What to cook from grapefruit (3 of the most delicious recipes). What to cook with grapefruit

Recipes with grapefruit photo on the site for real gourmets. Dishes with grapefruit will appeal to those who like an unusual combination of citrus fruits with fish or meat. Before cooking, grapefruit is peeled, cutting not only the zest, but also a white film, so that there is no bitterness in the finished dish. To prepare the marinade, grapefruit juice is squeezed. The origin of grapefruit has not yet been clarified, and to date, the plant in the wild has not been found. The second name of grapefruit - pompelmus is cluster-shaped, because fruits grow mainly in clusters of 3-12 pieces per brush. Hence the English name meaning "grape fruit". Experts note that the fresh citrus aroma of grapefruit is very helpful in depression and apathy, because arouses interest in life, promotes a good mood, a feeling of fullness of life, helps to cope with doubts, and also sharpens memory and attention. Grapefruit juice has a tonic effect on the body and is especially recommended during the recovery period, and for healthy ones after physical and mental overwork. It is advisable to drink it 20 minutes before a meal. But with insomnia, it is advised to eat grapefruit before bedtime.

The apple is perhaps the most popular fruit not only among artists, but also among culinary experts. If you like apple pies and rolls, then you definitely will not refuse an apple dessert with custard reminiscent of ice cream. A detailed dessert recipe "Apples

section: Apple desserts

Fruits are an integral part of a diet. Many of them are low in calories, and their taste will "decorate" any diet! The favorite product of those who follow their figure is grapefruit. Its bright taste and aroma is combined with meat, vegetables, dairy products. There are many recipes for grapefruit dishes that diversify your menu - salads, smoothies and desserts. Without fear, add them to the diet, even if you are following a diet now - no extra pounds!

Grapefruit refers to citrus. It contains a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamin A, B1 and D, mineral components, essential oils, pectins. A real storehouse of nutrients! Large fruits with a thick skin and juicy pulp are often used in cooking - for the preparation of desserts and salads. Grapefruit is good in that it does not lose its taste and useful properties even during prolonged storage - which is what distinguishes it from other citrus fruits.

Grapefruit will help get rid of extra pounds. It is often added to the diet, which is justified. The fruits are low-calorie and quite satisfying - only 30 kcal / 100 g. The fruit itself, of course, does not burn fat, as many believe. Its use for weight loss is based on another - substances in the composition slightly accelerate the metabolism, contribute to the removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body. In addition, eating a sour-tasting pulp of fruit before the main meal, you “fill” the stomach, which allows you to control your appetite and not eat “excess”. And another nice “bonus” - those substances that are in the grapefruit will help overcome the stress and drowsiness that inevitably accompany any diet.

It is not necessary to regularly arrange fasting days for yourself with the use of only grapefruit. Cook delicious recipes with which to replace one of the meals - salads and smoothies. A little "sweeten" the diet of grapefruit desserts.

Grapefruit Salad Recipes

Grapefruit diet salads recipes include, as a rule, vegetables and fruits, spices, chicken. Dishes are very satisfying, but few calories. Eat a small portion of salad at lunch or dinner - extra pounds are not scary. Add only healthy salad dressings to your diet! They can be made on the basis of olive oil, low-fat yogurt and sour cream, spices.

Add a simple grapefruit and chicken salad recipe to your diet. You will need such products: 200 g chicken fillet, half grapefruit, a fresh lettuce leaf, a quarter of lemon, a bunch of mint, 2 tbsp. l of olive oil. Cook the dish as follows:

  • Cook the chicken, cut into cubes. Peel the grapefruit, cut each slice. Lettuce leaves can simply be torn to pieces.
  • Now make a dressing - mix olive oil and finely chopped mint.
  • Mix the ingredients for the salad in a dish. Top up with dressing.

