Freshly squeezed juices can be dangerous. Who should not drink and which ones? The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed vegetable juices for the body

All fresh juices contain biologically active substances, which are immediately absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and take part in biochemical processes, that is, in the metabolic process. Benefit freshly squeezed juices are undeniable: if you take them regularly and in moderation, you can perfectly heal the body, that is, remove it from the body harmful products metabolism (waste). All this will make your metabolism work faster and more actively, give you vigor and health, calm your nerves, and strengthen your immune system.

But be careful not to bring yourself harm. Firstly, it is unknown whether the fruit from which you make juice is grown in ecological conditions and without harmful additives. And secondly, juices, as it turned out, contain other no less useful material, which can have unpredictable effects on the body, so you don’t need to drink liters of juice.

For example, grapefruit juice contains the substance naringin, which can increase or, conversely, decrease the activity of certain medications. This happens because naringin stops the action of enzymes that break down certain drugs in the liver, causing them to accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. By destroying other enzymes, naringin reduces the effect of certain medications. And this despite the fact that naringin itself is beneficial for the body. Today, a similar effect has been discovered in a number of juices; research into them continues.

Rules for preparing and receiving freshly squeezed juices:

  • You need to prepare the juice immediately before taking it, since after just a few minutes the biologically active substances contained in it begin to break down; an exception is beet juice, it must first be kept for about 2 hours in the refrigerator, then it will destroy substances that have a harmful effect on the body;
  • you need to drink the juice 30-40 minutes before meals, then it will be most useful, since it will be absorbed very quickly in an empty stomach and immediately enter into biochemical processes; After eating, it is better not to drink juice (especially fruit juice), since, when mixed with food, it will cause discharge large quantity gases in the intestines;
  • It is better to drink the juice through a straw, and then rinse your mouth with water - juices contain a lot of organic acids, which soften and destroy hard dental tissues; this is why dentists do not recommend brushing your teeth after drinking juice;
  • vegetable juices(except for tomato) should not be drunk in large quantities, it is better to add them to fruit juices, for example, apple juice; carrot and beet juice should make up no more than a third of the total volume; It’s better to get used to beet juice gradually, starting with small quantities, diluted with water, since some people cannot tolerate raw beet juice;
  • juices of fruits containing seeds (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches) are not recommended to be mixed with any other juices; juices of fruits and berries, which contain seeds inside (apples, grapes, currants) mix well with other juices; For example, Apple juice, goes well with vegetable juices such as carrot, beet and cabbage.

Apricot juice

Apricot juice improves skin condition, has a good effect on the liver, and is useful for myopia.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice, in addition to the well-known effect of burning fat, also has “ by-effect": it is called the drink of love because it heightens the senses.

Orange juice

Orange juice is superior to most others in terms of vitamin C content. It is useful for stress, neuroses and asthenic conditions. Indispensable for poisoning and colds. It contains a lot of vitamins B1, B5 and B12, which act as compensators for vitamin deficiency.

Birch juice

Birch sap is truly a miraculous nectar that heals ulcers, activates metabolism, smoothes wrinkles and increases performance.

Hawthorn juice

Hawthorn (juice) is rich in special acids that increase blood circulation in the vessels of the heart and brain, reduce arterial pressure and excitability nervous system, relieve tachycardia, arrhythmia, dizziness and tinnitus. Lowers cholesterol levels and improves blood clotting. Recommended for insomnia, cardiovascular failure, pneumonia and flu. But this juice should not be drunk on an empty stomach and washed down cold water. Intestinal spasms and even vomiting may occur.

Grape juice

Grape juice is prescribed for anemia, tuberculosis, general exhaustion and loss of strength. Very useful for children.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice activates enzymes: after drinking a glass, you will feel full.

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice is the healthiest, but also the most expensive. It is considered a “blood-forming” juice that improves immunity. Indispensable for anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis and diseases of the biliary tract, helps with colds and bronchitis. And diluted with water - and for burns. Pomegranate fruits are rich in vitamins, mineral salts, fiber, sugar and phytoncides. They are low in calories and virtually free of fat and cholesterol. Just five pomegranate seeds can replace an apple and an orange combined. Regular use pomegranate juice significantly improves the condition of the skin and hair, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and lungs, spleen and thyroid gland.

Grapefruit juice is not only a source of vitamin C, but also a means of normalizing metabolism and blood pressure. It also burns excess fat.

