Is citric acid harmful? Citric acid: benefits and harm to human health

Many products that are in every person's kitchen can be used for completely unexpected purposes. Seasonings and spices can be used as effective healing and even remedy, and simple chemical substances They are quite suitable for body care and also for the treatment of many pathological conditions. So ordinary citric acid can bring us great benefit in everyday life and become an excellent cosmetic find. Let's talk on this page about such a product as citric acid, the benefits and harms of it to our body, and also discuss its use in detail.

Lemon acid found in many natural products, people have learned to extract it from lemons. Now such a substance is synthesized chemically. Housewives usually use citric acid in cooking.

Why does a person need citric acid?

What is citric acid used for? Just to boil a kettle with it and remove scale from the walls?! Of course not! Otherwise, there would be nothing to write about... Few people know that citric acid can bring noticeable benefits to the human body. It effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins, optimizes organ activity digestive system. This product can reduce excessive gastric acidity. In addition, citric acid activates and significantly accelerates the process of burning carbohydrates in the body, and also removes toxins through the skin.

There is evidence that such a substance can improve the quality of vision, enhance immunity and have an antitumor effect. Also, its use helps optimize the activity of the psycho-neuroendocrine system and increase the amount of calcium in the body.

The benefit of citric acid is that it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. This product can add firmness, elasticity, remove wrinkles and activate cell renewal. The use of citric acid as a peeling makes it possible to quickly cleanse the skin of various defects, eliminate pigment spots, and also make the face healthy, fresh and radiant. If this substance is present in lotions, as well as masks and creams, the use of such products will provide effective elimination toxic substances.

Citric acid is often used in the production of various detergents or cleansers, because one of its useful qualities is the ability to dissolve calcium. With the use of such products, you can easily remove white deposits or scale from various surfaces.

What other benefits does citric acid have for humans? Experts say that citric acid can also be useful for girls in hair care. It can reduce the oiliness of the scalp, slightly narrowing the pores. It is known that the water that flows from the tap has a high level of hardness, making hair dry, hard and brittle after washing. To give your hair silkiness and a healthy shine, you should add a little citric acid to the water. This product can also be used to lighten hair.

Some girls actively use citric acid to eliminate overweight. It is believed that such a substance is capable of speeding up metabolism by an order of magnitude, promoting rapid fat burning. And these are not all the areas where citric acid can be used; its application is actually somewhat wider. Let's talk about this further.

Application of citric acid

Citric acid will help cope with sore throats due to acute respiratory infections, ARVI and sore throat. You just need to gargle with its solution at intervals of half an hour to an hour.

Citric acid will improve your health after drinking alcohol. If you are suffering from a severe hangover, add just a little citric acid to your water. Drink the resulting solution in small sips.

For hair care, dilute half a teaspoon of citric acid in a liter of warm water. Rinse your hair with this solution.

Combine half a teaspoon of citric acid with a teaspoon of honey and one egg yolk. Mix this mixture thoroughly, then add a couple of tablespoons of aloe juice to it. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair, wrap yourself in plastic and a towel. After half an hour, rinse off the mask with warm water. Use at daily intervals.

To get rid of excess weight specialists traditional medicine It is recommended to dilute a teaspoon of citric acid with a glass of water. The resulting solution can be sweetened with honey, mint or ginger can be added to it. This drink should be taken once a day immediately before a meal. Some recipes advise drinking this drink before every meal.

Take one hundred grams of blackcurrant, eight egg whites, half a teaspoon of citric acid, as well as two hundred grams of fatty homemade sour cream. Combine all these ingredients and mix well. Apply this composition to the thighs and abdomen, wrap yourself in polyethylene and a warm cloth on top. After forty minutes, rinse cold water. This mask will help restore skin elasticity, add softness and silkiness. Do not forget to adhere to the dose and time of use of the prepared product. After all, it is worth considering that citric acid in concentrated form can cause skin irritations. And that's not all the dangers it poses. Therefore, let’s talk about who is at risk from citric acid and what harm can come from its use.

Is citric acid harmful?

Under no circumstances should it be allowed to come into contact with the eyes. If you are going to take citric acid orally, be sure to adhere to the recommended dosage, otherwise you may experience severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. This condition can manifest itself as pain, coughing and even bloody vomiting. Harm from citric acid may occur if its crystals are inhaled. It can cause irritation and burns respiratory tract.

