Smart cake in a slow cooker. Multicooker cake recipes

An original and delicious cake will decorate any holiday table. To please the most distinguished sweet tooth, you can order cakes at the Coffee&Waffles confectionery. Or take on the matter yourself. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for chocolate cake that can be prepared in a slow cooker. Baking in a slow cooker requires less time, frees you from constant monitoring of the process, and it turns out very tasty. It's simple and...


Very festive and original pastries. This cake will decorate the table, both festive and everyday. Preparing such a treat is not at all difficult, especially considering that it takes literally an hour to bake a zebra cake in a slow cooker. Ingredients: 4 eggs; a glass of sugar; 500 ml sour cream; 100 grams of butter; a spoonful of soda, quenched with vinegar; 350-400 grams of flour; vanillin; cocoa 3-5 spoons...


A very interesting and even unusual cake that can be easily prepared using a slow cooker. However, it is very tasty and perfect for evening tea or breakfast. Here is a simple recipe for carrot cake in a slow cooker. Ingredients: 500 grams of carrots; three spoons of honey; a glass of sugar; three eggs; 200 grams of butter; two glasses of flour (you may need a little more); bag...


Cake is a dish that almost everyone loves, but its long cooking time is a little upsetting, but this delicacy is eaten in a matter of minutes, even on a holiday or on a weekday. Honey cake is easy to prepare in a slow cooker. A multicooker will save time on baking, because you will have to cook not just one cake at a time, but all at once. It's both faster and more convenient.…


It's no secret that a multicooker greatly simplifies the cooking process, especially when it comes to baking. It turns out not only airy and tasty, but also does not burn, as when baking in a conventional oven. We offer you a recipe for making a delicious and aromatic pancho cake in a slow cooker. Ingredients for the dough: six raw eggs; two glasses of sugar; 3-4 spoons of cocoa; a pinch of soda; two…


Prague is a very tasty and truly festive cake; in Soviet times, almost every housewife made it - it was the height of culinary excellence. Prague cake in a slow cooker is easy to prepare and even a novice cook can do it. Ingredients for the cakes: 300 grams of flour; spoon of cocoa; a small spoon of soda; ½ can of condensed milk, not boiled; a glass of sour cream; a glass of sugar; a couple of eggs...


A slow cooker reduces the cooking time of many dishes by almost half, or even more. This is especially true for baking cake layers, because there is no need to monitor them. And the sour cream cake in a slow cooker, which we will prepare today, is no exception. Since the maximum temperature of 180 degrees is excellent for preparing sponge cakes, and if you take into account that...


A wonderful and satisfying start to the day is a liver cake cooked in a slow cooker. Even if you are not a fan of liver, this savory “dessert” will definitely please your taste. It cooks very quickly, and most importantly, it does not require much effort or a long stay at the stove, which working women will appreciate. The most important thing is that such a delicious snack liver cake can be prepared in a slow cooker...

Cake in a slow cooker - for some this sounds absurd. What other recipes for multicooker cakes can there be? Maybe bake a biscuit there. As if it were such a small thing to bake a good biscuit. While flipping through my favorite culinary blogs, I recently noticed that new recipes often include a note that the cake layers are prepared in a slow cooker. I tried making custard in a slow cooker and it turned out just great. Nothing burns, no need to jump around the pan. The multicooker can hold heat evenly and calmly.

A recipe for lovers of chocolate baked goods with a minimum amount of fat. Biscuit dough with vegetable oil and chocolate soaking instead of traditional cream.

Not too sweet, delicate in taste, carrot-almond cake always turns out the way you expect it to get if you bake it in a slow cooker. The aroma of almonds lifts your spirits, and the pleasure of nut cake cannot be expressed in words, it must be felt.

To prepare an unusual cake in a slow cooker, you don’t have to be sophisticated when choosing a recipe. It is enough to take the most ordinary sponge cake and the condensed milk cream familiar from childhood and add Japanese matcha green tea to them. As a result, you will get not only a tasty, but also healthy cake in a trendy olive color.

