Nearest canteen 1. MSU student canteens: inside view

In RSUH, as in any serious university, there is a real canteen - with columns, a hall for teachers and long queues in the middle of the day. But the most interesting thing happens not in it, but in a cafe located on the ground floor. The usual student cafeteria offering a modest assortment of buns, sandwiches and soda at the university tried to turn into a modern Internet cafe with comfortable bright yellow sofas, photographs on the walls and free Wi-Fi. Here you can work at the computer or recharge your mobile phone, besides, the buffet serves delicious food.

It is difficult to expect special gastronomic revelations from plastic plates covered with a film of food, which should be heated in a microwave standing right there. All the more pleasant is the surprise when you discover that cheesecakes with dried apricots and pastries are almost perfect, and drinking coffee from a coffee machine is quite pleasant.

From time to time, in the evenings, live concerts are held on the stage of the cafe - the main thing is to follow the schedule or come in for a bite to eat on time.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: at security, you can say that you are going to a bookstore or a graduate school.

Maria, a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities:

The dining room is when you want to eat, and we always went to the buffet to chat. It was also possible to sleep there for half an hour, if it overcame. It's a pity, now there, they say, there are almost no computers left, and many chargers do not work.

Canteen of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University

It is worth visiting the old building on Mokhovaya Street if only to climb the wide stairs, stand near the portrait of Lomonosov and at the same time have lunch in the dining room located in the right wing.

The canteen of the faculty of journalism does not belong to the catering complex of Moscow State University. Whether it did her any good is an open question, but the interiors here are much more reminiscent of a good city cafe than an average student canteen. From the dishes displayed in the windows, it is clear that in this matter, the canteen workers are trying to match the level of the central cafe. Two types of soup, seven types of hot dishes, fruit drinks, inexpensive early breakfasts, which is especially important before lectures - everything looks quite appetizing and edible. In the salad section, there was a place for both the inevitable democratic beetroot with mayonnaise and the Caesar with chicken, which claims to be relevant. Journalism students especially praise local pastries and desserts. After seven in the evening, it's time for 30 percent discounts.

The fashion for burgers was able to penetrate even the walls of Moscow State University: among fire cutlets, mimosa salads and pancakes with cottage cheese, burgers with trendy black buns are displayed in the window. However, it would still be worth working on the taste of the latter: the meat seems a bit dry, and the bread is frankly tough - perhaps the students did not like the burgers and spent too much time in the window.

The most democratic option offered in the dining room of Moscow State University is a set lunch. If you want even cheaper, you can use free boiling water and bread. Or buy coffee and go to drink it in the square near the monument to Lomonosov. Coffee overlooking the Kremlin - what could be better?

Complex lunch: 165 rubles.

Availability for non-students: there are frames at the entrance and imposing guards sit, but they are little interested in checking documents. In extreme cases, you can say that you are going to a cafe.

Alena, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University:

I remember when I entered the Faculty of Journalism, in the dining room there were amazingly delicious puff buns with raspberry jam. I then thought that it was necessary to do it: where else can I find such!

And when I was in my third year, the cafe was closed for reconstruction, but in the hall, under the stairs, there was a buffet and tables next to it. And at the top hung a clock showing the time of the four capitals of the world. I remember that we liked to buy one pizza for two or sandwiches there, but we ate them not at the tables, but at the Lomonosov monument, drinking champagne.

Canteen VGIK

With the advent of a new educational building on Wilhelm Pieck Street, the nutrition of students has also changed. If earlier the main place of gathering - and not so much for food, but for the sake of conversation - was a dining room with columns in the old building, now the first floor of the new building was taken to feed the students. There is a cafe on the same floor, but it is more expensive and less interesting.

This is what an ideal modern student canteen should look like: cheerful multi-colored chairs and walls are pleasing to the eye, bowls with food shine with metal, everything is clean, beautiful and spacious, there is Wi-Fi.

The standard student menu is ennobled with fashionable borrowings from restaurant life: there are quesadillas with ham and cheese and chicken wings in honey sauce, there is even a Caesar salad "from the chef" - they turned out to be one of the most expensive dishes on the menu. But there are also familiar, well-established positions decades ago: coleslaw with carrots, casserole, pasta with fried meat, and the inevitable classic chicken noodle soup. Everything is quite edible, and the watery, but tasty cheese soup is sharply reminiscent of childhood. In the morning, students are fed with free porridge "Friendship".

As an addition to lunch and a kind of "dessert", you can go up to the upper floors of the building - through the panoramic windows there opens a magical view of the VDNKh buildings. Yes, and a ride on elevators with glass walls - no small pleasure.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: you need an electronic pass, but you can say that you are going to the dean's office - then a passport is enough.

