Strawberry pina colada cake. Pina Colada sponge cake New Year's recipe

If you are wondering where this name comes from, let me remind you that there is such a cocktail (non-alcoholic or low alcoholic) “Pina Colada”, which every self-respecting bartender must be able to make and know by heart. The cocktail combines the flavors of pineapple and coconut, which are also present in the cake. Only it is better to take canned pineapple for dessert, and instead of coconut - coconut flakes (its quantity may vary according to your preferences). If you need a delicious weekend cake, try a simple chocolate “Crazy” cake a la Pinscher. Festive, incredibly delicious cake “Mikado”. Below are video recipes.

Pina Colada Cake Recipe: for a 20 cm mold, the cake came out weighing 1200 g

  • 4 large eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • A whisper of salt
  • 80 g flour
  • 30 g starch
  • vanillin


  • 600 ml milk
  • 200 g sugar
  • 120 g flour
  • 25 g starch
  • 200 butter
  • vanillin


  • 1 can of pineapple
  • 100-200 g coconut flakes
  • 100 ml cream 33%
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar powder

How to make Pina Colada Cake with Pineapples:

1.You need to prepare the biscuit in advance. Mix sifted flour with starch.

2. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a drop of the yolks gets into the whites, otherwise the whites will not beat.

3. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, after a minute we begin to add sugar in parts, without stopping beating. And after 3 minutes you will have whites whipped to stiff peaks. To check if they are whipped enough, turn the bowl over; the whites should not fall out.

4.Add the yolks to the whites one at a time, continuing to beat for a few more minutes until more dense. You should get a lush, strong mass, which, when drained from the whisk, does not dissolve immediately, but after 8-10 seconds.

5.Add the flour and starch in three additions, stirring with a wide spatula using bottom-up movements, just as you should mix regular biscuit dough.

Pour into an ungreased mold, just line the bottom with parchment.

Bake in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for 40 minutes (mold diameter 20 cm). Remove from the oven 10 minutes after turning it off, turn it upside down on a wire rack, let it cool completely for several hours, then just release it from the mold, cut it into three parts 6-8 hours after baking.

We present this delicate sponge cake under the name “Pina Colada”, because it was created based on the popular cocktail of the same name, consisting of a mixture of coconut milk, rum and pineapple juice. We have already reviewed this drink earlier, and today, inspired by the perfect coconut-pineapple combination, we are creating a delicious dessert.

Our confectionery product contains a lot of pineapple, moist soaked cakes, a pleasant creamy “note” of the cream, as well as an abundance of coconut flakes. We take a standard light sponge cake as a base, and for impregnation we dilute the sweet pineapple syrup with lemon juice and rum. We make the cream with butter custard, but to enhance the aroma and taste we use coconut milk. The result is an excellent overall combination and a refreshing, moderately sweet, non-sweetening taste!


For the biscuit:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • starch (any) - 30 g;
  • vanilla sugar - sachet (8-10 g).

For filling:

  • canned pineapples - 1 can (total weight about 600 g);
  • potato starch - 5 g.

To soak the biscuit:

  • pineapple syrup - 80 ml;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. spoons;

For cream:

  • coconut milk - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • potato starch - 30 g;
  • coconut flakes - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - sachet (8-10 g);
  • butter - 300 g;
  • rum (optional) - 1 tbsp. spoon.

To decorate the cake:

  • coconut flakes - about 80 g.

