Barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker. Recipe with step-by-step photos

Buckwheat in combination with any meat – satisfying and tasty dish, which is suitable for breakfast, lunch and dinner. To simplify the cooking process for yourself, you should turn to a “smart pan” for help. Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker turns out especially tender and aromatic.

Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker - recipe with pork

It is better to take meat without bones - fatty pieces of pulp. In addition to pork (370 g), the following will be used: carrots, 2 multi-cups of buckwheat, onion, 4.5 multi-cups boiled drinking water, salt, a couple of bay leaves, a mixture of peppers. How to properly and quickly cook buckwheat with meat in a “smart pan” is described below.

  1. The pork is washed, dried and cut into small pieces. The meat is salted, sprinkled with spices and fried in the appropriate program for 13-15 minutes.
  2. Onion cubes and grated carrots are poured into the bowl of the device. In the same mode, frying the components continues for 8-10 minutes with frequent stirring.
  3. Well-washed buckwheat is poured on top of meat and vegetables. Salt to taste and bay leaves are also sent there. The future porridge is not poured cold water and cooks in the “Buckwheat” program for 45 minutes.

Before serving, season each serving with butter.

With beef

If you use beef, the cooking time will increase slightly. In addition to the meat tenderloin (half a kilo), you take: an onion, 4 garlic cloves, 2 multicooker glasses of cereal, salt, carrots, spices, 3 multicooker glasses of water.

  1. The meat is washed and not finely chopped. It fits into the bowl of the device without oil. You can only add a little water. The “Baking” program is turned on for 40 minutes.
  2. All vegetables are peeled. The onion is cut into half rings, the carrots are grated on a medium grater, the garlic is grated on the smallest cells.
  3. After 20 minutes, the prepared vegetables are transferred to the meat. The ingredients are already prepared together.
  4. Buckwheat is washed with water until the latter is transparent.
  5. When the first program ends, the cereal is added to the beef and vegetables.
  6. All that remains is to fill the food with water, salt and sprinkle with spices.
  7. Cook in the “Pilaf” program for another 20-25 minutes.

The dish should be served with pickles.

The nuances of cooking in a slow cooker: Redmond, Polaris

A “smart pan” from any brand is well suited for cooking buckwheat porridge. To prepare vegetables and meat components for further cooking, you can first fry them in the “Baking” or “Roasting” program. They are available in models from both Redmond and Polaris.

As for the main stage of preparation, it is permissible to choose one of following programs: “Porridge”, “Rice”, “Milk porridge”, “Buckwheat”, “Krupa” or “Turbo”. All that remains is to adjust the time according to the recipe.

The most popular and most perfect dish, which all housewives without exception cook in a slow cooker, is porridge. Any porridge in a slow cooker turns out simply gorgeous, they don’t burn, you don’t need to monitor the process, much less stir. We offer several popular recipes for cooking porridge with meat in a slow cooker.

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to cook delicious wheat porridge so that it does not burn, the liquid does not evaporate, and so that the porridge is as desired. This is difficult to achieve if you cook on the stove, but with a multicooker everything is different and we offer you a recipe for cooking hearty dish. Let's cook porridge with meat together to please our relatives and feed them a hearty breakfast.

Cooking ingredients:

  • wheat cereal from durum varieties wheat (ideally Artek) - 2 cups;
  • piece of beef – 600 g;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • spices: cumin, ground black pepper, dried dill, salt - to taste;
  • water - 7 glasses.

Cooking process:

