Facial tea: composition, benefits for skin, best beauty recipes. Tea will get rid of acne forever

Numerous studies over the past 10 years have revealed the enormous benefits of green tea. The unique properties of the healing leaves of the plant have been used for centuries to improve overall health, prolong youth and beauty.

The product is one of the most powerful natural remedies used in home cosmetology. The procedure of washing with green tea is especially useful, which gives an excellent effect aimed at the health and rejuvenation of the skin.

The leaves contain about 200 biologically active compounds and the most important of them are polyphenols, which contain flavonoids - a vital class of antioxidants that are the basis for the essential properties of the drink.

These compounds promote the regeneration of dermal cells and reduce the damage caused by free radicals. A scientific experiment conducted in Japan confirmed that the anti-aging properties of polyphenols are 18 times stronger than vitamin E! They can effectively prevent the appearance of wrinkles and slow down the aging process.

These compounds also contain a large number of hydrophilic groups that easily absorb moisture from the air, which helps keep the skin hydrated. In addition, tannic acids in tea reduce the dryness of the epidermal layer and increase its turgor.

Cleansing with green tea makes your skin glow and acts as a natural sunscreen, protecting it from the sun's rays.

The drink contains a cocktail of powerful antioxidants called catechins, which help fight damage caused by ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for up to 90% of all signs of premature aging. Since sun exposure is a major factor that ages the skin, it's reasonable to assume that washing your face daily can help slow down skin aging.

Recipes for a drink of youth for washing

1. Simply brew 30 g of green leaves in 250 g of hot water and let it steep for 30-40 minutes until it cools. Strain the liquid and store it in the refrigerator for no more than a day, as the effectiveness of the natural lotion decreases over time. The washing method is very simple - rinse your cleansed face or lightly wipe it with a cotton pad soaked in tea. Wait a couple of minutes and rinse with cool water.

This lotion serves as good sun protection, treats minor rashes, cuts and sunburns, increases skin elasticity, cleanses and reduces pores. It is also useful for acne and pimples.

2. You can also wash your face with a frozen drink. Use an ice cube to massage your face in light circular movements. This will give you a feeling of freshness, increase blood circulation, reduce swelling and improve the tone of the epidermal layer.

3. For the procedure, take green tea leaves brewed in a glass and add one teaspoon to the decoction. lemon juice and the same amount of honey. This recipe brightens and evens out the skin tone, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces rashes and increases the elasticity of the epidermis. The resulting decoction is useful for use in the form of cosmetic ice.

4. Green tea goes perfectly with base and essential oils. Add ½ tsp to a slightly brewed drink. peach oil and a couple of drops of lavender or orange. Stir well.

Delicate, elastic skin, without wrinkles, is the best adornment of a woman. This result can only be achieved thanks to high-quality, natural cosmetics and proper, constant care. Facial tea is considered one of these remedies. Its unique and miraculous properties are fully revealed by the women of the East. It is not surprising that they delight everyone with their beauty, elasticity and smoothness of the skin, even in their declining years. How to properly use tea for facial skin, recipes and some features of the procedure, read on.

Composition and benefits

Tea is an irreplaceable source of vivacity, strength and energy, but it is also an extraordinary, unique medicine for the epidermis. Such masks are highly effective, gentle and have a deep impact. Tea is very beneficial for the skin thanks to the following components:

  • vitamins (A, B, P, PP, C) – strengthen and improve the structure of cells, ensure their full functioning, and also increase the protective properties of the skin;
  • minerals (calcium, fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus) are no less important for the life of cells, their “respiration” and nutrition. They accelerate blood circulation and ensure rapid transport of nutrients;
  • tannin is the main antioxidant. It actively counteracts microbes, prevents and relieves inflammation;
  • enzymes - accelerate metabolic processes, including the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers.

Thus, tea is an irreplaceable, unique source of nutritional components, energy and enzymes. The effect of vigor and freshness is instantly reflected on the epidermis after the first procedure. This is the peculiarity of the drink as a cosmetic product.