Pina Colada cake step by step recipe with photos

  1. We are preparing a biscuit. Separate the whites and yolks into different bowls. Start beating the protein mixture with a mixer. Let us remind you that for high-quality whipping of egg whites, the dishes must be perfectly clean and dry. Before starting work, you can degrease the container - wipe it with lemon juice and a paper towel. Also, no drops of yolk or broken eggshells should get into the protein mixture.
  2. When the liquid foams and turns into a soft white mass, add half the sugar in small portions, without stopping working with the mixer.
  3. We bring the composition until thick and stable. After making sure that the whites remain motionless when tilting and turning the bowl, we finish beating.
  4. Pour the remaining half of the granulated sugar into the yolks and add vanilla sugar. Beat for about 5 minutes - the sugar grains will partially dissolve, and the mixture itself will lighten, thicken and become cream-like in consistency.
  5. Add the yolk mixture in parts (in 2-3 batches) to the whites. After each serving, stir the mixture from bottom to top - very carefully and strictly in one direction, avoiding sudden movements.
  6. Separately combine and sift flour, baking powder and starch through a sieve. Add in small portions to the egg mixture, again stirring the mixture from bottom to top. We try to dissolve all dry lumps, but not to precipitate the tender dough. We act carefully and slowly.
  7. We line the bottom of the mold (in our example with a diameter of 22 cm) with parchment paper, then fill it with biscuit dough. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. We check the readiness by piercing the center of the crumb with a long skewer - if the skewer remains dry, take out the sponge cake.
  8. Separate the completely cooled baked goods from the walls of the container and release them from the mold.

    Impregnation and filling for Pina Colada cake

  9. For impregnation, measure 80 ml of syrup from a jar of pineapples, mix with lemon juice and add rum. Alcohol can be excluded if desired.
  10. Dissolve the starch in the remaining syrup and pour into a saucepan. Add all the pineapples (if the fruits are rings, first cut them into medium-sized pieces). Place over moderate heat and, stirring, heat until the liquid thickens. Let cool.

    Cream for Pina Colada cake recipe

  11. Bring coconut milk to a boil. We try the drink first - if it already contains sugar, the portion of granulated sugar for the cream should be significantly reduced or eliminated altogether (depending on the sweetness of the milk).
  12. While the milk is rising, mix eggs, starch, vanilla and regular sugar in a heatproof bowl. Stir vigorously with a whisk.
  13. Pour about half of the hot milk into the sugar-egg mixture in a thin stream with continuous stirring. Add coconut flakes and stir.
  14. Pour the mixture into a saucepan with the remaining milk. Place over moderate heat and, stirring continuously, bring the cream until thick (almost boiling). Don't get distracted and don't move away from the stove, otherwise the mass may burn. After removing from the stove, cool the coconut custard completely.
  15. Beat soft butter at room temperature until fluffy. For flavor, add a spoonful of rum.
  16. Add the custard coconut cream to the butter in small portions. By this point it must be completely cooled, otherwise the mixture will turn out liquid. Using a mixer, combine the ingredients into a smooth buttercream.

    Assembling the Pina Colada Cake

  17. Cut the biscuit lengthwise into three layers, place one on a plate. Pour in about a third of the pineapple mixture.
  18. Generously coat with butter-coconut cream.
  19. Next, distribute half of the pineapple mass. A few pieces of pineapple can be set aside to decorate the cake.
  20. Next, we repeat the steps - lay out the second cake layer, pour it with impregnation, grease it with cream, apply a pineapple layer. We install the last cake layer and soak it. Apply the remaining cream to the top and sides of the product.
  21. Cover the cake generously with coconut. We press it on the sides with our palm for better fastening. We put the cake in the refrigerator overnight so that it is thoroughly soaked and saturated with moisture.
  22. Before serving, decorate the dessert randomly with pieces of pineapple and, if desired, mint leaves. Cut into portion triangles and serve. Pina Colada sponge cake is ready!

Enjoy your tea!

I reallyI've been wanting to make a cake like this for a long time. There are quite a few different cakes on the Internet with a similar name and similar concept. But as always, I wanted to create something of my own. And there is a good reason to prepare it. The name itself speaks about it, because it was created based on the famous classic cocktail of the same name “Pina Colada”, which in the original is made from coconut milk, pineapple juice and rum, but in reality, in most bars, from who knows what.

I took the always successful classic sponge cake as a basis. And I made the cream butter custard. But not the standard custard, but with coconut milk. To be honest, I expected more taste and aroma from coconut milk in the cream, but the yolks probably partially masked the coconut aroma that I really wanted to get. Therefore, you can safely use regular milk. After all, the subtle aroma of coconut in the custard is not worth paying extra for coconut milk. It is better, if possible, to add a little either coconut extract or coconut liqueur. But the coconut did its job. It was she who gave the cake a pronounced coconut taste and varied the consistency.