  1. The list of everything you need indicates the amount of cereal and water in multi-glasses. Let's start cooking. Let's start with the meat: the beef needs to be washed and disposed of excess water, cut into pieces of approximately the same size, taking into account the fact that the meat shrinks during heat treatment. Therefore, we cut the beef into pieces measuring 3 by 3 cm.
  2. The beef needs to be placed in a multicooker (dry and clean), turn on the “Baking” program, and set the time to half an hour.
  3. The meat is fried evenly own juice While there is some time, peel the onions and carrots. Chop the onion finely and add to the meat, stir.
  4. Peel the carrots, grate them, put them in the slow cooker, mix again. You can add a little water if the beef is a bit dry.
  5. Cook all ingredients after adding vegetables, you need to open lid. And if you want, add a little vegetable oil, then the meat will fry faster and more evenly, and will be covered beautifully. golden brown crust. You just need to monitor this process and stir occasionally.
  6. Then you need to measure specified quantity cereals, add water and rinse. It is advisable to change the water several times to thoroughly wash the grains and get rid of small debris and husks.
  7. Just 30 minutes is enough for the meat and vegetables to fry and after that you can add all the spices, as well as salt, mix and pour in the cereal.
  8. Pour out the water, if possible use warm water so that the cooking process is not so tedious. That's all, lower the lid, selecting the “Pilaf” or “Porridge” option, activate this mode. The time is set automatically in these programs. You don't need to do anything else except wait.
  9. Some housewives say that when boiling, the porridge “asks” to rise to the top and therefore the multicooker can steam a lot and the steam valve is sometimes not enough. To prevent this from happening, install a steamer rack. It will not allow the liquid to rise higher and thus the lid on the inside will remain clean and the valve will not be severely clogged. And another second method: step back about 10 cm from the edge of the multicooker and draw a piece butter headband

After the signal, you can leave the porridge in the “Warming” mode for a while, finish it, or pour it right away ready dish and start eating. Before you put the porridge on plates, stir it in the slow cooker to distribute all the ingredients evenly. Serve this simple dish with pickles, various salads, decorate with a sprig of greenery. Add to taste more spices and dried herbs. Bon appetit!

Buckwheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker

Buckwheat porridge is the healthiest and most delicious, as many people think. But there are people who don’t like this porridge and don’t want to eat it in any form. Just porridge is not so tasty, with milk is also not an option. There is one more way that always works - this is to cook porridge with meat in a slow cooker. The result is always excellent, the taste is incomparable, nutritional value- on the highest level.

Prepare a dish from the following products:

  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • pork (with fat) – 300 g;
  • medium carrot;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil (preferably olive) – 4 tbsp;
  • salt, ground black and red pepper, nutmeg- by a little.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the onions, then the carrots. We chop the onion as standard, trying to chop the onion as finely as possible. We grate the carrots, but this option cannot be ruled out: shredding into thin strips.
  2. Fry the onion in oil for 5 minutes. First you need to pour the oil, set the “Frying” program, when it warms up, add the onion. Fry, stirring occasionally. As soon as you hear a pleasant onion aroma, add carrots. Continue frying everything together for 10 minutes.
  3. Preparing the meat: wash and dry the piece, cut into cubes. Add to the vegetables at the 11th minute of cooking, then you need to switch the device to the “Baking” mode and then continue cooking with the lid closed. But do not leave the meat unattended for a long time; you need to check and stir.
  4. Now buckwheat: first sort out the grains and lightly heat them in a dry frying pan. Then pour it into the slow cooker and fill it with water. For a glass of buckwheat you will need 4 glasses of water. If you want the buckwheat to be dry and crumbly, 2 glasses are enough. The water should be warm, but this is not important.
  5. Next, you need to select the “Extinguishing” option, set the device timer to 40 minutes and stir after the signal.

Ready-made porridge with meat in a slow cooker, you need to put it on plates, season with chopped herbs and garlic, put a piece of homemade butter in each plate and immediately start the meal. The porridge turns out tasty and tender, the meat literally melts in your mouth, it is a hearty and very tasty dish. Bon appetit!

Buckwheat porridge with meat and mushrooms in a slow cooker

Another variation in the preparation of the queen of cereals is buckwheat, with the addition of meat and mushrooms. It will turn out even more flavorful and satisfying. There is no shame in serving such porridge on the table when all the relatives gather for a family gathering. festive dinner. Salads from fresh vegetables, canned peas and baked beet salad.

