What can be made from watermelon for the winter. Watermelon pulp jam - a delicious and healthy dessert

In response to numerous requests from readers, this article provides a simple recipe for canning watermelons for the winter. Summer is an amazing time! A bunch of vitamins, healthy vegetables, fruits, berries at reasonable prices. But what should you do if you’re already full of these berries, but in winter nostalgia will definitely start to torment you? That's right, start preserving for the winter!

A preparation such as canned watermelon cannot be called a sweet or jam, but it is an excellent snack, that’s for sure. And it won’t hurt your pocket! It turns out tasty, beautiful, not hackneyed and... fast!

In addition, salted watermelons soaked in barrels are, of course, very good, but what if your apartment is clearly missing only a barrel, and the possibility of insects appearing on the balcony scares the whole family? Still the same solution - conservation! In addition, this option for preparing for the winter is suitable for those who are not sure whether they will like such a dish. You can always roll up just a couple of jars to try.

I suggest you please yourself in winter, here is the perfect recipe for canned watermelons for the winter.

Canning Ingredients

  • Sweet watermelon (1 piece);
  • drinking water;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • aspirin tablet.

Preparing the jars

You need to take 3-liter jars (as you understand, jars of a smaller capacity will simply not be appropriate for preserving a berry such as watermelon), wash them thoroughly (preferably with the addition of soda) and sterilize them in any way.

Slicing the watermelon

Cut the washed watermelon into portions (¼ of a circle). After which, it is recommended to trim the watermelon rind, less debris, etc. more will fit!

We put the resulting pulp into jars, then pour boiling water over it. Cover with lids. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes.

Then take a container and drain the water from the cans into it.

The marinade is prepared at the rate of 4 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt for one 3-liter jar.

Boil the resulting brine for 5 minutes and pour it back into the jars.

Roll up the jars and, upside down, cover with a warm blanket until cool. That's all! Canned watermelons in jars according to this recipe are ready!

If suddenly you are scared by the thought of canned tablets, but still want watermelon, you can without any problems replace aspirin tablets with vinegar or lemon. The main task is to create an acidic environment. In this option, 1 tsp is placed in each 3-liter jar. citric acid. You can take 70 ml of 9% vinegar, increasing the duration of sterilization of the jar to 20-25 minutes.

We hope you liked our recipe for canning watermelons for the winter. If you have your own secrets for preparing this preparation, share them in the comments.

A simple recipe for canning watermelons for the winter

The article provides a simple and detailed recipe for canned watermelons for the winter. This preparation will be a pleasant surprise for your family members.

Canned watermelons in jars

In winter, watermelons are most often consumed not as a dessert, but as a snack. We already know how to cook salted or soaked watermelon in a barrel discussed. Today's recipe is for those who don't have a cellar and are looking for a recipe on how to cook watermelons in jars.

Canned watermelons in jars are not so salty, the brine in them is like tomato, it contains more sugar. Aspirin, vinegar or citric acid can be used as a preservative in the marinade.

My mother (her photo is presented in the recipe) prefers to remove the watermelon rind when preparing for the winter; she says that all the nitrates are collected in the peel. But you can cook pickled watermelons with it, it’s up to your discretion.

Even if you come across an unsweetened watermelon, it can be used for pickling. That's the beauty of it. The recipe is simple, without sterilization, even an amateur can do it. The principle of preparing canned watermelons is identical, the only difference is the filling, which everyone can choose to their taste.


  • Watermelon,
  • Water,
  • Salt,
  • Sugar,
  • Aspirin or vinegar or citric acid.

Cooking process:

I will tell you how to can watermelons with aspirin, since many housewives and my mother claim that without aspirin, watermelons in jars can explode.

Wash 3-liter jars (the marinade recipe is for three-liter jars) with soda, rinse well with water and sterilize by steaming, in a slow cooker, microwave or oven.

Rinse the watermelon with water, cut in half, and then into slices (pieces). Cut off the green peels. Place the watermelon pulp in jars and pour boiling water over it. Cover with lids. They must stand for ten minutes.

Carefully pour the watermelon water into the pan from the jars, holding it with a metal lid or a special plastic one with holes. For each serving of liquid from a 3-liter jar, add 4 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Boil the brine for about 5 minutes and pour the boiling water back into the jars with watermelon slices. Each 3-liter jar contains 3 aspirin tablets. Immediately, the watermelons are rolled up with a key, upside down, they are placed on a blanket or blanket and, while wrapped, are cooled.

If, for some reason, you don’t like aspirin in preparations, you can replace it with lemon, vinegar or vinegar essence. For a 3-liter jar add 1 teaspoon of citric acid or 70 ml of vinegar 9% or 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence.

But it is recommended to sterilize canned watermelons without aspirin for at least 20 minutes, and then just roll them up (vinegar or any other preservative is added immediately after sterilization and then the jar is rolled up).

Dear friends, if you have your own proven recipe for canned watermelons for the winter, we will be happy to discuss it in the comments below.

Sincerely, owner of the Notebook Anyuta.

How to pickle watermelons in cabbage - >>

Watermelons in jars for the winter

canned or pickled watermelons in jars for the winter recipe with aspirin, vinegar or citric acid website notebook

3 main recipes for canning watermelons

One of the delicious signs of summer is the striped miracle - watermelon. This juicy berry is equally loved by children and adults. Sweet, aromatic melons are not only tasty, but also healthy. The only drawback is that the watermelon season ends very quickly. Making compote or jam from these fruits is quite difficult. But any housewife can prepare canned watermelons.

A snack with a piquant taste will be a great addition to a monotonous winter diet. It greatly diversifies the menu, will appeal to all household members and will surprise guests.

If you do not have a cellar, then you can pickle watermelon using the preservation method: in jars. The taste of such a snack will be less salty than that of a soaked berry.

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What do you need to prepare the snack?

This dish may seem unusual even to true watermelon lovers. It is prepared from components that seem to be incompatible in terms of taste characteristics.

To make pickled watermelons, you should prepare:

The watermelon should be washed well and cut into medium-sized pieces. If the berry has a thick rind, then it is advisable to cut it off. A thin one will not interfere with preservation, so it is left. This increases the sterilization time to 20 minutes.

