Takeaway coffee business. Profitable coffee to go business: coffee to go business plan how much to invest

Coffee is a very popular drink in the modern world. The number of coffee lovers is also growing in Russia. Along with tea, it is the most common and in great demand. Coffee can be black or green. Black coffee is obtained by roasting green coffee, thus giving it a unique taste and color. The great demand for this drink led to ideas for the development of small businesses in the coffee industry. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a city that does not have a coffee shop. Coffee shops along with eateries and restaurants are the most common establishments. They are in the service industry.
According to experts, the volume of consumption of this tonic drink is increasing every year in Moscow. In addition, income levels are also rising. Today, Muscovites spend about $30,000 daily to buy coffee. Next year, according to experts, this amount will increase 10 times. Coffee is gradually replacing other drinks such as tea or juice. Let's take a closer look at the takeaway coffee business plan. What initial capital is required, what are the main costs associated with, what is the profitability of this business?

Choosing a territory for a coffee shop

Unlike an ordinary coffee shop, where visitors can drink drinks only in the establishment itself, in this case there is a big plus. The fact is that there are quite a lot of coffee connoisseurs, but not everyone has the desire and time to sit in a coffee shop. In addition, some simply want to enjoy this drink at home. The arrangement of such establishments is no different from ordinary cafes. First of all, an aspiring entrepreneur needs to draw up a clear business plan for takeaway coffee, which should include choosing a place for a future establishment, registering, collecting necessary permits, purchasing equipment and raw materials, calculating basic costs and profits, and so on.

A takeaway coffee business plan should start with choosing a territory. It is better if these are busy areas of the city. It is possible to organize takeaway coffee in any large shopping center or store by opening your own small department. It is advisable to build a coffee shop at bus stations, airfields, that is, in crowded places. It is important to locate coffee shops near educational institutions so that children and teenagers can buy and take this healthy drink with them. All this is of great importance for the future business, since the success of the establishment and revenue depend on the number of customers.

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Registration and collection of documentation

A takeaway coffee business plan should include mandatory registration. To do this, the future entrepreneur is required to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the local tax office. The first option is the most optimal, since in this case you can save a little time and money, and the list of papers will be somewhat smaller. In addition, you will need to obtain permissions from some services. First of all, this is the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service. This issue is very important, because the coffee house belongs to catering establishments and is constantly monitored.

The business plan also includes obtaining permission from the territorial property management authorities, the fire inspectorate. In the event that the premises are rented and not built from scratch, the conclusion of firefighters is not required, all responsibility rests with the landlord. Once a year, the coffee house will be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological authorities for compliance with the requirements of sanitary legislation in the field of organizing work and providing citizens with high-quality and safe products.

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Purchase of the necessary equipment

The takeaway coffee business plan also includes the purchase of equipment and other technical material for organizing its activities. It is better to take professional equipment, this applies primarily to coffee makers. Italian models are well suited for these purposes. Unlike ordinary household machines, they are more expensive, but there is no need to save on this. This equipment will pay for itself. Foreign professional coffee makers will last a very long time. Buying them is not difficult. Some firms involved in the supply of raw materials (coffee) to certain points can provide all the necessary equipment.

The basic set for organizing a take-away coffee business includes a coffee maker, coffee grinder and sealed containers for storing this drink.

In addition, you will need refrigeration equipment for storing confectionery, tables, chairs, a bar counter, display cases, a cash register, and hangers for clients' clothes. Coffee preparation should be carried out only on purified water that has gone through several stages of processing. For this, an additional water filter is purchased. In order for all equipment to work, all communications must first be carried out: electricity, hot and cold water supply, heating, ventilation.

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Takeaway coffee business plan necessarily includes recruitment of employees. It all depends on the organization of the work of the institution itself. If this is a small coffee shop, then you can get by with 1-2 sales workers. If takeaway coffee is planned to be organized in a large establishment, then the staff should include an administrator, waiters, a cleaning lady, and a security guard. Employees must observe the rules of personal hygiene and have personal medical books. All this is checked by the sanitary and epidemiological service. It is desirable that the staff have experience in this field. If, in addition to drinks and confectionery, a large assortment of snacks is planned, then a cook will be needed.

He must have a special education. The staff must be polite and correct in dealing with customers. The quality of service and the success of the entire institution largely depend on this. It is advisable to organize training courses. It is important that the waiters know their business and can, if necessary, advise customers on a particular issue. They need to know the idea of ​​what varieties of coffee are, how they differ, and so on.