Pear juice

Pear juice is indispensable on a fasting day - it prevents obesity.

Cabbage juice

Freshly squeezed cabbage juice (from white cabbage) is considered one of the the best means health and food products. It is absorbed by the body literally in a few minutes, bringing many useful minerals to the human body.

One of the most valuable properties cabbage juice - high content of elements such as chlorine and sulfur, as well as a relatively high iodine content. This combination minerals Helps cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Cabbage juice also helps improve hair, nails and skin.

Lemon juice

Lemon – unique fruit, very valuable, rich in many useful substances, vitamins and minerals. Lemon juice strengthens the smallest blood vessels and promotes redox processes in the body.

Lemon juice improves performance and maintains mental balance. There is so much vitamin C in lemon juice that people who frequently use it are not at risk of seasonal colds and infections, as well as the appearance of early wrinkles. One lemon contains 1/3 of the daily requirement of vitamin C.

carrot juice

Carrot juice contains carotenoids, which are converted in our body into vitamin A. Visual acuity, the beauty of the skin, and the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive tracts depend on this important vitamin. Carrot juice contains a lot of potassium and folic acid, especially necessary for pregnant women.

Sea buckthorn juice is rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, C, E), microelements (boron, iron, manganese), organic acids and some types of herbal antibiotics that kill pathogenic bacteria.

Sea buckthorn fruits contain substances that can remove radioactive elements and salts of heavy metals. They have antispasmodic and antitumor effects and have a powerful effect on the central nervous system.

Peach juice

In beets, unique proportions of calcium and sodium are observed - 1:10. This causes the calcium accumulated in the blood vessels, which is extremely useful, for example, for varicose veins or hardening of veins. The chlorine contained in beets perfectly cleanses the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, stimulates lymphatic system. Also beet juice is one of the best natural remedies for hypertension and excellent remedy from nervous overload, stress, insomnia.

Beet juice It’s better to drink it not on its own, but as part of others, for example, pumpkin or carrot. Ideally, we combine beet juice with carrot juice in a ratio of 1:10 and gradually, day by day, increase the percentage of beet juice. Do not forget that the juice should stand open in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (carrot juice, on the contrary, is drunk immediately, fresh), then some harmful fractions, reacting with oxygen, will lose their properties and will not cause trouble.

Tomato juice has a very rich composition. There's a lot in it natural sugars– glucose and fructose, there are organic acids, but few calories. Prepared at home, it is rich in vitamin C. It sharpens memory better than others, especially if you alternate it with grape. Thanks to high content potassium, tomato juice is useful for the prevention of heart disease, normalization of metabolic processes and the functioning of the nervous system. But those who limit themselves in salt need to be careful with it - tomato juice contains a lot of sodium.

In addition, tomatoes contain lycopene, a pigment that gives them such a bright color. This pigment has powerful antioxidant properties. Tomato juice also helps the body produce serotonin, the “hormone of joy,” and therefore can help relieve tension and the effects of stress.

It is better to try not to heat treat tomato juice, like tomatoes: in boiled, stewed and canned tomatoes all organic acids become inorganic, harmful to health. If used frequently canned juice or tomatoes, mixing them with starches - potatoes, bread, then stones can form in the kidneys and bladder.

pumpkin juice

Pumpkin juice contains many beneficial properties. But the most valuable thing in pumpkin juice is pectin. Pectin helps reduce blood cholesterol, improve peripheral circulation and normalize intestinal motility. It cleanses living organisms of many harmful substances, including radioactive elements, toxins and pesticides.

Pumpkin juice is very beneficial for people with cardiovascular diseases, it helps male body preserves youthful strength and energy for a long time, and also successfully fights colds. Vitamins A and E are known fighters against aging and wrinkles, B vitamins will help relieve stress and keep hair and nails healthy. If you have liver disease, you need to drink pumpkin juice, as it cleanses the liver well. And even from insomnia you can save yourself with pumpkin juice.

Feijoa is famous for one of its important feature: in that exotic fruit so much iodine that its amount can be compared to seafood. This product accumulates water-soluble iodine compounds, which are very easily absorbed by our body. The juice from these fruits is especially useful for people with thyroid diseases and for pregnant women. Feijoa also contains a lot of amino acids and this fruit has antioxidant properties.

