Protein shakes for weight loss - contraindications, benefits and harm. Protein shakes for women - benefits, useful properties, recipes

Protein - what is it?


What types of cocktails are there?

What are the mixtures made from?

Types of proteins and their properties

Why does the body need protein?

What foods do you find protein in?

Harm of protein mixtures

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • abuse of fatty foods,

The effect of cocktails on men

How does protein affect women?


How to take protein

  • amino acids;
  • glutamine – nourishes muscles;


  • celiac disease;
  • phenylketonuria;


How to use?

People who pay great attention to a healthy lifestyle often wonder whether a protein shake is good or bad? Protein drinks are used in sports nutrition. At the same time, it is worth studying contraindications and indications for use before preparing such mixtures.

What are the benefits and harms of protein shakes?

Protein - what is it?

In order to talk about the negative impact and harm of protein shakes on the human body, it is necessary to understand what protein is. Protein is a high-molecular substance of organic origin, consisting of amino acids that are connected via peptide bonds. Proteins are the main material for the production of new cellular structures throughout the body.

In sports nutrition, protein is usually presented in the form of a powdered mixture, somewhat reminiscent of baby food. It is used to quickly replenish protein deficiency in the body associated with increased physical activity or for preventive purposes to correct an unstable diet.


What types of cocktails are there?

The main component of high-protein mixtures is artificially synthesized high-quality protein of animal or plant origin. To better digest proteins and improve their nutritional qualities, manufacturers can add fructose and sucrose. The filler is often powdered milk or vegetable dry soy concentrate.

To increase the beneficial properties, the manufacturer can artificially enrich the product with vitamin complexes, fats, and mineral supplements. The most common are vitamins A, B, C and PP.

The composition may contain potassium and sodium salts. To give better taste, food flavorings and colorings are used.

What are the mixtures made from?

All protein on the market is protein that is artificially synthesized in the laboratory. Their main difference lies in the feedstock from which it is isolated. Based on the composition of the raw material, it can be whey, casein, soy or egg.

Types of proteins and their properties

Among the variety of modern protein shakes, several main subgroups can be distinguished:

  1. Whey is a product of animal origin. It is isolated mainly from whole milk or by-products obtained during production, for example, cheeses - cheese or curd whey. Belongs to the group of easily digestible proteins. Within a few hours it is broken down into amino acids and absorbed quite quickly. Most often it is recommended for use before training or during physical activity.

    How to make your own protein shake

  2. Casein is also a substance of dairy origin. Partially due to casein, dairy products have such nutritional value. This substance is rich in calcium and phosphorus. Due to the slow breakdown of this substance in the stomach, it is recommended for use between workouts or before bed.
  3. Soy - refers to substances of plant origin. The soy version is most often used by people who suffer from lactose intolerance or those who adhere to a vegetarian diet.
  4. Egg is a rather rare representative among sports mixtures. This is due, first of all, to its high cost. However, experts consider it to be the leader in protein content and biologically active substances.

All mixtures are selected individually depending on the purpose of use, as well as personal intolerance to individual components.

Why does the body need protein?

Protein is a key “building material” for our body. One of its main functions is muscle synthesis. There are about one hundred thousand types of proteins in the body. They are necessary for tissue regeneration and constant maintenance of internal chemical processes.

What foods do you find protein in?

About 20% of our body is made up of protein. Only our body contains more water. Thanks to protein, the body is able to perform structural and biochemical reactions necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, muscle contractions, and strengthening the immune system.

Athletes use properly organized protein nutrition not only to build muscles. The so-called protein diet, in which the total calorie content of foods is reduced and protein consumption is strictly regulated, is very popular among athletes during “cutting”. Nutritionists have also not ignored this style of eating and believe that it is well suited for girls who are watching their figure.

The importance of proteins in our diet is simply invaluable. They are vital for normal growth and development, for example, for children, as well as for women during pregnancy. A lack of essential amino acids can have a detrimental effect on the health of a growing child or still developing fetus.

Harm of protein mixtures

Despite the fact that the components contained in sports supplements are mainly of natural origin and are completely physiological in relation to the human body, they still have their side effects. The main danger is protein and sweeteners - fructose and lactose.

Extremely high content of high-protein foods is harmful to the human body. Its excess is a serious burden on the liver and kidneys - they have to wear out, eliminating its excess. High concentrations of it in the diet can lead to diarrhea, constipation and flatulence. And these are just the most harmless symptoms.

Abuse of this product over a long period of time leads to weight gain. Individual intolerance to it is also possible. Sometimes a rash appears on the skin, and the formation of acne is evidence of a disruption of the endocrine system. Along with other negative factors such as:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • abuse of fatty foods,
  • may contribute to fatty liver and the development of cirrhosis.

The effect of high-protein mixtures on men

Due to their specific hobbies, representatives of the stronger sex consume sports nutrition more often than women. In this regard, many rumors arise that the use of mixtures causes impotence and contributes to baldness. We want to reassure you right away - the correct use of sports mixtures does not pose any danger for men. Do not confuse high-protein cocktails with steroid drugs.

The effect of cocktails on men

On the contrary, when consuming high-protein foods, men experience an increase in testosterone levels, which leads to increased sexual desire. Regarding baldness, here is one scientific fact. Our hair is mainly made up of protein. Before they fall out and renew themselves, they grow for two to three years and during the growth stage protein plays a primary role. Therefore, its deficiency can cause the rarest hair.

The only exception for the male population is the consumption of soy formulas. Experts do not recommend it for frequent use. Soy-based products contain phytoestrogens. The action of these substances is very similar to the action of female sex hormones, and this can contribute to the feminization of the male sex.

The effect of protein mixtures on women

How does protein affect women?

Unlike men, women most often use sports nutrition when losing weight. Our body spends more energy breaking down protein than processing fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, high-protein cocktails have become an indispensable product, especially for girls promoting a protein diet. This product helps to dull the feeling of hunger and helps you adhere to an accurate calorie intake.

Consuming high-protein foods helps renew red blood cells, or red blood cells, in the blood. Protein is the main material on which the entire process of hematopoiesis is built. This is especially true for women during their menstrual cycle.


To the question: Can protein shakes have a harmful effect on the human body? The answer is obvious - yes. Like many other products, they have their own consumption culture and their own contraindications. Is it possible to minimize negative consequences? The answer is also positive.

