Autoclave canning meat whether to add water. Home autoclave for canning: how to do it yourself, instructions and use

Home canning is a great way to preserve beneficial features summer products and do without the purchase of store goods. The basis for canning is the use of glass jars and the right lids. It is the lids that ensure the tightness of the product and allow canned food to be preserved throughout the year. And by the way, at the Voronezh plant you can buy canning lids at affordable prices manufactured in accordance with GOST.

In addition to the actual filling, jars and lids, the process of making spins is fundamentally important. The standard procedure is to roll the products into jars and out of the steam sterilization. For this, various devices are used. But regardless of their features, they are extremely inconvenient and do not guarantee the preservation of canned food on for a long time. In addition, manual spinning is a laborious and lengthy process. In this article, we will look at what an autoclave is and how to use it, and we will tell you about its features.

So, what is an autoclave for canning?

The best and only alternative to heavy manual labor, is the use of an autoclave. The conditions for using an autoclave for canning are simple and affordable. Therefore, the use of this equipment will not cause difficulties even with a complete lack of experience.
In general, the autoclave for home canning is a container in which the jars are sterilized. Already rolled cans and closed lids are placed there. The principle of operation of the autoclave is to pressurize high pressure and creating a fairly high temperature inside the container. As a result of the impact, it is possible to kill all bacteria that can lead to damage to preservation. More details about the history

Based on the foregoing, several features of canning autoclaves should be reflected:

  • they are similar to a deep thick-walled pan and are equipped with a pressure sensor. It is necessary to control the operation of the device and turn it off in a timely manner;
  • when working, cans with a twist are placed inside on special metal gratings. Thanks to this, sterilization occurs in all directions. This allows you to provide a guarantee of obtaining a high-quality and safe product;
  • as you know, with manual twisting, over the next few weeks, up to 10 - 20% of cans deteriorate. This is due to the activity of bacteria. And when using an autoclave, the bacteria are completely destroyed and the twist will last for a long time.

Thus, the autoclave is very useful in household. In addition, each hostess can choose a product of a larger or smaller volume, as well as with additional options.

The technology of how to use an autoclave for home canning is very simple. You do not need to have special knowledge and experience. In fact, all actions are performed automatically and human participation is minimal. However, you need to know how to use the autoclave. This will avoid its breakage and will make it possible to get tasty and healthy foods home spin.
The conditions for how to use the autoclave at home should be presented in stages:
These products can be powered by electricity or gas. But regardless of the type of autoclave, the basis of its work is the creation of the required temperature in the working part. Accordingly, before placing cans with preservation in the product, you should make sure that the temperature has reached the desired level. The optimum temperature for sterilization is 110 degrees Celsius. If you follow the readings of the sensor, then it should show no more than 0.32 MPa. This means that at this pressure the temperature has reached the desired value.

There is no need to rush when working with the product. Allow the autoclave to reach the desired temperature. On various products, this may take one to two hours. More powerful models are gaining high temperature faster. When the product has warmed up, you should put inside the jar with a twist. Banks with conservation are laid with metal lids down. They are placed on a metal mesh tray of the autoclave. The processing of cans can take different times. It depends on the recipe and the characteristics of the product itself. Therefore, a single universal time simply does not exist. When required time expired, unplug the autoclave or turn off the gas supply. Wherein important point is a prohibition on opening the lid immediately after the end of the process. This is not allowed. You must wait until the product has cooled down. This will be indicated by a zero value on the pressure sensor. When it is exactly like this, then the lid can be opened and ready-made jars with home preservation can be taken out.

From the foregoing, it follows that the conditions for how to properly use the autoclave are very simple. And the ways how to use a home autoclave are the same for electric or gas models.

Features of the autoclave

Obtaining high-quality preservation of a long shelf life depends on not only the operation of the autoclave. The desired result is the sum of several factors. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate several features of the use of an autoclave to obtain excellent healthy and tasty products:

  • only specially prepared products should be used. They must be well washed;
  • jars of the same size should be loaded at one time. It is not allowed to place cans of different sizes;
  • need to roll up the banks. Covers are best fixed with a special key. So they won't be able to jump off;
  • the autoclave has a faucet designed to remove excess liquid. The specified tap should be connected to the hose and secure the resulting structure with a clamp. The free end of the hose must be placed in any container to drain moisture there;
  • the whole sterilization process, the jars must be in the water. As a rule, the required volume is about 30 liters.

