What will you do with the profits of the cafe. About the profit of the restaurant: mountains of gold or miserable crumbs ...

Restaurant owners want to get a high income from their business. The difficulty lies in the fact that all revenue depends only on the client.

How to increase sales in a restaurant? What tricks will help increase restaurant attendance and average bill? Read about it right now!

Increasing restaurant revenue: quantity or quality?

To raise the profit of the restaurant will have to make a lot of effort. No need to wait for guests to come to you and order a dinner for a large amount. It is necessary to constantly work on business development.

How to increase the profit of the restaurant? The first way - increase attendance. This method is used in economy-class establishments where the cost of food and drinks is low. To keep prices at the same level, but increase sales, you need to attract as many guests as possible.

The second option is increasing the average check in a restaurant. For this, a whole range of measures is used. You need to push the visitor to buy either more or more expensive.

How to increase restaurant revenue with attendance

Do you want the number of guests to grow every day? Get ready for the fight. Moscow has thousands of restaurants and fierce competition. To attract new customers, your business must be competitive.

To achieve competitiveness, attract new visitors, expand the menu range, engage in an advertising campaign, improve the quality and speed of service, develop a single concept. The main thing is to offer guests something original. This way you can attract more new visitors.

It is easier to work with regular guests. They need to come more often. Only high-quality service will help, treating the visitor not as a client, but as a good friend.

How to increase the average bill in a restaurant: effective sales techniques

Average check is a common the amount of the restaurant's revenue divided by the number of customers. You can calculate the average check for any period of time. It is not difficult to do this, especially if you use systems for automatic accounting of catering turnover.

An increase in the average check in a restaurant is possible only with an increase in the total cost of the order per person. The easiest, but not the most effective way to increase profits is to raise prices for key items on the menu. It is rarely used, because the risk of losing visitors is very high. The only case when it is possible and necessary to raise the markup is a change in the target audience. For example, when an economy class restaurant is being rebranded. The interior is changing, service is improving, better products are being purchased. The institution outgrows the "economy" category and can claim more affluent visitors.

Other ways to increase revenue in a restaurant do not require large investments. The main thing is management skills and knowledge in the field of sales.

Menu that sells

Menu design is just as important as the quality of the food. Due to errors in the text, unattractive design, visitors may refuse to visit the institution. A well-designed menu takes into account the psychological characteristics of a person:

  • When planning your menu, keep in mind laws of attention. The upper right part of the page is the focus point of the person's gaze. Place the most profitable positions there.
  • Specify prices under the names and descriptions of dishes, use the same font size.
  • Use decorative elements(frames, underlines, pictures), but do not overload the menu with them. Focus the attention of guests on the most advantageous positions for you.
  • The description of the ingredients will not tell the visitor much. If desired, he can ask the waiter for the ingredients. Better describe the taste of the dish or give a brief history of the recipe.

Increasing sales in a restaurant: basic techniques

There are two sales techniques that are actively used in catering. One of them is upselling. It is aimed at increasing the cost of dishes. Another - cross-selling - to increase positions in the menu.

Upselling(upselling) is an offer of a more expensive option. For example, a pizza of a larger diameter is offered, or a double portion of the dish. You can add an author's recipe from the chef or branded coffee to the menu at a price higher than analogues.

Methodology cross-selling(cross selling) helps to increase positions in the check. This is the sale of additional ingredients, sauces, syrups. If you have to wait a long time for the main dish ordered, offer guests light snacks. It is common in Europe for drinks to be served before guests have chosen their meals.

How to increase turnover in a restaurant: the secrets of a profitable service

Are your employees pleasant in communication, courteous, but do not know how to sell? This needs to be fixed. Waiters, bartenders are your main source of sales.

How to improve the level of service in a restaurant? Use these tips:

  • Develop service standards. Literally write down how your employees should greet visitors, when to offer dessert, how often to approach the table.
  • To sell, you need to know your product. Knowledge of the menu, ingredients, cooking method is a must for every waiter. Make an extended menu, fully describe the composition, the nuances of cooking, taste characteristics. If necessary, arrange a tasting for employees. They must represent what they offer.
  • Learn the principles of active selling. Make up scripts, indicate which phrases are better to offer additional products to the client, which is not allowed. In particular, it is not recommended to use negations or interrogative sentences.
  • Create "Order Extension Tables". In it, indicate which products can be recommended for which dishes. For example, for soups - branded bread, for pizza - double cheese, beer, juices.

Traditionally, the salary of waiters is a rate and tea. It is beneficial for them to please the guest. If you add to the bet also percentage of sales, your employees will make efforts to increase the average check.

One of the forms of employee motivation is contests. Announce the dish of the day, let the one who sold the most portions receive a small bonus.

Sales in a restaurant: increasing profits in proven ways

Restaurant business in Moscow is in the stage of active development. New establishments are constantly opening, new "chips" are being invented. To keep up with trends, study your competitors.

Pay attention to all the details of the service, because they bring profit. How the waiter greets the guest, what the menu consists of and how it is designed, what is offered in addition to the dishes. Do not copy other establishments, but consider their working methods.

Think about increasing sales in a restaurant while preparing for the opening. If you decide to buy a restaurant, conduct a detailed analysis of the work of the previous owner. In order not to lose regular visitors to the establishment, innovate gradually.