When used correctly, it can bring significant benefits to a person. When used in cooking, it is worth remembering that citric acid in a tablespoon by weight is 20 grams and 5 grams in a teaspoon.

As the name of this substance suggests, it is squeezed out of lemon and then processed. This is exactly what the common man thinks when he gets acquainted with citric acid. However, this is not at all true. The main production method is sugar-based synthesis using special mushrooms. But today we will not talk about the origin of the name or how it is made. We will tell you the health benefits and harms of citric acid.

general information

You should know a little more about citric acid, since it is a very specific synthesized product. It is found in most of the food you buy in stores every day. We take it every day, which is why many are concerned about the question of how harmful or beneficial it is for our body. Let's figure out how it affects the human body.


Modern medicine has proven that citric acid is one of the best natural antioxidants. The toxicity level of this substance is extremely low, which allows it to be added to food with virtually no restrictions.

The following properties apply to chemistry:

  • when heated above 175 degrees Celsius, the substance breaks down into carbon dioxide and water;
  • mixes easily with other components;
  • easily dissolves;
  • decomposes quickly and does not pose a threat to the environment.

The specific composition of citric acid varies. It all depends on what products this substance was made from. There are plenty of ways to get it. It can be made from shag, citrus fruits, pine needles, as well as various fruits. But modern manufacturers neglect these methods; citric acid is artificially synthesized from sugar using mushrooms.

We are accustomed to the fact that the letter “E” followed by numbers is a horror for human health. This is not entirely true. There are certain groups of completely harmless substances with such labeling. These include citric acid (E330).

Scope of application

Citric acid is used in many areas.

  1. In cooking it is great supplement which gives food a special taste. In regular supermarkets you can find this substance in mayonnaise, fruit jam, sauces, jellies, etc.
  2. Aromatization. The substance is used to improve the aroma of tea, various drinks etc. It is also used to extend the shelf life of products. (Citric acid is not a preservative, since the increase in shelf life is achieved by stabilizing the pH level).
  3. Medicine is also one of the areas of application of this supplement. It is mainly used in products that take part in the citrate cycle.
  4. In cosmetology, citric acid is almost as often used as in cooking. It is added to special masks and used for wraps. Of course, not large quantities. It has some skin whitening effect, helping to fight birthmarks and freckles. This additive can be used to make an effective hair rinse.

Now we mostly talk about what citric acid means to us. Which real benefit can it bring health? Is citric acid harmful to the body? Here are the main questions worth answering.

Pros of use

To list all the benefits of using citric acid, one small article is not enough. Therefore, we will focus on water with citric acid. There are many points here that you should try to remember in order to successfully apply them in the future.

  1. Improves the functioning of the digestive system. Citric acid stimulates the production of gastric juice, so food will be digested faster. Experts recommend using it for slow metabolism.
  2. With the help of lemon and citric acid you can cleanse the liver, and this really is true! This substance is an excellent liver stimulant. Thus, bile is released more intensely, which leads to improved functioning of the entire digestive system. Just one glass of water or tea with citric acid in the morning, and your liver will be ready to work all day.
  3. Taking this supplement reduces the likelihood of various pustules appearing on the skin (boils, acne, pimples).
  4. Copes with the elimination of toxins from the body. Has a mild laxative effect and diuretic effect. Gradually cleansing the body and improving the functioning of the digestive system will lead to the fact that your body will work like a clock.
  5. For diabetics this is the number one product. It allows you to remove excess sugar from the body.
  6. Cleanses the cardiovascular system.
  7. Reduces blood pressure, which is useful for hypertensive patients.
  8. Citric acid contains components that break down fats. Thus, with the help of this substance you can fight overweight. In addition, normalization of metabolism helps the body gradually independently stabilize body weight.
  9. Freshens breath and destroys pathogenic bacteria in the mouth.
  10. In medicine it is also used in medicines that strengthen joints and connective tissue. At regular use With this supplement, your tendons and ligaments will become stronger and stronger.
  11. Improves the functioning of the immune system.
  12. Many people know that citric acid copes well with hangovers. In case of intoxication, it is recommended to use it along with alternative drugs.

And that's not all beneficial features. Don't forget also how useful this can be food supplement for domestic purposes. However, citric acid can harm the body. Fortunately, the disadvantages of using this substance are much less than the advantages.

What harm can citric acid cause to the body?