There are many recipes for making canned watermelons. They are all based on the same principle. The only difference is in the methods of preparing the filling. Any recipe includes salt and sugar. The function of a preservative can be performed by vinegar, aspirin or citric acid.

Watermelon slices should be placed in the jar as carefully as possible. They should not be compacted because watermelon has delicate flesh.

Important advice from the editors!

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Recipe one: watermelon with horseradish

The preparation of such a spicy-sweet dish begins with a mandatory procedure: the watermelon is washed in warm running water. Then it should be wiped dry. For one watermelon you will need 50 ml of 9% vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

The recipe also includes currant leaves, dill inflorescences, garlic, bay leaves, peppercorns, and horseradish leaves. Their dosage is at the discretion of the owner.

All green components must be thoroughly washed. Grease the inside of the jar with honey. Place pieces of watermelon (you can straight with the rind) into jars. Between them you should add a mixture that includes garlic, dill and horseradish leaves. First remove the husks from the garlic and cut it into thin slices. Horseradish must be peeled and chopped into small pieces.

Make the brine and bring it to a boil. Pour the hot mixture into the jars. Leave to ferment for three days. To preserve for the winter, drain the brine. Boil it again. Refill the watermelons and close the lids on the jars. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket.

Recipe two: with aspirin

It is intended for those who do not like vinegar. You can use aspirin instead of this ingredient. After sterilizing the jars, place the pieces of watermelon in them. Hot water should be poured into these containers. Let them sit for about 10 minutes.

Drain the water and prepare the brine using the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sugar.

This amount is based on a three-liter jar. Then add 3 tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) to each container with pieces of watermelon.

Then pour boiling brine into the jars and seal with metal lids.

Recipe three: for those with a sweet tooth

This method of preservation is characterized by an increased amount of sugar. One watermelon will require as many as 12 tablespoons. Other ingredients include: 3 tablespoons of salt, 120 ml of 9% vinegar, 2.5 liters of water and 5 cloves of garlic.

Wash the striped berry. Dry with a towel and cut the watermelon into triangles of equal size. Sterilize the jars for at least 15 minutes. Fill them with pieces of prepared watermelon. Place garlic cloves there too. Boil water and pour into a jar. Leave for half an hour.

At this time, start preparing the marinade. Pour the required amount of water into the pan. Bring it to a boil. Add salt and sugar to the water. Boil the mixture for no more than three minutes. Drain the water from the containers with watermelon pieces and garlic. This procedure should be done very carefully. It is convenient to use a special plastic cover with holes for it. Immediately pour the boiling marinade over the watermelon preparations. After adding vinegar, sterilize for 40 minutes.

Turn the containers upside down. Wrap the preserved food in a warm blanket. When the brine in the jar becomes completely cold, you can put them bottom down.

Now all that's left is to find a suitable storage location. It should be cool and dark.

In the frosty winter, an amazing and appetizing dish of canned watermelons will appear on your table. If in summer berries with melons are a wonderful dessert, then in the cold season they turn into an exotic snack. Seeing a piece of summer on a plate in the middle of January is an incomparable pleasure. This sweet and sour delicacy will become a favorite on the winter menu.

The main thing is to have time to hide a few sweet berries in glass jars during watermelon season!

Canned watermelons (cooking recipe)

Original and piquant recipes for homemade preparations for the winter: canned watermelons. What secrets of experienced housewives will help you prepare a delicious snack and surprise everyone at the table?

Watermelons for the winter - recipes for canning without sterilization?

On cold winter days, the body often craves something unusual and tasty. An excellent option to satisfy this desire can be canned watermelons. Watermelons for the winter can be pickled and preserved in different ways. Experienced housewives, as a rule, have several recipes for preparing this delicacy.

Classic variation of watermelon preservation

To replenish the cellar shelves for the winter with jars of salted watermelons You can use a recipe that requires:

Even before you start salting, you should take care preparing an enamel pan, in which there are no chips or cracks. After that. According to the recipe, water is poured into the container, then salt and sugar are added to it.

After the filling boils, it must be boiled for 15 minutes. The last step in preparing the filling is straining adding to it. Now all that remains is to mix everything. Then medium-sized pieces of watermelon should be placed in a three-liter jar, and hot brine should be poured into it.

The workpiece, covered with a lid, must be pasteurized for at least 20 minutes, after which it should be rolled up. Turn the jar upside down and wrap it in a blanket. When the contents of the jar have cooled, it can be sent to the basement or pantry shelf, wait for winter.

Canning watermelons without sterilization

Canning watermelons You can also add garlic. It is recommended to marinate according to this recipe only fully ripe, juicy fruits. Thanks to garlic, the taste of the marinade is very piquant. If desired, for variety, you can add other spices to the brine to taste.

The marinade recipe consists of 50 g of salt, 80 g of sugar, 80 ml of table vinegar, 1 clove of garlic. All this is based on 1.5-2 kg of watermelon.

You can marinate watermelons according to this recipe, following the step-by-step instructions:

  • The fruit is cut into medium-sized slices. After removing the peel, the berries should be loosely placed in a three-liter jar.
  • After adding the peeled garlic clove to the jar, boiling water is poured into it. After waiting for 5 minutes, the water should be poured into an enamel pan.
  • After boiling water again, pour it over the workpiece again. After a couple of minutes have passed, you need to pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt there. When the water boils you need to pour vinegar into it. Now you can remove the marinade from the heat and pour it over the prepared watermelons.
  • After screwing the lids on the jars, they are left upside down until they cool completely. Salted watermelons should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Marinating watermelons without sterilizing jars

The result of using this recipe is to obtain a juicy sweet product, accompanied by pleasant aromas of spices. One of the ingredients in the recipe is vinegar, instead of which, if you don’t have it on hand, you can use citric acid. This will avoid explosion and spoilage of canned berries.

To prepare the marinade you will need:

  • 1.5 l. water,
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 1 sprig of celery,
  • 4 things. bay leaf,
  • 8 black peppercorns,
  • 4 cloves of garlic.

The amount given in the recipe is for 2 kg. watermelons

To pickle watermelons in jars, you need to follow step-by-step instructions.

