Tibetan mushroom instructions for use. The benefits and harms of Tibetan milk mushroom - how to grow and care for, indications and recipes for making kefir

(kefir fungus) outwardly resembles loose lumps of slightly cream or white color. The body of the fungus in the initial stage measures around 6 mm, but grows up to 6 cm. Although it has nothing to do with mushrooms. These living organisms in biology are called zooglea. This is the name of the mucous formations that appear due to the vital activity of bacteria that can secrete mucus.

Discovery of the milky Tibetan mushroom

Buddhist monks many years ago in the monasteries of Tibet carried obedience. At monastic meals, fermented milk was one of the classic dishes. Before proceeding with the creation of another portion of curdled milk, the monks washed pottery in the nearby springs.

In pots washed in running water, an ordinary fermented milk product arose. At the same time, in dishes that were washed in stagnant water, milk turned into a delicate drink with a unique taste. The monks gradually turned their attention to the healing properties of such curdled milk.

Miracle mushroom in our country

Domestic doctors started talking about this product and its medicinal properties in the middle of the nineteenth century. The fame of this miracle drink, able to cope with diseases, as well as old age, spread at lightning speed throughout the country. Tibetan milk mushroom instantly became popular as an excellent remedy for rickets, anemia, for the treatment of female diseases, dropsy. Doctors noted its effectiveness in diseases of the respiratory system, including tuberculosis. Women instantly found another use for Tibetan kefir - drinking this drink inside helped to maintain harmony, and applying it to the skin made it soft, smooth and white.

In the first decades of the last century, Pyotr Aleksandrovich Badmaev, one of the most famous herbalists in Russia at that time, began to study the unique properties of products in the preparation of which Tibetan milk mushroom was used. It was he who first declared that with the help of a Tibetan drink it is possible to recover from allergic diseases, hypertension and diabetes. On the basis of the hospital for infectious diseases in 1903, patients with Tibetan curdled milk, who suffered from dysentery and colitis, were treated. A week later, it could be said that such treatment was very effective.

Opinion of modern experts

Modern doctors believe that milk fungus, the use of which is described in this article, helps to strengthen the immune system, therefore, you will not be affected by SARS and the flu epidemic that happens every year will bypass you. The positive effect of this product on the nervous system of the person using it has been proven.

Therefore, the use of this drink helps to resist stress, cope with mood swings and depression, get rid of insomnia and fatigue. Dairy mushroom (its beneficial properties and contraindications are described in detail in this article) itself becomes a supplier of various useful substances, and also improves their absorption from any other products. Thus, there is an adjustment of metabolic processes in the body.


It should be noted that the process of fermenting milk is 100% natural if milk fungus is used in this process. Useful properties (reviews about the product can be read in the article below) zoogleys make it possible to attribute such a drink to probiotics - products that have living microorganisms in their composition, which are considered representatives of normal human microflora. These products make it possible in the balance of microorganisms that inhabit the mucous membranes of a person to prevent violations.

Milk fermentation mechanism

After the milk fungus particles are in fresh cream or milk, the process of turning it into a medicinal drink begins. Immediately, all components of this culture are included in the work - lactic acid sticks, yeast fungi and acetic acid bacteria. First, alcoholic fermentation begins in milk with the participation of yeast, then lactic acid bacilli are activated. Due to this, the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide begins.

Milk fermentation process

As the legend says, the inhabitants of the mountain monasteries, passing the particles of the Tibetan mushroom to people, bequeathed to treat him with respect, while surrounding him with care, like a living being. It is worth taking care first of all of the container in which the milk mushroom will be placed, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are described in this article. You will need a deep porcelain or glass jar or bowl for this. Dip the mushroom in a clean bowl, then pour it with milk at room temperature. Two tablespoons of culture must be poured with 2 glasses of drink. The container must be reliably protected from dust, while the fungus needs air.

Therefore, it is better to cover the jar with gauze folded in several layers. Fermentation of milk in this case occurs within 24 hours. You do not need to use a metal strainer, as this is harmful to the fungus. Take a plastic colander and drain the resulting liquid through it. When only the mushroom remains, it must be rinsed under running water. You can put the resulting drink in the refrigerator and be sure to shake it before taking it, which will only make it tastier. Thus, milk fungus is used for weight loss.

The fungus in good conditions quickly begins to grow in size. After 1-2 months, it can already be divided. If necessary, leave the mushroom for a couple of days, because you need to take care of its condition. Mix a liter of water with a liter of milk and fill the mushroom with the resulting liquid. Thus, you can store it for no more than 3 days. Ready curdled milk can be used for cosmetic purposes, as well as for rubbing and compresses. For a longer period, the mushroom must be removed in the refrigerator.