Julia, VGIK graduate:

I don’t remember at all what and how they fed in the dining room of VGIK when I studied there, I can’t even remember now how it looked, but I still remember how we gathered there as a group. It was never boring: students from the acting school often came to the dining room to rehearse, they showed some sketches, sketches. And how many brilliant ideas were born at the tables of this dining room!

Canteen of VMK MSU

In order to feed the students of the most famous university in the country, a whole food factory is working. In the main building alone, there are so many canteens and buffets that you can move from floor to floor, from sector to sector, having lunch in a new place every day for more than two weeks. In addition to the skyscraper with a spire, there are other university buildings, and there students also need something to eat! There are canteens with wood-panelled walls and high ceilings, others where it's good to prepare for a lecture, and others where you can gather in a large company in the evening. There is even a cookery for students and teachers who want to eat at home.

Students of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics got perhaps the most ordinary canteen of all. Nevertheless, with its main function - to feed students starved of knowledge - the canteen does an excellent job: it's cozy, inexpensive, quite tasty, and the menu even has a section of dietary dishes. Tempted by steam chicken meatballs, one hundred grams of which cost one hundred rubles, I want to continue in the same vein: instead of coffee with a bun, take hibiscus or fruit smoothie for dessert - the latter is not immediately found in the window between salads, meat baked with mushrooms and borscht. And in vain - the smoothies here are excellent!

And in this university, they decided to diversify the menu in the dining room with burgers. But, alas, the Black burger loses to its brothers from the neighboring journalism department, at least outwardly. Perhaps because it is packed in cling film and, judging by the appearance, it has been cooked some time ago.

The VMK canteen turned out to be one of the few where they accept not only cash, but also cards.

Complex lunch: 160 rubles.

Availability for non-students: You need a student ID card or a pre-ordered pass.

Irina, student of the Moscow State University:

On the second floor we have two dining rooms. I prefer the vegetarian one, but you can eat well in both.

Canteen MGSU

If you enter the building of the Construction University, to the left of the entrance on the first floor, recognizable interiors in green tones immediately catch your eye. MGSU is that rare case when students can dine in a recognized "delicious" institution, but at quite "student" democratic prices.

A miracle happened when Roman Rozhnikovsky, the owner of the Rake restaurant chain, took over the feeding of students and teachers. The MGSU dining room has turned into another restaurant of the chain: the same wooden tables, multi-colored trays, floral motifs in the interior, mirrors on the walls. But the cost of dishes differs from the prices of the "Rakes" located in the city by about half.

But for some reason, the students of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering were deprived of the decent dishes that rely on visitors to other restaurants of the chain - instead, they got cheap plastic plates and the same appliances. However, if this is the price of a huge selection of inexpensive dishes - it's worth it. The menu occupies two pages and will satisfy everyone: meat-eaters, vegetarians, those who want to save money, and those who plan to take a walk, having received a scholarship. Appetizers and salads, 11 types of hot dishes and side dishes, Margherita pizza and many pastries, delicious ginger tea in plastic bottles. Everything is fresh, hot: the factory-kitchen, where food for the Rake is prepared, is very close by.

Clean, beautiful, delicious, from the room through the panoramic windows offer a beautiful view. True, for some reason there is only one type of soup on the menu, and horseradish is not served with boiled tongue.

Complex lunch: special offer "Rich student" for 229 rubles.

Availability for non-students: there are guards at the entrance, and whether they want to let a person "from the street" through is impossible to guess in advance.

Canteen ISAA

If in order to get to other institute canteens, you need a student ID or friendship with security, then the Institute of Asian and African countries not only welcomes guests from the street, but also greets you with a sign "Canteen" and the promise of a varied menu. It is difficult to get lost: the arrow confidently points to the courtyard, where the dining room itself is located.

Before us is not a standard student "canteen", but a cafe-dining room "Shuvalov". If you are lucky, you will be able to dine in the most beautiful hall, where the ceiling is decorated with stucco, the chandelier shines with crystal, and the seats of the chairs are upholstered with fabric, like in good restaurants.

Students here are ready to feed deliciously, but nothing more. There are not so many tables in the two halls, the "professor's" hall is completely closed for special services, and a sign on the wall warns menacingly that doing homework, writing lectures and even just using a computer is strictly prohibited. If you ignore the ban, the waitresses can politely remind you of it.

Since the canteen is still located on the territory of the institute, upon presentation of an ISAA student card, a discount is provided, however, only in the amount of 10–20 rubles per dish. A little for students. But the surrounding clerks are quite satisfied with the prices in the dining room. Where in the very center of Moscow can you find a full meal at very affordable prices? Yes, even in such interiors: rich multi-layered curtains, gilding on wooden doors and vaulted ceilings. Even though you have to pay extra for bread separately.

