What is made from maple sap? Maple sap, its benefits and harms

The healing properties of maple sap have been known since time immemorial. In many countries around the world, this healthy drink is widely used. Maple sap can be used as a refreshing drink and natural medicine. You can prepare maple sap yourself: can it or process it into syrup. The natural product is rich in vitamins and minerals, the benefits of which for the human body are difficult to underestimate.

Maple sap is low in calories - 12 kcal/100 g and contains a complex complex of chemical compounds:

  • vitamins: groups B, C, PP, fat-soluble A and E;
  • micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, silicon oxide, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium;
  • raffinose, sucrose, glucose;
  • organic acids: malic, citric, succinic, fumaric;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • antioxidants;
  • tannins;
  • antibiotics of plant origin;
  • alkaloids, flavonoids;
  • aldehydes;
  • plant hormone - abscisic acid;
  • water.

Useful properties of maple sap

Maple juice has a beneficial effect on the human body. It strengthens the immune system, which is especially important during periods of vitamin deficiency and seasonal colds. In addition to the general strengthening effect, the product also has other beneficial properties:

  1. Cleanses the blood of toxins, waste and heavy metal salts.
  2. It is a preventative against the formation of blood clots and cholesterol deposits in blood vessels, as well as pathologies of cardiac activity.
  3. Normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system, kidneys, gall bladder and liver.
  4. Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
  5. Has antimicrobial and bactericidal effects. Therefore, it is often used as an antiseptic to treat shallow wounds, small cuts, and burns.
  6. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes metabolism.
  7. It has a positive effect on the pancreas and promotes the production of insulin.

How is maple sap beneficial for the female body? Firstly, it normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Secondly, it helps get rid of fatigue and depression, which a modern woman often experiences at the end of the working day. It is useful for men to drink maple juice with weakened potency and prostate diseases.

The juice is added to various cereals, muesli, baked goods, drinks, popsicles, dried fruits, and dairy products. It makes excellent marinades and carbonated drinks. Maple juice can quench your thirst and also overcome hunger. Even allergy sufferers can drink this drink.

In cosmetology, maple sap is used as a hair balm. It strengthens the roots and adds shine to the hair.

Collection and storage of maple sap

When and how is the best time to collect maple sap? If you are going to the forest, it is important to remember that the collection of the product begins in March in an ecologically clean place, away from the highway and factories. The weather also matters: it should be at least 2 degrees below zero. When choosing a tree, pay attention to the presence of swollen, but not blossoming buds.

American maple is especially popular. In spring, American maple produces a large amount of sweet sap compared to other species.

Depending on the weather, the healthy drink is collected over the course of two weeks. Maple sap can vary in color and taste: from light yellow to dark amber, and be sweet or slightly bitter.

Fresh juice can be stored for no more than 4 days, either in the refrigerator or in a dry cellar. If you plan to store the drink for a long time, it should be processed into maple syrup by evaporation or canned. An interesting fact is that to obtain 1 liter of syrup it is necessary to collect and process 40 liters of juice. Maple syrup retains all the beneficial properties of freshly collected sap and is stored much longer.

Thanks to canning, maple sap can be enjoyed year-round. This will require a minimum of time and effort. Heat the freshly collected drink to 80 degrees. Pour it into well-washed, sterilized containers and seal the jars with airtight lids.

Is it possible to drink maple sap during pregnancy?

This healthy drink is not contraindicated during pregnancy. But if a pregnant woman experiences an increase in blood sugar or begins to develop gestational diabetes, then the healthy drink should be abandoned. Otherwise, there may be a risk of deterioration in health.

During breastfeeding, you should use any juices, including maple juice, with caution. First you need to drink a few tablespoons of juice and monitor the child: his stool and the presence/absence of skin rashes. If no reaction occurs, then you can drink half a glass of juice 2 times a week.

Is maple sap allowed for children?

Children under three years old Taking a healthy drink should be discussed with your pediatrician due to the likelihood of an increase in blood sugar. Individual intolerance to the product should also not be ruled out. If your child does not like dairy products, then you can make maple milk. Add 2-3 tablespoons of maple juice to a glass of milk and mix everything well.

Contraindications and harm

Maple sap should be consumed with caution by diabetics. Since glucose and sucrose in the drink can pose a serious danger to them. However, judicious consumption of small amounts of juice by diabetics increases the body's defenses.

During the collection period, the acceptable daily intake of fresh juice is one glass. It is recommended to drink half a glass of the canned product no more than 2-3 times a week to eliminate the possibility of an increase in blood sugar.

In any case, if you want maple sap or pancakes with maple syrup, there will be no harm, even if you have diabetes. The main thing is to know how much juice you can drink per day to avoid side effects and not to neglect the rules for storing the drink.

