What does tofu cheese look like? Use of tofu cheese in various dishes

What is tofu? Europe learned about its existence only in the second half of the twentieth century. Can we say that tofu is a product of globalization? It’s unlikely... And the Chinese say the opposite. They believe that tofu was invented in the Middle Kingdom back in the second century. Around the eighth century after the birth of Christ, this “cheese” became known in Japan. Even later, he gained popularity in countries South-East Asia. Many Vietnamese and Korean cuisines unthinkable without tofu. The harm and benefits of this product will be discussed in this article. This cheese is received with a bang by vegetarians, especially those who avoid consuming dairy products. People who are lactose intolerant can also eat tofu. What about everything else? What is the chemical composition of tofu? We'll talk about this too.

How tofu is made

According to the legend, soy cheese arose by a happy coincidence. A Chinese chef, whose name has been lost for centuries, decided to add nigari seasoning to the puree to flavor the dish. In this case, magnesium chloride, which is part of the spice, acted as a coagulant. He curdled the milk. Thus, the process of preparing tofu is similar to the method of cheese making. Only the starting raw material is not cow, goat or vegetable - soybean. First you get tofu curd. It is pressed and kept for some time. This makes it white, porous, similar to soft cheese product. It is sold in sealed packaging filled with water. After opening, the tofu should be stored in the refrigerator, adding cool water twice a day. This cheese, like a sponge, absorbs foreign odors, so it should not be kept near strong-smelling foods.

What do chefs say about tofu?

And cheese is like a “blank sheet of paper” that awaits the master’s brush. It has no taste or smell of its own. But tofu soy cheese perfectly absorbs other flavors. It gets along well with all the products that chefs use in the kitchen. That's why chefs deservedly call tofu universal ingredient dishes. It is used for the first and second. The soy delicacy is good for a snack and even for dessert. It is boiled, fried, baked, smoked and pickled - in a word, subjected to all kinds of culinary processing. But since tofu is practically tasteless, it always goes side by side with some other ingredients. The porosity of the cheese allows it to be served with a variety of sauces - from ketchup to jam. It is customary to add tofu curd or soft varieties to soups. And when preparing the second one they use hard cheese. Shanghai cuisine uses "stinky tofu" - the Chinese version of Roquefort. It is almost unknown to Europeans. But you can buy “silken tofu”. This creamy cheese is similar to everyone’s favorite “Yantar”.

Tofu: composition

Now let's talk about what the ingredients of this product are. So, we found out that tofu is a soy cheese made by fermenting bean milk. Thus, its composition is rich in complete plant protein. In hard cheese it is 10.7 percent, and in cottage cheese - 5.3%. You should know that plant protein is better absorbed by the human body than substances of animal origin. It contains amino acids essential for health. At the same time, soy cheese is low-calorie: only 73 kcal per hundred grams of tofu. The composition of a product says a lot about its benefits. Here you have iron - which helps fight anemia, and calcium, which, as you know, is a “building material” for bones. Tofu does not contain cholesterol, but it is rich in vitamins. Among the line useful substances it is necessary to highlight group B. This vitamin is responsible for good memory, strong teeth and nails, shiny and thick hair, healthy skin.

Tofu: harm and benefit

All properties of soy cheese, both positive and negative, are determined by its composition. Since the product does not contain cholesterol, it is good for heart patients. Vegetable protein obtained from boiled and pureed soybeans is perfectly digestible. And therefore it is prescribed to patients with a weak stomach. The low nutritional value of tofu (reviews often mention this) makes it indispensable in dietetics. Soy cheese is also prescribed for athletes. Regular use Tofu slows down aging and is an excellent preventative against cancer, since it removes dioxin, the causative agent of cancer, from the body. Soy delicacy helps to more successfully fight osteoporosis, menopause, and heart disease. And, of course, tofu is just a gift for allergy sufferers, those who cannot tolerate dairy products. It is also good for those who have recently suffered fractures. Soy cheese helps bone tissue recover and makes it denser and stronger.

Who benefits from tofu?