Now let’s start cooking, using the following products:

  • buckwheat - a glass;
  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • porcini mushrooms – 200 g;
  • onion - large head;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • oil for frying – 3 tbsp;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. First, let's prepare the meat, then we'll do the mushrooms. A piece chicken fillet you need to rinse under running water, dry with napkins or paper towels, cut into pieces of the same size.
  2. Now the mushrooms: remove the shell with a sharp knife, refresh the cut on the stem, cut into plates; small mushrooms should not be chopped.
  3. The preparation of onions and carrots is standard: peeled and chopped in a convenient way. Onions - finely shredded, carrots - on a coarse grater or manually chopped.
  4. In preheated oil (Baking mode), first fry the fillet with the lid closed. Then add in this order with an interval of 3 minutes: onions, carrots and lastly - mushrooms. Stir when adding a new ingredient.
  5. Cook vegetables with mushrooms and meat for 20 minutes, add salt and season with spices at the 18th minute, mix.
  6. We take a few minutes to prepare the cereal: sort out the buckwheat, heat it in a frying pan (optional), then pour it into the multicooker bowl and add warm water. For a glass of buckwheat, take 3 glasses of water.
  7. Continue cooking the dish with the lid closed, set the “Stew” program. Set the timer for 20 minutes, then set aside another 10 minutes for “Warming”. Add chopped garlic and herbs to taste in the finished dish.

This porridge with meat in a slow cooker turns out to be aromatic, very tender in taste and satisfying. No wonder they call it “Merchant”. We advise you to prepare buckwheat this way. Bon appetit!

Pearl barley porridge with meat in a slow cooker

Many housewives underestimate pearl barley and are even biased towards it. And all because porridge has to be “cherished” for a long time in order to be prepared according to all the rules. But this is if you cook on the stove, but in a slow cooker everything is different.

Let's look at the list of everything you need:

  • pearl barley – 2 cups;
  • water – 5 glasses;
  • pork (but you can use any other kind) – 300-350 g;
  • carrot – 1 large;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • oil for frying meat and vegetables – 3-4 tbsp;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Prepare the pork as usual, then cut into pieces.
  2. We clean and chop the vegetables: chop the onion finely, chop the carrots into fine grater or small cubes.
  3. Barley - need to be washed in several waters, covered with cold water, and left for 1 hour. If you are going to cook in the morning, leave the pearl barley in water in the evening, it will then cook faster.
  4. The sequence of adding products is: oil, “Frying” mode, wait a couple of minutes. Place meat in heated oil and fry for 15 minutes. When the pork releases its juices, add salt and pepper.
  5. At the 15th minute, update the program, add the onion and carrots, stir, continue cooking everything together, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
  6. Wash the pearl barley, pour it into a slow cooker, add salt and spices. You can use ready-made set spices for cooking pilaf, it will be tastier. For this amount of cereal you will need 1 teaspoon of spices.
  7. Pour 3 cups into the slow cooker hot water, set the “Pilaf” or “Porridge” program, cook until the signal. After the program is completed, leave the porridge under the closed lid to simmer for 10-15 minutes. Immediately after turning off the main program, the device will automatically switch to the “Heating” mode.

Stir the finished dish, serve hot, seasoned with herbs, chopped garlic, sour cream. Porridge with meat, cooked in a slow cooker, goes well with salads and pickles. Try making this healthy porridge!

Couscous porridge with meat and vegetables in a slow cooker

Couscous used to be made from millet and wheat, but recently semolina couscous, which is obtained only from durum wheat, has been gaining popularity. Cereals are the same as rice, only smaller and more round in shape. This type of cereal is steamed, then combined with the rest of the ingredients and served hot or chilled. Dressing the finished dish lemon juice, garnished with fresh mint.

A variation of cooking porridge with meat in a slow cooker from the following products:

  • couscous - a glass (or by weight 300 g);
  • chicken fillet or other type of meat – 800 g;
  • onions with carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • eggplant or zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
  • from spices: ground black and allspice pepper, turmeric, salt - to taste.

How to cook delicious porridge:

  1. The cooking sequence is as follows: first, fry the meat in the “Baking” mode with the lid open for 5 minutes on each side.
  2. Then you need to add chopped garlic to the meat (cut it finely or put it through a press), cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the onion - fry for 5 minutes and then add the carrots, at intervals of 3 minutes: pepper and eggplant. Another 5 minutes and plus the remaining ingredients: tomatoes (cut into cubes), as well as spices and salt. Season and mix gently.
  4. Set the “Stew” option, set the time to 20 minutes, pour in the cereal. Let's activate the program. But we don’t leave the kitchen just yet, so as not to forget to loosen the cereal with a spatula at the 10th minute. Since vegetables produce a lot of juice, no water is needed when cooking.

After the signal the porridge is ready, you need to mix all the ingredients and put them on plates. This dish is equally tasty both hot and chilled. Bon appetit!

