Apricots: health benefits and harm. Apricot - invaluable health benefits

Its reddish-brown or brown-olive, shiny, bare shoots, often in places (but not entirely) covered with a grayish film, buds 2-3 side by side, are very elegant.

The leaves are 4-9 cm long, ovate or broadly oval, with a heart-shaped base, an elongated pointed apex, and serrated along the edge.

Very decorative during flowering, decorated with numerous large white or pale pink flowers, with dark red reflexed sepals.

It blooms until the leaves bloom for 7-9 days. It is no less decorative at the time of fruiting, decorated with velvety-pubescent, often blushing, sweet, rounded fruits with a longitudinal groove up to 3 cm in diameter.

The tree loves light and tolerates drought well, lives up to 50 years or more.

Apricot calories

Fresh apricots are absolutely harmless for everyone, even for those who are overweight, as they contain only 48 kcal per 100 g of product. However, dried apricots (dried apricots) should be consumed with caution due to their high carbohydrate content. Their calorie content is 232 kcal per 100 product.

Composition, presence of vitamins and minerals

100 grams of apricot contains:
Main substances: G Minerals: mg Vitamins: mg
Water 86.35 Potassium 259 Vitamin C 10
Squirrels 1,4 Phosphorus 23 Vitamin A 0,096
Fats 0,39 Calcium 13 Vitamin E 0,89
Carbohydrates 11,12 Magnesium 10 Vitamin B3 0,60
Cellulose 2,0 Sodium 1 Vitamin B6 0,05
Sahara 9,24 Iron 0,39 Vitamin B2 0,04
Calories (Kcal) 48 Zinc 0,20 Vitamin B1 0,03

Beneficial properties of apricot

Apricot fruits contain sugars, inulin, citric, tartaric and malic acids, tannins, starch, vitamins B, C, H, E, P, provitamin A, iron, silver, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Microelements are represented by iron salts and iodine compounds, which are especially abundant in Armenian apricot varieties. Therefore, systematic consumption of apricots helps prevent thyroid diseases. In addition, iodine has lipotropic and anticholesterol effects. Apricots also contain pectin, which can remove toxic metabolic products and cholesterol from the body.

Apricot fruits increase hemoglobin in the blood, which helps increase the body's resistance. They have a beneficial effect on the process of hematopoiesis, which is especially important for those suffering from anemia. They are especially useful for vitamin deficiencies, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and obesity. They also help improve memory and increase brain activity, which is undoubtedly very important for people engaged in intellectual work, schoolchildren and students.

Even the tasteless fruits of wild apricots are useful. Apricot compote has a laxative effect for constipation. Fruits are indispensable for heavy metal intoxication. Useful as a means of supporting the health of cancer patients.

The decongestant, diuretic effect of thick infusions and decoctions of dried apricots without sugar has been known for a long time. They are widely used in the complex therapy of many diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys. You can also introduce apricots into the diet of patients with diabetes, but it should be noted that Uzbek and Tajik varieties (septala) are contraindicated for such patients, since their sugar content is 80%.

With great benefit, dried apricots are included in the so-called magnesium diets used to treat hypertension and nutritional forms of anemia.

Apricot seeds are used to prepare fatty apricot oil, which is similar in composition to almond and peach oil. Apricot oil contains up to 20% linoleic acid, up to 14% stearic acid and up to 5% myristic acid. This oil does not dry out, but when exposed to light and air it quickly goes rancid. It is used as a solvent for fat-soluble medications intended for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration.

Apricot gum, droplets or streaks of a transparent yellowish mass on tree trunks, is used in the production of blood-substituting fluids.

Apricot juice is useful for low acidity and intestinal diseases accompanied by putrefactive processes, as it has bactericidal properties.

0.75 cups of apricot juice is enough to satisfy a person’s daily need for vitamins..

It should be remembered that provitamin A (carotene) contained in apricots is not absorbed by people with reduced thyroid function. In such cases, it is advisable for patients to be prescribed medicinal pure vitamin A.

Dried apricots are contraindicated for diabetes mellitus (dried apricots contain up to 84% sugars).

It should be borne in mind that in case of overdose (you should not consume more than 20-30 g of even sweet kernels per day), apricot kernels can cause severe poisoning, sometimes fatal.

Apricots, when consumed in large quantities (more than 10-15 pieces per day), can cause diarrhea, which causes the loss of many trace elements. An overdose of apricots (which, however, is quite rare), both fresh and dried, is manifested by a decrease in blood pressure, respiratory rate and heart rate, and dizziness.

Sweet fruits contain many nutrients necessary to maintain the functioning of all organs and systems. They are recommended for consumption by both adults and children. But, despite the beneficial properties of apricots, they also have contraindications. They need to be known in order to avoid harm to the body.