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Interior design

If a large coffee shop opens and take-away coffee is available, then it is important to seriously approach the development of the interior of the room. It is important to comply with the requirements for the location of the coffee shop. This is the plan. It must be located at a distance of at least 50 m from residential and public buildings. There should be a separate entrance for personnel and loading of raw materials. The set of premises should include a manager's room, a room for storing raw materials, a room for staff, a sanitary unit, and a shower room. The environment of the room is also important. Since most patrons sit in the coffee shop for a while, the ambience is important.

You need to use dishes that are comfortable, without excessive pretentiousness. Seating and tables should be comfortable. Tables are best kept small. It is recommended to organize musical accompaniment in the hall. Wall tones should be warm, but not bright. In the evening, small lamps are used - lamps that are installed on each table. In order for visitors to take coffee to go, you need to have special containers for the drink for more convenient transportation. In order for the coffee not to cool down, it is necessary that the containers remain airtight.

Starting your own business is an important step in anyone's life. You need to approach everything competently and responsibly. If you settled on such an option as selling coffee to go, which is quite simple, then you still need to take into account many different nuances before proceeding with the implementation of everything that was planned.

Let's take a closer look at issues such as the profitability of this business, the necessary steps for its implementation, the costs of opening and payback periods. Every detail is important and it is worth thinking about a lot so as not to miss anything. Concept development is the first step of every entrepreneur. So, we draw up a business plan for coffee to go - calculations, marketing, costs, and then proceed to implementation.

We draw up a business plan for coffee to go

Coffee to Go Business Plan Summary (Takeaway)

For a small business, it is important to understand the initial goals and objectives that face an entrepreneur who wants to start their own business. We will not consider a franchise business, because if a person decides to work on a franchise, then he is immediately given a ready-made option, where you don’t really need to think, the main thing is to follow the instructions. We will analyze the option from scratch for .

The goal of our project is to organize a point where coffee in paper cups will be sold to go, so that a person passing by can buy and drink coffee on the way. The individual entrepreneur himself will manage the enterprise, he can also be the main employee, but we will start from the fact that the workers will be hired.

The investment in this business will be 220 thousand rubles. The payback of this type of business, opened in 2019, will occur approximately 8-12 months after the start. It all depends on competent marketing moves, the quality of your product and minimizing recurring costs.

General description of the enterprise

Let's start by choosing a place for the location of our coffee stall. The ideal option seems to be renting a place in a shopping center, where there is always a high traffic of people, but this is not always the case. It would be best to rent a place on the street near the same center, where there are benches and a seating area nearby. Rent there will be cheaper monthly, but more will have to be spent on the initial arrangement of the point. So, we select a place between a store, a recreation area and a bus stop, the rest depends on your city.

The opening hours of the tent will naturally be long, from 8 am to 9 pm. You will also need to hire two employees who will prepare coffee, clean the tent after the shift, count customers, in general, ensure the functioning of the enterprise. Employees will work on schedule 2 in 2 days. Naturally, employees should be hired who already have little experience in making coffee drinks, have imagination and are friendly to customers.

The stall itself should be decorated in the form of a small covered tent with an original design. The area should be small, the stall should be made of inexpensive but weather-resistant materials, and inside there should be enough space for a coffee machine, shelves with ingredients, a small refrigerator and comfortable accommodation for the seller. Ready-to-go coffee will be served in paper cups of different sizes: large - 400 ml, medium - 300 ml and small - 200 ml. Cups will need to be ordered with an original design specifically for your coffee shop.

Goods and services

Our express coffee shop will offer its customers the following range of products at average prices in rubles and a sales plan:

  1. espresso - 70, 20 pcs. in a day;
  2. americano - 80, 10 pcs. in a day;
  3. latte - 120, 20 pcs. in a day;
  4. coffee according to the client's order with syrup and other fillings - 150, 5 pcs. in a day;
  5. cappuccino - 120, 10 pcs. in a day;
  6. other drinks (milk, tea, cocoa, juice) - 60, 5 pcs. in a day.

Marketing Plan

To attract customers to the kiosk, you need to advertise your coffee point as follows:

  1. develop a beautiful design for cups;
  2. mark up a group on a social network, where there will be interesting facts about coffee, messages about promotions in your small coffee shop;
  3. develop leaflets that will be given to customers when buying coffee, when
  4. accumulation of 10 leaflets - coffee as a gift, on the leaflets the address of the group in the social network and
  5. calendar for the current month;
  6. the sign on the tent should be attractive and original;
  7. make a coffee shop menu in an interesting format.

Production plan

It is planned to sell 70 servings of the drink per day. For exceeding the norm, employees will receive a small bonus on the day of their salary. Employees are allowed to drink 3 drinks per day for free.

Management organization

Employees will go to work at the set time and work according to the schedule. Employees are allowed to change shifts, after notifying the boss about it. Once a day, in the evening, the boss will come to the kiosk and remove the cash register. The seller must keep records of the goods sold and the products and materials that have arrived in a special journal. In the morning the seller opens the tent, and in the evening he cleans it up and closes it. Each employee and boss will have their own key. The device of the employee for work occurs under the contract.

