Close strawberry jam for the winter. Delicious strawberry jam in a slow cooker video recipe

The strawberry season has come. Probably, strawberries are one of everyone’s favorite berries. Juicy, tasty, aromatic. We look forward to its ripening every year. Children run around a hundred times a day and look under the bushes to see when the sides of the berries turn red. And then the harvest begins and the cooking of preserves, jellies, marmalade or marmalade begins. Every housewife has her own time-tested and favorite recipe for strawberry jam. I also have several recipes that I will be happy to share.

Classic recipe - thick strawberry jam for the winter with whole berries

Many housewives use this recipe to prepare strawberry jam. It is simple to implement, but a little time-consuming. To make the jam thick and the berries to retain their shape, it is prepared in several stages.

To prepare this jam we will need:

Attention: Strawberry jam always uses an equal ratio of berries and sugar.

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to make strawberry jam with whole berries:

1. We sort the strawberries, remove the stem and wash them thoroughly. Let the water drain and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom or a large enamel basin (I use a special bowl for jam when a large number of berries). If they come across large berries, then they can be cut in half.

2. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and leave for some time for the strawberries to release their juice.

3. Now put the basin or pan on the fire and let the jam boil. Another important point - The berries must not be mixed. Otherwise they will boil over. The basin or saucepan should be shaken a little. Remove the foam that appears on the surface of the jam.

4. As soon as the jam boils, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 8 hours.

5. After the required time has passed, taste the jam for sweetness. If necessary, add required quantity and cook as described in points 3, 4.

6. Put the jam on the fire for the last time (three times in total) and bring it to readiness.

7. Place the jam in pre-prepared jars. Moreover, the jam should fill the jar completely. Seal the tops with lids and let the jam cool. You can wrap the jam and let it sit for a day in a warm place. Then we send the jars of strawberry jam to the cellar or pantry until winter.

Delicious strawberry jam in a slow cooker video recipe

Wonderful thick strawberry jam is made using a slow cooker.

Strawberry jam without boiling the berries - the best recipe

Jam prepared in this way turns out very fragrant. We will need the following list of products:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800 gr.;
  • water - half a glass.

How to make strawberry jam without boiling the berries:

1. Wash the strawberries well and remove the stems. Place the berries in a sieve or colander to drain.

2. Meanwhile, prepare the syrup. Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with water. Place the saucepan on the fire and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water. Then simmer for another 6-7 minutes until the syrup thickens a little. However, care must be taken that it does not turn white. The readiness of the syrup is checked as follows: drop a drop of syrup onto a saucer with a spoon and blow on it. If the syrup does not spread, then it has reached the consistency we need.

3. Pour this hot syrup over the strawberries and close the lid.
Let cool. Drain the syrup. Put it on the fire again and boil for 5-7 minutes.

4. Pour the syrup over the strawberries again and let them cool again. Drain the syrup again and boil it. We do this two more times.

5. Drain the syrup for the last time. Let it boil and pour it over the strawberries. The jars must be sterilized. We roll up the jars with lids and wrap them in a warm blanket.

6. When the jars have cooled down. We put them in the cellar.

French strawberry jam with orange and lemon

Strawberry jam with gelatin recipe for the winter

For lovers of very thick jam, which can be spread on bread or put on pancakes, this recipe with gelatin is perfect. The jam is prepared almost the same as in the first version.

What we need:

How to cook strawberry jam with gelatin:

1. We sort the strawberries, remove the stems and wash them.

2. Transfer the berries to a bowl or pan in which we will prepare the jam and add sugar. Let the strawberries sit and release their juice. It's about 8 hours.

3. Put the pan with strawberries on the fire and cook it. Cook for no more than 15 minutes after boiling. Don't forget to remove the foam. Remove the pan from the heat and let the jam cool completely. Let's take another approach like this.

4. During the third cooking, add gelatin (pre-prepare it as written on the package). To add a little sourness to the jam, you can add the juice of one lemon or a little citric acid. But this is optional.

5. The jam will become thick after cooling completely. Therefore, we pour it hot into jars and close the lids. Let it cool completely and put it in the cellar.

Strawberry jam “Five Minute” step by step recipe

This universal recipe for those who want to save large quantity vitamins in your favorite berry. Moreover, such jam is prepared very quickly. And the color and aroma are simply amazing.

So, what do we need for this jam:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to properly cook strawberry jam “Five Minute”:

1. We sort the berries, remove the stems, wash them and place them on a sieve to drain.

2. Transfer the strawberries to a container in which we will cook the jam. If there are large strawberries, we cut them so that they have time to cook.

3. Add sugar to the strawberries and mix. Add lemon juice and mix again very carefully so as not to mash the berries. Let the strawberries release their juice.

4. Place on low heat and let it boil. Boil for 5 minutes.

5. Pour the jam into sterile jars and roll up the lids. Turn the jars upside down and wrap them well.

6. When the jars of jam have cooled, they can be stored in the cellar.

And what interesting recipes Do you have any strawberry jam? Share them in the comments.

There probably isn't a single person who doesn't like strawberries. This is the very first, bright and fragrant berry always pleasing to the eye. And when she shows off on the table, she always lifts the mood.

She is not only richest source vitamins, but also a real treat. But, unfortunately, her life is not very long. At most, you can enjoy its presence on the table for two to three weeks. And then wait again for a whole year.