To make such a healing liquid, you need to strain freshly prepared yogurt through a fine sieve, whey will eventually drain into the substituted container. It is used for ingestion, for which it is mainly diluted with water in certain proportions. On the basis of serum, you can also make an excellent tool for lotions, compresses, rinses, douches and enemas.

Cottage cheese

There is a method of making cottage cheese. Add 2 tablespoons of calcium chloride to Tibetan kefir, mix and put the mass on a sieve. As a result, you will get whey and cottage cheese, saturated with calcium. These products are useful for breastfeeding mothers, children, people with calcium deficiency.


Dairy mushroom, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are discussed in this article, is used to make tender cheese. To do this, pour a liter of milk into the pan, then put it on the stove. As soon as the milk begins to boil, dip a kilogram of Tibetan curd into it. Keep the saucepan on fire, stir the mass all the time. After 3 minutes, whey will begin to separate from the mass - remove the pan from the heat. Take clean gauze and a colander. Fold gauze in 2 layers, wet and put in a colander. Throw the resulting hot mass on it.

As soon as the serum drains, tie the ends of the gauze tightly and hang it over the container. While excess liquid drains from the curd mass, soften 100 grams of butter in a bowl, mix it with an egg, a spoonful of salt and two tablespoons of soda. You can also add seasonings - cumin, paprika or dill. Whisk the oil. Mix the curd mass with the oil, and put it in a water bath. Boil the resulting dish until it becomes viscous and viscous (about 10 minutes). Lubricate the form with butter and put the cheese mass into it. Put a light press on top and refrigerate for 2 hours.


Dairy fungus has a variety of useful properties and contraindications. So, in what cases should it not be used?

  1. You can not combine the use of insulin and milk fungus in diabetes mellitus.
  2. The use of this product is contraindicated in people with intolerance to it.
  3. It is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages while using Tibetan Milk Mushroom.

If you have any doubts about whether it is possible to use milk fungus, it is better to initially consult a doctor.

The benefits of milk mushroom: reviews

After studying the reviews of this interesting product, it becomes clear that it is an excellent remedy for anemia, rickets, to strengthen the immune system and to improve digestion. There are also negative reviews. They mainly relate to the fact that this mushroom is quite difficult to find on sale, in addition, there are people who are dissatisfied with the presence of contraindications.

The Tibetan mushroom, also known as kefir mushroom, is actually not a mushroom. This symbiotic group of microbes of the genus Zooglea also contains lactic yeast, acetic acid and lactobacilli. Therefore, kefir obtained using the Tibetan mushroom is the product of the best lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation.

Summary of the article:

  • Kefir fungus
  • Useful characteristics
  • Amazing healing effect
  • Application
  • Contraindications
  • Where can I get this miracle mushroom?

Tibetan milk mushroom, the harm and benefits of which have been disputed by scientists all over the world for more than a dozen years, is a typical natural antibiotic that removes toxic substances, toxins and remnants of “dead” food from the body.

The fungus outwardly looks like a spherical snow-white substance, reaching 35–70 mm at the last stage of development.

The composition of the milk drink from kefir fungus

The composition of such kefir is diverse and rich in various vitamins and microelements. Contains such vitamins A (retinol). B1 (thiamine), B12 (cyanocobalamin), PP (nicotinic acid), B6 ​​(folic acid. Tibetan kefir is also rich in such trace elements: 125 mg of calcium, up to 0.0055 mg of iodine, iron - up to 0.25 mg, 0.41 mg zinc.

Kefir from the Tibetan mushroom contains lactic acid organisms, milk sugar, ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. At the same time, ethyl alcohol is contained in a concentration acceptable for the body.

In the end, the product contains coloring pigments, yeast-like substances, enzymes, scientists number more than 200 of them. Tibetan milk mushroom is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and excellent reproduction at home.

Kefir fungus:

  • Removes all bacteria and toxins accumulated over a long period in the body. It neutralizes and removes more toxic substances, removes decay products from the body and restores the microflora.
  • Eliminates virtually all heavy metals from the body that enter our body daily.
  • It cleanses blood vessels, is able to lower blood sugar levels, and restores blood pressure.
  • Can also reduce weight. The mushroom miraculously breaks down fats.
  • Improves the condition and appearance of the skin of the face and hands. Able to whiten and rejuvenate the skin, it also eliminates dandruff and promotes hair growth.
  • Strengthens memory and attention. It is often used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis.
  • Increases potency in men and relieves women of thrush.

Kefir fungus does not contain harmful substances. But it must be used in reasonable quantities.