Pickling watermelon with mustard

As a result of using this recipe, your pantry will be replenished with aromatic, spicy and very original snacks for the winter. For the marinade you should use only rock salt.

The brine is prepared simply and from available products

Following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily pickle watermelons for the winter in liter jars.

  • Before pickling, the washed fruits should be cut into slices of any size. The green crust should be cut off in a thin layer, but the white part should remain.
  • We make a brine from mustard, salt and sugar,
  • Having placed the berries inside the jar, it should be sprinkle with spices.
  • Using plastic or nylon lids, the jars must be closed and left to stand at room temperature for three days.
  • After this, the preparation should be placed in the refrigerator for a day; after the specified time, the snack is ready.

Canning soaked watermelons with aspirin

Another method of pickling watermelons is to preserve them with aspirin. Thanks to this tablet, the workpiece does not explode. As a result, the pieces come out sweet and sour, with a spicy taste. Optionally prepared you can add herbs, garlic.The brine consists of 3 tsp. citric acid, 9 aspirin tablets, 6 tbsp. l. sugar, 9 tbsp. l. salt, all based on 10 kg of watermelons. For pickling, the recipe uses three-liter jars.

Before starting the process, the container must be washed using soda. Then the jars, well rinsed with water, should be sent for steam sterilization. You can use a slow cooker, microwave, or oven for this.

The watermelon, rinsed with water, should be divided into slices, first removing the green rind. Pour boiling water over the watermelon pulp, divided into jars. Cover all jars with lids and leave them like that for 10 minutes. Then, holding a metal lid or using a special plastic one with holes, you should drain watermelon water from cans into a saucepan.

After mixing all the ingredients except aspirin, the resulting brine should be boiled for 5 minutes. Without waiting for the boil to stop, the brine should be poured into jars in which watermelon slices are laid out. Then each jar is supplemented with 3 aspirin tablets. After which everything should be rolled up with a key. After turning the container over onto a blanket and wrapping it, you need to wait until it cools completely.

Those who do not want to use aspirin can resort to using lemon juice, vinegar or vinegar essence. So, for a three-liter jar, take citric acid in the amount of 1 tsp. or vinegar 9% -70ml., or vinegar essence - 1 tsp. l.

The only caveat is that when canning watermelons without aspirin, they should be sterilized for at least 20 minutes, and only then roll up. Vinegar, like any other type of preservative, is added to the jar immediately after sterilization is completed, after which the jar is sealed.

Spicy-sweet watermelon slices with horseradish

This savory snack can easily diversify the menu during the cold monotonous days that winter is characterized by. Thanks to its spicy-sweet taste Corned beef will be an excellent addition to hot, hearty dishes. Ingredients required for preparation:

  • 2 kg watermelon,
  • 50 ml. vinegar 9%,
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
  • 3 pcs. currant leaves,
  • 2 pcs. dill umbrellas,
  • 1 garlic clove,
  • 4 things. black peppercorns,
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 1 tbsp. honey,
  • 2 horseradish leaves.

Salting watermelons with horseradish occurs in the following sequence

  • Wash fruits and herbs thoroughly with water.
  • Fill a jar, greased with honey inside, with chopped pieces of berries. Between the layers of watermelons, place thin slices of garlic, chopped horseradish leaves, dill, currant leaves, and black pepper.
  • Pour the sugar-salted water brought to a boil into the jars. Then the brine should be drained, boiled again, vinegar added, and the canned food poured in again.

Marinating watermelons with honey

Marinating watermelons with honey is a very interesting way to preserve berries. This appetizer, especially in winter, goes perfectly with meat and potato dishes. Moreover, when using it the work of the gastrointestinal system starts tract, cholesterol is removed from the body.

Marinade includes:

  • 7.5 liters of water,
  • 8 kg watermelon pieces,
  • 10 tbsp. l. honey,
  • 5 tbsp. l. salt and sugar,
  • 300 ml. 9% vinegar.

To preserve this recipe you need to follow the instructions:

  • Rinse jars and lids well and sterilize.
  • Place the washed fruits, cut into slices, into three-liter jars. Pour boiling water in there for 8 minutes.
  • Then drain the water into an enamel pan. Pour fresh boiling water into the jars with fruits and let stand again for 5 minutes. Pour into the same pan again.
  • Let the marinade heat up. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of sugar and salt, and 60 ml of vinegar to each jar. Then pour in the boiling marinade.
  • At the end of the process, the workpiece should be closed, and the jar should be turned upside down and wrapped. When the contents have cooled, the container should be stored.

When properly prepared, pickled watermelons will result in a delicious summer treat that does not require expensive ingredients. By following simple recommendations, your favorite food will retain its beneficial and tasteful properties until winter.

How to preserve watermelons for the winter, how to pickle them correctly, recipes for canning without sterilization

Canning watermelons - various methods and recipes. Instructions on how to properly prepare for the winter in order to preserve all the useful components of the product.

Many people love watermelons and this is not surprising. After all, they are quite juicy and have good taste. Interest in this berry is not lost even in winter, so some housewives prepare canned watermelons to decorate their table even in winter.

Not everyone knows that watermelon can be preserved. There are many different ways to prepare watermelon stock and they are all different from each other. However, it is recommended that you read only the most popular recipes to understand how to pickle watermelons.

What you need for preservation

Before preparing pickled watermelons in jars for the winter, you should familiarize yourself with what you will need for this. You need to prepare in advance:

  1. Juicy and ripe melon berries. For harvesting for the winter, it is recommended to use the sweetest varieties.
  2. Glass jars. It is recommended to marinate watermelons in liter jars. Before pickling watermelons, containers must be thoroughly washed with soap, rinsed and sterilized.
  3. Lids and seaming machine for sealing canned food.

Sterilization of jars and lids

Using a microwave oven

Some housewives use microwave-sterilized containers to prepare watermelons for the winter. To do this, the jars are filled one third with water and placed in the oven for 5-10 minutes. In this case, the microwave power should be 700 watts.


Quite often, winter twist is rolled into jars that have previously been steamed. This sterilization method is very simple. To prepare the containers, place a small saucepan of water on a gas stove and bring to a boil. Cover the surface of the pan with a sieve and place the jar on it.