How to take protein

To do this, you need to follow a small set of generally accepted rules. First of all, you should control your protein intake. Under normal conditions, a person needs 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Depending on what goals you are pursuing, and with increasing physical activity, this norm can be increased to 5 g.

Persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys should consult a doctor before consuming sports nutrition. The same recommendation also applies to people suffering from lactose intolerance, diabetes and pancreatitis.

High-protein cocktails do not cause any specific harmful effects on the human body. As with many aspects of life, it is important to find the optimal balance and the right approach in sports nutrition. Likewise, when using mixtures, if you find the optimal rate, you can say that they do more good than harm.

Video about the benefits and harms of protein

Protein shakes can have positive and negative effects on the human body. To fully understand the role they play in our lives, watch the video on the topic:

Any methods for weight loss require the use of a complex of physical activity. Some weight loss remedies focus on reducing food intake throughout the day. In this article I would like to talk about protein shakes that will help you get rid of extra pounds.

Some nutritionists convince us that such cocktails are quite effective. The recipe itself for preparing a protein shake for weight loss is very simple. To do this, you need to mix the dry mixture with kefir (can be replaced with plain yogurt, preferably natural) or milk. And mix it all with a blender. However, the composition of the drink may be different.

Protein shakes for weight loss are considered harmless to the body, but they will not give the desired result if you do not exercise. They focus on reducing their food intake throughout the day.

Protein shakes - contraindications

But still, if you decide to lose weight in this way, then you should remember that you cannot get carried away with it for a long time. Moreover, if you are prone to various allergic reactions, you should be more careful when consuming such drinks.

The benefits of protein shakes

Among the main positive properties are:

  • use instead of single-component food of any composition;
  • safety when used for the body;
  • obtaining the expected effect from using such drinks for weight loss.

Disadvantages of Protein Shakes

These should include the following:

  • a large amount of sugar in the drink and a small amount of nutrients;
  • during consumption, you should reduce the amount of other food you eat to avoid the opposite effect;
  • the occurrence of problems with the digestive system due to improper or irregular use of cocktails;
  • in some cases, the required amount of calories may not be received, which will lead to failure and will not bring the desired result

It should also be noted that these disadvantages occur only if the cocktail is taken irregularly. In this case, physical activity is also an important factor, which is simply necessary to obtain the desired result in combination with the use of this drink.

Another important point is the composition of the cocktail, which is best prepared at home. After all, it is not necessary to purchase cocktails of unknown composition in stores. It will be cheaper and more reliable to prepare a drink from natural low-fat yogurt, while replacing a meal with it. Thus, within a couple of days you will be able to feel the results for yourself.

After all, protein is considered one of the most important foods. But still, you should not abuse it, as its excess can harm the body. Protein-based mixtures can quickly and easily eliminate the feeling of hunger and saturate the body with amino acids. Undoubtedly, you can get protein from foods such as eggs and meat. But we should not forget that they also contain cholesterol, which is harmful in large quantities. Therefore, it is best to get protein through such drinks. How to make protein shakes? Below are several recipes.

Refreshing cocktail

It allows you to quickly saturate the body. To prepare it you will need: celery, half a lemon, a green apple, a couple of cabbage leaves, which must be passed through a juicer. Then add 120 g of kefir. Ready!

Tonic cocktail

With this drink you will feel a surge of strength, and hunger will leave you for a long time. It can be consumed before and after meals. To prepare, you need to pass the following products through a juicer: spinach, beets, carrots, apples, dill. Then beat in a blender with the addition of one egg white. The drink is ready!

Protein shakes (PS) have long ceased to be the prerogative of professional athletes. Over the past few years, they have been actively consumed by both those who prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle and those for whom body aesthetics are important.

Nutritionists to some extent approve of this phenomenon, since it is believed that in the normal diet of modern people there is a lack of protein proteins.

There is a constant debate in society about whether it is worth taking PC or not. Some see them as an opportunity to get a great physique in a short time, while others see them as complete harm. Where is the truth?

Types and composition of protein shakes:

Proteins are divided into classes, each intended for specific purposes:

  • protein for muscle gain;
  • The gainer is used to obtain energy;
  • amino acids;
  • BCAA serves to nourish muscle cells;
  • arginine is necessary for pumping;
  • glutamine – nourishes muscles;
  • prohormones help gain muscle mass;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes are necessary for everyone;
  • fat burners – improve the relief, burn fatty tissue;
  • testosterone boosters also help build muscle mass;
  • anabolic complexes are necessary for the same purposes;
  • Meal replacements are used for weight loss.

In general, the basis of PC is proteins obtained from whey. Plant products and egg whites are added to them. Some of them add multivitamins and vitamin complexes. They serve to compensate for sodium and potassium that is washed out later during physical activity.

And depending on the base ingredient, PCs are also divided into several types:

  • Serum-based PC. Absorbed easily and quickly. There are two types: containing from 30 to 80% protein and supplemented with fats and lactose - affordable and containing 95% protein - the most expensive;
  • Protein from milk - milk PC. Average digestibility and average cost;
  • Egg-based PC. It is expensive and is used less often;
  • Soy protein is intended for those who do not tolerate dairy products and is excellent for vegetarians;
  • Casein protein is the most difficult to digest. It is recommended to take it at night.

To provide calories, fructose and sucrose are added to some types of proteins. Their advantage is that they have a quick effect and can be used immediately before training.

Dry mixtures are used for their preparation. However, there is nothing particularly exotic in their composition that could interfere with their home preparation. But professional athletes are skeptical about homemade proteins.


Before assessing the benefits or harms of protein drinks, several related factors should be taken into account. An important one is the dose of the drink.

The human body can digest no more than 30 grams of protein per day. As we already said, 250 gr. PC contains 40 gr. squirrel. Based on this, the optimal dose can be determined. It is also important to consider that during physical activity the body requires several times less protein.

Excess protein creates additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the kidneys. In addition, it is necessary to find out whether there is an individual intolerance to protein products.

PCs are strictly contraindicated in the presence of certain diseases:

  • celiac disease;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

An overdose of protein can lead to significant disorders in the body. And a systematic excess leads to the development of dysfunction of organs and systems.

If, however, desire outstrips reason, then before taking it it is advisable to set an individual dosage under the guidance of a nutritionist or other medical specialist.


