Calming tea for children of all ages. What sedatives are suitable for infants

One of the most popular drinks for children is tea for infants. By including it in a child’s diet, you can successfully solve a number of problems with his health, ranging from vitamin deficiency and reduced immunity, to solving problems such as constipation or diarrhea. The menu for children under one year of age usually contains specific teas designed to combat colic and aimed at strengthening nervous system.

Why does a baby need tea?

For a long time, in pediatrics, the approach of supplementing the infant from three months was used. Now doctors advise not to get carried away with drinks for newborns and not to turn to them unless absolutely necessary. The exception is health problems in children (forms of diarrhea and constipation, high body temperature, nervous disorders, systematic painful attacks of colic). It is also necessary to give your baby water in hot weather to prevent dehydration (up to 6 months it is better to use plain water).

For children in the first year of life, teas are most often used for medicinal purposes. Regular black tea can have a stimulating effect on a baby's fragile body, causing him anxiety and insomnia. Green teas are less strong, but can provoke stool upset in a child.

Ingredients for children's tea

Herbal baby teas can cause allergies, so they must be introduced into the baby’s diet carefully, monitoring the baby’s reaction to new drink. Common ingredients for them include:

  • dill - seeds are used, such teas help with colic
  • fennel – has a mild laxative effect, promotes the release of gases in children under one year old, is effective in treating colic
  • cumin – relieves bloating, helps eliminate discomfort in the stomach, can be used to prevent colic
  • chamomile – has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract
  • linden – used as an antipyretic drug, has a pronounced calming effect; lime tea has a pleasant taste, so children like it
  • mint - used for colds, has a calming effect on children
  • raspberry – effective for colds, viral infections, used as vitamin drink(baby teas for babies up to one year old are prepared from raspberry leaves)

At what age can it be given?

Any herbal teas can be included in a baby’s diet after consultation with a pediatrician. The box of ready-made factory formulations must contain information about at what age a child can be given this mixture. When independently forming the composition for tea, you can rely on the following characteristics:

  • teas with fennel or dill - from one month of age
  • chamomile teas – from four months
  • drinks with lemon balm and mint - no earlier than 4 months
  • with leaves fruit trees and shrubs - from 6 months

You should not give your baby black or green tea. They contain a large number of caffeine that is not needed children's body in such doses. Flavored options are doubly unsuitable for a child's menu. They can cause a serious allergic reaction and aggravate the course of gastrointestinal diseases.

Medicinal teas for children

Tea for infants can be used as an addition to the main treatment. It is not advisable to replace exclusively with it a course of medications prescribed by a competent doctor. Children under one year old can be offered ready-made drinks from the range of well-known baby food manufacturers, while analyzing their composition and reviews of these products.

For colic

The best remedy Dill and fennel seeds are considered to relieve a child from painful colic. To prepare the drink you need 1 tbsp. Brew a glass of seeds boiling water and let it brew under a closed lid for about an hour. Then ready medicinal product strain, offer the baby a teaspoon (preferably before each feeding).

It is often used to relieve an attack of colic and have a sedative effect. To prepare it, just pour boiling water over the chamomile flowers and leave it like that for at least half an hour.

You should not prepare such a drink for steam bath, since in this case part useful substances will be lost from the plant. This tea can also be used to bathe a baby by adding it to the water. ABOUT chamomile tea reviews are laudatory. After it, a quick calming effect is observed, so it is worth giving it to the baby before bedtime.

When coughing

Cough in infants is a serious problem, the treatment of which requires consultation with a competent pediatrician. The following natural teas can be used at home to treat cough:

  • with lemon balm (effective for attacks of dry cough)
  • from elderberry (the plant is hypoallergenic, easily accepted by the body, should be used when treating a cough on an empty stomach)
  • from black currant leaves (the drink will help effectively get rid of a cough and enrich the child’s body with vitamin C)
  • a collection of anise, fennel, flax seeds, thyme and thyme herbs (the composition can be used for the treatment and prevention of cough in children from 10-12 months)

For a cold

The best choice when treating an incipient cold in a small child is linden infusion, which is discussed in pediatrics good feedback. It has antipyretic properties and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can also be used to treat cough.

Linden tea is prepared in the same way as all other herbal teas: pour boiling water over the dried flowers, let it brew and consume warm. For children from 6 months in fake drink you can add a little honey or fructose. And sugar syrup Doctors do not recommend giving it to children under 3 years of age.