Experts do not recommend consuming citric acid in some cases. Or take it in strictly dosage.

  1. Heartburn. In this state, the body reacts very sharply to any acid, including citric acid.
  2. Ulcer. A very dangerous condition in which any irritation gastrointestinal tract can lead to disastrous consequences.

Many people note negative impact of this additive on tooth enamel. It is generally accepted that acid gradually corrodes it. Excessive consumption can lead to chipped teeth and tooth decay.

Allergy to citric acid is an extremely rare phenomenon, but still occurs in our time. In this case, its use is contraindicated. You will have to carefully monitor everything you eat, as many foods contain this substance.

The use of citric acid always involves small doses. Exceeding the dosage can result in gastrointestinal disorders, heartburn and even poisoning. Before you begin a citric acid cleanse or simple regular use, you should consult with a qualified professional.

Almost everything is useful in moderation. This rule also applies to citric acid.

What are the benefits and harms of citric acid? Citric acid is a tribasic hydroxycarboxylic acid, in the form of a crystalline white compound with sour taste, dissolves well in water and alcohol.

The substance is used in the preparation culinary dishes, for washing contaminated surfaces, in the cosmetics industry and for sterilizing jars.

How to get acid

For the first time, in the eighteenth century, this connection was discovered by a pharmaceutical worker from Sweden, Karl Scheele. The substance was extracted from unripe lemons. It contains salt and essential elements, which are called citrates. When heated, the acid breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. Can be easily mixed with various solutions, and does not threaten the surrounding environment when decomposed.

Initially, the lemon compound was obtained from citrus fruits, pine needles, beet juice, as well as the stems of tobacco plants. It is currently being synthesized artificially from special moldy fungi (penicillin, aspergillus) and sucrose ( cane sugar, molasses).

The toxicity of lemongrass is low, so it is added to food. What properties does the lemon compound have?

Properties and application

The properties of the acid have been studied in detail by scientists; the compound is rich in vitamins (C, E, A) and useful microelements(sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine). It has natural flavoring, preservative and antioxidant properties. The compound improves metabolism and helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body. Where else is this powder used?

Application of lemon:

  1. Add to flour products and other recipes to give a sweet and sour aftertaste.
  2. Used as food additives (E330, E333), as a useful preservative, acidity stabilizer, to increase shelf life.
  3. Indispensable for preserving vegetables and fruits. Reduces the acidity of alcohol and gives a delicate structure to meat dishes.
  4. Included in: all kinds of sauces, juices and canned food.
  5. Flavors soft drinks.
  6. Destroys harmful microorganisms, fungus and mold.
  7. Manufacture health cocktail(edible lemon, mint, lemon balm and ginger combined with 1.5 liters of water).
  8. Applicable in Food Industry, added to animal oils and vegetable fats.

Acid is widely used in medicine. Rinse your mouth and throat with a solution of lemon compound for: pain, soreness, severe bleeding gums and inflammatory processes oral cavity. Useful for caries prevention and breath freshening.

Edible citric acid is useful not only for human body, but also for other living beings and small organisms. What are the benefits of citric acid?

Beneficial features:

  • Cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  • Regulates stomach acidity.
  • Prevents the risk of atherosclerosis, helps cleanse blood channels of cholesterol plaques.
  • Increases the body's immune strength.
  • Fights cancer tumors.
  • Removes small stones and sand from the kidneys.
  • Used in cosmetology practice to whiten the skin from age spots.
  • Slows down skin aging processes. Lemon is dissolved in water and poured over with this concentrate. meat dishes, side dish, salad, appetizer, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Used for the treatment and prevention of gout.
  • Fights oily skin and enlarged pores like a facial lotion.

The solution is also useful for nails and teeth. In low concentration, it gently whitens yellowed areas of enamel and strengthens the surface of the nail. How is it used in living conditions?

The benefits of citric acid in everyday life

Almost every housewife has white lemon powder in her home. How is acid useful at home?