Types of medicinal drink

Several types of drink are used to prepare cosmetics:

  • White tea for the face is a real medicine for the skin. This tea will get rid of acne and the beginnings of oncology at the cellular level, increase blood flow and improve overall health.
  • Green – widely used in cosmetology as a source of energy. It will quickly restore the previous tone of the tissues, add freshness and vigor to them, actively fights germs, and guarantees gentle cleansing of the face.
  • Black is no less used in home cosmetics. It will instantly invigorate weakened, aging skin, refresh and rejuvenate it.
  • Red (hibiscus) – guarantees effective cleansing of the face, relieves inflammatory reactions. It is necessary to regularly wipe your face with this drink - and there will be no trace of acne or pimples on the skin.

Please note that lotions with tea bags, masks based on strong tea leaves or ice cannot guarantee long-term preservation of the results of the procedure without proper nutrition and massage exercises. You can familiarize yourself with the technique of classic self-massage.

Indications for use

Using tea compositions in facial care, you can achieve solutions to the following problems:

  • excessive dryness, dehydration of cells requiring immediate replenishment of moisture;
  • exceeding the permissible norm of secretion of the sebaceous glands, which gives the skin excessive shine and gloss;
  • weakness, withering of the skin;
  • the rapid rate of formation of wrinkles on the face and their deepening;
  • dullness, dullness, unhealthy appearance;
  • decreased tone, loss of tissue elasticity, sagging in the cheek area;
  • hyperpigmentation, overly noticeable, unsightly freckles;
  • inflammatory acne, acne due to improper care or low-quality cosmetics;
  • the skin is flabby, the contours are unclear, decreased tone.

Only tea can correct these shortcomings without complications, irritation, or allergic reactions.

The course of tea treatments for the face is unlimited. Several masks a week are the optimal solution for high-quality, effective skin care.

Medicinal cosmetics from green varieties

Green tea extract for facial skin is a faithful assistant in the fight against aging. It will strengthen its protective function, stabilize the functioning of cells, strengthen their structure and increase tissue tone.

Green tea for the face, reviews of which never cease to amaze, is used in many recipes for skin care products. This is a tea mask for rejuvenation, intense hydration, nutrition, an acne remedy for sensitive and problematic skin, a compress for bags under the eyes, cosmetics for complexion and high-quality cleansing of pores.

Let's look at the most popular recipes for facial care:

  • For women suffering from increased fat content of the epidermis, a composition with the addition of egg white and lemon juice will help. To prepare the mask, pour 1 tbsp. natural green tea leaves 100 ml boiling water, leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Then add 1 tsp to the strained liquid. lemon juice, one egg white. Stir the mixture. To bring it to the required consistency that is easy to apply, use oatmeal or crushed flakes. Distribute the product and hold for 20 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue with cool water.
  • A homemade tea mask for the skin with a rejuvenating effect is prepared as follows: steeply brew the drink (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of tea leaves per 1 tablespoon of boiling water). Add sour cream (1 tbsp). This mixture will quickly increase the tone of the tissues, restore the former elasticity of the tissues, and transform aging skin.
  • To prepare a nutritious care composition rich in beneficial ingredients, prepare olive oil (1 tsp), 1 tbsp. crushed tea leaves. Mix the ingredients. Add 2 tbsp. kefir and wheat flour. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Spread the mixture over the surface for 20 minutes.
  • You can remove bags under your eyes in a matter of minutes. To do this, place the tea bags in the freezer for 7-10 minutes. Then take them out and place them on problem areas for 5 minutes.
  • There is another method to quickly remove bags under the eyes. These are simple compresses. To perform the procedure, brew a strong drink. When the liquid has cooled, dip cotton pads into it and apply to your eyes. Do not hold the compress for more than 5 minutes, otherwise a slight tint from the drink may appear.

  • An excellent skin moisturizer is face cream with green tea and coconut oil. Mix coconut oil extract and high quality tea leaves, 30 g each. Place the nutrient mixture in the bathhouse for half an hour so that the ingredients steam well and mix. Filter the mixture and refrigerate to harden. The cream will ideally and carefully replenish the lack of moisture in tissues in the shortest possible time of use.
  • To wash your face every day, pour 1 tsp. brew 100 ml boiling water. Leave the liquid to steep for 10 minutes. You can also wipe your face with it.

