Evalar cleansing tea. Tea Evalar Bio: an effective remedy for cleansing the body

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Now many people are switching to herbal teas, which benefit the body and help cope with certain diseases. For such purposes, Evalar Bio tea began to be produced. This product appeared quite recently, but immediately became popular among consumers. Other tea producers also became interested in it.

About the Evalar brand

In the early nineties, two women founded a company in the Altai region. The brand name comes from two manufacturers' names. At first the company specialized in the production of chewing gum, then produced cosmetics. Since 1995, Evalar begins to produce medicinal herbs packaged in briquettes. They are purchased in large quantities by pharmaceutical companies. With the advent of mumiyo in the brand’s assortment, its products become very popular. Since that time, the company has been producing only dietary supplements. Today, Evalar’s ​​natural products are a huge success in many countries.

Natural raw materials

The main goal of Evalar Bio teas is to preserve and strengthen the health of every person. The brand, based on extensive experience in nutrition and herbal medicine, produces a natural drink that consists of natural plant components. To make products, we use raw materials that grew in ecologically clean areas, so Evalar tea carries the real power of Altai.

Unscrupulous Russian tea producers often add flavorings and dyes to their products. The advantage of the company is that it uses only natural raw materials for tea production. The company also purchases part of the herbs from leading sales representatives from other countries. The Evalar assortment includes nineteen varieties of bioteas, each of them has certain medicinal properties.

Evalar assortment

For stomach diseases

For people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, experts have developed a special bio drink. It is prescribed to normalize the digestive system. Benefits of the drink:

  • Eliminates pain in the stomach area;
  • Restores digestion;
  • Relieves inflammation.

Not only the good passage of food contributes to the normal functioning of digestion, but also the amount of gastric juice and enzymes that digest food. The first cause of malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract is gastritis.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

Evalar gastrointestinal teas were developed to restore digestion. If you drink them regularly:

  • Spasms will decrease;
  • Digestive function will improve;
  • Gas formation in the intestines will be eliminated.

Evalar bio gastrointestinal tea contains natural plants. For the convenience of customers, the supplement is sold in disposable sachets for quick preparation. To brew a medicinal infusion, just pour one bag of Evalar bio gastrointestinal tea with a glass of hot water and leave for about five minutes.

Slimming tea cleansing

It was developed for overweight people. The collection is prescribed to cleanse the intestines and normalize the digestive system.

The collection includes:

  • Birch leaves, which act as a strong diuretic. They are useful to take for diseases of the urinary tract;
  • The herb of the multiveined herb produces a choleretic effect;
  • Cassia leaves have a laxative effect. The plant promotes bowel movements and normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Red clover lowers cholesterol. Prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots due to the content of a substance such as coumarin;
  • Senna leaves have laxative properties;
  • Mint, strawberry and currant leaves act as natural flavorings, which affects the taste and aroma of the drink;
  • Green tea extract increases the content of active substances.
  • The drink is very effective; taking it helps clear the intestines of accumulated feces and toxins, get rid of bile stagnation, and lower cholesterol levels.

The herbal collection is sold in disposable filter bags. To cleanse the intestines, you need to take the drink twice a day. Pour one sachet with a glass of boiling water and leave for about seven minutes. Treatment should be carried out for twenty days. Then take a ten-day break and continue taking the herbal mixture. In each package of Evalar bio tea for appetite control, instructions for use are included.

You should remember that if you drink a drink for weight loss, you need to follow some rules:

  • Review your diet. Eliminate fatty, spicy and salty foods from your diet;
  • Drink up to two liters of water per day;
  • Visit the gym.

Taking dietary supplements and following the above rules will allow you to get rid of excess weight, cleanse the body, and also improve your general condition.

For vascular and heart diseases

Experts have developed a drink specifically for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Evalar bio tea for the heart and blood vessels contains only plant components.