The benefits of apricots

The positive effect of fruits on health is due to their rich composition. They contain:

  • vitamins (B, A, C, H, E, PP);
  • minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, sodium);
  • acids (tartaric, malic, citric).

Just 2-3 fruits a day will provide the body with vital nutrients and improve health.

The list of beneficial properties of apricots is impressive:

  1. Supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A large amount of magnesium in the fruit normalizes its activity: it helps with arrhythmia and angina pectoris, reduces high blood pressure, and improves the condition after a myocardial infarction.
  2. They have a diuretic effect. For people with kidney problems, eating the fruit is recommended as often as possible.
  3. Activate brain activity and normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Apricots improve concentration, memory, and increase the speed of thought processes.
  4. Helps eliminate constipation. They have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract as a whole: they improve the condition of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and help with various diseases. Regarding the effect on the digestive system, it is important to consider both the beneficial properties of apricots and contraindications. Not with all pathologies their use is beneficial.
  5. Improve skin condition and strengthen the visual system due to the high content of vitamin A.
  6. They alleviate the condition of people suffering from varicose veins by increasing the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  7. They help cleanse the body of harmful substances, reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, thereby preventing the development of atherosclerosis.
  8. They serve as an excellent prevention of colds and help cope with existing illnesses. The healing effect of apricots is due to their antimicrobial, antibacterial and restorative properties. In addition, they contribute to the effective removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.
  9. They normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, preventing the development of thyroid diseases.
  10. Regular consumption of the fruit reduces the likelihood of malignant tumors.

Both fresh and dried apricots are equally useful. In addition, the bark, leaves, kernels, and seeds have a healing effect.

Who are they contraindicated for?

The fruit contains a lot of sugars, including glucose, which means that people at risk or those diagnosed with diabetes are not recommended to consume sweet fruits. For the same reason, they should be excluded from the diet of people with impaired metabolism. When dried, apricots retain the same amount of sugars; their consumption is also undesirable for the above ailments.

Apricot has both beneficial properties and contraindications in relation to the digestive system. The fruits should be eaten with caution and in minimal quantities by people suffering from gastritis and high acidity levels.

It should also be taken into account that apricots have a pronounced laxative effect. Excessive consumption can cause diarrhea.

Apricot kernels: beneficial properties and contraindications

For humans, this fruit is unique. Not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the leaves, bark, and kernel have healing effects.

The seeds are widely used in the food and cosmetics industries. They are part of many culinary masterpieces. The raw material for the production of the famous oil is also the apricot kernel. The beneficial properties and contraindications of this unique cosmetic product are known to many: it relieves various ailments and does not cause harm when used in moderation.

Eating up to 15 peeled apricot kernels per day can significantly improve your health. They:

These properties are determined by the composition of the nuclei. It is represented not only by vitamins and minerals, but also by acids that nourish the brain.

At the same time, both a beneficial property and a contraindication of bitter apricot kernels is the presence in them of a substance called amygdalin. On the one hand, it is believed (but not proven) that it is able to fight cancer cells, but on the other hand, when it enters the body, hydrocyanic acid is formed, which is toxic to humans. Based on this, a safe rate of consumption of apricot kernels follows - up to 15 pieces per day. When used wisely, they benefit both children and adults.

Positive effects of apricot tree bark

This part is often used in alternative medicine. Its healing effect is not inferior even to that of the apricot kernel. The beneficial properties (it has no contraindications) of the bark of the fruiting tree have led to its use for the treatment of the following ailments:

  1. Various diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is especially indicated for people who have suffered a stroke or have other pathologies associated with cerebrovascular accidents.
  2. Diseases of the digestive system. The resin from the bark of the apricot tree gently envelops the gastric mucosa, improving the condition of existing inflammation. It has only a protective function - it is not broken down in the organ itself.

In addition, a decoction of the bark is extremely useful for women who have undergone difficult childbirth. It helps strengthen the body and speed up recovery. Also, an infusion or decoction helps older people recharge their batteries and gain strength.

The healing effects of apricot leaves

The beneficial properties and contraindications of this part of the fruiting tree are determined by its correct use. In order to cleanse the body of toxic compounds, you need to drink a decoction of the leaves. This drink is useful for people whose professional activities are associated with exposure to adverse factors. For example, work in radioactive zones, chemical and textile industries, printing.

In addition, a decoction of the leaves has a pronounced diuretic effect. It is indicated for people with various kidney diseases.

The infusion can get rid of helminths and is effective for diarrhea. In this case, the leaves do not need to be boiled. They need to be crushed, poured with hot water and allowed to brew for half an hour.