Maple sap extracted from Norway maple. It grows in Asia and Europe, Russia and Ukraine. Another type of maple that is used for extracting sap is sugar maple. Canada is considered his homeland. It is from this that the maple syrup that can be found on sale is made. Norway maple can also be used to make syrup, which is no worse than Canadian syrup. The sap is collected in early spring, when the temperature is still sub-zero. In order not to damage the tree, choose one with a trunk of at least thirty centimeters in diameter. The process of collecting sap is the same as when collecting birch sap - a hole is made in the bark, a groove is inserted, and lowered into a container. The drilling depth should not be more than 5 cm. Drilling should begin in the bark at a distance of thirty centimeters from the ground. Up to 2 liters of juice are collected per day.

Benefits of maple sap

The question is often asked: can you drink maple sap?? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! Maple sap is rich in beneficial properties. Its properties are determined by its composition and the influence of its components on the human body. It contains many chemical elements: iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium. There are vitamins B, PP, E, C. Maple sap consists of 90% water. It also contains sucrose and oligosaccharides; the sugar content varies from 1% to 10%, depending on the conditions and places where the tree grows. The composition contains a natural substance - dextrose - a monosaccharide that produces energy and is delivered by the body to all cells and systems. The juice contains organic acids, organic and polyunsaturated acids, carotenoids, lipids, aldehydes, tannins. Maple sap has a diuretic, antimicrobial and bactericidal effect. Used to heal wounds and burns. Useful for anemia, vitamin deficiency, and colds. A decoction of maple leaves and seeds is used to treat diseases of the nasopharynx, liver, respiratory system, and viral diseases. Boosts immunity, saturates with vitamins in early spring and winter. Maple sap has contraindications: it may contain heavy metals if it was collected in an environmentally unfavorable area, in a polluted place. An allergic reaction is possible.

There are several popular drinks overseas called natural electrolytes. The most popular of these is coconut water, but recently there has been an increased interest in tree sap.

We have already talked about the beneficial properties of birch sap, now it’s the turn of maple sap, or the second name is maple water. Most of all, Canadians love him. This is not surprising if we remember that the country’s national flag features a maple leaf. In addition, juice is produced on an industrial scale in New York and Vermont. And in Russia they also love it and know how to get it themselves.

At the beginning of spring, when the trees come to life and begin to draw water with nutrients from the ground and filter it through their root system, it is time to collect maple sap.

Sweet maple syrup is obtained from pure tree sap by boiling - another interesting product with interesting healing properties.

Nutritional value

The natural electrolyte we're talking about today has a unique and refreshing taste with sweet, woody notes. Sucrose adds sweetness to the product.

Contains microelements that our body needs: potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and iron. It is the high manganese content that attracts the attention of scientists: 1 glass of the drink can provide up to 40% of the daily value of this trace element, thereby improving the absorption of other nutrients in the human gastrointestinal tract.

The composition also contains organic acids (malic, citric, trace amounts of fumaric, succinic and phenolcarbonic), tannins, and carotenoids.

Why should you drink maple sap?

The life-giving power of electrolytes

All these beneficial substances are needed for the normal functioning of the circulatory system and muscle tissue, for bone development and energy production. It is impossible not to note their value for the heart and nerve cells.

In Korea, maple sap is called “Gorosoe,” which means “good for bones.”

The drink is great to drink after training to replenish the loss of microelements due to increased sweating. Athletes also add a pinch of salt to maple water.

Magic polyphenols

Maple sap contains more than 50 polyphenols, endowed by nature with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. This is why regular consumption of the drink reduces the risk of degenerative changes such as heart disease and cancer. The benefits of certain polyphenols for the thyroid gland have also been proven.

Low level of natural sugars

If consumed regularly, high-calorie drinks can cause serious harm to the human body. It is even more remarkable that maple water has few calories and low sugar content: compared to coconut water, it is 2 times less.

Stabilizes blood sugar levels

The properties characteristic of maple sap are pleasing with their diversity and healing potential, but some of them raise doubts among experts.

“Many of the benefits of maple water have not yet been confirmed by scientific research,” says Professor Lillian Cheng of the Harvard School of Public Health.

Why is maple sap dangerous?

This drink cannot cause significant harm to health except in cases of an allergic reaction. Another point worth paying attention to is the environmental well-being of the area where the juice was collected.

Diabetics, despite the obvious advantages of drinking maple sap, need to be careful and try not to drink it in large quantities. One or two glasses a day are more than enough.

Everything that was said earlier about the benefits of maple water is 100% true for raw sap. If you intend to purchase a ready-made sterilized one, keep in mind that after heat treatment some of the valuable properties are lost.