Protein can be obtained from daily foods. True, in small doses, significant energy consumption for digestion and over a relatively long time. The number of calories is minimal - from 100 to 250.

In practice, PC is accepted in the following cases:

  • for burning fat and gaining muscle mass among fitness fans;
  • tourists or geologists can take a PC with them, since in polar conditions there is no possibility of adequate nutrition;
  • as a dietary supplement for those who exercise and want to speed up their weight loss process.

The benefits of PC, as well as the harm, depend on the methods, composition and dosage of the drink.

Thus, the correct intake helps not only build muscle mass, but also actively burn fat. To be effective, it is advisable to include them in your regular diet. Another noteworthy property is that they suppress appetite. One glass drunk (remember, no more than the prescribed dose) gives energy for a long time and eliminates the need to eat.

Weight loss diets not only burn fat, but also contribute to the breakdown of muscle mass, which leads to sagging parts of the body. The secret is that you need to turn on the anti-catabolic process. This PC is an indispensable assistant. In addition, they significantly speed up metabolism.

How to use?

Its harm or benefit to the body also depends on when and how it occurs. Therefore, it is important to follow the instructions.

If PC is taken for the purpose of losing weight, it should be taken in the morning. Instead of breakfast, of course. You can eat a piece of bread or fruit. A piece of bread contains a small amount of carbohydrates, which contribute to the absorption of the adopted composition. It is recommended to choose whole grain bread. This product contains a large amount of fiber and fiber.

Fruits provide the body with minerals and vitamins. Fructose and sugar contained in their composition instantly penetrates the blood and provides energy.

This method of administration will help the body replenish the loss at night. It also calms your appetite for a while.

The next dose is recommended after training, 15-20 minutes later. It should be remembered that when taking PC you need to drink enough water. If there is not enough of it, then the cells tend to keep it in reserve, which is fraught with cellulite and the slowness of the weight loss process. PC should always be drunk fresh. You can't cook in reserve.

One thing to remember is that PC can easily turn into fat cells if taken in excess. To summarize, PC should be a complement to other healthy lifestyle measures.

In recent years, the number of men and women in gyms has become almost equal. The girls not only mastered weightlifting equipment, but also became seriously interested in sports nutrition. The reaction of sporpita manufacturers to this trend was not long in coming - bright jars with the inscription “Protein for Women”, a cute design, and different “ladies’” tastes and aromas immediately appeared on the shelves of specialized stores. How, besides the color of the packaging and labels with flowers, does protein for women differ from a similar product without the corresponding label? How to take it and will it harm the female body? Is it possible to replace expensive store-bought supplements with homemade protein shakes? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

Regular exercise in the gym requires an increased amount of protein in the diet. The norm for a woman is about 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. This will be quite enough for the normal functioning of all systems of the female body, but it will not create an excessive load on the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. And although the human body, in general, is structured the same in both men and women, nevertheless, as regards the digestion of protein, this process is somewhat slower in the fair sex. It was this feature of the female body, as well as girls’ love for various cute girly things, that prompted sports nutrition manufacturers to develop a special protein for women.

The benefits and harms of protein for women

Before making any decision about taking protein shakes, every woman should weigh the pros and cons for herself, familiarizing herself with the beneficial and harmful aspects of consuming pure protein.

Useful qualities of dietary supplements

If we ignore the aspect of the quality of the purchased supplement, then the question of whether protein shakes are harmful for women is not even worth it. Protein is a protein, therefore, the effect of this supplement on the body is exactly the same as eating regular natural protein products. This is the most important benefit of protein shakes for women. The protein supplement is made from high-quality whey protein concentrate, synthesized from natural products, contains minimal amounts of simple carbohydrates and fatty acids, and does not have any harmful effects on women's health. On the contrary, the benefits of protein shakes as part of a diet are obvious: high protein digestibility, low calorie content, good taste, ease of storage and preparation. Thanks to these qualities, the fair half very often uses protein for women to lose weight, and not just to build muscle mass.

The harm of protein shakes

A protein shake for women can only be harmful in certain cases:

  • Incorrect dosage of protein per serving. The optimal amount of protein in one serving of a protein shake should be approximately 25-30 grams. If you exceed this figure, there may be adverse effects on the digestive system and kidneys.
  • Using low-quality or expired additives. Even in a large sports nutrition store, you can easily come across a fake, made in third world countries in unsanitary conditions from low-quality raw materials, and in some cases even containing traces of toxic elements: lead, cadmium, mercury or tin. Under no circumstances should you use such additives in food, and if you are not sure of the originality of the product you are holding in your hands, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.
  • Individual intolerance to product components.

Protein shakes should be taken at times when the fastest possible supply of amino acids to the body is needed. First of all, protein is especially beneficial for women after a workout: taking it will stop the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, start the process of restoring injured muscle cells, and give strength and energy. It is also a good idea to take a protein shake immediately after waking up (as your first breakfast). This way you will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a while, but will not overload the gastrointestinal tract, which is not yet ready for a full meal, with an excess amount of solid food.

In addition, protein shakes can be consumed in case of long breaks between meals or as a last meal in the late evening. This will saturate your body with all the necessary substances and satisfy your hunger.

Another important question that we will try to answer comprehensively is how to take protein for women? Let us immediately note that in different situations it is recommended to use different types of protein shakes. Therefore, if you are satisfied with the financial side of the issue, then it would be best to use a detailed dosage regimen with clearly defined dosages. You can see an example of such a scheme below.

Reception scheme

This diagram is just a guideline for when and in what quantity women should consume protein. It is not at all necessary to follow it thoroughly. 4 protein shakes a day will more than cover the female body’s daily need for protein, and there will simply be no room left in the diet for protein from natural products.

Remember that any supplements are only an addition to the diet, and not a complete replacement, and at least 75% of the diet should consist of products of natural origin.

The dosage of protein, as well as the dosage regimen, can be varied. If you feel a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract (heartburn, bloating, indigestion, etc.), the amount of protein consumed should be reduced. Do not take a full portion, but 50-75% of it, the load on the gastrointestinal tract will decrease, and the functioning of the digestive system will normalize. You should also not exceed the indicated dosage; most likely, higher doses of protein simply will not be absorbed. Scientists have not yet identified the exact amount of protein that the human body is able to absorb at one time - there may be too many auxiliary factors, but most fitness experts and nutritionists are convinced that for women this amount is 25-30 grams. For men, this amount may be slightly higher – up to 50-60 grams.