Financial plan

The cost of implementing a business idea:

  1. rent - 10 thousand rubles per month and 120 thousand rubles per year;
  2. ordering a tent and signage - 70 thousand rubles;
  3. coffee machine - 20 thousand rubles;
  4. refrigerator - 15 thousand rubles;
  5. furniture (shelves, counter, chair) - 15 thousand rubles;
  6. leaflets and cups - 25 thousand rubles per month and 300 thousand rubles per year;
  7. purchase of products - 20 thousand rubles per month, 240 thousand rubles per year;
  8. coffee grinder - 5 thousand rubles;
  9. salary for employees - 40 thousand rubles per month, 480 thousand rubles per year;
  10. and other expenses - 5 thousand rubles per month and 60 thousand rubles per year;
  11. bar accessories - 10 thousand rubles;
  12. blender and other utensils - 10 thousand rubles.

Total expenses for the first month for opening will amount to 220 thousand rubles, expenses for each subsequent month - 100 thousand rubles, and per year 1200 thousand rubles.

It is planned to sell 70 servings of drinks per day and receive an average revenue of 6,850 rubles. The total revenue per month will be on average 205500 rub, and profit 105 thousand rubles per month. Profit is calculated to the maximum, on a sunny day, when a large number of customers is possible. That is, in the long term, a coffee to go business plan is a very profitable idea that can bring quite a lot of income even compared to other types of business.

Thus, the idea of ​​a coffee business is a very promising solution that should bring quite a decent income to its owner. Selling coffee does not require any special monthly costs and problematic efforts, everything is very simple, the main thing is to make a step-by-step plan and implement it. An investment of fantasy, presentability and, most importantly, delicious coffee will do their job and there will be no end to customers. Good luck and business prosperity!

In this material:

A relatively new, but actively developing business - "coffee to go", came to Russia quite recently. An example of such a project was given by Western countries, where the idea of ​​selling drinks and fast food to take away has long been implemented.

Outdoor mobile coffee shop

If lemonade and juices are considered the usual "street" goods, since back in the Soviet years it was possible to use soda machines, then until recently it was customary to drink coffee and tea only in special establishments, such as small cafes or pastry shops.

An example of the fact that hot drinks can be taken with you was first served to Russians by visitors to fast food restaurants. With their arrival in the country in the mid-90s, people began to look a little differently at how and where to eat.

There are practically no free places in chain establishments with “fast food” during peak hours. Therefore, customers were given a choice: either wait in line for a free table, or buy coffee and a sandwich and have a bite to eat in the nearest park or at the workplace.

In the conditions of constant lack of time, which most residents of megacities suffer from, the example of such a mini-lunch has become very relevant. Today, coffee to go is already a fashion trend. This is a kind of hallmark of a successful, busy modern young man who has good taste and lives in the fast rhythm of a big city.

The example of capital cities was quickly picked up in other regions. Although this niche in the hot drinks market has not yet been filled, the competition in it is already quite high. Therefore, if an entrepreneur wants to start such an activity, a business plan for a coffee to go project must be carefully crafted.

Options for selling coffee on the street

The fragrant drink won the hearts of many people on the planet. Despite the warnings of doctors against its excessive consumption, every 3rd person in the country can call himself a real coffee lover. There are 3 ways to sell a drink on the street:

  1. Small coffee houses with outdoor summer areas offer customers to pour an invigorating liquid into a plastic or paper cup and take it with them. This is convenient for those who dine at the establishment, but do not have enough time to fully finish their meal with a cup of aromatic coffee.
  2. On the street they put a stationary point for the sale of hot drinks. This option is relevant during mass events, especially in winter.
  3. A mobile coffee point of sale, which is a car equipped with the necessary equipment.

A takeaway coffee business plan should be developed depending on what strategy the entrepreneur is following for developing his own business. Opening a coffee shop is expensive and impractical if the ultimate goal is to sell coffee to go.

In this case, it is better to consider the possibility of setting up a small tent or purchasing a special car. Each option has certain nuances, but is quite suitable for starting a career as a private barista.

Location selection

Small mobile coffee shops should be located in crowded places. This could be a square in front of a shopping mall, a train station area, or a subway station. However, the choice of a trading area must be chosen so that there are no competitors nearby. And this is already quite a difficult task.

It is more difficult to establish a stationary point for selling coffee to go for precisely these reasons. A mobile coffee shop has a number of advantages. After all, she can move and be where it is most beneficial at any given moment. Often, such mobile coffee stations can be found in parks and other urban walking areas.