Source http://www.poleznenko.ru/klenovyj-sok-polza-i-vred.html

Although Norway maple is a fairly common tree in our area, few people know that maple sap can be obtained from it and used not only as a refreshing drink, but also as a natural medicine gifted by Nature.

But in Canada, which is considered the birthplace of maple, the sap and its derivatives are very popular and the juices and syrup are widely sold. And in other countries, the sap of this tree is considered a healthy delicacy.

Norway maple grows in temperate zones of Eurasia and North America; the tree is quite unpretentious and fast-growing, not requiring any special care.

Composition of maple sap

Maple sap contains many substances necessary for the human body to function normally.

Among the vitamins, group B was found in it, and such important vitamins as C (ascorbic acid) and PP and fat-soluble A and E.

Also, maple juice contains the necessary organic acids: malic and succinic, acetic and fumaric.

Maple is also rich in minerals; salts of potassium, calcium and silicon, sodium, magnesium and manganese are found in it.

In addition, the juice contains:

  • alkaloids,
  • flavonoids,
  • polysaccharides and natural sugar, but in very small quantities, so the juice is safe for diabetics;
  • tannins,
  • carbohydrates,
  • lipids,
  • fatty acid.

In addition, maple juice is low in calories and is suitable for those who are on a diet, because 100 ml of juice contains only 12 kcal.

What are the benefits of maple sap?

Of course, the chemical and biological composition explains the benefits of maple sap. As you know, tannins help normalize the gastrointestinal tract and regulate digestive processes, stop inflammatory processes and effectively fight pathogenic bacteria.

Alkaloids are necessary to normalize blood circulation, relieve hypertensive crises and lower blood pressure. They are simply irreplaceable when you need to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, relieve joint pain, and stop hemorrhages. In addition, they help improve the functioning of the muscular system.

Sugar and carbohydrates are known to provide cells with energy and normalize metabolism. Natural sugars and light natural carbohydrates are quickly absorbed and also quickly restore strength after illness, training and muscle strain.

Organic acids are necessary for the body to carry out the biosynthesis of alkaloids, glycosides and amino acids. They eliminate putrefactive processes that occur during fermentation in the intestines, which leads to normalization of its functioning. In addition, they calm the nervous system and promote the formation of red blood cells.

A group of vitamins found in maple sap also perform their important functions: they serve as antioxidants, normalize the functioning of all important systems, strengthen the immune system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, stimulate hematopoietic functions, etc.

Flavonoids increase the elasticity of capillaries and regulate the functioning of the central nervous system, lipids ensure the biosynthesis of hormones, and fats, along with other beneficial substances, are involved in the formation of energy and the construction of intercellular membranes.

Treatment with maple sap

Maple sap has been known in folk medicine since the 17th century. An ancient recipe for using this remedy for medicinal purposes has been preserved: add 2 tbsp to 1 glass of cold milk. spoons of syrup.

This tasty drug was used for many reasons.

  • for the treatment of the liver and kidneys, because it has diuretic and choleretic properties and the ability to crush stones and remove sand;
  • boosting immunity and restoring strength;
  • for calming down aggressive, depressive and stressful conditions;
  • treatment of colds and sore throats, to eliminate fever;
  • in the treatment of anemia and seasonal vitamin deficiency, as an antiscorbutic agent.

Since maple sap has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, it is used to treat poorly healing wounds, viral diseases of the throat and nasopharynx.

Although people with diabetes should consume the juice with caution, it is known to have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and stimulate the production of insulin.

Maple sap is also used as an astringent and antiemetic. As a cosmetic product, it is used to strengthen hair and stimulate the activity of hair follicles.

Preparation and storage of sap from Norway maple

Since sap is an intercellular fluid, in maple, like in birch, its active circulation begins in early spring, when nature comes to life. The collection technology of both trees is very similar.

In order not to destroy it, sufficiently tall ones are selected - with a cross section of at least 30 cm in diameter.

About 30-50 cm from the ground, a hole is made in the tree bark into which a drainage groove is inserted. The diameter of the hole should not be more than 1.5-2 cm, and the depth - 5 cm. The juice is collected when the buds begin to swell and stops when the first leaves appear. Thus, the collection season lasts no more than 7-10 days.

Up to 3 holes are made in old trees with a thick trunk and in a day they manage to collect up to 15 liters of this healthy natural drink.

In Canadian villages, where maple sap is collected everywhere, syrups are made from it, that is, it is evaporated until it becomes thick. Such syrups can be stored for years, however, it should be taken into account that the juice consumption for such preparation is very large - about 0.5 liters of syrup are obtained from 10 liters. However, the value of the syrup is that with this method almost all the beneficial substances are preserved.

Another popular storage method is to simply leave the juice in a cool place for a week, during which time the oxidation process occurs - the juice becomes cloudy and sediment appears at the bottom of the container. It is only important that the place is cool enough, otherwise the juice will ferment and become unusable.

