

Cut the pulp into pieces of 30–40 g, sprinkle salt (1 tbsp per 2 kg of meat) and leave for 8-10 minutes. Place rendered pork fat in a frying pan or shallow pan and heat until lightly smoking. Fry the meat in it until a light crust forms and the juice stops flowing. Then put it in steamed and dried glass jars and pour melted fat over it. It should cover the top pieces of meat, but it should be taken into account that after cooling the fat layer decreases by 2-3 mm. For a half-liter jar you will need approximately 400 g meat and 150 g fat. Cover the jars immediately. boiled and dried lids and roll them up. Sterilization is not necessary.

Meat canned in this way can be stored at room temperature for 1–2 months in the refrigerator. - 6–8 months. It is used for preparing first and second courses.

Melting lard

Kidney fat, internal fat, trimmed from meat, as well as thin subcutaneous fat cut into small pieces, cover with cold water and leave for 2-3 days in a cold place, changing the water twice a day. Drain the water, place the fat in a saucepan, add fresh water in the amount of 1/3 of the volume of fat, add baking soda (1 tsp per 3 kg of fat) and bring to a boil over low heat. Carefully collect the fat released on the surface into another bowl until the cracklings turn golden. Carefully drain off the remaining fat in the pan. Remelt the resulting lard again, adding for every kilogram - 100 g of milk, and cook until the milk begins to settle to the bottom.

Collect the melted lard into jars, seal and store in the cellar.

Pork with pepper

5 kg pork shoulder, 650 g onions, 300 ml red wine, 300 ml wine vinegar (4%), 3 tbsp. juniper berries, 15 clove buds, 2 tbsp. black peppercorns, 80 g sugar, salt - By taste.

Peel the onion, cut into cubes, boil with red wine, vinegar and 1.5 liters of water. Tie the spices in cheesecloth and put them in the broth. Put the diced meat there and cook everything together for 1 hour at low boil. Remove the meat with a slotted spoon and allow the broth to drain. Place hot meat into liter jars and press lightly. Strain the broth through cheesecloth, skim off the fat and pour into the jars with a spoon. Cover and leave to cool overnight.

Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for an hour. Roll up. Store in a cool place.

Salted meat

For 10 kg of meat - 500 g of salt.

Cut the meat into portions, place in a large bowl, add salt and mix well. You need to stir until the salt is distributed evenly throughout the meat.

There should be no salt left at the bottom. Place the meat in sterilized jars, compact with a masher, and roll up.


Take the same banks. Any meat cut into pieces of 30 g (with a bone). For 10 kg of meat pour 150 g salt, stir and leave for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. Place at the bottom of clean jars 5 black peppercorns, 3–4 bay leaves and add meat. Cover with metal lids (without rubber gaskets) and place in the oven on a baking sheet. Cover the top with a baking sheet too, place 2 clean bricks on top of the baking sheet. Simmer over very low heat for 4 hours, roll up.

This stew stores well and can be used to prepare any dish.

* * *

Fresh meat separate from bones, remove films and veins, cut into pieces up to 2 cm thick, add salt to taste. Keep the salted meat for a day in the refrigerator or a cool place, then put it in glass jars. Add to each jar black pepper, bay leaf. Cover the jars with lids and roll them up; be sure to put clamps on top (sold in the store). After sealing the jars, place them in a wide saucepan, add cold water, cover with a lid and keep on the fire for 5 hours at a constant boil.

Then turn off the heat and leave the jars in a saucepan with water until they cool completely. Inspect the cooled jars, remove the clamps, lubricate the lids with preservative grease or grease and store them in the cellar. This stew is ready to eat, you just need to heat it up.

* * *

Meat do not wash. If the skin is clean and well processed, you don’t have to cut it off. Salo cut into large pieces, place in a tank and put on fire, stirring so as not to burn. When a little fat has rendered, add the meat, cut into medium-sized pieces, salt. Simmer until done in its own juice without adding water. At the end of simmering, add laurel leaf, pepper peas Without removing from the heat, place the boiling stew into sterilized jars to the top so that it overflows to remove air, and quickly roll up with sterilized lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave until the fat hardens. The next day, put it in the cellar.

Canned meat

3 kg of meat (pork or beef), 1 liter of water, 130 - 140 g of salt, bay leaf, peppercorns - to taste.