We can say that everyone. In China, the product's homeland, soybeans were treated as a poor man's product. In Ukraine they say that chicken is for the beggar and honey mushrooms. And in the Middle Kingdom it is believed that soy is “meat without bones.” However, vegetarians have increased the demand for this product. “Chops”, “goulash” and, of course, “cheese” appeared. To get enough, you need to eat more of these cutlets than their meat counterparts. But this is almost the only disadvantage of tofu. Its price is quite affordable - 150-290 rubles per package (depending on weight and type). Of particular note are the benefits of tofu for people who care about their appearance. Soy cheese contains isoflavones - powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. It also contains the substances daidzein and genistein, which prevent the action of estrogen. Thus, cheese saturates our body with energy, strengthens bones, and the selenium and iron contained in it give us physical strength.

Harm of soy cheese

All food products - depending on the amount of their consumption - have positive and negative properties. Tofu is no exception. The harm and benefits of this product mainly depend on the dose. Do not overuse soy cheese. This can lead to thyroid diseases and negatively affect the reproduction of women and men. Bean curd and cheese should be given to children with extreme caution. Tofu can cause diarrhea and, in adolescents, provoke early sexual activity. But this product can act as a mild laxative for constipation. By the way, not all allergy sufferers can use it. Doctors have recorded several cases of allergic reactions to tofu, which resulted in nausea and hives. This is caused by individual intolerance to soy products.

What can you make from soy cheese?

In Japan, many diets have been developed in which tofu is the main product. We have already discussed the harm and benefits of this product. It only remains to add that soy diet allows you to lose from seven to fourteen kilograms. And this despite the fact that you do not need to change your usual lifestyle and limit yourself in the amount of food. Just replace the meat with soy cheese - and the result is obvious. Now let's look at how to eat this product. Simply consuming it in the form in which it is sold is the same as eating Dutch cheese. Momen - firm tofu - can be put on a sandwich, cut into cubes into a salad, or fried in breading. It can be pickled. And if you smoke dense soy cheese tofu, you won’t be able to distinguish it from ham. Kinugoshi (“silk”) is a delicate soft curd. It is used for soups, desserts and sauces. Sometimes you can find tofu on sale with fillers (spices, herbs, nuts) or sweetened - for making “vegetarian cheesecakes”.

Benefits in cosmetology

Women use soy tofu not only for weight loss. Chinese women have long used it to whiten the skin and make it velvety and soft. In order to prepare such a mask, you need to grind this Japanese curd with one teaspoon of olive oil. The face must be thoroughly cleaned and steamed before application. Apply the mask to skin with lungs patting movements of the fingertips. Keep in a state of absolute rest for about ten minutes. After this, rinse with cool water. The procedure should be repeated once or twice a week.

The word is called tofu popular product Asian cuisine, which is made from soybeans. main feature– presence of a large amount of protein. For many residents of Asia (China, Japan), Europe, this product has become the main source of iron, protein, and calcium. Tofu cheese is rich in protein and does not contain harmful cholesterol, and the consistency resembles classic cheese(on the picture).

What is tofu

Tofu cheese is not a product of an animal, but plant origin. It is obtained by curdling soy milk using additional components: citric acid, calcium sulfate and others. Belongs to the category dietary products with a minimum of calories, since the composition is maximally balanced and does not contain animal fats. The benefits of tofu are its high protein content; the product is a source of calcium and the basis of sports nutrition and diets.

Modern technology creation allows you to create a convenient and practical form that does not differ from the classic look dairy product. Main condition long-term storage- this is sealing or storage in a liquid so that the product cannot absorb the taste and smell of other components that are nearby. There are many healthy recipes cooking, for example, when preparing dishes, it can replace meat.

Tofu cheese - benefits and harms

Classic cheese Tofu has a wide range of beneficial properties for the human body. Considering low calorie content, we can talk not only about the usefulness, but about the lightness of this product. It contains vegetable protein, the amount of which exceeds 11 grams per 100 grams pure product, has no cholesterol. Milk protein will be a high-quality replacement for eggs, meat (pork, chicken, turkey) or cow's milk. This is relevant for those who are allergic to these components or do not consume them.