On average, the process lasts 10 minutes. However, if the preservation is stored in 3 liter containers, then it is better to increase the processing time to 20 minutes.

Oven application

Many people, before storing a watermelon in a jar for the winter, sterilize it in the oven. This method is very popular because it can save a lot of time. For processing, several jars are placed in the oven, heated to 120-150 degrees. The process lasts about 15 minutes, after which watermelons can be preserved in them.

Lids processing

Lastly, the lids are prepared. First you need to wash them with a soda or soap solution, after which each seaming lid is lowered into boiling water. After a few minutes it can be taken out and dried.

It is very important that rust-free lids are used during sterilization, as its presence can ruin the preservation.

Classic recipe

This recipe for pickled watermelons in jars for the winter is the most popular among most housewives. With its help, you can prepare a rather tasty roll, which will be distinguished by its sweetness and pleasant aroma. To prepare the dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • two fresh watermelons;
  • three sprigs of parsley;
  • 40 ml vinegar;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • head of garlic;
  • 40 g salt;
  • several leaves of currants and cherries.

Creating canned watermelon for the winter begins with preparing the jars. They should be steamed and rinsed with cool water in advance. This is done in order to get rid of all harmful microorganisms. Then you should start cutting watermelons. Small pieces are made from them, which should be immediately placed in containers. You also need to put spices and other ingredients there. After this, everything is filled with a liter of hot water and infused for 30 minutes. This time will be enough for the marinade to cool.

If you preserve in liter jars, they will cool down several times faster.

When everything has cooled completely, the liquid will have to be drained. To simplify this process, it is recommended to use a nylon cover with holes. Then fill all the jars with hot water again and marinate all the ingredients again. After this, the syrup is drained, boiled and poured again. The preservation is infused for several minutes, after which it can be rolled up.

Rolled containers are stored in a warm room for several days. After this they are transferred to the cellar.

Sealing into three-liter jars

There is a recipe for watermelon for the winter specifically for three-liter containers. It is slightly different from the classic recipe discussed earlier. To preserve watermelons in such jars you will need the following ingredients:

  • sweet watermelon;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • liter of water;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 70 ml vinegar.

Preparing pickled watermelons for the winter begins with preparing the fruits. They must be washed well in advance and any remaining soil removed from their surface. Then the watermelon skins are peeled off and the pulp is cut into several small pieces. To make watermelons pickled in jars tasty for the winter, you should completely remove the seeds from the pulp. After this, all the chopped pieces are distributed into jars.

Then you should start creating a delicious marinade. To do this, add several liters of water to a bowl or pan, into which you need to pour sugar and salt. The mixture is stirred for several minutes, after which you can add some spices to it. The liquid is boiled until the spices are completely dissolved.

The container is filled with the prepared liqueur and wrapped tightly for a few minutes. After this, all the liquid is drained, boiled a second time and again added to the jars. Before wrapping the snack, place the container in a bowl of hot water for half an hour.

To preserve such preservation, it is better to use dark and cool rooms. People who stored the twist at room temperature complained that the canned watermelon spoiled quickly.

Rolling into liter containers

This preservation method is used if it is necessary to prepare a snack before winter. Instant marinated watermelon is prepared using the following ingredients:

  • one watermelon;
  • three leaves of horseradish;
  • two inflorescences of dill;
  • 50 g citric acid;
  • 65 g salt;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • two bay leaves.

If desired, this recipe can be supplemented with melon, which will make the snack sweeter and more aromatic.

First, the melon berries should be thoroughly washed and cut. In this case, you need to make pieces that would fit into a liter container without any problems. Then the peel is removed from each piece, after which they can be placed on the bottom of the containers along with bay leaves.

To prepare the marinade, add a spoonful of salt and sugar to a liter of water. After this, the liquid is boiled for half an hour and poured into prepared jars. You need to add a little citric acid to each container. For a liter container, only 40-50 g will be enough. After this, we tighten the container and transfer all the canned watermelons in jars for the winter to the cellar for further storage.

With tomatoes

The best recipes for canned watermelon are distinguished by the use of unusual ingredients. For example, some people prepare this twist with pickled tomatoes. For this you will need:

  • kilogram of tomatoes;
  • 100 g mustard;
  • watermelon;
  • head of garlic;
  • three bay leaves;
  • 30 g salt;
  • 60 g sugar.

Tomatoes with melon berries are rinsed in warm water and cut into large pieces. Then the garlic is peeled and also cut into several pieces. After this, you should begin preparing the container. Each jar is thoroughly washed and sterilized.

The ingredients are laid out in several layers in prepared containers, after which they are filled with boiled water. After 20 minutes, all the liquid is poured into the pan and boiled again. While boiling, add a little salt and dill to the marinade. Garlic, vinegar and mustard are added to the jars. Then you can pour the boiled marinade over everything and close the lids.

The next day, the entire preparation is transferred to a cool room, where it will be stored until the beginning of spring.


Even someone who has never done it before can prepare canned watermelon. To do this, just study this or that recipe with a photo and strictly follow what is written in it.

Canned watermelons are a tasty and healthy preparation for the winter. It is served chilled in combination with various pickled vegetables and fruits, pickles, or as a main appetizer for meat dishes and hot side dishes. The recipe for pickling this large and juicy berry is simple; table vinegar, table salt and citric acid are used as natural preservatives when canning.

Classic recipe for juicy watermelon snack

Fresh watermelons in marinade are a reminder of summer on cold winter days. This appetizer has a refreshing, original taste that goes well with a wide variety of dishes and other preparations on the table.

To prepare canned watermelons according to the classic recipe for one liter jar, the following ingredients are needed:

  • ripe watermelon, medium size - approximately 0.25% of the whole;
  • sugar (1 tbsp) and table salt (1 tsp);
  • table vinegar and fresh garlic (3-4 cloves).

First of all, prepare all the necessary ingredients. The watermelon is washed and cut into small slices, some of which can be eaten fresh, and some can be used for juicy preparation. Cans for sealing are also washed and sterilized in boiling water or under steam along with the lids.