Features of protein absorption by the female body

The mechanism of protein absorption is also complex and not fully understood. During the digestion process, protein breaks down into amino acids and peptides, then these substances are absorbed by the intestines and enter the blood. This process is called protein transport function. The fact is that in most cases, due to increased hormonal levels (large amounts of free testosterone speed up digestive processes in the body and improve food absorption) and stress after strength training, the transport function of protein proceeds faster in the male body than in the female body, which is why it can absorb more protein at one time.

Women's Protein Review

Protein for women comes in different types, and you can achieve different goals by taking it. It differs in the completeness of the amino acid composition, the rate of absorption, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the finished product and the addition of minor substances such as cretin or glutamine.

Protein shakes for fat burning

For example, during the fat burning period, whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate or egg protein are best.


Whey protein or egg protein has the highest degree of absorption, contains a small amount of calories, and does not contain simple carbohydrates and fats. The amino acid composition in these types of protein is perfectly balanced. Taking it will cover all the body’s needs for certain microelements. The only downside to these supplements is their price. On average, they cost one and a half times more than regular whey protein. You can also use casein as the last meal and a multi-component protein between meals. However, do not forget to look at the composition of the product: many complex proteins contain 5-10 grams of simple carbohydrates (sugar, maltodextrin, starch and similar substances) per serving. In a low-carbohydrate diet, we absolutely do not need “extra” carbohydrates, and even those with a high glycemic index. The protein should be stirred in water, not milk, since milk is rich in lactose (a simple carbohydrate). By mixing an expensive hydrolyzate with milk, you deprive the consumption of this additive of any meaning.


For isolates, we recommend using Nectar Naturals from Syntrax. This protein is not only packaged in a beautiful “purely feminine” jar, it is ideally suited for fat burning. The peculiarity of the product from this manufacturer is that it is completely free of fats and carbohydrates, as well as artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. Among hydrolyzed proteins, Platinum Hydrowhey from Optimum Nutrition holds the palm. Unfortunately, it is not often found on store shelves, but it is perfect for taking immediately after a workout. One serving contains only 140 calories.

Protein for mass gain

During the period of gaining muscle mass, it is not entirely advisable to spend your money on such expensive supplements like isolate and hydrolyzate, and it is quite possible to limit yourself to whey protein. It is best taken immediately after strength training. The most popular whey protein for girls is 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. Perhaps this is one of the best options in terms of price and product quality. In addition, it contains lactase and aminogen - enzymes that improve digestive processes.

Multi-component protein and casein

Multi-component protein and casein should also be included in your diet, but again, be sure to read the ingredients list. If you buy a protein that contains carbohydrates and fat, make sure that the combination does not result in excess carbohydrates and calories in your diet. Otherwise, instead of high-quality muscle mass, you risk increasing only your subcutaneous fat layer. For multicomponent proteins, we recommend using Matrix from Syntrax. It contains whey, micellar casein and egg whites and glutamine peptides in optimal proportions, which ensures complete absorption of the product. When it comes to casein protein, one of the best products for gaining muscle mass is Weider's 100% Casein. It ensures a uniform flow of amino acids into the blood for 7 hours.

Egg and beef protein

For variety, you can replace whey protein with egg or beef - these products exactly imitate the amino acid composition of natural products. Plus, the manufacturer often adds creatine to beef protein in the amount of 2.5-5 grams per serving of the cocktail, which makes its use even more beneficial - creatine helps accumulate energy in the form of ATP molecules, which allows our muscles to perform more power work. Carnivor from MuscleMeds is rightfully considered the best quality and taste of beef protein. It contains several times more creatine than regular steak and is rich in BCAA, which enhances the anabolic and anti-catabolic effect. The famous bodybuilder Kai Green took an active part in its development. There are not many companies producing egg protein, and Optimum Nutrition has firmly occupied the vacant niche with its product 100% Egg Protein. One serving of this protein contains as much protein and beneficial micronutrients as seven cooked egg whites.

Protein for drying

Girls who are professional bodybuilders and often compete in competitions are familiar with the concept of cutting - burning subcutaneous fat without compromising muscle mass in order to make the body more prominent. Whey protein for women is ideal for this purpose because it can be taken both before and after a workout. This type of protein is quickly absorbed by the female body, which makes it an indispensable tool in the fight for beautiful relief if there is little time left before the competition. Whey protein for women has a high “efficiency factor”. Casein and soy proteins are used for the same purpose. Casein is a “slow” protein, so it is usually taken at night. But soy protein during drying will be a salvation for those girls who suffer from lactose intolerance or adhere to a vegetarian diet.

How to make a protein shake at home?

It’s not difficult to prepare a protein shake at home for women. To do this, we only need easily digestible protein products, water or milk and a blender. It is also possible to add fresh fruits and berries, jams, honey or oatmeal, but in this case you will be preparing a kind of gainer, since the proportion of proteins and carbohydrates will be approximately 50/50. Vary the composition of the cocktail at your discretion, depending on what goals you are pursuing.

To add rich fruity flavor to your smoothie, use low-calorie jams or preserves. This product is not uncommon now; it can easily be found in sports nutrition stores or in the health food departments of large hypermarkets. If you're looking to make a low-carb shake that doesn't contain extra carbs and is diet-friendly, low-calorie jams are a great choice for making your shake taste better. Of course, the taste of natural jam or preserves is much brighter and richer, but they contain a large amount of sugar.

The protein component of a homemade protein shake is usually cottage cheese (regular, grain, or soft) or similar dairy products, such as Greek yogurt. Of course, it will be better if these products are reduced in fat, since 1 gram of fat contains approximately 9 calories. Often raw eggs are found in such recipes, but let's be honest: there is little pleasure in eating raw chicken eggs. They have a viscous, viscous consistency, a low degree of digestion due to the lack of the enzyme necessary for the digestion of the raw product, a high fat content in the yolks, and there is also a risk of contracting salmonellosis. And if the issue of salmonellosis can still be solved by eating quail eggs instead of chicken eggs, then other problems do not disappear. Therefore, the protein base of our cocktails will be cottage cheese - it contains both whey protein and casein, has a neutral milky taste and mixes well in a blender.