A compress of freshly picked leaves is useful for hematomas, skin diseases (including acne), and sunburn. You can also chew them for a few minutes and thereby get rid of plaque and bad breath.

Thus, proper use of the leaves will not cause the slightest harm to health.

Dried apricots and apricots: beneficial properties and contraindications

For humans, dried apricots are as valuable as fresh fruits. After the natural drying process, they retain all their positive qualities.

Dried apricots (without seeds) and apricots (with them) are powerful preventive agents against many ailments:

  • iron deficiency;
  • pathologies of the visual system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increased levels of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • strokes and heart attacks;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • kidney diseases.

In addition, dried apricots can suppress the growth of cancer cells. Compotes made from apricots or dried apricots cleanse the body of harmful compounds and heavy metal salts.

Help in losing excess weight

Apricots have the unique property of doubling the speed of metabolic processes, and therefore they must be present in the diet of every person trying to lose extra pounds.

100 g of fruit contains 44 kcal, there are practically no proteins and fats, the optimal amount of carbohydrates is 9 g.

However, you should not focus solely on the energy value and beneficial properties of apricots - and there are also contraindications for those losing weight. Due to the large amount of sugars in their composition, they are not recommended for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, if you eat excessively juicy fruits, the diet is ineffective. But there is one caveat: not too sweet and ripe apricots contain a minimal amount of sugar and only 11 kcal. Thus, during the period of weight loss, it is advisable to eat slightly unripe fruits.

Is it possible for breastfeeding women?

Childbirth is a natural but difficult process. After them, it is important to consume foods that give strength and restore the body. When breastfeeding, both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricots must be carefully weighed.

On the one hand, they will help with constipation in a child, but on the other hand, in almost all cases, intestinal colic in the baby is more pronounced. In addition, there is a high probability that the newborn’s body will respond with allergies.

Thus, it is useful for nursing women to eat apricots, but in minimal quantities, constantly monitoring the baby’s condition. If it has not changed, you can safely increase the daily fruit intake.

How to choose the right apricots?

July is the time of year when this fruit appears in markets and retail outlets.

When choosing apricots, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The fruits should not be green. As a rule, they appear on the shelves in an unripe form. Sellers need this in order to increase the sales period and not incur losses. But such fruits do not have good taste.
  2. Ripe apricots have a bright orange color that is evenly distributed.
  3. The smell should be pronounced: fruity and aromatic.
  4. If you press the surface of a ripe apricot with your finger, it will yield easily. But if you remove it, there will be no dent left.
  5. The skin should not be thick, cracked or dark spots.


One of the main points is transportation. In its process, the fruits should not be severely damaged.

Their shelf life is also affected by improper storage. They should not lie in bags or boxes in several rows on top of each other, as the integrity of the apricots will be compromised.

If you store the fruit at room temperature, it will not last longer than two days. To increase the shelf life, apricots should be refrigerated. If positioned correctly, it is 2-3 weeks, maximum 1 month (at zero temperature).


Apricots are sweet and juicy fruits that can provide invaluable assistance to the human body. Thanks to their rich composition, they have a positive effect on health in many pathologies of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, visual and other systems. Nevertheless, both the beneficial properties and contraindications of apricots must always be correlated. For example, they are not recommended for consumption by people suffering from diabetes and certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But in general, in minimal quantities, the fruits benefit everyone.

One of the sweetest and juiciest summer fruits is Apricot. Its beneficial properties are so powerfully expressed that it is rightly called a unique fruit.


The name itself came to our language from the Dutch language. However, this fruit was first called “apricot” by the ancient Romans. This word translated means “precocious.”

Apricot is a relative of plum, which is why it is sometimes called “yellow plum.”

Initially, the fruit grew in Asian countries, from there it came to Armenia, after which it spread throughout Europe, and a little later it began to grow in America. It now grows on every continent except Antarctica. It also grows in Russia, where it produces abundant harvests not only in the south, but also in the middle zone.

Dried apricots with pits are called apricots, and those without pits are called dried apricots.

Beneficial features

It has a fairly sweet and pleasant taste.

The calorie content is very low, about 42 calories per 100 grams.

Among other fruits growing in central Russia, there are no fruits that can compare with apricot in composition. In particular, as much beta-carotene antioxidant as the apricot contains, no other fruit has it.

We know beta-carotene from its active form in the form of vitamin A. This beneficial vitamin protects our bodies from germs and viruses. It also prevents the development of tumors, which protects against cancer.

Also contains a lot of magnesium and iron. These microelements support the cardiovascular system and increase hemoglobin. Thanks to this, apricot will benefit children, young girls and pregnant women.

