Kvass production technology. Double fermentation kvass at home recipe

Kvass(cf. Russian ferment) - a traditional Russian drink with a volume fraction ethyl alcohol no more than 1.2%, produced as a result of incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of wort.

Kvass is easy to prepare both industrially and at home. For cooking yeast kvass at home, yeast, crackers are usually used (or better - kvass wort) and sugar. To give the drink special shades of taste, berries, mint, hops, apples, pears, raisins and other products are also often added to kvass. A separate group of non-cereal kvass (the raw materials for which are beets, sea buckthorn, etc.) is used mainly in cooking and folk medicine. Medicinal and dietary properties such kvass were studied and described by B.V. Bolotov.

Kvass is prepared from different varieties flour and bread, water and malt and is a product of lactic acid and partly alcoholic fermentation of sugary substances formed from starch contained in the starting materials. Flour used is rye, barley, wheat, buckwheat and oatmeal; They take both rye and wheat bread; The malt is mostly rye and barley. Sometimes kvass is made without adding malt. The most common is bread kvass.

To prepare non-alcoholic kvass, almost any herbal product, filled with water and left for a day (for example, for radish kvass - grated radish).

The essence of traditional methods of preparing kvass is as follows: a mixture of malt, rye, wheat or any other flour, taken in certain, varied for different varieties kvass proportions, fall asleep in wooden tub and brew with boiling water; When brewing, they usually take about 1/10 of the total amount of water to be used for kvass. The resulting thick doughy mass (mash) is stirred with a paddle until it appears sweet taste; After this, the mash is transferred to cast iron and the latter is placed in a Russian oven, previously heated, for a day. After this time, the cast iron is removed from the furnace and the mash is moved into large vats, then diluted with water, left to stand for 2-3 hours and the settled liquid, after adding yeast to it (no more than 1% of all starting materials), is poured into prepared barrels. Instead of yeast, fermented yeast is sometimes used Rye bread. Barrels of kvass are placed on a glacier or in a basement, generally in a room with a low temperature.

There are a huge number of recipes for making kvass. The difference between them lies both in the quantities and types of starting materials, and in the details of the preparation technique itself; for example, both cold and hot water are used to dilute the mash; residence time of the mash in the furnace and the wort in the vats in in various ways various. Some varieties bread kvass before pouring into barrels, they are flavored with sugar, hops, mint, raisins, molasses, honey, vorain (the remains of honey obtained as a by-product when making candle wax from honeycomb) and so on.

Technology of production (preparation) of bread kvass

The technology for the production of bread kvass consists of:

Preparing white sugar syrup
- preparation of wort,
- preparation of starter cultures of microorganisms,
- wort fermentation,
- kvass blending.

The guaranteed shelf life of bread kvass is 2 days at a temperature not exceeding 12 °C.

Given the variety of methods for preparing bread kvass, the essence of the chemical changes that occur in general is as follows. As already mentioned, a mixture of flour and malt with water, the so-called mash, is kept for a long time at a moderately high temperature in the oven, as a result of which the starch contained in flour or bread, under the influence of the unorganized enzyme diastase, which is in the malt, is converted into sugar at this time and dextrin. With the subsequent dilution of the dough with water in vats and after the addition of yeast, the resulting sugar and other soluble parts of flour and malt undergo fermentation under the influence of mainly two types of organized enzymes: the alcohol-fermentation fungus and the lactic acid fermentation bacillus, resulting in the formation of alcohol and lactic acid. Since the mash is not boiled, the wort for a long time maintained at a low temperature and cooling occurs slowly, this provides all the conditions for souring the wort, that is, for the development of lactic fermentation; Despite the addition of yeast, alcoholic fermentation in the wort occurs only to a weak extent, since the alcohol-fermentation fungus does not withstand the above-described conditions for preparing the wort, under which lactic acid fermentation is predominant and proceeds so vigorously that it prevents the strong development of alcoholic fermentation.
According to recognized expert in the field of beer and soft drinks based on the bread of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ya. Sviridyuk, this is precisely why kvass differs from beer - the starting materials for both drinks are the same, but the preparation method is different: when preparing beer, everything is aimed at preventing the occurrence of acid fermentation, for why the mash heats up to more high temperature and cools as quickly as possible, so that alcoholic fermentation in beer is predominant, but when preparing kvass, the exact opposite happens.