Lovers of vegetable salads can try simple recipes for dishes where carrots or cabbage are present - they go well with grapefruit. These salads are great for breakfast. To prepare one of these dishes you will need the following set of products: 2-3 grapefruit slices, carrots, 4-5 pieces of prunes, 1 tbsp. l sesame seeds, 1 tbsp. l of olive oil. Cooking Technology:

  • In the evening, rinse the prunes and fill it with boiled water at room temperature.
  • Wash the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, cut the grapefruit and prunes into cubes.
  • Combine all the salad ingredients with sesame seeds, season with olive oil. Salad for piquancy can be watered 1 tbsp. l lemon juice.

Fat burning smoothies are often added to diet foods. These are thick drinks that can be prepared from fruits, vegetables, berries, dairy products. The consistency of smoothies allows you to replace them with a full meal. You just should not get carried away with it all the same - even the diet should be balanced, which means eating not only low-calorie smoothies, but also other foods!

Making smoothies is very simple - all the ingredients are washed and peeled, cut into cubes, chopped with a blender. If the drink seems too thick, you can dilute it with either mineral water without gas or milk (if the combination of products, of course, this allows).

Given the beneficial properties of grapefruit, it is not surprising that it is added to many slimming smoothie recipes. Try to make such healthy drinks from a bitter acidic fruit:

  • Grapefruit + celery stalk + 50 g of fresh pineapple + 1 tbsp. l of liquid natural honey.
  • Freshly squeezed juice of 3 grapefruits + 100 g of strawberries + 50 g of milk + banana + 1 tsp grated fresh ginger.
  • Grapefruit + orange + 150 g fat-free yogurt + 100 g milk.
  • 150 g of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice + 8 spinach leaves + 300 g of mineral water + orange + 100 g of fresh pineapple + half avocado.
  • Grapefruit + banana + 1 tbsp. l honey.
  • Grapefruit + kiwi + green apple + half a banana + 1h. grated fresh ginger + 100 g brewed green tea + 2 tsp. honey.

Diet is not a reason to refuse desserts. You just need to learn how to cook them correctly by choosing low-calorie foods. There are many recipes for grapefruit desserts that are cooked very quickly. Sour-tasting fruits go well with yogurt, other citrus fruits, nuts, cinnamon.

The simplest recipes for making dietary “sweets” from grapefruits involve baking them in the oven. Products required: grapefruit, cinnamon to taste. Cooking Technology:

  • Wash the grapefruit and cut it in half. It is advisable to carefully remove the bones from the pulp with a knife.
  • Sprinkle the halves of the fruit with cinnamon, place on a baking sheet. Bake dessert for 15-20 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. When the dish has cooled a little, halves of fruit can be sprinkled with chopped walnuts.

If there is a bit more time, prepare grapefruit jelly. You will need such products: 5 pcs of grapefruit, 4 tbsp. l orange liquor, 20 g of gelatin. Cook as follows:

  • Squeeze the juice from 2 fruits. Pour it into the pan, add the liquor and warm it up a bit. Enter gelatin in warm juice - mix until it is completely dissolved. Then the juice can be removed from the stove
  • Peel the other 2 grapefruits, remove the films from the slices - you should have one pulp left. Grind it.
  • Lay out the grapefruit pulp in separate bowls - so that they completely cover the bottoms. Then fill everything with warm grapefruit juice with gelatin.
  • Jelly can now be refrigerated until the dessert has completely set.

Grapefruit - a fruit with an original sour-bitter taste, often used in the preparation of various spicy salads, desserts, juices and cocktails. Especially this fruit is appreciated by citrus lovers. Of course, it is boring to constantly use it in the usual way, and you want something original. ? In this article you will find 3 of the most interesting recipes from this unique product.

Shrimp and Grapefruit Salad

To prepare this dish for 4 servings, you will need the following products:

1 grapefruit
- 200 grams of peeled shrimp
- 1 bunch of lettuce
- 1 bunch of parsley
- 5 tbsp. tablespoons of natural yogurt
- 1 teaspoon of liquid honey
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive or sunflower oil
- 0.5 tsp curry
- chopped pine nuts (optional)
- salt and pink ground pepper - to taste

Cooking process:

Fry the prawns in oil (it is best to take the olive one).

Peel and divide grapefruit into slices. After that, chop the parsley and lettuce.

To prepare the sauce, mix yogurt with honey, and add curry and salt and pepper to the mixture to taste.