Cosmetics from other tea varieties

White and black varieties of tea are also used for medicinal purposes. Here are some popular recipes for using them:

  • For high-quality cleansing, getting rid of age spots and for the purpose of lightening and evening out the shade of the epidermis, a tea mask for the surface of the face with the addition of lemon juice and sour cream is useful. To prepare a whitening composition, take the juice of 1 lemon, 25 g of homemade sour cream, and the same amount of fine tea leaves of white varieties. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply the mask to the surface for 15 minutes.
  • Prepare a rejuvenating mixture from tea liquid (1 tsp of tea leaves, pour 100 ml of boiled water) and 1 tsp. natural honey. To achieve a thick consistency, use oatmeal.
  • A life-saving moisturizer for the skin in hot weather is ice tea for the face. To prepare it, take 2 tbsp. brewing any of the varieties, 200-250 ml of hot water. Let it brew for 5-10 minutes. Strain the liquid and cool. Pour the drink into special molds and place in the freezer to harden. Ice tea for face is ready for use. The effect after rubbing with cosmetic ice is immediate. The skin looks refreshed and moisturized in just a few minutes.

Rules for tea procedures

The following instructions will help you achieve successful results from the procedures:

  • use only natural, high quality ingredients for cooking;
  • Drink-based masks are not recommended to be used at night;
  • Make nutritious compositions with the addition of tea leaves every 4 days, not more often. You can replace them with herbal cosmetics or a classic massage using essential oils;
  • black varieties often make the surface of the face darker, so you should not add carrots, beets, or other natural dyes;

Follow these simple rules during your skincare procedures - and soft, healthy, elastic skin is guaranteed.


Black tea is often used in making homemade cosmetics. It has a disinfectant effect, cleanses well and tightens enlarged pores on the face. If you have rough, oily skin, it is recommended to moisten it with cold black tea after washing.

Black tea masks are great for caring for sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. And if you wipe your skin with a strong infusion of black tea, you can give it a light tan.

Benefits of black tea

It is known for perfectly strengthening blood vessels and relieving swelling, which is why it is actively used in various cosmetics for the care of the face and the area around the eyes.

In addition, black tea can be used to prepare a tonic intended for problem skin. You need to mix a glass of strong drink with a spoon of lemon juice and a small amount of salt. Make ice cubes from the liquid and wipe your face with them in the morning.

In addition, black tea in cosmetics is also good for hair: it can be used as a rinse (although it is only suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women). This will help keep your colored hair shiny, shiny and healthy, and your natural hair strong and strong. The tea infusion can either be mixed with a ready-made mask, or used as an independent remedy.

Masks and tonics made from natural ingredients do not contain chemicals, which means they are more beneficial for the body, and their effect is more noticeable. And we must not forget about one more significant advantage: it is very easy to make such a product yourself!

Black tea mask recipes

Firming tea mask for aging skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of liquid strong black tea leaves with 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of chopped oatmeal. Apply the mixture to your face and after 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Another recipe for a tea mask to care for aging skin

Mix 1 tablespoon of wheat or barley flour with 2 tablespoons of strong liquid black tea brew and 1 egg yolk. Apply the mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Tea mask for oily skin

Pour 1 teaspoon of dry black tea and the same amount of elderflower flowers with half a glass of boiling water, and let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain. Next, take 1 tablespoon of yeast and 2 teaspoons of oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder. Dilute these ingredients with the previously prepared infusion so that a thick mass is formed. Apply it on your face for 10-15 minutes, after which rinse with cool water.

Black tea mask that tightens pores

Its composition is approximately this:

Mix 3 tablespoons of strong cold brew with the white of one egg and beat the mixture. Then add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon white clay, 1 tablespoon rolled oats and 2 teaspoons finely ground almonds. If necessary, lightly dilute the mixture with water or milk to the consistency of sour cream.

The mask should be kept on the face for 10 minutes. If the skin is prone to dryness, it is better to replace the white with yolk, take not white or blue clay, but red or pink, and replace lemon juice with olive oil.

Mask for spider veins

You will need cold tea brewing. Place it on your face and cover with a damp towel. After 20 minutes, rinse off the remaining mask with tea infusion. You will see the effect of this mask only after two weeks if you do it regularly (every 1-2 days). After two weeks, you should forget about this mask for a whole month.

Face mask of black tea, yolk, flour and sour cream

Preparing a mask from black tea is very simple, first you need to brew the tea, add two teaspoons of regular or loose leaf tea to two hundred grams of boiling water. After the tea is brewed, it should be steeped for about 20 minutes and then strained through cheesecloth so that there are no tea leaves in the mask.

