Fluffy pancakes made with soda and kefir, just like my grandmother’s. Thick pancakes on kefir like grandma's Pancakes like grandma's on kefir

I learned to bake pancakes when I was still a clumsy schoolboy. They turned out much better than my pancakes. And it was much more fun to cook them. This is real magic: the dough grows and breathes, and the liquid substance bubbles and turns into a small circle of the sun. Beauty!

Since school days, the recipe for pancakes has remained unchanged, family, grandmother. When everything is perfect and you don’t want to change anything.

for 6 servings

Milk - 700 gr
Sugar - 3 tbsp
Salt - 1/2 tsp
Butter - 150 gr
Eggs - 3 pcs
Flour - 460 gr
Dry yeast - 8 g

I heat the milk on the stove to room temperature, dissolve salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar in it. Melt the butter and mix with milk.

Add 2 yolks and flour to the milk mixture. Mix well with a whisk.

Separately, beat 2 egg whites until foamy. I add it to the dough.

In a separate bowl, mix 1 egg, a spoonful of sugar and 8 grams of dry yeast. I add the yeast mixture to the dough. I stir.

Time for magic. I cover the bowl with the dough with a damp towel and leave it to rise in a warm place.

My oven is a warm place. I heat it up to 30 degrees. I turn it off. I put a glass of water in the oven to create not only a warm, but also a humid environment - yeast loves this climate. And so I send the dough to rest in such “spirited Sochi”. For 1 hour.

After an hour, the dough will bubble and rise. I knead it with a spoon so that the yeast does not relax and continues to work. I put it back in the oven to finish. After 15 minutes I repeat the procedure of kneading the dough. Thus, the dough should rise three times and we should knead it three times.

After the third kneading, the pancakes can be baked. I heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan. I spoon out small pancakes. My ideal size is 7-9 cm in diameter.

I fry the pancakes over medium heat. I turn it over when the surface bubbles well.

Grandma's pancake recipe is one of the most successful and beloved in our country. No overseas pancakes can compete with it yet, because “pancakes like grandma’s” are the taste of childhood, memories of preschool years and just a wonderful dessert. Grandma's pancakes are prepared from simple ingredients available to everyone: kefir, egg, soda, salt, flour and sugar. This is what makes this recipe so wonderful, because most often all these ingredients are available in the housewife’s kitchen, and there is no need to buy anything else.

Thick kefir pancakes

It will take you 5-10 minutes to prepare the dough and you will have to wait 20 minutes for the dough to sit. Only after this can you start frying grandma’s pancakes.


  • Kefir - 500 ml;
  • Flour - 2.5 cups;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Break one egg into a large bowl and beat it with a whisk.

Add 500 ml of heated kefir to it. It is very important that the kefir is heated, otherwise the pancakes will not turn out fluffy and airy.

Add two tablespoons of sugar, one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of soda to the dough.

Kefir will instantly react with soda, as you can see in the photo above.

Now gradually add two and a half cups of wheat flour to the dough. I sift it using a special sieve so that there are no lumps in the dough.

The dough is ready, now you need to leave it to stand for twenty minutes. If you start frying right away, the pancakes will not turn out as fluffy.

We will fry the pancakes in vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan.

We will spread the pancakes with a spoon. The fire must be strong enough.

Fry the pancakes on both sides.

They bake very quickly and rise well in the pan. If desired, you can also add raisins, washed and pre-soaked in water, to the dough. Here whoever likes it. I love pancakes without raisins.

These are the fluffy grandma’s pancakes we got. You can serve them with condensed milk, jam or preserves. Excellent breakfast and dessert for tea! Bon appetit!

A wonderful start to the morning - tender pancakes with milk, just like grandma's. This kind of baking in a frying pan turns out to be very light, fluffy, and airy. The taste of these crumpets is rich and refined. Their aroma is reminiscent of the best moments from childhood, when you didn’t have to get up early in the morning on weekends and you had to wake up not from the ringing of your parents’ alarm clock, but from the amazing smell of pancakes that only your beloved grandmother knew how to bake. Why not return at least for a moment to those happy times and bake delicious donuts for yourself and your loved ones?

Cooking time – 25 minutes.

Number of servings – 6.