Pour salt into boiling water, add bay leaf and pepper. When the water boils again, add the meat cut into pieces and cook from the moment of boiling for 30 minutes, without covering.

Sterilize the jars, place hot meat in them and roll up. Wrap without turning over and leave until completely cool. Store in a cool place.

From such meat you can prepare pilaf, goulash, etc.

Stew of any meat

Suitable for any preparation salo, ugly or scraps - anything goes. Cut it into small cubes, no more than 2x2 cm, you can pass it through a meat grinder with a large grid. The more lard, the fattier the stew will be. Cut into the same cubes meat, mix with lard add salt to taste, leave for 15–20 minutes. Place at the bottom of clean half-liter or liter jars 1 bay leaf, 5–6 black peppercorns, Fill with minced meat up to the shoulders (if you add more minced meat, the juice will spill out during boiling). Cover the bottom of a large pan or jar with a cloth, place jars covered with sterilized metal lids on it and fill with water up to the hangers of the jars. Sterilize at moderate boil for 2–2.5 hours from the moment of boiling. During the cooking process, the water from the tank will evaporate; it must be added to keep the water level constant. You need to add boiling water, otherwise the jars may burst. To check readiness, remove a piece of meat from the middle of the jar with a fork; if it is soft and well stewed, then the jars can be removed and rolled up. Leave to cool without turning over. In a cooled jar there will be fat on top and jelly on the bottom. Very beautiful and tasty.

How to preserve poultry meat?

Wipe the plucked carcass thoroughly from the inside with a rag (do not wash it - it will make things worse). Next, cut the carcass into pieces, fry until golden brown, put in a saucepan and, adding bay leaf, allspice, salt, simmer over low heat until cooked, place hot in heated glass jars. Roll up immediately and store in the cellar.

You can also preserve it in brine. Prepare the carcass in the same way as in the first case. Make a saturated brine - an egg dropped into it should float, exposing on the surface a part of the shell the size of a ten-kopeck coin. Put the brine on the fire and, when it boils, put the pieces of poultry meat in there, and after about five minutes remove from the heat. Place into heated glass jars. When the meat has cooled, pour cold brine and roll up immediately. Store in the cellar.

Carcasses can also be preserved in fat. Sprinkle a layer of coarse salt on the bottom of an enamel pan or bucket, place the carcass on it, and sprinkle a moderate amount of salt on top. And so layer by layer: carcass - salt. And when all the salt has dissolved, proceed to the next operation. Melt the bird fat and boil for 45 minutes, waiting until the moisture evaporates from it. Then cut the carcasses into four parts and boil well. Place boiled pieces of meat in clay pots coated with glaze (without gaps) as tightly as possible, pour in fat so that it covers the meat and is flush with the edges of the pot. Cover the dish with paper soaked in alcohol or vodka, then again with paper, tie tightly. This method comes from antiquity. Nowadays they use either enamel dishes or glass jars.

Canned duck

Prepare the brine at such a concentration that a chicken egg dropped into it floats to the surface of a circle the size of a 3-kopeck coin, boil and cool.

Ducks tar, cut, wash, dry and cut into pieces.

Prepare another portion of the same brine, put it on the fire and, when it boils, drop the pieces of meat into it. Boil for 15 minutes. from the moment of boiling. Remove the meat with a slotted spoon to a clean sieve, let dry and cool.

Place the meat in cold but sterile jars and fill with the first cold brine. Roll up.

A 3-liter jar fits two ducks, no need to tamp. This way you can prepare pork and rabbit, goose and chicken for future use.

From such meat you can prepare first courses (then you may not have to salt the dish) and second courses (the meat needs to be soaked a little).


It will require 1–2 poultry carcasses.

Cut the carcasses into two parts, place them in a bowl and add water to barely cover them. Add to pan bay leaf, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 2-3 onions. When it boils, reduce the heat. The water should not boil, but only boil from below, and let the top remain calm.

Once the meat comes off the bones, remove the bones. Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add 1–2 tbsp. l. butter, 3-4 beaten raw eggs, pepper, salt By taste, pour in the remaining bouillon, Mix everything well and put it in half-liter jars. Place the dishes in a saucepan on stands, fill with water up to the hangers and, from the start of boiling, sterilize over moderate heat for 1 hour.