Contains fiber in large quantities. It is dietary fiber that retains cholesterol before being absorbed into the intestinal walls.

If you eat apricot every day, it will slow down the development of atherosclerosis.

Who should eat the fruit?

Apricots, due to their beneficial properties, should be included in the diet of those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the treatment of metabolic disorders. This fruit gently normalizes the functioning of the stomach glands, which leads to normal acidity. Apricot will also benefit the pancreas.

These fruits are also used in the treatment of kidney inflammation and cleansing the body of toxins.

Dried apricots and apricots will benefit those who need to get a lot of energy from a small amount of food. They will be especially useful for pregnant women, children, the elderly and the sick. At one time, they usually eat no more than 100 grams of dried fruit.

The fruit has gained great popularity in cosmetology. Creams, lotions and shampoos are made from apricot, which help girls improve the condition of their facial skin and hair. Seed powder is also used and added to the skin scrub. Apricot oil is used for hair restoration.

Apricot has aphrodisiac properties. It has been recommended for men since ancient times.

For men, a mixture of walnuts, dried apricots and dark raisins, ground in a meat grinder and poured with honey, will help increase potency.

Who should avoid fruit?

Although the fruit contains few calories, sugar, which is found in large quantities in apricots, can cause harm. Therefore, in order to reduce possible harm, diabetics should be careful about themselves and their health, and be more careful when consuming this fruit.

Contraindications for eating fruit also include severe constipation.

The most harmful properties are exhibited by apricot kernels, which contain hydrocyanic acid. Of course, their content is not so high as to lead to serious consequences and illnesses, but it is best to control the amount of seeds eaten. It must be remembered that as many seeds as are contained in two tablespoons can cause harm to a person.

Useful video No. 1:

How to select and store?

If an apricot is chosen incorrectly and stored in the wrong place, it will very quickly lose its appearance, begin to dry out and lose all its beneficial properties. Ripe fruits are easily damaged and then quickly become moldy.

In order for apricots to be stored longer and continue to be beneficial, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. If fruits need to be stored for a long time, you need to choose slightly unripe fruits with a hard surface.
  2. The fruits should not have any damage, dents, or rotten areas.
  3. Apricots are best stored if each fruit is wrapped in parchment or has its own place in special boxes with individual cells. If possible, avoid storing fruit in plastic bags.
  4. Do not store fruits in piles - this way they become more wrinkled and more difficult to inspect.
  5. Only ripe fruits are stored in the refrigerator. Unripe fruits will not ripen in the cold, and ripe fruits in room conditions quickly deteriorate, losing their properties and taste.

Ripe fruits should be stored at a temperature of no more than 10 degrees. From the moment the fruit is placed in the refrigerator, it must be eaten within 20 days. After three weeks, the apricots will begin to become loose and fibrous. Eating such fruits does not cause harm, but there is little benefit from them.

Rules of etiquette

According to the rules of table manners, large fruits are first divided in half and the seeds are removed. They eat apricots only with their hands. If the fruit is difficult to cut, it is eaten in a couple of bites, and the stone is spat into the hand, which is brought to the face, covering the mouth.

Apricot diet

This diet is especially suitable for those who have a sweet tooth. Due to its properties and low calorie content, the fruits will not only help you lose weight, but will also be beneficial for the health of the digestive system.

For the beneficial effect to be visible, you need to go on a diet for at least 3, but no more than 5 days. You can eat the apricot whole, or you can cut it into pieces or make a puree. If you have a blender, you can grind the fruit in it with ice. This recipe is especially suitable for hot days.

Apart from apricots, dried apricots and apricots, nothing else needs to be introduced into the diet. You need to eat two handfuls of fresh fruit at a time. In total, for one day you will need to purchase 1.5 - 2 kg of fruit. If you eat more, the benefits for the intestines will remain, but the weight loss will not be as noticeable.

The only drinks allowed are water and herbal tea.

It is better not to use store-bought apricot juice in your diet, as it is not as rich in vitamins as fresh fruit. Additional sugar is added to it. This can be harmful to the body and does not help you lose weight.

This diet is carried out no more than once per season.

The apricot diet has contraindications:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Diabetes.

For a healthy person, this diet will not cause harm, but only benefit. But if you have any doubts, it is better to consult with a specialist than to act at your own peril and risk.

Useful video No. 2:

Useful video No. 3:

Apricot, “Armenian apple”, “armeniaca” is a beige fruit, usually with orange or reddish “sides”, growing on a tree. Its taste is sometimes sweet, sometimes sour, but the fruit always has its lover. Many different varieties of apricot have been bred to this day; it is impossible to list them all. Each of them has approximately the same apricot properties, calorie content, and composition. The benefits of fresh apricots are undeniable, especially for women and children.

