The best way to store cottage cheese. Terms and conditions for storing cottage cheese in the refrigerator and freezer

  • Shelf life: 4 days
  • Best before date: 4 days
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 4 days
  • Freezer life: 14 days
Storage conditions:
In the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +6 °C

Delicate and healthy cottage cheese is a fermented milk product that is produced using fresh milk and special lactic bacteria. Cottage cheese is absolutely indispensable for various diets and when you want to keep your body in good shape. Thanks to the excellent ratio of proteins, mineral salts, fats and essential vitamins, cottage cheese is a valuable product for human health. Therefore, cottage cheese is often recommended to be consumed by both sick people and completely healthy people.

It is known that historical references mentioned cottage cheese back in Ancient Rome.

In Rus', cottage cheese was known as. This is how the “” dish appeared, which is prepared from cottage cheese.

In those days, cottage cheese was made at home, as it was a daily favorite delicacy among peasants. poured into a clay container and sent to a warm oven. Then the contents were poured into a fabric bag and decanted, and the cottage cheese was placed under a press.

Homemade cottage cheese did not have a long shelf life. Then the Slavs tried to figure out how to keep it fresh for a long time. This is how a method of preservation appeared - the pressed cottage cheese was again sent to the oven, and then again under the press. Such manipulations were carried out 2-3 times. As a result, the cottage cheese turned out dry, then it was transferred into containers and filled with melted milk. In cold cellars, the cottage cheese remained fresh for several months.

Characteristics of cottage cheese

The production of cottage cheese and its main characteristics are regulated by GOST 31453-2013 “Cottage cheese. Technical conditions". Based on this, the finished product must meet the following requirements:

Benefits of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is easily absorbed by the body and contains from 13 to 19% balanced proteins. It is also rich in various vitamins and amino acids, fluorine, copper, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, iron and folic acid, which is necessary for pregnant women and girls planning pregnancy.

Cottage cheese reduces cholesterol and fat deposits in the body. It is necessary to consume cottage cheese for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and gastrointestinal tract.

Harm of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is contraindicated for people with kidney problems. It is not recommended to use this product for people with individual intolerance to its components.

High-fat cottage cheese increases cholesterol levels and can lead to obesity.

Storing cottage cheese

To determine the shelf life of cottage cheese, you need to know its types. Full-fat cottage cheese is made from selected whole cottage cheese, and the fat content is at least 18%. Half-fat cottage cheese consists of both skim and whole milk with 9% fat content. But low-fat cottage cheese is made from freshly skimmed skim milk. Moreover, low-fat cottage cheese is considered the most easily digestible, as it contains mainly nutritious milk proteins.

It is important to understand that the shelf life of cottage cheese is extremely short. Cottage cheese is a highly perishable product that is not recommended to be stored for a long time. Gradually it loses its taste, becoming bitter. This is due to the constant process of bacterial activity, as well as the activity of microflora and enzymes. Even packaging material seriously affects the shelf life of cottage cheese. In this regard, proper storage of this product will help get rid of unexpected problems.

To determine more accurate shelf life for cottage cheese, it is necessary to remember that high-fat cottage cheese will deteriorate faster, unlike low-fat varieties.

Shelf life of cottage cheese in the refrigerator

In those days when there were no refrigerators, the cottage cheese was wrapped in a white, clean cloth pre-moistened in water, and then placed in a dry and cool place where the air temperature did not rise above +15 degrees. Now fresh cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator 2 days. The main thing is that the temperature does not rise above +8 degrees.

Temperature changes negatively affect the quality and characteristics of the product. The optimal temperature for storing cottage cheese is the range from +2 to +6 °C.

If the refrigerator is powerful and cools the food strongly, then the shelf life of the cottage cheese increases to 4 days. Also an excellent solution would be to place the cottage cheese on the shelf under the freezer.

Before placing the cottage cheese in the refrigerator, it must be wrapped in parchment or foil. You can also try placing the cottage cheese in an enamel container with a tight-fitting lid. It is also recommended to place several pieces of sugar in such a container along with the cottage cheese. Then the maximum shelf life of the cottage cheese in the refrigerator will be reached. Cottage cheese that has been stored longer 1 day, it is best to heat treat and use for dumplings, casseroles, cheesecakes, etc.