After the oxidation process is completed, the juice is poured into glass jars and stored under ordinary plastic lids.


Over the centuries of using maple sap in folk medicine, no obvious contraindications have been identified. However, frequent use should be used with caution by people suffering from diabetes and pregnant women. People with allergic reactions should also be careful - their bodies may not tolerate this juice.

At the same time, if you decide to drink a glass of maple juice or eat pancakes with maple syrup, there will be no harm.

Source http://lechilka.com/klenovyj-sok.html

Maple sap is a less common drink in our country than birch sap, although it is not inferior to it in taste and beneficial properties. But Canada, famous for its maple forests and groves, has put the production of this natural nectar on stream, actively using the generous gift of nature. The benefits and harms of maple sap should also be of interest to us, since this vitamin extract has recently become increasingly popular.


Maple sap is an intercellular woody liquid of clear or pale yellow color with a pleasant, sweetish taste. Maple sap is unique in its rich vitamin-acid composition. It is used as a refreshing, tonic drink and as the basis for the most popular maple syrup in Canada and North America.

The product contains a lot of elements necessary for the body, which, if consumed regularly, will bring great benefits.

  • Vitamins: A, E, C, PP, group B.
  • Microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, sodium, manganese.
  • Organic acids: fumaric, acetic, malic, abscisic, succinic.
  • Calorie content: 12 kcal per 100 grams.

It’s not for nothing that all of Canada values ​​this beautiful tree so much; maple provides a nutritious and healthy product with valuable properties.

What are the benefits of maple sap?

The presence of tannins, aldehydes, lipids and carotenoids in the composition also makes maple extract not only a tasty drink, but also a broad-spectrum medicinal product. It is useful in different situations.

It has a strong diuretic effect, cleanses of salts and toxins. Being a natural anesthetic, nectar has an antimicrobial and wound-healing effect; when drunk, it fights inflammatory processes from the inside, and if wounds, cuts and ulcers are treated, it flushes out pathogens from them and speeds up the healing process. During the peak of colds and various acute respiratory infections, maple extract will serve as a prophylactic.

For the venous system.

The abscisic acid included in the composition has a positive effect on the pancreas and improves insulin production. Together with other substances, it helps improve the condition of diabetes and related obesity.

A lot of vitamins and microelements makes this natural drink an indispensable energy drink that will strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and provide energy. Nectar will perfectly replace artificial vitamin complexes, and will be absorbed much better. Considering that it is obtained in early spring, when there are no fresh herbs (Turkish pesticides do not count), no vegetables, no fruits, it will support the body and cope with seasonal vitamin deficiency.

As a barrier agent.

It’s not for nothing that pragmatic northerners fell in love with maple sap, like maple syrup; in addition to its nutritional value and medicinal properties, it is also an effective antioxidant. It will not be able to completely protect against cancer, but it is quite capable of reducing the likelihood of a tumor if you make it part of the diet.

How to get

In our climate zone, sap is extracted from Norway maples, and in the North, several varieties of “sugar” trees, distinguished by liquid with a high content of sucrose, are used for these purposes. In order for the drink to be as useful and effective as possible, it must be collected correctly, taking into account the specifics.

Collection area - in order not to get an extract of carcinogens instead of a valuable drink, collection must be carried out away from busy highways, railway tracks, factories and factories.

When to collect - active movement of sap begins in March, when daytime temperatures rise to a couple of degrees Celsius. The collection of sap continues for several weeks, but as soon as the buds begin to swell on the tree, it becomes meaningless for humans (the sap loses its beneficial properties) and dangerous for the tree.

The tree is an adult maple with a spreading crown and a trunk with a girth of more than 20 cm.

The location of the hole is at a height of about 0.5 meters above the ground, on the north side of the trunk.

Collection time is during the day, during the thaw, especially when the sun is warm.

Hole - a longitudinal cut or cylindrical recess made with a drill or punch at a slight angle, up to 4 cm deep.

Volume - the tree itself needs liquid, you shouldn’t abuse the gift of nature, it’s better to collect a couple of liters from several trees than to strain a dozen from one and guaranteed to ruin it.

Preservation - after harvesting, the hole or cut is covered with garden varnish or plugged with moss to prevent loss of juice.

How to store at home

Like birch, maple is rich in sucrose, which quickly starts the fermentation process, this shortens the shelf life of freshly collected liquid. In a cool place outside, at minimum temperatures or in the refrigerator, the strained nectar can be kept for about two days. After this period, it must be frozen, preserved or turned into kvass. Proper storage is also important for other products, so pomegranate juice during breastfeeding should be as fresh as possible.

Canning Recipes

Although most of the vitamins are lost during canning, this is the only option to preserve the juice for a long period. The easiest way to do this is in the following ways.