Useful characteristics

  1. Increases the tone of the body.
  2. Improves metabolism.
  3. Strengthens immunity.
  4. It is used for the treatment and prevention of allergies, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, neurodermatitis, with bronchial asthma, kefir fungus is contraindicated.
  5. Removes toxins from the body.
  6. Helps to rejuvenate the whole body.
  7. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, lungs, liver, gallbladder.
  8. Restores the microflora of the intestinal tract. Useful during and after taking medications, quickly and easily relieves candidiasis, useful for people suffering from overweight.
  9. Improves the condition of the cardiovascular system.
  10. Reduces blood sugar levels in diabetes (do not use with insulin).
  11. Increases the speed of wound healing.
  12. Improves attention and memory.
  13. Increases sexual activity.
  14. also used for cosmetic purposes for the manufacture of masks for hair and skin. Face masks will help whiten the skin, remove age spots, smooth fine wrinkles. Hair masks will help get rid of dandruff, stimulate growth and strengthen the roots.
  15. Tibetan mushroom kefir is widely used in cooking. It is a great substitute for plain kefir.

Amazing healing effect

Studies have proven the constant use of a Tibetan mushroom drink has a positive effect on the human nervous system. The one who uses such a miracle drink is less prone to stress, lethargy, more balanced, calm. There are also no depressions and mood swings. The mushroom improves the overall tone of the body, improves appetite. This unique natural remedy has an unsurpassed choleretic effect.

Kefir mushroom drink is used in the treatment of diseases of the bile ducts and gallbladder. Kefir from the Tibetan mushroom, with constant use, contributes to the painless removal of sand and stones from the body in case of urolithiasis and biliary nephro-diseases. According to some reports, the use of this kefir even leads to the resorption of small stones in the gallbladder, bladder, and kidneys.

There is evidence of the use of this miracle drink in various tumor diseases. It is believed that the constant use of kefir from the Tibetan mushroom perfectly prevents the appearance and development of cancer.

Foot baths have a strong effect. A drink made with the help of a Tibetan milk mushroom is added to the water for such baths. They prevent varicose veins, relieve fatigue in the legs, significantly reduce sweating of the legs.

With rheumatic pains, polyarthritis and arthritis, lubrication of articular areas and brushes with kefir has an excellent effect. Freshly prepared kefir is painstakingly rubbed into the skin with radial movements, 6-8 times a day, taking hourly breaks.

Also, the treatment of diseases on the skin has an excellent effect ( wounds, abscesses, sores, acne, pimples, etc..). The skin is cleaned, then abundantly soaked, a gauze napkin with a drink from the Tibetan milk fungus and then attached to the sore spot for 30–45 minutes. This procedure is performed 7-8 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until complete recovery.

Tibetan milk fungus is used in the treatment of diseases such as ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, gastritis (both with high acidity and low acidity), colitis, diarrhea, constipation, dysbacteriosis, problems with the pancreas, liver failure, gallbladder dyskinesia, hepatic colic, pain in the liver, kidney disease (cystitis, pyelitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, glomeronephritis, renal failure), prostatitis, hypertension, hypotension, arrhythmia, tachycardia, heart failure, sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, chronic and acute bronchitis, salt deposition , bone fractures, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, tonsillitis, infectious and viral diseases, influenza, acute respiratory infections, SARS, dental problems (stomatitis, gingivitis).


It is necessary to drink kefir on an empty stomach or before meals 2-3 times a day. The last dose is no later than 30-45 minutes before bedtime. The daily dose of kefir is less than 500 ml for adults and 250 ml for children. They take kefir according to the 20/10 system. 20 days on, then 10 days off. In the first few weeks of use, the gastrointestinal tract will begin to transition to proper function, and as a result, you may experience excessive gas and indigestion.
In the initial period of admission, it is better to drink kefir in the evening. After about 2 weeks, the body will be completely cleansed of toxins and toxins, the body's activity will normalize, and all side effects will pass, the body will work like clockwork, and you can drink a healing drink several times a day. The intake of such a drink begins with 100 ml per day for an adult and less than 50 ml for children.


Milk mushroom kefir is contraindicated in people with bronchial asthma. It cannot be used in diabetes combined with the use of insulin.
Contraindicated in people with intolerance to milk and milk products.

  • between taking medications and such kefir, it is necessary to take a break of more than 3 hours;
  • absolutely incompatible with alcohol;
  • contraindicated in children under two years of age;
  • kefir production time, which is more than three days loses its medicinal properties by 90%.

Where can I get this miracle mushroom?

You can buy Tibetan milk mushroom in one of the many online stores that ship the product to any area.

But, when purchasing it “from hand” or from suppliers, you take full responsibility for all the products that you prepare from the purchased mushroom, so pay special attention to choosing the place of purchase, carefully researching customer reviews.