When choosing an industry in which to implement a successful business, many entrepreneurs prefer the catering industry. This is well justified.

Opening a cafe is a great way to start a business.

Such projects usually pay off quickly and bring big profits in the long run.

That is why all kinds of coffee houses, pizzerias, coworking centers, cafes appear at every step.

We will figure out what actions need to be taken to open a cafe so that it becomes popular. How to open a cafe? We will draw up an approximate business plan, but first we will deal with the features of this area.

Why cafe

In Russia, the catering segment is considered quite free, despite the demand for such a business.

This is because half of the establishments close during the year.

The situation can be explained by a lot of competition, an unsuccessful concept of institutions or poor-quality services.

That is why it is so important to draw up a cafe business plan. Those who approached this responsibly manage to successfully operate in the market.

Each new cafe has its own characteristics, which invariably attracts visitors, some of whom become regular customers.

There are plenty of reasons why such a business is in demand among newly minted entrepreneurs:

  • growth in the well-being of the population;
  • striving for a modern way of life;
  • the opportunity to communicate in a relaxed comfortable environment;
  • development of office centers and shopping and entertainment complexes, whose employees need to eat;
  • interest in thematic institutions;
  • the existence of lovers of culinary delights, as well as bachelors;
  • celebration of celebrations.

Planning as a basis for success

It is important at the very beginning to honestly assess your strengths and capabilities.

Indeed, in order to feed people, it will be necessary to obtain a number of permits (IP, sanitary and epidemiological service, firefighters).

Subsequently, all standards and norms must be strictly observed. When “laying the foundation”, a competent and attentive approach is important, otherwise additional costs cannot be avoided.

The organization of the cafe should not be the result of yesterday's "insight" with this idea. Any business needs to be calculated to the smallest detail!

This is the secret of a successful business. The result begins to form with the planning of indicators: budget, scope, timing of the launch and implementation of the project.

The success of the enterprise rests on these three pillars. Think about how much you are ready to invest in a cafe, how long will it operate and how long will the investment pay off?

If you are able to answer these and a number of related questions, moreover, you understand the relationship between all processes, then your project to open a cafe will certainly bring significant income.

The level of service provision in a cafe is simplified compared to a restaurant, so there is no need to perform a super task.

Let us consider in detail what issues need to be given maximum attention.

Permits and Required Documentation

The organization of a cafe requires a mandatory solution of such legal issues.:

  • business registration;
  • choice of taxation system;
  • collection of documents (lease agreement; permission to place a public catering establishment in a specific room; results of a medical examination by staff);
  • licensing (for trade activities, sale of tobacco and alcohol products);
  • registration of cash registers;
  • conclusion of contracts for: garbage disposal, fire examination, fire alarm, panic button (security), deratization and disinfection, accounting support;
  • obtaining the conclusion of the SES (on the compliance of the selected premises with all sanitary standards);
  • obtaining permission to carry out activities from the fire safety authorities;
  • signing contracts for the supply of products.

In any case, you will not succeed in avoiding the documentary component, so use all your strengths and connections to resolve the issues listed.

Planning to open your own cafe should be based solely on sanitary standards. Customizing the project for them is not the best solution.

All rules for catering establishments regarding compliance with sanitary standards are reflected in the provisions of San Pin Following them is a manifestation of respect for the clients who provide your earnings.

Market and competition analysis

Analysis of the catering segment is very important. It will help you find out which type of cafe is most in demand, and which one will be a novelty. Initially, you need to define the following parameters:

  • the total number of the population and the proportion of young people and people of working age in it (they will make up the main contingent);
  • the average level of income of residents;
  • a breakdown of the number of cafes by niche;
  • territorial location of establishments;
  • demand and supply for services;
  • average check size.

By comparing all these parameters, you will be able to understand the trends inherent in the market, correctly build a pricing policy, create a menu and choose the concept of an institution.

Then study the activities of such institutions in your city, analyzing their pros and cons, the target audience.

The flaws that competitors make are especially important.

Try to avoid them by improving the best practices and contributing your ideas.

It is important to identify the factors that determine the attendance of an institution in a particular place. If you have free funds, market analysis can be ordered from consulting agencies.

In this case, a professional niche assessment with detailed details and a forecast of industry trends is provided. If the prospects of your idea turn out to be illusory in fact, such companies will select a project that is more profitable.

Selecting the type of institution

The budget is planned on the basis of a business plan, based on the type of cafe. Focus on both your own preferences and the number of similar establishments.

Children's cafe - interior

Today cafes are considered promising on the market:

  • children's;
  • vegetarian;
  • Internet cafe;
  • with karaoke;
  • hookah;
  • sushi bars;
  • franchised;
  • fast foods (providing takeaway food);
  • anti-cafe (paid for the time of stay, not the cost of dishes on the menu);
  • thematic (literary, sports, musical, national style, etc.).

Whatever type of institution you choose, take into account the specifics of institutions. For example, the presence of dishes "from the chef" and the branded labeling of cutlery are characteristic of the artsy restaurant style. Do not pursue luxury you do not need, this will only entail extra costs.