Shelf life of cottage cheese in the freezer

Cottage cheese lasts the longest in the freezer. But first it should be placed in a glass or enamel container. Substantial freezing at -35 degrees ensures a shelf life of about 1-2 months. Such frozen cottage cheese retains its valuable and beneficial properties, but before direct use it, of course, needs to be thawed. If the temperature in the freezer is -18 degrees, then the cottage cheese can be stored 2 weeks.

Shelf life of cottage cheese in vacuum packaging

Among the various packaging, vacuum packaging stands out, which allows the cottage cheese to remain fresh for a long time. In vacuum packaging, the shelf life of cottage cheese is about 30 days. This is much more than in regular paper packaging.

Shelf life of cottage cheese at room temperature

At home, the shelf life of cottage cheese is significantly reduced. The maximum permissible shelf life at room temperature reaches 4-5 hours. If cottage cheese is placed near heating devices, its freshness will be no more than 2 hours.

Cottage cheese is an integral product of our diet. It is rich in calcium and protein, helps digestion and keeps you feeling full for a long time. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy fresh farm cottage cheese for breakfast every day. Fortunately, thanks to such a miracle of technology as a freezer, you can purchase a large batch of the product and keep the cottage cheese tasty and healthy for a long time.


It is strongly recommended to freeze only homemade cottage cheese, that is, not made in a factory with the addition of preservatives and stabilizers, but pure in composition. Ideally, it should be grainy and have a pleasant sweetish-sourish fresh aroma. Store-bought cottage cheese, which has a paste-like consistency, should not be frozen.

For containers for long-term storage of the product, choose plastic or ceramic containers with tight-fitting lids. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to freeze cottage cheese in cellophane. The answer is no. In bags, the cottage cheese will acquire an unappetizing gray color and a musty smell. It is better to use containers, since a necessary condition for keeping the cottage cheese fresh and healthy is tightness. But do not fill them to the very top, leave about 2 cm in reserve. During freezing, the cottage cheese, or more precisely, the whey contained in it, will increase in volume and fill the entire space. A little advice from experienced cooks: freeze cottage cheese in small portions. This will make it much easier for you to work with it later.

The most suitable for freezing is homemade cottage cheese with a grainy consistency and a sweetish-sour fresh aroma.

It is necessary to freeze cottage cheese in fast freezing mode, that is, at a temperature of –30 °C. For quality freezing, 4–6 hours will be enough. After this, store the semi-finished product you prepared at a temperature of –18 °C.

If you wish, you can freeze not the cottage cheese separately, but immediately ready-made dishes with it and from it, for example, dumplings, cheesecakes, pancakes or casseroles. Freezing in this case is no different from that described above: first deep freezing at a low temperature, and then storing under normal freezer conditions.


The cottage cheese should be defrosted slowly. Remove the container from the freezer and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10–12 hours. Wait until the product is completely defrosted, and only then can you eat it. If you want to use cottage cheese to prepare some dish in a slow cooker, you can defrost it in it at a temperature of +20 °C.

After defrosting the cottage cheese, it is advisable to squeeze it out a little. Curd liquid is not nutritious whey, but waste containing particles of a dairy product. It's better to get rid of it right away. Thawed cottage cheese can be stored for no more than 2 days. Repeated freezing is strictly prohibited: numerous sudden temperature changes negatively affect the quality properties of the product.

Shelf life

Freshly purchased farm cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days; a factory-made product will last a little longer - from 5 days to a week. If you want to use the cottage cheese even later, it is better to freeze it. In home freezers, this fermented milk product can be stored for up to 2 months; in industrial units, the period increases to six months.

Freezing cottage cheese is not an innovation or some unusual procedure. In some countries, for example, Belarus and Poland, this practice has existed for decades. The fact is that in winter in these territories the volume of milk production decreases, due to which dairy products become significantly more expensive. In order not to overpay, wise housewives stock up on cottage cheese in advance and patiently wait for prices to drop.

