Carrot and apple soufflé for kids. Carrot-apple soufflé (steam)

Today about the promised dietary.

Dietary dishes do not have to be tasteless, as many people for some reason believe, but you and I know very well that “low-calorie and healthy” does not at all equal “tasteless,” and this dessert is an excellent confirmation of this. It is easy and simple to prepare, especially if you have a blender in which you can puree carrots and apples in a minute, and it turns out very, very tasty.

- 150 g carrots (one medium carrot)
- 150 g apples (one medium-sized apple)
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
- 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran
- 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ
- 0.5 tsp. cinnamon

Peel the carrots and cut into small pieces. Cut the apple into quarters, remove the seeds. Steam the carrots and apple until soft; I put them on the first level of the steamer and cooked for about 15 minutes. You can also steam them in water.

Cool the prepared fruits and vegetables and grind them into puree. I have a small hand blender, so I first had to grate the carrots on a fine grater, and then add the apples and blend with a blender until smooth. I did not peel the apple - after steaming, the pulp is very easily removed from the peel.

Beat the egg with sugar until fluffy. Add fruit and vegetable puree, wheat bran and germ, cinnamon, mix gently and thoroughly.

Pour the mixture into molds, cover the molds with foil or film, and steam for 20-25 minutes. I lightly greased the molds with oil beforehand, but, in principle, this is not necessary, since the soufflé can be served directly in these forms without shaking the contents onto plates.

After cooking, the soufflé falls slightly, this can be seen in the photo, but from the moment I took the molds out of the steamer until the moment of shooting, about five minutes passed :) but there’s nothing wrong with that, the taste, as you understand, is completely different affects.

Delicious!! The soufflé turns out so moist, very juicy, it may not even be entirely correct to call it “soufflé,” but I couldn’t think of another name. You can call it a "casserole" :)

When serving, you can slightly sacrifice the diet and decorate the soufflé with a spoonful of sour cream, crème fraîche or whipped cream, but in itself it is very tasty.

I think the “apples-pears” combination, for example, would work great. You don't have to add sugar at all if the fruit is sweet enough. Nutmeg, cardamom and cloves in small doses are quite appropriate. You can make such a soufflé with whites - take two whites instead of a whole egg, for example, to make it even more dietary.

Instead of wheat bran and germ, you can use any cereal crops - oat or rye bran, for example, or add a little corn flour, or any flour at all.

I got two servings as in the photo. This soufflé will easily sit in the refrigerator for a day or two (by the way, it’s also very good cold!), so you can make several servings at once and serve warm or cold as desired.

Good for breakfast, dessert or a light snack :)

To make your own apple soufflé, there is no need to purchase expensive ingredients. After all, such a delicacy is prepared at home using simple and quite affordable products.

It should be especially noted that apple souffle is not only very tasty, but also quite healthy. In this regard, we recommend preparing it for your children as a breakfast or afternoon snack.

Delicious and tender apple soufflé: recipe

Buying ready-made soufflé in a store is as easy as shelling pears. But such a delicacy does not always meet all safety requirements. That is why experienced culinary experts recommend making it at home. Moreover, you don’t need to be a great cook to prepare this dessert.

So, to make your own apple soufflé, you need to prepare in advance the following components:

Sweet apple processing

Before making a soufflé from apples at home, they should be thoroughly washed in hot water, then cut into quarters and the seed pod with hard elements removed. After this, you need to put the fruit in a deep form, pour in ½ cup of water and put it in the oven. over medium heat until they are completely soft.

Once the fruit is cooked, remove it from the oven and cool slightly at room temperature. After this, they must be pureed using a blender, and then add fine granulated sugar and mix well.

Form the dessert and bake it in the oven

Apple soufflé does not take very long to bake in the oven. But before such a delicacy is placed in a kitchen device, it must be formed correctly. To do this, you need to cool and then beat them into a standing strong foam using a blender. After this, the product must be placed in and mixed thoroughly. Next, you should take several deep molds (in the form of cups) and generously grease them with natural butter. To make the apple soufflé more satisfying and nutritious, you need to place the broken apples into pieces on the bottom of each prepared dish. Finally, you need to fill the molds with the apple-white mixture and immediately send them to the oven.