Eating fresh and dried apricots has great benefits for the body, what are they? We will tell you about this today, and you will also learn how fruits, seeds, and leaves are processed, and what is the significance of the resulting beneficial substances in cosmetology and the food industry.

Beneficial properties of apricot for humans and contraindications

Homeland of the tree. Benefits of apricot

Common apricot and other varieties are grown throughout the European part of the continent and Asia. In large quantities precisely in Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkey (the main producers). The homeland of origin of the useful fruit is still a mystery. It is believed that they were brought from China, according to another version - from Armenia.

Be that as it may, the medicinal properties of apricots are valued, and the fruit itself is loved and respected for its content of valuable minerals, pectin, fiber, carotene and try to stock up on vitamins for future use. The fetus also has contraindications, what are they? We'll talk about this at the end of the material.

It is known that apricots contain vitamins, have beneficial properties, and, unlike peaches, begin to bear fruit early. Therefore, apricot fruits used to be called early fruits, and this is what distinguished them from peaches. People can enjoy the delicious taste of fruits throughout almost the entire summer. Especially if you dry it in reserve (dried apricots, apricots). The concentration of vitamins in dried fruits increases, this is a great opportunity to boost immunity in winter and autumn.

It is not for nothing that the sun-warmed fruit loves warm regions and hates any draft, wind and cold. Under the influence of the luminary, it accumulates all the most valuable things that a person needs. The Armenian apple is useful for both children and adults. The benefits of apricots during pregnancy are also great: it improves digestion, fights stress, relieves toxicosis, replenishes iodine reserves,... Everyone should eat it in order to prevent diseases, unless there are contraindications.

Composition, benefits and calorie content of apricots

In addition to dietary fiber (2 g), the orange fruit contains many other microelements, the presence of which makes it a real home healer. The smallest amount of fat (only 0.1 g) per 100 grams of product and low calorie content (44 Kcal) make the fruit one of the healthiest. There are only 9 g of carbohydrates per serving, which is very nutritious for such a low calorie content. Therefore, apricots are beneficial for women, children, men and the elderly who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Composition of vitamins and other elements per 100 grams:

  • Beta carotene – 16 mg
  • Potassium – 305 mg
  • Iron – 2.1 mg
  • Vitamin C – about 10-12 mg
  • Calcium – 13 mg
  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Magnesium – 10 mg
  • Phosphorus – 23 mg
  • Sugar – from 5 mg to 27 mg

In dried fruits, the healing properties of apricot increase 5 times, so you should take this into account and stock up on drying for the winter. We have not yet named vitamins B, P and PP, which are present in small quantities in fresh and dried fruit. And also in some quantities there is malic, tartaric and citric acids, starch, inulin, pectin and iodine. By the way, iodine is found most of all, as the Wikipedia source assures, in Armenian fruits.

The beneficial properties of apricots are that their consumption normalizes intestinal function, improves mood, and hemoglobin in the blood. But that’s not all, pectin and fiber, together with processed products, remove toxins from the body, oils rejuvenate. And we’ll talk about apricot juice below; it contains a special “ingredient”, the benefits of which are difficult to underestimate.

Properties of apricot kernels

The seeds contain a special substance - amygdilin, which can have a harmful effect on the body if consumed in large quantities, just like hydrocyanic acid. But in cosmetology and medicine, apricot kernel oil is the No. 1 remedy for the prevention of dry skin, eczema, and for the youth of the body. The apricot kernel also exhibits antihelminthic properties.

Apricot oil. Properties and application

An oil is extracted from apricot kernels, similar in composition to almond and peach oils (oleic and linoleic acids), which in its properties is not inferior to other cosmetics, and also has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. The benefits of oils contained in fruits and seeds are truly unique. Apricot oil exhibits anti-aging properties, so the benefits of apricot for women are completely justified and are successfully used in cosmetology.

Apricot for hair and face, the benefits of its oil content are often used in cosmetology to treat dry skin. Creams, lotions and masks, shampoos and hair rinses, and nail care products are made from the oil.

Apricot kernels - beneficial properties and contraindications

“Almonds” from seeds are also not always healthy and have a beneficial effect on the body. The fact is that hydrocyanic acid, produced after human consumption of amygdiline, can cause poisoning. Therefore, even a small dose can send young children to a hospital bed, and adults can eat no more than 20 grams of such almonds.

It’s better not to risk your health, because apricot kernels also have beneficial properties due to the strong poison hydrocyanic acid, which is similar in composition to potassium cyanide. So it is best to roast apricot seeds in a frying pan, the beneficial properties of which are valued, before use, or make jam with the addition of processed “almonds”. Both tasty and healthy!