It is not allowed to turn on the autoclave without filling it with water; after filling with water, the product must be tightly closed with a lid. These are the main conditions and features of using an autoclave at home. If the process is carried out in compliance with the above rules, it will be possible to obtain any volumes home preservation excellent quality. It should be noted that the autoclave can be used in relation to the conservation of any products. Can be used for cooking vegetable spins, variety of snacks. The autoclave will become ideal option for homemade ketchups and others tomato sauces.
If it is necessary to manufacture canned food from meat, poultry or fish, these products guarantee a long shelf life and save all useful qualities products.

To make canned food tasty, choose only fresh and high-quality products. wash glass jars, fill them with recipe products and seal tightly with metal lids. Autoclave jars do not need to be pre-sterilized.

Loading jars into the autoclave

Put closed banks on the grate at the bottom of the autoclave. You can install jars in the autoclave in several layers. The next row of jars can be placed directly on the lids of the previous row.

If the autoclave is equipped with special clamping cassettes, the jars are installed in them according to the instructions that come with the device.

Attention! Important! Only jars of the same type with the same lids should be placed in one layer!

Then pour cold water into the autoclave so that the free space up to the top edge of the device is approximately 3-4 cm.

Preservation in an autoclave

Close the cover of the device, make sure that the sealing ring is present. Close the lid. To ensure that the cover does not warp to the side, and it lies flat, tighten the nuts crosswise.

If the autoclave is supplied without cassettes that compensate for the pressure difference in the jars and the apparatus, pump air into the tank with a pump through the "nipple" until the pressure gauge shows 1 atm with an automobile or any other pump. The creation of pressure in the autoclave up to 1 atm is necessary to maintain the integrity of the cans, since when heated, a difference in pressure is formed in the autoclave itself and inside the cans, and to check the tightness of the connection between the lid and the body.

If the autoclave is supplied with special pressure cassettes, pre-pumping is not necessary.

Turn on the heat. As it heats up, the pressure in the device will increase, which we need - 0.4 MPa, it corresponds to 120 ° C. When the autoclave is heated to desired temperature, jars must be kept in this mode for the recommended time for canned products. For example, for meat, it is about an hour, canned vegetables in an autoclave will be ready after 20 minutes of sterilization at the same temperature, pickled mushrooms must be cooked for 40-50 minutes at a temperature of at least 110 degrees.

Completion of sterilization

After the required time has elapsed, gradually reduce the pressure, gradually reducing the heat until the heat source is completely turned off. Allow the unit to cool down to a temperature of no more than 30°C, then slowly release the pressure with the nipple. Do not allow sudden heating and cooling, a sharp release and increase in pressure - the cans may open.

Before opening the lid, check the pressure relief valve to make sure that the pressure in the autoclave and outside is equal. If nothing happened, you can safely open the lid.

Canned food is ready!

Open the lid and remove the jars. One bookmark and bringing canned food to cooking takes 3-3.5 hours. As a rule, experienced people do this in the afternoon and by the evening they turn off the autoclave and then leave it to cool in this position until the morning.

With the sunrise you can take out ready-made jars, which then will be a wonderful delicacy to your table!

After you have studied the instructions for using the autoclave, you can start cooking dishes, including: fish and meat stews, vegetable preparations, homemade pickles, jams and marmalades.

Sterilization modes

Name of canned food Bank volume, ml. Sterilization temperature, o C Sterilization duration, minutes
Canned meat 350 120 30
500 40
1000 60
Canned poultry meat 350 120 20
500 30
1000 50
Canned fish 350 115 20
500 25
1000 30
Canned vegetables 350 100 10
500 15
1000 20
Marinated mushrooms 350 110 20
500 30
1000 40

Stewed meat and various canned food have always been in demand in our country, but not purchased, but homemade, from homemade meat, vegetables and fruits. The canning process by the conventional method takes a long time and requires considerable effort. In addition, canned meat and fish must be produced under certain conditions to ensure their safety. So, the usual simmering for six to seven hours provides heat treatment at 1000 degrees, which means that not all harmful microorganisms die. Besides useful substances practically does not remain in canned food during such processing.

