Sauerkraut for dinner. How to lose weight on sauerkraut

Paradoxically, sauerkraut is considered much healthier than fresh cabbage.

In sauerkraut, lactic acid bacteria are formed, which are released during fermentation (fermentation) and only they act as preservatives of microelements and vitamins useful for the body.

Wanting to remove extra centimeters at the waist and hips, we resort to the help of miracle pills and super newfangled diets, but simple and no less effective products often leave our field of attention.

Let's take sauerkraut as an example. There are few calories in it, and a huge amount of vitamins! We prepare low-calorie vegetable-based dishes, increase physical activity and voila, those extra pounds will fly off by themselves by the summer. And without any health consequences.

Health benefits of sauerkraut

Just a spoonful of such cabbage has a daily intake of vitamin K. The vegetable contains zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur, and a large supply of vitamin C, B, A, E and PP. All these elements have a beneficial effect on the state of the body.

We need vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and vitamin B is important for strengthening the nervous system.

sauerkraut calories Only 20 calories for every 100g of product.

But, if the salad is seasoned with vegetable oil, then its calorie content will increase to 50 calories. With the addition of different products, the satiety of the dish increases several times.

In short, the usefulness of cabbage is as follows:

  • Improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol.
  • It is useful to drink cabbage juice in the morning at thirty grams. This is especially important during the season of viral and colds.
  • The daily norm of vitamin C can cover only one hundred and fifty grams of the product.
  • Vitamin K contained in it improves blood clotting.
  • Prevents allergic reactions that exacerbate bronchial problems.
  • Stimulates bowel function and relieves constipation. All this is due to the high content of vegetable fiber.
  • It has lactobacilli that favorably affect the intestinal microflora.

The benefits of sauerkraut for weight loss

  • Regulates the metabolism of fats in the body.
  • Improves digestion and cleanses the body of toxins.
  • Contains low calories.
  • Gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.
  • Due to the high content of fiber, it takes more energy to digest it, and therefore more calories are burned in the body.

The opinion and reviews of doctors about the sauerkraut diet

Doctors are skeptical about such a diet, because such a diet is one of the mono-diets. This means that the lost pounds at the end of the diet can quickly return back.

A low-calorie diet causes a slowdown in metabolism as the body tries to keep up the calorie expenditure. After the end of the regimen, the slowdown in metabolism still persists for a certain time, since the body cannot immediately switch to a diet with a higher calorie content.

As a result, the received calories do not have time to be burned and are deposited again in fat. After the transition to the usual diet, we will gain weight again.

Doctors advise, after completing the cabbage diet, in order to fix the weight, for some time still adhere to a balanced diet and, of course, not to reject physical education.

The advantage of this regime is that a person accustoms himself to consume more fruits and vegetables, smoothly switches to proper nutrition.

Do not forget that sauerkraut is not among the independent fat burners. It is great for those who want to lose weight, then only in combination with proper nutrition and exercise.

Cabbage is also one of the negative calorie foods. That is, in order to digest a vegetable, our body needs more calories than it receives when digesting the product.

Many people use salt when sourdough. But it is contraindicated in large quantities for those who suffer from hypertension or kidney disease.

Even a slight swelling the next day suggests that sourdough cabbage with salt is contraindicated for you. Salt holding water provokes puffiness and hypertensive crisis. In this case, it is better to use the salt-free method of fermenting cabbage.

What to eat sauerkraut during a diet

There are a lot of recipes for a cabbage diet, and the main point is as follows:

  • For breakfast: sour-milk dishes, it is possible with the addition of citrus fruits. For example - cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt with slices of grapefruit, kiwi, mango, orange or tangerine. You can cook.
  • For lunch: any sauerkraut dish. It can be soup or cabbage cutlets with buckwheat, stew or stewed cabbage with beans.
  • For dinner: light salad with vegetables. It is better to fill such salads with olive oil, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Choice and combination of products. 9 of the easiest and most delicious options.

It is useful to drink sauerkraut pickle for weight loss

The brine does not contain salt, has a lot of vitamins and minerals. It has a healing effect on problems with bile, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, atherosclerosis. Good for the spleen and liver.

Cabbage brine, in which salt was used during fermentation, should not be ignored either. It perfectly relieves a hangover syndrome and cleanses the body of toxins and toxic substances. The recommended dose is 30 g before meals, twice a day.

sauerkraut diet

If you decide to go on a cabbage diet, then, as doctors advise, you should eat sour-milk products for breakfast, and connect cabbage dishes for lunch and dinner.

You can make a menu for a diet on sauerkraut yourself. Choose from options for breakfast, lunch and dinner based on your taste and the availability of food in the refrigerator.