The calcium content in soy milk has a positive effect on strengthening bones, teeth and nails. Bean curd is on the list of the lowest-calorie foods, so it is recommended to use it as the main source of protein when losing weight to saturate the body with essential microelements. Soft cheese contains the right carbohydrates, which increase a person’s energy tone.

Beneficial features

Delicious cheese has a unique energy value. The list of useful substances in this product is not limited to carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. It contains antioxidants that cleanse the body when consumed regularly, and it also does not contain cholesterol. The plant product can be used to prepare soups, salads or as an addition to variety of dishes. If you add vegetables in significant quantities, you get a salad for weight loss.

Versatile product It has a dense consistency, which makes it convenient for cooking and processing. The following can be distinguished beneficial features cottage cheese for the human body:

  • has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system;
  • the absence of animal fats and cholesterol increases the benefits for those who adhere to the diet;
  • island tofu (curdled in sea water) improves metabolism;
  • has a high nutritional value;
  • plant food quickly and well absorbed by the body;
  • calcium salts strengthen skeletal system bodies.

Calorie content

Tofu cheese has a low calorie content, due to which it differs favorably from conventional varieties. In cooking, cheese appeared as a nutritious element, a meat substitute. Today tofu is used as protein product– contains the most proteins. Per 100 grams you will get more than 9 grams of protein, about 4 grams of carbohydrates and 1-2 grams of vegetable fat. Silken tofu (soft) is pleasant, satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturating the body with the right nutritional components.

Why is it harmful?

On my own bean curd as a product everyday use does not harm the body. Sometimes a person may have a soy intolerance. Then dishes made from this product or the cottage cheese itself can cause minor harm and cause stomach upset. Some people cook their own version of cottage cheese at home. Buy a product that is not harmful to health from trusted stores or from friends.

What is tofu made from?

The base includes soy curd, which is obtained from milk of plant origin. The beans are protruding key element to prepare the mixture. To make the consistency porous and hard, a special coagulant is added. In order to prepare the final product, suitable for serving, the composition should be heated and placed under a special press.

This recipe is universal - so cheese products produced by residents of Europe and Asia, where tofu is especially popular. Today there are numerous types available in different packages, at different prices, which makes the product accessible to all connoisseurs of high-quality soy curd. For getting special taste Various seasonings and spices are added, and sauces are served with cottage cheese dishes.

Chemical composition

You can make this product yourself without special knowledge. However, the key value and usefulness of tofu lies in its chemical composition. Some people add components (spices), so the composition may partially change. However, third-party additives do not reduce the benefits. Each dish made from this ingredient has high energy and nutritional value. On average, it is distinguished by the following elements:

  • potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium - macroelements;
  • copper, iron, zinc, manganese – microelements;
  • vitamins various groups– A, E, C, RR, B;
  • amino acids and minerals.

How to make soy cheese

To make such a product, you do not need professional equipment: you can prepare it at home by purchasing it initially soy flour. The main thing is to stick classic recipe. Third-party non-natural ingredients reduce the value of this product. It is also important to make cottage cheese sweet or add it to desserts. Some fry ready mixture and used as the basis of a dish or an addition. Approximate cooking order:

  1. Initially, fresh ones are taken soya beans which are ground into flour.
  2. Very salty water is added there.
  3. Then the resulting mixture is placed in the prepared mold and the desired appearance is set under pressure.

How to cook tofu at home

The main condition for a quality dish is the selection of ingredients. Traditional recipe contains sea water, which is rich in magnesium. After forming the mass, you need to prepare the right press - you can make it from heavy bottles or other improvised means. Ready cheese marinate in the same salted water until the desired taste is obtained, then put under a press.

Types of soy cheese

In total, there are two main types of this cheese, but they practically do not differ in smell and taste:

  • Hard – cotton. It lends itself better to slicing and retains its correct shape even when fried.
  • Soft - sometimes called silk. Peculiarity soft product consists of a delicate structure that resembles homemade butter.