But you don’t have to wait, right? You can prepare berries for the winter. And there are many ways to do this - you can freeze it, make compote from it, and, of course, cook a delicious aromatic delicacy.

There are also many recipes and methods for such delicacies today. These are the so-called classic options, including such a popular method today as the five-minute method,” which many housewives have been preparing for many, many years. And they pass the recipe from mother to daughter, and so on.

And now with the appearance in every home household appliances They began to cook in a slow cooker, or without cooking at all. Store it in the freezer. They also come up with original recipes, for example with gelatin. And all in order to please your beloved household members.

Today we prepare it from strawberries, but by default, we understand that basically we all use country Victoria for these purposes. After all, it is mainly what grows in our beds. It bears fruit better, does not freeze in winter, and is also sweeter in taste. That is why gardeners love it so much.

A real strawberries can be collected in the forest, or on forest clearings. There is also a lot of it on the sunny hillsides. Although it is quite small compared to Victoria, it is more aromatic. Although it is also grown in summer cottages. My mother specifically plants two beds of strawberries to make jam. She believes that it is tastier and more aromatic.

In general, according to today's recipes, you can prepare both strawberries and Victoria, and even wild strawberries. They are all related, differing in size, taste and aroma. And the cooking technology is the same for everyone.

So, let's get started.

This is a very simple recipe that many people use. And today we will cook too. To prepare it, we need only two ingredients - strawberries and sugar. And, of course, desire and good mood.

We will need:

  • strawberries (victoria) – 1 kg
  • sugar – 650 – 700 gr

The number of strawberries can be any. In this case, you should proportionally change the amount of sugar. Also, its amount may vary slightly depending on the sweetness of the berry. If the berry is sweet, then 650 grams is enough.

There are recipes where 1 kg of sugar is added to 1 kg of berries. You can cook it this way, especially for those who like it sweeter. And in the following recipes we will also use these proportions.


1. Place the strawberries in a bowl, pour water over them for 1 - 2 minutes and rinse with your hands. Then put a small batch in a colander and rinse it again with water, placing it in a container of water. Then remove the stalk by gently pulling it and twisting it slightly. Try not to crush the berries.

It is not recommended to first remove the stalk and then wash the berry so that juice does not leak out of it.

2. Then drain the water, put a new batch of berries in a bowl and rinse them again. And so on until it’s all over. It is better to wash and clean it in small batches.

3. Place peeled strawberries (Victoria) in a saucepan or basin in which you will cook. It is better to layer it mixed with sugar. To do this, pour a little sugar into a basin, like a small pillow. And put the first layer of berries on it, which in turn are sprinkled with a layer of sugar. And so on.

4. Now you need to leave it for several hours, maybe even overnight. It's okay if she stands by room temperature. Victoria must let out the juice, and in sufficient quantities. But if the weather is very hot, then put it in the refrigerator.

The only thing you need to remember is to cover the container with a towel. So that nothing accidentally gets into the contents.

You can see if it has released enough juice by slightly tilting the container. Moreover, there may still be a sufficient amount of sugar at the top, but quite a lot of juice has already formed at the bottom. And if this is the case, then it’s time to start cooking.

5. Place the container with the berries on medium heat and start heating. During this process, even more juice will be formed and soon it will cover all the berries. And this is good, it means they will turn out juicy.

And at this stage there are two ways

  • The first is to cook immediately until done. But in this case we will gain time, but we will lose the bright color of the berries
  • the second is to cook in several stages. And in this case, we will retain the bright color of both the syrup and the strawberries. In addition, all the fruits will be intact, which is called “berry to berry.”

And in this case I choose the second option. I’ll describe the first one in the next recipe.

6. At some stage of heating, white foam will begin to appear; it will need to be carefully removed with a wooden spatula. Use it to carefully lower the berries into the syrup so that they are better saturated with sugar syrup. And it has already appeared in all its glory - bright, tasty, rich. It’s as if we are bathing the berries in it and waiting for the syrup to boil. That's when you need to turn it off.

Distinguish between when it is just boiling and when it is already boiling. When boiling, active “bubbles” appear on the surface, and when boiling, single and weak ones appear.

After turning off the heat, “buy” the strawberries a little more, dipping them into the sugar syrup using a spatula.

7. Remove the basin to a secluded place and leave to infuse for 8 - 10 hours.

Ask why in a secluded place?! No, don’t think that this will make it taste better. I just had such a case when I left the basin on the kitchen table. My cat, apparently, liked the smell coming from the basin, or curiosity played the main role, in general, he jumped on it, hooked it with his paws and knocked it over on himself.

The syrup with berries shot up in all directions all the way to the ceiling, eventually spilling in a large red spot all over the recently purchased new rug.

The cat first froze for a second, then began to rush around the house like crazy, jumping on sofas, beds, chairs... In general, on everything that came in the way.

It’s good that the jam had cooled down and was no longer too hot.

And it should also be said that this was a pitted cherry treat. And before that, I took out these same bones for 4 hours, or even more!

Needless to say, it had to be prepared again, the rug had to be changed, all the sofas and armchairs had to be washed, and the kitchen had to be renovated. Well, first, calm down and bathe the cat...