Fresh fruits are stored for a little more than 7 days. After this period ends, they wither and lose their taste. To make juice from feijoa, you need ripe, juicy and sweet fruits. It is not necessary to remove the skin from the fruit; according to tradition, it is pressed. To make nectar, the fruit mass must be diluted with clean spring water or water from mineral springs. To make juice at home, you can use a juicer. Beneficial features in juice you can enhance it by adding a little honey to it. Feijoa juice mixed with banana or apple juice is very tasty.

Blackcurrant juice

Blackcurrant juice increases the body's resistance to infections and, like citrus fruits, burns fat.

Rosehip juice

Rosehip (juice) stimulates metabolism, increases resistance to infection, stimulates appetite, and increases productivity. Useful for stomach pain, digestive disorders and as a diuretic and choleretic agent.

Apple juice

Apple juice is rich in iron. It contains a lot of potassium and boron - an element that strengthens bones.

Freshly squeezed juices: the benefits and harms of fresh juices

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed juices

At correct use– benefit, if incorrect – harm. People who are far from medicine often believe that they should drink as much freshly squeezed juices as possible, because they are so healthy! However, each juice has its own specific properties that you definitely need to know. For example, freshly squeezed carrot juice contains a lot of provitamin A, and if you drink this juice every day, the liver will experience a huge load. As a result, various diseases may develop. Therefore, nutritionists recommend cooking and drinking carrot juice no more than twice, or at most three times a week.

Pomegranate juice is extremely useful for anemia, due to its high content of easily digestible iron. In addition, it has a pronounced tonic effect, and its taste qualities very high. However, doctors strongly recommend drinking fresh pomegranate juice, diluting it with water, since, due to its high acidity, it negatively affects the gastric mucosa and tooth enamel. If a person has gastritis or an ulcer, this juice should only be drunk diluted.

Fresh orange juice has excellent taste, and also contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. But it should be drunk with caution by people prone to allergic reactions, as well as those suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract. In addition, due to its high sugar content, it is contraindicated for diabetics, as well as people at risk of diabetes.

Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, due to its high content of nutrients, as well as a pleasant characteristic taste with a slight piquant bitterness, is becoming increasingly popular. However, before introducing it into your diet, it would not hurt to consult a doctor. The fact is that this juice is incompatible with many types of medications.

Apple juice harms tooth enamel. Therefore, after consuming it, it is better to brush your teeth. Under no circumstances should they take medications with them, as it neutralizes their effect. This juice can also cause an allergic reaction.

Cherry juice should not be consumed when diabetes mellitus, peptic ulcer stomach, obesity.

People with big overweight In general, you should minimize the consumption of freshly squeezed fruit juices, replacing them with vegetable ones. After all, fruit juices contain a lot of sugar, and therefore they have a high calorie content.

An exception is pineapple juice, due to its high content of fat-digesting enzyme. But it also has contraindications

Use special caution when giving freshly squeezed juice to young children. Even in a completely healthy child, the digestive organs (especially the pancreas) may not be sufficiently prepared to absorb such a potent drink. If a child has digestive problems or is prone to allergic reactions, it is better for parents to first consult a doctor. In any case, you should not give undiluted freshly squeezed juice.

When and in what quantities should you drink fresh juices?

Nutritionists advise drinking freshly squeezed juices at least half an hour before meals. And for those people who have increased stomach acidity, it is recommended to increase this time to one and a half hours. You should not drink fresh juices after meals, as this can cause digestive problems, heartburn and other unpleasant consequences.

If the juice is diluted with water by about half, you can consume up to 200 milliliters at a time

Is it possible to drink freshly squeezed juice mixtures? Dietitians do not recommend mixing vegetable juices with fruit juices. But you can mix vegetables with vegetables (and, accordingly, fruits with fruits). For example, a mixture of vegetable juices from ingredients such as carrots, celery, tomatoes, beets, and parsley is very useful. It contains a lot of essential microelements and vitamins, and also has a pleasant, refreshing taste. Or you can make, for example, a simpler mixed juice from carrots and celery. It is better not to give mixed juices to children under 3 years of age. As a last resort, it is better to introduce them gradually, each time observing the body's reaction.

It is advisable to prepare freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits grown on your site. After all, then you will be confident in their quality. If you are preparing juices from store-bought products, you must first wash them thoroughly, and be sure to remove the skin from the fruit (it is often coated with chemicals that extend shelf life).

What should you know about freshly squeezed juices and smoothies to get the most out of them and avoid possible harm?