Pasteurization. The liquid is heated to 80°, poured into prepared jars, pasteurized for about half an hour, and rolled up hot. The cooled jars are put away in the basement or pantry.

Boiling. Sugar is added to the juice, 50 grams per liter; for taste, you can add sprigs of mint, lemon balm, rose hips or lemon slices. The mixture is brought to a boil so that the sugar is completely dissolved, poured into jars and rolled up. Storage is the same as in the first recipe, but due to boiling, the benefits of such a drink are somewhat less.

Maple syrup. This is a concentrate obtained by evaporating maple sap. A completely natural product is obtained by long-term simmering over low heat, as a result of which all the water is removed from the juice, and a small part of the original volume remains; from 30 - 40 liters you will get about 1 liter of syrup. The viscous substance is also poured into a glass container and sealed hermetically.

Recipes for consumption

A tasty, sparkling drink that can be stored for a long time, this is kvass - it will refresh you in the heat, give you vigor, and provide you with vitamins. And for a change, it’s a good idea to learn how to drink carrot juice correctly.

Kvass from maple sap:

  • Juice – 3 liters.
  • Rye crackers – 200 grams.
  1. For better fermentation, the juice is slightly heated and poured into a container, crackers are added, covered with a thin cotton cloth or gauze and placed in a warm place.
  2. After a day, the drink is filtered, it is ready for use. To enrich the taste, you can add dried fruits or rose hips.


Maple sap itself is unlikely to cause any harm to health; it can completely replace the liquid you drink per day, but you should be careful in the following situations.

  • If you are prone to allergies.
  • If it is collected in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Maple juice is a good opportunity to diversify your diet and introduce a healthy drink that is necessary for the body, instead of store-bought lemonades with preservatives and flavors.

Maple sap is the intercellular fluid of the plant. In Russia it is extracted from Norway maple, but in America another type is popular - Canadian. Its sap is sweeter and is used to make maple syrup.

When should you collect?

Maple blooms early, when the leaves have not yet blossomed. You can collect maple sap a week or two before the maple blossoms, in March-April. The process is simple: you need to make a hole with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, measuring a distance of 30-40 cm from the ground. A tube is inserted into the hole through which it will flow. Its other end must be lowered into a clean container.

It stands out well on warm sunny days, but at low temperatures the process can slow down significantly.


The main component is, of course, water, more than 90%. The composition includes sucrose, a small amount of oligosaccharides, and raffinose. It contains Dextrose (D-glucose) - a natural substance, a monosaccharide. It is a carbohydrate that the body uses to produce energy. The benefit of maple sap is that Dextrose normalizes the functioning of all human systems and organs, and brain function.

The amount of sugar is affected by climatic conditions. If the trees are sufficiently moistened and receive mineral nutrition, then there will be more sugar.

The drink is rich in beneficial microelements and contains organic acids:

  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • traces of fumaric, amber and some others.

It contains lipids, aldehydes, carotenoids, vitamins, tannins, minerals and nutrients.

Is it good for the body?

The benefits are obvious - its composition speaks about this. This natural “orphan” has a bactericidal effect and is used as a herbal antiseptic for treating wounds.

The benefits of maple sap are undeniable for the body, which is weakened. You should drink it for vitamin deficiencies, asthenia, and it acts as a prophylactic for colds.

The drink gives a powerful boost of minerals and vitamins, so it is recommended to drink it in winter and early spring.

It has a general strengthening effect and improves immunity. It is also effective for diseases of the kidneys, liver, atherosclerosis, as well as for exhaustion of the body.

People who suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system can use this natural drink as a diuretic. For liver diseases and gallbladder diseases, it is used as part of complex therapy - it has a mild choleretic effect.

Regular consumption prevents the development of heart pathologies, atherosclerosis, and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

Abscisic acid is extremely beneficial for the pancreas. It is also part of the juice and is a plant hormone.

Vitamin C and antioxidants have a preventive effect against infectious diseases and cancer.

This natural drink has an antibiotic effect - it is useful not only to drink it, but also to treat minor scratches and abrasions with it.

In addition, it cleanses the bloodstream of toxins and slows down the development of pathologies such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

Is there any harm?

There are certain contraindications for use. Despite the fact that the benefits of maple sap are obvious, it can also be harmful. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the environmental situation in the place where the tree grows.

It cannot be collected if there are railways, highways, or industrial enterprises in the immediate vicinity.

It will be harmful, since the soil is saturated with heavy metals.

Spring has come into its own, which means the magical period of sap flow begins - the time when trees give people their delicious and incredibly healthy sap.