In addition to the substances mentioned above, lactic acid and alcohol, other substances arise during fermentation. by-products, such as: carbon dioxide, acetic acid, formic acid, etc., then mannitol, dextrin, esters of acids with alcohol, and other substances that give kvass its unique taste. After kvass is poured into barrels and bottles, fermentation does not stop. The formation of lactic acid occurs most vigorously during the first 4-5 days, and then acetic acid fermentation occurs; subsequently, the more the percentage of lactic acid in kvass increases, the slower lactic acid fermentation occurs and acetic acid fermentation comes to the fore. The higher the room temperature of the kvass barrels, the faster acetic acid develops.

When preparing kvass, hygienic standards must be observed: barrels and vats must be thoroughly steamed, boiled water should be taken to dilute the wort - otherwise, along with the formation of lactic acid, butyric acid fermentation occurs, and such kvass, when consumed, produces and enhances the development of butyric acid in the intestines and can serve cause serious digestive disorders. Storage of kvass should be possible better conditions- clean, well-ventilated room, clean barrels. Rationally prepared and carefully preserved kvass can remain unchanged for 2-3 months. If kvass is stored carelessly, decomposition processes will soon begin; acetic acid fermentation comes to the fore, and kvass acquires an unpleasant sour taste. Sometimes kvass acquires the properties of stretching into threads, which depends on the formation of a special gumy substance; Kvass is often covered with mold fungi. In such Kvase Dr. Georgievsky found a fatty acid of the highest order, reminiscent of nylon in smell.

Welcome everyone to our project!

My name is Alexander Solovyov. I am not only an entrepreneur, but also a father of two children, and in March I will become a father for the third time. The last thing I want is to give my children strange chemicals. First of all, I want to create a natural, healthy and inexpensive product.

Rye kvass
traditional drink in Russia, enjoying deserved popularity among almost the entire population. Being a product of lactic acid and yeast fermentation, kvass affects the body like kefir, acidophilus or kumiss. Kvass, supplier of many beneficial bacteria, works with our body in the same way as all fermented milk products:

  • normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • inhibits the proliferation of harmful bacteria, inhibiting pathogenic microflora of the stomach and intestines
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves immunity.

But on this moment the problem is that most beverage manufacturers make their product from a set of chemical flavors, dyes, sweeteners and preservatives, while forgetting that kvass is a real living drink rich in its flavors and beneficial properties and must be produced in a completely different way!

Our project offers unique And natural a product that has preserved the entire history of kvass brewing. We know how to produce kvass without damaging traditional technology its manufacture, and without adding those ingredients that absolutely violate its taste and benefits.

It is these ancient rules that we want to be guided by in order to preserve real taste kvass and bring it to every Russian family, to every family table.

Our kvass, as a product of natural fermentation, has several special differences:

  • our product will have a very affordable price(50 rubles per liter bottled kvass and 45 rubles per liter of keg kvass, with the average price per liter on store shelves being 70 rubles)

Our the main objective- create a drink that can be feel free to drink at any age and don't worry about your health. Nowadays, when lemonades and kvass are bottled from chemical flavors, preservatives and tap water, this is very relevant. In the summer it’s hot, and in the southern latitudes it’s even very hot; you want to quench your thirst without compromising your health and the health of your children and benefit from the drink, but not vice versa. Unlike colored carbonated water with a thin, incomprehensible taste, we we want to create natural product with a pronounced bright taste.

However, to produce kvass you will need your own equipment. Your own brewing tank, your own fermentation tanks and especially the bottling line.

We already have experience in producing live fermented drinks from malt. We are developing, and now we want to make kvass too.

The equipment manufacturer, who already supplied us with a brewery last year, has drawn up a technical production plan and estimate and is ready to make for us a set of equipment for kvass and lemonade within 45 days. The suppliers of the products are known, we are ready to start production in one and a half to two months after the completion of this project. This time is required for the production and installation of equipment.

We selected manufacturers of containers and packaging, created designs and layouts for our labels, and we also renovated the premises for the production of kvass in the Astrakhan region.