When talking about the benefits and harms of juices, I mean only freshly squeezed juices, and not those drinks that are sold in the store in colorfully decorated cardboard boxes. If you nevertheless decide to purchase such a drink, then you should give preference to the so-called directly pressed extracts or reconstituted juices. There is no need to talk about the benefits of these drinks, but at least they do not contain harmful artificial food additives (dyes, preservatives, flavors and taste enhancers).

A drink called “nectar” contains 25-50% natural fruit extract, and fruit juice contains even less - only 15%. The rest of the contents of the “juice” package are water, sugar, citric acid and a variety of artificial additives designed to improve the taste, smell and color and extend the shelf life of the drink.


The benefit of juices is the concentrated content of vitamins and minerals.

It's difficult to eat a lot of fruit. But one or two glasses of juice contain vitamins and minerals from several fruits and are easy and enjoyable to drink.

The benefits of juices are better absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Even if you eat the same amount of fruit that was used to make the juice, the vitamins and minerals from the juice will still be absorbed better, simply because liquid is easier to digest than solid foods. Vitamins and minerals from smoothies are absorbed slightly less well than from juices, but still much better than from solid foods.

Comparing juices with vitamins and minerals in tablets is completely pointless. Even the best complexes, which take into account the compatibility of vitamins and minerals, are not able to compete with the complexes created by nature itself. Drinking juices is definitely healthier than taking vitamin tablets.

The benefits of juices are green smoothies (adding greens to juices).

Can be added to freshly squeezed juices and smoothies different kinds greenery For example:

  • Greenery: dill, parsley, cilantro (coriander), spinach, sorrel, celery, mint, oregano (oregano), rosemary, stevia (an excellent natural sugar substitute), sage.
  • Sprouts and young sprouts: wheat, lentils, buckwheat, beans, flax, etc.
  • Root leaves: beets, horseradish, carrots.
  • Wild herbs: nettle, dandelion, burdock, quinoa.

Greens contain many useful substances that fruits have little or none at all (for example, essential amino acids, chlorophyll). Not many people will enjoy chewing a bunch of fresh parsley or dill, but they will be happy to drink juice or smoothie to which greens chopped in a blender or green juice have been added. In both forms, greens are perfectly absorbed by the body.

It is important to alternate different types of greens in order, on the one hand, to provide the body with the most diverse set of useful substances, and on the other hand, to avoid excessive consumption of any substances.

The benefits of juices are the improvement of intestinal microflora.

Unlike fresh vegetables and fruits, juices do not have much fiber (cellulose). Fiber is not digested in the body, but it feeds symbiotic bacteria living in the intestines. At the same time, putrefactive bacteria cannot feed on cellulose. Therefore, foods rich in fiber help shift the balance towards the predominance of beneficial microorganisms over pathogenic ones.

Our health largely depends on the composition of the intestinal microflora. Beneficial bacteria provide us with many important microelements. Harmful microorganisms poison our body with the toxins they secrete. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of maintaining a healthy symbiotic microflora.

There is a theory that juices that lack fiber completely are inferior in benefits to juices with pulp, as well as various smoothies. But is it? Not always.

Therefore, everyone whose diet includes a significant amount of boiled and fried food and, especially, animal products (meat, eggs, milk and dairy products) should give preference to smoothies and juices with pulp.

Also, you should not add sugar to juices - putrefactive bacteria feed on it. If the vegetable juice does not seem sweet enough, you can add some sweet fruit, stevia leaves (natural sweetener), maple syrup, agave syrup or honey (if you use it).

The benefits of juices are cleansing the body.

Freshly squeezed juices help cleanse the body simply because they put much less strain on the digestive system than solid food. The energy that usually goes into digesting food can be directed by the body to cleansing and restorative processes. The most striking results come from a complete transition to liquid nutrition for a period from several days to several months. But regular fasting days on juices they also give excellent results. Even replacing one meal a day with juice has a significant impact on your well-being.

Some juices have a cleansing effect on certain organs. For example, juices from apples, lemons, beets, and radishes are used to cleanse the liver. Juices from radishes, beets, cabbage, apples and carrots are especially effective for cleansing toxins. Black radish and lemon juices are used to cleanse joints.

Some of the safest juices that cleanse the body, which can be used with almost no restrictions, are apple and carrot.

If you decide to spend several days eating exclusively juices and smoothies, for cleansing or for weight loss, then remember that juices should be prepared exclusively from fresh plant products that have not undergone heat treatment. If you add any heat-treated products to your smoothie (for example, boiled vegetables), or products of animal origin (for example, milk), then the effect will be completely different.