After this, add one tablespoon of flour and mix everything thoroughly, then you need to add one yolk and mix everything thoroughly again.

After this, to obtain a homogeneous thick mass, you should add sour cream, that’s basically all the preparation of the black tea mask itself, as you can see, the mask is very simple and can be prepared very quickly.

Do not use all the tea, but just enough so that the black tea mask has a thick consistency.

You need to apply this black tea mask to your face; just leave this mask on for about a quarter of an hour, after which you wash off the mask with warm water. It is advisable to combine this mask with a facial massage, and after the mask itself, you can lubricate your face with a nourishing regular cream.

The black tea mask is so simple and consists of the most common ingredients, however, the effectiveness of the mask is actually unique. Thanks to the unique effects of tea, yolk, flour and sour cream, the mask actually has a magical effect. You should use a black tea mask every other day for 15 minutes; if prepared correctly, within 10 days your skin will become beautiful and snow-white, sexy and soft.

Ice for facial skin


For one glass of water:

  • 2 tbsp. black tea
  • 1 tbsp. calendula
  • 1 tbsp. mint


Pour water and add tea to it.

Then mint and calendula.

Place on the stove, cover with a lid and let simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Turn off and leave to brew until completely cool.

Then filter the infusion and pour into ice cube trays.

Place the ice in the freezer for freezing.

Black tea ice is ready. Stay always young and beautiful.

Black tea for eyes

Black tea eye lotions

Black tea lotions will help your eyes get rid of fatigue and redness.


  • 1 teaspoon black tea
  • 50 milliliters boiling water

Cooking method:

Pour boiling water over black tea.

Leave for 20 minutes.

To stir thoroughly.


Soak cotton pads in tea and place on closed eyelids. Leave for 1-2 minutes. Replace cotton pads with new ones.

Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

Rinse your eyelids with cool water.

Apply eye cream.

The infusion should be warm (room temperature).


Rested, refreshed skin and radiant eyes.


A tea compress against bags under the eyes is very good: pour boiling water over the tea bags and put them in the freezer for 2 hours, and then on the eyes for 10 minutes.

Not everyone can assume that black tea is great as a face mask. But beauties have been using it for a long time. There is no need to buy a special type of drink; the one you have in the house will do.

You just need it to be sheet and black. The best tea, brought from the mountains, is natural, without dyes or flavors.

This is one of the best natural remedies to combat Also tea perfectly improves color and evens out the skin. Tea contains antioxidants and caffeine, which tone, energize, giving a fresh look to the face.

Such masks are especially useful in the summer on hot days, as they protect the face from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

What skin is it suitable for?

Black tea is ideal for older ladies, as it is a natural source of energy and vigor for aging skin. This drink contains a lot of vitamin C, A, B, as well as various amino acids, caffeine and tannin.

All these substances make the skin younger and more beautiful, smooth out wrinkles, and give a healthy glow. If you constantly apply masks with this product, the result will be on par with the use of cosmetic creams.

Women who work in hazardous industries or on night shifts can also add tea to the mask. From city life, stress, and overexertion at work, it is primarily the skin of the face that suffers, and this is what everyone notices first.

A mask with black tea gently cleanses, makes the skin beautiful, evens out the color, and breathes new life into it. Caffeine and tannin perfectly relieve the appearance of fatigue on the skin and tone it.

Young girls can also use a mask with tea once a month for prevention. As a result, they will always have a beautiful complexion and a healthy glow, and the dark circles under the eyes that female students complain about so much will disappear.

In addition, constant use of tea on the face gives a beautiful dark complexion. Even in winter it looks like a tan, as if the skin has been in the sun. It’s important not to overdo it here.

The benefits of black drink are noticeable for skin prone to acne, irritation, and allergies. Cold brewed tea will reduce oiliness and remove shine on the face.

Tea masks will also help those who suffer from dry skin.

This mask is a natural source of moisture for the face. Tea is also a great remedy for chapping and frost. This is an excellent protection against all the environmental ills that modern women often have to face.

The sooner you start taking care of your facial skin with a natural antioxidant, the fewer problems it will have in the future. It is important to know what rules for using tea exist, and how to make such masks so that they really have an effect.