To get home quality cheese, need to cook following components:

  • cold water – 1 glass;
  • soy flour – 1 cup (or 250 grams);
  • hot water – 0.5 liters;
  • lemon juice - about 70 milliliters.

The procedure for preparing the product is as follows:

  • First, mix cold water with flour until smooth.
  • After that add specified quantity hot water.
  • Cook the mixture for no more than fifteen minutes.
  • Later add lemon or orange juice to give the cheese a more pronounced flavor.
  • Stir and strain it all through a fine mesh (gauze works best).
  • Place the resulting product under a press and store in the refrigerator for more than one day.

Where to buy soy cheese tofu

You can purchase this ingredient for the selected dishes at any large supermarket. Many manufacturers have long learned to reproduce the proper quality and useful chemical composition. Please note that too low a price for tofu should raise suspicion. Farm products are also worthy of attention, but artisanal products may be of questionable quality.

What is the price

Classic cottage cheese tofu is about the same price as regular cheeses from cow's milk. Sometimes it can be more accessible (cheaper than products on the dairy market) because it uses plant elements instead of animal components, but the final cost depends on the method of preparation, for example, the price of smoked varieties is higher than the classic varieties.

What do you eat tofu with?

Today the most various recipes cooking dishes with tofu cheese. In a vegetarian version, it is consumed with salads. It can often be found in Caesar and simple vegetable salads without eggs. The cheese, which has a neutral taste, can be easily combined with ingredients in desserts, meat dishes, vegetable salads. For this purpose, specially offered in cooking different types tofu cheese: with herbs, oriental spices or even nuts.

Tofu cheese – recipes with photos

Some of the most popular dishes with tofu cheese are delicious and aromatic soup which is served as a main course. You can also add vegetables and mushrooms, which radically changes the taste and color of the entire soup. The structure and composition of such soy milk products differs from those that we are used to consuming, but their properties and richness are not inferior to milk or cottage cheese of animal origin.

If you want to create not just a snack, but a dense and high-calorie dish, then try making pork skewers with firm tofu and vegetables. Some people manage to smoke cottage cheese along with meat and get a very impressive aroma and tender, refined taste. Long-term storage of cheese must be carried out in a special brine, otherwise the structure of the product will be damaged.

Vegetable salad with cheese

Vegetarians or people with medical conditions gastric tract can replenish the entire required supply of nutritional components with the help of this ingredient. Slice standard set vegetables: lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, add olives and onions. Mix all this with pieces of cottage cheese and pour a small amount olive oil. This salad is recommended to be consumed not only for weight loss, but also to replenish energy.


  • soft cheese - 150 g;
  • lettuce leaves (iceberg) - 1/4 pcs;
  • small tomatoes or cherry - 100 g;
  • green pea(can be used frozen) - 100 g;
  • a drop of lemon juice;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, black pepper (to taste), vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut into small squares hard cottage cheese, small tomatoes. If you choose cherry tomatoes, cut them into two halves.
  2. Roughly tear the lettuce leaves with your hands or cut them.
  3. Mix in a container with peas, soy sauce, spices.

Fried tofu

Although this product is called soy, it is of plant origin - tofu can easily be heat treatment. Frying takes place in a standard frying pan. It is advisable to use olive oil, containing more valuable micro- and macroelements. It is recommended to use the batter as flavorful addition. It will create a golden brown, crispy crust for the tofu cheese.


  • soy curd – 500 g;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil.
  • salt, seasonings to taste;
  • starch, breadcrumbs or flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cottage cheese into rectangles thin pieces, remove excess moisture with a paper towel.
  2. Roll the pieces in breadcrumbs or flour, sprinkled with garlic and/or coated with honey.
  3. Heat a frying pan, pour oil into it and fry a little until a nice crust appears.