The last step is to mix all the cooked ingredients - grapefruit, shrimp and chopped greens, and then season the resulting salad with a freshly prepared sauce. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped pine nuts.

Salad ready!

Grapefruit Puff Dessert

Grapefruit Puff Dessert

This dish of French cuisine will surely please you and your loved ones with its unusual taste.

To prepare four servings of puff dessert with grapefruit, you will need:

Grapefruit - 2 pieces
- cookies - 200 g
- chopped nuts - 100 g
- cocoa - 2 tablespoons
- icing sugar - 150 g
- 30% cream - 200 ml
- gelatin - 6 g

Cooking process:

Take one grapefruit, peel it and cut the flesh into small cubes. Squeeze all the juice from the second grapefruit.

Next, add 2 tbsp of grapefruit juice. tablespoons of powdered sugar and mix thoroughly. After this, it is necessary to introduce the dissolved gelatin there (in order to prepare the dissolved gelatin, first mix it with water and leave to swell, then heat, without boiling, in a water bath until completely dissolved). After adding gelatin, put the juice for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.

At this time, crush the baking into crumbs and add chopped nuts and cocoa to it. Whip cream with 2/3 of the remaining powdered sugar, and gradually, without stopping whipping, combine them with grapefruit juice from the refrigerator, which has already begun to gel.

Take glass goblets or small vases and place on their bottom cubes of chopped pulp of grapefruit, sprinkle abundantly with powdered sugar on top. Put a little creamy grapefruit cream on the next layer. Sprinkle crumbs of nuts and cookies on top of the cream. Then repeat the sequence of layers again and so on until you fill the glasses to the top. Now put your creation in the refrigerator for 60 minutes, and before serving, garnish with slices of grapefruit and chopped nuts.

Wine Cream Grapefruit

Wine Cream Grapefruit

To prepare this dessert you will need:

Grapefruit - 2 pcs.
- egg yolk - 2 pcs.
- sugar - 30 g
- sweet white wine - 60 g

Cooking process:

Peel the grapefruit from the skin and also remove the white peel. Gently cut the slices and place them in a mold that is pre-greased with butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Mix the yolks with sugar and add white wine to them. Beat the whole mass thoroughly with a mixer and set to warm up in a water bath. It is necessary to warm the mixture for 8 minutes, stirring constantly.

The next step is to fill this composition with grapefruits in a mold, and place them in a preheated oven to 200 degrees for three minutes. Then remove from the oven, cool to a warm state and can serve.

To make the dessert tastier, take only the ripe and sweetest grapefruits or increase the amount of sugar in the recipe. In the dish, the taste of sweet wine is clearly felt, so it is better not to give it to children.

You still can not decide what to cook from grapefruit for the holiday, or how to treat yourself and your family on the weekend? Try these recipes and your family table will be decorated with dishes from such an unusual but extremely healthy fruit like grapefruit.

FROM"grapefruit" means "grape fruit" in English. But this citrus has nothing to do with grapes in terms of nutritional properties. And he got his name because it grows in clusters of 3-18 pieces per branch. As a botanical species and as a cultivated plant, grapefruit became known a little over 100 years ago. The frost resistance of the plant is weak, so it is cultivated in warmer than other citrus areas. The United States is considered the world record holder for grapefruit production.

The properties of grapefruit began to be studied recently, and came to amazing conclusions. The properties of grapefruit are astounding. The medical properties of grapefruit made a splash among doctors. The properties of grapefruit were studied and described by a group of Israeli doctors. The properties of grapefruit were tested in cardiac patients after surgery. The properties of grapefruit were studied within 3 weeks of the experiment. The experiment was attended by 30 people. All participants were divided into 3 equal groups of 10 people each. The first group was given yellow grapefruits every morning, and the other group was given red grapefruits. The third group of grapefruits was not given. After 3 weeks, the properties of grapefruit in medicine were called very effective and useful.

