Ayran: benefits and harms, composition and recommendations for use. What is ayran made from? What milk is it made from?

Ayran is produced by fermenting goat, cow and sheep milk. Fermented milk drink is made differently in different countries, but one thing remains unchanged - the benefits and harms of the product have been thoroughly studied. From here it makes sense to consider the important aspects in more detail.

Composition of ayran

For 100 gr. drink accounts for 1.5-1.6 grams. protein, about 1 g. fat, 2.75 gr. carbohydrates. With all this, the calorie content of the product is only 28 Kcal.

The main advantage is that the drink contains a lot of vitamin D, vitamin PP, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin H, and choline.

The composition also contains many B vitamins. Among the most significant are folic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, and rare vitamin B3.

In addition, the product contains a lot of beta-carotene, which is responsible for eye health. Ayran corrects vision if you combine consumption with light targeted exercises.

The drink boasts calcium, chlorine, selenium, sulfur, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, and iodine. It also contains magnesium, iron and sodium, which are vital for all organs and systems of the body.

Benefits of ayran

  1. The product is quickly digested and absorbed into the blood. Beneficial enzymes are fully distributed throughout the body. Protein compounds are involved in building muscle fibers and also give a person energy.
  2. The fermented milk product cleanses the intestinal tract from complex congestions, removes heavy metals and toxic substances. The drink improves peristalsis and intestinal microflora.
  3. Ayran is useful for people with stomach diseases caused by low acidity. The composition enhances the production of juice, thereby speeding up the digestion of food. The likelihood of food fermentation in the esophagus is reduced.
  4. The composition is indicated for use by those who suffer from frequent constipation. Due to its laxative properties, there is no need to drink additional cleansing medications. Ayran is also useful for people with disorders of the digestive system.
  5. Thanks to the accumulation of B vitamins, the functioning of the nervous system improves. Ayran stimulates the neurons of the brain, a person does not get so tired during mental stress.
  6. The accumulation of amino acids and vitamins protects the nervous system from seasonal diseases and vitamin deficiency. Ayran is often drunk to prevent flu and replenish calcium deficiency.
  7. Sedative (calming) properties make it possible to use ayran for sleep problems. The product is also approved for use by drivers and athletes at competitions.
  8. Sodium replenishes the lack of salts and also maintains water balance in the body. With its deficiency, internal organs dry out, the skin becomes flabby and dehydrated.
  9. Interestingly, this fermented milk drink is consumed by all pregnant women. It is much healthier than milk and is better absorbed, moreover, it saturates cells with oxygen and accelerates their regeneration.
  10. The product is recommended for use by new mothers who are breastfeeding. It's all about the lactogenic qualities of the drink. It increases the flow and fat content of milk.
  11. Very often, fermented milk drink is used for weight loss. Its low calorie content and dietary properties are indispensable for obese people. Due to increased metabolism, fat deposits begin to be absorbed.
  12. Ayran is used to combat hangovers. Its absorbent properties accelerate the breakdown and removal of ethyl alcohol from the body. Against this background, the heartbeat, sweating, blood pressure are normalized, and the balance of water in the intestines is restored.
  13. In cosmetology, many specialists adhere to effective masks that include ayran. Such products perfectly tone the skin. As a result, the cells receive thorough hydration, and you are not in danger of premature aging.

Ayran treatment

  1. By normalizing digestive processes with fermented milk drink, anorexia can be cured. Ayran increases the production of gastric juice and, as a result, appetite. However, at the same time, the product can cure excess weight problems.
  2. The drink is of particular value to the vascular system and heart muscle. The composition strengthens the blood channels, gently opens them and makes the walls elastic. The product enhances the production of red blood cells and improves blood circulation. Against this background, prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of this kind is carried out.
  3. Doctors advise drinking ayran to restore electrolyte and water balance. For this reason, the product is widely used in the field of dietetics and proper nutrition.
  4. Ayran is indispensable for withdrawal symptoms caused by prolonged drinking. It relieves hand tremors, normalizes the patient’s mental state, cleanses all internal organs damaged by alcohol, and reduces cravings for alcohol.
  5. Fermented milk drink is equated to saline solution due to its optimally balanced chemical list of elements. The product is often used for kidney diseases because it helps them cope with stress.
  6. Beneficial lactic acid bacteria are responsible for normalizing intestinal microflora. Ayran kills all harmful microorganisms, frees the intestinal tract from severe congestion and chronic constipation.
  7. Ayran has shown itself well in folk medicine. The fermented milk composition can overcome an impressive list of diseases. Official medicine recommends systematically drinking ayran to stabilize blood pressure.
  8. In addition, the drink can relieve problems with excess weight and digestive processes. Ayran effectively reduces blood glucose levels. The composition has proven itself well against tuberculosis, scurvy, anemia, neurasthenia and pancreatic disease.
  9. Numerous studies have shown that fermented milk product actively resists the development of cancer cells. Ayran also saves expectant mothers in the early stages from severe toxicosis. The drink effectively relieves nervous tension and cleanses the body of the consequences of poor ecology.