Complex lunch: 240 rubles (160 rubles for students).

Availability for non-students: Yes.

Canteen RUDN University

Those who have visited the University of Peoples' Friendship know that it is a "city within a city" - with its own hairdressers, shops, photo studios, even its own police department. And, of course, numerous student cafes and canteens. On their menu, you can study the geography of the globe and the favorite dishes of the peoples of the world. Peruvian and Indian, Chinese and Mexican - RUDN ethnic cafes have become a treasure trove of gastronomic experiences for those who are not afraid of cuisine that is not familiar with sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

One of the cheapest places to eat on the territory of RUDN University is the Indian restaurant "Devi". Unusual food, a basement and the interiors of a cheap dining room can scare you away, but in the evening half of the hall is occupied by Indians - isn't this a sign of quality for an ethnic cafe?

It is worth setting yourself up in advance for a spontaneous choice of food: the menu does not contain descriptions of all dishes, and the waiters, as well as the cooks in the kitchen, come from India. Not all of them speak Russian confidently.

For those new to Indian cuisine, one thing remains: read the menu. Whatever you choose, the plate you bring will almost certainly be curry rice with vegetables and possibly chicken. They cook here not such spicy food as in India, but if you ask when ordering, they can make it hotter. Each dish comes with a set of three sauces. Desserts (about 70 rubles per serving) are on display in the hall in a showcase. It is better to order several dishes at once, because the portions in Devi are small.

Set lunch: no.

Availability for non-students: Yes; if you say that you are going to a cafe, they will let you into the territory of RUDN University even by car.

Alexandra, RUDN University graduate:

In Lumumba, they cooked amazing shawarma in the Mirage, and the old-timers can also tell about the legendary coffee house in the Cross - there was such an aunt Zina! All men were her "sons-in-law", all women were enemies. She could not pour coffee for a particularly disliked fife. And it was useless to complain. The deans and vice-rectors were also "sons-in-law".


Approximate data of the dining room business plan:

  • Initial costs - about 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Payback - 1-1.5 years.
  • 50 seats, area - 180 m².
Note: This business plan, like all others in the section , contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we have compiled a detailed business plan for a canteen with calculations.

State and development of the market

The restaurant industry is one of the first to take the hit of the economic crisis. People are less likely to eat out, deny themselves the traditional Friday-Saturday entertainment, minimize solemn trips to restaurants. Considering all this, does it make sense to start your business in HoReCa now? We answer: "Yes!".

How the market has changed

- Simple establishments designed for a wide audience began to open. The dining room is a great example of this.

— Interesting projects now come to the target audience themselves. They are located not so much in the center as "scattered" in different areas.

— The opening of a food outlet was taken more seriously and thoughtfully. Beginning entrepreneurs use the services of expert consultants, turn to specialized companies for complex equipment of enterprises, and are afraid of entering the market on their own without the support of professionals.

Arguments for opening a canteen

- The corporate catering industry is practically not covered at the moment. Catering in kindergartens, schools, camps, hospitals is not loaded with competitors and has excellent development prospects.

- Canteens are well known to consumers, they do not need to be introduced to the format.

— The menu in canteens is designed for a wide audience.

— Average check - 200 rubles. and a large selection of dishes - at least 50 a day, make the dining room affordable and attractive for students, the working population, and retirees.

- Canteens always have the possibility of additional income - banquets, catering, work for a client "from the street".

Where to start opening a dining room? Format selection

If earlier the canteen was associated with a certain institution (factories, educational institutions) and was closed to the mass consumer, now this format is close to a cafe, but relies on low prices, simple dishes and drinks, and unpretentious design.

Dining room available in different versions

City canteen. Provides catering services for any visitor. Located near major organizations and educational institutions. Holds banquets and catering.

Dining room in the business center. Located in the corporate catering segment. Serves employees and at certain hours visitors "from the street". Serves as a place for corporate parties and business negotiations.

Canteen in an administrative, medical or educational institution. Works for a limited audience.

Canteen in the shopping center. It is part of the food court or food court. It occupies a larger area than other operators, designed for 40-50 seats.

For example canteen business plan we will take the city format for 50 seats - this is 400 people per shift. Area - 180 m². Such a canteen operates on the open market, provides catering and banquet services.

Motivation for visiting the city canteen

  • Natural Hunger Satisfaction
  • Lunch break
  • Family dinner or friendly meeting
  • Business conversation
  • Solemn event


This is a document that presents every step of opening a canteen. The concept answers the following questions:

Where will the facility be located?