Breakfast (4 options)

Lunch (3 options)

Dinner (4 options)

№ 1
    Boiled beef - 100 g
    Sauerkraut - 200 g
    Pineapple - 1 circle
№ 2
    Sauerkraut - 250 g
    Boiled salmon - 150 g + 1 tea. a spoonful of lemon juice
№ 3
    Sauerkraut - 150 g
    Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.
    Large grapes - 3 berries
№ 4 Salad:
    Sauerkraut - 250 g
    Radish - 50 g
    Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
    Low-fat yogurt - 4 spoons.
    Ground walnuts - 1 tea. lies.


    Grate the radish, cut the cucumber into cubes
    Add cabbage and yogurt
    Mix everything and pour over yogurt
    Top with nuts

Fermenting cabbage without salt

  • White cabbage - 1 fork
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Cumin - a pinch
  • Carrot - 1 pc.

Shred cabbage, add finely chopped garlic, cumin, carrots grated on a coarse grater. Mix everything, pour chilled boiled water and leave in a warm place for five days. Then strain the brine and squeeze out the cabbage. Throw away the cabbage. Next we take:

  • Fresh white cabbage - 1 fork
  • Grated carrots - 1 pc.

Mix all the ingredients and pour over the brine from the previous cabbage. We put oppression on top and leave it warm for a couple of days. Then, two days later, we make holes from the top and to the bottom with a wooden spoon so that carbon dioxide comes out and the cabbage does not taste bitter. Let stand warm for a couple more days. Everything, after that the cabbage is ready for use. We put it in the refrigerator.

Recipes for diet dishes with sauerkraut

Sauerkraut with beans

Sauerkraut with salt - 0.5 kg
Boiled beans - 250 g
Finely chopped onion - 1 pc.
Ground coriander - a pinch
Salt and pepper - to taste
Bay leaf - 1 pc.

Rinse the cabbage, add water, laurel, onion and pepper. Boil for forty minutes. Then add grated beans and boil for another ten minutes. Get a wonderful cabbage soup for weight loss.

Cabbage cutlets with buckwheat

Minced chicken breast - 50 g
Egg whites - 2 pcs.
Boiled buckwheat - 1/2 cup
Sauerkraut - 200 g

Finely chop the cabbage, mix with minced meat, proteins and buckwheat. Form cutlets and fry in a small amount of sunflower oil.

Cabbage stew with beans

Cabbage - 300 g
Boiled beans - 200 g
White onion - 1 pc.

Stew cabbage until cooked, add beans with stewed onions, mix everything and simmer over low heat for another ten minutes.

Crispy, fragrant, tasty and inexpensive - it's all about sauerkraut. From the product you can cook a large number of dishes that diversify the daily menu and do not turn into extra pounds. The sauerkraut diet is very healthy, in combination with buckwheat it gives excellent results, and the product is also allowed to be eaten at night! The secrets to healthy weight loss are very simple.

Is it possible to lose weight on sauerkraut

The peculiarity of the product is that its digestion requires more energy than it brings to the body. A salted vegetable has a very low calorie content - 20 kcal per hundred grams, so it can be consumed without restrictions. The energy value of the product increases if you fill it with oil. Diets with sauerkraut give excellent results - girls and women are provided with a loss of 2-5 kg ​​in a short time.

The benefits of sauerkraut

If you are not afraid of feeling hungry and want to become slim, you can experiment with this product. Is it possible to eat sauerkraut on a diet? The answer is yes. An acidic product will allow you to lose excess weight, because it:

  • Contains in its composition lactic acid, which regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract: improves digestion, stimulates intestinal peristalsis, improves microflora.
  • Rich in macro- and microelements, minerals, organic acids. When the body has enough of all the useful substances, hunger is dulled, and there is no sharp desire to eat something harmful.
  • Includes tartronic acid, which prevents fat from accumulating.
  • Removes toxins, improves the quality of sleep, increases the body's defenses.
  • Reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol, blood sugar, speeds up metabolism, removes excess water.

Diet with sauerkraut

A beautiful figure requires hard work and willpower. Mono-diets on a white vegetable are very effective, but after they are completed, the lost kilograms often return with a vengeance. The reason is that during the period of the diet, hunger increases, and due to the low calorie content of the diet, the body goes into resource saving mode. As a result, after express weight loss, a person eats up, and the body transfers most of the energy into fat depot. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to create a balanced menu in which the sour product will solo.


This diet option is worth using if you need to quickly lose weight. The weight loss system is tough, the calorie content of the diet is very low, so do not practice such nutrition before important events in life and carefully monitor your well-being. The diet lasts 10 days. Every day you will have the same menu:

  • breakfast: a slice of whole grain / rye bread, 1 cup of unsweetened green tea;
  • lunch: 200 g sauerkraut, 1 apple, a cup of water;
  • dinner: 200 g of sour product, the same amount of boiled meat or fish, a cup of water;
  • Before going to bed, drink 1 glass of kefir.