The resulting large parts of the large berry are again cut into approximately equal, small pieces of triangular size (it is in this form that they are best and easiest to pickle).

The thickness of each slice is 2–3 cm, the top seeds are removed, those near the crust can be left, and the sharp tops are slightly trimmed so that the parts fit better into the container.

Place pre-peeled and cloved garlic at the bottom of a clean and sterile glass jar. You can also send a few fresh cherry or currant leaves there if you wish. From above, the entire volume is carefully filled with watermelon pieces, without pressing them too tightly to each other, so that they completely retain their shape.

Pour boiling water over the contents of the container and then let it brew with the lids loosely closed for 20–25 minutes. After this time, the water from the cans is poured back into the pan, brought to a boil again and sugar, salt and vinegar essence are added alternately in the recommended proportions.

The marinade is boiled for another 10–15 minutes over low heat, and then, while hot, it is poured over softened watermelons in jars and the containers are immediately tightly sealed with lids. The workpieces are turned over, covered with a warm cloth and be sure to be allowed to cool to room temperature during the day. After this, the juicy appetizer for the winter is ready, it can be stored and safely served after 2 weeks.

Fresh pulp marinated with allspice

Another way to pickle fresh berries is to roll up the pulp along with allspice and pour the classic brine over it all. The end result is a very juicy, sweet and sour snack with a unique and refreshing taste.

To prepare this preservation, take the following ingredients:

  • watermelon – 3-4 large slices;
  • salt, sugar and vinegar (9%);
  • allspice and aromatic herbs if desired (mint, cilantro or parsley).

Watermelons for this recipe should be slightly unripe, with dense and at the same time juicy pulp. Selected berries are thoroughly washed with water, then cut into several small pieces. Now remove the seeds and carefully trim the green crusts with a sharp knife, removing as thin a layer as possible.

Before sealing, the jars are sterilized and allowed to dry. At the same time, place a pan with clean water on the stove and prepare the brine. Salt, sugar and just a little vinegar are added to the liquid.

Bring everything to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes, then add other herbs and spices, such as ground red pepper or fresh, crushed mint leaves or celery stalks.

Peeled and proportionally cut pieces of watermelon are carefully laid out in prepared glass containers, allspice peas are added there and poured with boiling marinade.

Salted watermelon in jars for the winter - recipe with herbs

Properly pickled watermelon retains all its beneficial properties, and crispy and juicy slices of this berry will cheer you up on cold winter evenings. This recipe without sterilization makes the taste of the roll more rich, with piquant and aromatic notes due to the use of hot pepper and popular spices.

To prepare the preparation for the winter, use the following ingredients:

  • fresh watermelon (2–3 kg);
  • garlic – large 7–10 cloves;
  • bitter cayenne pepper – 1–2 pods;
  • horseradish root, parsley and dill;
  • salt, ground pepper, cinnamon and table vinegar.

Pour water into a large saucepan and add salt, sugar and a little wine or table vinegar. While the liquid is infused, they prepare the watermelon. The large fruit is cut into slices, then into even smaller pieces of a rectangular or triangular shape and the peel is cut off with a sharp knife, leaving only the juicy pulp.

Horseradish root, fresh parsley and dill are washed with water, crushed and all the herbs are mixed together. Finely chopped garlic is added to them. Place watermelon slices in a deep container along with herbs and garlic, alternating layers. Next, everything is poured with boiled brine, which was infused in another pan for 30–40 minutes. You can sprinkle small pieces of hot pepper on top to give the pickling a more piquant taste.

There is no need to put it under pressure, as the pulp of the berry may be damaged and produce too much juice. The watermelon is left in this spiced brine for several days, covering the pan with cling film or a light plastic lid. Every 3-4 hours, gently stir the entire contents with a wooden spoon.

After 2-3 days of infusion, the pickling is transferred to clean and sterile three-liter jars; a few peas of allspice and dried cloves can be added to each of them, then the lids are sealed and the resulting preparations are sent for storage.

Watermelons in honey marinade - a bright and aromatic preparation

Pouring with honey makes the taste of the canned berries tender, juicy and unusual. It can be served both as a dessert and in combination with fried meat and other hot dishes.

The following types of products are used to prepare pickled watermelon:

  • medium-sized fresh green berries (2–3 kg);
  • natural honey – 3–4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices for marinade - salt, sugar, vinegar and other seasonings to taste.

It is better to take large berries for preparing this roll that are slightly unripe, with dense pulp and a small amount of seeds. It is not necessary to cut off the peel, but if you are using small jars, you can remove the green layer to save space.

Before cutting the watermelon, it must be rinsed in cold water. Then the resulting large slices are again cut into several parts in the shape of triangles or rectangles, the main thing is that they are approximately equal in size. If necessary, cut off the tops so that the slices fit better into the jar.

Containers for preservation are pre-washed in a solution with soda and treated with steam. The chopped slices are placed tightly in prepared jars, so that there are as few voids as possible inside the container. The spread out pieces are poured with hot boiled water and left for 10–15 minutes.

Then the water is drained and put back on the fire, adding the necessary spices in the form of salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil the marinade for another 10–15 minutes, stirring it occasionally.

At the very end, add 1 tablespoon of fresh vinegar and the recommended amount of natural honey. Mix everything thoroughly again and simmer over low heat for no more than 5–7 minutes.

While hot, the marinade is poured into jars with watermelon slices, the lids are hermetically sealed, the preparations are wrapped in a warm cloth and allowed to cool upside down, after which they are stored until winter.

Watermelon pulp jam - a delicious and healthy dessert

Watermelons can be salted or pickled for the winter, but do not forget about the possibility of canning tasty and healthy jam from watermelon pulp, which may remain after preparing other canned preparations. It turns out to be very delicate in taste and moderately sweet.

To quickly prepare watermelon jam according to this recipe, you will need a minimum of ingredients, namely juicy watermelon pulp, granulated sugar and citric acid.

Instead of the latter, you can use the juice of natural lemon or other fresh citrus fruits, such as orange or grapefruit. In addition, you can combine watermelon pulp with other berries, resulting in an even more juicy and tasty preparation.