Is it possible to freeze cottage cheese? Of course it is possible and even necessary. With such a semi-finished product, you will never have problems preparing breakfast or healthy dessert for the whole family. The main thing is to follow the rules of freezing and thawing and use suitable containers.

How long does cottage cheese last in the refrigerator and how to properly preserve it? This fermented milk product is used both as an independent dish and as the main ingredient for all kinds of baked goods or dietary snacks. Natural cottage cheese is nutritious, rich in vitamins and nutrients, but if storage conditions are violated, it deteriorates very quickly, loses all its valuable qualities and can even cause food poisoning.

General storage rules

First of all, it is important to consider that storing cottage cheese requires the following conditions:

  • temperature not higher than +15 °C,
  • relative humidity no more than 85%,
  • lack of light.

Manufacturers usually indicate expiration dates for cottage cheese on the packaging, which may vary in duration depending on the quality of the product, its fat content and packaging method.

According to GOST, it is allowed to store cottage cheese in the refrigerator at a temperature from +2 to +6 ˚C for five days, but this does not mean that on the fifth day it can be consumed without heat treatment.

If the product is purchased by weight and you are confident in its freshness, it is safe to consume it in its pure form in the first two days. Then it is better to use it for the production of homemade curd products, which should also be kept in the cold for no longer than three to five days.

Storage methods

The shelf life of cottage cheese in the refrigerator directly depends not only on the temperature, but also on the container. Let's look at a few of the most popular options.

Vacuum packaging

The absence of oxygen significantly slows down the process of spoilage of almost any product. In factory vacuum packaging in the refrigerator, cottage cheese can be stored for up to a month from the production date, so when purchasing, you need to carefully study the information on the label in order to choose the freshest possible product.

You can independently increase the shelf life of loose cottage cheese by dividing it into several portions and packing it in vacuum bags. In this form, the product is stored for one and a half weeks if it is on a shelf located near the freezer. In such a place the temperature usually ranges from 0 to +2 ˚C.

Important: if you open a vacuum package with cottage cheese, then consume it without heat treatment, preferably on the same day, or at least the next.


It is convenient to store cottage cheese in a container, if it is an enamel, glass (or clay, glazed) bowl with a lid. There are several options here:

  1. Pour a layer of table salt onto the bottom of the container and press the curd on top of it, cover tightly with a piece of cotton cloth and carefully tuck its edges. You need to put oppression on top. The product will keep in this form for three to five days if you place it on the coldest shelf.
  2. Crumble the cottage cheese into smaller pieces in a bowl and put a few pieces of refined sugar on top, which will absorb excess moisture and prevent the appearance of a musty smell. Close the container with a lid and place in the cold. The product will be usable in its pure form for two to four days, after which it can be used to prepare filling for dumplings or dough for cottage cheese bagels.


For many decades, having their own households, people in villages did without refrigerators and freezers and were able to keep a large amount of supplies fresh. Cottage cheese, for example, was wrapped in a rag and put into the underground or “glacier”. The temperature in such storage facilities did not rise above +15 °C, and the natural product did not deteriorate for four to five days.

Today you can use a similar method by wrapping the curd ball tightly in a clean waffle towel before putting it in the refrigerator. The fabric will absorb and remove excess moisture and will not allow the curd mass to dry out and become crusty.

Attention: do not place the breathable package next to strong-smelling products, so as not to get cottage cheese with the aroma of smoked sausage or fish after a few hours.

If there is very little space on the shelves, the option with foil is suitable. You can also hide a fermented milk product in this material, wrapping it as tightly as possible.

Parchment paper is used in the same way. How long the cottage cheese will last in a homemade wrapper will depend on the degree of its initial freshness; if it is impeccable, then at zero temperature (or slightly higher) it will not deteriorate in three to five days.

Storing purchased homemade cottage cheese

It is impossible to find out with 100% accuracy what the shelf life of homemade cottage cheese purchased from a familiar milkmaid or at the market is, but the taste of this fresh product is most often significantly superior to its factory-produced counterparts.

