Where and how to store apple marshmallows at home? Marshmallow at home How to store marshmallows from the dryer.

Pastila is made from natural products. These are apples, plums, cherries, etc., so they have a short shelf life. If you wish, you can make this dessert with your own hands. But in order for the celebration not to be overshadowed by poisoning from stale food, you need to know how to store marshmallows at home.

This product has beneficial properties, which cannot be said about many other sweets, and therefore it can be given to children without fear. A high-quality pastille should have a dense structure and should not stick to your hands. For this purpose it is specially dried. This product is based on fruit or berry puree. Most often it is apple, but various additives can be made to it to add flavor and beautiful color. Dyes can be either artificial or natural. With their help, they make marshmallows with taste and aroma:

  • strawberries,
  • raspberries,
  • cherries,
  • lemon,
  • apricot,
  • plums,
  • blueberries, etc.

But making the sweetness is only one part of the task. The main thing is to know how to properly store homemade marshmallows. This will be discussed further.

How to store homemade marshmallows

There are several conditions under which the marshmallow can be stored for quite a long time. There is nothing complicated about this, as it might seem at first.

Store this dessert:

  1. in glass jars;
  2. fabric bags, which are then placed in tin cans. The bag should be pre-soaked in a salt solution and then dried. This is done so that insects do not breed in the bag.;
  3. in parchment paper, which is then placed in a tightly sealed container.

If you choose the storage method in a glass jar, the marshmallow is first cut into small pieces or rolled into a roll. Next, it is placed in a container, while separating each layer with parchment paper. The jar should be tightly closed with a plastic lid.

If the sweets are placed in wooden or cardboard boxes, the bottom of the container should also be covered with parchment paper.

Storage temperature

Homemade marshmallows are stored at a temperature of + 13°C -+ 15°C and air humidity of no more than 60%. Before sending it for long-term storage, it is first dried well.

The best way to store apple marshmallow is in a square glass container. The sweetness is cut into rectangular pieces and placed in a container. This marshmallow can be stored for 40–45 days if the temperature is maintained (no higher than +18°C) and humidity is maintained (no more than 65%).

The marshmallow, if it is not packaged, will simply dry out at room temperature, and in the refrigerator, if it is placed in a plastic bag, it will become sticky.


There are types of marshmallows that are made with the addition of beaten eggs. Belevskaya sweetness can retain its qualities for up to 1 year. But before that, it is heated in the oven, and then the shelf life of the marshmallow with the addition of whipped egg whites increases significantly.

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The sweetness made on the basis of plum puree is softer than the apple one, and it also has greater elasticity. Therefore, it can be cut into strips and rolled into small rolls. In this form, plum marshmallows are placed in jars and tightly closed with a lid. A container with such sweetness can be stored in the refrigerator or on a kitchen shelf if the temperature there is not high.

Pastille will only become suitable for long-term storage if it is completely dry. This applies to products that were made in an oven or using a drying oven.

If there is excess moisture in the treat, it will begin to evaporate. Then condensation forms and, as a result, we get a spoiled product. Therefore, we can conclude that the shelf life of marshmallow is directly related to the technology of its preparation, and not just to what container to choose for storing it.

To keep this product longer, it is periodically dried in the oven, and then placed again in storage containers, overlaying the layers with fresh parchment paper.

Pastila, which has not yet expired, should retain its density and at the same time be soft. It should not fall apart in your hands. It is better not to eat sweets that have become sticky.

Can marshmallows be stored in the refrigerator and freezer?

It is not advisable to store marshmallows in the refrigerator, except in rare cases. This is due to high humidity. Humidity will cause the product to quickly become coated and begin to stick to your hands. You cannot keep marshmallows in a plastic bag for the same reason - they will quickly deteriorate.

How not to store marshmallows

As already stated, this product should not be left open; the product will dry quickly at room temperature. This will happen even faster if the sweetness is left in the sun.

Pastila very quickly absorbs all third-party aromas, so products with a strong, persistent odor should not be stored next to it.

The storage room must be well ventilated and not have high humidity. You should also make sure that it is not inhabited by various insects, such as black flies and ants.

