What to do to avoid getting drunk at a banquet. What to drink so as not to get drunk: folk methods, medicines and rules of the feast

What to do before starting an alcoholic feast in order to drink and not get drunk:

  1. A couple of days before the planned drinking session, you should start eating foods rich in iodine: seaweed, seafood, fatty fish, cereals, cheeses. Thanks to this menu, the body will develop enzymes that can process alcohol.
  2. A day before drinking alcohol, you need to take 2 aspirin tablets to activate the work of microsomal enzymes that break down alcohol.
  3. 2 hours before the start of an alcoholic marathon, you should drink 100 grams of vodka. This trick activates the liver’s work to remove toxins, so intoxication will not occur immediately, but after 2-3 hours.
  4. An hour left before the scheduled event? Take Anti-Hangmelin or Succinic Acid tablets according to the instructions given in the package insert. These drugs will not only help you drink and not get drunk, but also relieve a hangover.
  5. 30-40 minutes before drinking, eat 2-3 teaspoons of vegetable oil (butter will have no effect). It will coat the walls of the stomach, preventing alcohol from entering the blood. For some, after this method, intoxication will occur much later, while other “lucky” people will not have a hangover in the morning.

Tip: Be sure to have a hearty lunch or dinner before the upcoming feast. You can eat a piece of meat, a bowl of soup or porridge, a sandwich with sprats/smoked sausage. Fatty foods will help block the effects of alcohol, especially vodka.

Tips on how to stay sober longer during a feast:

  1. Before the event, drink a raw egg. When combined with alcoholic drinks, it forms a colloidal mixture in the stomach, which prevents rapid intoxication.
  2. Buy and drink only high-quality licensed alcohol. The less fusel oils and impurities in vodka or wine, the better, so carefully study the composition. If you are offered whiskey, vodka or cognac, drink vodka. Staying sober after homemade moonshine is almost impossible.
  3. Don’t smoke while drinking alcohol (even one cigarette can “hit” your head), move more, talk, get some fresh air.
  4. Wash down strong alcohol with drinks containing vitamin C. These are orange, grape and apple juice, rosehip decoction, kumiss.
  5. Snack on every drink you drink with foods containing pectin. This substance can neutralize toxins from alcohol. Jellied meat, jellied fish and poultry dishes, marmalade, and candied fruits are recommended for consumption.

Advice: Do not mix degrees and types of drinks, never drink vodka with soda, beer, or champagne.

Tips on how to quickly sober up after a feast using folk methods:

  1. The most effective method is to induce vomiting with two fingers into your mouth and then drink still water, strong coffee, or green tea. You can induce vomiting while drinking every hour, but you should not abuse it.
  2. Try to go to the toilet “big” after the holiday. This procedure will remove alcohol breakdown products from the body.
  3. Drink more liquids with lemon, tomato juice, rosehip decoction to enhance alcohol withdrawal. You can use cucumber pickle, kumiss, and strong tea to relieve hangover syndromes.
  4. Take an ice or contrast shower, get into a bath with cold water for 5 minutes. Then thoroughly rub your entire body with a towel.
  5. Go for a half-hour run or workout, then take a shower. After exercise, eat a bowl of borscht, oatmeal or scrambled eggs, and drink a couple of cups of coffee without sugar.

Many lovers of a noisy feast with drinks or snacks are especially interested in the main question of how to drink and not get drunk during a feast - medical advice on what to drink or eat versus alcohol in this case is especially relevant. The first step is to control the doses of alcohol consumed, but there are golden rules that will help avoid a painful hangover. It is especially important not to get drunk at a corporate party, so as not to ruin your own reputation and not to humiliate yourself in the eyes of your colleagues.

How to prepare for a feast

First of all, on the advice of knowledgeable experts, it is not recommended to drink on an empty stomach, otherwise you can get drunk after the first glass. Alternatively, the day before it is advisable to eat 2 - 3 hard-boiled eggs; treat yourself to a portion of rice porridge with a piece of butter. As an alternative, it wouldn’t hurt to drink 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. With such preparation, you should not be afraid of the intoxicating effect of a strong drink; you can safely drink and not get drunk for a long time.