For constipation

Treatment of constipation in newborns and infants of the first year of life is common. Gastrointestinal tract The child is just adapting to his new living conditions, so constipation is not uncommon. This is especially true for children during the introduction of complementary foods.

A laxative for constipation at home can be prepared from fennel, chamomile and thyme.

It is important to remember that black tea has a fixing effect, so if your baby is prone to constipation, this drink should not appear on his menu for as long as possible.

What is Kuril tea?

Kuril tea is an exotic drink, but incredibly healthy. Reviews about it wide range the applications are surprising. This tea is based on the herb of the same name, which grows in the Caucasus and mountainous regions of Asia (it is sometimes called bush cinquefoil). Kuril tea is used in the treatment of many diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis
  • flu
  • urolithiasis disease
  • nervous system disorders
  • gynecological problems
  • diseases of the bronchi (including for the treatment of cough)

Kuril tea can be used in the form of compresses for external use. It has good reviews as a drug that relieves peeling skin, allergic rashes, acne, eczema, and dermatitis. For cough treatment Kuril tea can also be used in the form of inhalations.

The drink is prepared in a specific way:

  1. the grass is poured with boiling water, which must be drained instantly (this is how the tea leaves are activated)
  2. the composition is filled again with water and boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath (you cannot cover it with a lid, because tea needs access to oxygen)
  3. When the drink has cooled completely, strain

For children, this drink is useful for strengthening the immune system.

Teas can and should be present in the diet of infants. With the right attitude towards these drinks, you can effectively strengthen your child’s health and help him cope with colic, constipation and colds. It's important to remember that medicinal herbs may cause allergies, therefore complex preparations for children under one year of age are contraindicated in most cases.

The life of an adult is filled with stress associated with work, household chores and family troubles. And even children often suffer from increased nervousness and excitability. There are many medications available to support the nervous system, but many people prefer to turn to folk medicine. The best way to combat stress is considered to be a soothing tea based on medicinal plants. The herbal composition can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

Effect of sedatives

By drinking tea that calms the nervous system, you can soon notice the following positive results:

  • resistance to stress increases;
  • aggression and irritability decreases;
  • inhibition processes in the nervous system are activated;
  • the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract is stabilized;
  • sleep and appetite are normalized;
  • unmotivated anxiety disappears;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is restored, sweating is reduced;
  • body cells are saturated with vitamins and minerals;
  • general condition improves and immunity increases.

Such teas can be single-component or complex. According to doctors, sedative preparations that include two or more components are considered the best.

Attention! Before purchasing a drink with a sedative effect at a pharmacy, you should carefully read the list of contraindications. In some situations, seemingly harmless herbs can cause serious damage to health.

Indications for use of soothing tea

Soothing herbal teas based on various plants are used in the presence of the following conditions:

  • neuroses and neurasthenia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased excitability and irritability;
  • severe anxiety for no apparent reason;
  • hypertension;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • menopause.

Did you know? Calming drinks are also recommended for people forced to follow a strict diet. Since any restriction is stressful for the body, sedatives will minimize the feeling of discomfort.

There are cases when you cannot drink herbal tea. A ban on the use of these drinks is imposed if there is an individual intolerance to the components or if there are contraindications to certain herbs due to health problems.

Soothing herbal tea in a pharmacy for children

When purchasing soothing tea for children, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the drink.

Every baby needs sound and complete sleep; thanks to a quality night's rest, the child will be healthy, feel good and develop normally. Children are often very active during the day, they explore the world, play various games, frolic, all this can lead to excessive excitement and even stress. To calm your child and normalize his night's rest, you can use soothing tea for children before bed. However, it is important for parents to know in what cases it can be given, from what age, what herbs are best to use and how to brew them.

When should you give a soothing herbal tea?

In young years nervous system The child’s brain is not yet fully developed, so children are often overexcited and stressed; they have not yet had time to adapt to new life circumstances. The use of children's tea has various purposes. For example, for children under one year old it is used to:

  • relieve excitability and reduce moodiness;
  • normalize sleep so that the child sleeps soundly, does not wake up, does not have bad dreams, and is not restless during the night's rest;
  • reduce the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • eliminate inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • improve the digestion process, protect the child from bloating, colic, flatulence, and other problems;
  • speed up adaptation to new, unfamiliar living conditions.