The washed watermelon is cut into slices, then the seeds and rind are removed, and the pulp is cut into thin, medium-sized slices or cubes. In a deep bowl, mix the berry pieces with sugar and leave to infuse for several hours until a sufficient amount of juice appears.

Then transfer the pulp into a saucepan and place it on the stove, cook for 20–25 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, skim off foam if it appears. In the middle of cooking, add fresh lemon, orange or grapefruit juice, you can also add some fresh cranberries.

The hot mixture from the pan is carefully transferred into clean glass jars, closed tightly, wrapped in a blanket and allowed to cool, and then sent to the shelves until winter. This watermelon-berry dessert can be served with pancakes, fresh pastries, or added to various sauces.

For a long time, people have been preserving vegetables, fruits and berries from summer to winter in the form of various preparations. The favorite watermelon is no exception. They learned how to pickle it, preserve it, and make jam. You can prepare canned watermelons for the winter in different ways. They can be sweet, salty, spicy, pickled. Compliance with certain subtleties and nuances in this process is very important for an excellent result.

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    Selecting a striped berry

    The period of ripening and main harvest of watermelons occurs at the end of summer, beginning of autumn. In warm and southern zones this time begins about a month earlier. Of course, in the summer this delicacy is always consumed fresh, then our body receives additional benefits. Canned watermelon will remind you of warm summer and will become an exceptional dish for any feast.

    In order for this type of treat to always be at its best, painstaking and thoroughness is required at each stage of the procurement process, which always begins with the selection of fruits.

    Regardless of what you cook, the watermelon should be strong and at the same time ripe, without much damage to the rind, preferably freshly picked from the bush.

    Regarding the size, the determining factor here will be the form in which the berries will be harvested. If it is jam, then it is still a large or small fruit, but if the pickling or marinade is in a jar, then it is better to choose medium ones so that the pieces are easy to cut and they easily pass through the neck of the container.

    The juiciness and richness of the taste of the product depends on the ripeness of the watermelon, so do not take green or unripe fruits. If it is overripe, the crust becomes softer, the sound from knocking on it is lost, and the flesh will be loose and dry. The same thing happens with a berry that has been lying for a long time, picked. Therefore, it is not recommended to pickle them; the only possible option in this case would be to make jam from it.

    Preparation is the Key to Success

    Canning watermelons for the winter requires preparation of both the product itself and the container in which it will be stored. This determines the safety and taste of the product.

    First of all, the selected fruits must be thoroughly washed. For this it is better to use running water. Afterwards, it is recommended to soak the watermelons in cold water (with the addition of ice) for 3-4 hours. This procedure will make them tougher, firmer and juicier.

    Typically, glass containers with screw-on or roll-on lids are used for blanks. There may be jars and bottles of various sizes. The main thing in canning any product is to ensure the cleanliness of the dishes. Therefore, it is first washed (even though it was clean somewhere) and sterilized (both jars and lids).

    The last procedure can be performed in several ways:

    • using a steam bath - when the jar is treated from the inside with steam for 5-7 minutes;
    • in the oven - at a temperature of 140-160 degrees, the jars are kept for about 15 minutes;
    • vinegar solution - the essence is diluted in a certain ratio with water, and the dishes are rinsed.

    The above procedures will allow your preserves to be stored for a long time without becoming cloudy or exploding. In addition to all this, watermelon slices will not lose their shape and juiciness.

    What can you cook from gooseberries for the winter - simple and original recipes

    Salted watermelon recipe

    Salted watermelon according to this recipe makes an excellent snack, especially when there are a lot of festive feasts in winter. To prepare, place the berry slices in jars and prepare the brine.

    Selected and prepared fruits are trimmed to pulp at both ends. Then they are cut into circles approximately 2 cm thick. Then each of them is cut into pieces of a more convenient shape for you - triangles or rectangular slices. The main thing is that they fit comfortably in the jar. Therefore, it is recommended to take small watermelons. As for the peel, this is a purely individual matter. Some people leave it, while others cut it off, as nitrates and harmful substances accumulate in it.

    To prevent the preparations from fermenting, you need to thoroughly warm the cut pieces in jars. The water is brought to boiling water and the jars are slowly poured to the brim, covered with lids, and left for 20 minutes. After draining the water from the cans, the procedure is repeated. While the watermelons are “warming up”, the brine is being prepared, its quantity is determined per jar - about 1.5 liters of water.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 5 liters of water;
    • 0.5 cups salt;
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 4 teaspoons 9% vinegar.

    After draining the water from the cans, the watermelons are immediately filled with boiling brine. Close with lids and wrap until completely cool. If the technology is not violated, such preparations are perfectly stored at room temperature.

    Pickled watermelons

    Unlike salted watermelon, pickled watermelon absorbs the taste and aroma of added ingredients, spices and spices. Among the main ones:

    • garlic;
    • allspice;
    • carnation;
    • Bay leaf;
    • dill;
    • horseradish;
    • cinnamon;
    • cherry and black currant leaves.

    The main thing in this process is the correct combination of components. So, if you add cloves, it is better to exclude cinnamon, and vice versa.

    All the ingredients for the pickled watermelon recipe below are added to the jar along with the fruit slices, and then filled with separately prepared brine.

    From spices (per one 3-liter jar):

    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 5 pieces. carnations;
    • 10 cherry leaves (can be on a branch);
    • 3 blackcurrant leaves;
    • 1 bay leaf;
    • 5 pieces. sweet pea.

    Having placed all this on the bottom of the jar, add slices of watermelon. Afterwards, the heating procedure is carried out twice, as described in the previous recipe. The only difference is that the marinade is subsequently prepared from the water drained from the jars. Its portions are calculated in the same way as in the method of preserving watermelons described above.

    To prepare it you will need:

    • 5 liters of water (including drained water);
    • 5 tbsp. spoons of salt;
    • 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
    • 10 teaspoons 9% vinegar.

    Fill the jars with this brine; you can put a couple of blackcurrant leaves on top. Cover them with lids and cover them until they cool completely. The most impatient can try their creation in a week.

    To get sweet-spicy watermelons, add red capsicum to the jar, and double the portion of sugar in the brine.