Usually, merchants send their customers a young mushroom that will have to be grown, so it makes sense to consult professionals in advance about methods of caring for it. Remember, kefir mushroom is alive.

Recipe for making kefir from Tibetan milk mushroom

The simplest recipe for making Tibetan kefir: add four tablespoons without a slide of milk mushroom starter to one liter of milk, take two tablespoons for 0.5 liters of milk, take one tablespoon for 250 ml (1 glass) of milk.

Method of preparation: mushroom and milk are mixed in the required proportions in a glass jar. It is better to use homemade milk, purchased on the market, also store-bought, but of a short shelf life - there may be preservatives. Milk is taken at room temperature, as low temperatures will slow down fermentation. The jar is covered with gauze, you should not cover it with a lid, the fermentation process occurs with direct access to oxygen. Fermentation lasts a day (24 hours).
After the end of fermentation, kefir must be filtered through a plastic sieve. An iron sieve is not recommended, as in this case kefir may lose its medicinal properties. The resulting kefir can be divided into several portions. Store kefir in the refrigerator, the shelf life is no more than two days from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, make cottage cheese from kefir, it is used to care for the skin of the hands, face, and also for hair care.

You should know the greater the percentage of fat content of milk used in the fermentation of kefir, the faster the Tibetan mushroom will grow. With a high fat content of milk, after 20 days the fungus will reach its maximum volume and begin to disintegrate into small grains, which can later become a new mushroom.
If you follow all of the above tips, you will keep your youth and significantly improve your health.

At first glance, the milk mushroom looks unsightly: it is a small loose lump, ranging in size from 5-50 mm. But its properties completely redeem its appearance, because milk mushroom is capable of much.

From some sources it is known that the Tibetan milk mushroom came to Europe from Tibet. Milk mushroom is known in Russia under many names: milk mushroom, Tibetan mushroom or kefir mushroom. Today, Tibetan milk mushroom kefir is recognized by scientists as the single most powerful, safe and harmless natural(natural) antibiotic.

His abilities:
- strengthen immunity
- normalize metabolism (therefore, it is extremely useful for those who have been fond of strict diets or fasting for a long time and "killed" the metabolism with their experiments with nutrition)
- have a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including restoring their natural microflora, ulcers, dysbacteriosis, etc.
- have an anti-allergic effect
- heal inflammation
- improve memory, attention; help the body cope with stress
- increase sexual activity
- allergies
- cardiovascular diseases
- Hypertension of any origin
- benign tumors
- Diseases of the liver and gallbladder
- Cancer (prevention and pre-initial stage)
- Diseases of the lungs and respiratory system (including tuberculosis)
- Diseases of the kidneys.
- Diabetes (cannot be combined with insulin!!!)
- Diseases of the joints
- Infectious diseases

And this is just a small list of all that this wonderful mushroom can do. BUT, in order to achieve the result, you need to use milk fermented with a mushroom (kefir) every day!

With the help of kefir (obtained with the help of a Tibetan mushroom), the human body is freed from the strongest poisons (toxins), as well as from the remnants of medicines, such as antibiotic remnants, which have a catastrophic effect on heredity. Also, with the help of it (kefir), the body is freed not only from toxins, but also from sand and stones in the gallbladder, bladder, kidneys (they simply dissolve).

The mushroom also helps with skin diseases. Remarkable results from fermented milk compresses applied to bites, wounds, having combed, acne or pimples. If there is a lot of milk, then you can do foot baths: they will help to remove fatigue and swelling, warn education calluses and corns.

With the help of Tibetan milk fungus, they rejuvenate and whiten the skin, smooth wrinkles, eliminate age spots, strengthen hair, eliminate baldness and stimulate healthy hair growth.

Hair Care with Tibetan Milk Mushroom
After washing your hair, you need to pour about a glass of kefir on the scalp and hair, then rub it with massaging movements for about 5-10 minutes. After that, rinse your hair again with a neutral shampoo. For a greater effect, you can leave kefir on your head for 1-2 hours, covering your head with a bag and a hat.

Milk mushroom also helps to eliminate excess weight, the safest and easiest way, namely: through the normalization of metabolism. Its secret lies in the fact that it does not break down fats to fatty acids that accumulate in the liver and are again converted into fats there, but it converts these fats into simpler compounds, which then itself removes from the human body. In order to lose weight, you should drink an infusion (kefir) of Tibetan milk mushroom daily half an hour after eating. In addition, it normalizes intestinal flora, are eliminated cholesterol plaques, hormonal background comes back to normal metabolism.

So how to get rid of excess weight with the help of Tibetan milk mushroom?
- In order to lose weight, you should drink Tibetan kefir half an hour after eating. The last dose should be 30-60 minutes before bedtime (on an empty stomach, i.e. approximately 3 hours after eating). This kefir should be consumed daily. Some nutritionists advise taking a Tibetan mushroom drink only in the morning, arguing that this is how you can achieve rapid weight loss. Of course, you will achieve better results if you limit the consumption of flour products and sweets during this period.