What to take before drinking alcohol

It is recommended to drink 50 g of vodka on an empty stomach in order to prepare the liver for the upcoming load in this popular way. On the advice of doctors, it is advisable to do this 2–3 hours before the feast, subject to the obligatory condition that you will not have to drive a vehicle the next evening. Other time-tested ways to drink vodka without getting drunk are presented below:

  1. People who smoke before and during a feast quickly get drunk, and this truth must be remembered in practice (however, this can harm your own health).
  2. Before drinking alcoholic beverages, it would be useful to take enzymes orally in tablet form, for example, this could be the medical drug Mezim, Creon, Festal.

Tablets before drinking alcohol

In order to drink a lot and not get drunk, it is important to know which pills without a prescription and medical supervision can be taken the day before. This is an excellent way out of this situation if you have a noisy feast lasting several hours. Here are the commonly available medications we are talking about, and anti-intoxication pills act almost instantly:

  1. Activated carbon. In 2 hours you need to drink 5-6 tablets, and immediately before the feast, another 1-2 black pills must be crushed into powder and taken orally.
  2. Aspirin. The drug helps thin the blood and prevents the absorption of ethanol. If you take Aspirin before drinking, a person gets drunk more slowly, and the next morning he does not suffer from hangover symptoms.

What to eat

Having a hearty table and fatty snacks will help you avoid getting drunk from vodka. Lipids prevent the absorption of alcohol and the absorption of ethanol into the systemic bloodstream, which means that the drinker will remain sober for a long time. Other valuable nutritional tips are below:

  1. Having an addiction to lard, it is recommended to eat a couple of pieces on an empty stomach a couple of hours before the upcoming drinking session.
  2. 1 - 2 hours before taking a dose of alcohol, you can treat yourself to a sandwich with butter.

How to drink and not get drunk

You need to mix drinks wisely, otherwise during a feast you can get drunk after 2–3 glasses. Ideally, it is advisable to start the evening with one type of alcohol and end it with it. It is important to understand that alcohol of different strengths “in one glass” has a negative impact on sanity; according to doctors, it can cause symptoms of acute intoxication. On the advice of knowledgeable experts, during the feast, eat something fatty, and then you can drink and not get drunk. Here are valuable recommendations from doctors:

  1. You should not overuse cocktails, since their effect in an untrained body is difficult to predict.
  2. It is recommended to “increase the degree”, that is, drink alcohol with a stronger drink containing ethanol, for example, start with wine, and in the middle of the evening switch to vodka or cognac.
  3. You can drink alcohol during the feast, but for this you must use only non-carbonated drinks.


In order not to get drunk during a noisy feast, it is recommended to drink vodka pre-chilled, and take each glass in one gulp. But a hearty snack can neutralize the effect of ethanol in the body. Alternatively, it could be fatty pork or lamb, a sandwich with butter and herring. It is not prohibited to drink juice containing vitamin C.


In this case, it is advisable to stock up on fresh lemons as a pre-tox snack. After each toast, it doesn’t hurt to eat a slice, thereby maintaining a general state of sobriety. On the advice of doctors, this food ingredient can be safely used in combination with other alcoholic drinks of higher strength, so that you can drink without getting drunk.


This alcoholic drink, beloved by many women, should be chilled and sips should be taken in small, intermittent sips. On the advice of doctors, it is recommended to eat more in between toasts, with special emphasis on fatty foods or fruits with a high concentration of vitamin C. It is not advisable to drink wine with juice, since the bouquet of flavors of the wine is lost.


With keen interest in how to drink and not get drunk during a feast, medical advice places a special emphasis on cocktails. For example, many people prefer to deliberately mix vodka and beer, resulting in a swill with the simple name “Ruff”. This is an extremely undesirable combination, which the very next morning provokes acute hangover attacks in a person - migraines, nausea and vomiting. It is also undesirable to drink beer with other types of alcohol; it is better to eat it with salted fish or nuts.