This time, I baked a very small cake, only 20 cm in diameter. He turned out to be very tall. You can safely use a 24 cm mold, then it will be of normal height. And if you take a mold with a diameter of 26 cm, it will turn out a little low, but also not too much.
About pineapple, I used canned pineapple in light syrup. Fresh would be too strong in taste, and finding truly sweet pineapple in our region is like winning the lottery. Additionally, fresh pineapple would release juice and over-hydrate the cake.

1 cake 20 cm in diameter:


  • 1 jar canned pineapple pieces in light syrup (I have an 850 ml jar)
  • 50 ml rum

For cream:

  • 500 ml coconut milk
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 75 grams flour
  • 5 yolks
  • 3 tsp corn or potato starch
  • 8 grams vanilla sugar
  • 300 grams butter, room temperature

For decoration:

  • 200 grams coconut flakes
  • 200 ml well chilled cream 30-45%

1) Prepare a classic sponge cake and cool.

2) Prepare coconut butter custard:

Bring coconut milk to a boil and remove from heat.

Beat the yolks with sugar until white. Add flour and starch and continue whisking.

Pour hot coconut milk into the yolks in a thin stream. The mass should thicken a little.

Place the cream in a water bath and cook, stirring, until the mixture acquires the consistency of a sauce.

Remove from heat and let cool completely, covering with cling film so that it touches the surface of the cream.

NB: In this way, the cling film prevents the formation of a crust that usually forms on the surface of the custard as it cools.

When the custard has cooled completely, beat the butter in a separate bowl until white. It should lighten and become more loose.

Add custard into the butter in portions. Beat until smooth and place in the refrigerator to cool for 1-2 hours. (You can leave it longer, but 30 minutes before frosting the cake, remove the cream from the refrigerator so that it is not too hard)

3 ) Cake assembly:

Cut the biscuit into 3 parts, leaving the bottom part on the base of the mold.

After cutting the cake, secure the sides of the pan again to create walls to hold the cream.

Strain the pineapple, reserving 150 ml of syrup.

Add rum to the syrup and generously soak the bottom cake layer, sprinkle the surface evenly with coconut flakes. Place 1/3 of the cream and 1/3 of the strained pineapples on top.

Cover with the next cake layer, soak in syrup and generously sprinkle the surface with coconut flakes again. Use a baking ring or parchment to make a high border around the perimeter of the mold, so as to create walls for the next layer of cream. Place another 1/3 of the cream and 1/3 of the strained pineapples onto the crust.

Cover with the third cake layer and soak it in syrup.

It always works out, it’s just never happened that it didn’t rise or sag. The main thing is not to open the oven for the first 15-20 minutes, and once again, quite by accident, I forgot to grease the pan, and the funny thing is that the sponge cake turned out more even, without a slide in the middle. Now I never grease the mold; it turns out that the dough clings better when climbing the walls. But I definitely put a greased circle of baking paper on the bottom.


For the biscuit:

1. Eggs - 4 pcs.

2. Sugar - 160 gr

3. Flour - 140 g

4. Vanilla sugar packet - 1 pc.

For cream:

1. Cream 33-35% - 500 ml

2. Powdered sugar - 1-2 tablespoons

For impregnation:

1. Sugar - 150 g

2. Water - 150 ml

3. Coconut liqueur - 100 ml

For decoration:

1. Coconut flakes

2. Raffaello - 6-7 pcs.

3. Lime or lemon pieces.

How to make Pina Colada Cake:

1. Sponge cake: separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a mixer until foam forms, without ceasing to beat, add sugar one spoon at a time, and vanilla too. Beat until the mixture becomes thick and glossy.

Then add the yolks one at a time, still whisking. Sift the flour twice through a sieve and add it into the dough in three additions, stirring with a spatula and stirring from bottom to top, starting from the sides to the center. Cut a circle of paper into the bottom of a springform pan with a diameter of 20 cm and grease it with oil.