When developing a business plan, you need to take into account the cost of renting land in a certain area of ​​the city. To conduct business, you must obtain permission from the administration. To do this, you need to draw up legal documents and get the status of an entrepreneur.

Activity registration

The official registration of a business is one of the main conditions for its successful development. A novice coffee seller may limit himself to the status of an individual entrepreneur. The fee for registering an individual entrepreneur costs only 800 rubles. If the owner is going to fulfill the role of a seller, driver, loader, accountant and barista himself, then the annual deductions to various state funds can be minimal.

A limited liability company only makes sense when the business expands and the small coffee shop turns into a popular chain. Many aspiring entrepreneurs prefer to buy a franchise of a well-known company. Today in Russia there are several major players in the "coffee business".

On the one hand, it is easier to start your own business under a familiar and favorite brand. The parent company supports the fledgling enterprise with advertising and detailed instructions that tell newcomers how to run the business.

On the other hand, the franchisee is deprived of freedom of action, as it is completely subject to the requirements of the company that provided its name. In addition to harsh working conditions, in most cases a person must pay the so-called "royalties" - compensation for using a well-known brand. Its size is from 3 to 10% of the amount of revenue.

Selection of equipment and raw materials

The business plan must include the costs of registering a point of sale and purchasing equipment. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of raw materials for the preparation of a delicious drink. Large expenses are expected for the purchase and installation of the frame of a stationary tent. If the business owner decides to open a mobile coffee shop, then it is necessary to buy and convert a small car.

To work you will need to have:

  • quality coffee machine
  • filter for water purification;
  • blender;
  • refrigerated showcase;
  • coffee grinder;
  • lighting;
  • pillar for advertising and menu placement.

Various varieties of coffee and other raw materials for the preparation of the finished product should be purchased only from trusted sellers. The success of the entire enterprise will directly depend on the quality of the drink, so you should not save on consumables. The assortment should be wide enough to satisfy the taste of different categories of customers.

Advertising and business profitability

Advertising costs should also be included in the main expenses. As an accompaniment to such activities, relatively inexpensive media are used:

  • bright sign;
  • leaflets;
  • signs on the street;
  • banners;
  • promotion in social networks.

In general, opening a small take-away coffee outlet costs about 600-900 thousand rubles, the profitability of the business is 50-60%, and its payback occurs within a year.

Coffee house projects

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The easiest way to start a takeaway coffee business is to buy one.

But if you still want to do it yourself, we offer you step-by-step instructions from an expert at Coffee In.

The business of selling coffee to go is quite profitable: it requires minimal start-up and ongoing costs, while it has high margins and quickly pays off. It is believed that opening an express coffee shop is not at all difficult, and therefore yesterday's and even current students without entrepreneurial experience often take up the matter. But often in this area there are completely different stories.

Before the opening of the first Coffee point In we already had experience in business, in the b2 segmentbbut wanted to work with a wider audience. Therefore, we had the idea to enter the field of express coffee shops.

To begin with, we analyzed competitors in the Chelyabinsk market, there were about ten of them at that time, and many of them-network. Some players had 8-10 points.

The takeaway coffee business is often highly competitive. Moreover, coffee is not always a popular drink, because in fact few people understand it. There are cities in which it is difficult to succeed in this area. For example, tea is preferred in Kazan, while in Chelyabinsk, shawarma outlets are the most popular. All this can affect the success of a business, and therefore, before investing in opening coffee to go, you need to study the market.

I constantly buy coffee in express coffee shops, so I often went to competitors and knew roughly how they work. I interacted a lot with baristas in coffee shops and it helped a lot. Usually baristas can tell you anything: how much revenue, how many customers, etc.​​​​​​​

You need to see what prices competitors have, what range. As a rule, the vast majority of coffee shops offer the same assortment and are about the same pricing.

In terms of prices, you should not break away from the team, especially in the direction of their increase: at first, an inflated price tag will play against you. As a last resort, prices can be increased in the future.

But as for the assortment, here it is worth being smart and not offering only those drinks that are best sold by your competitors. Having your own special “chip” on the menu will help you gain popularity faster.

Personal experience

When we opened, we introduced items such as coffee withNutella, cookiesoreo, which no one else in our city did. Many came to us from other parts of the city just to try an unusual product, as a result they liked coffee, and they became regular customers.

By the way, over time, the range can also be expanded, based on the needs of the audience. This is exactly what we did at Coffee In - we added coffee and pastries to traditional express coffee shops - cereals, granolas, etc. The coffee house does not earn much on such a low-margin product, but its presence allows it to attract new customers.

It is believed that the main target audience of express coffee shops are students. That is why many are trying to put an end to the sale of takeaway coffee close to educational institutions. In fact, the coffee-to-go public can be diverse. Basically, these are those who work or live in the immediate vicinity of your coffee shop.