Sauerkraut, when losing weight, starts the process of burning fat and at the same time saturates the body with vitamins, active ingredients that have a positive effect on health. The three-day meal below will help you get rid of 2-3 kg. Drink water, green tea without sugar at every meal. Do not forget about sports, it will improve the result. The diet menu is presented in the table:

Sauerkraut - 1 kg (QC), divided into 5 meals, pure water without gas

1 hard boiled egg

KK - 200 g, apple

KK - 100 g, apple

Jacket potatoes - 2 tubers, salad: 200 g KK, greens, olive oil

1 hard-boiled egg, a slice of whole grain or rye bread, a cup of KK pickle

KK - 200 g, boiled meat - 100 g

Soup: KK, potatoes, greens

KK - 200 g, apple

Boiled fish - 200 g, salad: 200 g KK, greens, olive oil

On buckwheat

You will lose weight in this way quickly. A diet on sauerkraut and buckwheat lasts a maximum of 5 days, then lean meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits must be introduced into the diet. When losing weight, you only need to eat buckwheat porridge without oil and salt, a sour white vegetable. You can drink clean water, other liquids are prohibited. Portions are selected individually, you should not experience an acute feeling of hunger. Such a diet helps to lose 2.5-3 kg in 3 days.

Recipes for weight loss

From the product you can create a lot of original dishes. It is better to ferment a vegetable on your own, then you will know that it includes high-quality ingredients and no harmful additives. Include more dishes with this component in your daily menu: bigos with lean meat, stewed sauerkraut, meatballs, spicy cabbage with apples, etc. Even small changes in the diet contribute to weight loss, especially if dishes are prepared with a minimum of oil from low-fat foods.

Diet cabbage soup

The unique properties of the vegetable are preserved even after heat treatment. With a sparing diet on sauerkraut, be sure to eat first courses. The following recipe will help you cook cabbage soup, which will saturate you for a long time and will not burden the body with extra calories. Ingredients:

  • water - 1-1.5 l;
  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • sauerkraut - 200 g;
  • a mixture of brown and steamed long-grain rice - 50-70 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - ½ pcs.;
  • dill - ½ bunch;
  • cabbage brine, salt, black pepper, bay leaf - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse chicken meat, place in cold water, bring to a boil, hold on fire for 2 minutes, drain the broth. Add clean water, boil for 10 minutes.
  • Cut the onion into cubes, grate the carrots or cut into strips. Add to broth, cook for 5-7 minutes.
  • If the sauerkraut is large, chop it. Add the ingredient to the soup, you can pour in a little brine. Leave on the stove for another 5-7 minutes.
  • Take out the meat, divide it into pieces. Place shredded chicken back into the pot.
  • Pour rice into cabbage soup, salt. Boil for 15-20 minutes over low heat.
  • Finely chop the greens, add it to the pan, add seasonings, cook cabbage soup for 3-5 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the soup sit for 15 minutes.

Sauerkraut salads

Just reading these recipes will make you salivate. Ready to get creative? Memorize the best salads with sauerkraut (KK):

  1. KK (200 g), hard cheese (100 g), boiled egg (2 pcs.), parsley root (2 pcs.), onion (0.5 pcs.), vegetable oil (3 tbsp.), salt , ground pepper. Remove the liquid from the cabbage, chop. Cut the eggs into cubes, grate the cheese. Onion, parsley turn into straws. Combine the ingredients, add seasonings, season with vegetable oil.
  2. KK (300 g), boiled beets (1 pc.), Bulb onions (0.5 pcs.), Sour cream (3 tbsp.), Chopped greens (1 tbsp.). Chop the onion, grate the beets on a coarse grater. Mix the ingredients, add salt to taste, season with sour cream.
  3. KK (250 g), walnuts (100 g), carrots (1 pc.), Vegetable oil, salt, cumin, pepper. Grate raw carrots, combine with cabbage, crushed nuts in a blender. Add seasonings, season the salad with oil.


All the benefits of the product can be nullified if there are health problems. The vegetable is rich in organic acids, which can aggravate certain diseases. Contraindications:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney failure;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • stones in the gallbladder.



Do you want to lose weight and get rid of extra centimeters at the waist and finally fit into your favorite jeans? This can be helped by a product that everyone knows about, but few people realize that sauerkraut for weight loss is an indispensable assistant. You will not need anything else, except that you will eat a delicious and favorite product. Say no to pills, starvation diets and exhausting workouts in the gym.