In the refrigerator this product will quickly deteriorate, but in the freezer, on the contrary, it will last up to 1 year. It is important to remember that the marshmallow cannot be defrosted suddenly. First, it is moved to the refrigerator shelf for several hours, and only then placed on the table. Freezing preserves all the beneficial properties of the marshmallow; it retains its structure and consistency.

Pastila is one of the most popular delicacies. The stores offer a huge selection, different tastes, colors, but, of course, they cannot compare with those prepared at home. This healthy “yummy” has only one drawback - it spoils quickly, so before you start preparing it yourself, it won’t hurt to find out how to store marshmallows at home.

Beneficial features

Perhaps no sweet is as healthy as marshmallows. The point is the high content of pectin in it. It not only normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the appearance of gastrointestinal ulcers, removes salts from the body, but also perfectly fights various infections and viruses. In addition, marshmallows contain protein, monosaccharides, and dietary fiber, which, when consumed regularly, help improve digestion and have a positive effect on physical development and mental activity. Fruit marshmallows are perfect for children and are also a great substitute for harmful chewing gum.

A variety of marshmallows

The basis of the recipe for preparing the classic delicacy is puree from apples and other fruits and berries. Accordingly, the most common one is . But its taste can be diversified with the help of natural fruit and berry additives and all kinds of essences. To give the product an interesting color, you can add food coloring. You can buy it at the store or make it yourself

  • vanilla;
  • raspberry;
  • blueberry;
  • cherry;
  • lemon;
  • apricot, plum, blackberry and other types of marshmallows.

Storage rules

The buyer does not worry about how long to store store products. Firstly, it can be bought in the required quantity, and secondly, it contains preservatives that significantly extend the shelf life. In the case of the home option it is more complicated. There is no point in cooking for once, but how can you protect it from moisture and mold? There are many tips on how to properly store homemade marshmallows, but the best ones, undoubtedly, are an airtight glass jar or wax paper. Using these methods, the delicacy can be preserved for at least a month and a half.

No matter how the pastille is prepared: in the oven, or using a special dryer, when finished it must be absolutely dry, so that no moisture is released during storage and the product does not deteriorate. Thus, the shelf life of marshmallows depends not only on the correctly selected container, but also on the correct preparation.

Properly cooked fruit candies can be stored at home for quite a long time. Knowing how to preserve marshmallow for the winter, you can prepare it for future use. If the leaf is cut into portioned pieces, thoroughly sprinkled with powdered sugar, rolled into tubes, dried, put in an airtight container or jar and kept in the cold, then the marshmallow can be preserved this way even until the next harvest.

Good day everyone.

And immediately the question: do your children like marshmallows? We always have 2 types of it at home. One with fructose in thin slices, and the second in the form of a fluffy cake - Belevskaya. Children enjoy cracking both types of it.

But the real revelation for them was the marshmallow that my grandmother prepares. Remember it, in large rolls drying on newspapers on the veranda? This is what she treated them to in the winter. It was just a delight. Now grandma knows exactly what to buy for gifts.

And now, watching the slow ripening of fruits on apple trees, I thought, why make only juice from apples, you can easily make marshmallows yourself.

There are 5 recipes in the collection, but I think that most of us will use only the first one, because it is the simplest.

Apple marshmallow at home: a simple recipe in the oven without sugar

My grandmother never used the oven to make marshmallows. Previously, there was no gas in the villages, but now that it has appeared, she still does not favor it, preferring the good old brick oven.

But using an oven can significantly speed up the process, which in turn makes it possible to process a larger number of apples, which is very convenient when the harvest is really rich.


1. For cooking we only need apples. They need to be peeled and seeded, cut into slices and placed in a pan in which they will be cooked. The number of apples is easy to determine - we take as many as fit into the pan.

The pan should be thick-walled (cast iron) or aluminum. In a regular enamel oven, apples will burn.

2. Place the pan over medium heat, add 1 glass of water and cook for half an hour under a closed lid until the fruit softens.

It is not advisable to stir in this case, but if you are afraid that it may burn, then stir carefully, trying not to turn the apples into puree ahead of time, since after cooking the liquid will need to be drained and you would not want a lot of pulp to go with it.