Moreover, it is calming children's tea made from natural herbs helps reduce irritability and help the baby better digest new food. Older children can be given herbal tea if they often experience:

  • nervousness,
  • whims,
  • hysterics,
  • disturbing dream,
  • unreasonable fears.

You can also give a soothing herbal drink when it is difficult for a child to adapt to a long time at school, kindergarten, or if the baby is often and very excited. For teenagers, such drinks are also useful, especially during adolescence, when active changes in hormonal levels begin.

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At what age is it safe to use

In the pharmacy today you can see a wide variety of soothing children's teas and sedative drinks that have different composition, made either from one component or from a collection of various herbs. The packaging or instructions must indicate the age at which this product can be used. There may be the following age categories:

  • infants under four months of age. The product is suitable only for newborns, most often it contains fennel without any additives; it calms the child’s nervous system and has a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • from four months to one year;
  • from 1 to 2 years;
  • from 3 to 5 years;
  • from 6 to 7 years.

If a woman is breastfeeding, then for the health of the child and his calm, the mother can drink a herbal decoction, the components of which will enter the breast milk. Experts recommend drinking the decoction half an hour before feeding.

Before purchasing any herbal mixture at the pharmacy, it is important to make sure that it does not contain any chemical additives and dyes that may be harmful to the health of the child. For all ages of children you need to buy teas only from natural ingredients: flowers, fruits, seeds and herbs of various plants.

How to use it correctly

Children's tea should be purchased only after consulting a doctor. If the doctor determines that the little one needs such a drink, it is necessary to give it to the baby.

You need to drink the herbal decoction regularly, every day, thanks to this the best result will be achieved. Herbal drinks tend to accumulate in the body, so the maximum impact will be in the case of daily use. Before putting the baby in the crib, he needs to be given a drink.

When parents start giving their baby a soothing drink, the following rules must be followed:

  • consider age restrictions specified in the instructions;
  • give for the first time minimum dose decoction, gradually increase the dosage in subsequent times. Thanks to this, it is possible to determine whether the child is allergic to the composition used;
  • adhere to the recommended dosage. For children under one year of age, the dosage should not be more than 100 grams per day.

The pediatrician must prescribe a course of treatment, usually it is 2-4 weeks. You should not skip doses; it is important to give the drink systematically before putting the baby to bed.

Recipes for brewing calming herbs at home

Some parents prefer to buy soothing baby formulas from finished form. However, you can make your own drinks at home from natural ingredients. Most popular recipes are the following:

  1. In equal proportions, add lemon balm and linden, a tablespoon at a time, add five tablespoons of chamomile flowers, mix the ingredients and boil in a steam bath. When the broth has cooled, you need to give it to your baby a tablespoon a quarter of an hour before bedtime.
  2. Mix one tablespoon of hop inflorescences and two tablespoons of valerian root and mint leaves. Take two tablespoons of this mixture, pour 400 grams of boiling water over them and leave for about 20 minutes. Then the drink needs to be strained and cooled, after which the baby should be given a tablespoon three times a day for 3 days.
  3. Mix in the same amount Brew linden inflorescences and rose hips in a water bath. When the broth has cooled, add a few drops lemon juice. This drink is good for the child’s health, normalizing sleep and filling the little body with vitamins. You can give it to your baby during the day and before bedtime.

Decoctions of soothing herbs can not only be consumed, but added to bathing water. Thanks to such baths, the child will relax, enjoy himself and fall asleep faster. You can use different herbal teas.

Characteristics and benefits of different herbs

Each herb has its own beneficial features, here is a list of the most common ones that can be used for children:

  • chamomile. It has a soothing, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces intestinal spasms and colic, chamomile decoction is used to rinse the mouth so that no infections develop;
  • series. This product has antiallergic and bactericidal characteristics. You can make decoctions and baths from it, rubbing in succession those places on the skin where rashes, irritations and diaper rash have appeared;
  • thyme. Has an antiseptic, disinfectant and soothing effect. Can be added to bath water, thanks to which the baby will relax, sleep well and soundly;
  • sage. This herb is often used to make a soothing tea for children. Sage eliminates colic in the intestines; a decoction of this herb can treat wounds and even thrush.
  • valerian. Most often it is added to bathtubs. It relieves excessive excitement well, calms the child’s nervous system and cures insomnia;
  • motherwort. This plant calms, reduces tension, and also has antispasmodic, sedative and hypotensive characteristics;
  • Linden. The inflorescences of this tree are often used as a relaxing and antipyretic drink. Linden decoction reduces nervousness and anxious feelings;
  • fennel. It can be given to babies to drink immediately after birth. It calms well, reduces spasms and flatulence, and has antimicrobial properties;
  • calendula. It cannot be taken internally, it is used to add to bathing water and for external skin treatment, it has antibacterial characteristics;
  • Melissa. The leaves of this herb improve sleep and have a calming effect;
  • plantain. Normalizes the nervous system, relieves tension, heals wounds.