    Making compote

    A brewed compote made from juicy summer watermelon will be an excellent and invigorating drink in winter. To prepare it you will need:

    • 5 liters of water;
    • 5 glasses of sugar;
    • 1 kg of watermelon pulp.

    The berries must be peeled and cut into small cubes. In this case, you need to select the seeds. While doing this, you can cook the syrup by combining sugar and water. When boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook until the contents begin to thicken.

    Afterwards you can use the peeled watermelon slices. Bring to a boil again and cook for about 3 minutes. Then the compote is poured into sterilized containers and covered with lids. This drink keeps well at room temperature.

    Watermelon jam

    You can treat yourself and your loved ones to an unusual delicacy by making watermelon jam. There are many recipes for its preparation. Let's present the most popular of them.

    1. 1. Classic pulp jam.

    To prepare you will need:

    • 1 kg of cooked and cut into slices watermelon pulp;
    • 1 kg sugar;
    • half a lemon.

    Pieces of watermelon, peeled from seeds, are covered with sugar in an enamel bowl. They are left in this form for a couple of hours until the juice is released. Try to use a large container, as there will be a lot of liquid.

    Then put it on the stove and cook for 20-30 minutes after boiling. Turn off and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then we repeat the same thing two more times. Add lemon juice.

    If you like your jam to have chunks, leave it that way. Some people prefer to grind with a blender. To get a thicker consistency, you can add pectin. Hot jam is put into jars and closed.

    1. 2. Watermelon jam without sugar.

    Ripe watermelon is quite sweet. This allows you to make jam from it without adding granulated sugar; if you grind it through a sieve, you get something similar to honey.

    To prepare, take the watermelon pulp, cut it into pieces, and you don’t have to remove the seeds. Then it is placed in a saucepan, put on fire and boiled until reduced in volume by about half. Afterwards it is left to infuse overnight. Next, the jam is rubbed through a sieve, thereby removing all remaining seeds.

    The resulting mass is brought to a boil, cooked for 5 minutes, turned off and left for a couple of hours. This procedure is repeated 2-3 times. Then the jam is put into jars and stored in a cool place, since there is no sugar in the preparation.

    1. 3. Crust jam.

    What many people throw away in watermelon can actually be used. For example, not only tasty, but also very appetizing-looking jam is prepared from the crusts.

    To do this, the green peel is cut off from them. They are cut into shapes or reliefs, then soaked overnight in a soda solution (1 liter of water + 1 teaspoon of soda) so that they do not boil over during cooking.

    After soaking, the peels are poured with clean cold water and left for another couple of hours. Then washed. From such crusts you can already make the jam itself.

    We take:

    • 1 kg of prepared crusts;
    • 1 kg sugar;
    • 750 ml water;
    • half a lemon.

    Sugar is divided into two parts. One of them is filled with water and boiled for about 15-20 minutes, after which the crusts are immersed there and cooked for 15 minutes over low heat. Then they need to stand for 10-12 hours, possibly overnight.

    Then the second half of sugar is added to them and the mass is cooked for another 30 minutes. After standing for a few more hours, the jam is boiled for the last time. The crusts should become transparent. Add lemon juice and, if necessary, a little water.

    All recipes are not particularly difficult to prepare, and even a not very experienced housewife can easily prepare unusual and tasty preparations for the winter from striped berries.

Watermelons are definitely great fresh.

When it’s hot, it’s a real pleasure to cut off a cold, juicy slice from a striped side. But, contrary to numerous skeptics, canned watermelons, in one form or another, are a wonderful and very popular product.

Lovers of taste contrasts appreciate pickled watermelon pulp for its indescribable, characteristic taste.

Watermelons canned in jars - general principles of preparation

Ripe watermelons with bright, not loose pulp are suitable for preservation. Large juicy berries are preserved in a large glass container with a capacity of 3 liters. You can also preserve watermelons in liter jars. Glass containers can be taken with screw-on lids or regular ones, designed for rolling the lids with a hand wrench.

Before use, glass containers must be washed with very warm water and soda, thoroughly cleaning heavily soiled areas with detergent. Particular attention is paid to the neck, or rather, its rim. The washed containers are dried and sterilized.

Sterilization can be done in the oven by keeping the jars in it at 150 degrees for at least 10 minutes or over steam until they are completely dry. Metal lids are also washed well with boiling water, and then boiled for an additional 10 minutes, or a little more. After this, they must be dried on a clean towel.

The watermelon is cut into large slices so that they easily fit inside the jar. In most cases, the peel is not cut off and the seeds are not removed, but to prepare watermelons in liter jars, it is better to remove the peel so that more pulp can fit into small containers.

Prepared watermelons in jars can be pickled, salted, sweet and sour, even spicy. The taste of the finished preserve depends on what type of marinade was used and what additional spices and spices were used.

To keep preserves for a long time, most marinades are prepared with vinegar or citric acid. If the addition of such components to the marinade is not provided, aspirin must be placed in the jar itself before filling. If canned in 3-liter containers, add three tablets of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), when canning watermelons in liter jars, just add one.

The hermetically sealed canned food is tightly wrapped in a blanket and kept under it for at least two days or until completely cooled.

Pickled watermelons in liter jars with spices


To prepare the marinade, 1 liter of water:

A spoon of refined sugar;

30 gr. coarse table salt;

Sugar – 25 gr.;

Vinegar food essence – 2 tsp;

Hot pepper, bay leaf, fresh horseradish leaves, cinnamon sticks, lovage.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the watermelons thoroughly in warm water. Pay special attention to heavily polluted areas. To remove dirt better, take a clean foam sponge.

2. Cut the watermelon pulp into large slices of such a size that they fit freely inside a liter jar.

3. Place horseradish on the bottom of steamed containers and place pieces of pulp on top. Add cinnamon, lovage, bay leaf and hot pepper.

4. Measure out the required volume of filtered water and bring it to boil. Dissolve sugar and salt in hot liquid and bring to a boil.

5. As soon as the marinade begins to boil intensely, remove from heat. Immediately pour vinegar essence into it and, stirring well, pour into filled jars.

6. Cover the containers with sterile seaming lids and sterilize for at least 20 minutes. Then take it out and seal it tightly.