  • Choice of location and premises
  • Assessment of cross-country ability, transport accessibility, visibility from the street and the carriageway
  • Assessment of the condition of the premises, utilities, sanitary conditions
  • Design and equipment

What target audience will it be intended for?

  • Client characteristic
  • Audience Needs
  • Channels of communication with the audience

Features of the location area

  • Infrastructure
  • Competitors
  • Availability near office centers, universities, streets with shops


  • Self-service or waiter service
  • Work with semi-finished products or own production
  • Recruiting and staff training

What additional services to provide?

  • Banquet menu development
  • Catering opportunities
  • Organization of food delivery and packaging of takeaway dishes

Canteen business plan

If the concept answers the question of how and what to do, then the business plan shows how much it will all cost.


This is the professional assistance of a restaurant expert or a specialized company in opening a business. The consultant performs the following tasks:

  • Carrying out marketing research
  • Development of the concept and business plan
  • Search for a place and premises
  • Recruitment
  • Menu development
  • Preparing for the opening

The list of services may be supplemented or shortened. The average price for the work of an expert is 90,000 rubles.

Dining room

Renting is the most common way to get the chosen premises for use. The cost of rent depends on the territorial features. The Moscow region asks from 10,000 rubles. per m², and in the area of ​​the Third Ring Road the price will rise to 50,000 per m².

For the dining room, we advise you to choose a room in which a catering or a store has already been located. Given the area - 180 m² - major repairs and decoration will result in a round sum. For the repair of the VIP category, the brigades ask from 15,000 rubles. per m², and cosmetic will cost only 1500 per m².

  1. Engineering and design

Technological and engineering design prepare the premises for full-fledged work. What is included in the list of works?

Engineering design involves the development of projects for all communications - ventilation + air conditioning, water supply + sewerage, electricity, as well as an architectural project. Again, if the room is for a specialized purpose, you can save money on an engineering project. If not, then pay at least 60,000 rubles for a set of works.

Technological design is the selection of professional equipment for production tasks, the development of a scheme for its installation and linking to engineering networks. It is impossible to do without this type of design. Cost - 200 rubles. per m². Company " MAPLE» gives a technological project to its customers when ordering equipment.

The design project of the premises includes the development of a design concept and 3D visualization, the selection of materials and decor, the design of the facade and architectural supervision at the facility. A complete design project, including the design of the surrounding area, will cost at least 200,000 rubles. Reduced - 150-160,000 rubles.

  1. Corporate identity and outdoor advertising

The visual image of the dining room is created using corporate identity. This is especially true for corporate projects. The standard package of services includes: logo design, selection of corporate colors and fonts, development of style-forming elements, development of corporate elements using the example of 3 positions, Logobook layout - a guide to using the logo. Cost - 50,000 rubles.

Dining room equipment

For a dining room for 50 people you will need (prices are in rubles):

Distribution line "Patsha", Chuvashtorgtekhnika (ABAT)

  • Cutlery counter - 25 200
  • Counter-showcase refrigerated - 153 900
  • Food warmer counter for first courses - 48 200
  • Food warmer for second courses - 70 300
  • Hot drinks counter - 33 900
  • Rotary module - 28 700
  • Cash cabin - 33 100
  • Bain-marie first courses "Convito" - 4 896


  • Four-burner electric stove with oven - 55 900
  • Grill surface (contact grill) ERGO - 39 600
  • Frying pan electric tilting - 79 900
  • Electric cooker - 85 000
  • Rice cooker ERGO - 2 376
  • Pancake maker ERGO single burner - 14 760
  • Microwave oven "Convito" - 14 184
  • Boiler "Convito" jellied type - 7 560
  • Chill cabinet ARIADA - 45 602
  • Freezer ARIADA - 53 724
  • Bread slicer AHM-300T - 65 000
  • Mixer ROBOT COUPE Mini - 21 420
  • Blender ERGO - 12 240
  • Mixer KITCHEN AID - 54 900
  • MOK-300M potato peeler - 38 500
  • Meat grinder ERGO - 21 240
  • Single-section washing bath (5 pcs.) - 19 540
  • Two-section washing bath - 7 348
  • Industrial wall table - 4 044
  • Hairpin trolley (2 pcs.) - 26 864
  • Rack with solid shelves (2 pcs.) - 17 010
  • Solid wall shelf (2 pcs.) - 3 626
  • Wall shelf for drying dishes - 2 469
  • Exhaust umbrella - 9 846
  • Touch dryer ERGO - 2 807
  • Washing bath (washstand) (5 pcs.) - 26 250