In some people, after eating milk fungus, intestinal activity sharply increases, which is expressed in increased gas formation. Sometimes the urine becomes a little darker. But then these reactions in the body stop, the general condition improves, mood and general tone increase.

Once or twice a week it is useful to arrange fasting days based on Tibetan kefir (from 1 liter to 1.5 liters per day). This can be done when the milk mushroom reaches the desired size, and you will receive a sufficient amount of kefir. Recall that the milk mushroom, which occupies 2 teaspoons in volume, is poured with 250 ml of milk. Therefore, to get 1 liter of a healthy drink, you will need a mass of fungus 4 times more, that is, 7-8 teaspoons. If the “kefir day” seems to you a very complicated procedure, then try to spend a fasting day with apples, pears and the same Tibetan elixir.

Ration for one day
For the first breakfast - an apple and a glass of Tibetan kefir.
For the second breakfast - a pear, an apple and a glass of Tibetan kefir.
For lunch - a glass of Tibetan kefir with a slice of black bread.
For dinner - pear-apple salad seasoned with Tibetan kefir.
Before going to bed - drink a glass of Tibetan kefir with a teaspoon of honey.

The value of the above diet is that weight loss will be stable: about 4 kg per month. In addition, the hormonal background returns to normal, metabolism normalizes.

Tibetan mushroom helps eliminate allergies and headaches. It eliminates the very causes of allergies. Normalizes pressure, improves the quality of sleep, it significantly and very noticeably increases performance and ability to concentration(which is important not only for working people, but also pupils and students). Increases the sexual attractiveness of a person (both women and men). Restores and increases "male power" (potency)

There are many more advantages of Tibetan milk fungus kefir: it stops capillary liming, cleans blood vessels, heals ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract (so that there are no scars left), destroys and removes harmful fats, dissolves tumors, eliminates fatigue, normalizes appetite, increases tone, rejuvenates all cells of the body (including our skin cells), strengthens hair, protects the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract from destruction, smoothes out numerous side effects of synthetic drugs (when taking this kefir and this medical synthetic at the same time), lowers the level of sugar in blood, normalizes blood pressure. Within 2-3 months of admission (400 ml daily) is guaranteed to be cured advanced gastritis, a longer period of admission cures stomach ulcers. For medicinal purposes, it is used 15 minutes before a meal or half an hour after a meal, the recommendations are approximate, you can drink as you wish. Doctors believe that daily consumption of kefir in the amount of 500 grams is an effective measure to prevent cancer.

100 grams of kefir, obtained by fermenting ordinary milk with Tibetan kefir (milk) mushroom, contains:

mushroom care
Every 24 hours, the mushroom must be thoroughly washed and poured with a glass of slightly warm sterilized milk (do not forget to cover 2-3 layers with gauze). This must be done daily, otherwise the fungus will simply “die”.

Remember that milk fungus is a living creature, you need to handle it carefully, carefully, do not cover it with a lid, because. he must breathe. Dairy fungus should not be washed with hot water and left in the refrigerator, because. it loses its medicinal properties. Milk fungus dies if it is not washed in time. If you are absent for 2-3 days, fill a 3-liter jar of milk half-and-half with water, put a mushroom there, put it in a warm place, use this kefir for your feet upon arrival (relieves fatigue in the legs, has a wound healing effect, reduces sweating).

According to legend, milk mushroom should be presented with an open heart, so the question is where to buy milk mushroom? I will answer: it is better to find a person who has it and ask him to give it. After the offspring, transfer the mushroom only with the instructions for use and care described above.

Scheme of use
Milk mushroom the size of two teaspoons pour 250-200 ml of milk at room temperature and leave for 24 hours. So you need to do it 1 time per day, at the same time, preferably in the evening and store at room temperature. The poured milk is completely fermented after 17-20 hours. A sign of complete fermentation is the appearance of a thick layer on top, in which the fungus is located, the separation of fermented milk at the bottom of the jar. Fermented milk is filtered through a sieve into a glass jar. After straining, the milk fungus is washed from the remnants of fermented milk under a stream of clean cold water, then the milk mushroom is placed again in a jar and poured with a new portion of milk.

If the milk fungus is not washed daily and poured with fresh milk, then it will not multiply and turn brown, it will not have medicinal properties and it may die. Healthy white fungus (color of milk, cottage cheese).

Fermented milk should be consumed 200-250 ml, the last dose 30-60 minutes before bedtime (on an empty stomach). It is recommended to take milk fermented with milk fungus for 20 days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course of treatment again.