Without rolling, leave the jars in this water for 24 hours. Then sterilize them again for 1 hour, and then in the same mode on the third day - 1 hour and now roll up the lids. Such fractional heating of the pate kills botulinus microbes, and the homemade product becomes safe for consumption. Leave the jars in the water until cooled. This pate can be used on sandwiches, as an addition to noodles, and for filling pies.

Pork liver pate

1 kg of liver, 2 kg of lard, 3 kg of meat, 3 large onions, ground pepper, salt- taste.

Pass all ingredients raw through a meat grinder, mix with salt and pepper. Bring the resulting mass to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. After this, put the pate into sterilized jars and roll up.

* * *

From chicken feet You can make good, fairly active gelatin. You can use it immediately or freeze it in pieces for future use for four months. First, scald the paws with boiling water to remove the top layer of skin. Then place the paws in a saucepan and add enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 4-5 hours, until tender. After this, strain the broth, let it boil again, and then freeze. The result is very thick, almost “rubbery” gelatin. It can be used for aspic.

Meat pate

1 pork head, 1.5 kg of meat or liver, 1 kg of onions, 6 eggs, 200 g of vegetable oil, salt, pepper - to taste.

Chop the head into pieces and boil. Remove the bones and pass the pulp through a meat grinder along with raw meat or liver. Pass the onion through a meat grinder, fry in vegetable oil and add, mixed with raw eggs, to the meat mass. Salt and pepper. Place the pate into clean half-liter jars and sterilize for 1.5 hours. Roll up.

Stewed rabbit meat

Place a wooden circle at the bottom of an enamel tank with a capacity of 25 liters. Prepare 7 liter jars (that’s how many can fit freely in the tank) and 7 metal lids. Sterilize jars and lids for 10 minutes.

Use a sharp knife to remove the meat from 4–5 carcasses of rabbits. There will be enough to fill the jars. Separate the internal fat of the rabbits and place in a separate bowl. If the rabbit carcasses are lean, then cook some fatty pork meat (lard), cutting it into pieces the size of a walnut.

At the bottom of each sterilized jar, place 3-4 well-washed and scalded bay leaves and internal rabbit fat or lard in a 2 cm layer. Then lay the rabbit meat tightly. Place in each jar 3–4 peas of allspice, 5–6 peas of black pepper, 2–3 buds of cloves, 1 tsp. salt. Cover the top of the meat with internal rabbit fat or lard 2-3cm thick.

Having filled the jars to the brim, cover with sterilized lids and place in the tank so that they do not touch each other or the walls of the tank.

Pour warm water into the tank up to the hangers of the cans and place on low heat. As the water in the tank heats up, increase the heat. After the water boils, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too much and does not splash the jars.

5 hours after the start of boiling, remove the jars and, without lifting the lid, roll them up. Ready. The jar needs to be shaken slightly to mix the contents. Then turn it upside down and listen for any hissing. Otherwise, such a jar needs to be rolled again with a lid rolling machine and marked. It is better not to store it for a long time. If everything was done conscientiously and cleanly, then the stew can be stored for years, maintaining its excellent taste.

You can stock up not only smoked meats or stews, but also ready-made foods for future use.

Salted lard with layers of meat

Piece lard with layers of meat cut into small pieces so that they fit easily into a three-liter jar. Immerse them in boiling water for 5 minutes, then remove and let the water drain. Place in jars very tightly so that there are no voids, sprinkling salt With chopped garlic or dried chopped dill. Roll up with sterile lids.

The lard turns out juicy and tender. Can be stored for up to three years.


Cut the abdominal part of the carcass into 20x20 cm squares and place in boiling brine for 7 minutes.

Boil for brine 3 liters of water, pour 1 kg salt, 2 handfuls of onion peels.

Do not remove the lard from the brine for two days, then remove and allow the liquid to drain. Now rub the mixture well ground black and red pepper, garlic. Store in an enamel container in a cool place.


From pork feet You can prepare cutlets.

Remove the bones from the leg and pass the pulp through a meat grinder. Good to add to pork beef, but it is possible without it. Ground meat salt, pepper, put crushed garlic(this is necessary, otherwise the cutlets will not be stored).

Fry the cutlets in pork fat, steam with fat in a saucepan for at least an hour, without adding water, put in sterilized jars and roll up.


You can prepare so-called mesh (part of the inner mesh fat in a pork carcass).

500 g pork liver, 1 tbsp. rice, 1–2 eggs, 2 onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 200 g minced meat, salt, ground pepper - to taste.