  1. The drink is ideal for weight loss. The main feature of the composition is that it is completely natural and rich in many useful microelements.
  2. Despite the abundance of vitamins, ayran belongs to the category of low-calorie foods. The drink is completely safe during fasting days. You will not experience any discomfort when consuming it. No damage will be caused to the body.
  3. The undoubted advantage of a fermented milk drink is that it perfectly quenches thirst, quickly suppresses hunger and charges the body with energy for a long time. During fasting days, nutritionists recommend drinking about 1.5 liters. composition.
  4. The full volume of ayran must be distributed throughout the day. In this case, you will have to drink approximately 200-300 ml. every 3 hours. In addition, experts insist that dinner should be completely replaced by a drink.
  5. Fermented milk drink can be consumed continuously without harm to health. Ayran will help solve sleep problems and completely restore the normal functioning of the digestive system. Over time, your body weight will return to normal.
  6. In the summer, cold soups can be seasoned with fermented milk products. Give preference to fresh herbs and vegetables. You can not only say goodbye to extra pounds, but also thoroughly cleanse your body.
  7. Remember, abuse of fasting days will have a detrimental effect on your health. At such times, it is better to refrain from physical training. Otherwise, the body will experience enormous stress.

Harm of ayran

  1. A drink can cause harm to the human body only if the technology for its preparation is violated, storage conditions are not met and the expiration date is exceeded.
  2. Possible contraindications include gastritis caused by high acidity, and duodenal and stomach ulcers. But it is better to consult a doctor first.

Ayran is considered a unique product with a valuable composition of active substances. Biological enzymes are essential for the body. The fermented milk product is universal in use. The only recommendation remains that you need to purchase a home-made product.

Video: what are the benefits of ayran

This drink, related to fermented milk products, has been known in Asian countries for thousands of years. There are a number of legends and myths, thanks to which ancestors passed on information about the healing properties and uniqueness of ayran. It was argued that this drug, intended for higher beings, was served only at the tables of the rulers of great states, representatives of the imperial dynasties. And one cannot help but believe in the value of the drink, because it was the inhabitants of Asia and the East who were the first to become well versed in medicine, exact sciences, and philosophy. To study the properties of the drink in more detail, let’s find out what the benefits and harms of ayran are for humans, whether it can be consumed by pregnant women and children, and what benefits it has for men’s health.

A little history of ayran

A drink of beauty, good health, sharp mind and wisdom. These and other epithets are dedicated to ayran, known to residents of Russia, Europe, South and North America. The drink is popular among residents of the Caucasus, Turkic peoples - Uzbeks, Turks, Turkmens, Karakalpaks, Uighurs, etc. In ancient times, the properties of the drink were so highly valued in terms of usefulness and unique composition that they were equated to gold. Recipes for the drug were passed down from mouth to mouth from old men and sages, and moreover, the unique methods of preparation were kept in the strictest confidence.

According to research, the drink began to be prepared in Kerkinitis. For those who don’t know what kind of city this is, we hasten to explain. It is a region of the ancient Greek state that existed in the early fifth and late second centuries BC. The city was located on the Crimean peninsula. Ayran was valued for its amazing taste, ability to quickly quench thirst, and add vigor and energy. Then, during various wars and conquests, the recipe began to spread among the Scythians, and after the Great Migration, it spread to a larger scale.

For a long time, ayran was popular only in the Caucasus, East and Asia. Travelers from Russia have become interested in the drink. They appreciated the high quality of the healthy liquid and sought to find out the recipe. But, as it turned out, no one wanted to share the cooking method. Even for a large reward, the Caucasian elders did not reveal the veil of secrecy. I had to act more cunningly. No one will argue with the fact that Caucasian men have an irrepressible temperament. And the only thing they cannot resist is. So the Russian beauty was sent to one of the highlanders. She was able to charm him so much that he revealed all his secrets, including the recipe for ayran on the wedding day.