The cost of the project is calculated based on the need to create not only live fermentation kvass from malt and lemonade from natural raw materials, but also for the purpose of preserving it - bottling at automatic line in 1.5 and 0.5 liter bottles. And this main expense item. Expiration date natural kvass small, so that the kvass can be stored longer; bottling is indispensable. Of course, the water supply is our own artesian well with the purest natural water

When we collect 3 million, we will move on to the next stage - increasing production volume and reducing the cost of kvass, and launch of a new for Russia products:

Production of 100% natural watermelon lemonade! You don’t even need to add sugar there, everyone knows how sweet watermelon itself is.

Production of bottled tea kvass (tea mushroom) - the healthiest and most valuable 100% natural drink.

Production of bottled oatmeal jelly with berries without starch- 100% natural drink.

Production of sbitney and honey.

There are many delicious views natural kvass from fruits and berries - cranberry, currant, apple, pear, blueberry, lingonberry, cloudberry, horseradish, honey, etc. There is room to expand production and sales. However, the most popular was and remains rye kvass natural fermentation.

By the way: one of the purchases of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Astrakhan in September 2016 was kvass! Dmitry Medvedev is smart! Be like Dmitry!

I remember the taste very well homemade kvass which my grandmother made. You can't find anything like this now. Our team can create useful, natural and very delicious product, which will quench thirst, invigorate, refresh and will be safe and inexpensive. Our kvass is much tastier and, even more so, healthier than imported sweet sodas. Artesian water, malt, rye flour, sugar and rye sourdough. 100% natural product!

We invite you to become not only buyers, but also partners of our project! We can also brew branded kvass for you with your logo and unique composition at your request with honey, raisins, cranberries, blueberries or, for example, currants. The choice is huge!

How will we deliver rewards?

Each sponsor will receive a reward delivered to your retail outlet, the nearest retail outlet of the bottled beverage chain in your city, or to your home. If you have questions about participating in the project, write to us:

How often do you crave a cold okrosheka in the summer! Yes, with delicious kvass, like in childhood! Unfortunately, now you can’t buy it anywhere - manufacturers offer something between tea and lemonade, trying to pass it off as a refreshing drink. And many have already become accustomed to this taste, and children generally believe that this is exactly what kvass should be.

To dispel this misconception, it is worth treating them with homemade kvass, prepared with your own hands. There are several recipes for making a drink using chicory, but the ingredients are almost the same. All the ingredients are very accessible, and it will take very little time.

Chicory kvass with lemon

  • granulated sugar – 300 g,
  • pressed yeast – 50 g,
  • half a lemon,
  • instant or ground chicory – 1.5 tbsp.,
  • citric acid - to taste,
  • Boiled or artesian water – 5 l.
  1. Prepare containers for kvass - wash several plastic bottles well.
  2. Pour water into a container of suitable size;
  3. Add yeast, sugar and chicory there and mix;
  4. Wash the lemon and grind it into a pulp along with the peel. To do this, you can use a meat grinder or blender.
  5. Place the lemon juice in cheesecloth, tie it and place it in water with sugar, yeast and chicory.
  6. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly with a clean hand, while squeezing the gauze and lemon.
  7. Take out the bag of lemon pulp and taste the mixture - it should be sour. If there is no such taste, you can add the remaining half of the fruit or citric acid powder. Half a teaspoon without a slide will be enough.
  8. Pour the resulting composition into pre-prepared containers - plastic bottles. In this case, there is no need to top up to the very edges - you need to leave 5-6 cm for the accumulation of gases. If this is not done, the resulting gas will rupture the container.
  9. Place closed bottles in the sun for 2-3 hours.
  10. After 2 hours, you can check the readiness of the drink by pressing on the container - if it is dense and does not bend, the drink can be put in a cold place. A refrigerator or cellar is perfect for this purpose.
  11. You need to open the finished kvass carefully, otherwise it may “shoot” like champagne.

The main thing is not to overexpose the composition to the sun, otherwise it will begin to ferment. In this case, there is a high risk of getting mash, and not invigorating drink.