But bags of sugar, on the packaging of which comics from your institution are depicted, will be just right. You can also make napkins with a logo or name, a special uniform for staff or a compliment from the establishment to regular customers.

Remember, "zest" is always welcome, and no matter where - in the menu, interior or service.

Location selection

If you are counting on a wide audience, make sure that the location of the cafe is convenient for people:

  • was in the first zone of visibility;
  • disposed to rest (absence near busy highways and noisy highways);
  • provided parking and transport access.

Location, of course, affects the attendance of the institution. You need to choose places with high traffic (central squares, walking areas, shopping and entertainment centers, railway stations and metro stations) or focus on the main idea.

The concept is an important factor in determining the location of the institution. Understanding the target audience will help you choose the right area, street or shopping center. For example, youth cafes can be placed near the main places of entertainment in the city, cafes for vegetarians - near the centers of spiritual practices.

In the case of the main emphasis on business lunches, you should choose places near business centers in the business districts of the city. In a residential area, you can count on banquets, near motor transport hubs - on quick snacks.

Coffee houses are popular in the city center, because it is convenient to meet there to talk about some business for 15-20 minutes.

Features of the room and interior

The premises for the cafe can be bought, built or rented. When choosing, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • rent or cost;
  • room dimensions;
  • the presence of halls and utility rooms;
  • layout;
  • proximity to public transport stops;
  • remoteness from automobile, pedestrian traffic;
  • number of storeys (preferably the first one);
  • availability of entrances and exits (preferably from the street);
  • "Labyrinths" indoors;
  • window exit (great if the room is located at the intersection, and the windows face 2 streets);
  • view from the window;
  • availability of ventilation systems;
  • compliance with the norm (firefighters, SES);
  • the condition of the electrical wiring (what is the maximum load the room can withstand);
  • previous purpose of operation of the premises;
  • the need for repair or restoration.

It is necessary to clearly understand how many halls and seats in them for guests will be needed to implement your idea on a full scale. The best option according to the law is an area of ​​280 m² / 50 seats.

Do not forget to calculate, in addition to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dining area, the dimensions of the kitchen, toilet rooms, storage spaces, staff rooms, accounting, management. The more accurately you draw a plan, the clearer it will be for you and investors, and the more likely it is to bring the project to life in its original form.

Interior design should match the name of the cafe and reflect its concept. Come up with some kind of "chip" that will help attract customers and make the institution recognizable in the market. This can help designers, decorators, florists, marketers.

We can recommend a win-win trick that will attract the attention of guests - fresh flowers on the tables. It's not that expensive, but it always "works". For a themed cafe, the idea should be traced in absolutely everything: from paintings and musical accompaniment to staff uniforms and dish names on the menu. This is a prerequisite for such establishments.

Don't skimp on the budget to beat the idea. After all, it is this factor that allows you to inflate prices on the menu. Remember, in the right atmosphere, the client loses a sense of time and reality, a feeling of relaxation arises. This can compensate for the shortcomings in the kitchen and service.


The amount of the estimated cost of purchasing equipment for the full-fledged operation of the cafe depends on the business plan, which sets out the list of dishes that you are going to offer visitors.

Some products must be stored under certain conditions. This may require additional lockers. Others require special processing devices. Evaluate all the nuances of cooking before adding them to the menu.

For a cafe, a standard set of equipment includes:

  • plates;
  • cutting tables;
  • grill;
  • refrigerators and freezers;
  • combi steamer;
  • washing equipment;
  • dishes;
  • kitchen equipment (mixers, coffee machine, slicers, microwave ovens, blenders, toasters, etc.).

Also calculate the amount of furniture, lamps, decorative elements, dishes, textiles, appliances and appliances needed to decorate the hall.

It is advisable to divide the estimate (calculated in the business plan) by type of goods (kitchen equipment, furniture, plumbing, interior elements). This will allow you to receive volume discounts when delivering products.


It is undesirable for a new institution to risk its reputation from the first days by hiring unqualified staff. It is foolish to hope that employees will learn everything directly at the workplace.

Food that doesn't taste good or doesn't match the name will turn customers away from you once and for all. The impolite and awkward staff, dirty dishes, "stale" halls do not contribute to the popularity.

It is important that employees are:

  • cultural;
  • smiling;
  • professional;
  • healthy;
  • neat;
  • interchangeable.

To operate a small cafe, no more than 10 employees working in shifts will be needed:

  • 2 cooks;
  • 2 waiters;
  • 2 washers;
  • 1 bartender-cashier;
  • 1 administrator;
  • 1 accountant;
  • 1 cleaner.

We compose the menu

To work, you need a basic and banquet menu, developed taking into account the specialization of the institution.

It is important to work out a meal plan:

  • diet menu;
  • children's menu;
  • business lunches (complex lunches);
  • compliments for guests;
  • alcohol card.

Try to avoid banal names of dishes. Introduce something unusual or change the names.

The breadth of the range is welcome. However, it is worth observing the measure. Too many dishes on the menu indicate that they are prepared from semi-finished products or stale products in violation of sanitary standards.

In addition, choose only trusted suppliers. Random purchases at low prices can turn into a big problem.