The benefit of juices is blood thinning.

Due to the ability of many juices to reduce blood viscosity, you can avoid taking certain medications (such as aspirin). The effect of juices on blood clotting is explained by the content of organic acids in them. Most organic acids contain anions - substances that slow down blood clotting. Freshly squeezed juices can be consumed instead of medications in the following cases:

  • At elevated temperature body caused by a cold or viral disease. By reducing blood clotting, you can lower your body temperature during illness. This is exactly why aspirin is taken.
  • To prevent the formation of blood clots. People who regularly take cardiac aspirin to prevent blood clots (or other medications, blood thinners), can, after consulting with a doctor, replace these drugs regular use freshly squeezed juices.

The following juices have a blood thinning effect:

raspberry, strawberry, viburnum, currant, cranberry, lemon, orange, carrot, apple, peach, pineapple, pomegranate, tomato and many others.

To enhance the effect, you can add it to juice fresh ginger, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, spinach - these foods also thin the blood.

And some foods can, on the contrary, increase blood clotting. For example, foods such as bananas, leeks, sorrel, lettuce, and nettle thicken the blood. These products can be added to balance the thinning effect of the juice.


The harm of juices is excess sugar.

The main problem with fruit juices is the large amount of fructose they contain. This is especially true for juices such as banana, grape, and pineapple. To a lesser extent - apple, orange, tangerine, grapefruit. Fructose is, of course, healthier than white sugar, but, nevertheless, it also refers to simple carbohydrates - sugars. Fructose from fruit juices can be digested by harmful, putrefactive bacteria. The extent to which this problem is relevant specifically for you depends on your usual diet:

  • If your diet consists mainly of meat, eggs, dairy products and flour, then your microflora consists mainly of putrefactive bacteria. In this case, sweet fruit juices will do you more harm than good. Pathogenic microorganisms will receive additional nutrition, and many beneficial substances from the juice, the absorption of which requires assistance beneficial bacteria, they will never get into your body.
  • If you eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits and little (or no) animal foods, then you are probably the happy owner of a healthy microflora. In this case, sweet fruit juices will not feed putrefactive bacteria, and all vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances will be absorbed by your body, with the help of beneficial bacteria, in the best possible way.

The benefits of aromatic and delicious drinks from fruits and vegetables it makes no sense to prove, just like the fact that juice is for greater benefit must be freshly squeezed. Many have already developed their own preferences in choosing juices, which have a reasoned evidence base. At the top of the ranking are orange, grapefruit and pineapple juice. In them, most try to find the quintessence of what freshly squeezed juices are rich in in general: a complex of vitamins, enzymes and minerals, protection for the immune system, structured water. You can drink juices for pleasure, or you can take them in the system as juice therapy.

Can juices replace eating fruits and vegetables?
Of course not. Firstly, because any juice is a concentration of a complete set of vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids. And only what is presented in moderation is always useful. Secondly, fruit is given to our digestive tract the component that ensures its full functionality is fiber. Therefore, juices cannot replace the consumption of full-fledged fruits of the earth.

Can juice quench your thirst?
If such a thought strikes you, leave it as unpromising. Although fruits are 80% water, the glucose and sucrose they contain are perceived by the body as food rather than drink. Therefore, juice will not quench your thirst. In addition, freshly squeezed juice is allowed to drink no more than 300 ml per day, and daily norm water - 2 liters. Juices should be drunk 30-40 minutes before meals, as they provoke the secretion of gastric juice. And then you should rinse your mouth to neutralize the destructive work of the acid contained in the juice.

Medicinal properties of juices
If we consider juices from the point of view of their therapeutic effect, then, of course, you cannot do without consulting a doctor. Self-medication with juices can be at least ineffective, and at maximum dangerous to health. First, you need to determine what effect you expect from juice therapy.

  • To tone up and strengthen immune system, fill the body with energy and vigor - orange, carrot, beetroot, lemon juice.
  • Strengthen cardiovascular system- kiwi, grapefruit, orange, beet, pumpkin, grape juice.
  • To support the functioning of the kidneys and liver - grape, pumpkin, beet, pear juice.
  • Lose weight - pineapple, apple, pear, pumpkin, tomato, grapefruit juice.
  • For anemia - apple, pomegranate, carrot juice.
  • For a sick stomach - juice from white cabbage.
How to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly
Fresh juice does not lose its value during the first 15 minutes after production. The most effective time to take it - in the morning and between lunch and dinner. The juice should be drunk without filtering, along with the pulp. Preparation and pouring of juice must take place without contact with metal, which destroys them vitamin value. Not all juices can be drunk on an empty stomach, but all can be drunk before starting a meal. Juices should not be taken with medicine.