Grapefruit is not only delicious, but also very healthy!

    natural help with losing weight: it’s no secret that the first remedy that most women resort to trying to get rid of extra pounds is diet. But before you sit down to compile a therapeutic diet, scrupulously counting the calorie content of each dish and simultaneously sighing about the upcoming "dark days", it is worth remembering that the best assistant in the fight against overweight is grapefruit. The fruit, which on the fruit counter shines with yellow or soft pink hues and from the fruity and astringent taste of which many are habitually twisting their mouths, contains the amazing substance naringin, which is located directly under the skin and in the films of juice bags. Scientists have found that it improves digestion, activates the activity of the liver, and consequently, the burning of fat. Therefore, with regular consumption of grapefruit, extra pounds disappear naturally, as if by themselves.

    high cholesterol: according to the research of professor James Gerd from the University of Florida (USA), grapefruit pectin acts in the same way as the most effective drugs for lowering cholesterol. This is evidenced by the test results: only thanks to the consumption of grapefruit in Dr. Gerd's patients, the cholesterol level decreased by almost 18%. Glycosides and vitamins of this fruit also contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis and lower blood pressure.

    hemorrhage: one grapefruit fruit covers a person’s daily requirement for vitamin C. But even more important for increasing the elasticity of blood vessels is the high content of bioflavonoids in his fruits. These substances enhance the action of vitamin C, strengthening fragile capillaries, which prevents the appearance of hemorrhages.

    spring depression: like many yellow or orange fruits, grapefruit improves mood, invigorates, so it is best eaten for breakfast. Grapefruit oil helps to overcome apathy, sharpens memory and attention.

    vitamin deficiency, overwork: grapefruit and freshly squeezed juice have a tonic effect on the body. They are especially useful during the recovery period after an illness, and healthy grapefruit relieves fatigue and gives strength after physical and mental overwork.

    violation of the composition of the intestinal flora: do you constantly feel tired, feel overwhelmed and sick? Obviously, Candida yeast has unbalanced the immune system. Grapefruit seeds will help to cope with this problem. Only a few years ago was discovered their strong antibiotic effect on approximately 800 bacterial strains.

    constipation: white grapefruit peel contains a lot of ballast substances, which reduce the passage of food through the intestines and thereby prevent constipation.

Grapefruit and cheese salad

2 grapefruits
200 g tomatoes
200 g soft cheese
50 g olives
for sauce:
3 tbsp. l olive oil
1 tsp chopped greens of oregano

Instruction:   Peel the grapefruit from the peel and white films, cut into thin circles. Tomatoes also cut into circles. Dice the cheese. Throw the olives in a colander. Put the grapefruit circles on the dish, then the tomatoes and cheese, alternating them so that they come on each other with their edges. Garnish with olives on top. Prepare the sauce from oil, oregano, salt and pepper, season the salad with it and refrigerate for 30 minutes. This salad is served with a variety of meat and fish dishes.

Grapefruit salad

220 g lettuce
1 large orange
1 medium grapefruit
3 tbsp. l olive oil
1 tbsp. l raspberry vinegar

Instruction:   Rinse and dry the salad thoroughly. Put on a serving plate. Peel the peel from the orange in a spiral so as to completely remove the entire inner white part (keep a piece of the peel 4 cm long). Divide the orange into slices. In the same way, process the grapefruit and arrange all the slices on top of the salad. With a sharp knife, remove the white part from the peel and cut the zest with long strips. Sprinkle the salad with oil and vinegar. Shake lightly. Garnish with orange zest.

Pork with grapefruit

pork tenderloin 500 g
vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l
garlic (chop) 2 cloves
hot pepper cut 1 pc.
lime or lemon juice 5 tbsp. l
water 2 tbsp. l
soy sauce 2 tbsp. l
honey 2 tbsp. l
grapefruit 1 kg
mint leaves 2 tbsp. l
lettuce to taste
roasted peanuts (chop) 2 tbsp. l
sprig of mint to taste

Instruction: Dissolve the vegetable oil in a large pan. Fry the pork chops on both sides until golden brown. Put on a cutting board. Reduce the heat. Remove the seeds from the pepper and chop finely. Add garlic and pepper to a pan with oil in which the meat was fried. Stew for 1 minute. Remove from heat, add lime or lemon juice, water, soy sauce and honey. Peel the grapefruits and divide into slices. Cut each of them into halves. Cut the pork into thin slices and put in a pan along with grapefruits and chopped peppermint. You can add chopped kiwi pulp. Shuffle. Lay the lettuce leaves nicely on the dish, lay the pork on top. Sprinkle with nuts. Garnish with sprigs of mint.