Under what conditions should it not be used?

There are practically no contraindications for using tea masks. It happens very rarely that a person develops an allergy or irritation to a mask. In such cases, use should be discontinued immediately.

How to make tea compresses for the face, watch this video:

People with high blood pressure should also be careful with strong tea leaves. Caffeine-dependent people should not use such masks either.

You should not use expired tea in your mask, as its effectiveness will be reduced and it may cause irritation on the skin. It is also worth remembering that the tea leaves are always fresh.

Terms of use

In order for a cosmetic product to bring the desired result, you need to know how to use it correctly. There are several nuances to how to use black tea so that it affects the skin.

In order for a natural cosmetic product to help, you need to know how to prepare it correctly, which recipe is suitable for a particular skin type.

Best Recipes

Many recipes for masks using tea were used in ancient times in different countries. In addition to tea, some of them also contain other ingredients for the benefits and effectiveness of the procedure.

In addition to masks, they make compresses, ice, and tea tonic. The tea is suitable for both oily and dry skin, young and aging skin. Its effectiveness depends on how this product is prepared, as well as what auxiliary product is added to it.

Masks against wrinkles and skin aging

  • Brew a spoonful of leaves firmly in a glass of boiling water, mix with milk and Milk and oatmeal have long been considered the elixir of youth and beauty. Apply to skin, hold for 6-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of tea leaves with 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and egg yolk. Keep the mixture fresh for about 10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic.

Anti-wrinkle masks should be used no more than once a week.

Moisturizing masks

Color Enhancers

Masks with eggs or sour cream are made once a week.


  • You can make eye compresses from tea leaves. This will relieve the appearance of fatigue and aging of the facial skin, and remove black circles under the eyes. It’s easy to do and doesn’t require any special equipment or tools.
  • Brew leaves in a mug. Cotton wool should be soaked in a strong brew of black drink and kept in front of your eyes for 3 minutes. This procedure also relieves swelling on the eyelids. It helps a lot after a sleepless night. Can be done every day or as needed.

This video will tell you how to properly wipe your face with ice:

Tonic or lotion

Every girl periodically uses facial tonic. It helps to refresh the skin, give radiance, wash away impurities, cleanse pores, and strengthen blood vessels. It is useful to make it from black tea.

Mix the tea leaves with a tablespoon of lemon juice, add a teaspoon of salt, then cool. You can wipe your face this way in the morning and evening with a cotton swab. You can freeze this product and put it into molds.

Take out an ice cube in the mornings and evenings and wipe the area of ​​your face. It is very useful. Tea ice can be made in a variety of ways with the addition of other products.

Tea ice

Brew tea leaves in a glass of water, add fresh mint or lemon balm leaves. If your skin is prone to oily shine, you can also add natural lemon juice. Strain the infusion, let cool, then pour into ice cube trays.

Place in the freezer and remove as needed. This precious product will always help take care of your facial skin when needed. You can wash your face with this ice in the morning.

For oily skin

Infuse tea leaves in a glass of boiling water along with elderflower flowers in the amount of one tablespoon. Then, when the mixture has cooled, mix with oatmeal and beat the eggs with the whites.

Keep on face for 5 minutes. Then rinse your face well with warm water. Egg white cleanses the pores on the skin, and tea gives softness and smoothness, relieves inflammation.


Black tea masks will not only help make your face younger, fresher, but they will also save money on cosmetics. Nature is rich in effective remedies for beauty and health.

Now it is impossible to establish who first decided to use green tea for facial skin care. But it was a very successful application. Currently, tea extract is widely used in cosmetology; large manufacturers of cosmetic products add it to their creams, lotions and tonics. You can wipe your face with green tea at home, make masks and other care products from it.

Cosmetological effect of green tea

Eastern girls have long known about the beneficial properties of green tea. Thanks to this exquisite drink, the skin of Japanese and Chinese women always glowed with health and beauty, was clean, elastic, forever young and fresh. Matcha green tea is grown in Japan and contains several times more antioxidants than classic green tea. It has medicinal properties, which make it possible to widely use it in cosmetology. Matcha cleanses the skin of toxins, removes inflammation, gives skin tone, and refreshes it.