The fact is that the described product contains a minimum amount of calories, while there is a whole complex of vitamins in it. You can eat it as is or make it the star of your meals. Extra pounds will go away quickly and imperceptibly, and you can lose weight without any special material and physical costs. We will find out if it is possible to eat sauerkraut with a diet, what are the reviews and results.

What are the benefits of sauerkraut

Sauerkraut for weight loss contains vitamins and minerals such as:

  • vitamins of groups A, C, B, E, P K;
  • trace elements: iodine, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, sulfur and magnesium;
  • acids: folic (indispensable for women), lactic, citric, malic, oxalic, etc.

As for the calorie content, there are 30 calories in 100 g of the product, which is negligible. However, you need to understand that this figure applies only to a vegetable in its purest form. If you add a dressing, such as olive or sunflower oil, the calorie content will increase to 70 calories per 100 g. To more accurately calculate the calorie content of a dish with sauerkraut for weight loss, you can use an online calculator that can be easily found on the Internet.

The positive qualities of sauerkraut for weight loss fit in the list. So this vegetable:

  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • contributes to the rapid strengthening of immunity;
  • replenishes the daily human need for vitamins C and K;
  • prevents the development of allergies;
  • helps prevent constipation, as it is considered a mild laxative;
  • colonizes the intestines with bacteria that improve the digestion process.

What is the benefit of the product in the matter of weight loss

Sauerkraut makes a person lose weight for the following reasons:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • suitable for cooking dietary dishes (due to its low calorie content);
  • the feeling of satiety will persist for a long time even after 100 g of cabbage eaten;
  • sauerkraut requires more energy to digest (it contains a large amount of fiber), so more calories are consumed.

Reviews of those who have lost weight on a sauerkraut diet only confirm this information.

What nutritionists say

It is worth saying that the opinion of nutritionists regarding the sauerkraut diet is ambiguous. The fact is that a mono-diet, as such, cannot be useful for a person, one product does not provide the entire list of substances necessary for normal life. In addition, losing weight on sauerkraut, judging by the reviews, is not possible for a long time, lost kg, unfortunately, can return as soon as you return to your usual diet.

It is also a known fact that any dietary restriction puts stress on the body, slows down the metabolism, forcing the body to save calories in reserve. This is another argument for not getting carried away with mono-diets and losing weight properly and in an orderly manner. The opinions of doctors agree that the beneficial qualities of sauerkraut should be supplemented with other products that can provide a complete balanced diet. Only in this way you will be sure that the extra pounds will not come back again. Increasingly, you can find diet variations: a diet of sauerkraut and potatoes, a diet of sauerkraut and kefir, etc.

Pros and cons of the diet

In order for the weight loss effect of the sauerkraut diet to be useful, persistent and effective, it is recommended to combine a limited diet with moderate physical activity.

A clear plus of the sauerkraut diet is that the menu contains a huge amount of vegetables and fruits, which positively affects the metabolism, teaching you to eat right, gradually becoming a familiar diet.

It is worth being aware that sauerkraut for weight loss cannot effectively work on weight loss if you do not add other useful low-calorie foods to it, which will be discussed later. The fact is that its fat-burning abilities have not been proven.

When fermenting cabbage, salt is used, albeit in minimal quantities, it will delay the removal of fluid in a natural way. This should be an alarming factor for those suffering from hypertension or pathology of the genitourinary system.

If during the diet there are even the slightest manifestations of puffiness, it is worth abandoning weight loss in this way. The fact is that salt in cabbage can cause a hypertensive crisis, which is a dangerous condition of the body. If you can do the flapper yourself, use a healthy recipe that does not contain salt.

Salt free sauerkraut recipe

As mentioned earlier, only sauerkraut cooked without salt will work for weight loss. It is advisable to prepare a dietary salad without the addition of preservatives and other harmful ingredients. Below is an example of fermenting cabbage without salt and vinegar.


Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 45 min.


  1. 1. White cabbage
  2. 2. Cumin
  3. 3. Garlic

    3-4 cloves

  4. 4. Carrot

    1 large piece

It's time to move on to the next step.

You will need:

  • White cabbage - about 500 g;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.

As in the previous case, you need to grate the carrots, and finely chop the vegetable. Pour the resulting salad with the previous brine, place in a large gastro container and cover with cling film. You need to place a press on top of the film and leave it to infuse for several days, but after 2 days make small holes in the film to remove excess bitterness. After that, leave the leaven for another 2-3 days in a warm place, after which the dish is ready. The product can only be stored in the refrigerator.

We compose a dietary cabbage menu

As mentioned earlier, the sauerkraut diet is good because it allows you to diversify your diet as much as possible. There is a generally accepted standard of nutrition that should be followed, no matter how long you choose.