At first, it is advisable not to give your baby a herbal mixture; at first it is advisable to brew only one plant, and over time add other components. Thanks to this, you can avoid an allergic reaction, and if it occurs, it will be easy to understand what the baby is allergic to.

What to consider when choosing

You should not choose a sedative for your child at your own discretion; you must follow the pediatrician’s recommendation. Only a qualified doctor can determine the state of the nervous system, how severely the sleep is disturbed, how many days the course of treatment should last, and the doctor will also prescribe the dosage of the composition.

It is imperative to take into account age restrictions so as not to harm the health of the baby. The wrong drink can aggravate your health, cause irritability and restlessness.

For prevention, a one-ingredient baby sleep tea is usually prescribed, and in case of a serious disorder, the drink may contain many natural ingredients.

It is important to give your child tea for good night from a trusted manufacturer with a good reputation. The pediatrician knows which products are of high quality and safe for children, so he must prescribe the appropriate drug.

To calm the active activity of the child’s nervous system, relax muscles and normalize sleep, parents use soothing teas for babies. Their composition can be single-component or complex, including several types of herbs.

Cases when you need to give a sedative

Nervousness and anxiety in a baby can be caused by both external stimuli and internal reasons.

External factors

All (most) are absolutely clear and timely identified:

  • cold;
  • darkness;
  • dampness;

Internal reasons

A list of symptoms that parents simply may not see in a newborn and correctly recognize:

  • hunger;
  • headache;
  • colic in the abdomen;
  • overwork, feeling tired;
  • ear pain.

If external causes are easy to identify, then internal ones will be much more difficult, because understanding what exactly is bothering the baby is not at all easy. It is important to closely monitor the child, monitor his well-being and daily routine..

In the first months of a baby’s life, frequent abdominal pain caused by colic and dysbacteriosis may occur. Children may also suffer from insomnia or poor sleep.

Nervousness and anxiety are explained by an incompletely formed nervous system.

For these and other symptoms, effective and effective means are teas and herbal infusions. The action of which has a calming effect and can eliminate many problems that cause anxiety among parents.

Before using such preparations, consultation with a pediatrician is strongly recommended. You can prepare teas yourself or buy them at a pharmacy. They are sold packaged in sachets in the required proportions; parents just need to fill the drink with water.

Illness is not always the cause of a child's crying.

And newborns may be required if there are some symptoms and complaints about the baby’s condition, namely:

  1. stress and tantrums for no reason;
  2. sleep disturbance, anxiety;
  3. tearfulness, moodiness and increased excitability.

Doctors strongly advise not to get carried away with teas for babies and use them only when necessary..

An exception may be health problems, namely diarrhea, constipation, nervousness, stress, elevated temperature body, colic, etc. Also, sedatives for babies can be used in addition to the main treatment.

3 types of safe sedatives for children

Doctors note that The best and most effective soothing agent for a baby is the mother's breast.(we talk about it in this article). Babies under one year old have a very developed sucking reflex, so if this need is not met, they cry. You can also try a pacifier to help, which will help your baby calm down and sleep longer.

Kravtsova I.I., pediatrician, clinic “ Healthy child”, Omsk

In case of severe nervous disorder, the baby can be prescribed ready-made homeopathic preparations.

The most commonly used: Notta, Edas, Dormikid, etc. If we talk about the usual ones medicines, then up to a year the child is given Pantogam, Phenibut, Glycine, etc.

Self-medication can have an extremely negative impact on the child’s health. Before starting to take any drug, you must consult a doctor!

There are safe sedatives that help your baby relax and get ready for a long night's sleep. It is worth noting the following:

Most often, parents give preference to herbal teas and infusions, since they have vegetable origin and are considered the safest for the newborn’s body. The drugs have more soft action, have less side effects and can be used from the first days (as prescribed by a doctor).

Lebedeva L.A., neurologist, Life Clinic Medical Center, Krasnodar

Sedatives for newborns are used as a medicine, and not to quench thirst or provide an additional source of vitamins.