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

Ingredients Description
  • 300 ml milk or water
  • 40 grams low-calorie jam
This protein shake is the lowest calorie shake on our list; it contains no excess carbohydrates or fat, and can be enjoyed even on a strict low-carb diet.
  • 200 grams low-fat soft cottage cheese or Greek yogurt
  • 400 ml milk or water
  • 30 grams of walnuts
  • 60 grams of fresh raspberries or blueberries
This protein shake contains a large amount of vitamins obtained from berries, as well as unsaturated fatty acids that lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • 100 grams of grain cottage cheese
  • 300 ml low fat kefir
  • 1 banana
  • 1 teaspoon honey
This protein shake has a pleasant taste and texture, and the small amount of simple carbohydrates in it will immediately restore energy and bring you back to life after a hard strength training session.
  • 150 grams low-fat cottage cheese
  • 300 ml milk
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter
  • 30 grams of oatmeal
  • 1 kiwi
This protein shake is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, simple and complex carbohydrates, and can easily replace a full meal of solid food. Kiwi is also rich in vitamin C (almost 2 times more than in oranges) and fiber, which improves immunity and the functioning of the digestive system.

Increasingly, the consumption of natural protein is being replaced with artificial protein, because drinking a cocktail is easier and faster than preparing healthy meals. But, since special cocktails still remain a synthetic additive to the main diet, the question is often asked whether protein is harmful or not. To understand this, you need to accurately determine the effect of cocktails for building muscle mass on the male and female body.

What is protein?

Synthetic protein is, in fact, a common food additive made from protein mixtures (proteins). Whether protein shakes, which are subsequently prepared from a concentrated substance, are harmful or not, what effect they have on the human body and whether they really allow you to quickly gain muscle mass - these topics are constantly raised by novice athletes, some coaches, sports nutrition specialists and the media. At the same time, protein is only an additive to the basic diet, and not a complete replacement for natural protein, which the human body traditionally receives from food.

Natural proteins are undoubtedly beneficial. The effects of organic compounds are as follows:

  • promote growth and participate in the accumulation of muscle mass - this property is used when introducing proteins into the diet of athletes;
  • transport various substances;
  • participate in the breakdown and promote the absorption of nutrients obtained from food;
  • provide the body with sufficient energy;
  • promote the formation of antibodies and are involved in maintaining hormonal balance.

However, the effect of this substance on the body is not so clear. Like many other products, including natural ones, protein powder can cause various types of allergic reactions.

Who can drink protein shakes and when?

Many people who want to become more athletic and have a toned and sculpted body are ready to drink and eat anything that will help them achieve their goal as soon as possible. Protein is especially popular due to its versatility: concentrated protein allows both weight gain and weight loss. This property makes it possible to use “artificial” protein for various groups of people.

If you are too thin, cocktails will allow you to gain about 10 kg of muscle mass in just a few weeks. The effect of protein can also be directed in the opposite direction: there are mixtures that do not promote weight gain at all, and even quickly burn fat deposits. Both a young girl and a middle-aged woman can use the substance for weight loss - there are no age restrictions, but, of course, in any case it is necessary to follow the recommended dosages.

The use of concentrated protein can be recommended for strict vegetarians - people who consciously refuse to eat animal protein, as a rule, replace it with plant protein, but this is not always effective. Protein mixtures based on hemp or soy have been developed specifically for vegetarians.

What is the effect of protein?

Do the harm or benefits of protein prevail? The effect of protein is similar to natural protein, which enters the body with food. An organic compound obtained artificially also promotes muscle mass gain, saturates with energy, indirectly increases immune defense (the protective function of the protein is that the substance is involved in the synthesis of antibodies if necessary) and accelerates metabolic processes.

The difference between a synthetic protein and a natural organic compound is as follows:

  • this powder is virtually ready for use and only needs to be diluted with water;
  • contains an optimal composition of energy elements (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • The protein is in split form, so it is absorbed faster and better.

What are the benefits of protein? The benefit of protein lies in the rapid breakdown of concentrated protein into amino acids, which provides energy. Protein powder eliminates the need to consume large amounts of protein foods and allows you to control your sports diet. By accelerating metabolism, the fat layer is reduced, and sufficient nutrition is supplied to the muscles. In sports, the benefits of protein shakes are undeniable, but their uncontrolled use is not only ineffective, but can also pose a serious health hazard.

How does protein affect men?

Representatives of the stronger sex, due to the specific nature of their hobbies, resort to using protein powders much more often than women. Is protein harmful to health? And in particular, what effect will protein consumption have on potency?

They are afraid of dependence, complete impotence and a negative effect on the urinary system - this is how organic compounds affect health, according to some opinions. In fact, such threats are unfounded - protein is harmless for men.

Protein shakes do not cause addiction; their composition is simply free of components that could have a similar effect. Protein will also not have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver of a healthy person.

As for potency, many athletes who consume protein mixtures as part of sports nutrition observe the exact opposite picture, i.e. increased sexual desire. But another element is really dangerous - steroids, which have an extremely bad effect on potency.

So, protein powder will not have a negative impact on men's health. Of course, only positive results should be expected only if the rules for taking the substance are followed.

How does protein affect women?

The fair sex, as opposed to the male sex, uses protein powder primarily for the purpose of losing weight and “drying” the body. The harm and benefits of the organic compound of the substance are of particular interest to women in matters of maintaining hormonal balance. Does protein affect hormones and are protein shakes – “diluted” protein – harmful? The substance does not have an androgynous effect. So the influence of protein on hormonal levels is completely unfounded in the media in a negative way.

If we talk about the positive effects of the substance, the benefits of protein for women are the same as for men, however, the organic compound can also be used for the purpose of losing weight.

Are there any negative effects of using protein powders?

Protein proteins today are very diverse, so side effects largely depend on the presence of additional substances in the mixtures.

Objective negative consequences of protein consumption can only appear if there is an individual intolerance to some components of the protein shake, with an incorrectly selected sports diet or non-compliance with dosages. For example, the use of protein mixtures is contraindicated if you are intolerant to lactose and casein. The harm of protein shakes and side effects in this case will be represented by the following condition:

  • poisoning, mild symptoms of intoxication;
  • diarrhea, bloating, increased flatulence;
  • discomfort in the stomach, feeling of heaviness.

