The best recipes. Topic: “Baked beef in onion sauce” Equipment operating rules

The main advantage of this recipe is that the beef with onions is baked independently, by itself, that is, your constant presence in the kitchen is not required. You just need to put the ingredients in a mold and after 1 hour, stir everything so that the juices are distributed more evenly. The oven will do the rest of the work for you.

Please note that no water is used in the recipe! Onions (and you need a lot of them, in a 1:1 ratio to meat) during baking will soften and give the right amount of moisture, they will caramelize and taste sweetish, and turn into a sauce. The pieces of beef will be soaked in the resulting sauce and will become very tender and soft. To make the dish even tastier, be sure to add a mixture of cream and mustard at the end - this combination suits beef very well, it acquires a noble creamy taste with a slight spiciness, try it!

Total cooking time: 2 hours 40 minutes
Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Yield: 4 servings


  • beef (pulp) – 500 g
  • onions – 500 g
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • 15-20% cream or non-acidic sour cream – 200 g
  • mustard – 1 tsp.
  • wheat flour – 1 tsp. with a slide
  • salt - approximately 1 tsp.
  • ground black pepper - 2-3 chips.
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.


Big photos Small photos

    For baking you will need a heat-resistant form with a volume of at least 2 liters. It is best to use glass or ceramics (the dishes must have a lid). Regular enamel dishes are not suitable, as the onions can burn in them. So, pour a couple of tablespoons of refined vegetable oil into the bottom of the baking dish.

    Chop the onions into rings or half rings. And put about half of the onion in the mold.

    Cut the beef into small pieces - the size of a walnut. Spread on top in an even layer. Pepper and salt (at this stage I used 0.5 tsp of salt, the rest can be added at the end of cooking, when you can take a sample and adjust the amount to taste).

    Cover the meat with the remaining onion. Close the lid - it should fit very tightly. Place the mold in a cold oven (so that the glass or ceramics do not burst due to a sudden temperature change) and set it to 180 degrees.

    Bake beef with onions for 2 hours. About halfway through cooking, you need to look under the lid, mix the contents with a spoon and lightly drown the pieces of meat into the sauce so that they are completely immersed in it. As you can see in the photo, by this time the onion will already give a lot of its own juice, and after stirring it will become twice as much.

    After 2 hours, fill the dish with a mixture of cream, mustard and flour - mix all the ingredients and pour into the mold, stir so that it is evenly distributed. Adjust the amount of salt to taste.

    Close the lid again and put it in the oven for another half hour. This is how delicious it turns out - the beef is tender and soft, in a fragrant onion sauce.

What to serve with? Beef in onion sauce goes best with mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge or rice. Serve hot, sprinkled with parsley. Enjoy your meal!

If you don’t have time to stand at the stove for a long time, but still need to cook dinner, use this unique recipe. Gravy with meat in onion sauce is a dish that can be trusted in the oven.

We chopped the meat and onions, put it in the oven - and forgot about it for 1.5-2 hours. Can you imagine how much free time you have left for your family or for yourself? In 2 hours you can do a lot of things or relax after work! Despite the lightness and simplicity of preparation, the gravy turns out amazing: tender, soft meat in a finger-licking sauce of onions and sour cream. It goes with any side dish: choose the one your family loves.

Product composition

  • 700 grams of beef (or lean pork);
  • 300 grams of onions (about three heads);
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ground black pepper (or favorite spices) - to taste.

For sour cream sauce

  • 250 grams of delicious sour cream;
  • one teaspoon of mustard beans;
  • one teaspoon of wheat flour.

Gravy with meat in onion sauce: step-by-step cooking process

  1. We wash the pulp of beef or lean pork and cut it into small pieces, just as it is done for goulash.
  2. Cut three medium onions (total weight approximately 300 grams) into thin half rings.
  3. Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil or a special non-stick emulsion. To prepare this dish, I use a 2.5 liter heat-resistant glass saucepan.
  4. Place the meat, onion, salt, ground black pepper (or your favorite spices) into the pan and mix.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid (the pan can be covered with foil) and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 2 hours. For pork, the time can be reduced: 1.5 hours will be enough.
  6. Advice. If you use chicken or turkey meat, the baking time will need to be reduced to one hour, plus 20 minutes with the sauce.
  7. Let's make the sauce. Place tasty and not very sour sour cream in a small bowl (homemade sour cream made from milk and butter is ideal), add mustard grains and wheat flour to it. Stir everything with a spoon until smooth.
  8. Advice. Sour cream can be replaced with cream of any fat content.
  9. After two hours, remove the mold, pour the prepared sauce over the meat and onions, and stir.
  10. Close the pan again and return to the oven for 30 minutes.