Rice porridge with meat in a slow cooker

This is not pilaf, but some analogue of it, to quickly prepare delicious hearty dinner or breakfast, or just cook porridge to please your family and diversify your diet.

List of required products:

  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.;
  • rice – 1.5 cups;
  • water – 3.5 cups (multi-cups);
  • onion head;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • salt and ground black pepper, as well as other spices for rice - to taste.

How to cook porridge:

  1. The rice needs to be sorted, washed and filled with water. Leave it on the table.
  2. Vegetables: peel and chop.
  3. Warm up the multicooker, pour oil, turn on the “Frying” program.
  4. Add the onion, fry for 4 minutes, then carrots (grated), fry all together for 5-6 minutes.
  5. While the vegetables are cooking, we’ll have time to get to work on the meat: wash a piece under the tap, dry it, cut it into cubes or strips.
  6. Add the chicken to the multicooker, mix, cook in the same program for about 10 minutes, then the device needs to be switched to the “Pilaf” mode.
  7. We wash the cereal and drain the water, pour it into a saucepan, and pour hot water. Next come salt and spices.
  8. Cook until signal, then mix and serve. Enrich classic recipe you can use any products, for example, add fresh vegetables: tomatoes, Bell pepper, frozen green pea, asparagus, garlic.

This option for preparing porridge with meat can be prepared from any type of meat, just keep in mind that then it will take more time to heat treatment this product. Bon appetit!

Porridge with meat in a slow cooker. Video

Step 1: prepare the buckwheat.

First of all, we cover the countertop with a kitchen towel, pour the required amount of buckwheat onto it and sort through it, removing any kind of debris, for example, husks or very common pebbles. Then we throw the cereal into a colander with a fine mesh, rinse thoroughly and leave it in the sink until use to drain excess liquid.

Step 2: prepare the vegetables.

Without wasting a minute, use a sharp kitchen knife to peel all the vegetables specified in the recipe. We rinse them from sand, dry them with paper kitchen towels, and place them on cutting board and continue preparations. We chop the onion into cubes ranging from 1 to 1.5 centimeters in size, and chop the carrots on a medium or coarse grater and move on.

Step 3: prepare the meat.

We rinse fresh pork under streams of cold running water, dry it, place it on a clean board and, using another sharp kitchen knife, remove the meat from veins, film, and also small bones, which very often remain on the log house. After this, chop the tenderloin into small pieces in portioned pieces measuring from 2 to 3 centimeters and proceed to the next step.

Step 4: cook buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker.

We insert the plug of the multicooker into the socket, fix the Teflon bowl into its recess and pour in a little vegetable refined oil, two or three tablespoons will be enough. Then select the mode “Baking” for 20 minutes and after a minute we throw pieces of pork into the fat that is starting to warm up.

Sprinkle them with black to taste ground pepper and fry for 10 minutes until lightly browned, stirring occasionally with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula. At this stage, bring the tenderloin to full readiness no need, a light golden brown crust is enough, which will bind the upper tissues and subsequently, during further cooking, will help the meat retain its juiciness.

After 10 minutes add onions and carrots to the bowl. Again, loosen everything to a homogeneous consistency and simmer the meat and vegetables until the end of the program.

When the multicooker turns off, pour the cereal that has had time to dry into it, pour it the right amount purified water room temperature, season to taste with salt, bay leaf, mix everything again and cover the device with a tight-fitting lid. We find “Buckwheat” or “Grain” mode and press the “Start” button. Now you can go do other important things, the miracle technology will do everything itself.

After switching off again, carefully lift the lid for 2 minutes release hot steam, then mix the finished dish again until it has a homogeneous consistency, distribute it in portions on plates, put it on the table and invite the whole family to the meal!

Step 5: serve buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker.

Buckwheat with meat in a slow cooker is served hot immediately after cooking. full second dish for hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner. In additions such as butter, this dish doesn’t need it, it already turns out to be quite rich, but as a bonus you can offer salads from fresh vegetables, marinades or pickles. Cook with love and enjoy delicious and healthy homemade food!
Bon appetit!