How not to get drunk during a feast

On the advice of professional doctors, in order to drink and not get drunk, you need to eat more during a feast, while giving preference to fatty and fried foods. You can skip a few toasts if you feel like they came too soon, prematurely. To drink and not get drunk, the following food ingredients are especially in demand:

  • vegetable oil, butter;
  • fresh lard;
  • fish fat;
  • citrus fruit;
  • any fatty snack.

Have you ever noticed, when you were at any celebration, wedding or birthday, that there are people who seem to drink vodka the same way, but they get drunk on water differently. For some, only a couple of glasses are enough to get drunk, while others, having drunk almost a bottle, remain quite adequate, and you can’t tell that the person drank at all. There are many factors that influence the degree of intoxication: the strength of the drink, the amount drunk, snacks, a person’s weight and other individual characteristics. But despite this, there are a number of simple recommendations on how to drink vodka correctly and not get drunk.

Preparing the body for drinking

And so, we found out that today we have to drink a lot and in order not to drop out of the game ahead of time, and not to fall face down in the dirt, but to go the whole way with dignity, so that your friends don’t have to drag you home, you need to properly prepare your body so that don't get drunk.

To do this, we first need, as people say, to start the liver, a couple of hours before the feast we need to drink a glass of vodka, not a lot, just 50 ml is enough. With this simple action, the body will begin to produce enzymes in advance that block and remove alcohol from the blood.

That's it, now our body is ready, now in order not to quickly get drunk from vodka, we need to prepare our stomach. To do this, a few hours before the feast, you need to eat something fatty; a sandwich with butter is traditionally suitable. This will not help you overcome the effects of alcohol, but it will protect you from sudden entry into the blood. Fat will cover the walls of the stomach with a thin film, so alcohol will be absorbed much more slowly than usual. As a result, you will maintain yourself in a cheerful mood all evening, as intoxication will occur gradually.

If we don’t want to get drunk at all, and neutralize the effect of alcohol as much as possible, then we need to drink several tablets of activated charcoal before sitting down at the table, with the calculation of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

By using all these preparatory methods in combination, you can hold out longer than anyone else, there is no doubt about it.

How to drink correctly

Getting ready for drinking is half the battle; you also need to know how to drink properly. First, let's discuss the temperature of the vodka, it should be cold and sit in the refrigerator for about 2-3 minutes before the feast. It is dangerous to drink vodka from the freezer, because if it has lain there long enough, the water around the edges will begin to freeze, and very strong alcohol will pour into your glass, which will make you much more intoxicated.

It is better to drink in doses of 50 ml, in one gulp. Inhaling and exhaling deeply while drinking also plays a role; it helps get rid of evaporated alcohol. You cannot hold the drink in your mouth, since alcohol begins to be absorbed by the blood from the moment it enters the oral cavity.

As for snacks, you need to start with hot and hearty dishes, then gradually move towards cold ones. It is better not to drink vodka with carbonated drinks, because carbon dioxide affects the walls of the stomach, as a result of which alcohol is absorbed faster and, as a result, you get drunk. Various juices, especially citrus fruits, or compotes are perfect to wash down.

From personal experience, I will say that at all events, I try to snack on vodka with lemon or orange, as for me this is an ideal option, it helps to quickly get rid of the taste of vodka and, as you know, citrus juice helps neutralize alcohol in the blood.

There is a break of about 3 minutes between the first and second, and after the third, if possible, you need to get up from the table a little and walk to get some fresh air for about 15 minutes. In the cold season, you don’t need to go outside, this can speed up the process of intoxication. A little physical activity like dancing can help you sober up a little, so don't be lazy.

You've probably all heard that you can't lower the temperature, so if you don't want to get drunk, under no circumstances should you mix vodka with other low-alcohol drinks.

As soon as vodka becomes difficult to swallow, and you get the impression that it no longer “fits,” then you don’t need to force yourself, each person has his own norm and this means that you have already achieved it.