Pass raw liver, onion, and garlic through a meat grinder, mix with rice boiled until half cooked, raw eggs, minced meat, add salt and pepper.

Cut the mesh into pieces, put minced meat in the middle of each, roll it up like a cabbage roll, fry in fat and simmer in a roasting pan until done.

Signature recipes from Our Kitchen readers


Nutria dishes

Baked meat

1 kg of nutria meat, 100 g of smoked lard, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, 2 carrots, 1 onion, herbs, 10–15 potatoes, 100 g butter, water, salt.

For baking, it is better to use the back of the nutria. Wash the meat, dry it, stuff it with pieces of smoked lard, coat it with butter, put it in a frying pan, pour in a little water. Bake in a hot oven until golden brown. Then place coarsely grated carrots and small pieces of peeled and chopped potatoes around the meat. Add spices, add a little water, salt and pepper, put a peeled onion on top, cut in half and fry, pouring over the resulting juice from time to time (after 15–20 minutes).


1 nutria carcass, 2 tbsp. butter, 2-3 cloves of garlic, white of one egg, 5-6 bay leaves, 1 tbsp. dried apples or plums (pitted), salt, pepper, citric acid.

After removing the bones, smooth and beat the meat, rub with a mixture of pepper, salt, chopped garlic, and citric acid.

Beat the egg white until thick and strong foam. Wash apples or plums, dry them, put them in egg whites, mix and spread in an even layer on the meat. Roll the meat prepared in this way into a roll and tie it with thread. Coat the roll with butter, sprinkle with pepper, salt and place on a baking sheet. Pour in a little water, add a bay leaf and bake in the oven over medium heat for 1–1.5 hours, basting with the resulting juice from time to time. Remove the finished roll from the baking sheet and place a small weight on it.


1 kg of nutria meat, 2 eggs, 200 g of sour cream, 1 bun, 200 g of fat, salt, pepper, 1-2 onions, flour.

Pass washed, well-dried meat and onions through a meat grinder. Add pepper, pre-soaked squeezed bread, 100 g sour cream, salt, beat in eggs. Mix everything thoroughly. Make cutlets from the minced meat, roll in flour and fry in very hot fat. Place the finished cutlets in a saucepan, pour in the fat in which they were fried, and simmer over low heat. When finishing simmering, pour in the remaining sour cream.


From Nonna LUSHINA

Everything from rabbit

Soak the rabbit carcass in cold water for a day and only then cook.


After soaking, pour chopped carcass cold water, add to taste salt, pepper, onion, carrots and cook until tender at a low boil. Strain the broth, add diluted gelatin (per liter of broth - 3 tablespoons of gelatin, soaked in 1/3 cup of water), bring to a boil and strain again. While the broth is cooling, separate the meat from the bones, place in bowls, garnish with chopped eggs, carrots, herbs. Pour warm broth over the meat and place in a cool place.


cut meat into pieces together with the bones, add salt, fry in oil(to brown), sprinkle flour and let stand on the fire for another 5 minutes. Separately, simmer the chopped carrots and onions, add spoon of tomato, pepper, transfer to a saucepan with meat, pour water or broth, Cover the meat with your finger and simmer over low heat until done.


1 tbsp. washed rice fall asleep in 1.5 tbsp. boiling water, let it swell. Pieces meat soak for 2 hours in table vinegar.

Salt and pepper fry in vegetable oil, add finely chopped onion and carrots and fry until everything is browned. Place meat and vegetables in a saucepan on top of the rice, add water (it should cover the meat by 1 cm), simmer over low heat

Rabbit stewed with tomatoes

Soak rabbit meat, cut into portions, add finely chopped green tomatoes and cream (for a medium carcass - 1 kg of tomatoes and 0.5 liters of cream), simmer covered in the oven until done. At the end of cooking, add salt to taste.


Cut the carcass into 4 parts and soak in the marinade (by 1 l water - 1 Art. table vinegar, 1 tsp. salt and sugar), dry, stuff lard, cut into small pieces, thread onto skewers, alternating with pieces onions, and fry over coals until cooked.


From Nina ARDA

Udder cutlets

For 1 kg of udder: a third of a white stale loaf, 2 onions, 1 egg, pepper, salt.

Pass the raw udder through a meat grinder together with the onion, and a second time - together with the one soaked in water or milk loaf. Add egg, pepper, salt to the minced meat, form cutlets and fry in a frying pan over a hot fat.