Instead of pork, you can take young veal, chicken, turkey;

The recipe contains standard spices, but they are not essential; you can use any mixture of dried herbs, as well as spices that are suitable for dishes made from cereals, vegetables or meat;

An alternative to vegetable oil is butter or rendered animal fat, and to purified water - broth or vegetable broth;

Very often, chopped into small cubes are stewed together with onions and carrots. sweet and sour tomato or lettuce pepper;

This dish can be prepared in any multicooker with the appropriate “Buckwheat” or “Grains” mode.

Thanks to the multicooker, we increasingly began to prepare dishes from cereals, the preparation of which on the stove was very difficult. This is how porridges from wheat and corn grits, millet. Cooking cereal dishes has its own characteristics. This applies, first of all, to the preparation of cereals. It is the thoroughly washed cereal that makes the porridge so tasty. This process cannot be ignored, since mulch makes the porridge sticky, and the fat that appears on the grains gives the dish bitterness. It is also very important to maintain the proportions of the amount of cereal and water. For the rest, you can completely rely on the multicooker. Be sure to let the porridge rest. This will only improve the taste. Wheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker it turns out nourishing and very tasty and this step by step recipe with a photo will help you prepare it correctly.


  • wheat cereal – 1 cup.
  • onions – 1-2 pcs.
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • water – 3 glasses.
  • pork (pulp) – 500 grams.
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves.
  • Refined sunflower oil – 3.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • black peppercorns – 7–8 pcs.
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste.
  • Number of servings – 4.

Wheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker: recipe

Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Wash the meat, dry it and cut it into small cubes. Pour warm water over the wheat grits, shake and drain off all light foreign impurities that have surfaced. After this, fill it again with warm water (about 35 C) and, rubbing it with your hand, rinse until the turbidity created by mulch (flour dust) completely disappears. Then we wash the grains in hot water (about 95 C) to remove the fat that appears on the grains during storage.

Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse or medium grater. We clean the onions and chop them finely.

Pour into the multicooker bowl sunflower oil and add onions and carrots.

Using the “Menu” button, select the “Frying” or “Baking” mode and with the lid open and stirring occasionally, fry the vegetables until soft (about 7-8 minutes).

Add meat and garlic. Fry everything together, stirring, for about 10 minutes. We turn off the mode.

Pour hot water into a bowl, add spices and salt to taste.

Using the “Menu” button, select the “Extinguishing” mode, press the “Start” button and simmer with the lid closed for about 30 minutes.

Add the prepared cereal and stir.

We change the program to the “Grain” or “Buckwheat” mode and press the “Start” button, cook until the sound signal signals the end of the program. After this, we leave it to simmer on the “Keep Warm” mode for 15 minutes.

When serving, you can sprinkle the dish with chopped herbs. Bon appetit!!!

Multicooker PHILIPS HD3036. Power 980 W.

Best regards, Irina Konstantinova.

Cooking any dish in a slow cooker greatly simplifies the cooking process. The porridges in this device turn out to be especially wonderful, crumbly and very appetizing in appearance. A curious housewife will definitely experiment with the modes in the multicooker and choose the most convenient ones for cooking.

For example, you can cook wheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker not only using the “Frying” and “Buckwheat” modes, but also by pre-preparing the meat and vegetables using the “Stewing” function. The result will please you very much. The meat will be soft and juicy, which will make the finished dish even tastier. You can completely rely on your electronic kitchen assistant, because porridge cooked in a slow cooker always turns out aromatic, moderately viscous and very tasty.

Taste Info Second: cereals


  • Meat (pork pulp) – 400 g;
  • Wheat cereal – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Water – 3 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l;
  • Carrots – 1-2 pcs;
  • Onions – 2 pcs;
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Black peppercorns, Bay leaf, salt - to taste.

How to cook wheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker

Peel and wash the carrots thoroughly, grate them on a coarse grater.

Grind onion small cubes.

Soak wheat cereal in warm water to remove flour dust. Rinse until the water is completely clear. Then place the cereal in hot water to remove any fat that appears on the surface of the grains during storage, and drain the water. It is imperative to do this, since flour dust can make the dish excessively sticky, and the resulting fatty film gives it an unpleasant bitterness.

Rinse the pork under running water, dry well with paper towels and cut into small pieces so that the meat cooks faster and looks more aesthetically pleasing when served.

Place onions in a multicooker bowl with preheated vegetable oil.