A standard full menu should contain up to 50 dishes and up to 50 items of various drinks. This is quite enough. It is better to update it every quarter, as well as for the holidays (Halloween, Easter, New Year, etc.).

Advertising and PR

An advertising campaign can be carried out once, but it is better to do it on an ongoing basis (in this case, these costs must be included in the cafe business plan). When developing a marketing policy, consider two components of a successful campaign:

  • internal marketing (implies ensuring the maximum level of competence and loyalty of the staff);
  • external marketing (implies a series of activities to generate demand from potential customers). You can use:
  • billboards;
  • posters;
  • advertising booklets;
  • business cards;
  • discount flyers;
  • radio advertising.

Something can be distributed in shopping malls, office centers, crowded places. Good partnership option. You place taxi business cards in your place, they, on the contrary, advertise you. At the same time, mutual small discounts on each other's services will have a double effect.

It is appropriate to create pages and groups in social networks, as well as place information about your cafe in thematic directories. Of course, if the budget allows, you can make your own website. But remember that it needs to be promoted. This is costly and quite difficult.

Therefore, it is better to postpone it until the cafe is “untwisted”. Think about how to keep your customers. Perhaps you should introduce loyalty programs for regular customers.


The profitability of such institutions depends on:
  • scale of activity;
  • the location of the object;
  • institution themes;
  • working hours;
  • the quality of the "kitchen";
  • staff qualifications;
  • pricing policy;
  • amenities and atmosphere;
  • the amount of investment.

For example, now fashionable Internet cafes and anti-cafes have a profitability of about 100%! But they are in demand only in metropolitan areas.

The children's cafe is characterized by a profitability of about 30%. Equipping a children's playground with animators and hiring a confectioner can double the profitability of such an establishment.

Cafe business plan with calculations

Here is a brief example of a business plan for opening an Old City cafe.

Target: organization of a compact cafe or pastry shop.

Description of the project. Cafe "Old City" is located in the old part of the city (which is reflected in the name) in a rented room with 1 hall (capacity 40 seats) and 1 kitchen area.

The premises used to function as a cafe, so the cost of purchasing equipment will be reduced.

It is supposed to open an institution with the concept of national cuisine in a low price category.

The average price of a check is expected to be $5.5. Target audience: students, employees of the office center, tourists. Working hours: 10-22 daily.

Market analysis. The place is popular for walking among residents and visitors of the city. There are a lot of similar establishments, with a similar concept - only one.

Competitive advantages will be obtained by extending the cafe's opening hours by an hour, holding "dish of the day" campaigns, and reducing prices by 5%.

Marketing policy. Large-scale advertising will be carried out once. Further, it is supposed to advertise through social networks, the sale of booklets, discount coupons and business cards.

Equipment. Most of the equipment in the room is (in good condition). Need to buy:

  • refrigerators - 2 pcs.;
  • microwave oven - 1 pc.;
  • bar counter - 1 pc.;
  • production table - 1 pc.;
  • new tables for visitors - 10 pcs.;
  • armchairs in the hall - 40 pcs.;
  • hangers - 2 pcs.

Staff. According to the plan, it is supposed to hire 6 employees: administrator, cook, waiter, bartender, washer/cleaner, accountant (incoming).

Financial indicators. The costs will be:

  • rent - $ 2 thousand / month;
  • purchase of products (including alcohol) - $ 3 thousand / month;
  • utility bills - $ 1 thousand / month;
  • cosmetic repairs of the premises - $ 2 thousand;
  • furniture - $ 5 thousand;
  • equipment - $ 7 thousand;
  • advertising - $ 1 thousand;
  • payroll fund - 3 thousand $ / month. (including deductions).

Investments in the amount of 40 thousand $ / month are expected. Projected net profit - 3-4.5 thousand $ / month. The return on investment is 1-1.5 years. The planned income is possible at 50% load. The profitability of the cafe is 30-40%.


Many of us visit cafes. Some want to have a bite, others want to celebrate a joyful event, others want to meet friends, and others want to hold business negotiations.

For urban residents, this is the norm of life, and for entrepreneurs, it is an interesting and promising type of business.

Stylish cafe - opening

The organization of a cafe seems to be quite expensive, but the efforts and invested funds will pay off with a vengeance if you approach this issue correctly and balanced.

The most important component in this case is a detailed business plan with all the necessary calculations.

A small family restaurant of Korean cuisine in the center of Moscow brings a married couple of entrepreneurs about 500 thousand rubles. profit per month

The business of Alexander Brailovsky and Nadezhda Pak grew out of their passion for gastronomic tourism. “Every time we found ourselves in a new country for ourselves, we made sure to try local dishes, many of which later appeared on our home menu,” Pak says in an interview with RBC. Nadezhda worked as a lawyer in the Lotte group of companies, Alexander, a director by education, shot commercials. “I realized that I love feeding people, seeing them full and happy much more than my office job,” Nadezhda continues. “I decided to take up cooking professionally, and my husband supported me.”