Another negative factor of consuming a synthetic organic compound is excessive weight gain and the appearance of fat instead of gaining muscle mass. Such harm to protein can be expected if dosages are not observed and there is no physical activity when consuming concentrated protein.

Why is protein in large quantities harmful? Protein powder can put too much strain on the kidneys, which in turn often causes the development of various diseases localized in the affected organ, or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In what other cases is it harmful to drink the substance? It is not recommended to continue following sports nutrition if any reaction occurs. The following symptoms indicate a clear need to change the composition:

  • protein rash, itching and swelling (if it starts to rash, it’s often enough to simply change the mixture);
  • allergic rhinitis in combination with dryness, redness of the sclera of the eyes, conjunctivitis or lacrimation;
  • poisoning (symptoms of intoxication) and other side effects are rare.


Contraindications to taking protein powder are chronic kidney disease and individual intolerance to the elements of mixtures (poisoning and other side effects may occur). The age factor when using nutritional supplements does not matter: protein is not harmful for teenagers if the substance is used in reasonable quantities. Despite the absence of an extensive list of contraindications, before using the substance, you should consult a doctor and select the appropriate composition of sports nutrition.

People who pay great attention to a healthy lifestyle often wonder whether a protein shake is good or bad? Protein drinks are used in sports nutrition. At the same time, it is worth studying contraindications and indications for use before preparing such mixtures.

What are the benefits and harms of protein shakes?

Protein - what is it?

In order to talk about the negative impact and harm of protein shakes on the human body, it is necessary to understand what protein is. Protein is a high-molecular substance of organic origin, consisting of amino acids that are connected via peptide bonds. Proteins are the main material for the production of new cellular structures throughout the body.

In sports nutrition, protein is usually presented in the form of a powdered mixture, somewhat reminiscent of baby food. It is used to quickly replenish protein deficiency in the body associated with increased physical activity or for preventive purposes to correct an unstable diet.


What types of cocktails are there?

The main component of high-protein mixtures is artificially synthesized high-quality protein of animal or plant origin. To better digest proteins and improve their nutritional qualities, manufacturers can add fructose and sucrose. The filler is often powdered milk or vegetable dry soy concentrate.

To increase the beneficial properties, the manufacturer can artificially enrich the product with vitamin complexes, fats, and mineral supplements. The most common are vitamins A, B, C and PP.

The composition may contain potassium and sodium salts. To give better taste, food flavorings and colorings are used.

What are the mixtures made from?

All protein on the market is protein that is artificially synthesized in the laboratory. Their main difference lies in the feedstock from which it is isolated. Based on the composition of the raw material, it can be whey, casein, soy or egg.

Types of proteins and their properties

Among the variety of modern protein shakes, several main subgroups can be distinguished:

All mixtures are selected individually depending on the purpose of use, as well as personal intolerance to individual components.

Why does the body need protein?

Protein is a key “building material” for our body. One of its main functions is muscle synthesis. There are about one hundred thousand types of proteins in the body. They are necessary for tissue regeneration and constant maintenance of internal chemical processes.

What foods do you find protein in?

About 20% of our body is made up of protein. Only our body contains more water. Thanks to protein, the body is able to perform structural and biochemical reactions necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, muscle contractions, and strengthening the immune system.

Athletes use properly organized protein nutrition not only to build muscles. The so-called protein diet, in which the total calorie content of foods is reduced and protein consumption is strictly regulated, is very popular among athletes during “cutting”. Nutritionists have also not ignored this style of eating and believe that it is well suited for girls who are watching their figure.

The importance of proteins in our diet is simply invaluable. They are vital for normal growth and development, for example, for children, as well as for women during pregnancy. A lack of essential amino acids can have a detrimental effect on the health of a growing child or still developing fetus.

Harm of protein mixtures

Despite the fact that the components contained in sports supplements are mainly of natural origin and are completely physiological in relation to the human body, they still have their side effects. The main danger is protein and sweeteners - fructose and lactose.

Extremely high content of high-protein foods is harmful to the human body. Its excess is a serious burden on the liver and kidneys - they have to wear out, eliminating its excess. High concentrations of it in the diet can lead to diarrhea, constipation and flatulence. And these are just the most harmless symptoms.

Abuse of this product over a long period of time leads to weight gain. Individual intolerance to it is also possible. Sometimes a rash appears on the skin, and the formation of acne is evidence of a disruption of the endocrine system. Along with other negative factors such as:

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • abuse of fatty foods,
  • may contribute to fatty liver and the development of cirrhosis.

The effect of high-protein mixtures on men

Due to their specific hobbies, representatives of the stronger sex consume sports nutrition more often than women. In this regard, many rumors arise that the use of mixtures causes impotence and contributes to baldness. We want to reassure you right away - the correct use of sports mixtures does not pose any danger for men. Do not confuse high-protein cocktails with steroid drugs.

The effect of cocktails on men

On the contrary, when consuming high-protein foods, men experience an increase in testosterone levels, which leads to increased sexual desire. Regarding baldness, here is one scientific fact. Our hair is mainly made up of protein. Before they fall out and renew themselves, they grow for two to three years and during the growth stage protein plays a primary role. Therefore, its deficiency can cause the rarest hair.

The only exception for the male population is the consumption of soy formulas. Experts do not recommend it for frequent use. Soy-based products contain phytoestrogens. The action of these substances is very similar to the action of female sex hormones, and this can contribute to the feminization of the male sex.

The effect of protein mixtures on women

How does protein affect women?

Unlike men, women most often use sports nutrition when losing weight. Our body spends more energy breaking down protein than processing fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, high-protein cocktails have become an indispensable product, especially for girls promoting a protein diet. This product helps to dull the feeling of hunger and helps you adhere to an accurate calorie intake.

Consuming high-protein foods helps renew red blood cells, or red blood cells, in the blood. Protein is the main material on which the entire process of hematopoiesis is built. This is especially true for women during their menstrual cycle.


To the question: Can protein shakes have a harmful effect on the human body? The answer is obvious - yes. Like many other products, they have their own consumption culture and their own contraindications. Is it possible to minimize negative consequences? The answer is also positive.