To bake tender and amazingly tasty pancakes in a frying pan according to your grandmother’s recipe, you will need the most accessible ingredients:

  • fresh milk – 1.5 tbsp;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • premium flour – ½ tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • baking soda, quenched with vinegar – ½ tsp;
  • salt – 1 pinch.

How to make tender pancakes with milk, like grandma's

It’s quite possible to bake endlessly tender and amazingly aromatic milk pancakes in a frying pan, like grandma’s. The main thing is to know the right recipe. Use the proposed instructions with step-by-step photos, and this option will surely become your family’s favorite. Your family will thank you more than once for a hearty and tasty breakfast or a delicious snack.

  1. The first step is to break the eggs into a bowl. You will need to pour granulated sugar into a bowl. The mixture is diluted with salt.

  1. You need to beat the mixture just a little with a whisk.

  1. Slightly warmed milk is poured into the mixture. Stir everything again with a whisk.

  1. In several passes, in small batches, you will need to add pre-sifted flour into the composition. You should not add the entire amount specified in the recipe at once, so as not to make the dough too steep and dense.

  1. Now you need to extinguish the baking soda with vinegar. The solution is also poured into our mixture onto the pancakes. It is also recommended to dilute the dough with vegetable oil at this stage - you only need one tablespoon. Once again, everything is carefully mixed so that the mass becomes homogeneous.

  1. When the dough is ready, you can immediately start frying. This is the beauty of such a test, which does not need to infuse and “rest”. Vegetable oil is poured into the frying pan. When it warms up, pour the dough into it with a large spoon.

  1. Maintaining moderate heat, you will need to fry the pancakes on both sides. In the process, the dough will become more fluffy and airy. Don't be afraid - it will rise, which will allow our pancakes to become fluffy.

  1. The finished baked goods are transferred to a paper sheet (napkin or towel) to get rid of excess oil.

This is how delicious our dumplings turn out. Such tender milk pancakes, like grandma’s, are good right out of the heat, when their crust is especially crispy.

Video recipe

The video recipe below will allow you to bake amazingly tender pancakes in a frying pan yourself without unnecessary difficulties:

Every housewife makes sure that the breakfasts prepared for the family are varied, tasty, healthy and nutritious. All this can be combined in one dish. Our grandmothers managed to do a lot: they saw everyone off to work and school, they managed to prepare food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They knew how to prepare breakfast quickly and make it very tasty. Grandma's pancakes are still popular today.

    • Ingredients

“Grandma’s” pancakes with cinnamon

Every grandmother has many recipes in her arsenal that help her prepare dishes that evoke admiration and awe. Sometimes even the simplest dishes can bring back a sea of ​​memories and nostalgia. Delicious pancakes are always associated with home warmth and comfort.

Pancakes with the addition of cinnamon are very tasty and incredibly aromatic.

Pancakes for breakfast can be prepared with milk or kefir, and if you don’t have them, plain water will do.

Pancakes are good for breakfast. This is a light dish that, thanks to a small number of ingredients, is easily digestible, does not oversaturate and energizes. You can knead the dough in less than 10 minutes.


In order for the pancakes to turn out fluffy, beautiful and tasty, the ingredients for their preparation must be fresh. It is important that the flour is of high quality, otherwise the dough may turn out unsuccessful and will spread and stick.

Ingredients for pancakes:

  • Flour – 200 gr.;
  • Cinnamon – 5 gr.;
  • Soda – 2.5 g;
  • Egg – 2 pcs.;
  • Kefir – 150 ml;
  • Sugar – 15 gr.;
  • Vanilla – 1 teaspoon;
  • Powdered sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt – a pinch.
  • For frying in a frying pan you will need vegetable oil. Its quantity depends on the recipe and type of dough, as well as the personal preferences of the cook.

    Apple pancakes with kefir, like grandma's

    The best recipe for apple pancakes is simple, but the baked goods turn out airy, juicy and very tasty. The secret is to add a large number of apples to the pancakes, then the dough will become a tasty “shell” for them, which will retain all the juice and healthy elements. These pancakes will give you energy for the whole day.

    To make the pancakes even more healthy, you can add one or two pinches of bran to the dough.