The herbal mixture produces a sedative effect. Hawthorn, which is included in biotea, has a cardiotonic effect. Therefore, it is often prescribed to people with heart failure. Mint and lemon balm help reduce blood pressure and pulse. Evalar tea should be drunk as an adjuvant along with the main treatment for serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Evalar calming

Nowadays, many are subject to stress, which leads to neuroses and nervous system disorders. Experts recommend taking herbal remedies in such cases. A good effect from taking Evalar bio calming evening tea was observed in many patients.

The drink is sold in a package of twenty filter bags. Evalar bio has a positive effect on the human nervous system. After regular consumption of Evalar bio calming evening tea, sleep is restored, a feeling of relaxation comes, anxiety and stress go away.

For kidney diseases

The medicinal collection contains diuretic herbs. Evalar kidney teas are designed to restore the functioning of the urinary tract. The drink has proven itself especially well at the beginning of the development of the disease, when swelling appears and blood pressure rises. Evalar bio teas for kidneys have the following composition: bearberry, mint, strawberry, birch and black currant leaves, knotweed, cherry stalks.

Antihypertensive herbs

The rich composition of the herbal drink helps normalize blood pressure. Evalar bio tea with antihypertensive herbs has a calming effect.

Not suitable for people with chronic hypertension, because it will not normalize blood pressure. If a patient’s blood pressure exceeds 140 mmHg, Evalar bio tea with antihypertensive herbs is not suitable; he should be given individual treatment with effective drugs.

Evalar for colds

The drink is intended to strengthen the body's protective functions and shorten the period of the disease. Evalar bio tea for colds contains: chamomile, linden, rose hips, sea buckthorn and basil. Linden helps increase sweating, therefore helps remove toxins from the body and improve the general condition of the patient. Chamomile in Evalar bio tea for colds reduces pain in the throat because it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Evalar mastophyte

Designed for people with disorders of the mammary glands. Evalar bio mastofit tea contains only natural herbs.

Some components of herbal tea help relieve inflammation, so taking the infusion during menstruation reduces chest pain.

Evalar energy

Indicated for people with heavy physical work or mental activity. Evalar energy tea contains natural herbs: rosehip, rooibos, rosemary, hibiscus, lemongrass, leuzea. Some plants produce adaptogenic and psychostimulating effects. One cup of tea Evalar energy replaces coffee.

To maintain the normal functioning of internal organs and body systems, the Evalar company has created a whole line of herbal teas. Its products stand out in terms of production form, taste, aroma and high efficiency.

Description of the Evalar Bio line

The domestic company Evalar offers the market a line of natural teas Evalar Bio, designed to maintain the health of certain human organs and systems. These are drinks with an absolutely natural composition, selected in such a way as to improve overall well-being and regulate internal processes in the body.

The range of teas includes 19 types of drinks designed to help a person lose weight, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, smooth out attacks of hypertension, and normalize the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other organs.

The drinks contain only natural Altai herbs, flowers and fruits. Teas have a pleasant taste and smell, do not cause side effects, and are characterized by high biological activity. Sold in cardboard boxes filled with filter bags with herbal tea.

Reviews of Evalar Bio tea are mostly positive. In solving serious problems, they act as additional means of treatment. In the case of some functional disorders, they are also effective in monotherapy.


This is a tea whose action is aimed at eliminating discomfort due to gastrointestinal imbalance. It is characterized by the following conditions:

  • bloating and flatulence;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • weak digestion;
  • the appearance of spasms and pain.

The drink contains chamomile, yarrow, mint and dill fruits. Together they have the following effects on the body:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • relieve pain;
  • eliminate spasms;
  • improve the production of gastric juice;
  • stimulate bile production;
  • increase appetite;
  • have antimicrobial and antibacterial effects;
  • eliminate flatulence.

Can be used for various local dysfunctions without suppression or strong stimulation of ongoing processes. These are weak intestinal motility, sluggish production of digestive secretions and bile, dysbacteriosis, irritable bowel syndrome.

With regular consumption of the drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks, the following improvements are observed:

  • spasmodic pain goes away;
  • the overall functional activity of the stomach and intestines improves;
  • appetite increases;
  • bloating goes away;
  • the functioning of the salivary glands is normalized;
  • Bile production is normalized.