Baked veal with grapefruit

800 g of veal pulp
З Art. l flour
1 red and 1 yellow grapefruit
1 orange and lemon
6 leaves of sage
1 clove of garlic
30 g butter
0.5 cups of white wine
З Art. l olive oil
1 pinch of hot red pepper

Instruction:   Cut a few pieces of peel from an orange and lemon and chop finely. With a knife, make punctures in the meat and press the zest of orange and lemon into them. Tightly slice a piece of meat and roll in flour. Heat olive oil and 20 g butter in a saucepan, which is placed in the oven. Put the veal in a saucepan and lightly brown. Add wine, evaporate it by a third. Chop the garlic and 3 leaves of sage, mix with pepper, the rest of the zest of orange and lemon. Add the mixture to the pot with meat, salt and bake for 1 hour in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees. Peel grapefruits, cut into slices and quickly fry in the remaining butter, keep warm. Remove the veal, remove the thread. Put on a dish, cut into slices and pour over your own juice. Chop the remaining sage leaves, cut the orange and lemon into small cubes, mix everything. Sprinkle meat with a mixture of sage and citrus. Spread the fried slices of grapefruit around the meat on a plate.

Grapefruit cake

150 g flour
60 g butter
140 g sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 egg
20 ml almond liquor
For cream:
12 g of gelatin
250 g sour cream
250 g fat-free cottage cheese
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
200 ml cream
For filling:
3 pink grapefruit
1 bag of light sugar filling for cake
1 table. spoon of peeled almonds

Instruction: Knead the dough from flour, butter, 40 g sugar, salt, eggs and liquor. Wrap in a film and cool for 30 minutes. Grease a demountable form (26 cm in diameter) and line the bottom with dough. Bake for 25 minutes at 200 °. Cool. Put on a cake dish and put a ring around. Soak gelatin. Combine sour cream, cottage cheese, remaining sugar and vanilla sugar. Dissolve the gelatin and mix with the mass. Whip the cream. Set aside 1/4, mix remaining with cream. Spread on cake. Peel and slice the grapefruits. In 1 slice, separate the pulp from the membranes and cut into slices. Prepare the fill. Cover the cake with slices of fruit and pour over the fill. Cool for 4 hours. Remove the ring for the cake. Garnish with cream, grapefruit and almonds

Grapefruit sorbet

3 pink grapefruit
120 g sugar
125 ml tequila
grated lemon peel
3 egg whites on the tip of a knife
8 mint leaves for decoration

Instruction:   Grapefruits cut in half. Cut 2 thin circles from one of the halves. Each of them is cut into 4 parts, cover and put in a cold place. Squeeze the juice from grapefruit and measure 400 ml. Dissolve 100 g of sugar in a small amount of juice, combine with the remaining juice, tequila and lemon zest. Stir, pour into a flat dish and put in the freezer for about 2 hours. Beat whites with sugar in a thick foam and mix with the hardened liquid. Put all night in the freezer. In the morning, remove the sorbet from the freezer, cut the balls out of it and put it back in the freezer. Before serving, put the balls of sorbet into glasses and decorate each serving with a slice of grapefruit and a leaf of mint.

Halibut with grapefruit

1 grapefruit juice
200 g halibut fillet (4 pieces)
1 bunch of watercress
1 shallot onion
2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
2 art. tablespoons of mayonnaise
1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil
1/2 teaspoon sweet (Dijon) mustard
1/4 teaspoon salt
ground black pepper

Instruction:   Salt and pepper halibut fillets on both sides, put on the bottom of a wide skillet, add 1 grapefruit juice and marinate for 10-15 minutes. Prepare the sauce: chop 1 tbsp. spoonful of watercress leaves and mix with sour cream, mayonnaise, onions, mustard, salt and pepper, put in the refrigerator. Season the remaining watercress with olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. Put the pan with halibut on high heat and fry until the fish is ready (about 1 minute each side). Arrange watercress on plates, howl live on top of the fish, pour juice from the pan and pour the sauce.