Kitchenware and utensils

  • Gastroyemkost Luxstahl stainless steel GN 1/1 (4 pcs.) - 2 492
  • Frying pan Luxstahl aluminum (2 pcs.) - 1 990
  • Cast iron frying pan with wooden handle Luxstahl - 1 080
  • Boiler 25 l professional Luxstahl (3 pcs.) - 11 232
  • Tray deep 600x400x48 mm (3 pcs.) - 1 944
  • Chef's knife 200 mm Profi Luxstahl - 590
  • Utility knife 145 mm Profi Luxstahl (2 pcs.) - 666
  • Vegetable knife 75 mm Profi Luxstahl (2 pcs.) - 530
  • Chopping board polypropylene (2 pcs.) - 2 686
  • Chopping board beech (3 pcs.) - 1 410
  • Form for baking / laying out a side dish or salad "Square" (2 pcs.) - 268
  • Ladle 250 ml Luxstahl (2 pcs.) - 548
  • Universal tongs 300 mm (2 pcs.) - 182
  • Culinary bamboo angular spatula (2 pcs.) - 118
  • Grater four-sided combined large - 94
  • Whisk 280 mm - 220
  • Table tray made of polypropylene 490x360 mm black (40 pcs.) - 3 400
  • Set for spices "Family" (salt, pepper) Luxstahl (25 pcs.) - 4 325
  • Apron "Moskvichka" red (6 pcs.) - 2 928
  • White paper napkin 250x250 mm 400 pcs (10 packs) - 660

Crockery and cutlery (50 pcs.)

  • Small round plate "Collage" 200 mm - 2 500
  • Deep round plate "Collage" 250 ml - 2 500
  • Salad bowl round "Collage" 300 ml - 2 900
  • Mug for tea and coffee 200 ml - 1 700
  • Highball glass 200 ml - 650
  • Dinner fork "Solo" Luxstahl - 2 250
  • Table knife "Solo" Luxstahl - 3 550
  • Tablespoon "Solo" Luxstahl - 2 250
  • Teaspoon "Solo" Luxstahl - 1 500


  • Chair "Viennese" with a soft seat (50 pieces) - 44 000
  • Table ST 5 with chipboard top, plastic coated (20 pcs.) - 45 900
  • Table ST 6 with chipboard top, plastic coated (20 pcs.) - 63,000

The cost of the kit is 1,339,969 rubles. More information about the project can be found on the company's website " MAPLE»

Recruitment for the dining room

Recruitment for the dining room begins with a cook-technologist and a production manager. This must be done at the stage of developing the concept and menu of the enterprise. A week before the opening, the staff must be fully staffed and trained.

Canteen staff and approximate salary

  • Director - from 70,000 rubles.
  • Production manager - from 65,000 rubles.
  • Chief accountant - from 60,000 rubles.
  • Accountant-calculator - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Forwarding driver - from 35,000 rubles.
  • Cook-technologist - from 45,000 rubles.
  • 2 universal chefs - from 40,000 rubles.
  • 2 employees on the distribution line - from 25,000 rubles.
  • Cashier - from 25,000 rubles.
  • 2 cleaners - from 15,000 rubles.
  • 2 dishwashers - from 15,000 rubles.

Salary costs every month - from 435,000 rubles.


The first step is to choose the form of ownership: or . For a canteen where the sale of alcoholic beverages is not provided - and this is one of the key factors for catering - the IP form is quite suitable.

In Moscow, an individual entrepreneur is registered in a single body - MIFNS No. 46 for Moscow. Before you start preparing documents for registering an individual entrepreneur, you need to obtain a taxpayer identification number (TIN). This can be done in advance or at the time of application for registration.

To register an IP, you need

  1. A copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

IP features

  • Registration at the place of residence;
  • Registration for one person only;
  • Charter, authorized capital, settlement account are not required;
  • A person is liable for obligations with all his property even after the closure of the IP;
  • No need to account for the equipment used in the business;
  • You can freely dispose of funds on;
  • IP cannot be sold or re-registered, it is only possible to create something new in its place;
  • Business decisions are not recorded;
  • No need to pay used in business.

OKEVD codes for the dining room

  • 55.30 Activities of restaurants and cafes
  • 55.40 Bar activities
  • 55.51 Activities of canteens at enterprises and institutions
  • 55.52 Supply of catering products

To obtain an activity permit, a number of documents should be prepared for Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.

Documents in Rospotrebnadzor for the dining room

  1. IP registration certificate
  2. Certificate of registration with the IFTS
  3. Premises lease agreement
  4. Production control program
  5. Medical books of employees
  6. Product Certificates
  7. Agreements for the removal of garbage, solid waste, etc.