Description of ayran

There is an opinion that the homeland of ayran is Circassia and Kabardino-Balkaria. It is immediately worth noting that the drug is prepared according to different recipes depending on the region. It may look like porridge, that is, it is used not as a drink, but also as food. The basis for preparation is katyk - sour milk from which the liquid has been evaporated. This substance was mixed with spring water, ice could be added and used to quench thirst. An interesting thing was used as a container - a leather bag, a fat tail, into which both sourdough and milk were poured. The bag was tied to the horse’s saddle, and in hot weather the horse seemed to whip up the mixture while constantly running, and as a result, people received a very tasty product similar to sour cream. This composition was diluted with water, kumis (horse milk) and a drink called shalap or chalap was obtained. Armenians also have a fermented milk product similar to ayran, which in those areas is called tan.

All of the above drinks gained particular popularity in Russia in the late 90s. Today, all of them are presented on store shelves and are produced in large volumes. Of course, ayran made in a factory cannot be compared with homemade one. But still, people happily consume store-bought tanas, chalapas, and ayrans. Fortunately, unlike our ancestors, we have in stock an excellent recipe for making ayran, and an original one at that.

Chemical composition of ayran

The drink, unique in its chemical composition and healing properties, is so rich in healing substances that doctors recommend drinking it at any age. So, what is contained in ayran:

  1. The product contains lactic acid bacteria, essential and essential amino acids. The fat content of ayran can vary; the weight depends on the cooking method and the region where it was produced. If you look at the average, then there is approximately 1 gram of fat per 100 grams of drink, 2.4 grams of carbohydrates.
  2. The calorie content of ayran is 19-25 grams per 100 grams.
  3. The drink contains minerals: sulfur, potassium, iodine, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc.

Important: ayran contains sodium and potassium, and the drink contains many times more of these substances than other products.

  1. The drink also contains a rich arsenal of vitamins: retinol (A), sun vitamin (D), B1, B2, B3, PP, N.
  2. Ayran proteins are easily digestible substances that take an active part in the structure of the human muscle and bone structure.
  3. When the drink ferments, natural, natural antibiotics are formed.

Useful properties of ayran

The drink of longevity has very high advantages. Yes, the benefits of homemade ayran are much higher than store-bought ones, but even a production-type product contains a lot of vitamins, micro, macroelements and valuable components.

  1. Airan is a great help after a wild party. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals remove waste, toxins from the body, natural antibiotics will destroy putrefactive bacteria and restore water, salt and alkaline balance, eliminating hangover symptoms.
  2. Ayran has a positive effect on the nervous system. With regular use, depression is eliminated, stress is more easily experienced, irritability and attacks of anger go away, sleep improves, and insomnia goes away.
  3. Ayran must be included in the menu on hot summer days. In addition to the fact that this is an excellent way to quench your thirst, beneficial substances, including D, C, group B, minimize the risk of burns during prolonged tanning and protect against ultraviolet radiation. The drink helps get rid of painful sensations, restores the structure of the skin, and quickly heals wounds.
  4. Doctors recommend Ayran for various skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, furunculosis.
  5. The drink’s vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids increase the body’s defenses and strengthen the immune system.
  6. Regular drinking of ayran relieves heaviness in the stomach, increased gas formation, and helps cope with problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Ayran fermented milk bacteria are capable of completely destroying pathogenic flora and restoring normal conditions.
  8. The uniqueness of the drink lies in the fact that the components and rich composition, natural antibiotics inhibit the so-called “Helicobacter Pylori”. This is a rather dangerous virus that causes ulcerative and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to cancer.
  9. Ayran must be drunk when taking powerful antibiotics; thanks to the drink, normal microflora is quickly restored, and the remains of decay of dead cells and undigested antibiotics are removed.
  10. The drink has a mild laxative effect and regulates stool and controls peristalsis. Due to such actions, particles of heavy metals, salts, and radionuclides are not retained in the human body. This action leaves no chance for the formation and growth of free radicals, which is an excellent prevention of cancer.
  11. Scientists have found that people who regularly include ayran in their diet do not suffer from human papillomavirus infection. The reason for this is a powerful increase in the immune system and complete inhibition of the growth of pathogenic cells.
  12. The drink is useful for people engaged in hard, physical work; it is also included in the menu of athletes, dancers, etc.
  13. Ayran is included in the menu of canteens at chemical plants, nuclear plants, oil rigs, oil refineries and other enterprises where intoxication of the body of workers occurs.
  14. A useful drug eliminates chronic diarrhea, as it restores intestinal balance, strengthens the walls of the rectum, and controls the process of contraction of the pelvic muscles. By normalizing the background, heartburn, belching, and flatulence are eliminated.
  15. Ayran should be made a regular drink for those who suffer from chronic pancreatitis. Bacteria relieve inflammation, stimulate the production of pancreatic hormones and allow you not to remember digestive problems for a long time.
  16. Despite the low level of calories, doctors recommend ayran as a way to suppress appetite. One glass is enough to quench not only thirst, but also hunger for a long time. At the same time, the body receives all the necessary vitamins and useful elements.
  17. Ayran contains a large amount of calcium. For this reason, it is especially often served to children and the elderly. The first is to form the bone structure, the second is to replenish lost reserves of a useful element.
  18. The drink must be drunk during viral epidemics; it protects against colds and infectious diseases: flu, tonsillitis, laryngitis, etc.
  19. The milk fermentation product is indicated for persons with respiratory diseases. The drink thins the blood, improves its quality, stimulates the flow of oxygen to cells, and has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal and expectorant effects.
  20. Due to its cleansing effect, ayran reduces the level of bad cholesterol, burns excess fat, and gives the body energy and vigor.
  21. Amino acids have a positive effect on brain function and activate points responsible for ability to work and mood.