The course of treatment is 1 year. During the course of treatment with milk fungus, the use of strong drinks, infusions, and medicines is strictly prohibited. In 10 days of a break, you need to continue to care for the fungus. Strained kefir can be used for pancakes, cottage cheese, wipe hands, face, etc. Sore spots should be lubricated 6-8 times in a row during the day.

Personally, I like kefir made from milk mushroom the most. In terms of taste, it is much better than a store-bought product and even surpasses homemade kefir made from dry starters. And in terms of the content of useful substances, it generally has no equal among fermented milk products. The cost of "mushroom" kefir does not exceed the cost of milk: there is no need to spend money on expensive starter cultures, and even more so to overpay for a promoted brand, buying a product with a lot of harmful additives. There is only one drawback in the preparation of such an extremely healthy kefir: milk mushroom loves daily gentle care. However, subject to simple rules, it is quite capable of delighting you with a fresh, tasty product for many years.

Milk mushroom, often called kefir or Tibetan, looks like the surface of a cauliflower or dense granular cottage cheese. It consists of a large number of white grains, the diameter of which at the initial stage of development does not exceed 6 mm. At its core, it is a colony of lactic acid bacteria and yeast fungi, during the life of which ordinary milk turns into a healing drink.

Regularly using kefir from the Tibetan mushroom, you can:

  • get rid of allergies;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • normalize metabolism and lose weight;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • increase sexual activity;
  • promote wound healing;
  • improve sleep and brain function;
  • strengthen hair and smooth out wrinkles.

With anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and choleretic effects, milk fungus kefir can cure more than 20 diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, ulcers, cholecystitis, tuberculosis, heart disease and even cancer. The unique drink is rich in vitamins, microelements, polysaccharides, lactobacilli and enzymes. You can even use it for children from three years old, and the only contraindication is lactose intolerance.

In order for kefir to be as useful as possible, the Tibetan mushroom must be looked after daily. There is nothing complicated in the procedure itself, but it should be done regularly, without gaps. Pour a kefir mushroom about 5 cm in size with a glass of boiled milk at room temperature. The fatter the original product is, the faster the mushroom will begin to grow. With proper care in a month, he will already be able to occupy a third of a three-liter jar, so periodically it should be thinned out, distributing pieces to friends and acquaintances.

You can store kefir mushroom in a kitchen cabinet or on a table, away from direct sunlight. At a temperature of 18-24 ºС, after 16-20 hours, milk will turn sour under the influence of mushroom microflora, acquiring healing properties. The drink must be filtered through a sieve, and the Tibetan mushroom must be washed under cool running water. After that, you can fill it with a new portion of milk, and ready-made kefir can be used as a medicine or just a delicious product. If necessary, the drink can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

Attention! Kefir must be filtered through a plastic sieve. After contact with iron, milk fungus can get sick or even die.

Dairy mushroom is a living creature and rather capricious, therefore, when manipulating it, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. Store the Tibetan mushroom in glass or ceramic dishes: it does not tolerate iron and aluminum pans.
  2. The storage container should be well washed with soda (without the use of household chemicals) and sterilized.
  3. You can only fill the Tibetan mushroom with cool milk, since too cold or hot liquid can injure the body of the mushroom.
  4. Only cold water is needed for rinsing.
  5. The container in which the mushroom is stored must not be tightly closed with a lid. Like any living being, it needs oxygen. It is best to cover the jar with a clean cloth or gauze so that dust, crumbs and harmful microorganisms do not get into the liquid.

For the preparation of a healing drink, homemade goat or cow's milk is best suited. You can also ferment a store-bought pasteurized product. But long-term storage milk and a drink restored from milk powder should not be used.

Important! For medicinal purposes, kefir should be consumed in a glass 1-2 times a day half an hour before meals. After 20 days of admission, it is recommended to take a break for one and a half weeks, after which treatment can be continued. The full course of treatment is 1 year.

Diseases and their treatment

A healthy milk mushroom has a pure white color and a pleasant sour-milk aroma. If it turned beige, yellow, brown, and also changed the smell, then it's time to start treatment.

Often, a change in the color of a Tibetan mushroom is provoked not by diseases, but by domestic causes associated with improper care.