Since then, I always put the basin with its contents in a secluded place.

8. After the berries have infused and been saturated with syrup, put the container back on the fire and bring to a boil again. We also remove the foam. Thus, repeat the entire process 3 - 4 times.

For everything, about everything, you may need two full days and one night. Sprinkle with sugar overnight and leave to infuse until juice forms.

Warm it up in the morning and leave it until evening. Then the next day we warm it up again in the morning and evening. That is only four times.

During the entire cooking process, the color of the syrup practically does not change. Remains as bright, juicy and rich. And it is clear that all the berries remained safe and sound. Beauty, and that's all!

9. And the next step is to pour our delicacy into sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids and screw on. Since we don’t have too much sugar in the syrup, the jam must be sealed hermetically. This way it will be stored better and will not lose color.

It is not necessary to sterilize it, but it should only be poured into jars while it is hot.

It must be said that while it is hot, it is liquid, then it will cool, infuse and become thicker. But if you want it to be even thicker, add pectin to it during cooking.

Also try to put more berries in the jars, and only then add as much syrup as you want. And if there is any excess syrup left, it can also be poured into sterilized jars and closed with lids. You will then need it for frosting cake layers, or, which we all love so much.

This will be especially good for those who really like to catch berries from syrup (I am one of those people). And in this option you can eat almost only berries.

10. Turn the twisted jars over and place them on the lids. Cover with a blanket or large thick towel and leave until completely cool.

11. Then turn it over and store it in a cool, dark place.

I cooked from 2.5 kg of Victoria and 1.5 kg of sugar. And from this amount I got 5 half liter jars.

In winter, open the jar and eat with tea. The jam turns out beautiful, bright and very tasty. It's a pleasure to eat!

Thick and tasty delicacy “Berry to Berry”

If you don’t have free time, then you don’t have to spend two days cooking. You can simply cook it immediately until done. This method is generally considered classic and is also often used by housewives.

In this case, the color will not be as bright as in the first recipe, but the finished product will be thick and with intact berries. That is, the way we wanted.

It will turn out quite thick, but if you want, you can add pectin during cooking, and it will be super thick. I don't do this, I prefer to cook it without any additional additives.

We will need:

  • Victoria – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg


1. Pour water over the berries for a couple of minutes, drain the water, and, if necessary, rinse again using a colander.

Then remove the stem by holding it with your fingers and turning the berry. If it is hard, and it is better to pick it up so that it remains intact, then cut off the stalk with a knife.

Do not keep the berries in water for a long time, as this will make them watery.

2. Wash in small batches and place in a container in which you will cook.

3. As you lay it out, sprinkle it with sugar. We won’t mix it later, so it’s better to pour the Victoria in layers.

Sugar is usually used in a one to one ratio. That is, as much Victoria as there is sugar. This is the standard. But there are also exceptions. So, if the berry is too sour, then you can add sugar, even by 100, or even by two hundred grams.

4. Cover with a towel and leave to infuse. The berry should release juice. This may take from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the variety, size and degree of maturity of the Victoria.

If after 4 hours of standing there is little juice, then put the container with the contents in the refrigerator and let it sit for some time. In this case, you can leave it overnight.

Or you can speed up the process and place the container on very low heat to warm the contents slightly. But the main thing is that the sugar that has accumulated at the bottom does not burn. When you see that enough juice has been released and the sugar at the bottom has melted, you can turn up the heat to medium.

5. To check if there is enough juice, you can simply turn the container slightly on its side. And if it is formed in sufficient quantities, it will appear above the berries. Although there may still be a layer of sugar at the top.

6. In this case, it’s time to put the container on the fire. At first, let it be very small, I would even say minimal, so that the sugar does not burn and is completely dissolved. Then you can add it to medium so that the syrup boils faster.

7. After the syrup boils, turn the heat back to minimum and cook until tender. Periodically, “bathe” the berries with a spatula. It can also be used to gently mix the contents.

This may take approximately 50 - 60 minutes.

8. Readiness can be checked in this way. If you drop a drop of syrup on the saucer and it does not spread, then it means it is completely ready.

There is also this way of checking. Pour a spoonful of syrup onto a flat plate and draw a line along the surface with the same spoon. If the line remains clear even after some time and the syrup does not fill it, then everything is ready.

Previously, we would drop a drop of syrup onto our fingernail, and if it didn’t drain when we tilted it, it meant it was time to turn off the heat.

9. Sterilize jars and lids in advance, pour hot jam into them and screw the lids on. Turn the jars over and cover them with a blanket or large towel. Leave until completely cool.

Then turn it over to its normal position and place it in a cool, dark place.

10. Open in winter and eat with pleasure!

You can simply eat this tasty treat with hot tea, or you can serve it with, or.

Thick “five-minute” jam with whole berries

There are several options for preparing this method. One of them provides approximately the same execution as we had in the first recipe.

That is, the berries are sprinkled with sugar, then you should wait until the juice appears. And only after that we cook three or four times for 5 minutes. Between cooking we wait 10-12 hours, or even more, allowing the berries to cool and soak thoroughly in the syrup.

There are several rules for this preparation:

  • the berries must be ripe and undamaged.