Chicory kvass with citric acid

There is another recipe for making chicory kvass at home. For it you will need:

  • 50 g pressed yeast,
  • half a kilo of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g instant chicory;
  • 10 g citric acid;
  • 5 liters of artesian or boiled water.
  1. Pour 1 liter of water into the pan;
  2. Pour sugar and chicory powder into it;
  3. Mix everything and cook the syrup;
  4. Cool and pour the syrup into the remaining 4 liters of water;
  5. Add citric acid and stir;
  6. In a separate container, dilute the yeast in a small amount of water and add it to the water with the syrup;
  7. Cover everything with a tight lid and leave to infuse for 2 hours at room temperature;
  8. After the time has passed, pour the kvass into previously prepared bottles and put it in the refrigerator until the next morning. Ready!

If you want to make a larger volume of the drink, you should take 10 liters of water and also double the amount of other ingredients from the recipe.

Chicory kvass with mint

  • 4-5 liters of warm drinking water;
  • 400 g granulated sugar;
  • tincture peppermint(can be bought at any pharmacy for no more than 20 rubles). If you want to drink kvass at the dacha, then the recipe allows you to use a fresh plant - a small bunch;
  • 3-5 tbsp soluble chicory;
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast (or half a bag);
  • 1 tsp citric acid.
  1. Boil water and dissolve chicory, sugar, citric acid and mint tincture in it;
  2. Leave to cool;
  3. Mix the yeast with a teaspoon of sugar in a small amount of water and leave to rise;
  4. When the main composition has cooled to approximately 30 o C, pour in the yeast;
  5. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for several hours for further fermentation - about 3 hours;
  6. A couple of hours after the start of fermentation, you can taste the composition - perhaps someone likes it to be more sour. In this case, you can add another pinch of citric acid;
  7. After the time has passed, pour into previously prepared bottles and leave in the room for a few more hours (can be overnight);
  8. In the morning, put the mixture in the refrigerator and leave for another couple of hours. Healthy kvass is ready!


Whatever chicory kvass recipe you choose, you should remember that it has all the pros and cons of this plant. From positive qualities you can note:

  • improvement of work gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular and neural systems;
  • eliminating constipation;
  • normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas;
  • decrease in blood sugar.

But there are also disadvantages that should not be neglected in any case:

  • due to its minimal alcohol content, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 5 years of age, should drink chicory kvass with extreme caution;
  • patients with liver diseases and digestive system, especially during exacerbations;
  • People suffering from varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and respiratory diseases should not enjoy this drink;
  • because of high content Vitamin C in chicory kvass is not recommended for people with individual intolerance to this component.

But even if there are no medical contraindications for drinking this refreshing drink, you should not get too carried away with it and drink several liters a day. It should be remembered that everything is good in moderation. Only then is it pleasant and delicious kvass prepared according to the recipe at home will also be useful!

Interesting articles

Over the years of working with kvass, the Teddy Beer company has accumulated experience in small-scale production of live fermented kvass. We will be happy to share our knowledge.

Our customers have at their disposal instructions and recipes for preparing Karelia kvass from natural concentrate and dry kvass yeast.

You can use malt and grain extracts to adjust the properties of the finished kvass in accordance with your wishes. You can make kvass lighter or darker, highlight the aroma of the bread crust, speed up fermentation, and add interesting flavor nuances. And all this using natural ingredients!

The technology for making kvass is briefly described on this page.

Shelf life of finished kvass:

Unclarified: 3 days;

Lightened: 7 days.

The shelf life can be increased to 60 days if the fermented kvass is filtered.


Raw materials for making kvass Raw material consumption per 100 liters of kvass
(wort density 6.5-6.7%)


“Karelia Plus”

Kvass concentrate, kg
(78% dry matter)

Yeast, g
- either dry
- or pressed bakery



Cardamom, g


Granulated sugar, total, kg

Drinking water

is added in the amount necessary to bring the volume of kvass wort to 100 dm 3


1. Preparation of kvass wort

Kvass concentrate is mixed in a fermentation container, sugar syrup and 10% of the total volume of water with a temperature of 75-80 0 C. Then add to the required volume drinking water with a temperature of 10-20 0 C. The temperature of the wort before adding yeast should be 20-30 0 C.

2. Fermentation of kvass wort

Dry ingredients are added to the prepared kvass wort. kvass yeast and close with a lid with a water seal. Kvass ferments:

Many people know that there is kvass and there are kvass drinks. The latter are just trying to imitate the taste of real kvass. But in fact, even what GOST allows to be called kvass is often not so.