The next day, to combat the consequences, it is better to drink brine, mineral water, walk in the fresh air, take a shower and sip some broth. Drinking alcohol is highly discouraged - this is a sure way to go into a long binge.

If we summarize all of the above, then in order not to get drunk from vodka we need:

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural here, just by adhering to simple recommendations you can withstand any drinking session with dignity.

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Holidays are unthinkable without alcohol, but there are drugs and pills against intoxication that allow you to stay sober and experience a minimum of discomfort the next morning. Let's look at how not to get drunk from alcohol and prevent discomfort the morning after a feast.

Before drinking alcohol

There are medications, as well as other folk methods and remedies that can prepare the body for the upcoming holidays. Let's look at how to drink a lot of alcohol and not get drunk.

How to drink and not get drunk: tips

Medicines to prepare the body

Anti-alcohol pills will also help maintain clarity of consciousness and reduce the effects of alcohol when drinking heavily.

This is the simplest and most affordable product that has known absorbent properties. The drug has almost no contraindications. The tablets have large pore areas, which allows them to effectively absorb ethyl alcohol molecules, as well as other types of toxic substances. It is necessary to take activated carbon before the start of the feast at the rate of 1 tablet per 20 kg of person’s weight.

If the holidays last until late at night, it is worth taking the drug additionally between alcohol intakes and after finishing the feast, so as not to experience a deterioration in the condition in the future.

Take activated charcoal before the start of the feast.


The product normalizes metabolic processes, stabilizes the condition of cell membranes, and removes toxins. The main substance is arginine glutamate. The tablets bind ammonia and remove it, transforming it from a toxic form to a non-toxic one. Their use normalizes the condition of liver cells and prevents the effects of free radicals, and has an effect on neurotransmitter endings.

People who used glutargin noted that a large dose of the drug is needed to level out heavy doses of alcohol. But experts do not recommend using more than 8 g of product per day.


The anti-intoxication tablets in question regulate tissue metabolism, have antioxidant and antihypoxic effects, increase redox reactions and the secretion of gastric juice, improve appetite and performance. They are useful in case of a hangover, in the form of prevention and treatment of alcohol addiction.

succinic acid

The drug promotes the oxidation and processing of elements beneficial to the body, releases metabolic products, fills cells with oxygen, increases productivity, and also prevents viral and oncological diseases, diabetes. The product is consumed before or after alcohol, 1-2 capsules, which relieves hangover or helps prevent it.


This remedy is used for advanced alcoholism, as well as for hangovers. If a person takes two tablets before a meal, he will remain sober much longer, provided that the doses of alcohol consumed are moderate. It is important to follow the indicated dose, otherwise sleep problems, anxiety, nervousness and irritability may occur.


This paste for intoxication before drinking alcohol, which must be taken orally, has the effect of drawing out toxins and then removing these substances from the body. An adult needs to consume 1 tbsp. spoon before the holiday and the same amount after it.


This product actively absorbs poisons, toxins, harmful microorganisms, as well as ethyl alcohol. It is sold in powder form. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of the product should be stirred in warm boiled water (a third of a glass) and the infusion should be consumed internally.


The peculiarity of the drug is that it is not absorbed in the intestines and does not cause any harm to its walls. The product is withdrawn in its original form within 24 hours. It effectively absorbs a large number of molecules of toxic substances.

Let's look at how to avoid getting drunk from alcohol during feasts without using medications.

  1. For 2-3 days, you should rely on iodine-containing foods - iodized salt, seafood, champignons, eggs, processed cheeses. The body will produce a hormone in large quantities that promotes more intense oxidation of alcohol.
  2. The day before the holidays, you need to take aspirin or a similar medicine (0.5 g) so that microsomal enzymes begin to be produced.
  3. A couple of hours before drinking alcohol, you need to take 2 and a half tablets of Glutargin, which speed up the removal of breakdown products of alcoholic beverages.
  4. 1-2 hours before the holiday you should drink 100 g of vodka. As a result, active production of enzymes that process alcohol will begin, and intoxication will occur much later. You also need to take succinic acid an hour and a half in advance - the tablets will speed up metabolic processes.
  5. 30 minutes before drinking alcohol, you need to consume a couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil, which covers the walls of the stomach with a film, which makes the process of absorption of fusel oils slower. As a result, you can drink alcohol and not get drunk.