  • Cook in small batches. It is advisable to take no more than 1 kg of berries at a time, or even better, a little less. This is enough quick way, and it is very important to achieve rapid and uniform heating of the berries. And this can only be done when there are few of them.
  • measure the amount of ingredients not in kilograms, but in containers. That is, if you use a bowl as a measure, then you will need a bowl of strawberries and a bowl of sugar.

We will need:

  • bowl of strawberries
  • bowl of sugar
  • water - 100 ml


1. Rinse and pour the berries cold water. Let it sit in it for a while, but no more than a couple of minutes, then carefully remove the stalk. Place the berries on a plate to drain off excess water.

2. We will prepare the jam using pre-prepared sugar syrup. And we need to approach this issue very carefully.

Pour sugar into a bowl and fill it with water. You can also use a thick bottom pan for this to create high temperature and don't burn the sugar.

3. Mix sugar with water. We have little water, and of course it will not begin to dissolve in water, but it will absorb moisture and it will be easier to melt it later.

It was possible to add more water(there are recipes where both 500 and 600 ml of water are added), then it would be easier to prepare the syrup. But in this case in finished product will more liquid than berries. Therefore, we pour a little water and will carefully monitor that everything turns out as it should.

4. Place the container with sugar on medium or low heat, arm yourself with a wooden spatula in advance and, stirring constantly, begin to melt it. At first it will be too thick and stringy. At this stage, you need to mix it especially carefully so that it does not burn. But gradually it will become thinner, and eventually it will look like this.

This is a very important moment. If you burn the sugar, it will no longer be suitable for subsequent cooking. We'll have to start all over again.

5. That is, at this stage liquid syrup there is no need to wait, it will not be like that, since there is too much sugar and too little water. The only important thing is to melt the sugar, which we did.

6. It's time to put the berries in the syrup. Lay out and mix carefully; it is better to use a wooden spatula for this, so as not to damage the strawberries.

7. At first, the boiling will stop, and this is understandable - after all, the berries are cold, and now the entire contents need to heat up again. And as soon as heating occurs, the berries will begin to release juice, more and more liquid will appear, and the sugar will completely dissolve.

8. During this process, we heat the strawberries over very low heat and no longer use a spatula. And so that the sugar does not stick to the bottom and the berries are evenly soaked in syrup, simply shake the pan periodically. To do this, we take it by the handles, using a towel, and simply shake it from side to side, using light circular movements.

This action will allow you to avoid crushing the berries, and they will remain whole and beautiful. Shake the pan every two minutes, the contents will be evenly heated and soaked in juice.

9. Cook in this manner until it boils and is ready. You can tell if it’s ready by the following signs: if there are bubbles along the edges of the pan, then you need to shake the pan again, heat the berries for 5 minutes, and that’s it – they’re ready.

10. You should already have sterilized jars and lids ready. Place into jars immediately hot product, cover with a lid and tighten.

11. Turn over and place on the lid under a blanket or large towel. Let cool completely. Then install as usual. Store in a cool, dark place.

Enjoy eating!

Strawberry delicacy without cooking

Although our delicacy today comes from the word “cook,” there is a recipe in which you can do without it. I know two such methods. One of them involves cooking strawberries in own juice, where berries are placed in jars, covered with lids and sterilized. Then it is twisted and stored.

But in this method, although we do not cook the berries, we still subject them to heat treatment using sterilization.

But the second method just corresponds to the theme of the material. Let's take a look at it. Moreover, it is simple like no other.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

The amount of sugar can be varied depending on the sweetness of the berries. Minimal amount sugar 650 grams per 1 kg of strawberries and a maximum of 1.3 kg per kg. How sour berry, the more sugar you need.

But as a rule, everyone always adheres to the one to one proportion. And for freezing you can take less. But this again depends on the taste of the berries.


1. Place the berries in a colander and rinse. It is better to do this in small batches so that all the sand is washed off without hindrance.

For this method it is better to take ripe berries small size. They will be more likely to be saturated with juice and will taste better than larger ones.

2. Then place the berries in a bowl and let the water drain. Then remove the stalk.

3. Prepare a container in which we will prepare the jam. Pour some of the sugar down and place the berries from which the stalk has been peeled on top. You should get a dense layer.

4. Then sprinkle sugar again and lay out the peeled berries again. And so on until one and the other ends.

5. Prepare a wooden spatula for mixing. Start gently mixing the berries with it, moving them from bottom to top. Try not to damage their integrity. The more carefully you mix, the more whole the berries will turn out.

For the first time, stir for 7-10 minutes until the juice appears. As soon as it appears in sufficient quantities, put the container aside and cover with a towel.

6. Stir it again approximately every hour, and so on all day. Or rather, to a state of readiness.

Readiness is determined as follows: during the next stirring, you will notice that there are no grains of sugar left in the syrup. That is, it must completely, completely dissolve!

7. It happens that the berry is not very juicy, and the juice is formed slowly, which means the sugar dissolves less well. In this case, the bowl of berries can stand for two days, and naturally, it will need to be stirred periodically for two days.

If it is very hot outside, then on the second day it is better to put them in a cool place so that they do not sour. But in general this rarely happens, especially if you stir frequently. There is a lot of sugar, and this is a preservative that keeps the product from souring.

8. But finally, we saw that there are no sugar crystals in the syrup, and we can pack our preparation for storage for the winter.