Investment size

Investments in opening a take-away coffee outlet are small, although here you can “walk around” by buying, for example, an expensive coffee machine (the price of individual copies exceeds 1 million rubles). And yet, at the very beginning, spending huge sums does not make sense, it is quite possible to meet 100-150 thousand rubles.

The main items of expenditure in opening an express coffee shop:

- Room rental. It is unlikely to get off cheaply here, since the room, although it should not be large, should be located in a passable place. Such areas are quite expensive.

- Repair work. This item is valid only for individual rooms. But many coffee shops open in shopping centers, and here, in fact, all that is needed is a bar counter.

- Equipment(coffee machine, coffee grinder). Its cost can be arbitrarily high, but at first it is better not to buy expensive equipment or even rent it.

Another important point is the promotion of your coffee shop.

Initially, we just opened a coffee shop and did not focus on any brand. But later we realized that it is very difficult to survive in this highly competitive market. Therefore, we came up with our own brand, and began to work on its promotion. At the same time, no funds were provided for promotion - the budget is very small.

In terms of promotion, it is worth using the maximum of relatively inexpensive channels available to you. For example, a coffee shop must have a sign. Also, if you work in a separate room with panoramic windows, you can brand them, place information about promotions on them, which will bring buyers to you.

An important element in the promotion of an express coffee shop is cups. They definitely need to be branded, because a person most often drinks coffee while walking down the street. Thus, passers-by see your logo on the glass, it is imprinted in the subconscious.

Personal experience

At the very beginning of our work, we resorted to the services of promoters, and this also led to good results. But here it is important that the distribution is not thoughtless. Our promoters handed out leaflets with the "second coffee as a gift" promotion to couples. And it attracted people, they came to our coffee shop, did their shopping.

Step-by-step instruction

The main thing in the coffee business is the coffee itself, therefore, as soon as you analyze the market and decide on the assortment, you need to look for coffee suppliers. There are, of course, express coffee houses that prepare raw materials on their own, but these are in the minority. Most often, the finished product is purchased.

Good coffee is the right percentage of several different types of coffee beans and their proper roasting. If you are not too well versed in this matter, it is better to involve a competent partner in the business.

Personal experience

We found a partner who used to work in a large chain of coffee shops. Going from a well-paid job with one of the market leaders to a little-known coffee house at that time was a difficult step, but he took a chance. As a result, I took over all organizational issues: accounting, sales, etc., and the partner managed everything related to coffee.

You need to choose a supplier in the first place in terms of price / quality ratio. Coffee can cost both 500 rubles and 2 thousand rubles per 1 kg. But good coffee doesn't have to be expensive.

At first, we bought coffee at 2,000 rubles 1 per kg, because we believed that the more expensive the product, the better it was. It turned out that an acceptable price is about 1 thousand rubles. Now we have partners in the Chelyabinsk region who are engaged in coffee roasting. They are our main supplier. They supply from South America, roast coffee and prepare the mixture just for us.

The second most important element of an express coffee shop is the barista. Fortunately, you are unlikely to encounter a shortage of personnel - today this profession is quite popular: when we recruited staff, fifty people responded on the first day, who set different prices for a shift - from 500 to 1.5 thousand rubles. The bad news is that truly competent professionals and disciplined workers are hard to find.

When we first started recruiting baristas, 50 people responded per day. Most of them could have been dismissed in advance, since these are schoolchildren who do not even know which side to approach the coffee machine from. With a dozen of the remaining specialists, we interviewed, as a result, another half were eliminated. About five people were invited to go on a test day, where they worked under the leadership of an experienced barista, he watched how they prepare drinks, how well they are trained. As a result, there was one person with whom we were really ready to work. It should be noted that not all of those who received invitations went to work.

The profession of a barista is more difficult than it seems at first glance. He should be able not only to prepare coffee well.

The barista must also be an excellent "salesman", as well as ... a psychologist. A coffee shop, even when we are talking about an express format, is a place where people come for communication. You need to be able to listen to the client, competently conduct a dialogue with him, while maintaining a balance - conversations should not interfere with work.

Fortunately, for the operation of an express coffee house, not so many employees are needed - only two, working on a schedule of 2 through 2. The salary of a barista is on average 30-40 thousand rubles. This includes an administration fee.

In order for a take-away coffee shop to generate good revenue, you need to set the correct opening hours - it is important to "hook" the time when pedestrian traffic is most active. We are open from 8 to 8 on weekdays and from 12 on Sundays. It’s hard to get up early on Sunday, no one is in a hurry, so it makes no sense to open a coffee shop in the morning. The most active hours on weekdays are in the morning, around 8.00. The next peak is at 12.00, in the evening - at 18.00. The most active days of the week are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

But in a day, not a single client may come to you if you choose the wrong place for your express coffee shop. Therefore, this issue should be given special attention.