There are folk methods and recipes against hangovers. Before the feast, you must perform one or more actions:

  • drink a cup of strong brewed coffee, adding a slice of lemon to it;
  • drink strong tea (black or mint green) before alcohol;
  • eat butter (a small piece of 50 g);
  • drink a glass of milk;
  • eat a bowl of any porridge (oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat);
  • take vitamins;
  • eat a piece of lard;
  • eat cheese cream (10 g butter, 20 g sour cream, 4 g grated cheese, 1 g salt, 1 g white pepper, a little lemon juice and parsley - add sour cream, mix the ingredients thoroughly and eat, maybe with bread);
  • drink orange juice with honey and lemon.

How to get drunk more slowly during a feast

Let's look at how to drink alcohol while staying sober for a long time.

  1. It is recommended to have something to eat before you start drinking. You should not drink on an empty stomach - this will help you not get drunk quickly. It is useful to eat cheese, milk and flour products - all this protects the small intestines and stomach from the aggressive effects of alcohol. You need to snack generously and indulge in dishes such as meat, potatoes, lard, pickled cucumbers, and lemon.
  2. It is worth giving up cigarettes during feasts. It is useful to go outside as often as possible, breathe clean fresh air or ventilate the room, even in cold winter weather.
  3. You should not drink alcohol with sweet carbonated water - only simple mineral water and citrus juice are acceptable. Vitamin C, salts and minerals contained in them prepare the body to fight ethanol.
  4. You should not experiment with mixing drinks - this only speeds up the onset of intoxication.
  5. It is necessary to start with those drinks that have the lowest degree, gradually increasing it.
  6. It is necessary to purchase only high-quality alcohol, which contains little fusel oils and impurities, as they contribute to alcohol poisoning and a severe hangover later.
  7. If you feel that you have exceeded your permitted dose of alcohol, prepare lemon juice, add a couple of spoons of sugar and drink. The ascorbic acid contained in lemon neutralizes the toxic effects.

Actions after the feast

  • To sober up faster, you need to go to bed, first going to the toilet.
  • Ventilating the room helps, as fresh air helps a person sober up.
  • Bath procedures are excellent for helping with hangovers. The bath promotes abundant sweating, which removes many toxins. However, you should not use a steam bath, otherwise the cardiovascular system will experience high stress. A warm shower will also be effective.
  • During the first couple of hours of a hangover, you need to drink as much clean water as possible. You should rely on diuretics - strong coffee, tea. At the same time, sweet and strong coffee can restore concentration, relieve the unpleasant smell of fumes, and invigorate. It is useful to dissolve baking soda (about 4 g) in a glass and drink.
  • You need a hearty breakfast consisting of potatoes, vegetables, lean meat, and dairy products. It is recommended to use honey instead of sugar.

Eating breakfast in the morning will help with a hangover

  • You can prepare and drink an anti-hangover “cocktail” before bed: activated carbon (about 7 tablets), noshpa (2 tablets), aspirin (1 tablet).
  • What to do if a person drinks himself into a state of insanity? You need to take a glass of cold water, add ammonia to it (about 5 drops) and drink it internally. The product brings a short but effective sobering effect.
  • You can place the intoxicated person’s hands on the ears and quickly rub them. After about a couple of minutes, the blood will flow to the head and the person will regain consciousness. However, this method also does not last long.
  • Juice from oranges, tomatoes or apples have an excellent sobering effect. Yogurt can boast of this too.
  • Pouring ice water will instantly bring you back to your senses. It is necessary to water the back of the head so that the liquid flows down the spine.

There is still a myth that a new portion of alcohol helps you recover from a hangover, but this method of bringing yourself to consciousness causes harm to the body, although it forces it to deceive and switch.