Important: the drink is used for serious poisoning. In addition to taking medications, you need to drink ayran, which will help remove poisons from the body and eliminate intoxication.

What are the benefits of ayran for pregnant women?

Future mothers are simply obliged to love the drink we are describing and here’s why:

  1. Large amount of calcium. And as we know, this substance preserves the mother’s teeth, nails, hair and bone structure intact, and also takes part in the “construction” of the fetal skeleton.
  2. Ayran removes excess fluid from the body and relieves pregnant women from swelling.
  3. The mild laxative effect relieves constipation, and beneficial bacteria relieve diarrhea.
  4. Ayran is a natural antibiotic. And as we know, pregnant women are not recommended to take pills. In this case, a fermented milk drink will help and protect against colds and infectious diseases.
  5. The drug stimulates the production of mother's milk, enriches it with nutrients, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals.
  6. B vitamins, potassium and magnesium have a calming effect on the nervous system, which helps fight nervousness and irritability of the expectant mother. Amino acids have a beneficial effect on hormonal levels, which eliminates tearfulness, attacks of anger, and aggression.

Is it possible to give ayran to children?

The product obtained through the fermentation of milk has been given to children without any fear since ancient times. The benefits of this drink for our children are simply undeniable. And you can start including ayran in children's menus from the age of one. The main thing is to choose a quality product.

A portion of ayran for children

The first time you need to give a so-called “test” dose. Despite the fact that the drink we are studying does not cause allergies or health problems, the negative may lie in quality. And yet, no one has canceled individual intolerance.

So, the first portion should be a maximum of a teaspoon. After the reception, which must be carried out only in the morning, monitor the baby’s condition. The reason for stopping the use of ayran may be bloating, colic, nausea, vomiting, redness of the skin, rash, swelling, moodiness, etc.

Important: allergic reactions to ayran have not yet been observed, but it is still better to consult a pediatrician before consuming it.

If your beloved child’s body tolerates ayran normally, then the portion can be increased, but gradually. Give 2 times a week and each time exceed the previous one by half a teaspoon.

  1. Ayran strengthens the child’s bones, teeth, and nails.
  2. Regulates digestion, eliminates constipation and chronic diarrhea.
  3. Improves mental abilities.
  4. Protects against obesity.
  5. It perfectly quenches thirst and at the same time nourishes the body with vivacity and energy.
  6. Cleanses blood vessels, treats colds and infections, eliminates inflammatory processes.

What are the benefits of ayran for men?

We already know that ayran is a storehouse of vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other substances important for our body. Let us point out those points that interest the male half of humanity.

  1. Easily digestible proteins perfectly nourish the muscular system. For this reason, men need to consume ayran to build muscle.
  2. The drink increases productivity and eliminates fatigue.
  3. The ability of fermented milk product to thin the blood has a great effect on the erectile function of men. Components and carbohydrates force the body to burn excess fat, including the one located in the abdominal cavity. Fat accumulation in this area negatively affects the condition of the vessels of the genitourinary system and genital organs. For this reason, adenoma and prostate cancer become a common consequence of male obesity.
  4. The same effect has a beneficial effect on the potency of men. Beneficial substances that lower cholesterol levels cleanse blood vessels, which enhances sperm production and activates their movement. Sensitivity also increases, tone increases, and the duration of sexual contact increases.
  5. The drink must be consumed to prevent vascular and heart diseases - heart attacks, strokes, etc.
  6. Ayran is especially useful for men and women after 40 years of age. The components restore bone structure and eliminate the symptoms of osteoporosis.