Business at home

The first restaurant with the speaking name "Receptor" was opened by the couple in the fall of 2010. “We didn’t have advisers, we acted by feel,” Pak recalls. “They wanted to open by all means in the center, the funds were only enough to rent a basement.” Room of 100 sq. m at a rate of 3.5 thousand rubles. per month for 1 sq. m on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, Brailovsky and Pak inherited from another restaurant, along with the main equipment - stoves, refrigerators, ventilation and air conditioning systems. “We were delighted with such luck - all the most expensive things were already in the room,” says Pak. “But the equipment turned out to be in a deplorable state: ovens and refrigerators had to be scrubbed for several weeks.” Entrepreneurs bought the equipment from previous tenants, spending only 500 thousand rubles on it, and Brailovsky's father helped with the repair of the premises. Due to this, the couple saved about 1 million rubles. and met at the start of 1.75 million rubles.

The couple designed the trading floor of the restaurant themselves, having mastered the architectural and design programs, the chefs also decided not to hire: Nadezhda cooked according to family Korean recipes from childhood, mastered Indian cuisine while traveling. Nadezhda's brother, the sous-chef of one of Arkady Novikov's restaurants, helped with the cooking technology. Two chefs from China were hired to work in the kitchen. “These two guys worked with the same productivity as six Russians,” Brailovsky is sure. They don't know what a weekend is. In two years in Moscow, we managed to pull them out to see Red Square for the only time. To communicate with the first employees, the spouses even had to learn the basics of the Chinese language.

Personal participation in the life of the institution gives additional points to the business, says Alexei Savin, owner of the Doubleby franchise coffee house near the Frunzenskaya metro station. “In our promotion, we place a strong emphasis on the development of our own district. We communicate with residents, we do local events,” he says. “I live on the next street, and it is extremely important for me, as well as for the neighboring residents, that there are high-quality and cozy establishments near the house.” Margarita Belyaeva, editor-in-chief of the online guide to St. Petersburg restaurants Restoclub.ru, disagrees with this: “The public reacts primarily to the quality of dishes, portion size and average bill, and marketing seasonings about family and travel recipes do not play a big role for a wide audience ".

Photo: Alena Kondyurina for RBC

Numbers "Receptor"

10.2 thousand restaurants and cafes open in Moscow

RUB 175 billion— the volume of the public catering market in Moscow in 2015

12 thousand visits per month are recorded by four "Receptors"

70% restaurant audiences are regular customers

800-1200 rub.- average check in the "Receptor"

100 national Korean dishes in the Receptor menu

20 thousand rubles helps the restaurant save its own software on a monthly basis

30 thousand rubles- the average salary of the waiter "Receptor", taking into account bonuses

Source: company data, Rosstat, 2GIS

family economy

In 2013, Pak and Brailovsky decided to expand. In December, they opened a second "Receptor" with an area of ​​200 sq. m in Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane, this time spending 7.5 million rubles on the start. The largest cost items were the purchase of equipment, furniture and repairs (each - about 2 million rubles). Repairs in the new restaurant were completed in two months, meeting the rental holidays provided by the owner. 700 thousand rubles are spent on renting premises in Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane. The purchase of food costs 900 thousand rubles, alcohol - 200 thousand rubles. About 400 thousand rubles are spent on wages. per month.

The average check in the "Receptor" is 800 rubles. without alcohol, with alcohol - 1200 rubles. There are over 100 items on the restaurant menu. Most of them are national Korean dishes prepared according to the Pak family's homemade recipes. Many dishes are vegetarian: Alexander has not eaten meat and fish for 15 years, Nadezhda is a pescatarian (does not eat meat, but eats fish). “Until 2010, it was not easy in Moscow in this regard: when you came to one of the several vegetarian restaurants that were working then, you had to ask again if there was chicken broth in the vegetable soup or eggs in the pie,” says Pak. In order to make authentic dishes comfortable for the Russian stomach, some have to tone down the spiciness.

Receptor's revenue in Kozikhinsky Lane averages about 3 million rubles. per month. The bar brings in 60% of the revenue, the kitchen the rest. Park claims that both restaurants operate at an average margin of 20%.

The restaurant business is subject to seasonality - during the May and January holidays, attendance drops by an average of 20%, Pak says: warmth and sun." This year, the situation should change: the founders of Receptor hope that after the reconstruction of Nikitskaya, they will be able to put tables outside in the summer. On weekdays, the number of guests depends on the day of the week: from Thursday to Saturday, there are 30% more people in the Receptor than from Monday to Wednesday. During the day, there is almost no “dead” time in the restaurant, a decrease in attendance is observed between 16 and 18 hours: after lunch is over and before dinner starts.

In 2014, another Receptor opened on Chistye Prudy, and in February 2016 on Derbenevskaya Embankment. To control the quality of service and feedback from customers, Brailovsky and Pak decided to turn their guests into restaurant critics by creating their own mystery shopper service. Those who wish can leave an application on the restaurant's website and receive a questionnaire consisting of 100 questions about the quality of food and service in the Receptor. Based on this score, a competition is held between restaurants. At the end of the month, employees of the leading restaurant go to the cinema together or dine at the Receptor at the expense of the establishment.

In the first year and a half after the launch, Receptor was checked by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rospotrebnadzor, the Department of Trade and Services. “Each check has a specific subject, and sometimes the authorities go beyond it and violate the regulations,” Nadezhda shares. “I always point this out, since the legal profession helps.” In 2016, due to the introduction of a moratorium on inspections of small businesses with an annual turnover of up to 800 million rubles. there were no checks of "Receptors" yet.

