Stuffed eggplants with carrots. Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic

To prepare eggplants with carrots and garlic, take the following products: eggplants, carrots, garlic, parsley, salt, water, sunflower oil, bay leaf, vinegar.

Rinse medium-sized eggplants with dense pulp well and dry with a towel. Trim the ponytails on both sides. Wrap each eggplant in foil and place in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake for 20-30 minutes. The vegetables should become soft, but not spread out.

Remove the soft eggplants from the oven and cool well.

While the eggplants are in the oven, rinse and peel the carrots, grate them on a coarse grater.

Peel the garlic cloves and cut into rings or cubes. Rinse the parsley and shake to remove excess moisture, chop finely. You can also use dill, cilantro, and celery as greens.

Add garlic and parsley to carrots. Mix. The carrot-garlic filling is ready.

For the marinade, mix water, sunflower oil, salt, bay leaf. Boil. Pour in the vinegar and stir again.

Now cut each eggplant in half along its entire length, without cutting to the bottom side. Generously stuff each vegetable with the carrot-garlic filling.

Place the stuffed eggplants in a suitable container for marinating. Pour over the boiling marinade.

Cover with a plate so that the vegetables are immersed in the marinade. Leave in the kitchen until the filling cools completely. Keep it in the kitchen for another 2-3 days, then put it in the refrigerator.

1. First of all, you need to wash the eggplants properly and cut off their tails. For this recipe for stuffed eggplants with carrots, it is better to use not very large vegetables (as even as possible).

2. Prepare a pan of appropriate size and boil water in it. Carefully place the eggplants in there and let them cook for about 12-15 minutes. Turn them occasionally during the process to ensure they cook evenly.

3. For the filling, you need to peel and chop the vegetables: chop the onions and peppers, and grate the carrots. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Send the onions there first, then, after a couple of minutes, the carrots and peppers. Fry the vegetables until cooked, cool them. Add chopped herbs and (if desired) garlic.

4. At the same time, prepare the brine. For 1.5 liters of water you need about 3 tablespoons of salt. It’s better to make extra brine, but you’ll need a little less of it. So, the cooled eggplants need to be cut lengthwise.

5. Stuff them tightly with fried vegetables. The filling does not need additional salt, brine will be enough.

6. To keep the filling tight, tie each eggplant with thread or green onion feathers, for example. When they are ready, place them on top of each other in a pan or other suitable container.

7. All that remains is to fill the eggplants with carrots, stuffed at home, with pre-prepared brine. Place a press on top and leave the eggplants in this position for about 2 days. During the cold season it may take a little longer. Before serving, carefully remove the thread and cut the eggplants into portions.

Eggplant is a berry brought by the Portuguese from India. Our people loved her very much. But her season is short. Therefore, it is important to know how to prepare eggplants for the winter. They are frozen, pre-baked in the oven and the skin removed, salted, pickled, and prepared into salads. This article will teach you how to make pickled eggplants. Below you will find several recipes of a wide variety and for every taste. However, the cooking principle remains unchanged. Boil the blue ones and fill them with marinade. You can stuff the eggplants before doing this.

There is also a way to dry-salt the blue ones. We simply cut the fruits into discs, sprinkle them with salt and spices, and then seal them. And wet pickling involves pouring brine over the cut fruit.

Pickled eggplants: a universal recipe

It is best to take eggplants for winter preparations that are small, with smooth matte skin without dents or flaws. We cut off the tails of eight eggplants and cut them on the right, left and diagonally to form a “pocket”. Boil in salted water for about seven minutes. We check readiness with a match: it should easily pierce the blue ones. We strain them and put them under a press for an hour to free them from excess liquid as best as possible. We chop three carrots into pieces. We tear off the leaves from a bunch of parsley, without, however, throwing away the stems. Chop the greens, also chop one chili pepper (with seeds possible) and 2 heads of garlic. Salt this mass, mix and stuff it into the eggplant pockets.

Let's make the marinade. Boil water and put parsley stems in there - just for a few seconds so that they become elastic. After this, add the marinade ingredients. For one liter of boiling water you need to take two tablespoons of salt, ten black peas and five allspice and two bay leaves. Pickled with garlic, tied with parsley stems. Place in an enamel bowl and fill with cold marinade. Press down with a plate and place pressure on it. Keep it like this for four days at room temperature. Then place the eggplants in prepared jars and fill with boiled and cooled marinade. Carefully pour in a few tablespoons of hot vegetable oil. We seal the jars.

Pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables in Russian style

No vinegar in preparations! This preservation method is good because fermentation occurs under the influence of bacteria present in the product. We cut ten eggplants in half lengthwise, but do not reach the end by two centimeters. Boil the blue ones for twelve minutes in salted water (30 grams per liter). Place the finished eggplants under pressure until they cool completely. Chop three carrots in Korean style. Cut two parsnip roots into strips. Chop three onions into semicircles. Simmer all these vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil for about eight minutes until they become soft.

Peel two heads of garlic. Chop each clove into plates. Mix most of the garlic with the cooled vegetables. Stuff the eggplants with this mixture (just put the filling on one half and cover the other. You can also put in green leaves of cilantro or parsley. Put the eggplants in glass jars, sprinkle with garlic. Leave in a warm place under pressure for three days. Then pour in boiled but cooled vegetable butter These pickled eggplants stuffed with vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

Beautiful berries

We cut off the tails of four blue ones and boil them in lightly salted water for about ten minutes. Strain and leave to cool. During this time, we will make the filling so that our pickled eggplants look beautiful. In separate bowls, finely chop a large head of garlic, three carrots, and chop the leaves from a bunch of parsley. Cut the cooled eggplants lengthwise, but so as not to divide them into two halves. We put garlic on this “sandwich”, grated carrots on it, and add parsley on top. Season with pepper and add salt (both inside and outside the blue ones). We put our “sandwiches” in an enamel bowl and press down with a weight.

For the first two days, the little blue ones should stand in a warm place to start the souring process. Then the pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots and garlic need to be kept in a cool cellar for another couple of days. It will taste better this way.

Pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots

For this moderately spicy vegetable snack, three pieces of blue ones should first be boiled in water with salt until fully cooked (about half an hour). Then put them under a press and let the bitterness go away. Grate two carrots coarsely. Simmer it in three tablespoons of vegetable oil for ten minutes over low heat. Pass the head of garlic through a press. Let's set aside a quarter of the total. Chop half a bunch of greens. We will also save a quarter of the portion for later. Add the greens and garlic to the carrots. Stir and stuff future pickled eggplants. The recipe advises to tie the blue ones with thread so that the filling does not fall out. Place the eggplants in a saucepan and sprinkle with the remaining garlic and parsley. To 0.5 liters of boiling water add 10 g of salt, ten milliliters of 9% vinegar, three black peppercorns and two bay leaves. Cook for another two minutes. Pour this marinade over the blue ones. Place pickled eggplants stuffed with carrots under a press. Then leave in a warm place for three days.

Blue ones stuffed with vegetables

Boil a kilogram of small eggplants and place them under pressure, as in previous recipes. This same method of preparing pickled eggplants differs from others in the filling. Grate two carrots coarsely and fry them in refined sunflower oil. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into small cubes, chop the parsley and dill (three spoons each), chop three cloves of garlic into thin slices. Place the vegetables with the cooled carrots. Mix and stuff the blue ones with this minced meat. We make the simplest brine. Dissolve 50 grams of salt in one and a half liters of boiling water. Place the eggplants in a dish in one layer. Fill them with cooled brine. Leave the stuffed pickled eggplants for three hours without pressure and for a day under pressure. After this, we transfer them into glass jars and fill them with brine. They should be stored in the refrigerator.

Eggplant blanks

Stuffed products are quite capricious and unpredictable during storage. Therefore, sellers of all sorts of pickled delicacies ferment only eggplants. They make a variety of fillings, as they say, for the table. So how to prepare pickled ones? Boil two liters of water with two tablespoons of salt. We make two through cuts on the sides of the eggplants. Place them in boiling water. Cook for five (small) to ten minutes. Place it under the press on an inclined surface. When the blue ones become flattened and dry, cut them lengthwise. You can stop already at this stage: pack the little blue ones in cling film and put them in the freezer. But there is an alternative: pour brine and put in a warm place for three days. Then put it in the refrigerator.

Spicy filling

Pickled eggplants, according to this recipe, are prepared in the classic way. Only the filling is different. Coarsely grate four carrots and fry until soft. Chop two onions into quarter rings and fry until golden brown. Finely chop five cloves of garlic. Mix the minced meat, add salt, and add chopped fresh herbs if desired. These blue ones should be fermented for three days at room temperature.