In our open spaces, birch sap is extremely popular, but in Canada, maple sap has been collected for centuries. The popularity of this drink in North America is easily explained - this is where the special Canadian sugar maple grows. It is he who gives a person the juice from which the world-famous maple syrup, famous for its healing properties, is produced. Is it any wonder that in many provinces of Canada there are entire industries where maple syrup, popular all over the world, is produced from extracted maple sap.

In Russia, sugar maple is rare. Norway maple grows here, which is significantly different in appearance from its “brother”. The leaf shape of the sugar maple is triangular, and the foliage color is predominantly red and bright orange, in contrast to the Norway maple with its five-sided leaf shape and yellow coloration.

However, it is the Norway maple that is the main source of maple sap in Russia. This juice is less sweet, however, in terms of chemical composition and healing properties it is actually not inferior to its Canadian “brother”. In this article we will take a closer look at this wonderful gift of nature.

Composition of maple sap

Maple sap is 90% water. However, it contains many valuable compounds, such as:

  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • vitamins A, C, E, PP, as well as B vitamins;
  • minerals (iron and sodium, phosphorus and magnesium, silicon and manganese, zinc, calcium and many other minerals);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • alkaloids and flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • antioxidants;
  • organic acids (fumaric, malic, succinic and citric);
  • antibiotics of plant origin;
  • plant hormone – abscisic acid;
  • lipids;
  • aldehydes.

Let us also add that the sweetness of the juice largely depends on the area in which the maples grow. Trees that grow in areas with high humidity produce sweeter sap than trees that grow in dry climates.

With all the sweetness of this biological fluid, the calorie content of natural maple sap does not exceed 12 kcal, which makes it one of the healthiest sweet products in the world!

Beneficial features

The drink in question is often called the “elixir of health.” And this is true, because having such a rich chemical composition, maple sap has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the body. Judge for yourself, this intercellular fluid of the plant:

1. Perfectly cleanses the blood of toxins, waste and heavy metal salts. In terms of its detoxifying properties, it is not inferior to well-known medicinal sorbents, such as Activated carbon and Polysorb.

2. Improves the functioning of the genitourinary system - kidneys, liver and gall bladder. It is an excellent means of preventing diseases of the genitourinary system.

3. Strengthens the functioning of the heart and perfectly cleanses blood vessels, making it an effective means of preventing thrombosis and clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol deposits. By the way, by cleansing and strengthening blood vessels, this valuable liquid prevents the development of serious diseases, incl. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

4. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing bowel movements and preventing chronic constipation. Moreover, maple sap improves metabolism, promoting natural weight loss and gaining a slim figure.

5. It is an effective means of disinfection and elimination of bacteria. Thanks to this feature, maple sap is actively used to treat skin lesions - wounds, deep cuts and burns.

6. Thanks to the presence of abscisic acid, it stimulates the pancreas, activating the production of insulin. Thanks to this property, people who regularly drink maple sap are protected from the development of such a dangerous disease as diabetes.

7. Possessing a high content of vitamin C and containing other antioxidants, maple sap is considered a good means of preventing cancer.

8. The sap of this wonderful tree is rich in vitamins and minerals, which means it is an excellent means of combating vitamin deficiency, especially in the spring, when the body is so lacking in important elements. Moreover, thanks to maple sap, the immune system is significantly strengthened, which means that by drinking this drink a person receives protection from colds and infections.

The benefits of maple sap for women and men

For the fair sex, this drink is useful for maintaining body tone. As a supporting agent, it is indispensable for women who are very tired at the end of the working day. Moreover, maple sap has a calming effect, which is especially important during the premenstrual period.

As for the stronger sex, they need maple sap no less than women. If a man works a lot physically, and then cannot fall asleep for a long time due to overwork, he needs to drink half a glass of maple juice before bed. Moreover, native Canadians often drink this drink in order to strengthen potency and cope with the unpleasant symptoms of prostatitis.

Maple sap for children

Before giving this drink to children under 3 years of age, you should consult a pediatrician. Maple juice is a healthy liquid, but it cannot be ruled out that a child may be intolerant to this product. By the way, if desired, children can be given “maple milk” by adding 2-3 tbsp to a glass of milk. maple juice and mix well.

Maple juice for pregnant women

While pregnant, maple sap is not contraindicated. This drink is even useful for strengthening the immune system and preventing infectious diseases, which are so dangerous for pregnant women. However, not all expectant mothers can take it. Pregnant women who have elevated blood sugar levels or have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes should not consume this juice.

Maple sap in cooking

Maple sap is the perfect sweetness that contains a minimum of sugar, which means this product is great for preparing sweet, but at the same time healthy dishes. This juice can be added to ice cream, drinks, baked goods, various cereals, dried fruits or dairy products. Maple sap makes wonderful lemonades and carbonated drinks. Moreover, such drinks are suitable even for allergy sufferers.