How to take protein

To do this, you need to follow a small set of generally accepted rules. First of all, you should control your protein intake. Under normal conditions, a person needs 1 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Depending on what goals you are pursuing, and with increasing physical activity, this norm can be increased to 5 g.

Persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys should consult a doctor before consuming sports nutrition. The same recommendation also applies to people suffering from lactose intolerance, diabetes and pancreatitis.

High-protein cocktails do not cause any specific harmful effects on the human body. As with many aspects of life, it is important to find the optimal balance and the right approach in sports nutrition. Likewise, when using mixtures, if you find the optimal rate, you can say that they do more good than harm.

Video about the benefits and harms of protein

Protein shakes can have positive and negative effects on the human body. To fully understand the role they play in our lives, watch the video.

    In recent years, the number of men and women in gyms has become almost equal. The girls not only mastered weightlifting equipment, but also became seriously interested in sports nutrition. The reaction of sporpita manufacturers to this trend was not long in coming - bright jars with the inscription “Protein for Women”, a cute design, and different “ladies’” tastes and aromas immediately appeared on the shelves of specialized stores. How, besides the color of the packaging and labels with flowers, does protein for women differ from a similar product without the corresponding label? How to take it and will it harm the female body? Is it possible to replace expensive store-bought supplements with homemade protein shakes? We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

    Regular exercise in the gym requires an increased amount of protein in the diet. The norm for a woman is about 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. This will be quite enough for the normal functioning of all systems of the female body, but it will not create an excessive load on the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. And although the human body, in general, is structured the same in both men and women, nevertheless, as regards the digestion of protein, this process is somewhat slower in the fair sex. It was this feature of the female body, as well as girls’ love for various cute girly things, that prompted sports nutrition manufacturers to develop a special protein for women.

    The benefits and harms of protein for women

    Before making any decision about taking protein shakes, every woman should weigh the pros and cons for herself, familiarizing herself with the beneficial and harmful aspects of consuming pure protein.

    Useful qualities of dietary supplements

    If we ignore the aspect of the quality of the purchased supplement, then the question of whether protein shakes are harmful for women is not even worth it. Protein is a protein, therefore, the effect of this supplement on the body is exactly the same as eating regular natural protein products. This is the most important benefit of protein shakes for women. The protein supplement is made from high-quality whey protein concentrate, synthesized from natural products, contains minimal amounts of simple carbohydrates and fatty acids, and does not have any harmful effects on women's health. On the contrary, the benefits of protein shakes as part of a diet are obvious: high protein digestibility, low calorie content, good taste, ease of storage and preparation. Thanks to these qualities, the fair half very often uses protein for women to lose weight, and not just to build muscle mass.

    The harm of protein shakes

    A protein shake for women can only be harmful in certain cases:

    • Incorrect dosage of protein per serving. The optimal amount of protein in one serving of a protein shake should be approximately 25-30 grams. If you exceed this figure, there may be adverse effects on the digestive system and kidneys.
    • Using low-quality or expired additives. Even in a large sports nutrition store, you can easily come across a fake, made in third world countries in unsanitary conditions from low-quality raw materials, and in some cases even containing traces of toxic elements: lead, cadmium, mercury or tin. Under no circumstances should you use such additives in food, and if you are not sure of the originality of the product you are holding in your hands, it is better to refrain from purchasing it.
    • Individual intolerance to product components.

    Protein shakes should be taken at times when the fastest possible supply of amino acids to the body is needed. First of all, protein is especially beneficial for women after a workout: taking it will stop the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol, start the process of restoring injured muscle cells, and give strength and energy. It is also a good idea to take a protein shake immediately after waking up (as your first breakfast). This way you will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a while, but will not overload the gastrointestinal tract, which is not yet ready for a full meal, with an excess amount of solid food.

    In addition, protein shakes can be consumed in case of long breaks between meals or as a last meal in the late evening. This will saturate your body with all the necessary substances and satisfy your hunger.

    Another important question that we will try to answer comprehensively is how to take protein for women? Let us immediately note that in different situations it is recommended to use different types of protein shakes. Therefore, if you are satisfied with the financial side of the issue, then it would be best to use a detailed dosage regimen with clearly defined dosages. You can see an example of such a scheme below.

    Reception scheme

    This diagram is just a guideline for when and in what quantity women should consume protein. It is not at all necessary to follow it thoroughly. 4 protein shakes a day will more than cover the female body’s daily need for protein, and there will simply be no room left in the diet for protein from natural products.

    Remember that any supplements are only an addition to the diet, and not a complete replacement, and at least 75% of the diet should consist of products of natural origin.

    The dosage of protein, as well as the dosage regimen, can be varied. If you feel a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract (heartburn, bloating, indigestion, etc.), the amount of protein consumed should be reduced. Do not take a full portion, but 50-75% of it, the load on the gastrointestinal tract will decrease, and the functioning of the digestive system will normalize. You should also not exceed the indicated dosage; most likely, higher doses of protein simply will not be absorbed. Scientists have not yet identified the exact amount of protein that the human body is able to absorb at one time - there may be too many auxiliary factors, but most fitness experts and nutritionists are convinced that for women this amount is 25-30 grams. For men, this amount may be slightly higher – up to 50-60 grams.

    Features of protein absorption by the female body

    The mechanism of protein absorption is also complex and not fully understood. During the digestion process, protein breaks down into amino acids and peptides, then these substances are absorbed by the intestines and enter the blood. This process is called protein transport function. The fact is that in most cases, due to increased hormonal levels (large amounts of free testosterone speed up digestive processes in the body and improve food absorption) and stress after strength training, the transport function of protein proceeds faster in the male body than in the female body, which is why it can absorb more protein at one time.

    Women's Protein Review

    Protein for women comes in different types, and you can achieve different goals by taking it. It differs in the completeness of the amino acid composition, the rate of absorption, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the finished product and the addition of minor substances such as cretin or glutamine.

    Protein shakes for fat burning

    For example, during the fat burning period, whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate or egg protein are best.