Cause of problemsCorrective action
Too high room temperaturePut the jar for a while in a room with a low temperature (10-14 ºС). In this case, rinsing with running water and soda solution (1 teaspoon per 1.5 liters of water) is recommended. When the state of the fungus returns to normal, you can return it to its usual place.
Contact with metal objectsUse only plastic, glass and ceramic objects
Contact with too cold/hot liquidMilk and rinse water should be cool or at room temperature
Insufficient rinsingRinse the mushroom under running water until the remains of the previous leaven are washed off.
The fermentation process ends too soon or too lateDo not let the fermented milk drink sour and do not drain the kefir if it has not yet thickened enough
Proportion violationThe basic proportion is 1 tablespoon of mushroom per 250 ml of milk. If it has grown greatly, remove old grains from it: they no longer bring benefits, but take up volume

If the fungus is cared for correctly, and it is still sick, then the reason is the growth of pathogenic flora, and treatment is indispensable. The most common diseases are:

  1. Oxidation: The milk begins to turn into kefir too quickly, and the drink takes on an unpleasant sour taste, separating into whey and dense casein flakes. The best remedy for this disease is increased hygiene measures. Thoroughly wash and sterilize milk fungus containers and utensils with which it comes into contact. It is advisable to wash it 2-3 times a day with cool water and soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and keep it in a cool place with a temperature not exceeding 12 ºС.
  2. Sliming: milk does not turn sour for a very long time, remaining insipid, and the grains outside and inside are covered with mucus, becoming soft and flabby. Most of the diseased grains should be removed, and the rest of the fungus should be washed in a 5% solution of boric or salicylic acid and dried well.

The first kefir obtained from a recovered fungus is best drained. If you see that the color has fully recovered, you can use it normally in the future.

Long-term storage of milk fungus

Tibetan mushroom resembles a pet. He needs daily care, and if you are going on vacation, the question immediately arises: where to attach a pet for this time? You can leave kefir mushroom without fresh milk only for 48 hours. If you stay away longer, he will simply die.

You can save the product during your long absence in the refrigerator, in a three-liter jar, filling it with water and milk in a 1: 1 ratio. It can stay in the vegetable compartment for up to 5 days, but the kefir formed in the jar cannot be drunk: it is better to use it for cosmetic purposes. The mushroom can be kept in the refrigerator without milk by rinsing it and putting it in a clean jar. However, "dry" storage weakens its healing properties, and you can keep it in this form for no more than 12 days.

If you are going to be away for a few weeks, or just want to save the Tibetan mushroom for your next long-term treatment, you can freeze it. As in the case of the refrigerator, in the freezer it can be stored in milk and without it. Place a tablespoon-sized piece in a clean plastic container and pour milk over it. When dry freezing, the washed mushroom must first be dried on a paper towel or gauze for 1-2 hours. Then wrap it in cling film or an airtight container and place it in the freezer.

You can store Tibetan mushroom in the freezer for up to a year. After defrosting, it must be washed, poured with milk and further looked after as usual. The first 3-4 servings of kefir are best used externally, as face or hair masks. When the drink from the Tibetan mushroom acquires the usual taste and aroma, it can be eaten.

Interestingly, freezing not only perfectly preserves the product, but also has a positive effect on its condition, killing pathogenic microflora: mucus disappears from the grains, they become more fragrant and elastic.

Thus, it is not difficult to provide the mushroom with proper care. The main thing is not to forget that he is a living being, which means that he needs regular feeding and care. By providing your pet with proper care, you can enjoy the healing gifts of this representative of the flora for a very long time.

Find out what kefir mushroom is, what diseases it will help to cope with, what kind of care it needs, as well as some tips for use.

When I first heard from a friend about the possibilities of milk fungus, I was surprised how I had not heard anything about it before. This is the secret of Indian yoga and Tibetan medicine. It cures many diseases, and even cancer.

What is milk mushroom

This is something like white balls that grow up to 60 mm. Kefir fungus is a symbiotic group of bacteria and microorganisms of the genus Zooglea. In simple terms, it's a bunch of microbes living together! The fungus is actively used in medicine and cosmetology. For example, in Bulgaria it is in every family, as it helps to overcome many diseases. Milk fungus is especially effective in fighting allergies. In many cases, it not only relieves short-term allergy symptoms, but completely cures the disease.

Milk mushroom (popularly called kefir mushroom) helps to strengthen the immune system and establish its normal functioning, promotes wound healing and inflammation, improves concentration and memory, stabilizes metabolism, helps to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also increases sexual function . You will feel a surge of energy and vitality.

The chemical composition of kefir fungus:

  • Vitamin A - from 0.04 to 0.12 mg;
  • Carotenoids that are converted in the body into vitamin A - from 0.02 to 0.06 mg;
  • B1 (thiamine) - about 0.1 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) - from 0.15 to 0.3 mg;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - up to 0.1 mg;
  • B12 (cobalamin) - about 0.5 mg;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Niacin (PP) - about 1 mg;
  • Calcium - 120 mg;
  • Iron - about 0.1-0.2 mg, the higher the fat content of this kefir, the higher the iron content in it;
  • Iodine - about 0.006 mg;
  • Zinc - about 0.4 mg, it is also worth noting that this kefir stimulates the absorption of zinc already present in the body;
  • Folic acid - 20% more than in milk, you need to pay attention to the fact that the fatter the kefir, the more folic acid it contains;
  • Lactic bacteria (lactobacilli), yeast-like microorganisms (not to be confused with nutritional yeast);
  • Acids (including carbonic acid);
  • Easily digestible proteins;
  • Polysaccharides.