Gravy with meat in onion sauce goes great with any side dish: boiled pasta, boiled rice, mashed potatoes or peas. An incredibly tasty addition: aromatic, tender and very appetizing. The time that the gravy is being prepared in the oven can be devoted to your family or yourself, your loved one. You will find even more simple recipes for interesting dishes on our website: choose and cook with pleasure.

You don't need any special cooking skills to cook beef in onion sauce. Most of the time the meat will be cooked over a fire or in a slow cooker, and during this time you can rest or do other things.

Beef is considered tough, so cooking time may be increased. For veal, one hour is enough, for older meat it will take two hours.

How to make goulash quickly

This recipe will help lazy people quickly, without effort and unnecessary ingredients, prepare a dietary beef dish. You will need meat and onions in equal proportions: for example, half a kilogram of meat and the same amount of onions. In addition to standard spices, you can use any seasonings that are compatible with meat.

Cut the beef into bars and the onion into half rings. The beef and onions will be layered in the pan. You will get two layers of meat and three layers of onions. No need to add water. If desired, you can put a couple of spoons of sour cream on top.

Pepper the beef pieces, add salt and other seasonings. At the bottom of the pan, where the beef will be cooked in onion sauce, pour a third of all the onions, then half the meat, again the onions, again the meat and on top a third portion of the onions.

Cover the pan with a lid and place over high heat for 5 minutes. Do not leave the stove so as not to miss the start of boiling. When it boils, you need to reduce the gas so that the fire becomes low. Simmer for 2 hours. During this time, you can do other things.

Beef in onion sauce is very tasty. You can serve it with a side dish of potatoes, rice, pasta or vegetables.

With sour cream and mustard

Beef in onion sauce will turn out soft and tender if you cook it with sour cream and mustard in the oven.

What to take:

  • 1 kg veal or beef tenderloin;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 2 teaspoons homemade mustard;
  • 4 onions;
  • 1 teaspoon flour;
  • butter;
  • salt;
  • black ground pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into small cubes, the onion into rings.
  2. Grease a heat-resistant glass dish with oil.
  3. Place the pieces of beef in a prepared container, add the onion, stir, cover with a lid and place in an oven heated to 180°C for two hours. After an hour, check the meat - it should be immersed in the released liquid.
  4. Mix sour cream with mustard and flour.
  5. After 2 hours have passed, add sour cream and mustard sauce, salt and pepper to the meat, stir and keep in the oven for another half hour.

Beef in onion sauce, baked with sour cream and mustard, can be taken out of the stove and enjoy its delicate taste. Serve with mashed potatoes or pasta.

In a slow cooker

Beef in onion sauce will cook for 35 minutes in frying mode and about two hours at 100°C in Multicook mode.

What to take:

  • veal or beef tenderloin - 0.6 kg;
  • onions - 0.6 kg;
  • lar leaf;
  • peppercorns;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces, pour boiling water over it, leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings and fry until soft and slightly golden.
  3. Place the meat on the onion and cook in frying mode until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Add bay leaf, pepper, salt. Pour in hot water so that it covers the meat and is 3 cm higher. Set the “Multi-cook” program and cook at 100°C for two hours. If the water boils away earlier, add more.

Tip: to make old beef tender, you need to set the “Stew” program and cook for about 6 hours.

