Cake “Rotten stump. Rotten stump cake: recipes with photos The most delicious rotten stump recipe

To prepare this cake, we will need to bake 7 rolls with different fillings. From this amount of ingredients you will get: 2 rolls with poppy seeds, 2 with walnuts, 2 with cherries and 1 roll with prunes. You can change this composition based on your taste preferences (you have 7 rolls at your disposal, and decide for yourself how many). Prunes and cherries add sourness, while poppy seeds and nuts add sweetness.

Prepare the dough. In a container, mix the egg with sugar, add sour cream, then baking powder. Next, start adding flour in small portions. You will need from 400 to 500g (depending on the consistency of sour cream and the size of the egg). In any case, pour in portions - not all at once.

As soon as the dough begins to stick to your hands, it is ready. Cover with a lid or film and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Steam the poppy seeds with boiling water (during the time the dough sits in the refrigerator, the poppy seeds will absorb all the water).

For the cream, mix sour cream with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Set aside approximately 150g and put it in the refrigerator, but do not remove the remaining cream (we need liquid cream with well-dissolved sugar; it will thicken in the refrigerator and will not flow).

Let's prepare the filling. Thaw the cherries (if you have frozen ones) and drain all the liquid. Squeeze lightly (excess liquid will cause the cherry filled rolls to leak). Grind cherries, prunes and nuts in a blender.

Divide the dough into 7 equal parts.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment. Roll out each piece of dough, add the filling and form rolls. Sprinkle the nuts with sugar before wrapping them in a roll (approximately 3 tsp per roll). You need to make the cherry rolls last (otherwise they will leak before they even get into the oven). Carefully place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. We determine readiness by the rosy color of the rolls.

While the rolls are baking, prepare the mold. We will need a round deep container (pan or baking dish). My uniform is 22cm. Cover the pan with film or a large plastic bag. Fill the bottom with a thin layer of cream. We are waiting for the rolls to be ready.

Take them out of the oven...

And right while it’s hot, without waiting for it to cool down, we quickly cut them crosswise into 2 cm pieces. The cooled rolls will crumble when cut! You can hold the rolls with a clean towel to prevent your fingers from getting hot. Then we take the prepared form and lay out the still warm pieces tightly to each other in a circle (try to ensure that adjacent pieces do not have the same filling). As soon as the first layer is ready, pour it generously with sour cream and lay out the next layer, fill it with sour cream again and lay out the last, third layer.

Pour over the remaining sour cream and leave the cake for an hour at room temperature so that the sour cream soaks it a little. Then put it in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.

After 8 (or more) hours, take out the mold, place a dish on top and turn it over. We remove the bag and get this cake!

We take out 150g of cream, which we set aside at the beginning, and coat the cake on top. Let it soak a little again and the cake is ready! Next, we decorate it as your imagination dictates.

In this case, I filled the cake with glaze, made chocolate leaves and stuck mushroom cookies (to live up to its name). By the way, from the tops and pieces of rolls that turned out to be superfluous, I “blinded” something like roots on the sides. To do this, I also soaked them with sour cream until soft. My son also laid out pieces of kiwi - it’s moss for him. To prepare the glaze you need to: mix flour, cocoa and sugar (or powder) in a saucepan. Pour in milk and cook over low heat until thickened. I like this glaze because its consistency directly depends on the amount of flour or milk (if you need thick, add a little more flour; if thin, add more milk). At the end, you can add oil to the glaze, then it will shine.

Here's a cross-section of a piece. Enjoy the taste with a cup of aromatic tea!


  • Sugar: for dough - 1 cup, for cream - the same amount, for glaze - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp, quench with vinegar
  • Sour cream - for dough - 1 glass, for cream - 500g, for glaze - 3 tbsp. l., fat content 25%
  • Wheat flour - 2 cups
  • Cocoa powder - for glaze - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter - 50g. for cream
  • Baking powder - optional, added to flour
  • Dried fruits - at the discretion of the cook

A recipe for centuries

Baking a cake at home is not an easy task and not every housewife can do it. But the classic recipe for such a simple dessert as “Rotten Stump” is passed down from generation to generation, from grandmother to granddaughter and from mother to daughter.

Firstly, products for it can be found in almost every refrigerator, and secondly, you don’t need to worry about the aesthetic design of homemade baked goods, since the name itself speaks about the shape of this cake: the porous structure of the sponge cake, similar to old dried out wood.