In the “Fry” mode, fry it until soft and golden brown.

Add grated carrots to the onion.

Continue frying for another 3-4 minutes.

Add the pork and the peeled but not minced garlic cloves to the bowl.

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Stirring occasionally, continue to fry the meat and vegetables for 7-8 minutes.

Pour hot water into the multicooker bowl so that it completely covers the ingredients, and add spices and salt to taste.

Switch the device to the “Stew” mode and cook with the lid closed for 20-25 minutes.

Remove the garlic cloves from the bowl and add the pre-prepared cereal to the meat.

Select the “Buckwheat” or “Grains” function and cook until the beep sounds. Depending on the multicooker model, this can be from 30 to 50 minutes. After finishing the cooking process, let the dish simmer under the closed lid on the “Keep Warm” mode for another 15 minutes.

After this, the delicious wheat porridge with meat should be thoroughly mixed and served.

Cooking tips:

  • To further reduce the cooking time of this dish, instead of pulp fresh meat You can use regular pork or beef stew. Wheat porridge with stewed meat in a slow cooker will become excellent option dinner for the whole family when there is absolutely no time to cook. With this option for preparing porridge with meat, the stew is added directly from the can to the multicooker bowl after frying the vegetables, stirred thoroughly, breaking up all the formed lumps, and simmered in small quantity hot water for 5-10 minutes. And then they continue to prepare the porridge according to the existing recipe.
  • The taste of the dish will be even more rich if you use meat broth instead of water.
  • At the stage of stewing meat and vegetables, you can add spices such as cumin, cardamom or turmeric to the dish. The taste of the porridge will be more spicy, but you should not overdo it with spices, otherwise you can achieve an effect where the taste of the meat and wheat porridge itself is not felt behind their aroma.

Wheat porridge Artek with meat in a multicooker Redmond

To prepare lunch or dinner for a quick fix and don’t stand at the stove, I recommend taking note of a two-in-one dish - wheat porridge with meat in a slow cooker. For the juiciness of the porridge, it is important to choose the right meat, that is, not lean. I use pork shoulder or neck part.

You can also cook porridge with beef or chicken, also choosing fattier pieces. For frying, you need to spare no vegetable oil. Technology-wise, this recipe is similar to pilaf. And as you know, pilaf should not be dry. This also applies to wheat porridge with meat. I cook this second dish in the Redmond 4502 multicooker.


  • wheat cereal - 2 tbsp.;
  • water – 4.5 tbsp;
  • pork (shoulder) – 400 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper, salt;
  • curry - optional.


Chop the onion finely and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. We place all this in a multi-cooker bowl, pouring vegetable oil into it. Turn on the “Frying” program and set the cooking time to 10 minutes. Sauté, stirring occasionally.

Place the diced pork in the sauté pan and add salt and pepper. Using the same program, fry the meat for 10-15 minutes; if it is tough, increase the frying time.

The pork has browned a little.

Wheat cereals must be thoroughly washed and placed without liquid in a multicooker container. Mix thoroughly with the meat and you can even fry everything together a little, adding a little curry to enhance the color and taste. Add a little more salt.

Fill with water, or boiling water right away so that the porridge begins to cook faster. We turn on the “Express Cooking” program, the optimal time for it is 40 minutes. In addition to this program, you can use another one in your multicooker if there is no one specified. It could be “Pilaf” or “Porridge”.

When the signal sounds, you will see that the wheat porridge in the slow cooker with meat is already completely ready. We also check the readiness of the meat by cutting one of the largest pieces.

Wheat porridge with meat, cooked in a slow cooker, is served hot with salads, pickles or tomato juice.

Even those who don’t like wheat porridge will appreciate this dinner. pure form because it turns out very tasty.

On a note

  • To enhance the aroma and taste, I sometimes add cumin or pilaf seasoning to the dish. This makes the porridge even more interesting and tasty.
  • You can also add chopped dried mushrooms, they will give additional smell and taste.
  • If suddenly you realize after cooking that the wheat porridge is a little dry, add a piece of butter to a hot dish, or even when serving it on plates.
  • According to this recipe, you can prepare any porridge, for example, pearl barley, buckwheat or bulgur. Experiment in the kitchen with a multicooker and delight your family with a variety of foods, offering a different porridge with meat each time.