    Whey protein or egg protein has the highest degree of absorption, contains a small amount of calories, and does not contain simple carbohydrates and fats. The amino acid composition in these types of protein is perfectly balanced. Taking it will cover all the body’s needs for certain microelements. The only downside to these supplements is their price. On average, they cost one and a half times more than regular whey protein. You can also use casein as the last meal and a multi-component protein between meals. However, do not forget to look at the composition of the product: many complex proteins contain 5-10 grams of simple carbohydrates (sugar, maltodextrin, starch and similar substances) per serving. In conditions of “extra” carbohydrates, and even those with a high glycemic index, we absolutely do not need them. The protein should be stirred in water, not milk, since milk is rich in lactose (a simple carbohydrate). By mixing an expensive hydrolyzate with milk, you deprive the consumption of this additive of any meaning.


    For isolates, we recommend using Nectar Naturals from Syntrax. This protein is not only packaged in a beautiful “purely feminine” jar, it is ideally suited for fat burning. The peculiarity of the product from this manufacturer is that it is completely free of fats and carbohydrates, as well as artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. Among hydrolyzed proteins, Platinum Hydrowhey from Optimum Nutrition holds the palm. Unfortunately, it is not often found on store shelves, but it is perfect for taking immediately after a workout. One serving contains only 140 calories.

    Protein for mass gain

    During the period of gaining muscle mass, it is not entirely advisable to spend your money on such expensive supplements like isolate and hydrolyzate, and it is quite possible to limit yourself to whey protein. It is best taken immediately after strength training. The most popular whey protein for girls is 100% Whey Gold Standard from Optimum Nutrition. Perhaps this is one of the best options in terms of price and product quality. In addition, it contains lactase and aminogen - enzymes that improve digestive processes.

    Multi-component protein and casein

    Multi-component protein and casein should also be included in your diet, but again, be sure to read the ingredients list. If you buy a protein that contains carbohydrates and fat, make sure that the combination does not result in excess carbohydrates and calories in your diet. Otherwise, instead of high-quality muscle mass, you risk increasing only your subcutaneous fat layer. For multicomponent proteins, we recommend using Matrix from Syntrax. It contains whey, micellar casein and egg whites and glutamine peptides in optimal proportions, which ensures complete absorption of the product. When it comes to casein protein, one of the best products for gaining muscle mass is Weider's 100% Casein. It ensures a uniform flow of amino acids into the blood for 7 hours.

    Egg and beef protein

    For variety, you can replace whey protein with egg or beef - these products exactly imitate the amino acid composition of natural products. Plus, the manufacturer often adds creatine to beef protein in the amount of 2.5-5 grams per serving of the cocktail, which makes its use even more beneficial - creatine helps accumulate energy in the form of ATP molecules, which allows our muscles to perform more power work. Carnivor from MuscleMeds is rightfully considered the best quality and taste of beef protein. It contains several times more creatine than regular steak and is rich in BCAA, which enhances the anabolic and anti-catabolic effect. The famous bodybuilder Kai Green took an active part in its development. There are not many companies producing egg protein, and Optimum Nutrition has firmly occupied the vacant niche with its product 100% Egg Protein. One serving of this protein contains as much protein and beneficial micronutrients as seven cooked egg whites.

    Protein for drying

    Girls who are professional bodybuilders and often compete in competitions are familiar with the concept of cutting - burning subcutaneous fat without compromising muscle mass in order to make the body more prominent. Whey protein for women is ideal for this purpose because it can be taken both before and after a workout. This type of protein is quickly absorbed by the female body, which makes it an indispensable tool in the fight for beautiful relief if there is little time left before the competition. Whey protein for women has a high “efficiency factor”. Casein and soy proteins are used for the same purpose. Casein is a “slow” protein, so it is usually taken at night. But soy protein during drying will be a salvation for those girls who suffer from lactose intolerance or adhere to a vegetarian diet.

    How to make a protein shake at home?

    It’s not difficult to prepare a protein shake at home for women. To do this, we only need easily digestible protein products, water or milk and a blender. It is also possible to add fresh fruits and berries, jams, honey or, but in this case you will prepare rather a kind of gainer, since the proportion of proteins and carbohydrates will be approximately 50/50. Vary the composition of the cocktail at your discretion, depending on what goals you are pursuing.

    To add rich fruity flavor to your smoothie, use low-calorie jams or preserves. This product is not uncommon now; it can easily be found in sports nutrition stores or in the health food departments of large hypermarkets. If you're looking to make a low-carb shake that doesn't contain extra carbs and is diet-friendly, low-calorie jams are a great choice for making your shake taste better. Of course, the taste of natural jam or preserves is much brighter and richer, but they contain a large amount of sugar.

    The protein component of a homemade protein shake is usually cottage cheese (regular, grain, or soft) or similar dairy products, such as Greek yogurt. Of course, it will be better if these products are reduced in fat, since 1 gram of fat contains approximately 9 calories. Often raw eggs are found in such recipes, but let's be honest: there is little pleasure in eating raw chicken eggs. They have a viscous, viscous consistency, a low degree of digestion due to the lack of the enzyme necessary for the digestion of the raw product, a high fat content in the yolks, and there is also a risk of contracting salmonellosis. And if the issue of salmonellosis can still be solved by eating quail eggs instead of chicken eggs, then other problems do not disappear. Therefore, the protein base of our cocktails will be cottage cheese - it contains both whey protein and casein, has a neutral milky taste and mixes well in a blender.

    Homemade Protein Shake Recipes

    Ingredients Description
    • 300 ml milk or water
    • 40 grams low-calorie jam
    This protein shake is the lowest calorie shake on our list; it contains no excess carbohydrates or fat, and can be enjoyed even on a strict low-carb diet.
    • 200 grams low-fat soft cottage cheese or Greek yogurt
    • 400 ml milk or water
    • 30 grams of walnuts
    • 60 grams of fresh raspberries or blueberries
    This protein shake contains a large amount of vitamins obtained from berries, as well as unsaturated fatty acids that lower blood cholesterol levels.
    • 100 grams of grain cottage cheese
    • 300 ml low fat kefir
    • 1 banana
    • 1 teaspoon honey
    This protein shake has a pleasant taste and texture, and the small amount of simple carbohydrates in it will immediately restore energy and bring you back to life after a hard strength training session.
    • 150 grams low-fat cottage cheese
    • 300 ml milk
    • 1 teaspoon peanut butter
    • 30 grams of oatmeal
    • 1 kiwi
    This protein shake is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, simple and complex carbohydrates, and can easily replace a full meal of solid food. It is also rich in vitamin C (almost 2 times more than in oranges) and fiber, which improves immunity and the functioning of the digestive system.