3. After 30 minutes, check that the pulp is completely cooked and can be easily pierced with a fork, remove the pan from the heat and drain the resulting liquid.

4. Blend the pulp with a blender until it becomes an airy puree.

5. Next, take a baking sheet, cover it with cling film or parchment paper (parchment paper seems more environmentally friendly to me, but here you need to carefully read the instructions for using cling film to see if it is safe when heated) and apply a thin layer of puree on it, no more than 0 .5 cm, or better yet thinner.

6. Turn on the oven to the lowest heat (about 60 degrees) and place the future marshmallow into it. You can make several of these baking sheets at once, depending on how many will fit in the oven.

Drying is carried out for approximately 10 hours with the door slightly open so that the moisture released by the fruit evaporates.

If the cooking took place in the evening, then dry the marshmallow for a couple of hours, but turn off the oven at night without taking out the baking sheet. We continue in the morning.

7. The pastille will be ready when it stops being sticky. Then you need to carefully remove it from the film, roll it up and cut it into portions convenient for storage.

The easiest way to store is in plastic containers with a lid.

Apple marshmallow at home without a blender according to an old recipe

And here is my grandmother’s recipe, which was used in my childhood, when we had never even dreamed of any electric kitchen assistants. All by hand.


Once again, we only need apples. And sugar, if the variety is sour.

1. Peel and seed the apples, cut them into small pieces (to simplify further cooking) and place them in a cauldron or other thick-walled container. Turn on medium heat, add a glass of water and cook for 20 minutes with the lid closed.

2. After 10 minutes, add sugar and mix gently. It is difficult to say how much is needed; on average, they recommend 1 cup (200 ml) per 4 kg of peeled apples.

3. After cooking, the apples will soften enough to be mashed with a mallet. There is no need to drain the excess water, since sugar is dissolved in it. And there shouldn’t be a lot of it.

You should try the resulting puree and, if necessary, add sugar and mix thoroughly while the puree is still hot.

After this, wait for it to cool completely.

4. Using a spoon, spread the cooled marshmallow onto parchment paper in a thin layer and leave to dry in the sun for 2-3 days.

There are two important points here:

  • The paper should be thick so that the finished marshmallow can be easily separated from it.
  • You need to dry it in the sun, and not in a warm room, otherwise the marshmallow will simply become moldy.

5. The pastille is ready the moment it stops being sticky. The easiest way to store it is folded.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making marshmallows with honey

There is a widespread misconception that replacing sugar with fructose in dishes makes them healthier and more dietary. This is a dangerous misconception that grew out of the fact that diabetics replace sugar with fructose. Fructose really does not increase blood sugar and allows people with diabetes to enjoy sweets. But this has nothing to do with being “dietary.”

With fructose, you will gain kilograms just as quickly as with regular sugar.

Therefore, honey, which contains almost only fructose, is of course very tasty, but not at all safe. It is important to observe moderation in everything.

To prepare 1 tray of marshmallows we will need:

  • Apples - 6 medium
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp

1. We need lemon juice so that the apples do not turn black while they are waiting for their turn. Therefore, before cutting them, take a bowl of cold water and dissolve 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in it.

2. Peel and seed the apples and cut into slices.

3. Then put the apples into a saucepan (the water and lemon juice must be drained), add half a glass of clean cold water and turn on medium heat.

Cook with the lid closed, stirring gently occasionally, for 15-20 minutes until the apples become soft and translucent.

4. After this, remove the pan from the heat, wait until the fruits have cooled, and then blend them in a blender.

5. Add honey and beat again.

6. Distribute the resulting puree evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat.

It is important that the paper covers the pan completely, including the sides.

Preheat the oven to 60 degrees and place a baking sheet in it for 5-6 hours. Leave the oven door ajar.

7. The finished marshmallow easily separates from the substrate and does not stick to your hands.

8. Roll the marshmallow into a tube and cut into portions of the desired size.

Ready. Bon appetit!

Video on how to prepare marshmallows in an electric dryer

Well, if you are the happy owner of an electric dryer (or, scientifically speaking, a dehydrator), then the process of making marshmallows at home will become even easier and more enjoyable for you.

I suggest watching a video on this topic.