The best remedy for a hangover is to prepare for the holidays, monitor the doses consumed during the feast, and then help your body eliminate harmful substances faster.

←Previous article Next article → hardly anyone will refuse. And you need to keep yourself in shape. Therefore, some simple tips will tell you how not to get drunk after the first drink.

Tip 1. Before the table.
For a stormy feast, you need to prepare significantly. Simple methods will help with this.

Before the start of the holiday, do not deny yourself...water! Drink plenty and often.

It wouldn't hurt to eat. Moreover, the more satisfying, the better. The food must be complete - a snack is not enough. You can view a map of catering outlets in the city in our catalogue.

A few hours, about 2-3 before the feast, a little alcohol will not hurt - so that the body gets used to it.

Before you start drinking alcohol, it is a good idea to swallow a small piece of butter or lard, a raw egg, and a little fatty cheese. If you don’t eat all this, limit yourself to oatmeal. “Why is this there?” - you ask. We answer: these products instantly coat the walls of the stomach, and this slows down the rate of absorption of the drink by degrees. But don’t forget: some alcohol still penetrates into the blood.

Take a few tablets of activated carbon. About an hour before the feast. For greater confidence and effective results, the procedure can be repeated during the evening. Ideally, 1-2 tablets every two to three hours.

Tip 2. Table.
Having finally sat down at the table with treats, first of all put fatty foods into your stomach and only then lean on alcohol. Don't forget to have a snack after every glass you drink.

Tip 3. Table.
Drink little and as little as possible. If possible, skip it.

Tip 4. Emergency measures.
During the feast, did you feel uneasy from alcohol? Ask your hosts to get you freshly squeezed lemon juice, or just eat some lemon.

Tip 5: Be consistent.
Drink one drink throughout the evening. Mixing everything on the table is known to lead to global intoxication. Will also fit .

Tip 6. No - soda!
Try not to drink carbonated drinks with alcohol. Their bubbles accelerate the absorption of alcohol into the blood. And if it’s difficult to give up champagne - you really like it - use a trick: to eliminate bubbles, throw a small piece of chocolate into the glass - this delicacy fights bubbles.

Tip 7. Eat more lemons, oranges or strawberries - whatever you find on the table. These fruits contain B vitamins, namely B1 and B6, which slow down intoxication.

Tip 8. No smoking!
Try not to smoke. The advice, of course, is difficult to implement; after a glass of alcohol, even non-smokers often pick up cigarettes. At the very least, smoke little and rarely.

Tip 9.
It is better not to combine alcohol and medications. If taking pills cannot be avoided, then take the pill no later than three hours or the same time after the feast. It’s better, of course, to find out in advance: perhaps your medications are completely incompatible with alcohol. This happens often.

Tip 10. Don’t compete or chase your neighbor
. If you are offered a competition, do not give in. You can’t drink too much of it, and you’ll feel bad in the morning. Therefore, feel the measure and listen to your body.

Tip 11. Undoubtedly, there should be high-quality alcoholic drinks on the table. Not necessarily elite and expensive, but proven. If you doubt the quality of alcohol, it is better to refuse it.

Tip 12.
Without a doubt, the best way to avoid getting drunk is to not drink at all! But for the owners, you must present a compelling argument for such a decision!

First aid, or if you still have a little too much to drink!

If in the midst of a feast you suddenly feel unwell, force yourself to drink a glass of cognac. After this “medicine”, abstain from alcohol for about forty minutes.

A recipe for instant sobering up is mint tincture. It won't hurt if you take a bottle with you to the holiday. To use, drop 20 drops into a glass of water, preferably cool. If you don’t have mint tincture on hand, find ammonia in any medicine cabinet - 5-6 drops per glass of cold water. Try to drink everything in one go.

If there is absolutely nothing nearby, quickly and intensively rub the ears of the intoxicated person. This procedure should bring the victim to his senses.

Be sober and don’t overindulge during the holidays - and you will have fun and lightness in the morning!