Breakfast must necessarily include one dish of fermented milk products, it is allowed to add citrus fruits: lemon, orange, grapefruit or pomelo. The perfect breakfast might look like this: a low-calorie kefir smoothie with crushed orange slices.

Lunch should consist of sauerkraut. It can be, for example, a slightly stewed vegetable with side dishes, soup like borscht or cutlets with cabbage and minced meat from lean meat.

Dinner also suggests the presence of a pickled vegetable on the menu. However, it is better to prefer a light salad with the addition of vegetable oil to taste over a hot dish.

Why cabbage juice is good for you

There is no salt in the juice of the heroine of the article, respectively, it will not delay the withdrawal of liquid. In addition, as in the cabbage itself, it contains the same set of vitamins and minerals, making up for the loss in the diet. In addition, cabbage juice has a healing effect on the body in many diseases, such as hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, congestion in the bile ducts.

Nutritionists recommend drinking cabbage juice at least 100 ml 2-3 times a day strictly before meals. Its regular consumption cleanses the body of toxins, perennial toxins and accumulated radionuclides, which often cause the development of oncology.

What is allowed on the cabbage diet

If you analyze the entire list of products allowed by the sauerkraut diet for consumption, it may seem that there are a lot of them. However, do not rejoice ahead of time, you can allow such a variety only once a day in an amount of not more than 100 g. You can add the following products to the diet menu:

  • lean meats;
  • all types of vegetables, except potatoes (due to their high starch content);
  • sea ​​or river fish with a minimum fat content;
  • all kinds of cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice, etc.).

In addition, the rules of the diet do not exclude the possibility of snacking. You can eat any fruit with the exception of bananas, use low-fat cottage cheese. You can also occasionally treat yourself to bread, but it should be a product made from wholemeal flour or rye bread.

What is forbidden to eat on a diet

The sauerkraut diet involves a temporary rejection of certain foods. You need to refrain from:

  • everything that contains sugar (with the exception of fruits);
  • potatoes;
  • bananas;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated and sweet drinks;
  • bakery products.

Variations of diets using sauerkraut

Consider the most popular diet options, which are based on this vegetable.

Option number 1 - Strict

The duration of the diet on sauerkraut is 10 days. Here is an example daily diet:

Food calendar

Morning A slice of rye bread, a cup of herbal tea.

Lunch Pure cabbage salad - 180 g, pear - 1 pc., compote.

Dinner Baked low-fat fish - 200 g, sauerkraut - 100 g, a glass of yogurt.

Option #2 - Light

This option, easy, was calculated for 4 days (maximum for a week). Here is an example of an approximate diet:

Food calendar

First day

Morning Pickled salad with olive oil - 160 g, cottage cheese with dill - 100 g, green tea.

Lunch Rice or millet porridge without oil with a minimum amount of salt - 150 g, sauerkraut - 170 g.

Dinner Zucchini - 1 piece, sauerkraut - 180 g, cucumber or tomato - 1 piece.

Second day

Morning Oatmeal on the water - 0.2 kg.

Lunch Vegetable soup on the water - 150 g, sauerkraut - 150 g.

Dinner Turkey fillet - 150 g, sauerkraut - 180 g.

Day number three

Morning Cottage cheese casserole - 150 g, grapefruit - 1 pc.

Lunch Stewed rabbit - 120 g, cabbage - 180 ml.

Dinner Omelet from two eggs without butter and milk.

Fourth day menu

Morning Hercules porridge with dried fruits - 150 g.

Lunch Boiled chicken fillet - 150 g, sauerkraut - 250 g, green apple - 1 pc.

Dinner Sauerkraut - 0.2 kg, tomato - 1 pc.

It is important to get out of such a diet gradually and not to use it too often.

Option #3 - Fast

This kind of diet is designed for 3 days and involves the following menu for the main meals:

Breakfast may consist of the following ingredients to choose from:

  • any porridge on the water, preferably from oatmeal;
  • any fruit other than bananas and grapes;
  • boiled meat (up to 100 g) and sauerkraut salad.

Lunch options:

  • Fritters from sauerkraut and zucchini;
  • cabbage soup;
  • plain sauerkraut with a slice of bread.

What can be for dinner:

  • cabbage juice with 1-2 slices of rye bread.

Option number 4 - Unloading day

A fasting day is the shortest diet option, which is designed for 1 day, its calorie content is minimal. After this day, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins, you will be able to lose weight by 2-3 kg. Nutritionists do not recommend using these options more than once a week, otherwise losing weight will be harmful.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist of only one sauerkraut. It is allowed to add one green apple and 2 pieces of black bread to the daily diet. In addition, it is extremely important to drink water, but not at night. The norm is 1.5 - 2 liters.