How to use milk mushroom?

For treatment, milk fungus is taken in the form of a drink, like a fermented milk product (by the way, outwardly it looks like fermented milk or kefir). You must always adhere to the schedule for taking a mushroom drink:

  • A glass of mushroom kefir should be drunk 15 minutes before meals three times a day for 3 days.
  • Between each use of this drink should be at least five hours.
  • Also, many recommend drinking a mushroom drink on an empty stomach an hour before your bedtime.
Surprisingly, even children over two years old can drink mushroom kefir. Only after each month of using the drink, you need to take a break (about 30 days).

Do not worry if in the first days the child has an upset stomach, this is not scary, as the microflora quickly stabilizes.

We need a glass of milk (preferably at room temperature), with which we pour 2 teaspoons of the mushroom. Forget about it for a day.
  • Drain the fermented milk.
  • Fill with milk, as on the first day.
  • For better infusion, carry out this procedure in the evening.
  • If a thick white layer appears on top of the mushroom, then the milk is sour (usually it takes about 20 hours).
  • The fermented milk that has formed at the bottom of the jar is poured into a bowl (use a strainer).
  • The mushroom must be washed with boiled, but previously cooled water.
  • Fill it with milk again.
Remember that you can use one mushroom for no more than 2 months, then it loses its beneficial medicinal properties. Drink only freshly prepared kefir (one-day), because the goal is a healthy body and a cheerful spirit. Therefore, it is also worth the network on the following diet: do not drink alcoholic beverages, drugs and infusions. If an upset bowel appears, eliminate foods that can aggravate it from your diet, and in a couple of days you will notice improvements in your whole body.
  • It is forbidden to store the mushroom in the refrigerator. Room temperature is best.
  • Be extremely careful in handling the milk mushroom, try not to touch it with your hands.
  • Contact of the fungus with hot milk or hot water is contraindicated.
  • Rinse it every day and fill it with new milk, otherwise the fungus will not grow and even die.
  • Watch the color of the mushroom. It must always be white. If a brown color has formed, this means that the mushroom has deteriorated. In this case, it does not carry useful properties, so feel free to throw it away and start using a new one.
  • If you are away for the weekend (no more than 3 days), you can pour the mushroom in a large jar with a mixture of milk and water. Leave it in a warm place. Then you can not pour the resulting kefir, but wipe your feet with it. A great way to reduce sweating and also relieve fatigue.

What diseases can milk mushroom help to cope with?

  • Normalizes the intestinal microflora and treats other gastric diseases.
  • Normalizes salt metabolism.
  • Helps strengthen the bones of children and adults.
  • Deals with allergies.
  • Treats hypertension.
  • Respiratory diseases.
  • Liver and kidney disorders.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Helps with benign tumors.
  • Solves problems associated with the cardiovascular system.
This is just a short list of diseases that milk fungus successfully fights. You can apply a kefir compress to the wound for quick healing. There is also a significant decrease in the size of a benign tumor if you take daily kefir fungus. Many even treat barley with it.

Video about the beneficial properties of milk fungus:

Kefir fungus is effectively used in cosmetology. For example, it helps to cope with acne on the face. It is enough just to apply a kefir compress for half an hour daily. Wiping your face every day with kefir, it will find freshness and softness, the skin will become smooth and at the same time elastic. It also has a whitening effect and is used as face and hair masks:

  • We need a quarter of black bread, which we twist through a meat grinder and add about a glass of kefir. The resulting mixture resembles sour cream in density. Then rub it on the scalp for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Hair will become lush and shiny.
  • Stir the bran with kefir (three tablespoons each), then add a spoonful of honey. Apply to the skin of the face for half an hour, rinse with warm water. But you can also spread it on the scalp (30-50 minutes). It is advisable to wear a bag and a terry towel. But you need to rinse your hair with vinegar to wash everything off well.

Milk fungus contraindications

  1. Dairy fungus neutralizes the effect of drugs, so people who use insulin injections (have diabetes) are forbidden to use it.
  2. It is forbidden to use it if you have milk protein intolerance.
  3. Experts do not recommend eating milk fungus during pregnancy.
  4. When using any other medicines - take a break from using this product for at least 3 hours.
In all other cases, there are no contraindications.

Video with tips on how to properly care for milk fungus.