Benefits in everyday life:

  • Removes rusty deposits; just dissolve 30g of lemon juice in one liter of boiling water.
  • Possesses antibacterial properties, is able to destroy all harmful bacteria on kitchen and sanitary surfaces. Prepare a solution in a ratio of one to nine (lemon with water).
  • Softens water and is capable of forming foam (in soaps and detergents).
  • Relieves the symptoms of chronic, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, when used internally.
  • A solution of citric acid speeds up the digestion of food. Promotes gentle release of the intestines from harmful substances.
  • Extends the life of cut flowers. Addition small quantity powder into water will allow the flowers to last longer.
  • Capable of removing scale from household appliances. For high-quality disinfection of the washing machine, you need to put it on a long wash cycle, and add 100 g of acid to the powder compartment.
  • Improves hair condition, makes it soft and healthy.
  • Eliminates skin from acne, purulent pimples, blackheads and oily shine. It is recommended to add powder to face masks and during the wrapping procedure.
  • Leaves the bathtub surface shiny. Add seventy grams of crystals to a liter of boiled water, and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.
  • Strengthens the nail plate.
  • Cleans glass surfaces.
  • It cleans the bathroom well; for this, one hundred and eighty grams of powder are evenly distributed over the surface and left overnight.
  • Removes wine stains from fabric. The contaminated area is sprinkled with powder and extinguished with water.

Limonka fights hangover syndrome ( headache, tremor). Citric acid powder is dissolved in boiled water and drink, rapid decomposition of alcohol occurs and its elimination from the body accelerates.

Is it possible to drink citric acid? What properties does lemon drink have for the body?

Application of lemon juice solution:

  1. Cleanses the intestines and normalizes digestive processes. It is used as a means for weight loss, as it helps break down fat deposits. To do this, drink one glass of solution before meals.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the liver, stimulates and at the same time facilitates its work, and replenishes its structure.
  3. Reduces the level, useful for diabetics.
  4. Has a mild laxative and diuretic effect.
  5. It is used as a prophylactic against inflammation of vascular walls and prevents them from clogging with blood clots.
  6. Reduces pressure inside the skull.
  7. Used for inflammatory gum diseases.

By drinking warm water with citric acid ten minutes before meals, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxic compounds. Lemongrass benefits the bones of the body and reduces the risk of sprains and joint diseases.

Lemon solution can be added to tea to balance the acidity of food and add flavor to the drink. pleasant aroma. Can lemon juice harm the body?

Harm of citric acid to the body

Is poisoning with citric acid possible? Is it possible to eat citric acid?

The harm from lemon powder is much less than the benefits. The composition of the compound in high concentration is harmful to the health of tooth enamel, provokes its destruction and can lead to the formation of caries. May cause an allergic reaction.

It is contraindicated to drink lemon juice for people with peptic ulcers gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity. Pregnant women are also not recommended to consume the lemon compound, despite its benefits for the body. Lemon powder should not be ingested, pure form, and dissolved in liquid can be consumed no more than twice a week.

When working with lemon powder Protect your hands with gloves and keep the substance out of your eyes. If it penetrates mucous membranes, rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Video: about citric acid

It is difficult to find a housewife who does not have several bags of citric acid in stock. This is a universal substance that is widely used in cooking, especially during the preparation period. Citric acid not only enhances the taste of products, but also extends their shelf life, therefore this additive included in recipes for almost all methods of salting and pickling vegetables.

Some people mistakenly believe that citric acid comes from lemons. In fact, this is not true, although it is found in the pulp and juice of many fruits. Like anyone food product(in this case, a food additive), citric acid can benefit the body or, conversely, harm health, so it is important to know what properties the substance has and how to use it correctly.


For the liver

Not everyone knows that citric acid is an excellent cleanser for liver cells. After entering the body, the supplement stimulates the formation of bile, which removes toxins, poisons and others from the liver. harmful substances, accumulating in the organ and complicating its work.

Advice! To improve the functioning of the liver, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water in the morning (you can room temperature) with the addition of a pinch of citric acid. You can add a little honey or a few mint leaves to the drink - this composition will not only help cleanse the liver of toxins, but also improve your well-being, as well as give strength and increase performance.

For the pancreas

Lemon acid - excellent remedy for the prevention of hypoglycemic crises, as it perfectly binds sugars and helps regulate their amount in the blood. With regular use, you can significantly reduce the risk of glycemic spikes: to do this, you need to drink 50 ml of water mixed with a pinch of citric acid before each meal.

For weight loss

For those with a sweet tooth who are obese, the supplement will help control sugar cravings. This is especially important for people with carbohydrate metabolism disorders. If excess weight is the result of heavy consumption of sweets and baked goods, citric acid will help overcome addiction and regulate weight. In this case, you need to take it in the same way as for treating diabetes.