Harm of ayran

Despite the fact that you and I are studying the properties of a unique drink, even with ayran you need to know when to stop. Do not exceed the dose of 1-2 glasses per day. And you shouldn't use it every day. Do this at least every other day.

And yet, a contraindication to drinking fermented milk drink is:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • increased acidity.

How to cook ayran at home

It is not necessary to spend money and purchase the product in stores. You can prepare it yourself, the main thing is to follow all the points of the old recipe.

The healing drink has also found excellent use in cosmetology. It is not for nothing that since ancient times it has been called a beauty drink and is used as a hair and whole body for hydration and nutrition.

Ayran hair mask

The recipe helps strengthen the hair follicles, making hair silky, thick and manageable. We need:

  • 100 grams of drink;
  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • tea spoon ;
  • a spoonful of burdock oil;
  • a teaspoon of hair balm.

Mix all ingredients, warm a little and rub into hair roots and along the entire length. Leave under plastic for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and herbal shampoo. The course of treatment is 1 month, the procedure is done 2 times a week.

Mask for the face

The composition nourishes the skin, moisturizes it, eliminates blackheads, pustules, pimples, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. We need:

  • 50 grams of ayran;
  • 1 yolk (preferably homemade);
  • 2 teaspoons white clay.

Mix the ingredients and make a paste. Wash your face first and remove any remaining makeup. Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Apply moisturizer. Repeat the procedure once a week. Course – 2 months.

Making your own drink

Someone will object and note that there is no point in preparing ayran at home on your own. On store shelves you can choose a product to suit your taste and not have to fuss with it in the kitchen. But you must admit, a drink created with your own hands, in which, in addition to proven and natural ingredients, your soul is also invested, it will bring much more benefits.

Classic ayran

  1. To prepare, we need natural homemade milk - goat, cow or sheep. As a starter, you can use either yogurt or homemade sour cream. The thicker the ingredients, the thicker the finished drink will be, but this is not a problem. The drink can be diluted with carbonated mineral water or milk.
  2. We need: 40 grams of starter and a glass of milk. Boil the milk, cool to normal temperature and add the starter. Mix the mixture thoroughly and close with an airtight lid. Leave in a warm place for 6-7 hours.

Ayran in Mongolian

Add boiled, cooled water to the sour milk and beat. Serve cold, you can add ice cubes.

  1. Pour half a liter of boiled water into one liter of homemade yogurt, mix the composition - the ayran is ready. You can add refreshing mint, fresh cucumber (chopped), and herbs to the drink to taste.
  2. The modern method is to pour half a liter of Borjomi (glass bottle) into 250 grams of yogurt without additives. You can add herbs, ground black pepper, and salt to taste.

You only need to prepare the drink yourself at home before consuming it. The composition can be stored in the upper section of the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Ayran is not drunk separately; it needs to be washed down with fatty foods, seasoned on salads, and served with barbecue.

With the help of the drink, you can easily and without harm to your own health gain harmony and get rid of excess weight. Low-calorie ayran is highly nutritious. It quenches thirst and suppresses appetite and for this reason it is used for fasting days and during diets. And the diet plan is very simple, one of the meals needs to be replaced with ayran. At the same time, during the diet you should also give up flour, sweet, fatty foods, smoked, canned, and spicy foods. After such a diet, you should also not indulge in foods that are harmful to your figure.

The varieties of fermented milk products simply take your breath away.

And if you consider how healthy these sweet, sour and salty products are, how amazing their properties and composition are, it becomes clear why their history began dozens of centuries ago and there is no end in sight.

Used as a complete base for okroshka and milkshakes. They even prepare a cheese-like product from it, narrowing it down by removing the remaining whey. And from suzma, salted and dried - kurut.

A tasty, healthy, low-fat drink from the past

It originally appeared among the Turkic peoples and was an alternative food for nomads. It was prepared simply - milk with a special starter was poured into a bag (skin) (the initial one was the rennet of a newborn calf, followed by the remains of the finished drink) and after several hours of travel, a nourishing and tasty drink was ready.

The heat of the horse, living bacteria and constant shaking made the drink invigorating, with a piquant taste. For food they used an undiluted, creamy product (nomads), and for drinking it was diluted with spring water, adding a pinch of salt (sedentary peoples).