Salted watermelons, canned in jars with garlic

Ingredients for 9 liters (3 bottles, 3 liter volume):

10 kg of ripe, medium-sized watermelons.

For one liter of brine:

One spoon of coarse table salt;

Two spoons of sugar;

Fresh blackcurrant leaves;

Fresh cherry leaves;

40 ml vinegar;


Dill umbrellas.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the jars well in hot water with baking soda or a soda solution, thoroughly rinse off any remaining traces of detergent. Dry the container by placing it on a wire rack or towel, necks down.

2. Wash the prepared dill leaves and umbrellas in warm water under the tap. Then spread it on a towel and leave it for a while to dry.

3. Place a clean watermelon on a cutting board and cut off the edges on both sides to the very pulp. Cut into circles and cut each into segments.

4. Without removing the peel or seeds, place the watermelon pieces in a large bowl.

5. In each dried jar, at the bottom, place two cherry, three blackcurrant leaves and two dill umbrellas.

6. Fill the jar three-quarters full with pieces of watermelon pulp, place bay leaves, peppercorns and thin slices of garlic on top.

7. It is impossible to accurately determine the required amount of brine; one three-liter container with watermelons contains a little more than a liter of brine. But it is worth noting that its volume may vary depending on the ripeness and wateriness of the berry.

8. In a large saucepan, boil about five liters of filtered water and immediately pour into it the required amount of sugar and salt based on the specified calculation.

9. As soon as the brine begins to boil, lower the flame and simmer for at least a minute. Then remove from the stove, add vinegar and pour boiling liquid over the slices placed in jars so that it reaches the very neck. Cover with boiled lids and sterilize for 20 minutes.

10. After sterilization is complete, remove the jars and roll them with a can opener.

Sweet and sour watermelons in jars with honey and citric acid (without sterilization)

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

One and a half kilograms of watermelon.

For the marinade, per liter:

Three tablespoons of any natural honey;

A teaspoon of fine kitchen salt;

100 gr. honey;

A spoon of citric acid.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the watermelon, washed with warm water, into circles about 4 centimeters thick. Cut each circle into eight slices.

2. Place the pieces in pre-sterilized jars, 2 cm from the neck, pour boiling water over them and drain immediately.

3. Measure the volume of the resulting liquid. Add all the necessary components of the marinade to it, correctly calculating their quantity, stir well until they are completely dissolved and put on medium heat.

4. Pour boiling marinade into the slices placed in jars, right up to the neck and immediately roll up the containers with boiled lids for sealing.

5. After this, place the canned food with the lids down on a terry towel and wrap it tightly with a warm blanket. After at least two days, unwrap it and put it away for storage.

Watermelons in jars without sterilization with aspirin - “Special”


Small size watermelons – 1.5 kg;

Horseradish root – 30 gr.;

Aspirin – 3 tablets.

In the marinade, for each liter of drinking water:

Table salt, coarse, garden salt - 1 tbsp. l.;

A large spoon of any honey.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the watermelon into small, neat slices. There is no need to remove the seeds or cut off the peel.

2. Rinse the horseradish root well and cut it into centimeter-thick rings. Place them in glass containers prepared in advance for preservation, about 30 grams in each container, and loosely place watermelon slices on top to the hangers. Add aspirin.

3. Measure the required volume of water into a large saucepan and place the container over high heat. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat, add salt and honey and stir well. Continuously stirring, cook until the added ingredients dissolve. Then quickly boil and pour into jars.

4. Cover with boiled, sterile canning lids and roll them with a hand seaming wrench.

5. Be sure to wrap the blanks turned upside down with a blanket and keep them under it until completely cooled.

Sweet watermelons in liter jars without peel and seeds with honey


8 kg of ripe watermelon;

Filtered drinking water – 9 l.;

350 gr. light or dark honey;

Sugar – 125 gr.;

5 large spoons of salt;

300 ml food vinegar (9%).

Cooking method:

1. Wash the watermelon with warm water and cut it into circles 5 cm thick. Then cut off all the peel, cut into large cubes or bars and carefully select the seeds.

3. After waiting 10 minutes, pour the broth into a saucepan, add honey, sugar, salt and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly.

4. Remove the almost finished marinade from the heat, add vinegar and pour into jars, trying to pour right up to the neck. Cover with clean boiled lids and seal them tightly.

5. Place the hot preserves under a warm blanket for 2 days, turning the jars upside down.

Watermelons in jars with tomatoes and mustard – “Assorted”

Ingredients for three, 3-liter containers:

Ripe red tomatoes – 3 kg;

Ripe watermelon – 3 kg;

Five cloves of garlic;

Mustard powder – 3 tsp;

Table vinegar 9% – 50 ml per jar.

Per liter of marinade:

2 tablespoons of sugar, without a slide;

1.5 tbsp. l. – coarsely ground salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the watermelon into neat pieces, no larger than a tomato. Remove all the seeds, and if the peel is thick, cut it off too. Wash and dry the tomatoes.

2. Place the tomatoes in clean, preferably sterile jars, layering them with pieces of watermelon. Do not compact tightly so as not to deform the watermelon pulp.

3. Pour boiling water over everything right up to the neck and leave for 5 minutes. keep covered with sterile lids. Then carefully strain the liquid, boil it and pour it into the jars again. After five minutes, strain again, measure the volume to accurately calculate the amount of marinade components and bring to a boil.

4. In each three-liter jar, place garlic slices on top, about one and a half cloves, and a teaspoon of mustard.

5. Pour sugar and salt into the hot infusion, stir until they are completely dissolved, and as soon as it boils, pour the marinade into jars so that 50 ml of vinegar can be added to each jar on top. Pour in vinegar.

6. Seat the preserves with sterile lids and leave under a blanket until completely cooled.

Watermelons canned in jars - cooking tricks and useful tips

Do not take overripe fruits with loose, not juicy pulp for preservation. The pieces will not hold their shape and will fall apart the first time you pour boiling water over them.

To prepare watermelons in liter jars, be sure to cut off the peel from the pieces.

If you are canning in large containers and the peel is too thick, remove it. The seeds are removed as desired.