Beneficial properties of apricots and contraindications

Apricot is the best fruit for vision

Apricot is an ideal option to strengthen your eyesight, because no other fruit contains as much beta carotene as it contains. The beneficial properties of apricot for humans are that in our body about n is converted into vital vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes, hair, nails, skin and the whole body. Scientists have found that age-related changes that have a detrimental effect on clarity of vision (age-related macular degeneration) can be prevented by eating apricots.

But the opinion that beta carotene contained in fruits will help cope with diseases of the thyroid gland and liver has been refuted by doctors. Which claim: thyroid diseases are often associated with low absorption of the vitamin from healthy foods; it is better for such people to consume pure vitamin A, prescribed in dosage form.

“Matters of the heart” and treatment of anemia

Pectin and the fibrous structure of the fruit pulp are not only useful for the intestines, but also an active component for the removal of toxins and cholesterol. And, as you know, cholesterol, clogging internal organs and systems, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, the heart. By eating 2 apricots a day, you are already protecting your heart from the harmful effects of cholesterol.

The advantage of eating orange fruits is that their composition has a balanced content of iron and magnesium; the medicinal properties of apricot are that it helps strengthen the heart muscle and cleanses the blood. A person recovers much faster if he suffers from anemia and takes such vitamins.

Treatment and prevention of constipation

Apricots are the best remedy to cleanse the body of toxins. With constipation, toxins are absorbed into the body, which does not have the best effect on your well-being and appearance. Here your best assistant is apricot juice with pulp, which has an antibiotic effect on putrefactive bacteria. And also common apricot and compote made from it, which has a laxative effect.

Fruit eliminates fatigue

All orange fruits and vegetables have the extraordinary ability to lift your spirits, and the same applies to apricots. If you want to relieve muscle or nervous tension, just eat 100 grams of fruit and your fatigue will go away.

All this due to the presence of calcium, which brings muscles into a relaxed state, and magnesium, which helps relieve psychological stress and calm the heart rate. Magnesium is a unique mineral; it also lowers blood pressure if a person is hypertensive, so its effect doubles.

Asthma and cough

Doctors say that fresh apricots are best for this matter, because dried ones are filled with sulfites. This substance is contraindicated for people with allergic reactions and can, on the contrary, cause an asthma attack in an asthmatic.

But apricot kernels, whose beneficial properties are unique, are successfully used mainly in the East to treat coughs, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, and catarrh.

Oncological diseases

And again here we remember beta carotene, as well as lycopene - magical components for the immune system, beauty, brain performance,... In addition, they prevent various cancers, such as cancer of the stomach, throat, lungs. It is enough to consume 150 grams of apricot per day and thus protect yourself from malignant tumors. This is not a panacea, but prevention, and so delicious too!

The bark of the apricot tree (decoction) and the leaves and droplets on the surface of the tree are also useful, which some people cannot refuse to try. A decoction of the bark, for example, is used for cerebral circulatory disorders, after injuries, to restore strength. And the beneficial properties of apricot leaves are found in the antibacterial qualities of the foliage; the pulp from the leaves is applied to wounds.

Healing apricot. Benefits and harms for women

The benefits of apricots for women

The most beneficial for weight loss are the fibrous varieties of apricots, but everyone’s favorite “Kolerovka” is actually not so healthy. Fiber retains moisture in the body, absorbing it, and saturates the body. You feel full and don’t want to eat anymore. This is why apricot should be included in the menu; many people use “apricot” fasting days, and this is the best choice not only to lose weight, but also to improve health.

Apricot has diuretic properties, so it is actively used by women in the fight against edema, as well as for kidney diseases.

Apricots - benefits for pregnant women

It is known that pregnant women often experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can recharge yourself with energy if you drink 100-150 grams of apricot juice once before meals. The benefits of apricots for pregnant women are manifested in the fact that they relieve morning toxicosis and give strength. . In addition, the juice is very useful for maintaining the beauty of hair and nails, skin elasticity, and preventing stretch marks.

Is it possible to eat apricots during pregnancy, their benefits and harms, what are they? This question is most often asked by mothers who carry a child in the summer, of course it is possible and necessary, only in moderation, for example, a glass of concentrated juice can be taken once a day, or 100-150 grams of fruit instead. If you eat fruit in excess, you can provoke a frequent urge to go to the toilet and the intestines will not only be cleansed, but also have a negative impact on the uterine cavity and the unborn child.