The owners of the restaurant "Receptor" Nadezhda Pak and Alexander Brailovsky (Photo: Alena Kondyurina for RBC)

In pursuit of efficiency

Small restaurants in the center of Moscow usually operate at a loss, says Sergei Mironov, owner of the consulting company RestCons. The main reason is the high rent. “In restaurants of 150 sq. m and 500 sq. m kitchen should be approximately the same footage. Because of this, in small establishments, there is a disproportion between the production area and the area of ​​the trading floor, Mironov explains. “It is clear that a larger establishment receives more guests, generates more revenue and allows the owner to pay for the rent of the kitchen space, which cannot be said about small restaurants.”

The network model helps to increase the indicators of the Receptor: managers and managers, whose remuneration makes up a significant part of the operating costs of the restaurant, can deal with several points at once, as well as the resource planning system (ERP, enterprise resource planning). Opening a second outlet in 2013, Brailovsky and Pak decided to automate restaurant management. Brailovsky, a business computer scientist in one of the formations, based on three-year attendance figures for the first restaurant, began to calculate the required volume of purchases, optimize food balances and draw up a work schedule for employees. Receptor personnel daily registers their arrival at work: they enter a personal code and take a picture on a corporate iPod, which is installed at the service entrance. This is how the founders keep track of the working hours of all restaurant employees. “Even 10-15 minutes late for a waiter in the morning, when people are waiting for ordered breakfasts, can be critical,” explains Brailovsky. Lateness is punishable by a fine: minus 10 rubles. from the potential premium for each minute. Nevertheless, Mironov considers the 20% profitability that Receptor receives in Bolshoi Kozikhinsky Lane to be out of the ordinary.

Brailovsky and Pak complain that the family business format is not developed in Russia, as it is in Europe: out of almost 11,000 restaurants and cafes in Moscow, only a few food chains are owned by married couples. Doubleby's Savin says there is a downside to the family restaurant idyll: “From the outside, it looks great when a husband, wife, and older kids work at his restaurant. But it is worth remembering that they do this work in the same composition every day, from morning to evening. In a highly competitive environment, they do not have the opportunity to cheat or just arrange an unscheduled day off. It is difficult to make a business of this format very profitable: the owners of European family establishments are usually far from rich people.”

PR= For a relative assessment of this indicator, it is necessary to calculate the financial safety margin: ZFP=*100%=8%, Conclusion: the company can withstand a decrease in sales revenue by no more than 8%. Table 9 — Variants of the development of events Forecast Risk factors Decrease in sales revenue (%) Optimistic High attendance, low inflation, lack of pressure from competitors, high solvency of the population 2-6 Optimal Low risk indicators, good attendance and revenue. 7-13 Pessimistic High inflation, low attendance, pressure from competitors from14 Conclusion The restaurant business is a special type of business that combines art and tradition, mechanisms of activity and experience of marketers, service philosophy and the concept of forming a potential audience.


Turnover per week (5 months) Day 265,000.00 rubles Evening 1,212,000.00 rubles Total 1,358,000.00 rubles Total per month 5,908,000.00 rubles Banquets: Cost of food and drinks 2,100,000.00 rubles Salaries of employees RUB 1,135,000.00 Household needs RUB 30,000.00 Utility bills RUB 60,000.00 Musical accompaniment RUB 150,000.00 Taxes RUB 400,000.00 Advertising RUB 80,000.00 Other RUB 100,000.00 Loan repayment RUB 100,000.00 Total 4,155,000.00 rubles Number of guests at banquets per month - 800 Turnover per month - 2,160,000.00 rubles Total turnover per month 8,068,000.00 rubles Table 7 - Expenses (5 months) Profit will be 3,913,000, 00rubles Break-even analysis.

Calculation of profitability of the restaurant.

How to Feed a Customer A variety of cuisines are now represented on the global restaurant market. Their number is hardly calculable, but in Belarus restaurateurs prefer to open establishments offering the so-called fusion cuisine, which is characterized by the addition of a light exotic accent to fully classic European dishes. Restaurants with the national cuisine of a separately selected specific country, with the corresponding menu and air, appear much less frequently.

Perhaps this is precisely the huge strategic blunder. “There is no restaurant of national Chinese cuisine in Minsk, and the domestic restaurant is the only one in the capital where real Indian dishes are offered,” says Vishal Jain. - At the same time, these two cuisines - Indian and Chinese - are the most common in the world. So, in Germany alone there are 13 thousand Indian restaurants, and in England there are more than 45 thousand.

The formula for calculating the profitability of an enterprise


The modern restaurant business is characterized by rapid development and a high level of competition for visitors. Therefore, it is necessary to develop not only the main strategy and style of the restaurant, but also small details that give the establishment a uniqueness and inimitability. Only with the formation of a well-developed concept and consistent integrated implementation of all components of the restaurant business, success in the development of the restaurant is guaranteed.

Restaurants play quite an important role in human life. In addition to satisfying physiological nutritional needs, “going out” to a restaurant has an important social function. Restaurants are one of the few places where all the senses work and generate an overall sense of satisfaction.