A quick recipe for making apple cinnamon marshmallow

When making marshmallows, you can use a large number of products. This could be other fruits, such as plums or apricots, or even vegetables, such as pumpkin. You can add raisins or nuts.

These are interesting options, which I will consider in more detail in other collections, but for now I suggest the easiest way to make marshmallow more flavorful is to add cinnamon to it.

And again, you don’t need a lot of ingredients to prepare:

  • Apples
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon

1. Peel the apples (optional), remove the seeds and cut into slices. Place them in an aluminum pan and cover with sugar.

A filled 5 liter pan requires about 1 cup of sugar. Glass - 200 ml.

2. Pour 1 glass of water into the pan, put it on medium heat and cook for 15-20 minutes under a closed lid until the fruit is completely softened. If the pan is not aluminum or thick-walled, then you need to stir constantly so that the apples do not burn.

3. Then mash the fruits with a blender until pureed. And we continue to evaporate the puree for another 20 minutes over low heat to remove excess moisture.

It is especially important to continue stirring here, because... Without stirring, the puree begins to “gurgle”, scattering pieces of apples around it.

Then remove the puree from the heat and let it cool.

4. Take a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper, sprinkle with cinnamon and distribute the applesauce evenly.

There is an interesting point here: the thicker the layer, the sweeter the marshmallow will be. And the thinner, the correspondingly more sour.

5. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 80 degrees for 3-4 hours. As in all previous recipes, do not close the door all the way so that condensation does not accumulate inside.

We periodically check the marshmallow by pressing on it with a finger and, as soon as it stops sticking to it, take out a baking sheet, carefully separate the marshmallow from the paper and roll it up into a tube.

As you can see, preparing marshmallows is not at all difficult. You just need to be patient and remember to take it out of the oven on time.

And in the next article we will look in detail at how to prepare Belev marshmallow. I wanted to add it to this collection, but it deserves its own.

That's all for today, thank you for your attention.

In the city of Belev, Tula province, lived the merchant Prokhorov. A long time ago, his ancestors supplied bast to the northern capital of the Russian Empire - St. Petersburg. For this they received a good monetary reward from Tsar Peter.

The money was spent on the purchase of land in the Tula province in the city of Belev.

And a huge apple orchard was founded. The Antonov apple trees were planted. Then the family was engaged in drying apples and supplying these products for the needs of the Russian army.

There were always a lot of apples, and the apples did not always ripen perfectly.

It was necessary to figure out how to use and not lose large harvests of apples. They were baked, soaked, and dried. Until they came up with the idea of ​​making marshmallows from baked apples.

According to another version, one day they baked so many apples that they didn’t know where to put them. So we decided to beat apple whites with sugar, combine them with baked apples and dry them. This could increase the shelf life of applesauce.

I really liked the resulting delicacy.

The recipe was finalized and industrial production of marshmallows began. Then the famous Belev marshmallow began to be supplied to Europe. In France it was served with champagne, and in England with tea.

During Soviet times, the marshmallow factory was expropriated, and the son of the merchant Prokhorov was offered the position of chief engineer of the factory. He refused and was repressed for this.

Fortunately, the recipe for producing Belyovskaya marshmallow has been preserved.

Let's try to recreate this delicious delicacy at home.

I would like to present you with two recipes for making Belev marshmallow. Classic and modified by me.

So, we prepare Belevsky marshmallow according to the classic method.


    apples - 1.5 kg (about 500 g of applesauce is obtained); sugar - 200 g; egg white - 2 pcs.

I immediately depart from the rules of the classic recipe, since I take a different variety of apples; “Antonovka” does not grow in my dacha, although at one time I bought an “Antonovka” seedling.

But instead of Antonovka, another variety of apples grew. I was deceived or made a mistake during the sale. But that's another story!

It's OK. But if you come across Antonovka apples, prepare a marshmallow from these wonderful apples with a unique aroma.

I used delicious Simirenko apples.

I took illicit apples, with spots and wormholes, which I later removed. There were a few apples and other varieties. But it is not important.

Wash the apples, cut out the unwanted parts, cut them into quarters, cut out the middle with the seeds. Line a baking tray with baking paper and lay out the apples. Bake in the oven until the apples soften, 20-30 minutes. Rub the apples through a sieve until smooth. Beat the puree with a mixer.