Apricot - benefits and harms for the health of a pregnant woman

As we have already said, apricots in excess are good for pregnant women, but also harmful, here are some more warnings for expectant mothers:

  • You should not drink apricots with water, this will cause an upset stomach;
  • If your mother is gaining weight quickly, rid yourself of excessive amounts of sweets; there is nothing to say about buns. But dried apricots are also considered a high-calorie food, so you can’t eat handfuls of them;
  • If you have low blood pressure, allergies or asthma, eating apricots is contraindicated for women.

Apricot. Useful properties and contraindications

Each product has its own contraindications, and even if it seems that they are an ideal remedy for any disease. As we have already noted, apricots during pregnancy are beneficial for women and children, but pregnant women should eat them with caution. Although this interesting condition is not a disease at all, it is associated with the birth of a new life, which means that the diet should be healthy.

For children, eating apricot is good to increase appetite, improve digestion, and increase hemoglobin, but in large quantities it can irritate the intestines.

Here are a number of other contraindications for people with certain diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Pancreatitis, hepatitis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

It is worth remembering, no matter how many benefits are present in the products that nature gives us, eating them more than normal is harmful to health. Apricots in quantities of over 500 grams per day are already an excess.

Apricots begin to bloom in March-April; during this period you can see trees decorated with inflorescences on all streets and garden plots. The fruits are consumed from June to the end of summer. During this period, experienced housewives stock up on apricots for future use, dry them, and make compotes and jams. To have a clearer idea of ​​ripe fruit, let's consider its benefits and harms.

Composition and properties of apricot

It is difficult to find a person who would be indifferent to apricots. It's all about the special taste qualities of the fruit. Calorie content of a 100 g serving. does not exceed 43 units. When you eat one fruit, you will saturate your body with only 9-12 kcal.

As for the vitamin list of elements, apricot is famous for the accumulation of folic acid, retinol, vitamin H, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, thiamine, pyridoxine, vitamin B5, riboflavin.

Of the mineral compounds, valuable place is given to sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine, iron and copper.

Apricot concentrates a lot of water, which a person needs for the full functioning of organs and systems. The fruit is rich in ash, pectin, natural saccharides and dietary fiber. The latter normalize the functioning of the esophagus, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, and speed up metabolism.

Due to the accumulation of B vitamins, the functioning of the central nervous system is normalized. Apricot can be eaten for insomnia and constant stress. Teas, decoctions, and fruit compotes cope equally effectively with negative consequences.

The benefits of apricot

  1. The value of apricots lies in the fact that they benefit humans, regardless of the form of fruit consumption. You can eat dried fruit, decoctions, teas, and fresh apricots. Most often, the product is prescribed for use by categories of people with cardiac abnormalities.
  2. Dried apricots and fresh fruits are useful for those who suffer from ailments of the digestive system. When ingested, the fruit accelerates metabolism and digestion of food, removes toxins, and frees internal organs from toxic compounds.
  3. Due to their low calorie content, apricots will be valuable for those losing weight. Even despite the amount of saccharides, the fruit promotes the gentle breakdown of fat and the removal of fluid. The volumes melt before our eyes, and there is no need to severely cut off your usual diet. It is enough to give up junk food and drink more water.
  4. The fruits contain a lot of iron; this mineral compound is required to prevent anemia and treat existing anemia. Apricot improves blood composition because it promotes the production of red blood cells. The fruit is recommended for use by cancer patients.
  5. Fresh fruit gruel helps get rid of excess gas and constipation. If you suffer from such delicate problems, consume 80-100 grams. apricot pulp per day. Divide the entire volume per day.
  6. Apricots are useful for girls to take during the menstrual cycle, when most of the iron is washed out with secretions and hemoglobin drops. The fruit improves blood quality, eliminates dizziness and painful cramps in the lower abdomen.
  7. Phosphorus and magnesium, which are concentrated in a large volume, stimulate brain neurons. It is useful to take dried or fresh apricots for those who work a lot mentally (students, schoolchildren, government employees, etc.). The fruit increases intelligence and memory.
  8. The fruit contains carotenoids in small amounts. This makes the product useful for people who have problems with the eye muscles. The fruit improves vision and prevents cataracts and glaucoma.
  9. Apricot fruits remove excess fluid from the body because they have a diuretic effect. Against this background, blood pressure decreases, swelling disappears, and frequent headaches go away. Fruits should be eaten for apathy and chronic fatigue.
  10. Pulp-based lotions help eliminate severe bleeding and accelerate wound healing. The phytoncides contained in the fruit fight internal bleeding. Apricots improve liver function by promoting increased bile flow.
  11. Experienced doctors do not advise patients with diabetes to consume apricots in large quantities. But this rule does not apply to decoctions with dried fruits. They normalize blood glucose levels and improve the patient's condition.
  12. In general, apricots are useful in any form. They strengthen the immune system, increase strength, perfectly saturate the body and suppress hunger. The fruits even save you from thirst in the summer heat.