* * *

300 g boiled udder, 1.5 kg mackerel fillet, 2–3 onions, 150 g white bread, 2–3 eggs, half a glass of milk, garlic, pepper, salt - taste.

Pass the fish, udder, onion, and soaked bread through a meat grinder twice. Add raw eggs, milk, salt, pepper and garlic, mix the minced meat well. Form cutlets by wetting your hands with water. Fry on sunflower oil.

Moscow city.

From Irina LARINA

Liver - chops

For this dish you will need exactly beef liver. Soak her in milk and freeze. Cut the frozen liver into very thin pieces, about 0.5 cm thick. Dip in egg and fry in fat The main thing is not to overcook! Therefore, you need to fry it for exactly 3 minutes. from each side. Under no circumstances should the liver be stewed.

Art. Petrovskaya, Krasnodar region.

From Natalia ZAVELEEVA

Delicious offal dishes

By-products (liver, heart, kidneys, brains, lungs, etc.) contain a lot of moisture, so they quickly spoil and should be consumed immediately. By-products are rich in minerals and contain complete proteins and vitamins.

Baked liver pate

500 g liver, 250 g bacon, 1 small onion, 5–6 pcs. sprat fillet, 50 g butter or goose fat, 2 tbsp. flour, 1 and 3/4 cups milk, 0.5 tbsp. l. ground crackers, 1 egg, 0.5 tbsp. salt, crushed cloves, pepper, nutmeg, 250 g of bacon, cut into slices, which cover the bottom and walls of the mold.

Peel the liver (pre-soaked for several hours in water or milk), cut it and mince it 2-3 times along with bacon, onion and sprat. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour and cook for 5 minutes, gradually pouring in hot milk. Remove the pan from the heat, add the food minced through a meat grinder, egg, salt and seasonings. Beat well. Line the bottom and sides of the mold with thin slices of bacon. Place the mixture in a mold and steam for approximately 1.5 hours. The pate can be baked in the oven at a temperature of 175 degrees. Check the readiness of the pate with a match (it should remain dry), cool. The next day, remove it from the mold and cut into slices. Garnish with pickled cucumbers.

Kidneys stewed in wine

400–500 g kidneys, 100 g smoked loin, 2 tbsp. flour, 3 medium-sized onions, 1 tbsp. water, 0.5 tbsp. red wine or berry juice, 1 tbsp. l. grated horseradish, 1 tbsp. chopped herbs, salt, pepper.

Cut beef or pork kidneys in half, soak for several hours in milk or water, boil and cut into cubes or slices. Fry cubes of smoked loin in a duck pot, stew chopped onion in the same fat and brown pieces of kidneys breaded in flour, sprinkle everything with salt and pepper. A little later, add water and wine (berry juice) and simmer over low heat until fully cooked. It should be borne in mind that the kidneys become tough from stewing for too long. Before serving, add grated horseradish and chopped herbs. Garnish with boiled rice or potatoes and vegetable salad.

Fried brains with ham and mushrooms

300 g brains, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 25 g butter, salt, red pepper, 4-8 slices of white bread, 150 g ham, 300 g fresh mushrooms.

Roll the soaked and boiled brains in flour, fry in hot oil until golden brown, sprinkle with salt and red pepper. Lightly fry slices of white bread in butter, place fried brains and thin slices of ham, browned on both sides, on them. Place slices of white bread with brains and ham on a plate, and arrange mushrooms stewed in butter around them. Decorate with greens.

Braised beef heart

500 g beef heart, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. l. tomato puree, 2 tbsp. 6% vinegar, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt, bay leaf.

Fry the beef heart, cut into small pieces and salted, in oil in a heated frying pan. At the end of frying, sprinkle with flour and fry for another 1-2 minutes. To stew, place the pieces in a small saucepan. Add 1.5 tbsp. broth or hot water, cover and simmer over low heat for 2-3 hours.

Fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan, add tomato puree, vinegar, sugar, bay leaf, and simmer. Half an hour before the heart is ready, pour this sauce into the pan with the heart and add salt.

Lungs in sauce

500 g lungs, 2 tbsp. margarine, pepper, 1 tbsp. flour, 2 onions, salt, 1.5 tbsp. broth, 100 g sour cream or 2 tbsp. milk, greens.