Another filling recipe

Grind three carrots and one hundred grams of celery root on a coarse grater, and two onions into small cubes. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil. Cool them, add a teaspoon of black pepper and sweet paprika. Rub the inside of each half-cut eggplant with garlic. We spread the filling. To prevent it from falling out, we tie the blue ones with thread. Place chopped bay leaves and dill umbrellas on the bottom of the dish. Place the blue ones on top, sprinkle with garlic and hot pepper. Fill with brine. These pickled eggplants for the winter are ready to eat within two days.

tend to be bitter. Therefore, first of all, we will deal with them. We will remove the bitterness. We wash the eggplants, cut them into rings about 1.5 cm wide and, sprinkle them with salt, put them in a bowl. Leave the eggplants like this for about 25-30 minutes.
Put the eggplants aside and start preparing the vegetable dressing. For this we need a deep frying pan or saucepan. Chop the onion not very coarsely and fry in vegetable oil until transparent.

Grate the peeled one on a medium grater.

Add carrots to onions. Stir and fry until carrots are soft.

Then add tomato paste, salt, sugar and ground black pepper. Sugar is added to remove the sourness from tomato paste. Mix everything, add about 70 ml of water and simmer the vegetables until soft.

A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add finely chopped garlic.

We've sorted out the vegetables. Let's get back to the eggplants. Drain the liquid formed from them. And if all the salt has not dissolved but remains on the eggplants, then rinse them with running water. Dry with a paper towel and roll in flour.

Fry the eggplants in vegetable oil on both sides until cooked.

Now we “collect” our delicious food. Take a plate and place on it first the fried eggplants, then a layer of stewed carrots. We continue to alternate layers until we run out of eggplants and carrots. Before serving, it is advisable to let the dish steep, but if you can’t wait, help yourself right away.

Bon appetit!

Salted eggplants are an excellent appetizer that keeps well in the refrigerator for months even without capping, becoming tastier over time. For pickling, you need to select small fruits of approximately the same size.

Eggplants in boiling water should be turned over so that they cook evenly on all sides. Undercooked pulp will retain unnecessary elasticity, while overcooked pulp will quickly lose its shape and become limp. The brine must completely cover the vegetables, otherwise mold may grow on them.

You can add hot or bell pepper minced through a meat grinder to the filling.


You will need a 1 liter container:

  • 7-8 eggplants
  • 1 large carrot
  • 1 bunch of parsley or cilantro
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


1. Wash the eggplants in water and cut off the tail from each vegetable.

2. Cut them horizontally, but not all the way, cutting only to the middle. Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. l. salt, lay out all the eggplants and pour boiling water or hot water. Place the pan on the stove and bring the water in it to a boil. Boil the vegetables for 7-8 minutes and turn off the heat.

3. While the eggplants are boiling, peel the carrots. Wash it in water and grate it on a large-mesh grater. Add the chopped herbs and pour boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then salt the liquid or drain the mixture in a colander. Press the peeled garlic cloves into it and mix.

4. One at a time, remove the eggplants from the brine with a slotted spoon and place on a plate. They are no longer bitter, as they have given up their bitterness to the liquid.

5. Carefully distribute 1 tbsp over them. l. carrot and herb fillings.

6. Then we connect the two halves of the blanks, leaving the filling inside, and place them in a prepared dry, clean container, for example a 1 liter jar. We will do the same with the rest of the eggplants, stuffing them. If desired, you can wrap each one with thread or twine to prevent it from opening.

7. Combine salt, sugar and butter in a saucepan, add about 100-150 ml of hot water. Boil everything and pour the brine into the container. Using a knife, carefully move each eggplant away from the jar so that the brine can completely envelop all the vegetables, and place a slight pressure. Place the container itself in the refrigerator or cellar for 2 days.

After this time, the appetizer can be taken out of the jar - the eggplants will absorb all the brine into themselves and become very juicy in taste with a slight garlic note.

Note to the hostess

1. Since the eggplant appetizer has a salty taste and a pungent garlic aroma, it is appropriate to serve it with beer, and for strong alcohol, all types of vodka. Serving any wines, vermouth, gin, or cognac with it means breaking gastronomic rules and demonstrating incompetence regarding the compatibility of dishes and drinks.

2. Wrapping stuffed vegetables with thick thread is a good technique that helps preserve their aesthetics. However, before serving, the eggplants must be freed from their “shackles”, carefully checking that the inedible material has been completely removed. Dark threads against the background of blue peel are difficult to notice, so it is better to take yellow, white, pink, etc.

3. If the housewife has a large glass saucepan (this is a dish for the microwave), then she can conveniently use such a container at the salting stage. You don’t have to forcefully push semi-finished products, like into a jar - it’s enough to carefully lay them out in one or two layers.

4. Difficulty will inevitably arise when people begin to take stuffed eggplants from a common plate to transfer to their own. Therefore, you need to equip the dish with two optimal utensils - wide cooking tongs and a large spoon.