You probably already guessed how we will store our strawberries. That's right, we'll freeze it! And for this we will need plastic containers. They are different shapes, And different sizes, choose to your taste.

You can even use plastic sour cream cups, especially if you saved the lids from them. Or just buy new ones at the store. Buying them nowadays is not difficult.

9. And so, put the contents into containers and put them in freezer. Delicious fresh berries will delight you all winter. At the same time, retaining most of its vitamins. And sugar will prevent them from freezing completely.

This is jam!

By the way, it is also prepared from ground berries. Also combine them with sugar and stir for a day or two until the sugar is completely dissolved.

My granddaughter simply loves this dessert. I'm ready to eat it without stopping. Of course, it’s so delicious!

Delicious strawberries in gelatin

Lately they have started making this kind of jam. It's even more like thick jam. It has some advantages, and let me tell you them.

  • The product turns out to be very thick, and this has always been considered a great advantage for any dessert of this kind.
  • It turns out bright and beautiful.
  • It is excellent and keeps for a long time.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • gelatin - 10 g
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs


1. Rinse the berry thoroughly and remove the stem. Let the water drain.

2. Sprinkle in layers along with sugar in the container in which you will cook. Let it sit for a while and let the juice stand out. This may take 2 - 3 hours. The container with the contents can be slightly shaken or stirred to speed up the process.

3. Place on low heat and bring to a boil. Heat for 5 minutes, stirring with a wooden spatula. Remove foam.

4. Remove from heat and leave to soak in syrup for 6 hours.

5. Then puree the berries using a blender and heat again for 5 - 10 minutes, gently stirring with a wooden spatula. Leave to infuse again for 6 hours.

6. On last stage pour gelatin in advance a small amount water and dilute it to a homogeneous liquid state.

7. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the contents and put on fire.

8. As soon as it boils, pour in gelatin in a thin stream. Cook everything together for another 10 minutes.

9. Immediately pour the hot product into sterilized jars and close with sterilized lids. Turn over, place the jar on the lid and cover with a blanket. Leave in this state until completely cooled.

Then store it in a cool, dark place, away from heating appliances.

10. Eat with pleasure. It is especially tasty to spread this jam on bread.

This recipe is a little out of our theme today, since here we use not whole berries, but crushed ones. I just haven’t tried cooking this option with whole berries, so I don’t know how it will turn out.

When I try it, I’ll write a detailed recipe.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

COOK strawberry treat in a slow cooker is also quite simple. And it turns out just as thick and tasty as the previously prepared options.

And so that you can take a little break from reading, I offer you a video. It tells and shows everything, so let's get together and see how it's done.

So if you have a slow cooker, then you can safely prepare strawberry treats in it. Just don’t forget to open the lid in time and stir the berries. So that each of them is evenly saturated delicious juice and sugar syrup.

And so that in winter we can enjoy delicious and aromatic dessert along with hot tea.

How to make thick strawberry (Victoria) jam with whole berries

Delicious jam comes from delicious berries. This is an axiom for any dish, and ours today is no exception.

  • All berries should be sorted before starting cooking. Remove wrinkled, beaten, and especially those with rotten rot. Even if you want to cut it off. It’s better to throw this one away immediately, as it alone can ruin it. wonderful taste all the sweet treats.
  • For harvesting, it is better to take medium-sized berries. It is also desirable that their sizes do not differ greatly from each other. Such berries are more likely to release juice and be saturated with syrup, which means they will be tastier. In addition, such berries warm up faster, which means they are less susceptible to heat treatment. And they are stored better.

  • The berries should be washed in several waters. It grows near the ground, and often even touches it. In addition, the rains leave their dirty traces on it. Therefore, rinse it first in a bucket or large basin, and then in small batches in a colander.
  • You can wash strawberries in diluted vinegar solution. This completely disinfects the berries, and this will help to better preserve the treat and not “play” while it is stored. Take vinegar per 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of 9% or wine vinegar
  • The berry should be washed along with the stalk, and only then removed. If you do this differently, bacteria may enter the removal site, which can subsequently also lead to the jam “playing” and the lid lifting.

  • In addition, juice immediately begins to release from the peeled berry, and there is no need to wash it off.
  • Do not soak the berries in water for a long time, as this will make them watery.
  • If you want to make jam with whole berries, then handle them very carefully during the entire preparation and cooking process.
  • To mix, use a wooden spatula or spoon; it handles mixing more gently. In addition, berries contain a lot of vitamin C, and so that it does not react with metal spoons, it is better to use wooden ones.
  • Cooking should be done in specially designed basins or thick-walled stainless steel pans. Do not use aluminum cookware for cooking so that the berries do not oxidize in it.
  • It is best to prepare the delicacy without the presence of water, that is, in its own juice, or with a minimal amount of it.
  • To do this, sprinkle the berries with sugar and leave for 6 - 12 hours.
  • During the cooking process, it is better not to stir the contents, but to shake them slightly, this will help prevent the sugar from burning and the berries from being crushed.
  • Try to choose recipes that can reduce cooking time. The longer we heat the product, the less vitamins remain in it. Of course, there will be taste, but if there are also vitamins, then it will be great.
  • Be sure to sterilize jars and lids properly. Do this in advance so that all the water has time to drain.
  • Pour the jam into jars carefully and carefully while it is hot, or rather boiling. While the container with the contents is simmering over low heat, immediately transfer it from it into jars.