GOU SPO "Vyatka State College of Professional Technologies of Management and Service"

Written examination paper

Topic: “Baked beef in onion sauce”

Is done by a student

2 courses group 24-o

Specialty 260502 (2711)

"Technology of catering products"



Due date


    Theoretical part

    1. drawing up a technological map…………………………….……….5

      commercial characteristics of the main product…………………….………5

    Practical part

    1. cooking technology……………………………….………….8

      meal preparation scheme………………………………………………………..………..9

      1. organization of the chef’s workplace when preparing a dish………10

        mechanical culinary processing of the product…………………………12

        preparation of semi-finished product…………………………………………...14

        heat treatment……………………………………………………….15

        processes occurring during heat treatment…………………….16

        serving the dish……………………………………………………………...18

        requirements for the quality of the dish…………………………………………….19

    2. rules for operating the equipment………………………………………………………20

      sanitary requirements for the organization of the workplace and personal hygiene of the cook…………………………………………………………………………………...22





The problem of nutrition is one of the most important social problems. Human life, health and work are impossible without nutritious food. According to the theory of balanced nutrition, a person’s diet should contain not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the required quantities, but also substances such as essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in certain proportions that are beneficial for humans. In organizing proper nutrition, a primary role is given to dairy products. This fully applies to cheese, the nutritional value of which is due to the high concentration of milk protein and fat in it, the presence of essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus salts, which are so necessary for the normal development of the human body.

Each product has a wide range of properties. However, its use value is formed only by those that determine utility. We can identify a group of consumer properties that are common to all products. These properties include: nutritional, biological, energy and physiological value of products.

The nutritional value product is the broadest concept, including the content of basic chemicals in the product, the degree of their absorption and energy value, their taste and harmlessness.

Energy value product is energy that is released from nutrients and products during the process of biological oxidation and is used to ensure the physiological functions of the body.

Biological value product - reflects, first of all, the quality of the proteins in it, amino acid composition and digestibility. In a broader sense, it is a balanced content of essential amino acids, vitamins, and mineral elements in the product.

Physiological value The product is characterized by the presence in it of useful elements necessary for the implementation of basic metabolic processes in the body. It also reflects the influence of consumed products on the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the body, and resistance to infectious diseases. For example, caffeine in tea and coffee has a stimulating effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The physiological value of fermented milk products is that they have a beneficial effect on intestinal activity. The physiological value of cheese is its high calcium content, etc.

For proper nutrition, they create a food ration - a set of products necessary for a person for a certain period of time (for a day, for a week). Modern physiology states that the human diet should contain foods belonging to all main groups: meat, fish, milk, eggs, grains and legumes, vegetables, fruits, vegetable oil.

Including a variety of foods in your daily diet allows you to provide the human body with all the substances it needs in optimal proportions. Animal products are better absorbed, especially proteins. Proteins are absorbed better from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products than from bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

The composition of the diet affects a person’s activity, performance, resistance to disease, and longevity. An imbalance of nutrients in the diet leads to increased fatigue, apathy, decreased performance, and then to more pronounced manifestations of nutritional diseases (hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis, anemia, protein-energy deficiency).

Meat is the main source of protein in human nutrition. Meat proteins are close in composition to the protein of the human body. In addition, meat contains a significant amount of fat, as well as minerals (salts of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins B, PP and vitamin D. The extractive substances of meat are very valuable. They cause abundant juice secretion when eating meat, and thus contribute to its absorption.

From a commodity point of view, meat is usually called muscle with bones, ligaments, fat, etc.

In technological practice, meat tissues are classified according to their industrial significance: muscle, fat, connective, cartilaginous, bone and blood. The ratio of the listed tissues in meat depends on the type, breed, sex, age, nature of fattening, fatness, as well as on the anatomical structure of part of the carcass. The chemical composition, nutritional value and properties of meat are determined by different ratios of tissues.

Fruits and vegetables supply the human body with vitamin C, folic acid, beta-carotene, plant fiber, potassium and other substances lacking in animal foods.

Adding vegetables to meat and cereal dishes increases the absorption of the proteins they contain up to 85-90%.

    Theoretical part.

1.1. Drawing up a technological map.

Beef baked in onion sauce is a portioned meat dish that is cooked in portioned frying pans along with a side dish and onion sauce.