Technology in a nutshell
Ideally, a frothy, playful cocktail is made from katyk as a result of mixed fermentation (fermented milk and yeast). Since katyk is boiled, or rather boiled, milk (up to a third of the original volume), the base for ayran is very concentrated milk. And after exposure to Bulgarian bacillus and other ferment bacteria, the result is a foamy, satisfying and incredibly tasty, invigorating product.

Composition and calorie content of ayran

This dairy product is rich in calcium and phosphorus, proteins and vitamins, amino acids, lactic acid and fermentation bacteria.

Ayran must be drunk on the day of preparation or shaken thoroughly to combine the protein base and the separated protein.

You need to start with a few sips to notice if it doesn't suit you.

The uniqueness of the composition of ayran

  • Simple proteins, easily and completely digestible, are in the form of small flakes or in an almost dissolved state.
  • Bacteria in the starter produce vitamins of different groups.
  • It has antimicrobial properties due to antibiotics produced during fermentation.
  • The piquancy of the composition (traces of alcohol, milk and carbon dioxide) activates the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the complete absorption of nutrients from the dish.
Usually it is drunk by diluting it with pure non-alkaline water and salt. Sometimes they are diluted with milk, kumys, etc. To enhance the invigorating, refreshing taste, crushed ice and aromatic herbs (, and, etc.) are added.
That's why The calorie content of ayran is minimal (20-100 kcal/100 ml) with a pronounced taste.

A sweetish version is also prepared by adding pieces of fruit, chopping the mixture before use or leaving it in its original form.

Typically, the composition of ayran is about 90% water, up to 2% fat, protein and up to 1% lactic acid.

Tan or ayran

The drink tan is very similar to ayran. It is not easy to describe in words how ayran differs from tana, since the preparation technology is identical, as are the basic properties. The difference lies in the composition of the starter and the taste of the finished drink - tan is lighter and more salty. The processes occurring in milk are also different - in ayran there is alcohol and fermented milk, in tane there is only lactic acid.

Ayran drink: benefits and harms

It is very difficult to list the benefits and harms of ayran; it has so many advantages, but minimal contraindications. But in general, they can be roughly divided as follows:

What are the benefits of the ayran drink:

Improved overall health— strengthening the immune system (production of vitamins B, C, etc.), preventing colds (rich in calcium and phosphorus, vitamin C and other acids), supporting the body weakened by disease (protein in an easily digestible form, casein stimulates the production of hemoglobin), optimization activity of the cardiovascular system (strengthens blood vessels) and the respiratory system (increases blood flow to the lungs).

Normalization of digestive processes– improved appetite, suppression of putrefactive bacteria, improved digestion of food (stimulate the production of bile and gastric juice), more complete absorption of proteins (found in the form of simple proteins). Relieves constipation (activates intestinal function, relieves inflammation and putrefaction in the intestines).

Feeling better– refreshes and satiates, invigorates and quenches thirst and hunger. The presence of lactic acid, ascorbic acid, etc. allows the use of ayran as a natural anti-hangover.

The rich composition, salt, and clean water help to normalize the water-salt composition of the human body - this is not all the benefits of ayran for the body if consumed at least several times a week.

Fermented milk drink ayran indications and contraindications

Ayran is incredibly useful during pregnancy - it reduces the likelihood of constipation, improves well-being and protects against viruses.

The rich composition, living microorganisms, against the background of low fat content and moderate acidity, lead to an improvement in cholesterol metabolism and reduce edema (normalization of kidney function). Therefore, this low-calorie drink is indicated for diabetics suffering from obesity, hypertension, constipation, gout, etc.

Ayran is becoming more and more popular - an excellent option both as a base for a wide variety of healthy dishes.


There are dozens of technologies for making ayran at home, which differ in the base and leaven. Often at home it is not ayran that is used, but only the method of its use: diluting with water, enhancing the taste with herbs and salt, whipping until foamy.

It is not difficult to prepare the ayran drink at home. Recipes:

Traditional– boil the milk, leave on low heat until reduced by 1/3, then cool. Add live ayran starter and leave in a warm place for 4-6 hours. Dilute the finished product with water, add salt, sugar, and spices, depending on the desired taste of the final dish. In summer, ayran and cucumber are popular, freshly prepared from the refrigerator.

Simplified Ayran drink recipe – add starter (bio-yogurt, bio-sour cream or bio-kefir) to prepared and cooled milk and leave in a warm place until it reaches a thick consistency. Use as desired - pure, as a separate dish or sauce for meat, or diluted, as a drink or base for okroshka.