    The pancakes will be fluffy if you fry them in a very hot frying pan, over low heat and covered. Pancake dough can be prepared using dry yeast or a special baking powder. Following the advice of experienced housewives, you can prepare pancakes that will win the hearts of all household members.

    How to make apple fritters:

  • Wash, peel and peel six large apples.
  • Cut the apples into large slices, like charlotte.
  • In a bowl, mix 500 ml of kefir or whey, a small spoon of baking soda and baking soda. Everything needs to be mixed so that all the sugar grains dissolve.
  • Add 400 g to the mixture. flour and vanillin (optional). The flour should be thick.
  • Apples are added to the flour. If they release a lot of juice, you will need to add a little more flour to the mixture.
  • The frying pan must be preheated.
  • Pancakes with apples need to be fried over low heat, as the apples need to bake. For frying, you can use vegetable oil or butter. You should avoid a large amount of oil - it is harmful and can ruin the taste of the pancakes.

    Lush pancakes: grandma's recipe

    Many housewives have different opinions on preparing the dough. Some people like to cook pancakes with yeast, others use baking powder, and some just get by with kefir and soda. In any case, each housewife has her own cooking secret.

    There are many recipes for making pancakes - you can only choose your favorite through experimentation.

    A recipe using kefir without yeast will allow you to prepare pancakes without a yeasty smell. And the baked goods themselves will be fluffy and soft. By following the recipe, you can prepare pancakes that will retain their fluffiness even the next day, unless, of course, they are eaten earlier.

    In order to prepare fluffy pancakes, you can add baking soda, baking powder or yeast to the dough.

    Recipe for fluffy pancakes:

  • Mix warm kefir, salt, sugar and egg. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Add soda and flour. It is important to wait until the soda reacts with kefir.
  • Let the dough sit for half an hour.
  • Once the dough has risen, it should not be stirred. To fry pancakes, you need to take the dough from the edge, very carefully so that it does not fall. Pancakes are fried over medium heat on both sides.

    Delicious pancakes, like grandma's (video)

    Our grandmothers' recipes will help you prepare delicious pancakes for breakfast. It’s good that modern housewives can pass on these wonderful recipes to future generations. Pancakes are traditionally eaten for breakfast. This is a light meal that helps give you energy. At the same time, this dish evokes comfort and warmth. It is simple to prepare, but it is important to follow the recipe, as the dough requires special care. You can cook pancakes with kefir, milk, yogurt, and even plain water. They can be salty or sweet. And they are traditionally served with sour cream, honey or jam.

    Pancake recipe like grandma's (photo)

    Add ingredients to a pre-prepared container, including kefir, flour, soda, eggs and sugar to taste.

    Be sure to add a small amount of sunflower oil to the dough and mix everything thoroughly

    Gently place the pancakes in a heated frying pan with sunflower oil using a tablespoon.

    Fry the pancakes on each side for about a minute until golden brown.

    It is better to serve hot pancakes with sour cream or honey. Bon appetit!

    Perfect for breakfast!


    ● 250 ml. kefir (you can use yogurt)
    ● 1 egg
    ● 2 tbsp. Sahara
    ● 2 tbsp. melted butter
    ● 150 g flour
    ● 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
    ● ¼ tsp. salt
    ● ¼ tsp. soda
    ● 1 tsp. baking powder

    1. In a bowl, whisk the egg, sugar and vanilla sugar.
    2. Heat kefir or yogurt a little and pour into the egg mixture.
    Add melted butter, stir.
    3. Mix flour with soda, salt and baking powder, sift it and add to the liquid mass.
    Mix dry and liquid ingredients with a spoon using quick movements. The most important thing is not to knead the dough (that’s the whole point!), but only to combine the ingredients. The dough will be lumps, this is how it should be, don’t be alarmed, the lumps will disperse during baking. Leave the dough for 5-7 minutes.
    The dough should be thick (like thick sour cream); it should not flow from the spoon into the pan, but should fall in one lump.
    4. Heat the frying pan well, add vegetable oil and turn the heat to the lowest setting on your stove. Place a tablespoon of dough onto the pan, leaving space between the pancakes.
    5. Carefully turn the pancakes over and fry on the other side. Fry over low heat!
    6. Transfer the finished pancakes to a plate, let cool slightly and serve.
    7. Serve pancakes with honey, jam, berry sauce or sour cream. They are delicious just like that, they don’t fall off at all, and on the second day they remain just as soft and fluffy.