Most juices, due to their concentration, are recommended to be diluted with water, preferably mineral or filtered, or mixed with other juices to obtain a harmonious taste and mild action. Lemon juice is diluted with warm water and honey. Some juices are more effective when combined with certain additives. So, for carrot juice it is cream, for tomato juice it is vegetable oil in small quantities.

The principle of mixing juices: juices of stone fruits with stone fruits, pome fruits with pome fruits. Another approach for mixing juices: fruit juices yellow color mix with fruits of the same color palette, green with green, orange with orange. By the way, juices made from yellow-red fruits are the most risky for allergy sufferers.

The most balanced compositions of juices:

  • apple-lemon-beets (activate digestion);
  • grapefruit-tangerine-lime-ice (invigorates in the morning);
  • pear-banana-orange-cream (vitamin complex);
  • apple-melon-honey (for weight loss);
  • apple-beets-celery (acceleration of metabolism);
  • cucumber-lemon (removal of excess liquid);
  • carrots-aloe-wheat germ juice (rejuvenation).
Juices cannot be stored. Only beetroot is recommended to be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before use. If there is an urgent need to preserve the already prepared juice, pour it on top with a layer of lemon and close it in glass jar Cover with a tight lid, so it will stay in the refrigerator for up to 8 hours.

How juices can harm
High carbohydrate content in fruit juices excessive use leads to inevitable completeness. The acid in some types of juices destroys tooth enamel. Not all people's intestinal microflora is able to cope with the concentration of its composition. The laxative effect of most juices, with increased excitability of the intestines, can cause diarrhea. Drinking carrot juice can lead to liver disease. Reception grape juice accompanied by a powerful release of insulin, which is dangerous for the pancreas. This juice is contraindicated for diabetics and obese people. Beetroot juice can cause nausea, weakness, and dizziness. Tomato juice will aggravate the patient's condition in case of poisoning of any kind.

Rules that are easy to remember
Use only ripe and high-quality fruits to prepare freshly squeezed juices. Drink freshly squeezed juice all year round, focusing on the season of vegetables and fruits. Drink fruit juices through a straw. Do not substitute juices for food consumption raw vegetables and fruits.

Let the forces of the earth and sun contained in the fruits give you the energy of life and youth.

It is believed that freshly squeezed juices are the shortest path to health, ideal facial skin and thin waist. Is it really? Or are we being misled again?

Myth No. 1. Pineapple juice is a super fat burner.

A successful lie from marketers. A few years ago, a boom in a new weight loss method using pineapple extract tablets took place across the country. In addition to these pills, women actively ate pineapples (including canned sweet ones!) and drank juice from them. The diet pills included bromelain(plant enzyme) which was extracted from pineapples.

Sellers promised trouble-free, rapid fat burning. At the same time, they kept silent about the fact that bromelain is extracted industrially not from the pulp of pineapples, but from its inedible core and from the very trunk of the pineapple tree. And most importantly, bromelain can only break down proteins (which improves digestion), but not fat. Taking bromelain for weight loss is useless. Drink Pineapple juice for the purpose of burning fat, it is even more unjustified.

However, freshly squeezed pineapple juice improves memory, relieves swelling, and cleanses blood vessels. Drink it for your health!

Myth No. 2. A glass of juice is better than a kilogram of vegetables or fruits.

The statement is true only on one side: to quickly “recharge” with vitamins and minerals, it is indeed much easier to drink juice than to eat a kilogram of carrots. Freshly squeezed juices deliver valuable nutrients to our body. nutrients in the form in which they are best absorbed.

However, vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which cleanses the body and improves its functioning. The body spends a lot of energy, effort and time on digesting them. But juices are absorbed very quickly, and digestive system practically no effort is put into it. Valuable alimentary fiber After preparing the juice, they remain in the juicer. Along with juices, you need to eat a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits. Due to rapid absorption fresh juices It is not recommended to mix with heavier foods to avoid difficulty in digestion.