Documents in the State Fire Supervision for the dining room

  1. Certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (OGRN)
  2. (EGRIP)
  3. Information letter on registration in the Statregister of Rosstat
  4. Organization card, with contacts, tel./fax.
  5. Lease contract
  6. Explication of the premises
  7. Documents confirming the installation of fire alarms
  8. Fire alarm maintenance contract
  9. Fire safety training certificate
  10. Order on the appointment of an employee responsible for fire safety


For a dining area of ​​​​180 m² in the form of an individual entrepreneur, a simplified taxation system is suitable -. If UTII can be applied in your city, then this special regime is also suitable. In Moscow, it is not applicable, so we will further consider the USN.

USN works in two versions

  • First- 6% from income. In this case, 6% is paid from all the proceeds that passed through the cash desk or current account.
  • Second- 15% of the difference between income and expenses.

The use of the simplified tax system allows you not to pay VAT and corporate income tax.

What other payments are due?

  1. Insurance contributions to social funds

With an employee's salary of less than 711,000 rubles. paid annually: 22% to the Pension Fund, 2.9% to the Social Insurance Fund, 5.1% to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

With an employee's salary of more than 711,000 rubles. 10% of the excess amount is paid to the Pension Fund.

  1. Contribution to the Social Insurance Fund against accidents at work and occupational diseases.

Is 0.2% for catering

  1. Personal income tax - 13%.
  2. Fixed contributions of individual entrepreneurs "for themselves".

Profitability and payback

The maximum payback period for a canteen is 1-1.5 years. If during this time you have not reached payback, there are a number of problems:

  • The chosen place does not match the concept
  • Poor management
  • Personnel theft
  • Poor quality of food

The mark-up for meals in the canteen ranges from 150 to 300%. This is a low figure, since they rely on the cross-country ability and turnover of the seat.

The company's specialists MAPLE” presented an exemplary business plan for a canteen. In order to enter the market without extra costs and gain a foothold in your niche, contact us with a specific project. You will be provided with a range of services for opening, equipping, promoting and developing a business.

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

The Good Deed is owned by people who are well known to lovers of cheapness - O.G.I. Products, who 15 years ago turned the Moscow public catering with their O.G.I. Project. The dining room at the Kursk railway station does not pretend to be a revolution, except for the appearance of a decent and inexpensive place in the most unfriendly transport hub of the city - a set lunch will cost 185 rubles. It’s also worth going for the stunning beauty of the interiors: stained-glass windows, murals and flowers in tubs create a rare mood when you really don’t want to leave Moscow on the first train.

"Stolovaya" at the fish market

The proximity of the mosque leaves its mark on public catering in the building of the fish market: here it is halal everywhere and everywhere it is delicious - it is worth visiting both the more authentic teahouse to the right of the entrance, and the European-style dining room at the far end of the building - however, it is worth taking it in the first place Central Asian dishes. Soup will cost 75 rubles, hotter is more expensive - from 85 rubles. for meatballs up to 150 r. for a lagman, but one is enough to get enough for half a day ahead. Drinking alcohol, unfortunately, is prohibited - but you can try to negotiate, since Glavpivmag is located nearby, pouring fashionable craft beer and cider; fish and caviar, oddly enough, it is better to buy in other places.

  • Address Pyatnitsky per., 2, "Pyatnitsky", 1st floor
  • Mode Mon-Fri 10.00–18.00

Refectory near Pokrovsky Cathedral

The Old Believer Pokrovsky Cathedral is located far from the tourist or any other routes - in the Rogozhsky village, but the local refectory is not included in the list of the best places in the city only due to a misunderstanding. Specialties: hairy milk mushrooms, yeast-free hearth bread, pies with berry filling, pancakes with white and red fish, oatmeal jelly, white kvass, sbiten and kombucha. Additional pluses: the architectural ensemble of the monastery, opening hours (from 7 am to 11 pm), continuously singing canaries in cages and the opportunity to meet the actors of the Interns series, which is filmed in pavilions nearby, at a dinner.

  • Address Rogozhsky Settlement, 29, building 9
  • Mode Mon-Sun 7.30–23.00

Canteen at the Pension Fund

The most classic dining room on the list is a place to both nostalgic for Soviet times and eat without the risk of poisoning. True, despite the ascetic interior of the basement, the prices here are higher than those of competitors in the complex lunch market (soup 70 rubles for half a portion, hot 150-170 rubles) - but in the area of ​​​​Tverskoy Boulevard, these are not particularly observed, therefore, in the dining room of the PFR in media workers, office clerks, residents of the surrounding houses and, of course, employees of the foundation itself flock to lunch. At the same time, you can ask about the fate of your pension, but it’s better to do this after eating - otherwise you can inadvertently spoil your appetite.