Kvass in law

GOST is the law. And “GOST 31494-2012. Kvass. Are common technical specifications"is a document that allows de jure to call a drink, which de facto is not kvass. It was adopted in 2012. What's the trick? Here is the definition of kvass from GOST:

"Without alcoholic drink with a volume fraction of ethyl alcohol not exceeding 1.2%, produced as a result of incomplete alcoholic or alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation of wort.”

In fact, there are two fundamentally indicated here different types drink

One - double fermentation: alcohol and lactic acid. First, yeast works, decomposing carbohydrates into ethyl alcohol, then this fermentation stops and lactic acid bacteria start working, converting the same carbohydrates into lactic acid. The result is an invigorating drink with a very a small amount alcohol and pronounced sourness, perfectly quenching thirst. This is traditional Russian kvass. It's always been done this way.

The other drink is alcohol-fermented only. As follows from the definition in GOST, it is not obtained through double fermentation, but only as a result of incomplete alcoholic fermentation. That is, fermentation caused only by yeast, and stopped at a certain stage, when not very much ethyl alcohol was produced. If this process is not stopped, beer will turn out. After all, the starting materials for this drink and for kvass can be almost the same (with the only difference being that hops are also added to the beer). But will such a low-low alcoholic drink be sour and thirst-satisfying? Of course not, because there is no acid. But it can be added. Manufacturers do just that - instead of lactic acid fermentation, they add lactic, citric or any other food acid to the drink.

Now it’s clear: this option is a greatly simplified copy of traditional Russian kvass, which would be more correct and honest to call “semi-kvass.” After all, during its production only half of the production process is simulated. By the way, one could call it “under-drinking”: if the fermentation of the yeast had not been stopped, the result would have been beer.

Selection rules

How to distinguish a traditional Russian drink from a “non-drinker”, because according to GOST it can be officially called kvass and even emphasized that it is fermented kvass? By composition. The “semi-kvass” will always include food acids- more often milk, less often - lemon, even less often - others. Sometimes a mixture of several acids may occur. And there are no acids in the composition of traditional Russian kvass - there is no need for them, because they are formed naturally during the fermentation process.

Any kvass made in accordance with GOST must also contain, first of all, wort and leaven, which are needed for fermentation. The starter contains yeast and lactic acid bacteria (the latter are always absent in the production of semi-kvass). And wort is a mixture of flavoring extractives (mainly from grain crops - rye, barley, etc.), malt and often flour. Extractives are needed for flavor and aroma, and malt contains many carbohydrates, which are converted into alcohol and acids during fermentation.

In addition, kvass may contain various sugarsregular sugar, fructose, dextrose, maltose, glucose, etc. (a significant part of them is destroyed during fermentation), and also natural juices, extracts or flavorings to impart specific tastes. For example, mint extract or berry juices, which can be in flavored or berry kvass.

Never kvass

As for leavened drinks, they differ from their counterparts in that they do not ferment at all. And there should be no information about fermentation on their labels. Their taste, aroma, color and gas bubbles are “designed” and do not occur naturally due to fermentation. To obtain kvass drinks, you can mix everything: flavors, dyes, sugars, sweeteners, preservatives, etc. As a rule, all this is synthetic, which is absolutely prohibited in kvass according to GOST. And when you see them in the composition, don’t even rack your brains anymore: this is not kvass. The composition of kvass drinks may include wort and kvass extracts, but they are used more for appearances - to fool the buyer. And if the label contains the word “drink” or does not indicate that it is a fermentation product, then this is not kvass.

For reference

What do some terms mean on bottles of kvass?

Pasteurized kvass

Bottled kvass is almost always subjected to heat treatment to inhibit the work of lactic acid bacteria and yeast, since live kvass does not live very long. It can only be sold close to production, and it is always a local drink.

Kvass decontaminated (cold sterilization)

Lactic acid bacteria and yeast are removed from it using fine filtration, without heating. It is stored less than pasteurized, but longer than live.

Filtration and clarification of kvass

Kvass always contains a suspension of particles and microorganisms that cause fermentation, which make it opaque and can accumulate as sediment at the bottom of the bottle. If they are not removed, then it is unfiltered, unclarified kvass. But more often they are removed and done in the following ways:

  • using clarifying materials - this is how you get unfiltered clarified kvass
  • using filtration or separation (separation) - this is how filtered kvass is obtained.