To fight a hangover

Citric acid is indispensable for hangover syndrome and consumption of increased doses of alcohol. One glass of water with the addition of citric acid works no worse than the advertised ones. medical supplies to eliminate intoxication caused by alcohol vapors. 10-15 minutes after consumption, a person experiences the following therapeutic effect:

  • headache decreases;
  • the gag reflex disappears;
  • nausea subsides;
  • general well-being improves.

Advice! If a feast with the consumption of “hot” drinks cannot be avoided, it is recommended to drink a glass half an hour before drinking alcohol. lemon water" This measure will help reduce the occurrence of intoxication and prevent the occurrence of hangover syndrome(provided that a certain measure will still be observed).

Other useful properties

This is not the entire list of beneficial properties that citric acid is rich in. Experts recommend using this supplement to combat certain chronic ailments. The product has the following beneficial properties:

  • cleanses the blood and blood vessels and arteries from bad cholesterol (prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques);
  • improves digestive processes;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • helps cleanse the skin of blackheads, pimples, boils and other purulent rashes;
  • increases the speed of metabolic processes;
  • has a moderate diuretic effect, helps get rid of edema;
  • stimulates intestinal motility;
  • destroys germs and bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • Helps maintain the elasticity of ligaments and tendons.

Advice! People suffering from bad breath are advised to rinse their mouth with a strong solution of citric acid (half a spoon in a glass of water). This procedure will help maintain fresh breath and improve the health of the oral cavity.

Despite all the beneficial properties, not everyone can use this supplement, since citric acid not only has beneficial properties, but can also cause significant harm to the body.

Harm and contraindications

Citric acid should not be consumed by persons with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers), as well as severe heartburn, since the supplement will only intensify the clinical symptoms of the disease. If there are lesions, ulcers and other inflammatory rashes in the oral cavity, it is better to avoid taking citric acid.

Some dentists believe that industrial citric acid negatively affects dental health and the condition of tooth enamel. To avoid tissue loosening, do not use citric acid-based products for more than 2-3 weeks in a row.

A small percentage of the world's population is allergic to citric acid, but this situation is extremely rare (less than 1% of cases).

Citric acid and cancer

Some doctors do not recommend using citric acid in cooking, as it is believed that this additive can provoke the growth of cancer cells and the formation of malignant tumors. Research on this topic is still being carried out, but so far there is no official confirmation of this theory. In any case, experts do not recommend consuming citric acid often or in large quantities. You should consult your physician before using any prescription to treat any medical condition.

Chemical composition

Citric acid is crystals white with a characteristic sour taste. The product is a natural antioxidant and is highly soluble in water-based liquids and ethyl alcohol. The calorie content of the supplement is almost zero - only 1 kcal per 100 g. Nutrients(proteins, carbohydrates, fats) are not included.

How to select and store?

When choosing a product, you should pay attention to the consistency and structure of the product. To do this, you need to take the bag of powder in your hands and carefully feel it. If there are lumps, it means the product was stored at high humidity. Great harm Such a supplement will not cause harm, but it will definitely not add any benefits to the body.

Citric acid should be stored in its original packaging within the expiration date indicated on the bag. Usually it is 12 months (product packaged in large bags can be stored for 2 years at air humidity of no more than 70%).

Use in everyday life

  • To remove scale and destroy molds and bacteria inside washing machine you need to run the wash with the maximum duration (usually the “Cotton” or “Antibacterial” modes) and add 2 heaped tablespoons of citric acid to the drum.
  • To remove wine stains from cotton fabrics, you can use a paste of citric acid and soda. To prepare it, you need to mix the substances in a 1:2 ratio and add a few drops of water. Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and leave for a few minutes, then wash the item as usual.
  • 10 g of citric acid will help remove scale from the surface of the kettle. You just need to pour the additive into a kettle of water and boil (you can do it 2-3 times). After the procedure, the kettle should be rinsed with cold water.
  • You can wash rust stains in a toilet or sink using the following solution: pour a liter of boiling water over a bag of citric acid and let it sit for 10 minutes. Pour generously over the rusty areas and leave for another 10 minutes, then wipe the surface with any cleaning agent. By the way, you can achieve a crystal white toilet bowl in another way: pour almost a whole glass of acid into the toilet bowl and leave it overnight. In the morning, wipe the surface and rinse with water.