    ● Flour - 481g (2 tbsp. 250 ml each)
    ● Water - 481g (2 tbsp. 250 ml each minus 2 tbsp.)
    ● Fresh yeast (raw) - 14g (do not replace dry yeast!!!)
    ● Sugar - 17g (about 1 heaped tablespoon)
    ● Salt - 6g (about 0.5 tsp)
    ● Egg - 23g (I had a large egg - I had to beat it separately and pour out 1/3)

    1. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water - let it sit for a while, then add the egg, salt and gradually add the sifted flour - mix with a spatula, or better yet, with a fork (you can’t do it with your hands - the dough is liquid), then cover the dough with a lid or cling film and put it in warm place for 2 hours - the dough should rise and bubble.
    2. Then in a heated frying pan with vegetable matter. spread 1 tbsp of oil. dough - fry on both sides until golden brown over medium heat.
    3. Serve hot pancakes with plums. butter or apple jam.


    ● Eggs - 4 pcs.
    ● Sugar - 1 tbsp.
    ● Flour - 1 tbsp.
    ● Blackcurrant (I used frozen) - 1 tbsp.
    ● Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
    ● Vanillin to taste

    1. Lightly roll the prepared, washed and dried berries in flour or starch.
    2. Separate the yolks from the whites.
    3. Beat the whites into a strong foam.
    4. Mash the yolks with sugar until white.
    5. Pour the yolk mixture into the whites in a thin stream, whisking with a mixer.
    6. Mix flour with vanilla, sift through a sieve and add to the mixture in portions, carefully stirring all the time in one direction so as not to crush the protein foam.
    7. Add the berries and mix gently again.
    8. Fry like regular pancakes in a frying pan with vegetable oil, preferably covered and over low heat.


    ● 500 g kefir
    ● 1 egg
    ● 350 g flour
    ● 2 tbsp. Sahara
    ● 1/2 tsp. salt
    ● 1/2 tsp. soda
    ● 150 g vegetable oil for frying

    1. Pour kefir, egg into a bowl, add sugar and salt. Mixed flour and soda. Pour flour and soda into kefir. Use a whisk to knead the dough until smooth. I left it to ripen for 20 minutes.
    2. Heat up a frying pan with a thick bottom and pour in sunflower oil to a height of 0.5 cm.
    3. The fire under the pan is very important. On my electric stove, I preheated it to 9. Then I switched it to 6. I took the dough with a tablespoon and removed it with a second spoon.
    4. The oil does not sizzle or burn at all, the pancakes fry slowly. When the top is inflated you can turn it over. I find it convenient to use two forks, or a spatula with a fork.
    5. Somehow I wasn’t even ready for such a stunning view.
    6. I turned it over to look at the other side, but there is no need to do this, they are already slowly fried beautifully.
    7. Sometimes, when the oil cooled slightly, I turned the heat on to 7, and then, when the oil began to bubble slightly, I returned the heat to 6 again.
    8. I have a large frying pan, and I could fit 7 pieces on it.
    9. They don't blur and turn over easily. They are incredibly beautiful, with a skirt along the edge, 2 cm in height and as airy as a feather.
    And how delicious!


    ● Kefir – 0.5 l,
    ● Wheat flour – 350 g,
    ● Egg – 1 pc.,
    ● Sugar – 3 tablespoons,
    ● Salt – 0.5 teaspoons,
    ● Soda – 1 teaspoon,
    ● Vegetable oil for frying.
    ● Kefir pancakes

    1. To prepare pancakes, all ingredients must be at room temperature.
    2. Mix flour, sugar, salt and soda in one bowl. Break the egg into another bowl, pour in the kefir and mix well with a whisk.
    3. Pour the dry ingredients into the liquid ingredients and mix with a whisk until you obtain a thick, homogeneous dough.
    4. Heat the frying pan and grease it with oil. Bake the pancakes immediately after preparing the dough. If you have a Teflon or ceramic frying pan, add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough before cooking, in this case you no longer need to grease the frying pan with oil, the pancakes will not stick.
    5. Serve pancakes with sour cream, honey, jam.