Variants of the main meals on the diet

For the convenience of using the diet, nutritionists have proposed several options for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can develop a diet and recipes for the week in advance by choosing what to eat from the selection below.


  • Option 1 - yogurt or curdled milk 1% - 250 ml, apple - 1 pc., Hercules porridge - 100 ml;
  • Option 2 - fat-free cottage cheese - 200 g, grapefruit - ½ pc.;
  • Option 3 - kefir - 100 ml, bran bun - 70 g, avocado - 1 pc.;
  • Option 4 - 2 slices of bread, diet hard cheese, boiled egg.


  • Option 1 - vegetable soup on the water - 200 ml, beetroot juice - 100 ml, sauerkraut - 150 g;
  • Option 2 - boiled chicken fillet - 200 g, sauerkraut with dill and green onions - 200 g, mango - 200 g;
  • Option 3 - lean fish, steamed - 250 g, sauerkraut - 200 g;
  • Option 4 - sauerkraut cabbage - 200 ml, zucchini puree - 200 g.


  • Option 1 - sauerkraut - 200 g, radish - 3 pcs., Cucumber and tomato, a glass of fat-free yogurt;
  • Option 2 - boiled piece of veal - 150 g, sauerkraut - 250 g, tangerine - 3 pcs.;
  • Option 3 - sauerkraut and walnut salad - 250 g, baked salmon in its own juice - 150 g;
  • Option 4 - sauerkraut - 200 g, bell pepper - 200 g.

How to diversify the diet menu

In order for the diet to not be boring and monotonous, especially if you prefer a longer option (longer than a week), it will not be superfluous to use recipes containing sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut soup with beans

Difficulty: easy

Cooking time: 70 min.


  1. 1. Sauerkraut
  2. 2. Boiled beans (not canned)
  3. 3. Onion
  4. 4. Cumin, coriander and salt

Most people know about the benefits of cabbage. Various salads are made on its basis, it is stewed with meat and other vegetables, it is pickled in jars for the winter. But most people do not realize that there is a sauerkraut diet, thanks to which you can lose up to 10 kilograms in 10 days.

Many people wonder if you can eat cabbage with a diet or not. This vegetable is low in calories. For example, the calorie content of pickled cabbage can reach up to 100 kcal per 100 grams of product (depending on additional components), and raw vegetables - 27 kcal per 100 grams. And sauerkraut contains only 19 kcal, which makes it the best for weight loss. With such indicators, it can be consumed in large quantities and not be afraid to gain extra pounds.

Making sauerkraut for weight loss should take place without adding sugar. It is allowed to use carrots, peppers, apples (in limited quantities).


  1. Salt must be completely eliminated from the diet. Its role will be performed by the main product.
  2. The minimum amount of water to drink per day is 2 liters.
  3. Always give preference to the fermented version. Eating a fresh vegetable will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the technique.
  4. Vegetable or olive oil is not suitable for diluting the main dish.
  5. The day before the start of the technique, it is necessary to prepare the body by doing.
  6. You can not use purchased sauerkraut with a diet. It may contain many prohibited components.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are strengths and weaknesses in the limited use of sauerkraut.


  1. this technique.
  2. There is a normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, the stool improves.
  3. You can use the main product in unlimited quantities without fear of gaining extra pounds. The most important thing is to prepare it correctly.
  4. The condition of the skin improves.


  1. Before using the main dish, you need to cook and let it brew. This is a lengthy process that can take up to 8 days.
  2. Using the product more than the prescribed rate will not bring any result. In the worst case, it can only harm the body.
  3. General weakness of the body due to lack of carbohydrates and fats.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition. The body does not receive the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals. Additional drugs are required.

As you can see in the end, sauerkraut when losing weight brings more benefits to the human body than harm.


The result of any diet depends on a properly composed diet. Below is an example menu for the week:

Day of the week Eating Menu
Monday 1 Steamed white fish fillet, sauerkraut, herbal tea
2 100 grams of turkey fillet, 100 grams of cottage cheese, an apple
3 Red borscht, sauerkraut and green pea salad
4 100 grams of boiled fish, tea
Tuesday 1 Sauerkraut mixed with onions and peas, coffee
2 A glass of low fat yogurt
3 150 grams of boiled beef, a serving of sauerkraut, freshly squeezed carrot juice
4 Boiled white fish fillet, 2 jacket potatoes, apple
Wednesday 1 Soft-boiled egg, sauerkraut, herbal tea
2 and freshly squeezed apple juice
3 Boiled chicken breast, pea and sauerkraut salad
4 Freshly squeezed carrot juice, 100 grams of sauerkraut
Thursday 1 A glass of yogurt, 2 toasts
2 Tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers
3 Boiled beef, a serving of sauerkraut (250 grams)
4 Chicken broth, fresh vegetables
Friday 1 Cottage cheese - 150 grams, tea
2 Freshly squeezed orange juice, 3 apples
3 Braised cabbage with chicken pieces (300 grams), apple juice
4 White baked fish, sauerkraut
Saturday 1 2 soft-boiled eggs, onion and sauerkraut salad
2 Boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad
3 Mushroom soup based on champignons, sauerkraut, bread
4 Chicken liver with stewed cabbage, tea
Sunday 1 Boiled oatmeal, egg, coffee
2 Sauerkraut, two cucumbers
3 Baked white fish, sauerkraut
4 Boiled turkey fillet, sauerkraut, tea.