Using classic green tea on your face is also effective. It is suitable for dry and oily skin, helping to combat various skin problems. Green tea moisturizes the skin, prevents the appearance of acne, and perfectly tightens aging skin. The cosmetic effect is achieved due to the presence of flavonoids, caffeine, niacin, zinc, and vitamins in tea.

What is the best way to use green tea for healthy skin? There are many options. You can simply drink green tea; this delicious drink strengthens the walls of capillaries, which protects the skin from rosacea. It is also able to give the skin additional moisture from the inside. You can make ice cubes from tea and use them to wipe your face in the morning. This will help tone the skin, solve the problem of enlarged pores, eliminate excess fat, cleanse the face of impurities, and improve color.

You can prepare a lotion based on green tea. To do this, you need to prepare regular green tea according to your favorite recipe, just let it brew for at least 10 minutes. You need to wipe your face with the infusion twice a day. The use of green tea for the skin in summer, when it is very hot, is very useful. Tea can protect the body from harmful sun exposure, burns, and give a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

In what cases will green tea help?

Green tea is a universal remedy, the effect of which will be noticeable very quickly. It is suitable for any skin type and rarely causes allergies. Based on this miracle plant, infusions, lotions, and miraculous masks are prepared. Cosmetologists recommend its use for the following skin problems:

  • premature skin aging;
  • dark spots;
  • skin fatigue caused by stress and negative external factors;
  • teenage acne and pimples caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • increased skin dryness.

The absence of contraindications makes it possible for women of any age to use products with green tea.

Green tea mask recipes

You can easily prepare masks yourself if you don’t have time to visit salons. Cosmetologists recommend carrying out the procedure twice a week. It is necessary to select the components in such a way that they are ideally suited to the skin type, and their benefit is maximum in solving the problem.

Classic mask for all skin types

To prepare this universal mask you will need:

Large leaf green tea - 1 teaspoon

Water - 100 ml

Milk - 100 ml

Finely ground oat flakes - 30 g

Pour boiling water over the tea leaves, after 5 minutes add milk to the mixture, stir, strain, add oatmeal. The amount of flakes and liquid can be adjusted to create a paste. The face must be wiped with lotion to remove impurities. Apply the paste to the skin. After 30 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Mask for acne

Many people don't know how to get rid of acne. Experts advise using special applications. To do this, you need to mix the prepared tea infusion, a little table salt and apple cider vinegar. Apply the resulting paste onto cotton pads and apply to problem areas for 10 minutes.

Mask for aging skin

If the skin begins to fade with age, has lost its elasticity, and has become flabby, a special mask made from tea leaves will help. To do this, high-quality large-leaf tea should be brewed with boiling water, then the infusion should be drained, and the remaining tea leaves should be mixed with sour cream. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. It will help restore elasticity, refresh the complexion, and rejuvenate the skin.

Anti-pigmentation mask

Green tea - 1 teaspoon

Water - 200 ml

Low-fat yogurt - 3 tbsp. spoons

Green tea is brewed in the usual way, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion is mixed with yogurt. The resulting mixture should be carefully applied to areas where there are pigment spots. After 20 minutes, the mask is easily removed with warm water. The composition of the mask is safe; the recipe can be used by pregnant women who often suffer from pigmented rashes.

Lotion for oily skin

Those with oily or combination skin will love this natural tea-based lotion. You need to prepare a strong tea and add three slices of lemon to the hot infusion. After 30 minutes, squeeze the juice from the slices and strain. Pour 2 tbsp into the infusion. spoons of vodka or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of medical alcohol. The resulting facial skin lotion effectively removes oil, tightens pores, and relieves inflammation.

Green tea peeling

Peeling helps to effectively cleanse the skin and reduce inflammation. To do this, mix 2 teaspoons of dry tea with sour cream or soap foam. You need to gently massage your face with this mixture. Then wash with warm water. The skin will become pink, fresh, smooth. Peeling is recommended to be carried out no more than 2 times a week. For sensitive skin - 1 time per week.

In pursuit of beauty, it is not necessary to purchase expensive cosmetic products; there are many products available for preparation and use at home, and they are all based on green tea. The benefits of green tea are invaluable: it treats acne, makes the skin healthy and beautiful, moisturizing it. The tea is safe and does not cause allergies, redness, or side effects.