The way out in this situation will be an autoclave, which provides rapid heating to 120 degrees at a pressure of 4-4.5 atm., And keeps this mode for 30-60 minutes. This is followed by rapid cooling. This process of preparing canned food has several advantages, namely:

  1. The process of preparing canned food becomes safer, since contact with hot jars, boiling marinades and syrups is reduced to zero. raw foods stacked in jars, rolled up with lids and placed in an autoclave. They also get them cold.
  2. The cooking time of canned food is reduced by at least 3-4 hours.
  3. Vitamins, trace elements and taste are preserved in the products.
  4. Canned food comes out natural and safe, since sterilization at a temperature of 110-120 degrees ensures the death of bacteria.

How to cook in an autoclave

How to cook meat for canning

Meat for stew must be prepared in a special way. It is cut into pieces of such size as to fit in jars. The brain bones are cut out, and the remaining bones can be cooked. It is better to cut the ribs into pieces.

Banks with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter are thoroughly washed and rinsed, the meat and bones are placed tightly up to half the volume, spices are added (a teaspoon of salt, 4-5 black peppercorns, 1 Bay leaf), and then again impose meat and bones so that the top of this layer does not reach the top of the jar by 1 cm. If this condition is not met, then during the preparation of the stew, the lid may be torn off and the canned food will be spoiled. Then the jars are tightly rolled up with tin lids.
The meat must be fresh and the dishes clean, otherwise the canned food will be unsafe.

Autoclave Recipes

Pork pate.

  1. Pig's head (without brains0 and legs are thoroughly cleaned, washed, chopped into large pieces, pour cold water and cook until the meat separates from the bones. After that, the meat is removed from the broth, cooled, separated from the bones and passed through a meat grinder.
  2. The whole liver is boiled for 10 minutes, cooled, passed through a meat grinder.
  3. Various by-products (heart, lungs, kidneys) are boiled until half cooked, cooled and also ground in a meat grinder.
  4. All components are mixed in a large container, about two dozen eggs are added to the minced meat, 10 fried until golden color onions, ground black pepper and salt to taste.
  5. Minced meat is thoroughly mixed, half a bay leaf is placed in half-liter jars at the bottom and minced meat is laid, not reaching two centimeters to the top of the jar. Banks are rolled up with lids and then canned food is prepared in the same way as stew.


  1. Peas taken at the rate of 1 small glass per half-liter jar, washed in cold water. A piece of meat is added to it, raw onion, carrots, a couple of black peppercorns, one bay leaf, a teaspoon without a hill of salt.
  2. Everything is put in jars and the components are poured with the broth left after cooking. pig's head and legs. It is also necessary to leave 2 centimeters to the top of the jar.

By the same principle, you can cook beans or beans. By the way, the brain bones left from the meat can be poured with cold water, salt, spices and bay leaves can be added and boiled. Thus, a delicious aspic is obtained, and all the ingredients of the dish are used.

This canned product can be stored long time without a refrigerator, without losing nutritional value and taste.

It has become a lifesaver for tourists, geologists, the military, or simply in extreme situations when there is no fresh meat or it is impossible to engage in full-fledged cooking.

Today, canned food manufacturers have serious competitors who know how to make stew in an autoclave at home.

Stew in an autoclave at home: does it make sense?

Canned meat is consumed by 30 percent of the population of our country, and their production has exceeded 500 million conventional cans. In the distribution network you can find up to 100 types of stew. The product is made from beef, pork, poultry, rabbit, venison, offal. He is preparing for own juice, with the addition of sauces, cereals, vegetables or in the form of pâtés.

For Food Industry there are certain GOSTs and TUs that determine the permissible composition of the stew. The product of the highest and first grade must contain at least 54-56% natural meat(weight of pieces about 30 g), bay leaf, pepper and salt. In addition, no more than 17% fat is allowed. Such canned food is stored from 3 to 6 years.

Other product varieties can be produced from less than quality components:

Pressed meat;


Crushed veins, cartilage, skins;

They also include nutritional supplements, fragrances. IN imported products minced meat is often used instead of meat, and sodium nitrite is used as a preservative, which gives the contents a natural color and increases the shelf life. For domestic manufacturers, there are restrictions on the use of this additive, but still unscrupulous use it uncontrollably.