Taste, vision, smell, tactile sensations are combined in the assessment of food, service and atmosphere of the restaurant.

financial life

We calculate the profitability of a cafe when opening or changing the concept. First of all, we determine who your potential client is. Your institution will be for a certain circle of people united by common interests, a wide range of visitors is expected, or maybe it will be a closed institution. Having found out the needs of our client, we proceed to the development of the concept and design. What will attract the client in the future. Add alcohol to the menu.

The sale of alcohol is taxed at thirteen percent. But when calculating the profitability of a cafe, do not forget that this is up to fifty percent of income per month. And don't skimp on this article. How to calculate the profitability of a cafe, taking into account the features of expanding the menu.

Here the question is about how, by making appropriate changes to the menu, to increase the profitability of the cafe. Much depends on the consumer you are targeting.

How to calculate the profitability of a cafe

According to the data provided by one of the largest banks in Russia, a well-conducted advertising campaign and high quality of service make it possible to ensure an influx of customers, and this will make it possible to repay the loan within three to four months. Service. Regular customers are only in the institution where quality service is provided. It is not necessary to take a person with experience, the main thing is his sense of tact and willingness to work.

Preference is given, as a rule, to young people. The staff must understand that the better and faster the client is served, the higher his earnings. Advertising is the key to success. You don't have to spend big money on advertising. Periodically conduct a promotion with the distribution of flyers.
Before you open a cafe, announce this event, hold promotions and tastings on the opening day.

Business plan for opening a cafe, bar or restaurant


Example of calculating the profitability of production To calculate the profitability of production, the following indicators are needed: total cost (TC) and profit from sales (PR). The data are presented in the table. Indicator Enterprise 1 Enterprise 2 Value, rub. Revenue (TR) 1,500,000 2,400,000 Total cost (TC) 500,000 1,200,000 Sales profit can be calculated as the difference between revenue and total cost.

PR1=TR-TC=1,500,000-500,000=1,000,000 rubles PR2=TR-TC=2,400,000-1,200,000=1,200,000 rubles Obviously, the second enterprise has higher revenue and profit from sales. In terms of absolute indicators, the effect of the second enterprise is higher. But does this mean that the second enterprise is more efficient? To answer this question, it is necessary to calculate the profitability of production.

Ready-made restaurant business plan with calculations

A well-thought-out format, a promoted brand, attentive service and high-quality cuisine - all this is a guarantee of future success. The average calculation of the profitability of a restaurant with 60 seats. Start-up costs Documentation $1,500 Technical equipment and Repairs $250,000 Income and Variable costs upon completion of work Rent and Utilities without ownership $5,000 (plus rent of 180 m2 at $20/m2 = $3,600) Taxes and Salary $12,000 Products food $20,000 Advertising $1,500 Business expenses $1,000 Gross revenue $60,000 Profit before taxes $20,500 Average payback period - 3.5 years Where to start? - It is necessary to start with a clear understanding of the concept of the restaurant, - says Yuriy Ananchuk, director of Restaurant Consulting.

But the high quality of products and the expansion of the range will undoubtedly attract visitors. First of all, expand the range of juices, it may be worth introducing fresh juices, as well as mineral water, instant and brewed coffee, and tea on the menu. Many establishments should not open their kitchen. Delivery of hot meals can be arranged from neighboring establishments or small, possibly family-owned businesses that will provide your cafe with hot food.

Do not forget, also about the possibility of expanding the range through semi-finished products. How to calculate the profitability of a cafe, taking into account external investments. Large banks, as a rule, are ready to provide a loan both to an entrepreneur who is ready to open a cafe, and when changing his concept.

In the denominator, the indicator whose profitability needs to be found is the total cost (TC). The full cost consists of all the costs of the enterprise: the cost of materials, semi-finished products, the wages of workers and AUP (administrative and managerial personnel), electricity and other housing and communal services, workshop and factory costs, advertising costs, security, etc. The largest share in the cost is materials, so the main production is called material-intensive.

Profitability of the cost price shows how many kopecks of profit from the sale will bring one ruble invested in the cost of production. Or, measured as a percentage, this indicator reflects the percentage of efficient use of production resources. This indicator can be calculated both for the entire enterprise and for workshops and types of products.

How to calculate the profitability of a cafe example

RESTAURANT SUCCESS FORMULA We all see how rapidly the restaurant business is starting in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, looking at this, many people think about the super-profitability of this business and have a great desire to realize themselves in this market segment as a restaurateur. Realizing that in Belarus there is an "unplowed field" for its development. So the thought arises - why should I not try! Why not invest in such a successful business.
REBRANDING, WHEN A CHANGE OF IMAGE IS NEEDED It is believed that the nature of restaurant project rebranding, in other words, the transformation of the concept, accompanied by a change in the name, internal policy, interior, menu, service standards, much more often has one of two bases: strengthening the market struggle or a decrease (absence) of the institution's profitability.