  • Immediately twist it. Then we turn it over and put it under the blanket and let it stand. until it cools down.
  • The preparations for the winter should be stored in a dark place to preserve the color, and in a cool place to simply preserve them.
  • If the jam has undergone minimal heat treatment, it is best to store it in the refrigerator.

Like these ones simple tips so that your jam turns out aromatic, tasty, healthy and full of vitamins.

Be sure to prepare it. This process creates coziness throughout the house. It should always be on the table so that everyone can pour themselves a mug of hot tea or spread it on bread at any time of the day or night thick treat and enjoy the taste to the fullest.

Bon appetit!

Strawberries are the brightest, most fragrant, most unusual berry in the world. It is rich in vitamins, microelements and is very good for health. Our short Russian summer begins with this berry. After long winter strawberry - a real gift nature to an organism depleted and in need of vitamins. To enjoy all the benefits of strawberries, eat them fresh. Eat fresh strawberries with cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, but don’t forget to save a piece of summer for a long and cold winter- be sure to cook it jam - special homemade dessert, symbol of comfort and hospitality. How to cook strawberry jam to preserve its bright color, taste and aroma? It's not difficult at all, you just need to know the small subtleties of this process.

Here I will tell you how to cook strawberry jam using a special gentle method without boiling the berries. But jam can also be made using regular jam. traditional way according to this recipe

You will need:

  • strawberries 1.5 kg
  • sugar 1.5 kg
  • water 100 ml

You will also need enamel dishes - preferably a bowl with a flat bottom and high sides with a volume of 3-3.5 liters. As well as any container in which you will remove the berries from the syrup while it is boiling.
It is better to use small berries for jam. If the strawberry is large, cut it into 2-4 parts.
If the strawberries are sour and watery, you can add more sugar (+200-300 g).

Step-by-step photo recipe:

Wash the strawberries, place in a colander to drain, remove the stem- cut with a knife.

In a separate bowl prepare the syrup: Add half a glass of water to the sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes, stir constantly. Once the syrup thickens, it is ready.

Dip the berries in syrup, mix gently and leave to cool 10-12 hours(I leave it overnight). Do not be embarrassed that there is not enough syrup - soon the strawberries will give juice and the syrup will cover all the berries.

Remove berries from syrup into a separate bowl. It’s convenient to do this with a slotted spoon or drain in a colander. Place the syrup on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, turn off the heat.

Return the berries to hot syrup and leave to cool for about 12 hours - if you started cooking in the morning, then leave until the evening. During the day, it is useful to gently stir the contents of the bowl several times so that the berries are evenly saturated with syrup. Don’t be alarmed if, when stirring, you find undissolved sugar at the bottom, this is normal, because the cooking process is only at the very beginning.

After 12 hours, repeat the process: remove the berries from the syrup, boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes, turn off the heat, return the berries to the hot syrup and leave for 12 hours. T

You can finish cooking the jam two ways.

First way:

Second way:

If the strawberries are watery, then the syrup may turn out liquid, so the last time it can be boiled more long time(15-20 minutes) so that it thickens better.

How to sterilize jars?

Banks need good wash And sterilize- it is convenient to do this using a special stand, which is placed on a bowl of boiling water. It only takes 5 minutes for the jar to become sterile, after which take it with a towel (it’s hot!), shake off drops of boiling water over the sink and place it on the table to dry.

If you do not have a special stand for sterilization, place the jar on the spout of a boiling kettle or simply pour boiling water for 5 minutes. To prevent the jar from bursting, place a regular spoon in it.

Strawberry jam prepared like this in a gentle way, very fragrant and bright.

This bright delicacy will definitely cheer you up during the long cold winter.

Enjoy your tea!

How to make strawberry jam. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • strawberries 1.5 kg
  • sugar 1.5 kg
  • water 100 ml

From this amount of products you will get 4 jars (0.5 liters each) of ready-made jam.

Wash the strawberries, place in a colander to drain, and remove the stem.

Prepare the syrup: add half a glass of water to the sugar and, stirring, bring to a boil. Cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. Once the syrup thickens, it is ready.

Dip the berries into the syrup, mix gently and leave to cool for 10-12 hours.

Remove the berries from the syrup into a separate bowl. It’s convenient to do this with a slotted spoon or drain in a colander. Place the syrup on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes, turn off the heat.

Return the berries to the hot syrup and leave to cool for about 12 hours - if you started cooking in the morning, leave until the evening. It is helpful to gently stir the contents of the bowl several times throughout the day.

After 12 hours, repeat the process: remove the berries from the syrup, boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes, turn off the heat, return the berries to the hot syrup and leave for 12 hours. T In this way, cook the jam only 3-4 times.

There are two ways to finish cooking the jam.
First way:
Remove the berries from the cooled syrup and place in dry, sterilized jars. Boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes, pour into jars, close the lids and wrap in a blanket until it cools completely.
Second way:
Remove the berries from the cooled syrup, boil the syrup for 5-7 minutes, return the berries to the boiling syrup, bring to a steady boil, place in dry sterilized containers, and close with lids. With this method, there is no need to wrap the cans in a blanket.