Ayran is an ancient Caucasian drink that has been drunk for 15 centuries. It was invented by Turkic nomadic peoples. Since they spent all their time camping, they needed a product that would quickly quench their thirst and fill them up. The nomads realized that if a special starter is added to milk, the souring process begins, the milk acquires a pleasant taste and is stored for a long time.

Its beneficial qualities became known later, and its spread was a matter of time. This drink is enjoyed by Karachais, Balkars, Circassians and other Caucasian peoples, and Turkish ayran is served in restaurants with every prepared dish.

Every Caucasian village will tell you how to prepare ayran at home, and everywhere you will find your own recipe.

In contact with

This nutritious drink is prepared from milk - cow, goat or sheep, using a special starter. It is used to prepare soups, marinades and added to meat dishes. You can make unusual sauces from the drink with the addition of various herbs.

Properties and composition

First, let’s figure out what and how ayran is prepared from (photos and videos below in the article). It is prepared on the basis of katyk or suzma. Katyk is curdled milk from boiled milk, and suzma is the mass formed when whey is separated from curdled milk. Ayran contains spring water, sugar or salt.

The energy value in the ratio of beans, fats and carbohydrates is:

  • proteins: 4 kcal;
  • fats: 14 kcal;
  • carbohydrates: 6 kcal.

How is ayran useful? After all, this ancient drink is still very popular and its fame has long gone beyond the borders of the country.

This product not only perfectly removes thirst. It is a source of saturation for the body due to fatty acids and amino acids, which are easily absorbed by the body. These properties of ayran allowed to use it as a dietary product. Besides everything, it brings the following benefits:

  1. Suppresses putrefactive intestinal microflora;
  2. Restores stomach flora;
  3. Relieves hangovers;
  4. Tones the nervous system;
  5. Saturates the blood with oxygen;
  6. Increases muscle tone;
  7. Regulates water-salt balance;
  8. Improves the functioning of the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for lung function;
  9. Contains bactericidal substances.

Ayran drink: benefits and harms

The drink is considered a healthy fermented milk product due to its content of vitamins and bifidobacteria. The benefits of ayran for the body have been proven by modern doctors. It can be taken during antibiotic treatment, as it preserves the microflora of the stomach.

It is useful for those people who adhere to a diet. Due to its easy digestibility and low calorie content, ayran is even prescribed for weight loss.

People who are engaged in building muscle mass also drink it. The product increases muscle tone and strengthens the cardiovascular system. With its use it is easy to endure cardiological training.

The fermented milk drink ayran has indications and contraindications for use, for example, this drink is very useful for children and the elderly, as it helps get rid of constipation. Namely, in this category of people such a disease is not uncommon. In addition, Turkish ayran is an excellent source of calcium. In combination with honey, it reduces nervous tension and helps get rid of insomnia. Ayran is also useful during pregnancy. In the early stages, this drink helps cope with toxicosis.

Ayran also has contraindications for use. This product increases acidity. Therefore, those who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers are not advised to drink it. Some people may have an individual tolerance to fermented milk products. After trying Turkish ayran made according to the recipe below, you will want to visit Turkey, where resorts such as and many others are at your service.


It’s not at all difficult to make ayran on your own and there are quite a lot of recipes for fermenting the drink at home. Below we will list the most popular recipes for the ayran drink, and also provide photos for visual study.

With traditional sourdough

Buy natural sourdough. Dilute it with water 2:1 and add ice and salt. Natural leaven is very dense, so it is advisable to drink ayran immediately after preparation. If this is not possible, then you need to shake it well before using. It is advisable to use melt water. In its absence, ayran can be fermented using mineral spring or slightly carbonated water.

From nomads

Nomads used a wineskin to prepare drinking water., poured milk and fresh sourdough into it. Then they hooked the wineskin to the horse and, after shaking for several hours, diluted the drink with water and salted it. At home, instead of a wineskin, you can use any container, and instead of shaking, start stirring the product.


In this case, there are two recipes for ayran - from kefir or from yogurt. We will consider both options:

  • First way. Take 220 g of cow's or goat's milk and 40 g of starter. Kefir can be used as a starter. You need to boil the milk, and not just boil it, but let it boil. The milk must cool to 40 degrees, then the starter is added to it. The mixed mixture should be poured into bottles with lids and left for six hours. Next, the drink needs to be diluted with water and salt. It is advisable to drink homemade ayran immediately after it has infused;
  • Second way. Take unsweetened fatty and thick yogurt. Beat with salt with a mixer and water until foam forms. Salt to taste. The drink is ready to drink.