How to calculate the profitability of a cafe example with calculations

The price of designer favors in Minsk ranges from $15 to $70 per square meter and strongly depends on the tasks and professionalism of the specialist, which are set by the owner of the business. As Minsk restaurateurs say, in the capital it is possible to find good craftsmen who can convey the flavor and atmosphere of any, except for the most exotic country. But the chairman of the board of directors of the Taj restaurant, Vishal Jain, has his own conclusion on this matter: - In order to open a restaurant of national cuisine, you need to understand the culture, the craftsmanship of the country whose corner you want to create.
Based on this, we attracted Indian experts and brought accessories and decor elements from India. I personally participated in the creation of the design. As a result, we designed a domestic restaurant in the style of Indian hi-tech in order to show Belarusians a different India, and not the one they are used to seeing in good Indian films.

In any situation, there are always opportunities. Using the example of one metropolitan cafe, we will tell you how you can triple income in a few months and attract visitors, despite the crisis.

To the question "How are you?" now many answer simply - "Crisis, you understand." Such a response from an employee may mean his dismissal or a drop in income, from a freelancer - a reduction in the number of orders, from a businessman - a decrease in profits and even losses. Such a global crisis, of course, has affected almost all compatriots - only 16% of Russians say that nothing has changed in their lives and wallets over the past 1.5 years.

But sometimes things go badly outside the systemic crisis - these are personal problems of a company, entrepreneur or individual. If initially everything goes wrong and there is inefficiency, then in difficult times it will be bad at all. You must always develop. So let's see how you can significantly increase the income of a cafe with minimal investment.

Initial data

Cafe "Black Cat" in one microdistrict of Moscow, there are several other competitors nearby: one of them is a fast food chain point, the second is a bar open until the morning, and several other small catering outlets offering their menus during the day.

Things were not going well in the "Cheka", it was necessary to urgently introduce anti-crisis measures, more precisely, measures aimed at improving the efficiency of work. At the time of the start of the experiment, the average daily revenue was 10 thousand rubles, the average check was 300 rubles, that is, about 30 people came per day. Everything was in order with the kitchen and prices, at first glance, it was not possible only to “lure” new customers.

The owners of the Black Cat cafe tried to “shake up” the situation and allocated money for advertising - 75 thousand rubles at a time. We spent them on distributing leaflets, ads in social networks and in the local newspaper. According to advertising, only 2 (!) Clients came within a month.

Something had to change, and quickly.

Working Ideas to Attract Customers to a Cafe

Management brainstormed among employees and applied their ideas to make a difference. Only those solutions were chosen that cost the minimum - there was no extra money. For 2 months, it was possible to increase revenue by 3.5 times, and net profit increased by 5 times. What proposals "shot"?

Business lunches with the right positioning

The cost of a complex business lunch in a cafe is 300 rubles. Not a very tempting offer, people rushing to have a bite to eat at lunchtime are used to smaller numbers. Therefore, the prices for lunch of the day were indicated on the pavement sign “by article”. The announcement that in the cafe today borscht for 39 rubles and salad for 59 rubles led many hungry people.

And already inside, they themselves examined the appetizing photos of the menu, appreciated the comfort of the place and also took the main course with a side dish or tea and coffee with dessert. In general, all this cost 300 rubles, but the client chose only those positions that attracted him. Although the average bill “dipped” a little, there were much more visitors during the lunch period (from 11 am to 4 pm), which allowed increasing revenue.

It took a minimum of expenses - it was just necessary to rewrite the ad for a business lunch.

Advertising in the neighborhood

There were no office and administrative buildings near the cafe, only beauty salons, a car service center and a center for children's creativity. An agreement was reached with these organizations to place cafe advertisements on their territory - just small business cards indicating the cafe on the map of the microdistrict. Husbands, waiting for their spouses from beauty treatments, dropped in to a cafe to have a bite to eat; parents, taking the child to the circle, could drink coffee with dessert and work on their laptop; and car owners, handing over the car for repair for an hour or two, calmly “killed” time under the seagulls or also ordered something significant from the menu.

Of the costs - an additional circulation of business cards.

affiliate program

In addition, a partnership agreement was concluded with these neighboring companies and all their employees, upon presentation of corporate bonus cards, received a 5-10% discount. As a bonus, they received a business lunch menu for the whole week in advance and knew exactly what was in the cafe today. They went to lunch sometimes alone, sometimes with a whole team, but this also contributed to an increase in the flow of orders, both for the lunch menu and for dishes from the evening menu. The number of loyal customers immediately increased by a couple of dozen people.

Expenses – decrease in profits due to discounts for the staff of "friendly" companies, which was offset by increased turnover.

Promoters with coupons

The new edition of the flyers did not just tell about a cafe nearby, it included a specific offer for a potential client - a coupon for two cups of coffee or tea when ordering dessert. Now advertising materials were not sent to the nearest trash can, new customers came to the cafe with them, if they were satisfied with the atmosphere, interior, prices and choice of food and drinks, they subsequently returned repeatedly.

Expenses - 20-30 rubles (the cost of two drinks) for each attracted client who pays for a dessert worth 100-150 rubles, and can also stay in a cafe for dinner or even become a regular visitor.

Two months later, the revenue of the Black Cat cafe exceeded one million rubles a month (an increase of 350%). For a small establishment with 8 tables, operating exclusively during the day and without alcohol, located in a residential area surrounded by several competitors, this is a good result. Now you can try other ideas to increase revenue and attract customers that will allow you to get even more, without a significant increase in advertising costs. This is possible, as practice has shown.