A take-away coffee point can be located both inside a shopping center, office building or university, and on the street. At the same time, it is important that the traffic is brisk, active pedestrian traffic is needed. Therefore, it is advisable to sit down and calculate exactly how many people pass next to your future coffee shop, at what time and what kind of people they are.

Another way is to see what establishments are nearby. The presence of stores of large retail chains is a good sign. As a rule, they thoughtfully approach the choice of a place, consider the traffic, explore the area.

But not always a large number of people around is a guarantee of success. Many decide to locate their express coffee shop at a railway or bus station, guided by the opinion that there is a lot of pedestrian traffic, which means there will be no shortage of buyers. In fact, most transit passengers are not ready to spend 150 rubles on coffee.

But all this is rather an ideal scenario for the development of events. In practice, there are few places where you can really rent a room and open. A good room is difficult to occupy - it will not be empty for months.

The room itself should not be large - 5 sq.m. is enough. area. There are no special repair requirements for an express coffee shop. But it is desirable that the room be branded, decorated in corporate colors.


No special permits or licenses are required to open a takeaway coffee shop. But in order to conduct business according to all the rules, you need to register. How exactly to do this - in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC - depends on whether you will work alone or with a partner. In the first case, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur, in the second - to form an LLC.

As a taxation regime, it is worth choosing a single tax on imputed income. It eliminates the need to report on other types of taxation, such as corporate property tax. The tax rate depends on the number of employees and the area of ​​the establishment, so in the case of an express coffee shop, the amount of payment will be small. As OKVED, you must select code 55.30 - "Activities of restaurants and cafes."

No approvals from the SES, fire supervision or other authorities are needed. Just notify government agencies that you're open. According to the law, the first three years you can work safely without fear of inspections. Of course, in the event that no one filed complaints about your activities.

There are also certain restrictions. For example, you can’t open coffee and shawarma in the same place: different sanitary requirements.

Opening checklist

Takeaway coffee - business description + advantages and disadvantages + franchise work + step-by-step process on how to open a business.

Capital investments: depending on the chosen business format - from 390,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 6 months
Return on sales: 50-60%

The fast and busy rhythm of life leaves an imprint on all spheres of life, including business.

And a vivid example of this is a relatively new format for the post-Soviet countries - coffee to go.

Local entrepreneurs quickly picked up the Western idea, and many have already been convinced of its profitability and profitability.

Takeaway coffee, or as it is called coffee to go, is a sought-after business in large and developed cities where the population leads an active lifestyle.

Therefore, for coffee lovers, this is a great opportunity to enjoy a fragrant and invigorating drink right on the go, thereby saving their time and money that they could spend on.

So, today we will talk about all the nuances and features of opening such a promising and interesting business.

Takeaway Coffee Business Description

What is takeaway coffee?

This business is aimed at meeting the needs of the city's residents, associated with the desire to drink a drink not sitting in some establishment, but on the run.

In turn, the process associated with the implementation of coffee looks like this:

  1. Behind a special counter, the barista brews the coffee ordered by the client.
  2. After payment, the client receives a drink in a disposable paper or plastic cup covered with a lid.
    This is necessary so that the coffee does not spill during the movement.
    It comes with sugar in a paper sachet, a wooden stick and napkins.
  3. Then the client can drink coffee in any desired place.

Now there are three formats for doing such a business on the market:

  • mobile coffee shops in the form of a van on wheels;
  • equipped stationary kiosks;

In terms of doing such a business, it is important to pay attention to two points that are decisive:

  • advantageous location;
  • the quality of the offered coffee and the variety of assortment.

There is a direct correlation between the chosen place, the quality of the brewed coffee and the size of the profit.

The more people pass by your mini-institution, and the tastier the drink that people want to come back for, the more revenue will be.

I would also like to say that many consider the business of taking coffee with them to those that do not require huge investments.

In part, there is some truth here, because you don’t need to spend a lot of money on the interior and renovation of the premises, equipment, utensils and staff.

But the size of the initial investment will depend on the chosen format of the institution.

Advantages, disadvantages and risks of a takeaway coffee business

If you are seriously considering starting a takeaway coffee business, then you should be aware of its benefits, drawbacks, and risks that may come with you.

The main risks are related to:

    choosing an advantageous location

    It is important to find a place that will provide a high passability of people, but at the same time, so that competitors are not located nearby.


    Although there will be two people on the staff, it is important that they do their job well and provide the buyer with excellent service.

    established target policy

    Despite the fact that the cost of coffee in this business format is small, it is important to set an adequate price for a drink in order to stay in the black.