Gradually it brightens and increases slightly in size. Beat 2 egg whites with a mixer until thick foam. When the protein has increased in volume well and is almost ready, only then add sugar in small portions; when the sugar has dissolved, add the next portion of sugar. Beat until the egg whites and sugar “stand”; if you turn the bowl over, the protein mass with sugar will not pour out and will not change its shape. To ensure that the egg whites are well beaten, follow the following rules.

Eggs must be fresh, without cracks, well chilled (from the refrigerator). The yolk should not get into the white, not even a single drop. Beat egg whites only in dry containers, glass, ceramic, or enamel.

Add sugar when the whites are well beaten and almost ready. Add the whipped whites to the finished applesauce, mix well and beat thoroughly with a mixer again. Grease the baking sheet a little with vegetable oil so that the sheet of baking paper sticks well. Spread applesauce with whipped egg whites and sugar on it. Moreover, we leave a little of the apple mass (approximately a third part) to lubricate the layers of marshmallow. The layer of puree on the baking sheet is about 1 cm, otherwise it will take a long time to dry. We put it in the oven and dry it at a temperature no higher than 100 degrees, about 6 hours.

I dry the marshmallows with the oven fully open. If the temperature is higher, the marshmallow may burn. The finished layer should not stick to your hands.

Cool the marshmallow layer completely. Turn over and remove the sheet of paper. Next, cut into plates. In my case, it turns out from one sheet of marshmallow - 3 parts.

I coat the marshmallow with a layer of the remaining raw puree. I stack one layer on top of another. Do not grease the top layer. Place in the oven for another 1-2 hours, at a temperature no higher than 100 degrees. Let cool completely.

Cut into small pieces. You can rub the marshmallow with powdered sugar. Yummy!

I decided to change the recipe a little. Add nuts and reduce the amount of sugar, as my apples are sweet.

So, I offer my recipe for making marshmallows with whipped egg whites and nuts.


    apples (per 500g of applesauce); 2 egg whites; 2 tablespoons of sugar; a handful of roasted peanuts.


I washed the apples, cut them into quarters, cut out the seeds and spoiled places. I put them in a stainless steel pan, added a little water so that the apples did not burn and cooked apple puree. Rubbed it through a sieve. Beat it with a mixer. Beat two egg whites with two tablespoons of sugar. Mixed applesauce with whipped whites. Beat it well with a mixer. Spread a sheet of baking paper on a baking sheet, having previously greased it a little on both sides with vegetable oil. Part of the puree (where the third part) was left for lubricating the layers of marshmallow.

I placed the rest of the puree on a baking sheet. The thickness of the puree on the baking sheet should not exceed 1 cm, or less. And I left it to dry for 6 hours at a temperature no higher than 100 degrees. We take out the finished layer.

After cooling, peel off the paper. We cut the layer into three parts. Chop the roasted peanuts a little.

Lubricate the marshmallow layers with the remaining puree and sprinkle with nuts. We lay one layer on top of another. Do not grease the top layer. Place in the oven for another 2 hours. When the marshmallow has cooled, cut it into strips and rub with powdered sugar.

It turns out very tasty. Natural delicious sweet dessert, without dyes, preservatives, taste and smell enhancers. Both adults and children will enjoy this healthy natural storehouse of vitamins.

You can store it in boxes or containers, lined with baking paper. Shelf life up to a year in a dark place. At room temperature.

I store such marshmallows in tins of imported cookies, layering the marshmallows with paper.

Treat your guests to a marshmallow made from Belyovskaya apples with tea, or you can offer this marshmallow to a liqueur made from cherry plum fruits.

It will be delicious!

  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • Best before date: 1 month
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 month
  • Freezer life: not indicated

Pastila is enjoyed by children and adults. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. This sweetness can melt in your mouth, bringing great pleasure. Pastila can be considered a healthy treat, so it should be eaten instead of unhealthy treats. The product combines the necessary substances for the human body.