When I first tried this cake, I couldn’t help but exclaim: “Oh, it’s royal!” This is where its name came from. I am sure that any king would like such a cake: airy sponge cake, light cream, sweet pears, chocolate icing, cookie and nut topping. Yes, I know it sounds a little breathtaking :))) The good news is that for those who have already dealt with sponge cake and cream, there is nothing particularly difficult about making this cake. In a slow cooker, any biscuit turns out perfect.

If you want to bake a sponge cake and are wondering whether to bake it in the oven or in a slow cooker, give preference to the latter. You will be surprised how easy it is to bake biscuits in it. The honey cake turns out excellent. Give it a try.

A nostalgic cake from Soviet times is easy and simple to bake in a slow cooker. The sponge cake without baking powder and soda turns out very fluffy. Preparing the cream and glaze is also easy.

One of the very simple recipes for making a cake in a slow cooker. This produces something similar to... "Black Forest". Chocolate, cherry, sour cream.

A complex and capricious cake to prepare, which housewives sometimes don’t dare bake for many years, is surprisingly easy to prepare in a slow cooker. The recipe does not use cream cheese, which is not available on sale everywhere.

This cake is so named because it tastes like it is very well soaked in buttercream. Although it is baked in one cake layer and there is no need to whip up any cream for it. When baking in a slow cooker, be sure to check the cake for doneness. Since the cake turns out moist, but should not be raw :)

If you are wondering which recipe to choose for your first baking experience in a slow cooker, feel free to take this recipe. I managed to bake this cake in a slow cooker, which doesn’t even have a “Baking” program. As a bonus, I’ll share with you the secret of how to make a deliciously delicious cake without any experience in cutting cakes evenly. Once you master this simple confectionery technique, you can use it for any biscuit baking.

A fun multicooker cake recipe for advanced cooks. Lots of ingredients, subtle combination of spices. This cake is good to put on the festive table at Christmas.

If you master this recipe for a traditional cheese cake in a slow cooker, cheesecake, you won’t even notice how you’ll start baking these cheesecakes for holidays and weekends. Not only is the ease of preparation impressive, but also the price of the cake. In a cafe, a piece will cost more.

A sponge cake baked using a slow cooker and soaked in delicate sour cream is an always welcome dessert that is incredibly easy to prepare. We present to your attention a step-by-step recipe.

Do you want to prepare a delicious and simple cake for tea without using an oven? Why not leave the most important part of the job to a modern slow cooker? I cook sponge cake in a Redmond multicooker. With this miracle technique you can bake a great cake without much effort or time. The taste of the cake seduces with its extraordinary tenderness, because the soft fluffy cakes are soaked in sour cream and complemented with chocolate glaze.

This recipe will certainly appeal to you also because it consists of a minimum of available products. You just need to prepare it, and the matter will remain small.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: baking in a multicooker Redmond 4502.

Total cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Number of servings: 4 .



  • sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • flour – 1 tbsp.
  • eggs – 4 pcs.


  • sour cream – 400 ml
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.

Glaze and syrup:

  • chocolate – 100 g
  • vegetable oil (refined) – 2 tbsp. l.
  • water for syrup – 100 g
  • sugar for syrup – 100 g
  • confectionery topping for decoration.

Cooking method

  1. We start preparing the cake by preparing the layers. Beat 4 eggs into a mixer container.
  2. Beat the eggs until foamy.

  3. Add granulated sugar and continue beating until you get a thick light mass, doubled in size.

  4. Beat eggs and sugar thoroughly. This entire process should take about 10 minutes. Then the mass will turn out really airy.

  5. Remove the mixer and take a spatula. With its help we will mix in the flour. To do this, sift it and add it in parts to the egg-sugar mixture. Knead from bottom to top, but not for long, so that the biscuit dough remains airy.