Cooking features

If you decide to make apple soufflé in a regular bowl, then they should not just be sent to the oven, but placed in a water bath. This will allow you to make a very tasty and delicate dessert and at the same time preserve the shapes without damaging them.

It is advisable to bake this delicacy for 12-15 minutes at a temperature of 205 degrees. After the specified time has passed, the oven should be turned off and the dessert should be left behind the closed door for another 5-6 minutes.

Properly serving a delicious delicacy to the table

After the sweet apple soufflé is ready, you need to remove it and cool slightly. Next, the dessert needs to be presented to the household along with a small spoon. Moreover, the delicacy should still be warm. If it moves well away from the walls of the bowl, then it is better to place it on a saucer, sharply turning the dish upside down.

Making a vitamin soufflé from carrots and apples

The presented dessert can be made in different ways and using different ingredients. Above we told you about how to prepare a delicious homemade delicacy in the oven. In this same section of the article, we decided to present you with carrots and apples made using a slow cooker. For this we may need the following components:

  • carrots as juicy and fresh as possible - approximately 350 g;
  • large sweet apple - 1 pc.;
  • fresh high-fat sour cream - 60 ml;
  • semolina - about 30 g;
  • medium country egg - 1 pc.;
  • natural butter - a couple of dessert spoons;
  • fine granulated sugar - ½ large spoon;
  • Small table salt - use at discretion.

Ingredient Processing

Carrot-apple soufflé bakes quite quickly in a slow cooker. But before forming such a delicacy and subjecting it to heat treatment, you should prepare all the necessary ingredients. First you need to peel the carrots and apples, and then remove the seed pod from the fruit. After this, you need to grate the ingredients on a small grater and mix them thoroughly.

Preparing the remaining ingredients

To make it tender and tasty, you should definitely add thick, high-fat sour cream to it. Also, the recipe for this delicacy requires the use of a chicken egg. It must be divided into whites and yolks, and then add fine granulated sugar to the last component and grind until white with a spoon. As for the first ingredient, it should be cooled and then whipped into a strong foam using a hand whisk.

Dessert formation and baking process

This vitamin delicacy is formed relatively quickly. To begin with, add sour cream to the apple-carrot mixture, and then add the yolk, mashed with granulated sugar. After mixing the ingredients, add the beaten egg white in a separate bowl. As a result, you should get a soft and delicate mass of bright orange color.

To bake the mixed base in a multicooker, the bowl of the kitchen device must be thoroughly greased with butter. Next, you need to put all the soufflé into the container and immediately cover it with a lid. In this form, the dessert should be baked in the program of the same name for 20-27 minutes. During this time, the dessert should set, become tender and very tasty.

Properly serving carrot delicacy to the table

It is advisable to serve a soufflé of carrots and apples for breakfast or for an afternoon snack. The dessert should be slightly warm. It is advisable to remove it from the multicooker bowl using a large spoon. Additionally, the homemade delicacy can be flavored with a piece of butter and sprinkled with ground cinnamon.

Other options for making carrot-apple soufflé

If you don’t have a slow cooker, then the bright orange dessert can be baked in the oven. To do this, use deep dishes or molds for cupcakes and muffins. They need to be greased with fresh butter, and then the mixed base is distributed. After this, the products need to be baked at 205 degrees for about ¼ hour or a little longer.

If for some reason you do not want to make fruit or vegetable soufflé in a slow cooker or oven, then a regular microwave oven will come to the rescue. Let's look at how to make homemade dessert using this kitchen device right now.

You can prepare the base for such a dessert according to the first or second recipe. But in order for it to bake well in the microwave, you will need to prepare glass or ceramic bowls (the first option is better). They must be generously greased with any cooking oil, and then laid out with a pre-prepared base. After placing the filled pan, bake at maximum speed for about 3-5 minutes. In this case, the device should be periodically opened and observed as the heat treatment of the fruit or vegetable delicacy takes place. Its readiness is easily determined by its appearance. The soufflé should dry out a little and set so that it can be eaten with a spoon. It should be borne in mind that after cooling the dessert will become even more elastic.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to prepare fruit or vegetable soufflé. This homemade delicacy must be presented to the table in a warm state, with or without hot tea. Bon appetit!