Despite the abundance of canned food, as a result of the research, out of 14 samples of domestic production, 10 did not pass quality tests. This is the answer, is there any point in homemade preparations. The process is especially beneficial for those who have their own subsidiary plots. It remains only to learn how to make stew in an autoclave at home.

Stew in an autoclave at home: technology and recipes

An autoclave is a machine used for sterilization. It is used in medicine for processing tools, in the automotive industry to obtain distilled water for batteries, and in other areas of human activity. As a device for home canning, it began to be used in the 60s of the last century.

The installation looks like a metal vessel. On its hermetically sealed cover, a fitting for air injection, a pressure gauge, which controls the pressure and a thermometer, showing the temperature inside the unit, is attached.

Operating principle: the device is loaded, quickly heated to a certain temperature - about 120 degrees and preserves at a constant pressure (4-5 atmospheres). The simplicity of the device allows you to make it yourself, for example, from a gas cylinder.

Units manufactured by manufacturers differ in:

Vessel volume - from 20 to 46 liters;

Heating methods - gas, electric, for open fire;

Design features - horizontal and vertical loading, with a pointer thermometer, an electronic control unit and other devices;

Production material - aluminum, food steel.

How is stew made in an autoclave at home?

Classic technology for any meat:

1. Prepare the meat. It is not recommended to use frozen products. Fresh pork, lamb, beef are cut in such a way that it is convenient to put them in jars. At the same time, meat is taken from various parts of the carcass, the brain bones are removed, the ribs are chopped into pieces. The bird is gutted and skinned. You can cook with bones. If there is not enough fat, as is the case in rabbit meat or beef, add it extra, because without it, canned food will not be stored for a long time.

2. We wash cans, lids and inspect them for rust, chips and other defects.

3. In each jar we put a bay leaf (or half), a few peas of black and allspice, salt and spices according to the recipe.

4. We lay out the meat so that a few centimeters remain to the top of the container. Pour lean preparations on top with fat or broth.

5. We roll up the lids, put them in an autoclave and pour in enough water to completely cover the jars.

6. We tightly tighten the lid of the autoclave and begin to pump up pressure to 1.5-2 atmospheres so that the lids in the jars do not break off. After 30 minutes, the autoclave is heated to 120 degrees. In this mode, the pressure can reach 4-5 atmospheres. The autoclave at 120 degrees should run for about 20 minutes. After that, we begin the process of cooling to 30 degrees, while controlling the pressure! Do not lower it, so that there is no drop, and the banks do not explode.

7. After cooling, gradually reduce the pressure to 0. Open the autoclave lid. Banks are taken out after complete cooling!

8. Wipe the surface dry, turn the container over onto the lid so that the fat rises to the surface. After the can has solidified. put away in a cool place.

This basic recipe , telling you how to make stew in an autoclave at home. Diversify the taste of the product with your favorite spices, pre-marination. For example, canned chicken is unusual if the pieces are pre-marinated in mustard. If you do not for long-term storage, then you can put carrots and onions. Any vegetables are laid raw and poured along with the meat with a small amount of broth. Can be preliminarily

You can cook stew with any cereal. Most often they use rice, buckwheat, pearl barley. For example, chicken with rice will require butter, salt, onions, carrots, peppers, broth. Poultry pieces are fried vegetable oil. Rice is boiled for 10 minutes and combined with butter. Vegetables are cut into pieces and mixed with the main ingredients. The whole workpiece is laid out in jars, poured with hot broth. The time spent in the autoclave is about 30 minutes at 120 degrees.

Adyghe duck turns out very tasty. From one duck per 2.5 kg comes out 4-5 cans with a volume of 0.5 l finished product. Put the bird cut into pieces in containers and pour over the dressing, which is prepared from onion and red pepper. The ingredients are fried with water, flour, garlic and fat. Salt to taste. Roll up the jars and place in an autoclave for 30 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. Instead of duck, you can take chicken. If it will stew old bird, cooking time increases.

All recipes for making stew in an autoclave at home are room for improvisation.