Fees in the correct dosage, unlike medical supplies, have only a positive effect on the body.

Natural herbs contain useful components, and the range of their beneficial effects is quite wide. They are easy to prepare and store for a long time.

A sedative for infants can be purchased at any pharmacy. About, What will help a nursing mother calm down?, can be read. The drink can be packaged in bags or in granular form. The effect of such teas is expressed to varying degrees, depending on the composition. Choose the right one the right tea Only a pediatrician can.

9 miracle herbs that make up sedatives

Soothing teas for infants, so you need to introduce them into the child’s diet carefully, observing the body’s reaction and general condition.

The most common ingredients used to prepare the drink are the following:

  • chamomile – calming effect, beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mint – has a calming effect, also used for colds;
  • – the seeds are good for colic;
  • series - bactericidal and antiallergic effect;
  • linden - thanks good taste, kids like it the most. Has a sedative effect, also used for high temperature, as an antipyretic;
  • calendula – improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, fights thrush, inflammation of the spleen, and general nervousness;
  • raspberries - a vitamin drink to strengthen the immune system, effective against colds and viral infections;
  • fennel – used for colic, helps relieve gas, has a mild laxative effect;
  • cumin - good for colic, bloating and abdominal discomfort.
Herbal tea should be the same temperature as formula or breast milk

Calming tea for newborns can be added to the diet only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Manufacturer finished products Be sure to indicate on the box information about the age at which you can take the drink.

If you are preparing the collection yourself, you should consider the following recommendations:

  1. tea with dill or fennel – from 1 month;
  2. chamomile infusion – from 4 months;
  3. lemon balm and mint - no earlier than 4 months;
  4. teas from the leaves of bushes and fruit trees - from 6 months.

Flavored teas are also not good option , as they can cause allergies and gastrointestinal problems in the baby.

Pharmacy fees that every mother should take note of





price, rub.

HippMelissa, chamomile, Linden blossom, dextrose1 sachet per 100 ml of water - give during. day.For children over 4 months, with sleep disturbances, calming effect276
Humana Fenchel Tee mit KummelFennel, dill oil, cumin, lactose, maltodextrin1 tsp 100 ml of water is poured in heaped. Give during day.Used from 2 weeks, for gas formation and discomfort in the intestines62
Baby VitaFennel, dextrose Suitable for babies from the 1st week, if prescribed by a doctor.

Stimulates appetite, eliminates colic, gas, constipation.

Has a mild expectorant effect

Fleur AlpineChamomileFrom 1 month – up to 50 ml/dayAnti-inflammatory, calming effect, reduction of flatulence, elimination of colic and spasms237
Grandma's basketPeppermint100-200 ml/dayAnalgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms, has a calming effect81

When choosing tea for babies Special attention you should pay attention to the age at which this or that collection can be given.

3 simple recipes for making a calming drink at home

In order to relieve excess excitability, normalize behavior and gently adjust the regime of hyperactive children, parents can prepare soothing tea for infants on their own.

We present several recipes available useful herbs, which have a positive effect on the baby’s body and condition.

Camomile tea

At home you can prepare at least healthy tea

An affordable and simple remedy that can be used from birth.

The dosage is calculated based on the child’s age and ranges from 1 tsp. 0.5 stack. in a day.

Prepared in the following proportions:

2 tbsp. dry flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. After cooling, you can give it to your baby.

This drink will not only calm the child and give him healthy sleep, but will also protect him from infections and various types of viruses. It is also effective to use with the addition of honey, but only in the absence of an allergic reaction.

Fennel seed tea

To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1-2 tsp. seeds, which can be bought at the pharmacy, and pour 1 cup. boiling water After the composition has cooled, it can be strained and given to the baby. It will also be very useful for the mother during breastfeeding.

Complex collection of lemon balm, chamomile and mint

Sedative for infants at night or during the day. To prepare the decoction, all herbs are taken in equal quantities. Then 2 tbsp. 1 cup of composition is poured. boiling water and infuse for 15 minutes.

After cooling and straining, the tea is ready to drink. The action of the drink is aimed at relaxing the nervous system and muscles, also gives a calming effect and promotes healthy sleep.

At self-collection herbs must be collected in environmentally friendly areas. It can also be purchased dried in pharmacies.


Nature is the best healer and assistant in treatment various diseases. Natural herbs have beneficial effects and provide positive effect both on fragile children's and adult bodies.