  • Address Tverskoy blvd., 18, bldg. 1
  • Mode Mon-Fri 9.00–18.00

Buffet at Arbatskaya metro station, Filevskaya line

Tucked away at the far end of Moscow's most deserted subway station, 200 to 300 people pass through a buffet a day - a lot for a tiny room with a few tables and very little compared to the subway's daily capacity of ten million passengers. Metro employees are served without a queue, but any visitor to Arbatskaya can buy a sandwich with ham (28 rubles), a Cosmos cutlet (89 rubles) or compote (25 rubles); in addition to pastries and hot dishes, the buffet offers an assortment of prosperous general store - from custard noodles to canned fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, there is no toilet either in the cafeteria or at the station.

  • Address metro station Arbatskaya, Filevskaya line
  • Mode Mon-Fri 9.30–18.30

"Gurmanika" in the South Port

The fantastically beautiful building with columns on the territory of the South Port conceals not a recreation center or a mausoleum, but a dining room - and a very outstanding one. Soups are sold for 50–60 rubles, hot dishes are no more than a hundred, the recipe is sometimes surprising (in chicken noodle soup, for example, there are potatoes), but, according to the chefs, this was done exclusively at the request of the port staff. After lunch it is worth going for a walk - around the sculpture of the fifties, colorful shipping containers and one of the best views of the city. You can get into the dining room with a pass - ordered in advance by phone - or through a hole in the fence, easily found to the left of the main entrance.

  • Address 2nd Yuzhnoportovy Ave., 10, building 14
  • Mode Mon-Fri 10.00–16.00

Food is a significant expense item. Eating out is for a variety of reasons. During lunch, the city's cafes are overflowing with students, white-collar workers, and tourists. But is it possible to have a hearty meal in Moscow for 200 rubles? About inexpensive establishments with quality cuisine - in our material

funky lab

A cozy gastrobar with a steampunk interior is located in the center of Moscow, near the Tretyakovskaya metro station. The creative idea of ​​the restaurateur Alexander Viazhsky is similar to the designer - both in terms of design and in matters of serving dishes. So, borscht is served here in two plates: thick separately, broth separately. Eat it alternately or mix - the visitor decides. The same goes for salmon tartare and even ice cream.

The chef at Funky Lab is a real Frenchman, so the menu includes dishes such as Burgundy beef, a variety of steaks and sauces. "Golden" time in the gastrobar - from 12:00 to 16:00. It is during these hours that you can taste an inexpensive soup of the day and a delicious budget salad for 120 rubles.

Location: st. Bolshaya Polyanka, 7/10, building 1

Working hours: from 12:00 to 00:00 seven days a week

Photo: funky lab
Photo: funky lab
Photo: funky lab 2

"Dining Room No. 57"

It would seem that the time of canteens is irrevocably gone. But not in the case of this authentic culinary establishment, where dishes are prepared exclusively from a book of recipes for delicious and healthy food. Popular with Muscovites and guests of the capital, Canteen No. 57 is located in one of the most important stores in Moscow - GUM. Probably, the owners of the institution are very generous and hospitable people, because they often arrange promotions during which you can save a lot.

In addition to traditional meat and fish dishes, the dining room has a rich vegetable, fruit, lenten menu, as well as pastries to order. Thematic dishes (for example, soldiers' potatoes, Strawberry Heart biscuit) are waiting for visitors during calendar holidays. Many people come here for a sip of nostalgia for the Soviet past. The cost of dishes ranges from 60-80 rubles.

Location: GUM, 3rd line, 3rd floor

Working hours: from 10:00 to 22:00 daily



Named after the brand chef Ivan Domozhilov, the original 70-seat buffet is located in the Artplay Design Center. Huge panoramic windows of the studio overlook Syromyatnicheskaya embankment. Instead of a menu, there is a showcase with dishes. Self-service and disposable tableware do not overshadow the richest assortment of pastries (about 140 varieties).

Among the dishes prepared in the kitchen of Art Clumba: borsch with tongue, mushroom beef stroganoff with chicken, baguette with Tambov ham, nicoise with tuna, salads, soups, cheesecakes - and all this at very affordable prices. Special offers in the menu can be read by the LED ticker.

Location: st. Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, 10, building 2

Working hours: from 10:00 to 22:00 seven days a week

Photo: Domozhilov
Photo: Domozhilov 4


A culinary cafe with a berry name is located in the very center of old Moscow - not far from Kitay-Gorod. The menu includes inexpensive home-style dishes: herring under a fur coat, bean soup, Greek moussaka, empanadas, pies, etc. - which can also be ordered in a takeaway container. Brusnik has a huge assortment of sweet pastries and desserts (from 60 rubles). And one of the most popular drinks is chamomile tea.

The institution is also known for its well-chosen musical arrangement, so here you can chat and even whisper in a comfortable environment.