Cheese soup

Classical cheese soupa traditional dish for many folk cuisines. It is loved by Europeans and is often prepared in China, Japan or Korea. The simplicity of the recipe guarantees tasty dish in just one hour without spending extra money. At the same time, you can choose the main set of vegetables yourself, each time receiving a new menu. It is recommended to use champignon mushrooms for aroma and taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the cottage cheese, cut thin slices.
  2. Chop the vegetables and finely chopped greens, throw them into boiling water, add salt and spices.
  3. After a couple of minutes, add chopped cottage cheese to the soup and stir with a spoon.
  4. Wait about 5 minutes until it gives the broth a creamy color.

The use of soy cheese in cosmetology

Tofu is also called a cosmetic product that has anti-aging properties due to its chemical composition. Application in cosmetology is to whiten facial skin, forming its more delicate structure. For cooking universal cream only three ingredients are used: a little tofu cheese, olive oil, herbs (dill is best).


Tofu cheese - the joy of vegetarians, fasting and losing weight - in truth, it can hardly be called cheese. It is a plant-based soy milk product that has replaced meat and milk for centuries in China and Japan. It is possible that this product is the secret of longevity and the absence of problems with overweight among the peoples of Asia. There are many varieties of tofu: silken, yogurt-like; hard as feta cheese; pressed, smoked and dried. Tofu has almost no taste of its own, so it is not eaten just like that, but is used in cooking to prepare the most different dishes. “Culinary Eden” will tell you what delicious things can be prepared with tofu cheese and why it is so healthy that in Asia they cannot imagine life without it.

History of tofu cheese

The tofu cheese recipe is over 2000 years old and has not changed since then. According to legend, this product was invented by Liu An, the ruler of Hainan Prefecture, who lived in the 2nd century BC. He studied philosophy, spiritual practices and alchemy, and soy cheese allowed him to stay young. At the end of his life, Liu An ate more tofu than usual, grew wings, ascended to heaven and became immortal.

A more down-to-earth legend says that tofu was created by accident when a peasant added seawater to soybean soup instead of salt, and the soy puree quickly turned into soft cheese. Later, magnesium chloride, which is found in sea water, was produced industrially. In modern Asian cuisine it's called nigari and is used to make firm tofu. In the southern regions of China, calcium sulfate and even vinegar are used to curdle soy milk. Tofu produced using this method is soft and tender, like yogurt.

According to another version, the method of preparing tofu was borrowed by the Chinese in the south - in India, or in the north - from Mongolian nomads. These peoples have been making yoghurts and cheeses from cow, buffalo and sheep's milk. Dairy farming has never been developed in China, and many Chinese as adults are unable to digest milk, and Buddhist prohibitions on animal food are strict here. Therefore, in China they began to make cheese from a common plant product: soy milk.

Tofu cheese had important advantages before soy milk: better satiating, stored for a long time and was always ready to drink. Gradually, the tofu cheese recipe spread from China to other Asian countries. In the 10th-11th centuries, tofu was learned and loved in Japan and Korea. At first it was the food of monks and nobles, but gradually turned into a simple peasant food. Much later - in the 19th-20th centuries. - tofu appeared in Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and India.

European travelers and merchants ate tofu on their trips to China and Japan starting in the 17th century, but no one had the desire to bring it home to sell. In the 19th century, German scientists analyzed the composition of tofu and came to the conclusion that it is very healthy and nutritious. There were even attempts to produce tofu in Europe, but customers did not like the taste of this product. In the USA and Europe, soy cheese appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, in the wake of the craze for Buddhism and vegetarianism, but only in the 1970s did it become truly popular. Unfortunately, tofu is still almost unknown in Russia. It can only be found in departments healthy eating large supermarkets and only in big cities.

Useful properties of tofu

Soy cheese is one of the most important sources of protein and calcium in the Chinese diet. The importance of this product is evidenced by the fact that during the difficult times of the 20th century, the Chinese government took control of the production and sale of tofu, and low-income citizens were able to eat well for little money. In southern China, the typical diet of peasants for a long time consisted of rice, cabbage and tofu. However, tofu is not considered a poor man's food; it is still loved and revered by both old people and young people of all social classes.