Stew in an autoclave at home: causes of failure

Cooking technology canned meat simple enough. Failures often happen because of its non-compliance. What can happen and how to avoid it:

Not enough juicy meat. It happens due to lack of fat. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to conserve only fresh food and additionally add pork, bone or subcutaneous fat;

The stew turned into porridge. Occurs if products from the store were used as raw materials. Never make canned store-bought legs or frozen meats;

The product is bitter. This taste gives a bay leaf that has been stored for more than a year. To bookmark the stew, you need to choose olive-colored leaves and put them in a small amount;

After preparing the lid, it draws inside the jar. This is due to the fact that before heating the pressure in the autoclave was above 4 atmospheres. It is necessary to carefully monitor the pressure;

The lids bulge. It can happen due to several reasons. The jar was taken out of the autoclave without waiting for it to cool down. They filled it with a blank to the top, leaving no gap of 2-3 cm. Follow the process and there will be no trouble.

Many people advise lightly frying the meat before laying it so that no blood is visible. Otherwise, during the cooking process, flakes may form, which somewhat worsen the appearance of canned food. But this is a matter of taste and does not affect the quality of the finished stew. It is recommended to put small bones at the bottom of the jar. They will give a jelly-like consistency to the liquid. All spices and salt are added to taste directly into the meat, which is placed in jars after processing.

For home use a fairly small unit. For beginners, it is better to make a trial batch for several cans. All containers must be the same height. If the autoclave is not completely filled, then only 2/3 of its volume is needed for water.

So that the autoclave does not let you down, you need to carefully monitor its work, prevent pressure increase, control temperature regime(not more than 120 degrees) follow the instructions for use. And you will receive quality product own cooking.

The autoclave Conservator is intended for preparation of stew from meat, chicken, goose, duck, canned fish, sprat, various vegetable preparations, pickled mushrooms and jam. Made from high quality stainless steel. Capacity: 8 cans of 0.5 liters or 3 cans per liter, you can also place cans of 0.7 liters - 4 pieces or 0.5 liters. - 4 pieces. It is possible to combine various types of cans in one preservation step.

Characteristics of the autoclave Conservative

  • Capacity - 14 liters
  • Material - stainless steel
  • Excess pressure relief valve - yes
  • Manometer - yes
  • Thermometer - yes

For lovers strong drinks there is a model Conservative 2-in-1 with an add-on for home brewing

Autoclave Nefort

The Nefor household autoclave undergoes the most serious reliability test by bringing the pressure to 6 atmospheres and leaving it in this state for 12 hours. Only devices that have passed such a test are sent for sale. Includes removable handles for ease of use and storage. Cans can be included in the autoclave different volume- You can put them at your discretion in one or two levels. For use on electric stoves, you must use a special stand, which is sold separately.

Characteristics of the autoclave Nefor

  • Type - for gas and electric stoves
  • Capacity - depending on the model from 4 to 24 liters
  • Material - stainless steel
  • Safety valve - yes
  • Manometer - yes
  • Thermometer - yes

There is a special model Nefor 3-in-1, consisting of an autoclave, a distiller and even a smokehouse! .

The Nefor 4 is the most compact autoclave available. This makes this model very convenient to carry and use in field conditions. For example, such small devices are actively used by climbers. High in the mountains, the water boils away before reaching a temperature of 100 °C. This prevents proper heat treatment of products. Therefore, an autoclave is the best solution to boil water at high altitude for normal cooking food, as well as for preparations in field conditions.


We hope that now you can definitely answer the question of whether an autoclave is needed in your household. If you roll up several cans of tomatoes for the winter and make a liter or two of jam, then it is quite possible to live without an autoclave. If you are an avid mushroom picker, you like to harvest vegetable salads, squash or eggplant caviar If you want to make homemade canned fish or meat - an autoclave is an absolutely necessary assistant in your household. It simplifies the conservation process several times, makes it fast and completely safe.

On average, the complete process of preparing blanks takes from 30 to 60 minutes for meat, from 20 to 30 minutes for fish, 20-40 minutes for mushrooms, 10-20 minutes for vegetables and fruits. During this short period of time, several liters of blanks are prepared at once (in the autoclaves considered by us, from 4 to 30 liters). The long process of boiling, steaming or heating jars and lids in the oven, which is familiar to us, is excluded from the canning chain. Also, there is absolutely no need to spend time pre-sterilizing the jars - they just have to be clean.