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Homemade jam Strawberries are one of the most popular sweet preparations for the winter. And in fact, what could be tastier than aromatic and fragrant strawberry jam, carefully prepared in season by a thrifty housewife? Today I will tell you how to make strawberry jam so that the berries remain intact, the dessert itself is appetizing, and its taste is excellent.

First of all, it is important to observe the indicated proportions: for 1 kilogram of selected strawberries (take a medium-sized, mature, dense berry) you need 1 kilogram of white granulated sugar. This recipe strawberry jam involves cooking in three stages, due to which the berries are ready dish come out whole and do not turn into puree.

If you follow the recommendations, homemade strawberry jam will delight you not only with its magical taste, but will also provide aesthetic pleasure. Whole berries in aromatic berry syrup will be a worthy reward for your efforts!


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The first step is to process the berries. To do this, we sort them out (substandard ones, that is, crumpled ones, can be used to make strawberry jam, and feel free to throw away the spoiled ones). Wash the strawberries thoroughly. To do this, we fill a large container with cold water, put the berries in it and let them swim for just a minute. Gently mix them with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stems until the berries are clean. Otherwise, the strawberries will absorb a large amount of water, and there is no need for excess moisture in the jam. After this, let the berries dry completely - transfer the strawberries to a towel. We tear off the stalks and place the dried berries in the bowl in which you are going to prepare the jam.

Sprinkle the berries with granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Do not stir the strawberries, but simply shake the contents of the dish (for this purpose, choose a large-volume basin or pan), otherwise the berries will be crushed.

As a result granulated sugar will coat the strawberries evenly. Cover the dishes with gauze and leave for several hours so that the berries release their juice. It is best to leave the strawberries with sugar overnight if you added them in the evening.

I didn't have much time, so the strawberries only had time to sit for 4 hours - the sugar had not completely dissolved. However, half of the strawberries were already floating in syrup.

Place the dishes on low heat and add sugar and strawberry juice turn completely into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid during this time. It is advisable not to mix the berries with sugar with a spoon, but only slightly shake the bowl from side to side. This is necessary so that the strawberries retain their integrity. Bring the contents of the bowl to a boil and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes. Don’t forget to skim off the foam (this is the most delicious thing for children when making any jam). After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and let the strawberry jam cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush here, so you can leave the treat to rest for at least 5 or 12 hours. During this time, the strawberries will give even more juice, and the berries will become denser, due to which they will keep their shape. Then heat the jam a second time and cook again for 5 minutes. Let it cool completely.

After the second cooking and cooling, my strawberry jam looked like this: large quantities rich syrup, the berries remained intact. In general, the amount of syrup depends not only on the variety and juiciness of the berries, but even on the weather in which the strawberries were picked. So, to make jam, it is recommended to harvest the crop in dry, sunny weather so that the strawberries are not oversaturated with moisture. If desired, add a pinch of citric acid (a teaspoon of lemon juice) and put the jam back on the fire. In this case, the acid not only acts as a preservative, but also helps preserve the beautiful and bright color of the finished dessert.

Bring everything to a boil and cook for the last 5 minutes, remembering to skim off the foam. The fragrant strawberry jam with whole berries is ready, all that remains is to close it for the winter.

Pour the still boiling strawberry jam into pre-prepared jars, not reaching the edge by about 1-1.5 centimeters. Each housewife has her own favorite method, and I do it in microwave oven- wash jars in soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml into each cold water. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. I also boil the lids on the stove for about five minutes. By the way, last year I saw my mother sterilizing jars in the microwave for the first time, but without water. Empty. I often saw notes from housewives about this, but I was always afraid that the jars would burst. They didn't burst. None. Everything happened in front of me. But personally, I didn’t dare to repeat it at home - I steam it, as before, with water.

Immediately close (or screw on) the jars. We turn them upside down, wrap them in something warm and let them cool completely. I got 2 full half-liter jars of strawberry jam and another incomplete jar strawberry syrup. By the way, what I especially appreciate in this strawberry jam is not the berries, but the syrup itself. It turns out to be very rich in taste, unusually aromatic and moderately thick. An excellent addition to ice cream, pancakes, pancakes and cheesecakes. If you want the syrup to be thicker, you need to boil it longer, but I don’t like it that way. In addition, prolonged cooking makes the jam not only thicker, but also much darker.

Store strawberry jam prepared according to this simple recipe, you need in a cool, dry place - a basement or cellar. Where you usually store your wonderful preparations for the winter. Have delicious and aromatic strawberry jam, friends!

Finally we waited for strawberries, probably the most fragrant, beautiful berries, from which you can prepare many different desserts and salads. Or you can “stop time” and make strawberry jam for the winter. How wonderful it is to then get out of the bins for tea or pancakes fragrant jam, in which the aromas of summer have been preserved!

In addition, preparing strawberry jam is very simple. True, you need to decide right away whether you want sweet or sugar-free jam, thick or liquid, well-cooked or five-minute. In this collection I will describe everything in detail possible options making strawberry jam. Depending on your preferences, you will need to choose the appropriate recipe.

Strawberry jam recipes:

Thick strawberry jam with whole berries for the winter

To make the strawberry jam thick. and the berries remain intact, we will cook the jam in several stages. This will take a lot of time, of course, but delicious jam deserves it.