In addition to normalizing the functioning of the digestive system, tea is a source of natural bioflavonoids. The product is especially useful during a diet.


Evalar Bio tea for cleansing the body has a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Its components take a comprehensive approach to ridding the body of waste and toxins. In parallel with the intestines, kidneys, gall bladder and blood vessels, it is possible to cleanse the blood.

Tea for cleansing the body includes the following ingredients:

  • meadow clover flowers have an antisclerotic effect, help cleanse the blood, have a choleretic and diuretic effect;
  • birch leaves stimulate the urinary system, help cleanse the kidneys and ureters;
  • Volodushka herb, has a choleretic effect, gently stimulates liver cleansing;
  • Cassia aculifolia leaves have a laxative effect, cleanse the intestines, and promote good digestion.

To improve the taste of cleansing tea, it contains strawberry and currant leaves, as well as black tea. The product is a source of rutin and chrysophanic acid. The maximum period for drinking tea is 3 weeks, 2 glasses per day.

Gynecological herbs

Tea Evalar bio gynecological herbs is intended to support the functioning of the female reproductive system. It has a natural composition and pleasant taste. The action is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • reducing the volume of uterine bleeding;
  • eliminating the symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, headaches, weakness, irritability);
  • relieving smooth muscle spasms;
  • blood purification;
  • normalization of the nervous system.

The drink contains oregano herb, calendula flowers, lemon balm and yarrow. The instructions for use indicate the following mode of drinking tea: 2 glasses per day for 2-3 weeks.

For appetite control

Tea for appetite control is intended for those who want to lose weight correctly. It will help cope with increased appetite, prevent spikes in blood sugar, give you strength and allow you to feel normal even while on a strict diet.

The collection includes:

  • corn silk, lowers blood sugar, clears cholesterol, dulls appetite, has a mild diuretic effect;
  • birch leaves normalize metabolism;
  • mate leaves, remove excess fluid, relieve swelling;
  • horsetail herb, normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, removes excess fluid, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Cambodian gardenia extract normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body, protects the liver from obesity, relieves hunger pangs, and removes cholesterol.

Strawberry and currant leaves, as well as black tea leaves, were used as additional ingredients. It is recommended to drink 2 glasses of tea per day. Course 14-20 days.

Antihypertensive herbs

This is a natural herbal tea designed to maintain stable blood pressure levels. The manufacturer recommends using it regularly. The antihypertensive collection includes the following herbs:

  • mint leaves, which have a calming effect, relieve spasms and improve the taste of the entire drink;
  • lemon balm herb with a similar effect;
  • leaves and flowers of hawthorn, indicated for lowering blood pressure and normalizing heart function by increasing blood circulation and stimulating contraction of the heart muscle;
  • black currant leaves, which have a diuretic, hypotensive and anti-sclerotic effect;
  • chokeberry fruits, which have a diuretic effect, strengthen capillary walls and have a hypotensive effect.

Tea calms the nervous system, suppresses the rise in blood pressure, and has a positive effect on the heart.

To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, there is another tea, Evalar, for the heart and blood vessels. In addition to the herbs described above, its composition includes meadow clover and buckwheat grass.

In combination, tea helps eliminate functional disorders in the cardiovascular system, fights atherosclerosis, relieves spasms, eliminates signs of heart failure, and has a diuretic effect.


Tea intended for the modern business person who strives to always be in good shape. Helps improve performance and keep the body in good shape. The tea contains:

  • dog-rose fruit;
  • rooibos;
  • Leuzea;
  • lemongrass;
  • rosemary;
  • hibiscus.

All components are rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, substances that maintain the tone of the heart and nerves, helping with fatigue and loss of strength. The drink is indicated both for drowsiness, hypotension and loss of strength, and for maintaining high vitality during severe mental and physical stress.


Laktomama tea is intended for nursing mothers and helps increase milk production. The tea contains herbs that are beneficial during lactation. These are oregano, nettle, fennel and lemon balm - components that cannot harm either mother or baby.