Franchising in the coffee to go business

There are two ways to open coffee to go:
  1. own efforts;
  2. purchase .

It cannot be said that opening and running a business on your own is something difficult, but many beginners want to play it safe, so they choose franchising.

Franchising- this is a type of cooperation in which one party, under certain conditions, buys from the second the right to use the brand.

Thus, the main company provides an individual with the use of its brand, concept and assistance in doing business.

As for franchising in the coffee-to-go business, there are now many franchises, whose representative offices can be found in almost all regions of the Russian Federation, as well as in the CIS countries.

Each company provides its own franchise package, so there is no single and correct version of the conditions.

But any franchisor should be interested in developing his network, because this is his name and reputation, so the more support services he is ready to provide to his “wards”, the better.

The table shows five popular franchises.

As you can see, each of them works on its own terms.

Some companies provide basic and full packages.

Not only the initial investment depends on them, but also the further support of the franchisee.

coffee woodspeppy dayCoffee LikeGO!coffeeRoils Club
Year of foundation2014 2013 2013 2014 2014
Amount of points57 over 130245 over 110over 80
Lump sum, rub.175 000 100,000 or 490,000300 000 140 000 150 000 -
1 000 000
Investments, rub.200 000 from 120 000from 500 000from 65 00090 000 -
250 000
Royalty, rub.NoNo3% of revenue2 200 rub. per monthNo

Like any other cooperation, franchising has its advantages and "pitfalls" that must be considered when choosing a way of doing business.
Benefits of franchisingFranchising Disadvantages
Franchise investments are much less than when doing business on your own.
After the conclusion of the transaction, the franchisee receives all the "secrets" of doing business from the main company.
The take-away coffee open point of sale will be positively received in any region due to the already established popularity of the franchise.
Baristas are provided with training related to the preparation of coffee by technology.
The franchisee will only work with certain and quality coffees.
There is no need to spend time compiling a brand book, advertising and searching for suppliers.
Lack of freedom of action in the conduct of business.
Quite large entry fees and monthly royalties.
Penalties are provided for deviation or non-compliance with the terms of the franchise.
The franchisee has no right to experiment with varieties and flavors of coffee.
The ideas proposed by the franchisee may be “lost” and not reach the main company due to lack of time.

How to open a takeaway coffee business?

As for the question of how to open takeaway coffee, it will follow the standard scheme: market analysis, location selection, registration, purchase of equipment and consumables, recruitment and advertising campaign.

Let's go through each of these stages in more detail.

Sales market analysis

Interesting fact:
Coffee occupies the second position in the world ranking of the most sold goods. First up is oil.

Without market analysis, you run the risk of opening an extremely unprofitable business.

Therefore, it is important not only to be ready to invest money and expect fast-growing profits, but also to think over every organizational step.

Market analysis includes:

    Competition assessment

    The following situation has developed here: the take-away coffee niche is quickly filling up, as it is famous for its prospects.

    Across the country, many franchises are successfully operating, which have already won a part of the clientele.

    But considering that every year the number of coffee lovers is growing, and the consumer is becoming more spoiled, therefore, he is in search of the perfect taste.

    Definition of the target audience

    Takeaway coffee customers are people who are in a hurry to work and study: students and office workers.

    Also, the target audience can be attributed to all those who pass by the mini-coffee shop.

    The aroma of freshly brewed coffee has a beneficial effect on the sense of smell of passers-by, who certainly will not be able to resist the opportunity to enjoy a cup of delicious drink.

    The main age of consumers is 17-35 years old, but we do not discount older people, because love for coffee does not depend on the number of years lived.

    Description of competitive advantages

    All such institutions compete with each other, therefore, in these parameters you need to differ from others:
    • Price.

      It should be adequate, that is, it should not be overestimated and set at the level of full-fledged coffee shops, but it should not be underestimated either.

      This is due to the fact that all people compare prices, and if yours does not differ much from the one for which you can buy coffee in a regular machine, then customers will choose the second option.

      Good location.

      Takeaway coffee should be located in a convenient, visible, and most importantly, crowded place.

      The quality and range of drinks.

      Of course, coffee to go is not a full-fledged coffee shop where you can enjoy many varieties of coffee, but the choice of 3-4 positions is very small.

      It is also worth paying attention to the quality of coffee beans and other ingredients.

      Even in this business format, various promotions can be carried out in order to increase revenue due to volumes.

      For example, when buying 4 cups of coffee, the fifth one is free, or the second one is 10% off.


At this stage, a familiar situation develops - registering a business with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Depending on the possibilities and personal ambitions, choose the form that will be relevant for you.

Then you need to decide on the form of taxation.