For this recipe, it is better to use smaller strawberries so that they cook faster. The ratio of strawberries to sugar in this recipe is 1:1.

  1. Pour 1/4 of the strawberries into the pan, add about the same amount of sugar on top, then put another layer of strawberries and sugar on top. And so alternately all the layers.

2. Cover the pan with a lid and leave overnight, during which time the strawberries will release a lot of juice. When there is enough juice, lightly stir the contents of the pan.

3. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the strawberries from the syrup into a separate bowl.

4. Let’s deal with the syrup separately. Place the pan with the syrup on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil and until the sugar is completely dissolved. Reduce heat and cook until syrup is reduced by 1/4 (about 20-30 minutes). Do not forget to stir periodically.

5. Remove the pan from the heat and place the berries from the bowl into the hot syrup.

6. And again we repeat everything as in points 2-5, i.e. First, we leave the berries in the syrup for 12 hours, then we take them out with a slotted spoon and boil some more syrup, and finally we put the strawberries back into the hot syrup. The berries will further decrease in volume and the syrup will become thicker.

7. But that's not all. The third time we repeat all the steps - leave for 12 hours, take out the berries, cook the syrup and mix everything. Now, finally, cook the berries together in syrup for 5 minutes. Place in hot sterilized jars (don't forget to sterilize the lids too). Turn the jars over and keep them like this until they cool completely.

Strawberry jam 5 minutes

We will need:

  • for 1 kg of strawberries
  • 600 gr. Sahara
  • 250 ml water.

Since we do not mix the berries in this recipe, immediately place the berries in the container in which you will cook the jam.

  1. Pre-wash the berries and remove the stems. If the strawberries are very large, you can cut them in half or into 4 parts. But this is a matter of taste. I usually boil whole berries.

2. Separately, cook the syrup - add sugar to the water and, stirring, cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

3. Pour the resulting syrup over the berries and do not interfere with anything! The berries should remain intact. Cover the container with a towel or film and leave to cool for 2 hours.

4. During this time, prepare the jars and lids - wash and sterilize them.

5. Place the pan or bowl with strawberries in syrup over medium heat and bring to a boil. Stir the berries not with a spoon, but simply by rocking the pan or basin from side to side. Remove the foam from the jam. As soon as the jam boils, cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.

6. All that remains is to transfer the jam into clean jars, close the lid and turn over. Cover the jars with a towel and keep them there until they cool completely.

In jam prepared in this way, the berries are whole and not overcooked.

The best recipe for strawberry jam without boiling the berries

We will need:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg

For such “fresh” jam, it is necessary to sterilize the jars and lids

  1. We wash and peel the strawberries, let them dry a little and add sugar in a 1:1 ratio.

2. Using a wooden masher, lightly mash the berries and at the same time mix the sugar. Do not mash the strawberries completely, so that whole berries remain. Leave the pan with strawberries to stand for 2 hours. The strawberries will release juice and the sugar will dissolve during this time.

3. Add up the received raw jam into sterilized jars, leaving a little space at the very top. Sprinkle sugar on top, it looks like sugar plug which will prevent the jam from turning sour.

4. Close (roll up) the jars with metal lids.

Be sure to store this strawberry jam without cooking in the refrigerator!

Strawberry jam with lemon and mint

The recipe contains less sugar, so the result is not very sweet, but sour jam.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 700 gr.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • mint leaves
  1. Wash the strawberries and let them dry a little. To do this, you can lay it out on a paper towel. Cover the berries with sugar and leave overnight (7-8 hours).

2. When the strawberries release their juice, lightly stir the contents of the pan and put on the fire to boil. Add mint leaves to the jam and cook for 5 minutes.

3. Using a grater, grate the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice from the pulp. Add the zest and juice to the jam and cook for another 10 minutes.

4. You can finish here, but some housewives advise not to be lazy and cook the jam again for 5 minutes after 8 hours. It's probably more reliable this way. It is advisable to place the jam in sterilized jars.

Their strawberry jam without boiling the berries - strawberries in their own juice

And this recipe is my favorite, because the berries remain intact, and the syrup is appetizingly transparent. In addition, these strawberries require little sugar, so you can safely eat as much as you like. True, in order to enjoy this delicacy in winter, firstly, you need to select whole, healthy berries for preparation, and secondly, store the jam in a cool place.

Preparing this jam is simple, you just need to first prepare the jars - wash with soda and dry. Wash the strawberries and dry them a little on a paper towel.

Place strawberries in half-liter jars and pour 100 grams on top of each jar. Sahara. And we leave it like this for several hours, I do it in the evening and leave it overnight.

During this time, the strawberries release juice, but the berries decrease in volume. Therefore, if at first you had, for example, 3 jars, after the night you need to spread the strawberries with syrup from one jar into the other two, filling them.

Now put the jars in warm water in a pan and sterilize in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

A wonderful dessert is ready. Prepare it, and I have no doubt that you will appreciate the taste of almost fresh strawberries in winter.

Strawberry jam with gelatin - a recipe for the winter

I sincerely advise you to use these recipes for delicious strawberry jam for the winter, so that you can enjoy long autumn and winter evenings drink some tea and remember the warm days.

And if you liked the recipes, I would be grateful for your comments.