If you bought such cottage cheese, it would be nice to have time to eat it on the day of purchase, and from the leftovers make semi-finished products for subsequent freezing (dumplings, cheesecakes, dough) or immediately use them for baking.

Without absolute confidence in the date of its manufacture announced by the seller, it is better not to risk trying to save the product for several days in advance.

How should you not store the product?

The shelf life of cottage cheese in the refrigerator will be sharply reduced under the following conditions:

  • if you place it on a shelf in a plastic bag: inside such a package there is air, which accelerates oxidative processes, and condensation also accumulates, which leads to rapid spoilage;
  • if you leave a metal spoon in a bowl with cottage cheese (it will quickly oxidize and ruin the entire stock);
  • If the container for storing the product is not covered, the product will become covered with an unsightly yellow crust and will be saturated with foreign odors.

Signs of damage

It is very simple to determine that the cottage cheese is spoiled: a characteristic musty or sour odor appears, the surface may become slippery to the touch, and bitterness appears in the taste. This product should not be eaten under any circumstances; it must be disposed of.

Cottage cheese appeared many centuries ago. People who cared for buffaloes and cows began to pay attention to the process of milk souring, eventually noticing the formation of a product that many people on the planet love today. But even in the modern world, when cottage cheese is produced in factories, it still remains a product that quickly deteriorates. When producing cottage cheese in factories, preservatives are added to the curd mass - this is necessary so that it can be preserved for at least a few days. The packaging of a quality product must have an end date for sale in grocery stores. But such cottage cheese cannot be stored for a long time even at home, since it is a living product with constant fermentation processes. Because of this, the temperature and storage time for the useful product make it possible to store cottage cheese for a long time without causing it to spoil.

How long should cottage cheese be stored?

When buying cottage cheese in a supermarket, you need to know important points. First of all, the original packaging is removed, and then the cottage cheese is transferred to a bowl with a lid. It is necessary to choose dishes made of enamel or plastic. Only in this case will it be possible to store the cottage cheese in the refrigerator, and it will not spoil within 48 hours. There is also another advantage that allows you to preserve the cottage cheese for four days - a section that keeps the temperature at +8 degrees. In order to preserve cottage cheese for a longer period, you can first keep it in the freezer and then put it in the refrigerator on a shelf, the temperature should be no more than +1 degree. This will keep the cottage cheese fresh for about a week.

Many people are interested in the question of how to properly store cottage cheese in the freezer. It is important to know that the product must be kept in a chamber at a temperature of -30 degrees, which will allow it to be stored for up to 14 days. But in order to be able to consume such cottage cheese as food, it must be removed from the freezer and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours before cooking. If you use cottage cheese to prepare any products, you can simply leave it in the container for five hours. It will no longer be possible to take such a product directly.

It is important to note that defrosted cottage cheese does not require cooking. It is possible to use it for food immediately after it has been thawed.

Cottage cheese is a quickly perishable delicate product

It is not recommended to store cottage cheese for a long time, since over time its taste will deteriorate and the taste of bitterness will immediately become noticeable. The reason for this is the constant vital activity of the product and the content of starter microflora in it. If foreign microflora appears in the cottage cheese, the correct temperature conditions are not maintained, and the packaging material is of poor quality, this will lead to spoilage of the product. Only with proper storage of cottage cheese will you be able to avoid problems. And besides, you can safely enjoy the wonderful taste of this healthy ingredient.

Instructions for proper storage of cottage cheese

Once upon a time, when people did not yet know about refrigerators, they needed to come up with a way to store cottage cheese. For this purpose, it was invented to wrap the cottage cheese in a clean white cloth, which was previously moistened with cold water. After this, the product was placed in a cold place where the temperature did not exceed 15 degrees.

There is also another method for preserving cottage cheese: wrap it in foil or parchment paper, place it in an enamel bowl and close the lid tightly. Most people are confident that if they put a few pieces of sugar in a bowl, they will be able to preserve this delicate product longer.

We must not forget that cottage cheese that has been stored in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours must be subjected to heat treatment. If the cottage cheese is no longer fresh enough, then you do not need to consume it directly. There are many recipes that allow you to prepare delicious dishes from it, for example, cheesecakes, casseroles or dumplings.

It is necessary to take note that products that include cottage cheese, even in the freezer, should not be stored for more than 96 hours, as this will lead to spoilage. Such products are pancakes, cheesecakes, dumplings, donuts, casseroles, prepared at home. This also applies to semi-finished products that are purchased in stores.

We have looked at many ways to properly store cottage cheese, and you just have to choose the simplest and most convenient one for yourself.

Homemade dairy products spoil quickly and sometimes even in the refrigerator it is not possible to keep them fresh. Why this happens and how long you can store cottage cheese in the refrigerator - let's figure it out.

Why can cottage cheese go bad?

When purchasing cottage cheese, keep in mind that the fresh product always has a snow-white hue, a crumbly structure without mucus, a neutral smell and taste without acid.

A number of factors influence how long homemade cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator. More details about this in the table:

Photo Description

Factor 1. Terms and method of receipt

If the product is purchased, then pay attention to the label and find the packaging date there - the fresher the cottage cheese, the longer it can be stored.

If the cottage cheese is homemade, be sure to ask the manufacturer when it was made. And again, consider the principle: “the fresher, the longer.”

Factor 2. Temperature

Like any fermented milk product, cottage cheese is the result of the work of bacteria that require heat and moisture to function. This process can be slowed down by lowering the temperature.

The lower the temperature, the longer the product retains its beneficial properties.

Factor 3. Humidity

The reason for the effect of moisture on the product is the same as temperature - the proliferation of bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to properly regulate air humidity - medium (30–45%) is ideal for cottage cheese.

Method 1. Natural conditions

There is one more nuance that affects the storage time - what is the best way to store the fermented milk product. The freshness period depends on the packaging.

You can extend the shelf life of the curd mass by a couple of days with your own hands - add a couple of pieces of sugar to the container. Refined sugar will absorb excess moisture

The most common method of storing cottage cheese is keeping it open:

Photo Instructions

Method 1. In a container

Best before date: 2–3 days

This method of storing cottage cheese is suitable for large families and those who quickly consume a healthy product.

Method 2. In the package

Best before date: 1–1.5 days

The fact is that cellophane does not allow moisture and air to pass through, and therefore conditions are created inside in which the curd mass “sweats” and deteriorates.

Method 3. In an enamel bowl

Best before date: 4–5 days

Such dishes absorb coolness well and transfer it to the product. It is best when the cottage cheese is stored not open - cover the pan with a lid and the plate with another plate, then the mass will not dry out.

Method 2: Freezer

If you purchase fermented milk products in large quantities, then you are probably interested;

  1. Is it possible to freeze curd mass?
  2. If so, how long can cottage cheese be stored?

Any fermented milk and dairy product can be frozen, including cottage cheese.

At temperatures below -35 °C, metabolism not only slows down, but practically stops. Under such conditions, the shelf life of the product increases to three weeks.

But keep in mind that freezing homemade cottage cheese has one significant drawback - it loses some of its beneficial properties due to temperature changes.

Defrosting rules:

  1. Remove the cottage cheese from the freezer.
  2. Place the mixture in a bowl and cover with a lid.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for 10–12 hours.
  4. Taste before use. If it turns sour, it means that mistakes were made during freezing and thawing and the product has spoiled.

You can defrost the product without a refrigerator - at room temperature. 4–5 hours are enough for this, but the product will lose its original graininess.

Method 3. Airless space

For those who like to stock up ahead of time, cottage cheese manufacturers have come up with a clever way - selling it in vacuum packaging. In this form, a favorable atmosphere with low humidity is created in the container.

The safe shelf life of such a product before opening is considered to be 14 days, but some manufacturers claim that their product can be stored for up to three weeks. After opening the package, the curd mass is saturated with oxygen, and therefore should be consumed within 3 days.


Now you know how much and how to store cottage cheese in the refrigerator. If you have any questions or additions, write - I will be glad to help in the comments.