  6. The finished dough forms a beautiful ribbon. It is moderately thick and airy.

  7. The multicooker bowl should be greased with butter. Place the dough into it. Turn on the “Baking” mode; cooking time 50 minutes. Close the lid and wait for the end of cooking.

  8. When the signal sounds, you need to open the multicooker lid and remove the bowl.

  9. Using a steamer basket, remove the finished biscuit from the bowl. Let it cool.
    When the cake has cooled completely, cut it into two pieces lengthwise with a sharp thin knife.

  10. Now let's prepare the sour cream. Beat sour cream with sugar. The cream is ready.
    You still need to make syrup. To do this, mix water and sugar 1:1 (100 g each) and bring to a boil. Let the syrup cool. You can add food flavoring to the cold syrup. I always use rum or cognac in the amount of 2 drops. Just need to immediately drip onto a spoon, and not into a container with syrup, so as not to spoil it.

  11. Let's start assembling the cake. Place the first cake on a plate. Place cut side up. Soak in ½ syrup. Or you can use a little more than half the syrup for the first layer, leaving less for the second.

  12. Generously coat the cake with sour cream.

  13. Now lay out the second cake layer and repeat the steps: first the syrup, then the sour cream.

  14. Coat the entire surface of the cake and sides with cream.

  15. You can put the cake in the refrigerator for now and make chocolate glaze. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the melted chocolate. Mix thoroughly.

  16. Pour chocolate glaze over our simple sponge cake prepared in a slow cooker.
    Sprinkle the top with confectionery sprinkles or other decorations, such as coconut flakes or pieces of colored jelly. Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak for at least two hours.

  17. As you can see, this is a very simple slow cooker cake recipe. I hope you like it. Enjoy your tea.

Note to the owner:

  • Instead of sugar syrup, you can use liquid jam to soak sponge cakes.
  • The cake will turn out even tastier if you sprinkle finely chopped walnuts between the layers.
  • Butter cream or custard is also suitable for soaking a sponge cake.

How to cook a cake in a multicooker Polaris, Philips, Supra, Panasonic, Moulinex, Redmond, Scarlet, Vitek, March and other models , so that it is tasty, fluffy and tender like a biscuit, and so that less time is spent on its production. We also offer recipes for making cakes for a multicooker - , , , which meet these requirements ( not expensive).

How to cook a cake in a slow cooker. Step-by-step recipe for making a quick cake in 15 minutes

Ingredients for the cake:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • sour cream – 200 gr;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • sugar – 1 mt. cup;
  • flour.

For cream:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • condensed milk - ½ can.

Melt the butter. It should be very soft, but not liquid. Place sour cream, eggs, sugar, softened butter in a deep bowl. Beat the dough base thoroughly with a mixer.

Separately, extinguish the baking soda with lemon juice in a glass. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of water and a teaspoon of soda. Stir quickly. Add the resulting foam to the dough base. Beat the mixture well with a mixer.

If you have candied lemon in a jar, take a tablespoon of syrup, mix with a tablespoon of water and add soda. Next, it remains to add flour. You need so much of it that the dough resembles thick sour cream. When stirring, there should be a trace left by the spoon. If desired, add a tablespoon of cocoa to the dough. Place the finished cake dough into a pan. Close the lid.

Which mode (function) to choose, which program to cook the cake in the multicooker and how much.

Turn on the “Bake/Pie/Cupcake” mode. Install baking time for 65 minutes. While the cake is cooking in the slow cooker, prepare the cream. To do this, beat the softened butter. Add cold condensed milk in small portions. Beat until a thick white cream forms.

Cut the cooled finished torus cake into two circles. Coat the bottom of the cake with cream. Cover the cake with the top layer. Place cream on it. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top. Place the cake in the refrigerator for one hour. Read how to cook a cake in a slow cooker using other recipes on our website. We recommend using butter with a fat content of at least 82%.