U sedatives for infants, regardless of the herbal mixture, should be prescribed by a doctor who knows everything about the condition and health of the child, so he can correctly and competently select the right composition.

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Even a healthy baby may need a sedative. Pediatricians recommend using herbal mixtures for children, which you can buy at the pharmacy or make yourself. Herbal teas will help normalize sleep and relieve nervous overexcitation caused by external irritants. Some types of teas have an anti-inflammatory effect and a sedative effect in the treatment of diseases.

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    Calming herbs

    Decoctions and drinks with a sedative effect consist of one plant or several components. Used to improve taste and aroma natural fruits and berries. Most often, tea consists of the following ingredients:

    1. 1. Chamomile has a soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for children of all ages.
    2. 2. Linden flowers are recommended for use as a sedative at night for children from birth. An infusion brewed from linden is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent for ARVI.
    3. 3. Fennel is recommended for children to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It eliminates colic and promotes the passage of gases. Doctors recommend using this tea after feeding and before bed from the first days of life.
    4. 4. Peppermint helps improve digestion in a child and has a mild hypnotic effect.
    5. 5. Lemon balm relieves stress, calms, has pleasant aroma and taste.

    Soothing tea for infants should not only be effective and gentle on the child’s body, but also safe. Even pharmaceutical mixtures intended for adults should not be used. The composition, dosage of herbs and methods of use for children vary depending on age and purpose of use. Parents can buy herbal infusions at the pharmacy or prepare them themselves from prepared raw materials.

    Before using any sedative for children, consultation with a doctor is required.

    Pharmacy teas

    Pediatricians advise not to get carried away with compiling medicinal fees on one's own. For a small child, the quality of the raw materials from which the product is made and the exact dosage are important. At the pharmacy you can choose a ready-made herbal preparation suitable for your baby.

    Soothing teas are sold in bulk form, and are also available packaged in filter bags. If you follow the instructions for use, it is easy to prepare a drink for your baby.

    "Granny's Basket"

    Children's teas under the Babushkino Lukoshko brand are produced Russian company from high-quality plant materials without added sugar or other ingredients. The package contains 20 filter bags of 1 g each and is accompanied by detailed instructions on preparing and drinking drinks.


    1. 1. « Mint » contains only mint leaf. Recommended for children aged three months and older.
    2. 2. “Calming” consists of lemon balm leaves, thyme and fennel seed. Recommended for children over 5 months as a sedative before bed. Relieves spasms during flatulence and colic in babies.
    3. 3. Rosehip » made from crushed rose hips containing a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Has a mild calming effect. Replenishes vitamin deficiency. Helps normalize heart function. Strengthens immunity. Suitable for children over four months.
    4. 4. “Chamomile” contains crushed chamomile flowers. Recommended as a soothing drink before bed for children from 1 month. Has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Children's granulated teas HIPP

    The Swiss company HIPP produces baby food And various drinks. Herbal HIPP teas designed for children with early age. Unlike the Russian analogue, they are produced not only in the form of dry raw materials, packaged in filter bags, but also in the form of granulated instant teas. Does not contain sugar. Most products contain dextrose and natural flavors.


    1. 1. “Linden blossom with lemon balm” granulated tea is made on the basis of extracts of linden, lemon balm and chamomile. To prepare the drink, just dissolve 1 teaspoon of granules in 100 g hot water. The child can be given the prepared drink warm or cold. Has a mild calming effect.
    2. 2. "Children's" chamomile tea» granular preparation based on chamomile extract. Contains dextrose. Used as a mild sedative at night in children from four months.
    3. 3. “Organic children's chamomile tea” is made from plant materials without preservatives. Does not contain sugar. Sold in filter bags with individual packaging. The manufacturer recommends using the drink for children from 1 month of age as a mild sedative and anti-inflammatory agent.

    "Evening Tale"

    For babies older than six months, many parents recommend paying attention to Herb tea"Evening Tale" Russian production. Complex multi-component composition: lavender, mint, anise, fennel. The product is made from high-quality raw materials grown in ecologically clean areas.

    Using tea for babies solves several problems at once. Thanks to its composition, tea relieves nervous tension in a child, improves digestion, and replenishes the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. Has a hypoallergenic effect.

    Using teas for your baby to drink instead of water is not recommended. Herbal remedies should be used in courses on the recommendation of a pediatrician.