Pour the dough into the mold, smooth it out with a spatula so that a small depression forms in the center. Place in a preheated oven for 30-35 minutes. Do not open the oven. Check readiness with a toothpick; it should be dry. Cool the finished biscuit and it is better not to cut it immediately, but let it lie for at least 12 hours. This way it will become a little stale and will crumble less during cutting.

2. Impregnation. Mix water with sugar and put on fire. Boil for 3-4 minutes, the main thing is that all the sugar melts. Cool. Add liqueur, stir. Cut the biscuit crosswise into three layers.

3. Whip well-chilled cream, add powdered sugar. I add very little, the cakes are very sweet, but you can add more or less.

4. Assembling the cake. Place one cake on a dish and soak it with 1/3 of the syrup using a brush. Grease with cream.

Cover with the second one and do the same. Cover with the top cake, which we prick with a toothpick (the top of the cake to soak better) and grease the top and sides with the remaining cream. Sprinkle the sides with coconut flakes, decorate the top with Raffaello halves and slices of lime or lemon. Cool well in the refrigerator.

A simple but very tasty cake is ready! The main thing is to soak it well in syrup. You can even cook it more than the recipe calls for.

Bon appetit!

The amazingly tender Pina Colada cake can easily conquer any sweet tooth with its taste. The combination of airy sponge cake, infinitely soft cream, pineapple pieces and coconut flakes create a simply unrealistic flavor combination. The cake literally melts in your mouth, leaving only pleasant memories.

Our recipe for Pina Colada cake is somewhat different from the classic recipe, but its taste is almost as good. Just as tender, just as tasty. Try it, bake a Pina Colada cake for the next holiday and please your loved ones with the most delicious dessert.



  • white sugar – 150 g;
  • eggs – 4 pieces;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • flour – 100 g.


  • white sugar – 130 g;
  • milk – 0.5 liters;
  • starch – 25 g;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • flour – 25 g;
  • butter – 180 g;
  • coconut flakes – 60 g (+ 60 g for sprinkling);
  • canned pineapples – 200 g.

How to cook:

1. Combine flour with baking powder and pass the resulting mixture through a fine sieve. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites so as not to damage them, which you immediately place on the refrigerator shelf.

2. Pour half of the granulated sugar into a cup with the yolks, start the mixer and bring the mass to a light fluffy consistency. This part is ready.

3. Thoroughly wash and dry the mixer beaters after beating the yolks. Then take out a cup of chilled egg whites and beat them into a soft foam. Then add the rest of the sugar and bring the consistency of the proteins to stable peaks.

4. Add part of the flour mixture to the yolk mixture. And with leisurely movements you begin to mix the biscuit mass.

5. Following the dry mixture, add some of the proteins. Stir. Then repeat again.

6. As a result, you get airy dough, which you immediately transfer to a springform pan (20-21 cm). Be sure to line the bottom with special paper.

7. Bake for about 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Do not open the door during the process; check readiness with a skewer. Cool in the mold in an inverted position (then the biscuit will turn out smooth), remove from the mold only after it has cooled completely.

8. In a saucepan, mix the egg, sugar, starch and flour until smooth. Dilute with cold milk and simmer over low heat until thickened. To ensure that the custard mixture is free of lumps, stir constantly during the cooking process. Let it cool completely.

9. Beat soft butter in a bowl until light and fluffy.

10. Then start adding the custard part to the creamy part. Add in small portions.

11. The cream turns out white and fluffy.

12. Set aside approximately a third of the cream, and mix coconut flakes into the rest of the mixture. Let the finished cream mass stand in the cold for about 20 minutes so that the chips swell a little.

13. Cut the cake into three equal layers. Chop the pineapples into small pieces. Leave the juice for soaking.

14. Soak the first layer with pineapple juice. If it is too sweet, then it can be diluted a little with boiled water.

15. Spread some of the coconut cream, level and arrange the pineapple pieces. Another small layer of cream and cover with a second layer.

16. Impregnate and layer the second layer in the same way. And cover with the final layer, which you impregnate from the inside.

17. Cover tightly with the reserved cream.

18. And sprinkle coconut shavings over the entire surface. You can further decorate as you wish. In our version, the Pina Colada cake is decorated with cream roses and candies.