Cut the soaked lungs and boil in salted water, cool and finely chop or mince. Stew chopped onion and flour in margarine (until golden yellow), add broth, sour cream or milk and cook the sauce for 5-6 minutes. Then mix the chopped lungs with the sauce, sprinkle with herbs.

Stomach with vegetable sauce

500 g stomach, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 1 parsley root, celery slices, 1 tbsp. margarine, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. tomato paste or 2-3 tbsp. sour cream, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, bay leaf, sugar.

Place the cleaned stomach in cold water, add salt and cook for 4–5 hours. At the end of cooking, add roots, vegetables and spices. Cut the boiled stomach into cubes.

Prepare the sauce: melt the margarine, add flour and, stirring, fry until the flour turns slightly yellowish. Then add tomato paste, a little later - vegetables pureed through a sieve and enough broth to make the sauce thick enough. Add chopped and crushed garlic to the sauce, heat for 10 minutes, season with salt and a little sugar.


From Elena Tutova

Liver cutlets

0.5 kg each of lung and pork liver, 1 kidney, 0.5 hearts, 2 onions, 1 head of garlic, 3 potato tubers, 2 tbsp. semolina, 0.5 tbsp. flour, 1 tsp. Rollton meat seasoning, salt and pepper - to taste.

Pass the liver and vegetables through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, semolina, and let stand for 10 minutes. Add flour and seasoning, mix thoroughly. Spoon out and fry in vegetable oil over low heat for 10 minutes. from each side.

With. Bykanovo Kurskaya mi.


Warsaw-style flasks - tripe

1 kg beef tripe, 400 g vegetables, 500 g beef bones, 60 g fat, 30 g flour, nutmeg, red pepper, black pepper, ginger, marjoram, salt, 50 g cheese.

Thoroughly clean the tripe with a knife, rinse several times in warm water, brush with salt and a brush, rinse again, pour cold water 2-3 times, boil, then pour cold water over the tripe. Make broth from the bones, pour 0.5 liters of the finished broth, put tripe into the remaining and cook until soft, adding half of the vegetables (carrots, onions, etc.) at the end of cooking. Cook the tripe for about 4 hours. Cut the remaining vegetables into strips, add 0.5 tbsp. water, fat and simmer covered until soft. Brown the flour until light golden brown, add cold broth (0.5 l) and boil. In the prepared sauce, add prepared tripe, cut into thin strips, stewed vegetables, salt, and season to taste with pepper and nutmeg. Separately serve grated cheese, red pepper, ground ginger and marjoram,



Each housewife prepares a traditional dish - meat and potatoes in her own way. Some people fry it until crispy, others bake it in the oven. I like Adyghe meat the most. The secret of the aroma is the hop-suneli seasoning and garlic mixture. The meat turns out very soft, and the potatoes are soaked in broth. Nourishing and tasty.

Adyghe style meat

Fry in a deep frying pan gel oil crushed onion(more). Meat(preferably pork) cut into strips, salt, sprinkle red ground pepper and add khmeli-suneli. Stir with onions, add a little broth made from bouillon cube, simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.

Peel the potatoes and cut into 5-6 wedges. In the frying pan, move the meat and onions to one side, and put potatoes in the free space, which need to be sprinkled garlic mixture (finely chopped and minced garlic with salt and pepper). Add a little more broth and simmer until the potatoes are done.

When serving, place meat in the center of the dish and potatoes along the edge.

Proletary village, Novgorod region.

Meat storage

Meat and sausage are especially susceptible to spoilage, especially when they are cut into portions: in this case, a large cut surface area provides excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria that cause food spoilage. Minced meat should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than half a day.

When storing raw meat and broken poultry, adhere to the following rule: if purchased fairly fresh, these products will be stored in a refrigerated state for two days. This period can be increased to 4 days if the products are well packaged and placed in the refrigerator (at 0 degrees).

Well-packaged boiled sausages and frankfurters, as well as ham, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days without any problems, and at 1 deg. - even until five. An uncut loaf of raw smoked sausage does not need to be refrigerated. However, sliced ​​sausage must be stored in the refrigerator.

Many people know that smoked sausage can be stored much longer than boiled sausage. However, not everyone knows what its shelf life is and how to ensure that it does not spoil for as long as possible. There are several proven ways to ensure that sausage does not lose its original taste after a few weeks. It is important for everyone to know them, as this will really help extend the shelf life of the product.