Cooking is allowed only by methods of boiling, baking and steaming. Such methods of heat treatment allow you to save most of the useful trace elements in products.

Do's and Don'ts

When following any method for losing weight, you need to know what can be consumed and what is not.

Allowed products:

  • lean meat and;
  • various vegetables (potatoes only in uniform);
  • fruits in limited quantities;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products with the lowest fat content;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, rice - limited;
  • teas and coffees without added sugar.


  • sugar in any of its manifestations except fruits;
  • bananas;
  • flour products;
  • soda with sugar;
  • alcohol;
  • fat meat;
  • oily fish;
  • sausages and semi-finished products;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • pasta.


There are several options for cabbage. Methods for different duration of the course will be offered here:

  1. For 3 days. For such it is possible to lose 5 kg. During the day, you can sit down only two servings of sauerkraut, drink a glass of kefir and a few cups. A very strict technique that should not be abused.
  2. 10 day sauerkraut diet. This is the most common technique that helps to reduce weight by 10 kilograms. The basis is soups, salads with sauerkraut, chicken breast, eggs.
  3. For a month. A long course designed to reduce weight up to 23 kilograms in 30 days. The diet is very similar to the 7-day diet, only for breakfast you need to add fatty dairy products. Thus, it will be easier for the body to hold out for such an amount of time without stressful situations.

There are also many combinations with buckwheat, with kelp.


A variety of diet will not allow the body to enter a stressful state. To do this, you need to cook something new more often.

cabbage soup

To prepare this dish, you will need 1 carrot, 1 onion, 300 grams of sauerkraut, a liter of water, 2 potatoes, 1 tomato, parsley, dill.


  1. Peel the carrots and onions, wash and cut into small pieces.
  2. Add vegetables to a pot of water and boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Add chopped tomato and sauerkraut to them.
  4. Cook until done. 2 minutes before turning off the gas, add greens.

Braised cabbage

Hearty meal for dinner. To prepare it, you will need 400 grams of sauerkraut, 200 grams of chicken breast, 2 apples, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, chicken broth, herbs, salt, pepper.


  1. First of all, you need to cut the breast and onion into small cubes.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and place the breast with onions. Fry until golden brown.
  3. Add sauerkraut. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Put the chopped apples into the pan and pour the broth. Simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.
  5. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs.

Contraindications and side effects

It is forbidden to use a technique based on sauerkraut for such groups of people:

  • children and the elderly;
  • people with different stages of obesity;
  • with diabetes and kidney problems;
  • patients with ulcers and gastritis;
  • with individual intolerance.

For patients with gastrointestinal diseases, Pevzner's treatment tables, for example, are suitable.

Side effects include bloating, pain in the stomach and intestines, weakness, dizziness, apathy.

Sauerkraut diet - reviews and results

Lyudmila 29 years old

I only love healthy food. I can’t stand fatty meat or fish, salty, spicy and smoked. I love cabbage very much. However, after a serious back injury, she lay at home for a long time and seriously recovered. When the injury passed, I decided to restore my figure. I chose a method on a fermented diet lasting a month. Not as difficult as I thought. The result is amazing. I advise.

Svetlana 35 years old

I came across the sauerkraut diet two years ago. I chose her because I seriously put on weight after pregnancy. It was difficult to give up sweets, but I really wanted to find a beautiful body. The result is very satisfied. The duration of the course is 7 days.

Getting out of the diet

Coming out of this technique, you need to slowly introduce complex carbohydrates and fats into the diet in order to remove the body from stress and give it energy. Gradually, it is required to reduce the amount of cabbage consumed, leaving one full meal consisting only of it.

The sauerkraut diet is suitable for those people who are not indifferent to this vegetable and all types of its preparation. In this case, it will be easy to transfer the course of the hunger strike.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Sauerkraut is a valuable product with which you can easily lose weight. Unlike many other systems, the diet diet has a bright taste and an abundance of vitamins. This is an ideal option for the winter-spring period, when you need to lose weight without unpleasant side effects and harm to health. The product, rich in valuable substances, will increase immunity, help to cope with beriberi, and has a lot of other useful properties.