Myth No. 3. Juice from a package replaces fresh juice

Freshly squeezed juices are a source enzymes And pure organic water, which is found only in fresh plant foods and gives the body invaluable benefits.

Canned juices (both homemade and store-bought) are subject to heat treatment and the addition of preservatives, due to which invaluable enzymes and many nutrients are mercilessly destroyed, and organic water becomes inorganic, that is, lifeless and akin to tap water.

Myth No. 4. Freshly squeezed juices help you lose weight.

No, this is not entirely true, unless we are talking about a starvation diet. In addition to the benefits that you can get from fresh juice, you need to remember that during... fruit juices a lot of fruity Sahara. Their uncontrolled use can lead you to unnoticed weight gain. excess weight. You need to treat fruit juices the same way you treat dessert: consider its calorie content, time of consumption and the amount of carbohydrates it contains. If you want to lose weight, don't indulge too much in fruit juices, especially grape(100 ml contains 29 grams of sugar).

It is better not to replace a portion of vegetables on your plate with vegetable juices. However, a glass of juice between meals will not be superfluous.

Myth No. 5. Nectar and juice are the same thing.

Not at all. Nectar is prepared from juice with the addition of water or sugar syrup. Usually nectar is made from peaches, bananas, mangoes and other not very juicy fruits.

Myth No. 6. Juice quenches thirst

A very common opinion. Unfortunately, it is not. For our body, drinking is only pure water. The stomach perceives juices as food: it contains nutrients, vitamins, sugar and calories. The rule is simple: we drink water and eat juices.

Myth No. 7. Fresh juice can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Fresh juices contain exactly as much vitamins as are found in vegetables and fruits. However, many vitamins are destroyed by exposure to air, sunlight, or long-term storage(vitamins A, C, E, B 2, B 4, B 12). Freshly squeezed juices are needed drink immediately after preparation and do not store for future use- it's useless. In addition, juices stored in the refrigerator for a long time can change their color and lose their taste.

Maximum storage time for fresh juice - 1-2 hours.

Myth No. 8. The best start to the day is a glass of freshly squeezed juice.

Dietitians and gastroenterologists do not recommend drinking fresh juices on an empty stomach. The harsh acidity of some fruits (especially citrus fruits) can cause stomach problems over time. It is even more dangerous to start your day with fresh juices for people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Doctors allow only certain types of juices to be drunk on an empty stomach, mainly vegetable ones: carrot juice, white cabbage juice or potato juice.

How to properly prepare and consume fresh juice to get the maximum benefit?

. Most healthy juice you will get from seasonal vegetables and fruits. Therefore, winter is a good reason to try vegetable juices, but in summer and autumn - enjoying vegetable, fruit, and berry juices is the most best time for freshly squeezed juices. In spring, pay attention to vegetables and fruits with dense or thick skins: vitamins are stored under the skin. At this time of year, the maximum concentration of substances beneficial to the body is in carrots, grapefruit, kiwi And white cabbage.

. Vegetables and fruits for making juice must be fresh, without stains, wormholes or islands of rot or mold. Mold is dangerous because it can penetrate deep into the product. Even if you remove the visible part of the apple from the surface, this will not help you get rid of the mold in the entire apple.

Vegetables and fruits for juices

. Before preparing juice, thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits with a brush under running water. Sort the green leaves and remove any withered or limp branches. Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, celery disassemble into inflorescences, separate the stems and wash each separately.

. Freshly squeezed juices should be drunk either 30-40 minutes before meals, or 1 hour after meals. A great start to the day is a plate healthy porridge, better than oatmeal, which gently envelops the stomach, and an hour after breakfast - a glass fruit juice. This way you won't harm your stomach!

. Add a few drops of butter or cream to carrot juice: Vitamin A is absorbed only in the presence of vegetable or animal fats.

. Sour juices Citrus fruits or berries are best drunk through a straw to avoid harmful effects acids on tooth enamel.

Healthy recipes based on natural juices

. For the best hair growth drink a mixture of sweet pepper and carrot juice, prepared in a 1:1 ratio.

Carrots and peppers

Rub sea buckthorn juice into the roots of your hair - it not only improves growth, but also gives a luxurious salon shine.

. Lemon juice in the form of a mask is very refreshing facial skin: Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 1 tablespoon oatmeal and add 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water. You need to make such masks regularly 1-2 times a week.

Don't forget that everything healthy is good in moderation! Be healthy and dazzle with your beauty! Sincerely yours, Nathalie Lissi