Soft tofu contains about 5% high-quality protein, while firm tofu contains more than 10%. Soy protein contains everything essential amino acids and is quite capable of replacing animal products. Scientists have proven that just 25 g of soy protein per day reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Tofu is very rich in calcium and iron. At the same time, the fat content of this useful product is only 2-5%. Tofu cheese is recommended for athletes and those losing weight - it helps get rid of excess weight without prejudice to muscle mass and general well-being. The only contraindication to eating tofu is individual intolerance to legumes.

Types of tofu cheese

Until now, in China and Japan, tofu is one of the mainstays. folk cuisine. There are many varieties and varieties of this product. Every Chinese village certainly has a tofu shop offering dozens of varieties of this product to suit every taste and budget. Tofu can be liquid or firm, fresh or aged. Like dairy cheeses, tofu can be low-fat or full-fat. For long-term storage, tofu is tightly pressed, dried, deep-fried, marinated in soy sauce with spices or in alcohol. There is even tofu in the form of thin sheets: the filling for spring rolls is wrapped in them, cut into noodles or into small pieces and added to soups. There is also so-called stinky tofu, which is soaked in fish marinade and is considered a delicacy. Outside of Asia, there are much fewer types of tofu.

There are 3 types fresh cheese tofu with a relatively short shelf life:

Silken or soft tofu contains a lot of water and can have a creamy or pudding-like consistency. It is added to soups and drinks, mixed with vegetables and spices, used in desserts or as a milk and egg substitute in baked goods.

Dense tofu is obtained by pressing and squeezing. Its consistency is similar to feta cheese or mozzarella and contains a fairly large amount of water. It is used in soups and salads.

Very firm tofu contains little liquid and has a consistency fried meat. It is cut into small pieces and boiled or fried.

Dense tofu is used to make many shelf-stable products:

Marinated tofu is made by fermenting and soaking in vinegar, soy sauce or wine. Marinated tofu cubes usually have a reddish moldy crust. This product is used as a spice, adding to soups and vegetable dishes.
Dried tofu is completely free of liquid and has an unlimited shelf life. Before use, it must be re-saturated with water.
Frozen tofu has a porous structure because the ice crystals break it apart, creating numerous cavities inside. It is eaten completely defrosted, accompanied by vegetables and sauces.
Fried and smoked tofu is seasoned with spices and herbs and eaten plain, like chips.

In Russia, only a small part of this variety is known - silken tofu, reminiscent of kefir or yogurt, and dense tofu, similar to feta cheese.

What to cook with tofu cheese

Tofu has a neutral, fresh taste and can be used as a replacement for meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Its taste is given by its surroundings, so it is recommended to cook tofu without sparing spices, oil and vegetables with bright taste. Depending on the consistency, tofu can be used to make cocktails, smoothies and sauces, boiled, stewed, fried, steamed or deep-fried. You can mix tofu with minced meat to reduce its fat content without sacrificing taste. Tofu is made from delicious soups and stews, fillings for dumplings and pies, bases for desserts. In the United States, firm tofu is grilled after being marinated.

Recipes with tofu

Salad dressing with silken tofu


300 g soft tofu,
5-6 cloves of garlic,
2 tbsp. capers,
0.5 cups lemon juice,
0.5 cups olive oil,
salt and pepper to taste.


Place all ingredients in a blender, grind until smooth, adjust the taste with salt and pepper. Low-calorie dressing with tofu is suitable for Caesar salad and vegetable salads.

Tofu in beer batter


400 g firm tofu,
100 g flour,
0.25 glasses of live beer,
1 tbsp. vodka,
3 tbsp. olive oil,
2 egg whites,
Salt, spices to taste.


Cut the tofu into thin slices. Add salt and spices to the sifted flour, pour in beer, vodka and 1 tbsp. butter, mix thoroughly until a smooth dough is obtained, add the beaten egg whites, stir. Dip tofu slices in batter and fry in a hot frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Thai tofu soup


1 liter of vegetable broth,
100 g firm tofu,
3 tbsp. soy sauce,
2 cm ginger root,
1 hot pepper,
1 clove of garlic,
50 g wheat noodles,
2 carrots,
100 g fresh champignons,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
fresh cilantro for garnish.