Diet Features

Sauerkraut contains not only the well-known vitamin C. The product is rich in iodine, nicotinic acid, iron, calcium. A small portion of the dish can enrich the diet and increase the nutritional value.

The disadvantages of the diet can only be attributed to the fact that the vegetable must be prepared in advance. The fermentation process is quite long, in 1-2 days it is impossible to cope. Do not confuse sauerkraut with a pickled product that contains acetic acid, sugar and other unnecessary additives.

Video: About the beneficial properties of sauerkraut

Basic rules of cabbage diets

Cabbage for weight loss should be prepared without sugar. Allowed the presence of carrots, spices. If the vegetable was cooked with apples, then they can also be consumed, but in small quantities.

Basic rules of the sauerkraut diet:

  1. Salt is excluded, the taste of dishes is regulated by the main product.
  2. Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.
  3. You can not replace sauerkraut with a fresh vegetable. The result in this case will be much lower.
  4. You can not add oil to the main course if it is not allowed by the diet.

Important! To set up the body for weight loss, on the eve of the diet, it is recommended to make a light dinner, ideally arrange a fasting day.

Effective and strict three-day diet

A variant of the strict cabbage diet. It will help out if you urgently need to get in shape and quickly lose 2-3 kilograms. In 3 days, not only weight will go away, but volumes will also decrease significantly.

All products are divided into 5-6 equal portions. The frequency of eating - every 2 hours. Last dose 3 hours before bedtime.

Video: Delicious grandmother's cabbage recipe

Three day diet menu

First day: 1 kg sauerkraut
Second day: 700 g cabbage, 3 apples, 1 egg
The third day: sauerkraut and green apples in unlimited quantities

On all days, 1 bunch of greens, onions and garlic are allowed. You can prepare a salad of apples and cabbage, for a change, add hot peppers.

The sauerkraut diet by model Heidi Klum

A variant of the cabbage diet from the German fashion model Heidi Klum. According to her, in 3 days you can lose 3 kg. Considering the initially small weight of the model, this is a very good result. The menu is varied, interesting and tasty. As with any other diet, fluid intake (1.5-2 liters) is mandatory. Sufficient intake of water will help suppress the emerging feeling of hunger, improve the result.

Diet menu Heidi Klum

Breakfast: 1 slice black bread, 100 g boiled meat, sauerkraut pickle
Dinner: sauerkraut pancakes or sauerkraut salad with apple and carrots
Dinner: fish with stewed sauerkraut

Snacking between meals is allowed only with the main product, you can drink pure or diluted brine. It is allowed to drink unsweetened tea and coffee up to 3 cups per day, excluding the amount of water you drink.

On a note: If the cabbage is peroxidized and it is difficult to consume a pickled product in large quantities, it is recommended to soak the vegetable in cold water, squeeze it well. To improve the taste, stew in a pan, but without oil.

Easy option

A balanced version of the sauerkraut diet, which, if desired, can be followed for up to 7 days and repeated every month. For a week of such nutrition, it is really possible to part with 2-4 kg, gradually switch to proper nutrition. The system is good from all sides, the diet is hearty and varied.

Light Diet Menu

For the weekly version, the days must be alternated in any sequence, but the same menu should not be repeated twice in a row. It is allowed to use any juices (preferably unsweetened) and cabbage pickle, but only in the intervals between the main meals.

First day

Breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese up to 5% fat, a handful of nuts, a slice of bread
Dinner: 100 g veal, 150 g cabbage, 100 g pineapple
Dinner: sauerkraut, white yogurt

Second day

Breakfast: a serving of oatmeal, an orange or half a grapefruit
Dinner: 150 g cabbage, a portion of chicken broth, 1 egg
Dinner: 150 g cabbage, 150 g fish

The third day

Breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese, 2 apples
Dinner: 150 g cabbage, 200 g any vegetables
Dinner: 200 g cabbage, 2-3 tomatoes


If for some reason you can not eat sauerkraut, then you should choose another way to lose weight. The same goes for taste intolerance. It is difficult to endure a diet from an unloved product; torture will not lead to anything good.

Main contraindications:

  • diseases of the stomach;
  • frequent bloating, increased gas formation;
  • intestinal irritation;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypertension.

With caution, the product should be used by people with thyroid disorders and hormonal disruptions.

The right exit is the key to saving the result

No matter how long the weight loss lasts, it is very important to get out of it correctly. The easiest way is to completely replace one meal with cabbage. In this case, you do not need to count calories, limit portions, look at the clock. The product can be used as an appetite suppressant or as a snack on any diet. 0.5 kg of snack contains fewer calories than two slices of bread. At the same time, the product gives more satiety and is much more useful.