Citric acid is a universal additive that can be used both in cooking and at home. To ensure its use is safe, you should consult a specialist about possible contraindications.

July 28, 2018

Citric acid is often used in the food industry and for household purposes. The benefits and harms of the E330 additive have recently interested many people. Some people mistakenly think that this acid is extracted from lemons, but this is not true. Although citric acid was first isolated from unripe lemons back in the Middle Ages.

What you need to know about citric acid?

Every person knows what citric acid looks like. Its benefits and harm to the body, unfortunately, are not known to all ordinary people, but this information should be known, since we use lemon juice every day at home.

For the first time, a Swedish scientist was able to extract citric acid. But it is extremely unprofitable to produce such a nutritional supplement from lemons; in this case, the cost of a lemon would be prohibitive. And as you know, this product has a relatively low cost.

On a note! Lemon is produced from foods containing sugar and certain mushrooms. Thus, a white crystalline powder is obtained.

The benefits of citric acid go far beyond household use. What housewives don’t do with the help of white crystals! They help remove scale from dishes, difficult stains from textiles, and even clean plumbing fixtures.

But citric acid E330 is also used in the food industry. The benefits and harms of such a product, as already mentioned, are little known, although experts have long ago thoroughly studied the properties of the food additive.

Thus, lemon has cleansing properties and helps remove accumulated toxic compounds, salt deposits and toxins from the body. Traditional healers are convinced that citric acid - effective remedy against the development of cancer pathologies.

It's time to discuss the beneficial properties and harms of citric acid for the human body, because this food additive is used in alternative medicine and cosmetology.

Beneficial features:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • cleansing blood vessels;
  • reducing the concentration of bad cholesterol;
  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • improvement of digestive processes;
  • normalization of kidney function;
  • prevention of urolithiasis;
  • beneficial effects on liver cells;
  • elimination of pigmentation;
  • prevention of caries;
  • cleansing the oral cavity;
  • elimination unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • promoting the liquefaction and removal of mucus from the bronchi;
  • elimination of symptoms of throat diseases.

Experts advise taking aqueous solutions with the addition of citric acid for a hangover. This drink will support the functioning of the liver, help it cope with toxins and eliminate specific symptoms quite quickly.

Important! The lemon juice solution should be prepared strictly in the prescribed proportions, otherwise you may get a burn to the mucous membrane.

People who are addicted to smoking often complain of yellowing of their teeth. To whiten enamel, you can use a lemon solution. Use a swab to wipe the teeth, but this must be done extremely carefully so as not to harm the tooth enamel.

Citric acid also has a positive effect on digestive tract. In the absence of contraindications, the food supplement does not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, but, on the contrary, cleanses the organ inside, removes food debris and promotes the breakdown of heavy foods.

Citric acid is also used in cooking as an acidity regulator. The harm and benefit to the body will be similar. Given that correct application lemons, you will be protected from the development of negative consequences.

On a note! Lemon is added to desserts, baked goods, salads, snacks and preserves to improve taste qualities prepared food.

Citric acid is also actively used in the cosmetology field. Representatives of the fair sex use it to prepare tonics that have whitening properties to get rid of annoying freckles or age spots. It is important to maintain the correct concentration and perform procedures with the permission of a specialist, otherwise you may get a tissue burn.

Citric acid is also widely popular in the household. In its pure form, crystalline powder is used to remove dirt from ceramic products, for example, sinks and toilets.

Citric acid is also a bleach that is used to remove old stains from clothing and home textiles.

On a note! Lemon copes well with wine stains. It needs to be applied to the stain, add a little water and leave. A chemical reaction will occur, and all you have to do is wash the item thoroughly.

When consuming aqueous solutions with an acid additive, an improvement in the condition of joint and bone tissue is observed.

At excessive consumption or without existing contraindications Citric acid vapors are very dangerous for humans. The harm when boiling citric acid solutions cannot be called significant, but it is better when household use lemons take all precautions.

List of contraindications:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • heartburn;
  • increased level of stomach acidity;
  • caries;
  • weakened tooth enamel;
  • allergic reactions.

After using solutions with added citric acid, experts advise rinsing oral cavity filtered water or herbal infusions to protect tooth enamel from destruction. In case of exacerbation of digestive ailments, such a supplement should be excluded from the diet so as not to aggravate the clinical picture of the disease.