Cake in a slow cooker cooking video

Sponge cake

A simple step-by-step recipe for a delicious sponge cake in a slow cooker. How to cook chocolate, honey, nut and chiffon sponge cake in a slow cooker.

1 hour 30 minutes

300 kcal

5/5 (1)

One of the fastest and most hassle-free quick baking recipes is a tender and delicious sponge cake, which is quite easy to prepare step by step at home. The cake layers do not need to be rolled out and baked separately - in fact, it is a very tasty large sponge cake. It is enough to make the dough correctly once and you can consider that the cake is ready. And it’s enough to try it once to want to bake it again.

There are several rules for successfully preparing a biscuit

  • The eggs to be used for the sponge cake should be at room temperature. They should be removed from the refrigerator in advance.
  • The flour must be sifted several times so that it is well enriched with oxygen.
  • Add all additives to the dough, including flour, only after the eggs are well beaten. And do this with smooth movements using a wooden or silicone spatula.
  • If sponge cakes are baked in several stages, the remaining dough should be kept in the refrigerator. Before use, beat it well and “raise” it again.
  • When baking a biscuit almost until the end of the process, do not allow cold air to enter. He might fall.
  • The finished biscuit must cool completely and rest for at least two hours. It is better to prepare the sponge cake in advance.
  • You can divide the sponge cake into layers only when it has cooled completely.

Biscuit cream is suitable absolutely any. If it is jelly cream or cream soufflé, then the cake layers are quickly soaked in regular or fruit syrup before applying the cream. You can even add rum, cognac or liqueur.

The biscuit is baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker. The cake prepared in it usually turns out more magnificent, tall and no unevenness on top.

I very often spoil my family with sponge cakes cooked in a slow cooker. It really helps in the summer when you don’t want to turn on the oven. In addition, you can bake a biscuit in a multicooker without interrupting other activities.

I offer you my recipe, according to which I prepare a simple but very tasty sponge cake. I’ll also tell you what other biscuits you can prepare in a slow cooker.

Classic sponge cake

To prepare it we will need:

Kitchen appliances and utensils:

Preparing a biscuit

To do this you need:

  • 250 g of premium flour;
  • chicken eggs 5 pcs.;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • vanilla sugar one tsp.

Cream with condensed milk

For this we take:

  • 35% cream 400 ml;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • condensed milk 200 g.
  • vanilla sugar one tsp.

Video recipe for making biscuits in a slow cooker

You can learn more about how to cook a classic biscuit in a slow cooker by watching the video:

Biscuit options for a multicooker

Chocolate sponge cake with cocoa

Required Products:

  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • chicken eggs 5 pcs.;
  • 150 g flour;
  • dry cocoa 80 g (4 tbsp).

Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, whipping container, multicooker, silicone or wooden spatula.
Number of servings: for one cake.
Time: 1,5 hour.

Try making “Sponge cake with sour cream” with this sponge cake.

Chocolate sponge cake in boiling water

Required Products:

  • 2 multi-cups granulated sugar;
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.;
  • one tbsp. milk;
  • 80 ml plant. oils;
  • one tbsp. boiling water;
  • 2 multi-cups flour;
  • dry cocoa 6 full tbsp. l.;
  • vanilla optional.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, whipping container, multicooker, silicone or wooden spatula.
Time: 1,5 hour.

Fruit chiffon sponge cake in a slow cooker

Required Products:

  • 250 g granulated sugar;
  • chicken eggs 3 pcs.;
  • 200 ml juice with pulp;
  • 100 ml plant. oils;
  • 250 g flour (sifted);
  • 1.5 tsp each soda and baking powder.
  • vanilla sugar 5 g.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: mixer, whipping container, multicooker, silicone or wooden spatula.
Time: 1,5 hour.

This biscuit will be very tasty.

Video recipe for making chiffon sponge cake

I suggest watching the video for a simple recipe for chiffon sponge cake: