How to salt pike caviar at home. How to salt pike caviar - salt at home

How to salt pike caviar? - this question is asked by those who purchased caviar in a fish store or became the happy recipient of a pike full of caviar. The main rule for salting the caviar of predatory fish at home is to keep the product in salt for at least 2–3 days. You cannot beat fish eggs on the first day, unless the eggs have been frozen for a week! To eliminate the smell of mud from finished caviar, use table vinegar or lemon juice. By the way, it is the acid that gives the caviar a brighter and more appetizing color.


  • 200 g pike caviar
  • 1.5 tsp. salt without top
  • 1 tsp. 9% vinegar or lemon juice
  • 70 ml odorless vegetable oil
  • 2–3 stalks green onions


1. Wash the caviar purchased or extracted from pike thoroughly.

2. Remove all films and large vessels from the eggs, leaving only whole eggs, which we place in a deep container. Pour in 9% or 6% vinegar or lemon juice and mix the caviar thoroughly so that the acid is distributed throughout the product.

3. Add salt and mix everything thoroughly again. There is no need to add a lot of salt, as the delicacy will be over-salted after whipping. There is no need to add any other spices so as not to interrupt the taste of the dish.

4. Cover the container with a bag or seal it with a lid and place it in the cold for 2-3 days.

5. After the specified time, transfer the salted caviar to the bowl of a blender or food processor. If you beat it with a mixer, then place it in a deep container with high sides so as not to splash everything around.

6. Beat the caviar at high speed for about 5 minutes until the eggs burst and it turns white. At this moment, begin to pour in the vegetable oil in a thin stream, without stopping whisking. Let's add all the oil, thanks to it the caviar will become denser, glossier, and acquire the density of mayonnaise.

Pike caviar has long been considered a desirable treat, not inferior even to exquisite delicacies. It is very tasty and healthy for the body.

Pike caviar, with a relatively low calorie content - 87 kcal per 100 grams of product, is a source of microelements, including the rarest. The microelements contained in caviar are of organic origin and the human body easily absorbs them without energy consumption for the breakdown and absorption of substances. Pike caviar boasts vitamin A and Omega-3 content. Caviar is high in vitamin E, which removes toxins, and vitamin D, which protects and strengthens bones.

Pike caviar contains an abundance of microelements, such as:

sulfur, chlorine, chromium, fluorine, zinc, copper, manganese, sodium, nickel, potassium.

Properly prepared caviar at home is a healthy and healing product. You can harm them only if you consume it in excessive quantities. And it is not advisable to give caviar to children under three years of age, since they are still on a dairy diet. And a child’s body at this age is not yet familiar with all the elements, has not learned to digest and break them down, so there may be ambiguous manifestations. And so its consumption is shown to everyone - it is very tasty and nutritious. But caviar is a perishable product and in order to preserve this delicacy, the caviar should be salted. You can cope with this task yourself at home.

Preparing caviar

When starting this activity, you need to remove your hair, and it is better to put on a robe or apron. The pike is washed under running water. The caviar must be prepared correctly; you cannot just scoop it out with a spoon. You need to dry the washed pike with a napkin. Then carefully cut the fish and remove the bags of caviar. Then rinse the bags and, making a cut at the edge, remove the caviar from them. You need to carefully ensure that no pieces of film get into the eggs. Salting experts recommend rubbing the caviar through an enamel colander with large holes. Only enameled ones are suitable, not aluminum or plastic - their sharp cuts on the edges of the holes will cut and ruin the eggs. The next step is to rinse the caviar with boiling water. There are two ways to do this. The first is to place the caviar, cleared of film, into a colander with small holes and rinse with boiling water. The second method is to pour water into a saucepan or basin, add salt and bring to a boil. Then the fire is turned off, and the caviar, cleared of bags, is dipped into boiling water. Stir and rinse so that there are no lumps, place in a sieve or fine-grained colander and rinse with cold water.

Salting with boiling water

A quick method of salting caviar saves time and effort. Pour water into an enamel pan, preferably without chips. You need to take three times more water than the amount of caviar being processed. Add allspice black pepper, bay leaf, coriander, and salt to the water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Pour the cleared and washed caviar into the broth while it is still hot and through a strainer, so as to avoid peas and other spices. Stir and leave for 15-20 minutes. Next, you need to put the caviar in a colander and let all the liquid drain, taste the caviar for salt and if there is not enough, then add fine-grained, high-quality grinding. If you added additional salt, do not be lazy to stir again and completely dissolve the salt. The cooled caviar is placed in glass jars and covered with a thick foam rubber lid. This caviar can be stored for a month.

Note: if you overcooked the caviar or it seemed a bit dry, a little vegetable oil – a few drops – wouldn’t hurt. This will make it crumbly, shiny, and protect it from loss of moisture and sticking.

Quick salting

Sometimes at a family holiday or meeting with friends, you want to surprise with home-cured caviar. But what should those who didn’t have time to pickle caviar a couple of months ago do?

Pike caviar can be prepared at home without hassle and, most importantly, quickly.

Recipe one

Thoroughly rinse the pre-cleaned caviar. Allow excess water to drain and place the eggs in an enamel (without chips) or glass container. Choose a bowl with a wide neck; you will need to thoroughly beat the eggs. Add finely ground salt, approximately two tablespoons per 600g. caviar. Add seven to ten drops of vegetable oil and beat for 20 minutes with a spatula or fork. You need to be careful not to squeeze the eggs on the sides of the dish. Next, we put the caviar in a glass container with a lid and put it in a cold place for 4-5 days, after which it will be ready for consumption.

Second version of the recipe

If time is short, and it is desirable to bring caviar to the table today or tomorrow, then this method will save the situation. It will take more time to cook, but the caviar itself will be ready for the table in a few hours. Place the caviar in bags into a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it, stir for 10-15 minutes over low heat, then drain in a colander and pour cold water over the caviar. We remove films. Drain the water and fill it with new, clean water. We arm ourselves with a fork and thoroughly beat the caviar under water - the goal is to get rid of the remaining chaff and make the caviar itself crumbly, free of mucus. We rinse it three or four more times or under running water, the main thing is that there is no film or chaff left. Now let the water drain, wait half an hour until the caviar dries in a colander, and put it in a bowl, add salt, add three drops of vegetable oil, stir carefully and thoroughly - you need to completely dissolve the salt. Place in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours, after which the delicacy is ready to eat.

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Since ancient times, pike caviar has been considered a delicacy in Rus'. When properly salted, it becomes crumbly and acquires a magical amber color. Large pike eggs look especially beautiful on freshly baked pancakes, and their taste is excellent, without any foreign odors.

Pike caviar is more dietary than red or black. It is not so fatty, but you will get your portion of vitamins and beneficial microelements in full. So beauties who watch their figure should pay close attention to it. And today we will learn how to cook pike caviar at home. Believe me, it's very simple!

How to cook pike caviar quickly?

We put water on the stove - the volume is 3 times more than caviar. Bring to a boil, add salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter and remove from heat. We wait until the brine cools down to 80 degrees, no higher, otherwise the caviar will be cooked and not sterilized. Add caviar passed through a meat grinder (don’t be afraid, not a single caviar will be harmed, but all the films will be removed). Mix and wait. 10 minutes for lightly salted caviar, which can be consumed immediately, 15 for longer storage (up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator).

Please note that after a while the caviar will seem less salty to you, since all the salt will leave the surface inside the eggs, so we are not afraid to overdo it. Place the caviar on a sieve and let it drain. That’s it, it’s completely ready for use.

And one last thing. Fresh caviar can be sprinkled with lemon juice; it perfectly removes the slight smell of dampness and mud. You shouldn’t add lemon to the same one that you save for future use - it will turn sour and the eggs will stick together.

How to cook delicious pike caviar?


  • pike caviar – 250 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, vinegar - to taste.


We clean the pike caviar from the films, place it in a sieve and pour boiling water over it. The main thing is not to overdo it. Half a glass of boiling water goes for 1 kg of caviar. This way we disinfect it and the remaining mucus coagulates. We rinse the caviar with cold running water, transfer it to a jar, tie the neck with gauze and turn the jar upside down. Leave it like this for about an hour to remove excess liquid. Then season the pike caviar with finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, oil and seasoning. And we serve this luxurious appetizer to the table - everything is very quick and simple!

How to properly cook pike caviar?


  • pike caviar – 500 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. spoons.


We gut freshly caught pike, carefully removing the bags of caviar. We wash them and remove them, freeing the eggs from the films. Add salt and begin to beat with a fork, removing the remaining films. This process will take 15-20 minutes. White foam should appear on the surface. When the salt has completely dissolved, pour in 2/3 of the oil, mix and place in small jars (it’s convenient to use baby food containers).

On top, about the size of a finger, pour a layer of oil on the caviar, close with lids and put in the refrigerator for 5 days. After this caviar can be consumed within a period of time. This is how they do it correctly. Coat a fresh loaf with a layer of butter, and place a couple of spoons of pike caviar on top. It’s hard to even imagine a tastier snack!

How to cook dried fish roe?

Place the bags in an enamel bowl, generously sprinkle with coarse salt, cover with a weighted plate and place in the refrigerator for 4 days. Afterwards we wash it and hang it out to dry for a week. As a result, we get an excellent “delicacy” for those who understand a lot about it!


Half a kilo of pike caviar
200 g white bread
vegetable oil
2 large onions
a glass of milk
ground pepper
salt to taste
150 g tomato sauce (you can use less, depending on your taste)

How to cook pike caviar casserole:

    Peel the onion, wash it, chop it, fry it until golden brown. Soak the bread in cold milk.

    Pass the caviar, bread and onion through a meat grinder, add sauce, pepper and salt, a little breadcrumbs, and mix.

    Grease a saucepan with oil, place the resulting mass in it, sprinkle everything with breadcrumbs, and sprinkle with oil.

    Preheat the oven to 180°C, place a frying pan in it, and bake for about 20 minutes. As a side dish for this casserole, offer fried or boiled potatoes.

Pike caviar cutlets


600 g caviar
2 eggs
some flour
vegetable oil for frying

How to cook cutlets from pike caviar:

    Peel the caviar from films, add salt and pepper, add eggs. Add a few tablespoons of flour and stir.

    Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the minced meat using a spoon, fry the cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

Fish dishes - recipes from the chef. Watch the video!..

Salad with pike caviar “Yaroslavna”


200 g ham
the same amount of beef and pickled cucumbers
2 eggs
150 g caviar
2 large tomatoes
mayonnaise for dressing
dill and parsley

How to prepare salad with pike caviar “Yaroslavna”:

    Boil the beef in salted water, cool, cut into strips. Cut the cucumbers and ham in the same way.

    Place everything in a flat salad bowl, add 100 g of caviar. Season everything with mayonnaise, mix, give the salad the appearance of a slide.

    Sprinkle grated eggs on top and place the remaining caviar in the center. Cut the tomatoes into slices, place them around the salad, and garnish with sprigs of herbs.

Salted caviar

1 kg caviar
non-iodized salt to taste

How to cook salted pike caviar:

    Place caviar in a bowl, fill everything with very hot water. This must be done in order to get rid of the possible smell of mud.

    Take a mixer with a whisk and beat everything at low speed. The film in which the caviar was located will remain on the corolla, but the eggs will remain intact.

    Place everything in a saucepan, rinse under running water, remove small films that rise to the surface of the liquid.

    Drain the water, you will see that the caviar has become similar to millet in both size and color. Throw everything onto cheesecloth and hang it so that all the moisture drains away.

    After 20 minutes, transfer the product to a container, add fine salt, and stir. Lightly salted caviar is especially tasty, but it does not last long.

    Place everything in the refrigerator for 6-7 hours. Salted caviar is ready.

    Caviar is served to the table in a special caviar bowl, always with a silver spoon. It’s interesting, but it is silver that helps to experience the full taste of this product.

    If you wish, you can dream up. Add the required amount of butter, chopped dill to the finished caviar, mix everything with a mixer. You will get wonderful caviar oil, which can be consumed by spreading it on a piece of fried bread.

Pike caviar can be classified as a delicacy, which in its beneficial qualities is not inferior to the known types of sturgeon caviar. But its difference is that it is more affordable, especially during pike spawning. So, today we will tell you how to cook pike caviar at home, tasty and quick.

The usual method of preparing pike caviar is salting or pasteurization. Salting is a very simple and affordable way of processing. To do this, just add salt to the caviar in a proportion of 2-3% of the amount of caviar, and let it sit for a couple of days. If you serve this product in a beautiful special bowl, add chopped onion and season it all with sour cream, then pike caviar will be an excellent appetizer at any feast.

What is needed for salting caviar

To successfully salt pike caviar, it is first washed in a large amount of water. Salt should be fine. It is best to use sea salt for these purposes, as it makes the caviar transparent.

How to extract caviar from pike?

The fish is first washed well and freed from entrails. The bags filled with caviar, called yastyki, are carefully removed. Before salting, caviar is freed from the eggs, cleaned of film, blood and anything that is not caviar. You can carry out the cleaning procedure using several simple procedures:

  • The yastyki can be scrolled in a meat grinder. But this method has its pitfalls. The film from the joints is sometimes simply wound around the screw of the meat grinder; it will have to be disassembled and cleaned. It may happen that the film is crushed into small pieces, which will subsequently need to be removed for a long time.
  • Connoisseurs sometimes use a mixer to quickly extract caviar. With this method, the film remains on the blade of the device, from where it cannot be removed.
  • You can use a grater to extract eggs. The yastiki are rubbed on the largest holes of the grater, the films themselves remain in the hands and are thrown away.
  • Rubbing the bags through a sieve gives the same result.
  • There is another fairly simple but effective method. For it you need to prepare a fork, a colander and a lot of water. All available bags are placed in a basin, the volume of which is three times larger than the caviar placed in it. Then the basin is filled with boiling water. Gently stir the contents of the bowl with a fork for about 5 minutes. During this time, the films will dissolve and rise to the top. Remove any floating films with a spoon and drain the boiling water. The bowl with caviar is then filled with cold water, mixed and the water is drained again. This manipulation is repeated many times, sometimes up to 15, until all the films are washed and the water becomes clearer.

Then, after cleaning the caviar, it should be passed through cheesecloth. The gauze is laid in several layers and placed at the bottom of a colander. The piece of gauze should be large enough to accommodate the entire caviar. Next, pour in water with caviar and wait until the water flows out. The gauze with caviar is wrapped and carefully squeezed out. After this, the caviar is ready for further processing. It is very important that there are no side inclusions left in it.

Recipes for preparing pike caviar at home

  1. Salting method. Remove caviar from films and other inclusions and add salt to it. You should take 10 g of salt per glass of product. Then the salted product is transferred to a separate container and a small amount of vegetable oil is added. The container is placed in a cool place overnight, but not in a refrigerator. The product can be consumed in the morning.
  2. A quick way to pickle sandwiches. The caviar bags are washed. Fill the pan with water with added salt and heat it to boiling water. Then the container is removed from the heat and the bags are lowered into it. The contents are stirred without interruption. The films will dissolve after a certain period of time, the caviar is passed through a sieve and placed in a jar into which a small amount of vegetable oil is poured. Do not seal the jar, the caviar may “suffocate”. The product processed in this way is stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Drying. The dried product is a good addition to beer. The caviar in the yastyk is rolled in salt, placed in an enamel bowl, and a weight is placed on top. The vessel with caviar is placed in the refrigerator compartment. After 3-5 days, the bags are washed and then dried for about 5-7 days. Dried caviar is ready.
  4. Fried caviar. The yastyki are washed, rolled in salted flour and fried in a frying pan with sunflower oil. Fry the bag on each side for about 5 minutes. The dish turns out appetizing and very tasty.

Useful properties of caviar

  • Caviar is a product that is very useful for women. Women persistently struggle with excess weight throughout their lives, undertaking all kinds of restrictions and diets. This causes the body to lack many nutrients. Pike caviar, being a low-calorie product, will enrich the body with useful substances and will not increase weight during a diet.
  • Pike caviar contains omega 3 acid. It has the ability to block the development of cancer cells, so caviar is a good preventative against cancer. In addition, omega 3 is included in many cosmetic creams that are recommended against skin aging and for its rejuvenation.
  • Like any other, pike caviar is rich in iodine. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Caviar is a few of the foods that can bring iodine into our body.
  • Another component contained in pike caviar is vitamin A. It helps maintain human immunity at a high level. In addition, vitamin A is good for the eyes.
  • Pike caviar, due to the fact that it contains vitamin E, helps remove toxins from the body at the cellular level.
  • The human body can obtain vitamin D only through sunlight or fish products. Caviar is rich in this vitamin, which strengthens bones and skin cells. Since childhood, we remember the taste of fish oil, which saturated the body with vitamin D. It can be replaced with pike caviar, even for a small child.
  • The benefits of pike caviar are undeniable for those people who suffer from low hemoglobin. It improves blood quality.