The name of the pastila is reminiscent of oriental motifs, but in fact, it is a Russian dish. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, this delicacy began to become famous. Our ancestors used all possible fruits and berries to prepare marshmallows. But apples were most often used to make sweets. The cooking recipe was as follows. The apples were simmered in a Russian oven and then pureed into jam. Then the resulting product was mixed with molasses or honey. The mass had to be spread in an even layer on the board. Sometimes this was also done using canvas fabric, which was stretched over a wooden frame. The name of the marshmallow comes precisely from the name of the actions that were performed during preparation. The delicacy was spread or laid down. According to other versions, the marshmallow could have been called that because of the word “paste”, since it had a pasty appearance. When the treat was applied to the mold, it began to dry. This was usually done in a warm oven or in the sun. Then the delicacy was wrapped in a roll. So the shelf life of the marshmallow could last until the next harvest. The recipe for sweets that was prepared before always included only two main components. These are apples of sour varieties or wild, as well as honey. Sometimes there could be molasses instead. Nowadays, marshmallows are made completely differently. The changes also affected the composition of the dish. The modern composition includes the following ingredients: berry or fruit puree, flour, granulated sugar, pectin, agar-agar, egg whites and molasses. In addition to these components, additives also appeared. These are flavorings, flavor enhancers, various dyes, and many others. These supplements are not always beneficial for the human body. Therefore, when purchasing this product, you should pay attention to the composition and shelf life of the marshmallow. In addition to its delicious taste, this delicacy is very healthy. It contains various substances that are necessary for the human body. Of course, this applies to marshmallows, which have a natural composition. This delicacy may include vitamins B2 and PP. The last one helps the immune and nervous system. Also, digestion begins to work much better. This vitamin can cope with inflammatory processes. It also makes your skin look much better. As for vitamin B2, it is very beneficial for vision. It protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation as well as other harmful conditions for human eyes. This is useful to know, just like the expiration date of marshmallows. Vitamin B2 plays an important role in physical and mental performance and improves oxygen supply to the body's cells.

Pastila contains many microelements. Among them are calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and iron. By consuming this delicacy, you can strengthen bone tissue and also increase hemoglobin. The intestines begin to work better, and the body is cleansed of harmful substances thanks to dietary fiber. Heavy metal salts, toxins, radioactive elements and waste products are released when this delicacy is introduced into the diet. The marshmallow contains easily digestible carbohydrates, which charge the human body with energy throughout the day. In addition to the above-listed advantages of the delicacy, one cannot help but note the joy of children who eat this sweetness. It tastes delicious and is also good for the body. As for the harm of marshmallows, it is associated with its composition. A recipe that existed many years ago made this product useful. But now the sweetness components have changed. Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the composition and shelf life of the marshmallow. Various chemical additives can be harmful. The product can cause allergies, diarrhea, nausea, indigestion and even food intolerance. Also, do not forget that sugar also affects the human body. Therefore, you should be very careful when purchasing.

To purchase a quality product, you should definitely pay attention to the composition. Pastila will be useful if it contains as few ingredients as possible. It is best if the composition is as close as possible to the original. Pastila is a smooth block; it should have a matte surface and no cracks. There should be no sticky residue. Pastila has a fruit and berry aroma. The color varies from yellow to pink. Bright colors mean the use of dyes, so it is better to buy pastel-colored marshmallows. A good marshmallow usually does not have a cloying taste and there is a slight sourness, which is pleasant. It’s not difficult to buy marshmallows these days. It is widely sold. But if you want to try real apple-honey, you will have to pay a little more than the regular one. This pastille is sold in specialized stores. You can also sometimes find it in a hypermarket. Some people prepare this delicacy themselves to enjoy the amazing taste and preserve all the beneficial properties of the marshmallow. The treat must be kept away from foods with foreign odors. The shelf life of regular marshmallows is 1.5 months. It should be stored in a cool and dry place. But you can’t put it in the refrigerator, otherwise the marshmallow will become covered with a sticky coating. This is due to the fact that the air humidity there is higher than normal. Also, the product cannot be stored in a cellophane product, otherwise it will also begin to deteriorate. When storing marshmallows without packaging, it may begin to lose its appearance and properties, and may also dry out. Therefore, it is worth storing this product carefully. The shelf life of the marshmallow will increase if you put it in the freezer. At the same time, all its beneficial properties will be preserved.