Cut the tofu into cubes and marinate in soy sauce for 30 minutes. Place ginger and garlic cut into slices, pepper cut lengthwise into the broth and cook over low heat under the lid for 30 minutes. Cook the noodles in this broth until tender and place on plates. Strain the broth to remove any bits of pepper, ginger and garlic. Add tofu along with soy sauce, finely chopped carrots and mushrooms into the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes until soft. Pour the soup into bowls with noodles, pour lemon juice, garnish with cilantro sprigs.

Pasta with tofu sauce


150 g firm tofu,
150 g pasta,
1 onion,
1 tbsp. butter,
1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
Salt and pepper to taste.


Let the pasta cook. Finely chop the tofu and onion and fry on vegetable oil. When the pasta is cooked al dente, drain the water, add it to the tofu, salt and pepper, add butter and simmer covered for 10 minutes.

Vitamin and protein shake with tofu


1 glass of orange juice,
1 banana
0.5 cups soft tofu,
1 cup berries (can be frozen),
ice, sugar - to taste.

Whisk all ingredients in a blender and drink immediately.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Tofu - bean curd, Tofu cheese or Tofu curd - a product from, according to appearance reminiscent pickled cheeses or . According to one legend, Tofu cheese was created completely by accident when sea water got into the crushed mass after heating. A curdling process took place, after which a completely new product emerged. The first mention of Tofu products dates back to China in the 2nd century BC, where they were first prepared. Tofu cheese then spread to Japan and Southeast Asian countries.

Currently, the production of Tofu cheese is practically no different from the ancient one; soybeans are crushed, heated and curdled with the help of a coagulant, which is used as, or. Curd mass pressed and stored in liquid brine. Tofu cheese has a white color, neutral taste and smell, and elastic consistency. Tofu cheese is a staple of the diet in many Asian countries and is used by vegans and vegetarians all over the world.

Calorie content of Tofu cheese

The calorie content of Tofu cheese is on average 73 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the manufacturer.

Tofu cheese contains high-quality vegetable protein, which is quickly and easily absorbed by the body and is the basis for the construction of cells. The polyphenols contained in the product help maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. The product contains, which is responsible for the brain's production of serotonin and prevents the appearance of signs of depression.

Harm of Tofu cheese

Main Negative influence Tofu cheese on the body - there is a high probability of allergic reactions, since soy is one of the strongest allergens. The product may cause disruption of digestive processes and interfere with absorption, especially when taken medicines. Therefore, it is recommended to consume Tofu cheese two hours before taking medications or two hours after (calorizator). Daily norm consumption of Tofu cheese without individual restrictions should not exceed 200 grams.

Tofu cheese has several varieties:

  • Firm Tofu - the density of cheese resembles, this kind of Tofu is usually smoked and fried;
  • Silk (soft) Tofu - soft consistency, silken or pudding. Soft Tofu is ideal for making soups, sauces and sweet dishes.

Selection and storage of Tofu cheese

Tofu cheese is available for sale in food-grade cardboard packages, in the shape of a rectangle, filled with brine. Manufacturers indicate the expiration date of the product on the packaging, after opening which it is necessary to store Tofu cheese in the refrigerator for no longer than seven days.

Tofu cheese in cooking

Neutrality of taste and smell allow Tofu cheese to be a unique ingredient in any dish - salads, soups, desserts and sauces. By absorbing the aroma and taste of other products, Tofu cheese fills dishes with a special consistency and adds satiety. Tofu cheese is deep-fried in batter or breaded, smoked, marinated and baked, added to salads, sauces, and desserts.

For more information about Tofu cheese, watch the video clip “Tofu Cheese” from the TV show “Live Healthy!”

Especially for
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Tofu cheese is a white curd made from soybeans (see photo). This product has a neutral taste. The manufacturing process is very similar to regular cottage cheese from natural milk, hence another name - soybean curd. The main difference is that the final product is pressed into briquettes and packaged with water to avoid the absorption of unpleasant odors.