In parallel with stimulating lactation, tea promotes:

  • improving digestion in mother and child;
  • relieving nervous overexcitation;
  • increased contraction of the uterus;
  • relieving inflammation, swelling, pain, cramps.

Soothing evening

Suitable for those who find it difficult to relax after a busy day at work and who have problems falling asleep. comprises:

  • leaves and flowers of hawthorn, which have a sedative effect, relieve tension in the nervous system, improve blood supply to organs;
  • chamomile, which has a mild sedative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect;
  • oregano, used as a sedative;
  • linden flowers, which have a mild sedative, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • Californian eschscholzia, which normalizes sleep and relieves nervous excitement.

Tea for cough

The product is positioned as equally effective for dry and wet coughs. Helps remove phlegm, facilitates breathing, relieves attacks of frequent coughing, and cleanses the bronchi. The tea contains:

  • plantain leaves;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • calendula flowers;
  • thyme herb;
  • oregano herb;
  • elecampane root

The tea is suitable for adults and children over 14 years of age. To increase the effectiveness of the drink, it is recommended to combine it with honey.

Evalar's product range also includes special drinks for the kidneys, liver, and mammary glands, indicated for diabetes and other diseases. All products are intended for adults, and some products are intended for teenagers over 14 years of age. Before use, consultation with a specialist is advisable.

Has a mild diuretic and laxative effect, helps cleanse the body*

Ingredients: the delicate aroma of birch leaves and grass, combined with the pleasant sweetish taste of cassia holly and clover grass.

How the ingredients work

Leaves participate in the processes of urine formation and excretion, help cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract 1.

Leaves have a mild laxative effect, help digestion, and help cleanse the intestines 2.

Grass helps cleanse the blood, has diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherosclerotic properties 3.

Grass has a choleretic effect, helps cleanse the liver 1.

Advantages of Evalar BIO teas

    100% natural composition.

    Most of the herbs included in the composition are collected in Altai or grown on Evalar’s ​​own plantations in the ecologically clean foothills of Altai without the use of chemicals and pesticides

    The high microbiological purity of teas is ensured by a gentle processing method - “instant steam” - on a modern French installation.

    For the best preservation of the healing properties, delicate taste and aroma of herbal tea, each filter bag is individually packaged in a multi-layer protective envelope.

    Manufactured by Evalar under GMP standards - a guarantee of quality, purity and potency

The delicate taste and delicate aroma of Altai herbs will give you real pleasure
Flavor and aroma complex Evalar BIO - fermented strawberry and green tea leaves enrich the tea with an increased content of biologically active substances; blackcurrant and peppermint leaves improve the taste and aroma of tea.


herb, leaves, leaves (cassia aquifolia), herb, leaves, leaves, leaves, natural flavoring "Blackcurrant"

2 filter bags per day provide at least 4-15 mg of flavonoids in terms of rutin and at least 4-3 mg of chrysophanic acid, which is 50% and 30% of the adequate intake level, respectively.

Recommendations for use

Fill 1 filter bag (remove from individual packaging) with 1 glass of boiling water (200 ml), leave for 5-10 minutes, take 1 glass 2 times a day for adults. Duration of administration - 20 days, if necessary, after 10 days the administration can be repeated


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Certificate of State Registration (SoGR)

No. KZ. dated 12/05/2014

Release form Filter packages
Number of filter bags per package 20 filter bags, 1.5 g each
Best before date 3 years
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C

* Information confirmed by SoGR.
1 Minaeva V.G. Medicinal plants of Siberia. – Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1991. – 431 p.
2 Lavrenov V.K., Lavrenova G.V. Complete encyclopedia of medicinal plants, in 2 volumes. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Neva”; M.: OLMA-PRESS, 1999. - 816 p.
3 Maznev N.I. Medicinal plants. Directory. – M.: Martin, 1999. – 479 p.
4 In accordance with TU 9100-270-21428156-14

The body of the average city resident experiences increased stress every day due to polluted air and water, poor-quality products, and bad habits. To prevent such exposure from causing harm to the body, you can use natural cleansers. One of them is Evalar BIO tea to cleanse the body. It is a supplement to the daily diet and consists of 100% natural ingredients:

  • senna leaves – have a mild laxative effect and do not irritate the intestines;
  • birch leaves - help remove harmful substances through the organs of the excretory system;
  • meadow clover – helps cleanse the blood, has a slight diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • Volodushka herb – cleanses the liver, helping it cope with daily high stress.

In addition, Evalar BIO tea contains additives to cleanse the body that improve its taste and smell: mint, strawberry, currant leaves, tea. The combination of plant components also ensures that the human body receives the daily norm of valuable substances - flavonoids. When drinking Evalar BIO tea in the recommended volumes (1 filter bag 2 times a day), a person receives 15 mg of rutin and 3 mg of chrysophanic acid.

The maximum duration of use of the product is 20 days, after which a ten-day break is required. If necessary, you can prescribe a second course of Evalar BIO cleansing tea.

Find out more detailed information about this Evalar product by using the feedback form on the website or call the specified contact phone number.

Product availability is subject to country regulations and product availability at the distributor.

Evalar CJSC

Country of origin


Product group

Herbal tea/tea

Dietary supplement (BAA) to food

Release forms

  • 20 filter bags of 1.5 g per package

pharmachologic effect

How the ingredients work Oregano is widely used as a means to regulate menstruation when it is delayed, during painful menstruation, and as a sedative. Calendula officinalis has a calming effect on the central nervous system, helps lower blood pressure, and strengthens the body's defenses. Rosehip fruits are used for hypo- and avitaminosis, as a wound-healing and choleretic agent. Yarrow is used for disorders of the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, for bleeding and complaints associated with the menstrual cycle, especially for spastic menstruation and menopausal disorders. Chamomile can have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative and some analgesic effects. Chamomile has been noted to have a positive effect on painful menstruation. And chamomile and yarrow - for uterine bleeding. Borovaya uterus is used for women's health problems. The plant is successfully used for problems with conception in women and bleeding. Red brush has oncoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, adaptogenic properties, and helps eliminate endocrine disorders.


  • oregano herb, calendula officinalis flowers, rose hips, yarrow herb, chamomile flowers, boron uterus herb, rhizomes with red brush roots, natural blackcurrant flavoring.
  • 2 filter bags per day provide at least 10 mg of flavonoids in terms of rutin, which is 33% of the adequate intake level.

EVALAR BIO TEA indications for use

  • Recommended as a dietary supplement for women - a source of flavonoids. Helps improve the functional state of the genitourinary system in women, reduce the number of repeated exacerbations, increase the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy, normalize the menstrual cycle

To cleanse their bodies of waste and toxins, people use different methods, sometimes quite complex and unsafe for health. The Evalar company offers its own method of cleansing - drinking Evalar Bio tea. It contains medicinal herbs, the healing properties of which help to comprehensively cleanse the body of harmful substances. Some people use this medicinal tea drink to lose weight and improve their health. What effect does biotea from Evalar have on the body and is it safe for health?

A little about the manufacturer

The Evalar company has been producing biologically active food supplements and herbal medicines for strengthening and maintaining human health for 25 years:

  • for weight control;
  • calming;
  • for heart;
  • for men's health;
  • to cleanse the body and others.

In the production of drugs, only environmentally friendly raw materials are used, grown in the Altai Territory or purchased from reliable suppliers from other countries. Thanks to the latest technologies, manufacturers obtain plant extracts with maximum bioavailability.

The range of tea drinks from Evalar is represented by 18 different collections of medicinal herbs, designed to support the functioning and cleansing of various systems and organs, to control weight and appetite, for example:

  • “Valar Bio” tea for the kidneys – normalizes the functioning of the urinary system;
  • Soothing evening biotea – relieves nervous tension, helps you relax and fall asleep faster if you have insomnia;
  • Evalar Bio tea for coughs - thins and removes mucus, cleanses the bronchi, reduces coughing attacks;
  • tea for diabetes – reduces blood glucose levels;
  • biotea gynecological herbs – normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieves spasms, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • tea "Evalar Bio" for the heart and blood vessels - improves the condition and functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Gastrointestinal tea – eliminates flatulence, cramps, normalizes intestinal function.

What components provide the medicinal effect of tea?

Composition of cleansing tea and its properties

Tea "Evalar Bio" for cleansing the body stimulates the digestion process, cleanses the blood vessels, kidneys and liver of harmful substances. The herbs included in the collection help to obtain the desired effect.

The components of biotea “Evalar” complement and interact with each other, providing a comprehensive cleansing of the body: accumulated feces, stagnant bile from the bile ducts and gallbladder are released, blood vessels are cleansed of cholesterol plaques, the urinary tract, and kidneys. Taking a tea drink can get rid of excess fluid in the body and reduce weight.

Indications for use

The concentration of nitrates, carcinogens, pesticides and other harmful substances in the body is so high that the kidneys, liver, lymph and intestines cannot cope with the cleaning functions, which is why decay products - waste products - accumulate in the blood, lymph and tissues.

They poison the body, which leads to unpleasant phenomena:

  • bad breath;
  • fatigue and apathy;
  • frequent headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • skin rashes;
  • bitterness in the mouth.

These symptoms should alert you - this is how the body reports pollution. If no cleaning measures are taken, slagging gradually leads to serious illnesses.

A course of using a cleansing herbal mixture from Evalar helps the body remove everything unnecessary, get rid of the symptoms of toxin pollution and restore the functioning of all its systems.

Mode of application

Biotea is produced in filter bags, which simplifies the process of its preparation. The instructions for use contain the following recommendations.

  1. Brew a cleansing drink twice a day, one sachet per glass of boiling water. After 5-10 minutes of infusion, the tea is ready to drink.
  2. To completely cleanse the body, it is recommended to drink medicinal tea for 20 days (you will need two packages of Evalar biotea).
  3. The course should be repeated after 10 days.

In order for the cleansing effect of tea to fully manifest itself, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules when cleansing the body:

  • switch to a vegetarian diet, exclude fatty, smoked, pickled foods, and alcohol from the diet;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day;
  • Lead an active lifestyle: move more and be in the fresh air.

Before you start cleansing with herbal tea from Evalar, you need to visit a doctor and consult about the possibility of its use. Herbal cleansing is considered the safest way to cleanse the body, however, it is contraindicated for some people.

Contraindications to tea cleansing

The herbs included in the collection are valuable sources of vitamins and flavonoids that have a beneficial effect on the activity of enzymes and on the entire human body. They are needed for normal life, do not cause side effects and are useful to absolutely everyone.

But the organic acids and glycosides contained in plants can harm the body because they have a negative effect on the stomach and cardiovascular system.

General contraindications for drinking cleansing biotea are:

Side effects can be caused by taking Evalar biotea for the intestines: prolonged use of senna leaf in its composition can lead to an addictive effect and weaken natural motility. In addition, taking laxatives causes the leaching of beneficial minerals and vitamins from the body. It is not recommended to take senna leaf for inflammatory diseases of the small or large intestine.

Doctors prohibit taking diuretics and choleretic drugs in the presence of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis. Taking such drugs can cause stones to move through the ducts and lead to a severe attack.

Cleansing the body is a necessary procedure for a modern city dweller. But it is important to remember that cleansing affects all human organs and systems and sometimes leads to unexpected effects.

Cleansing tea from Evalar is an affordable and effective remedy, but it cannot be called safe - there are too many contraindications and pitfalls when using it. Its use as a cleanser for the body in the recommended dosage is permissible only for healthy people. With the help of the medicinal components of tea, you can really get rid of harmful substances, remove them from the kidneys, gall bladder and intestines, and improve your health.

People with chronic diseases need to consult a doctor and have strict control when cleansing with biotea from Evalar. You should not use it constantly, replacing your morning or evening portion of tea.