Grapefruit Duck

1 duck weighing 1-1.3 kg
6 grapefruits
100 g sugar
100 g of flower honey
1 sprig of fresh rosemary
100 g butter
salt pepper

Cooking Method:   Rub the duck with oil, salt and pepper. Put on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 190-200? C for about 15 minutes. Squeeze the juice out of 5 grapefruits, boil it with honey and sugar to a syrup. Add rosemary leaves at the end. Remove the duck from the oven, evenly pour a small amount of glaze and, putting it to bake for another 35 minutes, repeat this operation every 5 minutes. When serving, garnish with grapefruit mugs.

Chicken and Grapefruit Jam

6 chicken fillets (white meat)
1/2 liter chicken stock
6 g or 2 leaves of gelatin
3 grapefruits
a bunch of tarragon (or any other spicy greens)
salt pepper

Instruction:   Remove the zest from one grapefruit, boil for a minute. Squeeze it and save for jelly decoration. Boil the chicken in broth (10 minutes), then cut into pieces. Strain the warm broth, add the gelatin and juice of one grapefruit. Peel the remaining grapefruits from the pulp, having previously sorted them into slices. Pour a little jelly on the bottom of the mold. Put in the freezer so that it freezes quickly. Then fill out the form, alternating layers of chicken and grapefruit, and pour jelly. Garnish the top of the aspic with tarragon leaves and zest of grapefruit. Cover with cling film, put again in the freezer for 8-10 hours.

Pickled grapefruits

4 grapefruit
250 ml dry sherry
250 ml grapefruit juice
3 tbsp. l Sahara
6 sprigs of fresh green pepper

Instruction:   Peel the grapefruits. Separate the lobules from the membranes. Heat grapefruit pulp, sherry, grapefruit juice and sugar in a saucepan, but do not boil. Take out the pulp and arrange it in jars. Boil the broth again and immediately pour it into the banks. Add sprigs of pepper and close the jars. Fruits are stored in the refrigerator for 4 weeks.

Citrus and very specific fruit grapefruit is consumed mainly in its raw form. Especially he found his popularity among girls who constantly monitor their figure. And not just like that! After all, grapefruit, like many citrus fruits, has the property of accelerating the metabolism in the body, which contributes to weight loss. It tastes rather bitter in taste and helps accelerate blood circulation throughout the body. This effect causes rapid fat burning. But many do not even realize that grapefruit can be consumed not only raw, but also make delicious grapefruit dishes.

Grapefruit can be baked in the oven with sugar and butter. This option will become an independent dinner or snack. You can add nuts, honey or dried fruits here, and you can’t spoil the dish anyway. Freshly squeezed juices or smoothies are the simplest grapefruit dishes. In addition, by adding other fruits to citrus, you can get a real health elixir that can cleanse the body and burn unnecessary calories.

Dishes from grapefruit, recipes with photos that can be found on our culinary site, will capture your attention and you certainly will want to cook something with this fruit. After all, no one here knows what taste to expect.

In addition, grapefruit is involved in salty dishes. For example, in salads it goes well with shrimp and other seafood, avocados, cheese and herbs, chicken breast, salmon. At many restaurants, grapefruit is served with ham. Alcoholic cocktails, various drinks, preserves, jams, desserts, marmalades and other dishes are made from this citrus.

It is proved that if you regularly drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice at home before going to work for several weeks, you will feel light and energetic all day. The high content of vitamin C contributes to such sensations. This fruit is very juicy, so you can easily make yourself juice from a couple of fruits. They can be squeezed out manually, or with a juicer.

So, we have determined that grapefruit goes well with any dishes - first, second and, but it can not be forgotten if you cook desserts. There are lots of recipes for making delicious desserts using grapefruit. You can find them on our website.