Tofu cheese is classified depending on its consistency:

  • solid, which in turn is divided into watery and denser:
  • soft.

How to select and store?

When choosing tofu cheese it is worth Special attention pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, there should be no damage to it, and there should be water inside. The product must be white. It is also necessary to pay attention to the composition of the cheese; only 3 components should be indicated there: water, soy and coagulant. If you buy cheese by weight, then smell it; the aroma should be sweetish, without any sourness. If you want to purchase a product with a high calcium content, then the packaging should contain the following inscription: “with calcium sediment.”

Vacuum sealed tofu can be stored for several weeks. If you open the package, the product must be placed in water, which must be changed every day. In this form, the cheese will be stored for 5 months. This product is also suitable for storing freezer, but after defrosting the cheese becomes hard and porous.

The benefits of tofu cheese and its composition

The benefits of tofu cheese are due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and minerals. This product contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect on activity of cardio-vascular system, which reduces the risk of heart disease. Magnesium, which is also found in tofu, also has a positive effect on the heart muscle. This product also contains calcium, which strengthens bone tissue, as well as phosphorus, which takes part in the formation of bone and muscle tissue. It is also worth mentioning that this product has a low calorie content, which means it can be safely consumed during the period of weight loss. Considering the content of vitamin B, tofu cheese has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Due to the fact that tofu cheese contains all replaceable and essential acids, this product can replace meat without any harm to the body. The benefit of this product also lies in isoflavones, which have the ability to destroy free radicals. Regular consumption of tofu cheese is considered an excellent prevention of osteoporosis and heart problems. In addition, this product supplies the body with energy, which increases physical strength. Considering this, this cheese is recommended for athletes.

Use in cooking

Tofu cheese is very popular in different cuisines peace. It is included in recipes for numerous dishes, and is also used as an independent product. For example, it can be fried, smoked, or deep-fried. Soft options Tofu is used to prepare a variety of sauces, first courses, and desserts. Since such cheese absorbs foreign odors and tastes very quickly, it can be used in literally any dish.

In addition, today you can find on sale various options tofu cheese, for example, smoked and with various additives. In this case, such cottage cheese can act great snack, spread for sandwiches, as well as filling for baked goods, etc.

How to make tofu cheese at home?

To be sure of the quality of this product, you can easily make it at home. To do this, you need to take 500 g of soybeans, which need to be washed and soaked for a day in water with 1 teaspoon of soda. It is recommended to change the water several times during the day. When the beans swell, they must be passed through a meat grinder 2 times or crushed into a homogeneous consistency using a blender. Additionally, you can grind the beans through a sieve. After this, they must be filled with water per 500 g of crushed beans and 1.5 liters of water. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed and left for 3 hours. Then everything must be filtered through a cloth; gauze is not recommended. In the end you will succeed soy milk. Next, we repeat the manipulations of passing soy through a meat grinder and infusing it for 3 hours. Squeeze it again. As a result, you should have 3 liters of soy milk.

It needs to be brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. This is necessary to get rid of the herbal taste. Now add to it 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid, which must first be dissolved in 1/4 tbsp. cold water. First, it is better to pour half of the lemon liquid, and if the milk does not start to curdle, add the rest. Line a sieve with 2 layers of gauze and pour the contents of the pan into it. We put a plate and a jar of water on top, that is, we create a certain press. After the whey has drained, the entire structure must be transferred to the refrigerator for several hours. Your homemade cheese tofu is ready.

Harm of tofu cheese and contraindications

Tofu cheese can be harmful to people with individual intolerance to the product.

Remember that soybeans have the ability to absorb harmful substances, and GMOs are often used during the production of this product. With this in mind, choose your product carefully to avoid causing serious problems.

It is not recommended to consume tofu cheese in large quantities, as it may cause thyroid problems. It can also cause problems with the reproductive system. When consumed in large quantities, this cottage cheese can cause indigestion and problems with brain activity.