In cooking, there are several ways to prepare “rotten” delicacies, but each of them is based on a fermented milk mixture: kefir, fermented baked milk, cream or sour cream.

The main thing is to follow the recipe and not use stale, peroxidized dairy products. It is better to sift the flour in advance and add a little baking powder to it.

Cool the cakes before soaking them. The cream can be anything at the discretion of the cook. You can also decorate according to your mood.

Step-by-step cake recipe

Before you start preparing the “Rotten Stump” cake according to the classic recipe, you should prepare all the ingredients and a suitable container in which it will be convenient to mix the ingredients.

As for the cream and additional components, here you can experiment and add nuts, prunes to the cake at your discretion, you can make a “Rotten Stump” cake with jam. Baking with sour cream is good because it is lower in calories and will be useful for both adults and children.

So, here is a step-by-step recipe for preparing this culinary masterpiece:

  1. Break the eggs into the prepared bowl, add sugar and mix everything with a mixer or whisk until the homogeneous mass increases by 2-3 times. Then add sour cream, soda slaked with vinegar and re-beat the resulting mixture. Here you can also put dried fruits, pre-washed and soaked in water. Before putting them in a bowl, it is better to grind them in a blender.
  2. Add sifted flour to the resulting mass and mix the dough from bottom to top to enrich it with oxygen. The consistency should be thick like sour cream.
  3. We bake cakes from the resulting dough. You can do this in two ways: bake one cake and then cut it, or make several layers separately, baking each for 20 minutes at a standard temperature. To save time, we will consider the first option.
  4. While the base of the “rotten” cake is baking, prepare sour cream for soaking. To do this, put sugar, sour cream, cocoa in a deep bowl and mix thoroughly. Then beat the resulting mass with a mixer to obtain a homogeneous fluffy cream.
  5. After the cake is removed from the oven, you need to let it cool a little, then cut it into longitudinal parts, spread a waffle towel and wrap each part in turn with a towel into a roll.
  6. Unroll the cooled but still warm cakes and coat them with cream, then wrap them again in a roll, with the folds inside. For better impregnation of the cakes, you can prepare sugar separately, pour boiling water over it and mix thoroughly. And coat parts of the cake with this prepared soaking mixture, and then apply sour cream on top. And only after that start assembling the “Rotten Stump” cake.

Place the simulated stump on a tray or large flat plate and coat it on the outside with the remaining creamy mass. Once the dessert has the long-awaited shape, we cut off the curved edges and use these remnants to make protruding roots of the stump.

Finally, our culinary masterpiece is ready. It is advisable to leave the cake overnight so that it is thoroughly soaked, and the next day you can safely serve it to the table to surprise your household with your abilities as a talented housewife.

  1. Start by preparing the cake batter. Remove the eggs and sour cream from the refrigerator in advance and leave at room temperature for 10-15 minutes. Sift the flour through a sieve along with baking powder and stir.
  2. Beat the eggs into a large bowl and begin beating them with a mixer until they are evenly colored. Gradually add sugar and beat the egg mixture for a couple more minutes until it is completely dissolved. While beating the egg mass with a mixer, add sour cream and mix everything until smooth.
  3. Mix flour into the resulting cream, knead into an elastic dough and wrap it in cling film. The dough should rest in the refrigerator for about an hour. Place dried fruits in three different containers and pour boiling water for an hour.
  4. After the specified time, pass the prunes, dried apricots and raisins through a meat grinder (you can grind them using a blender), return all three masses to the container. Add 2 tbsp to each dried fruit puree. sugar and mash well with a fork.
  5. If the sour cream for the cream is too thin in consistency, it should be folded into a gauze bag made of 4 layers of gauze and hung over a bowl. Leave the sour cream to drain excess liquid for 3 hours in the refrigerator. If you have thick sour cream, then you can skip this step.
  6. After the specified time, divide the dough into 6 equal parts. Roll each one in turn into a thin layer and evenly grease with half of the same type of fruit puree, roll everything into a roll. In this way, roll out and roll 6 rolls (2 rolls each with the same type of filling).
  7. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place 2 or 3 rolls on it. Bake the rolls for the Rotten Stump cake for about half an hour. Remove the baking sheet from the oven, transfer the finished baked goods to a dish, and place the rolls on the baking sheet and bake them until done.
  8. Cut the cooled rolls into small pieces, about 3 cm thick. Beat the sour cream with a whisk or mixer at low speed with sugar and leave the cream for 5 minutes so that the sugar dissolves.
  9. Line the bottom of a baking pan (preferably a springform pan) with a circle of parchment paper. Pour about 3-4 tbsp into the mold. cream and distribute it evenly over the bottom. Place the pieces of rolls tightly in one layer and grease it with cream.
  10. Place the roll pieces tightly again and brush them with cream. Thus, fold the cake in layers from the remaining roll, coating each layer with cream (leave a little sour cream for the finished cake). Cover the pan with cling film and place in the refrigerator.
  11. The Rotten Stump Cake should be left in the cold for at least 6 hours (more is possible). Then remove the pan from the refrigerator, carefully turn the cake onto a plate, grease the sides and surface with the remaining cream.
  12. Decorate the finished cake to your taste (chopped or melted chocolate, nuts or dried fruits), cut into portions and serve. Enjoy your tea!

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The name of this cake is not very beautiful, but the cake turns out magnificent, tasty and not cloyingly sweet, with a slight sourness. He will pleasantly surprise you with his appearance.

Recipe for homemade rotten stump cake:

For the test:

  • 500 gr. flour;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 250 gr. sour cream 15%;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 sachet of baking powder 10 g.

For filling:

  • 250 gr., dried apricots;
  • 250 gr., prunes.

For cream:

  • 650 gr. sour cream 15%;
  • 15 gr. gelatin;
  • 150 ml. water;
  • 250 gr. Sahara.

For Meringue:

  • 2 squirrels, 90 gr. sugar, a little cocoa powder.

To decorate the cake and glue the meringue mushrooms:

  • 1 chocolate bar.

How to make Rotten Stump Cake at home - step-by-step recipe with photos:

Separate the whites from the yolks. Place the yolks in a large bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer

Add sour cream to the whipped yolks

Beat with sour cream and add melted butter

Mix well. Mix baking powder with sifted flour and add to bowl

Let's make a soft dough

Cover the dough with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. While the dough is in the refrigerator, let's make the filling. Wash the dried apricots and prunes, add hot water and leave to swell for 40 minutes.

Then salt the water and dry it a little

And put it through a meat grinder

If the fruit mass turns out to be thick, dilute it with a little boiled water. Pour cold water over the gelatin and let it swell.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into 8 approximately equal parts.

Roll each part into a ball

We leave one piece of dough for work, put the rest in the refrigerator, and take it out as needed.

Roll out each piece of dough between two layers of plastic wrap into a thin tongue.

Remove the top layer of film and apply a thin layer of dried apricot or prune filling onto the rolled out dough.

Using film, roll into a roll.

Carefully transfer the finished rolls to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake at 180 degrees until slightly golden brown.

Immediately after baking, cut off the uneven dry edges of the rolls, cut the rest into pieces 3-4 cm long.

Crumble the cut edges and put them in a hot oven to dry; crush the dried ones into crumbs again and use them to decorate the cake.

Heat the swollen gelatin until completely dissolved, but do not boil

Beat sour cream with sugar until sugar is completely dissolved

Add gelatin and stir with a mixer

To make the hemp, I used a sour cream bucket with a lid (I bought an empty one at the store).

Carefully cut off the bottom. Bucket with a diameter of 20.5 cm.

Close the bucket with a lid, turn the lid down, cover the bottom and sides with film

Dip the rolls in cream and place them in the mold, pour cream over each layer, making sure that there is no empty space between the rolls.

Leave a little cream for assembling the cake.

I cut the rolls 4 cm each. I got 2 layers. Leave the assembled cake at room temperature for a couple of hours to soak, then put it in the refrigerator (I left it overnight).

Beat the remaining egg whites with sugar until stiff peaks form.

Line a baking tray with baking paper and, using a pastry bag with a nozzle, pipe the meringue in the form of mushroom caps and legs. Let's make some of the legs longer; they will fall and these will be the side mushrooms for the cake. Lightly dusted with cocoa powder

Bake in a preheated oven at 110 degrees for 1.5 hours.

Take the cake out of the refrigerator, remove the mold, remove the film

Let's warm up the remaining cream a little, it will become liquid again, and use a silicone brush to coat the sides and top of the cake. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with prepared crumbs, sprinkle the top with finely grated chocolate

Using melted chocolate, glue the caps and legs of the meringue mushrooms together and glue them onto the cake with chocolate. And now our wonderful homemade rotten stump cake is ready.

This is what our creation looks like in cross section

Enjoy your tea!

Video recipe

As an addition, I suggest watching a delicious video recipe for rotten stump cake:

That's all I have for today. How do you like the recipe?

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