Family planning experts advise women to consume apricots before conception. As a result, reproductive activity improves and the chance of conceiving a child increases.

Women benefit from fresh apricots, from which they can be used to make tightening face masks. Seed oil perfectly heals hair and nails.

If you are trying to lose weight, apricot will be a real helper. It must be eaten to remove excess fluid, accelerate the breakdown of fat and maintain a cheerful mood.

The benefits of apricot for men

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity should not give up fruit. Apricot increases potency by increasing blood flow to the groin area. The fruits prevent prostate diseases and treat existing diseases.

Men aged 45+ are at risk of developing cardiovascular abnormalities. Apricots prevent pathological changes, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other ailments.

The benefits of apricot for pregnant women

Girls who are expecting a child need to carefully monitor their diet. Apricots contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are required for the full development of the fetus in the womb.

Folic acid provides a woman with a comfortable state throughout the entire period of gestation. Other valuable enzymes prevent delicate problems such as constipation or gagging.

However, it is worth considering that diarrhea may occur if you overeat. Pregnant women need to thoroughly rinse the fruits with boiling water or drink decoctions of dried apricots.

During breastfeeding, the fruits will also be beneficial. Apricot stimulates lactation and improves the quality of milk (its fat content). The bitterness that sometimes appears due to improper nutrition disappears from the maternal composition.

The fruits cannot be specifically attributed to a medicine that will relieve any ailment. However, apricot is actively used in folk medicine as a composition that fights ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and anemia.

If you suffer from diabetes, including apricots in your diet is prohibited. The fruits are rich in natural sugars. This composition will provoke an acute course of the disease.

To play it safe, you should completely avoid such fruits. In rare cases, at the early stage of diabetes, raw materials can be eaten in small quantities. For complete information, consult your doctor.

Apricots are allowed in minimal quantities. You can eat a couple of fruits a day. Please note that fruits should not be consumed on an empty stomach or during an exacerbation of the disease.

It is prohibited to include unripe apricots in the menu. Otherwise, you will experience bowel dysfunction, bloating and flatulence. If you doubt that apricots can be beneficial for such a disease, you can exclude them from your diet.

If you are faced with poisoning, if you feel unwell, apricots can significantly improve the situation. The fruits will relieve abdominal pain, nausea and normalize digestive processes.

Ripe fruits cleanse the body well of harmful compounds. The overall tone is normalized and the balance of beneficial enzymes is stabilized. Normal acidity in the stomach is restored.

The disease is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The disease can be classified as serious. During such a period, it is important to create the right diet, which should limit fluid intake. The main task during the disease remains the removal of toxins and toxic compounds.

Apricot will be an excellent helper here. It is recommended to eat the fruits dried or as decoctions. It is forbidden to eat fresh fruits in large quantities, otherwise you will face serious problems.

If you suffer from constipation, apricot can easily cope with the delicate problem. The beneficial properties of the fruit have been known since ancient times. The fruit is not inferior in quality to beets and prunes.

Such products normalize stool in a short period of time. To get rid of the problem, just eat a few fruits. Don't overeat, otherwise you will face other problems. Wash down the raw material with a glass of cold water.

  1. Cough. To get rid of a severe cough, it is recommended to prepare a decoction based on fruit seeds. Grind 20 gr. kernels in any available way. Pour 200 ml of gruel. boiling water Leave the product for several hours. Strain and drink the composition 3 times a day, 30 ml.
  2. Skin diseases. Puree some fruits. Using light massage movements, rub the mixture into the damaged areas of the body. Wait a quarter of an hour, rinse off the composition. Carry out the procedure daily.
  3. Oncological diseases. Traditional medicine has confirmed that apricot protects the human body from cancer. The unique composition of the fruit destroys free radicals in tissues. To prevent oncological deviations, it is enough to eat 5 fresh apricots, 10 dried apricots, or drink 400 ml daily. natural apricot juice.

Apricot harm

Undoubtedly, the unique composition of apricot can significantly improve your health. However, fruits also have negative sides.

You should not eat apricots on an empty stomach, as this may result in gastrointestinal problems.

Do not rule out a possible allergic reaction; start exploring the fruit with small quantities.

The beneficial qualities of apricot outweigh its potential harm. But the fruits still have contraindications that cannot be ignored. It is useful to eat not only fresh fruits, but also dried apricots, compotes, decoctions, preserves, etc.

Video: beneficial properties of apricot kernels