Location: st. Maroseyka, 6-8, building 1

Working hours: from 08:00 to 23:00 seven days a week

Photo: "Cowberry"
Photo: "Cowberry"
Photo: "Cowberry" 5

"Baking and pilaf"

This Uzbek restaurant is a creative project of a young restaurateur Maxim Agashkov. Its name speaks about the dominant dishes. An inexpensive establishment with a simple, cozy interior in white and red colors is located near the Taganskaya metro station. Bestsellers: samsa, pies, chicken broth, lamb manti, lagman. But the main dish of the restaurant is plov, which is cooked in a huge 80-liter cauldron (for 150 servings) by Uzbek chefs. There is only one step from maximalism to minimalism: "Baking and Pilaf" can accommodate only 12 visitors.

Location: 1st Goncharny Lane, 4\3

Working hours: daily from 08:30 to 22:00

Photo: Vera Mishurina
Photo: 6


Noodles from the popular Japanese network Marugame Seimen (the branded dish of which is udon noodles with various additives) is a great option for a tasty and inexpensive lunch in the range of 180-200 rubles. The network of Moscow cafes is modeled after Asian prototypes: a small hall, a separate kitchen with a distribution line connecting locations. All dishes are prepared on the spot: from a large cauldron, in which the famous thick sanuki-udon noodles are boiled, steam dissipates in a mist throughout the hall.

On the menu: kamaage udon (noodles with dashi broth sauce), ontama bukkake udon (noodles with soft-boiled egg), tonkatsu udon (noodles in pork rib broth with pickled egg), etc., as well as salads and rolls.

Photo: "Marukame"

Moscow is the largest and most developed city in our country, which does not sleep day or night. The capital is famous for its nightlife, bars, restaurants, where the flow of people does not stop. But not everyone can afford to eat in luxurious restaurants, spend huge sums of money every day. The Moscow canteen is a great option for students, office workers, city guests and tourists who are looking for a hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner, while not wanting to overpay fabulous sums. It must be admitted that there are such establishments in Moscow, there are not so many of them, but nevertheless they exist. It remains only to understand where exactly the best dining room in Moscow is located, and what can it offer to all its guests?

"Markov Yard"

Most visitors to this cute cozy catering establishment learned about it quite by accident: they stumbled upon it during their regular walk around the city center. Yes, there are cheap canteens in Moscow in the very center of the capital, namely on Chistoprudny Boulevard. If you pass by, be sure to look here: you certainly won't regret it.

The prices are low, the portions are large, and everything on the menu is delicious. A hearty lunch here will cost 200-250 rubles. And all this combined with a nice and cozy interior, excellent service.


And here is another great dining room in Moscow, located at the Gagarin Square metro station. Great place for connoisseurs of oriental cuisine. Here, guests will taste delicious Uzbek pilaf cooked in accordance with the recipes of national cuisine, as well as lagman, meat cooked on charcoal, fragrant pastries. You can dine here for only 200 rubles, and how delicious. Even if you do not consider yourself to be lovers and true connoisseurs of oriental cuisine, do not deny yourself the pleasure of getting to know it better.


If you are still looking for a place that would be clean, spacious and comfortable, but at the same time lunch and dinner remained affordable, go to the Aviamotornaya metro station. It is here that another excellent dining room of the capital - "Oranzh" - is located. All guests can count on a menu of traditional European cuisine prepared by skilled chefs: it is really very tasty here, the portions are large, so no one will leave hungry. A huge plasma TV and high-speed wireless Internet are responsible for the leisure of guests. Lunch, represented by three courses, will cost 150-200 rubles here.

Canteen on 1st Magistralnaya Street

And this, perhaps, is one of the most famous establishments. The dining room existed here in Soviet times. The institution positions itself as a place with a cozy interior, home cooking and reasonable prices. Lunch will cost an average of 150-200 rubles. Visitors note that the menu is always varied, everything is tasty and fresh.


What, in your opinion, should be the dining room in Moscow? If you like a tasty meal, go to the dining room at the metro station "Semenovskaya" - "Derevnya". A place where traditions in the preparation of dishes of native Russian cuisine are honored. Here you can taste rich cabbage soup, boiled potatoes with herbs, porridge, pancakes with various fillings. Everything is very accessible.

Summing up

We proved to you that even in the center of the capital you can find noteworthy establishments where you can eat quite inexpensively (within 250 rubles). Be sure to check out one of these places: maybe it will become your regular lunch place. And if you want something special, visit the main dining room in Moscow, located in the GUM building. The prices here are no longer so affordable, but the place is definitely atmospheric, interesting and worthy. Here you can remember your childhood, drink a glass of soda with syrup. And what is the best dining room in Moscow - it's up to you to decide.