Takeaway coffee business is not subject to licensing, but requires the collection of certain documents:

  • permission to conduct activities in the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • conclusion from the fire inspectorate;
  • permission from local authorities.

Choosing a place: half the success

Half of the success of the future takeaway coffee depends on a well-chosen place.

It should be a crowded area with good traffic.

  • To organize a stall, it is better to choose the business districts of the city: near business centers, universities, gymnasiums.
    Also pay attention to the stations, almost all people can become potential customers.
  • To organize an “island” in the mall, choose a visible place so that people can notice you when leaving the shops.
  • If you want to open a mobile mini-coffee shop, you have a chance to try your hand at different places.
    Choose all the same places as for the first case, but also pay attention to bus stops, metro stations, city parks.

Procurement of necessary equipment for takeaway coffee

Despite the fact that takeaway coffee involves the format of a mini-institution, you need to purchase special equipment that is used in ordinary cafes and restaurants.

The equipment must be professional, therefore, it will not be cheap.

It is also worth taking care of the bar counter, advertising pillar and other points.

Coffee equipmentCost, rub.
Total:RUB 275,000
coffee machine
200 000
coffee grinder
25 000
Refrigerated showcase small
(to store milk, cream)
20 000
Water filter
20 000
Blender and bar equipment
10 000

Mini coffee shop equipmentCost, rub.
Total:70 500 rub.
bar counter
50 000
Menu design
Cash machine
10 000
5 000

As for organizing a business related to a mobile coffee shop, in addition to equipment, the following work needs to be done here:

  1. Buy a new or used car.
    Most often, Citroen Berlingo, Peugeut Partner or FIAT Doblo are used for these purposes.
  2. Convert the van into a coffee shop.
    This includes the installation of a bar counter, equipment installation and car branding.


The second factor in the success of takeaway coffee is qualified and polite staff.

He should not only brew delicious coffee, but also advise visitors and serve them properly.

You can take people who already have experience in this field, or find those who are ready to learn the basics of making coffee.

In total, you need to hire two people who will work in shifts.

takeaway coffee ad

As for takeaway coffee advertising, it does not require any expensive marketing tools, but you still need to think over the name of your brand and give it some specific concept.

The stall or car itself should attract attention, so you still need to make it stylish and attractive.

  • bright signboard and pointed out on the sidewalk;
  • creation of pages in social networks: Vkontakte and Instagram;
  • ordering placement of banners around the city;
  • distribution of leaflets.

How to open a coffee shop and quickly pay off, you will learn from the video:

Financial indicators: initial investment and monthly expenses

As for investing in a business, the amount of start-up capital will depend on the chosen format.

So, to open a stationary point, you do not need to spend money on buying a room and re-equipping it, it is enough to pay a monthly rent.

But investments in a coffee shop on wheels can be quite large.

Here, too, there is the option of renting a converted car, but it is not always possible to find a suitable option.

Therefore, many people prefer to buy a new or used car and re-equip it to their liking.

ExpensesKiosk / "island" in the mall
Total:from 390 500 rub.from 1,273,500 rubles
Registrationfrom 10 000 rub.from 10 000 rub.
Purchase of premises- - Buying a car - from 700,000 rubles.
- Purchase of 2 batteries - 8,000 rubles.
- Branding and re-equipment of a car - 150,000 rubles.
Coffee making equipmentRUB 270,000RUB 275,000
Equipment for the organization70 500 rub.70 500 rub.
Advertising30 000 30 000
Buying uniforms for employees10 000 rub.10 000 rub.
other expenses20 000 20 000

As for monthly expenses, they also depend on the chosen format:

Monthly expensesKiosk / "island" in the mallMobile coffee shop on the basis of a car
Total:120 000 rub.98000 rub.
Rental payments30 000 rub.-
Fuel- 8 000 rub.
Payment of utility services5 000 rub.5 000 rub.
Consumables (cups, napkins) and ingredients30 000 rub.44 000 rub.
Staff salary44 000 rub.44 000 rub.
Advertising expenses8 000 rub.8 000 rub.
Miscellaneous and contingencies3 000 rub.3 000 rub.

With an average cost of a glass of coffee of 80 rubles, and with a daily income of 8,000 rubles, you can recoup the investment already for:

  • 5-6 months when opening a stationary point;
  • 9-10 months when opening an auto-coffee shop.

With the right business organization, the average profitability of takeaway coffee is 50-60%.

With an increase in sales, you can increase this figure up to 80%.

Coffee to go- This is a promising small business that, with the right organization, can bring quite a lot of profit.

The main criteria for success are an advantageous location, attractive design, high-quality and delicious coffee and excellent service.

Do not be afraid to experiment, offer your customers something new and interesting, hold promotions, expand the range, and then people will want to buy coffee from your coffee shop on the way to work, study or a meeting.

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