Maple sap can also be used as a cosmetic product, in the form of a hair balm. This natural balm restores shine to hair and perfectly strengthens roots.

When and how to collect juice

To fully experience the benefits of this wonderful drink, you need to drink it fresh. To do this, with the first thawed patches you can go to extract maple sap. The period of sap flow begins with the first rays of the spring sun, when the temperature is above zero during the day and frosts are observed at night (from -4°C to +4°C). This process will continue for about a month until the buds begin to open on the maples. From this moment on, the healing moisture becomes bitter in taste and loses 50% of its healing properties. Within a week from the moment the foliage appears, the sap flow process stops.

To collect the best tasting maple sap, choose a strong young tree. Make sure that the buds on it are already swollen, but have not yet opened. Approximately 30–40 cm from the ground, make a hole in the trunk and drive a metal groove, literally 1.5–2 cm deep. The valuable liquid will flow through the groove into a container installed below. All you have to do is wait until the container is filled with juice. By the way, a good tree will produce 20–25 liters per day, and ideally even 30 liters of juice. And upon returning home, all that remains is to strain the juice, passing the life-giving moisture through several layers of gauze, and you can use it for health benefits.

Methods for storing maple sap

Maple syrup

In Canada, and here in Russia, a true delicacy is prepared from maple sap - maple syrup. The consistency of this product is very similar to honey, only with a specific taste and rich dark amber color. True, unlike maple sap, this product should be consumed with caution, especially for people who are overweight, because the calorie content of maple syrup is 260 kcal per 100 g of product.

Maple syrup is widely used in cooking. It is added to fruit salads and desserts, and used as a filling for pancakes, cheesecakes or pastries. In addition, this product is an ideal sugar substitute. Experienced chefs also use maple syrup to prepare original sauces and main courses.

To prepare maple syrup, you need to take maple sap, pour it into a deep saucepan and put it on medium heat to evaporate. Practice shows that 3 liters of juice will be ready in approximately 1.5 hours. Once all the excess liquid has evaporated, a thick, viscous amber-colored mass will remain at the bottom of the pan.

Canned juice

Considering that maple sap is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days, it is worth thinking about how to preserve this drink. One of the best preservation options is canning the drink. This is done simply: just heat the maple sap to 80°, pour it into prepared jars, sterilized in boiling water for at least 30 minutes, and seal with airtight lids. This product can be used throughout the year.

By the way, if desired, you can add sugar to the heated juice before rolling (no more than 100 g per 1 liter of liquid), and also put a slice of lemon or orange in each jar.

Maple kvass

As in the case of birch sap, this liquid produces wonderful maple kvass. To prepare it, take 10 liters of juice, put it on the fire and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. After removing from the heat and allowing the liquid to cool, you need to add 50 g of yeast to it and leave for four days in a dark place, covered with gauze. After the allotted time, the liquid must be poured into jars, closed with lids and allowed to brew for 30 days. The resulting kvass perfectly quenches thirst and helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Harm and contraindications of maple sap

Maple juice is an extremely healthy drink that has virtually no contraindications or restrictions on use. However, this product should be used with caution by people suffering from diabetes. In moderate quantities, it will benefit a “diabetic”, strengthening his immunity, but if you drink maple sap in glasses, you can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels.

The acceptable daily intake of this wonderful drink is 1 glass of juice. If you drink a canned product, it is better to limit yourself to 2-3 glasses per week.

In any case, knowing the benefits of this wonderful drink, you can always enjoy it and add it to the dishes you prepare, thereby supporting and strengthening your body.
Good health to you!

One of the most common trees in our region is the maple, but few people know that you can get juice from it, which serves not only as a refreshing drink, but also as a natural medicine. This article contains detailed information about what maple sap is - what it is useful for, how to consume, extract and store.

Composition of maple sap

Despite the fact that maple sap is 90% water, this miraculous product contains many substances that have a positive effect on the body and general condition of a person:

  • Vitamins of group B, C, PP, fat-soluble A and E;
  • Minerals - potassium salts (0.26%), calcium (0.07%), silicon oxide (0.02%), as well as iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and sodium;
  • Organic acids – malic (0.21%), citric (0.002%), acetic and fumaric;
  • Sucrose, the percentage of which varies depending on the conditions in which the tree grew. If the maple grows in conditions of good moisture, then the sugar in the sap will be much higher than that of a tree that grows in low humidity. Most often, the percentage of sugar in maple is between 2% and 3%;
  • Polyunsaturated acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Alkoloids, flavonoids, lipids, aldehydes.

The benefits of maple sap are also undeniable in the field of nutrition, because There are only 12 calories per 100 ml.

Effect on the body, beneficial properties and contraindications.