Sweet dishes Melnikov Ilya

Carrot-apple soufflé (steam)

Cut the carrots into small pieces and simmer with milk until tender. Peel the apples and mince them together with the carrots, then combine with cereal, sugar and raw yolk, add 10 g of melted butter and whipped egg white; mix it all lightly, put it in a greased mold and steam until done. Serve the soufflé with butter.

Carrots – 75 g, apples – 75 g, butter – 20 g, 1/2 egg, sugar – 10 g, semolina – 10 g, milk – 50 g.

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Carrot-apple soufflé (steam) Cut the carrots into small pieces and simmer with milk until tender. Peel the apples and mince them together with the carrots, then combine with cereal, sugar and raw yolk, add 10 g of melted butter and whipped egg white;

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Carrot-apple soufflé Ingredients: 100 g carrots, 100 g apples, 50 g butter, 20 g semolina, 1 egg, 100 g milk, sugar. Method of preparation: Cut the peeled carrots, pour in milk and simmer until tender. Pass the prepared apples through a meat grinder along with

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Carrot-apple puree Ingredients 1 carrot, 1 apple, 100 ml milk, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. butter. Preparation Wash the carrots, cut into 2-3 parts, place on the multicooker rack, pour water into the bowl and cook in the “Steam” mode (30 minutes), peel. Apple

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Pancreatitis. An insidious disease that affects such a small organ, and the entire human body suffers. This organ is the pancreas. It supplies enzymes to digest food and insulin to process sugar.

Those who have encountered this problem know that in addition to hospitalization and drug treatment, the patient is required to be prescribed a special diet. Diet No. 5p - excludes foods that unnecessarily stimulate pancreatic secretion. It is this type of nutrition that is the most important element in the complex treatment of pancreatitis, which helps not to push the disease into the chronic stage and avoid exacerbations.

The recipe offered below will please those who have gone through a phase of hunger and to whom the attending physician has prescribed dietary nutrition for pancreatitis. The products that make up this dish are useful, and sometimes simply irreplaceable for the body, which needs restoration.
Carrots are rich in vitamins, carotene and have a very positive effect on the pancreas. Apples, among other things, contain pectin and dietary fiber - especially useful substances in restoring damaged organs and the functions of the digestive system. They help with both constipation and diarrhea, which often bother patients who have suffered the acute phase of the disease and after prolonged fasting. Apples contain fructose, which does not increase blood sugar. The main rule is sweet varieties and, preferably, green fruit.

Carrot-apple steam soufflé Video Recipe

Necessary products for cooking:

  • Carrots – 250 gr.
  • Apples – 280 gr.
  • Eggs – 40 gr.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk 2.5% - 100g.
  • Semolina - 50-60 gr.
  • Salt – 2 gr.

How to prepare steamed carrot-apple soufflé:

  1. Cut the carrots into equal-sized pieces and simmer in milk until tender. The carrots should be thoroughly washed with a brush, the skin removed and cut into equal-sized pieces. Pour milk into a saucepan, add chopped carrots and simmer over low heat until soft.
  2. Grind the apples, peeled and seeded, together with carrots in a blender or grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Add semolina, melted butter and raw yolk to the resulting mass. Mix well.
  4. Beat the raw egg white, add to the rest of the ingredients and mix lightly again.
    Grease the mold with butter, place the resulting puree there and steam for about 20 minutes. To steam the soufflé, use a slow cooker, double boiler or steam bath.
  5. Serve with butter.

Calorie content. Nutrient content

If you strictly follow the recipe for making steamed carrot-apple soufflé, which is written above, then the calorie content of this dish and the content of essential nutrients are known.

A little creativity and even a diet turns into a delicious dessert!

Be healthy and remember, by seeking help from doctors in time, following the rules of dietary nutrition, you have every chance to restore the functions of the pancreas and return to a normal lifestyle.

Steamed carrot-apple soufflé Video recipe:

Ingredients for video recipe:

  • Boiled carrots - 1 pc.
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Milk – 100 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.