It is important to store smoked sausage correctly, as its taste depends on this. There is nothing complicated in this matter, you just need to follow the basic recommendations. First of all, in order to maximize the shelf life, it is necessary that the product is in a dark room that is well ventilated. This could be, for example, a pantry. The air in it should be +5-10 degrees, no more. It is important that there is no draft and the humidity does not exceed 80 percent. This is the best way to store smoked sausage.

Of course, if you don’t have a pantry or attic, you can also use a refrigerator for storage. It should have an air temperature of approximately +4-6 degrees. It is best to store smoked sausage in its entirety, since its shelf life when sliced ​​is much shorter.

Basic Rules:

  • If the sausage has been cut, then in order to prevent the end from drying out, it is necessary to spread it with egg white or animal fat;
  • When mold appears on the surface of smoked sausage during storage, to get rid of it, you need to place the product in salt water for 5 minutes, and then remove it and wipe it;
  • If the smoked sausage has a weathered part, it is necessary to place the product in a container with cold milk. After half an hour you can take it out;
  • It often happens that when the expiration date expires, the surface of the smoked sausage becomes slippery. To fix this, you must first rinse the product under water and then fry it in vegetable oil.

Read also:

Smoking blue whiting and its beneficial properties

If you follow these tips, you can even extend the shelf life. The main thing is not to wait until the last minute, as spoiled sausage will lead to food poisoning.

People often wonder if they can freeze sausage in the refrigerator to keep it looking like new longer. The answer is yes, and in order to make storage easier, you need to take into account a number of tips. First of all, knowledgeable people strongly advise against storing whole sausage. It is better to cut it into pieces or circles. It is recommended to wrap the slices themselves in paper or foil, and then put them in the freezer in this form.

It is important not only to freeze the sausage correctly, but also to defrost it correctly. Naturally, you cannot serve it directly from the refrigerator to the table, since it will be inconvenient to eat, and the taste will not be as it should be. It is also not the best solution to place it under hot water or put it in a frying pan. All this will only spoil the product, and this is extremely undesirable. If you want the product not to lose its original shape, then it should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature is higher than in the freezer. You need to leave it for at least 3-4 hours, and then check whether the sausage has become exactly as it should, or you need to wait a little longer. There is no need to rush in this matter unless you want to ruin everything.

Minimum shelf life

Each product has its own expiration date, which determines how long the product will remain in good condition. It must be taken into account unless you want to get severe food poisoning. Of course, the figure may change, as it directly depends on the storage method and the quality of the product. Therefore, it is recommended to buy only good sausage and do everything to ensure that it does not spoil ahead of time.

Read also:

The benefits and harms of smoked sausage

On average, sausage can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 weeks, sometimes even more than a month. Moreover, raw smoked remains suitable for food longer than regular smoked. We can say for sure that the whole product will be stored longer than the sliced ​​one. Therefore, if possible, it is better to leave it in its original form.

It may happen that the sausage begins to spoil, and it will not be possible to eat it in the near future. It’s quite a shame to throw it away, especially if it’s expensive and tasty. Then you can resort to the tricks described above. They will help get rid of mold and slipperiness, but only at first. Then it is undesirable to do this, since spoiled sausage is harmful to health.

People who need to store the product for longer than a month freeze it. This allows you to extend the shelf life to six months. Quite convenient, especially considering that the sausage will not lose its taste if it is defrosted correctly. This is extremely practical, so this option is considered optimal for long-term storage.

How to tell if sausage has started to spoil

Most people in their lives have already encountered the fact that smoked sausage has gone bad. The signs of its unsuitability cannot be confused with something else, so the poet will not be difficult to identify them. First of all, the product becomes covered with a white coating, which indicates that it has already begun to deteriorate. First, you can get rid of it and continue to eat the product without risking your health. But after a few days it’s better not to risk it.

The sausage also becomes slippery, which is quite unpleasant. In this case, many people begin to cook it, then to eat it or give it to animals. This option is quite appropriate, although it should be avoided if possible.

The main sign that sausage can no longer be eaten is a changed smell. It becomes unpleasant, in some cases sour or rotten. There is no point in trying to get rid of it, since the product has already become unsuitable for use as food. By the way, the color of the product often changes along with the smell. It may become lighter or, on the contrary, darker. This is also a signal that it’s time to throw out the sausage.