In the introductory video you can clearly see the easiest way to make ayran at home:

Ayran with herbs and cucumbers

To prepare ayran at home, in the form of a chilled drink with herbs and cucumbers, you will need:

  • ayran - 500 g;
  • garlic - 1/2 clove;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, dill, thyme, mint - to taste.

The quantity of products is given for two servings.

The fermented milk product is poured into a bowl, and the cucumber is cut into small cubes. The mass is mixed and salted. Next, you need to add olive oil to the mixture drop by drop. It is important that if the oil is added immediately, it will be impossible to mix it into the ayran, and the oil will remain on the surface. Then a mixture of finely chopped herbs is added to the ayran and the drink is ready.

You can add fennel here. As you can see, it is quite easy to prepare ayran at home and the classic recipe says that cucumbers need to be peeled and added to the ayran in grated form. But, if you want to prepare a more colorful dish, then unpeeled diced cucumbers will give this drink more attractiveness. It is customary to drink ayran with the addition of ice cubes.

Okroshka with ayran

You can not only drink the drink, you can use it to prepare refreshing dishes. One of these dishes is okroshka on ayran; a recipe with photos will help you prepare it.

To prepare you will need:

  • ham or sausage – 200 g;
  • radish - 250 g;
  • cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.;
  • eggs – 3-4 pcs.;
  • potatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • green onions – 1 bunch;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • sour cream – 100 g;
  • ayran – 1 l;
  • black pepper and salt to taste.

Eggs and potatoes need to be boiled and cooled. The greens are finely chopped, placed in a bowl and salted to release the juice. Cut the remaining ingredients into small cubes and add to the greens. Radishes can be cut into slices, if they are large, then into smaller pieces. Add sour cream to the bowl, salt and pepper, stir and pour in the cooled fermented milk product. Okroshka is served cold. beaches of Antalya, etc.) and go shopping (in, etc.).

Ayran is a fairly popular non-alcoholic drink, its composition is similar to another drink - Tan. In this article we will find out what Ayran is made from, and also study its beneficial properties and harm to the body.

Ayran is a type of fermented milk drink based on katyk or a variety. Katyk is curdled milk made from boiled milk. Among settled peoples, ayran is liquid in consistency and quenches thirst very well, but among nomadic peoples it is thicker (like liquid sour cream), which in turn is convenient for its storage and transportation.

Composition of ayran

Traditional ayran is made from cow's milk with the addition of water and salt. Instead of cow's milk, goat's or sheep's milk is sometimes used. Ayran usually contains:

  • 94% water,
  • 1.2-1.5% fat,
  • 1.7% protein,
  • 0.75% lactic acid (in Bulgarian ayran the lactic acid content reaches 1.16%).

The calorie content of ayran is about 27 kcal per 100 g of product.

The rennet of a slaughtered newborn calf is usually used as the initial starter. To do this, the rennet is salted and dried. After receiving ayran, it can be used as a starter to prepare another ayran.

A distinctive feature of the ayran of sedentary peoples is that when preparing it, katyk is mixed with cold boiled, spring or mineral water with the addition of pieces of ice. The best is considered to be ayran, in which water makes up no more than 30%, and ice - a little less than 10% of the total amount of starter.

Ayran among nomadic peoples is made by fermenting milk, which used to be poured into a leather wineskin with leaven fastened to the saddle; now, after adding the leaven, the milk is placed in a warm place. For consumption, ayran of nomadic peoples is consumed as is, and to quench thirst it is mixed with water or kumiss, or simply with milk. At the same time, industrially produced ayran has a thinner consistency than ayran prepared in the traditional (in a wineskin) or “homemade” (at home) method. The product suzma is also produced from ayran by removing the whey. From suzma, in turn, kurut is made by adding salt and drying in the shade.

Ayran benefits and harms

Many people like to argue about the benefits and harms of ayran for the body, but in the dispute the truth is born. Like any product, ayran can be useful for one person and harmful for another.

Many people use ayran for weight loss, because... This fermented milk product has low calorie content and excellent saturation.

Another use of ayran is for hangovers. The lactic acid bacteria contained in the product normalize digestion, improve food digestion and protect the liver, and the salts help quickly restore the water-salt balance (just like brine).

Other beneficial properties of ayran:

  • restores intestinal microflora and removes toxins from the body,
  • Regular consumption of ayran strengthens the immune system and prevents inflammatory diseases,
  • promotes blood flow to the lungs, improving the functioning of the body's respiratory centers.

Ayran, like all fermented milk products, should not be consumed in hyperacid conditions: duodenal and gastric ulcers, gastritis.