The chemical and biological composition of maple sap explains its beneficial effects on the body. Organic acids and minerals are especially highly valued.

  • Maple juice, the beneficial properties of which are aimed at improving the health of the body, will help strengthen the immune system and reduce the possibility of vitamin deficiency;
  • It is a prophylactic agent in the fight against varicose veins and heart diseases, prevents the formation of spider veins and blood clots, and cleanses the blood of toxins;
  • Used as a diuretic and as an additional source of nutrients for diseases of the urinary system;
  • Maple sap will be a good stimulant when you are low on energy – it perfectly saturates the body’s cells and gives a powerful boost of energy;
  • Acts as an antibiotic and has antimicrobial properties;
  • For various diseases of the gallbladder, juice can have a slight choleretic effect;
  • Slows down the development of severe pathologies, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

But no matter how beneficial maple sap is, contraindications there are still some to it :

  • Allergy sufferers and people with hypersensitivity need to be careful with this drink;
  • You should not collect sap from roadside maples or trees located near large industrial enterprises. It will be oversaturated with heavy metals, so it will obviously not be beneficial;
  • An interesting question for many is: lactation period Is maple sap good for you? Is it possible to drink it when pregnancy? The answer is yes, it is possible and, of course, useful. Just start taking the juice with a small amount, since there is always the possibility of an allergy or individual intolerance to maple sap. If the uterus has high tone, you should consult a doctor- this recommendation applies more to maple syrup, where the concentration of minerals (namely, potassium, responsible for toning muscles) is much higher than in maple sap.

Collecting maple sap.

When it has become clear what maple sap is, the benefits and harms have been explained in detail, it’s time to figure out how it is extracted.

The collection technology is no different from the extraction process. To do this you will need the following tools:

  • A special container (tuesque, glass jar or simple plastic bottle). Of course, a glass vessel would be preferable, and it is recommended to pour the juice from a plastic container as soon as possible;
  • A groove made of aluminum or plastic, or a tray made of birch bark, an ordinary cocktail tube;
  • A drill or special knife for cutting a hole.

On the north side of the tree, at an angle of 45 degrees, at a height of 40 cm from the ground level, in the direction from bottom to top, a hole of suitable diameter for a groove or tube is drilled to a depth of no more than 3 cm. A groove with a small diameter or tube is inserted into it and neatly driven inside.

Another method that reveals the secret - how to get maple sap, how to collect it without making mistakes and wasting your nerves -. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a small bunch of last year’s grass, clear it of debris, tie it with a rope and insert it into the hole made. After these manipulations, a collection container is placed under the juice drain.

During extraction, it is very important not to damage the tree. To do this, you don’t need to drill a hole too deep or try to drain all the juice from it. From serious mechanical interventions, the tree can dry out and die. In a day you can collect about 2 liters of juice from one maple tree. After collecting the juice, be sure to plug the holes with wooden choppers and cover them with clay, plasticine, and wax. When the chops swell, the juice will stop oozing. Treat nature with care and it will delight you with its gifts for many years.

Maple sap – when to collect?

Traditionally, the beginning of collecting sap from trees is considered to be early spring, or more specifically, the time when the buds have already swelled, but the first leaves have not yet appeared. Extraction of sap from maple begins 10 days earlier than from birch, and is limited to only a couple of weeks. After the buds open, the drink becomes less sweet and pleasant to the taste.

Storage and preservation of maple sap

After collection, the next stage begins, allowing you to save maple sap - conservation . This process is necessary in order to preserve the healthy drink for several months, because it is advisable to drink it fresh within a few days.

I would like to clarify the last, no less significant question about maple sap - how to preserve and not lose all the vitamins and minerals. The best way is freezing. In this case, all useful substances will remain safe and sound. For proper freezing, small special bags and containers for ice cubes are best suited. Thawed maple juice is consumed like regular fresh one, and in addition, ice cubes can be used to wipe the skin of the face and neck.

There is another method of canning - the method heating. To do this, freshly collected maple sap needs to be heated to 80 degrees and poured into pre-sterilized containers. After this, pasteurize the drink for another 30 minutes and roll up the containers with airtight lids. However, this method is not acceptable for raw foodists, because... loses many valuable substances as a result of heating, therefore The freezing method is the most optimal for preserving juice.

How to make maple syrup

It has already been said that maple sap is 90% water. To obtain syrup, this water must be evaporated by heating the juice in a deep container. As a result, a thick and viscous sweet mass is obtained, with a high content of potassium, calcium and iron. It is poured into jars and stored in a cool place or refrigerator.

It should be noted that maple syrup is not a raw product, it is heat-treated, and therefore is not raw food, although some sources of information about raw food recommend it for consumption as a sugar substitute. And there is some truth to this - maple syrup, in my opinion, is still healthier than sugar.