Technological map for the dish:

Recipe according to the collection of recipes No. 484, column 2

raw materials

1 serving (gram)

100 servings (kilogram)


Boiled beef mass

Sauce No. 559

Table margarine

Weight of semi-finished product

Output of the finished product

Mashed potatoes

Recipe according to the collection of recipes No. 761, column 2

Technological map for the dish

Onion sauce

Recipe according to the collection of recipes No. 559, column 2

raw materials

1 serving (gram)

100 servings (kilogram)

Basic red sauce No. 558

Bulb onions

Table margarine

Vinegar 9%

Table margarine


Technological map for the dish

Main red sauce

Recipe according to the collection of recipes No. 558, column 2

raw materials

1 serving (gram)

100 servings (kilogram)

Brown broth No. 822

Cooking fat

Wheat flour

Tomato puree

Bulb onions



Technological map for the dish

Broth brown

Recipe according to the collection of recipes No. 822, column 2

raw materials

1 serving (gram)

100 servings (kilogram)

Food bones

Bulb onions



2. Practical part.

2.1 Cooking technology.

To prepare the dish “Beef baked in onion sauce” you need:

Perform primary processing of all incoming products;

Prepare semi-finished products from them;

Carry out heat treatment of products:

Add onion sauce to a portioned frying pan or dish, place one or 2 slices of boiled beef, make a border of potato mixture around it using a pastry bag, pour in the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and sprinkle with oil. Dishes are baked in the oven for about 10 - 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 - 260 o C

2.2.Dish preparation scheme

"Beef baked in onion sauce"

    Organization of the workplace;

    Selection of raw materials;

    potatoes, onions, carrots, beef, vinegar, milk, wheat flour, cooking fat

    Mechanical restoration;

    potatoes, onions, carrots (calibrate, wash, peel, wash)

    beef (thawed)


    Cut the beef at an angle of 45°

    Carrots – into strips

    Onion - cubed

    Preparation of semi-finished products;

    Mashed potatoes

    Onion sauce

    Boiled beef

    Preparing the sauce;

    Preparing the side dish;

    prepare mashed potatoes from boiled potatoes;

    Heat treatment;

    Baking at t=250-260 o C for about 10 - 15 minutes


    Serve in portioned pans in which the dish is baked, on a serving plate with a napkin

    Supply temperature;

    Implementation deadlines;

    30 minutes at t=65-75 o C

2.2.1. Organization of the chef's workplace during cooking

dish “Beef baked in onion sauce”

To prepare this dish, two workshops are used:

    hot shop,

    meat - fish shop.

Proper organization of the chef's workplace is an indispensable condition for increasing labor productivity. Equipment, tools, utensils and utensils are arranged in accordance with the sequence of the technological process so that they are convenient to use during work.

Each workshop is equipped with production tables, scales, shelving, and the rest of the equipment is placed in accordance with the specifics of the production process.

In meat workshop they process the meat of slaughtered animals, poultry, game and fish (and fish and meat raw materials should not come into contact). The equipment of such a workshop includes baths for washing carcasses, baths for soaking fish, a cutting cabinet or deck, a meat grinder, a minced meat mixer, a ripper, tables for preparing semi-finished products, a refrigeration cabinet, a defroster chamber, and a drive with interchangeable devices.

The equipment is placed taking into account the sequence of primary meat processing, but separate work tables must be allocated for. processing poultry, game, fish and offal, mark all equipment and tools.

Meat - fish shop




    Knives marked “MS” “RS” “bird”

    production boards marked “bird” “MS” “RS”


    frying pans

Weighing equipment – ​​scales.

Mechanical – meat grinder, minced meat mixer, meat ripper

Non-mechanical – production tables, bathtub, shelving, hand washbasins, stock rack,

Refrigerated refrigerator cabinet

For fish, tables of a special design are installed with a back and a groove where technical waste is collected.

Hot workshop Large enterprises have two departments: soup and sauce. In this workshop, first, second and sweet dishes, hot drinks, side dishes, sauces are prepared, semi-finished products and products are prepared for the subsequent preparation of cold dishes and snacks. Some enterprises also employ bakers and confectioners here.

IN soup In the department, digester boilers are installed. At the cook's workplace, measuring containers, boiler gauge rulers (to determine the level of liquid in the boilers), racks for cutting boards, scoops, various spoons and a set of knives are placed.

For sautéing and poaching. use frying pans and stewpans. The cook has at his disposal a set of pre-prepared products that speed up the preparation of first courses (“slide”).

In the hot shops of large enterprises, a soup department is organized for the preparation of first courses, and a sauce department is organized for the preparation of second courses, side dishes, and sauces.

Hot shop




    Knives marked “OS” “RV” “MV” “Gastronomy” “bird”

    Tomato cutter

    Egg cutter

    Vegetable cutter

    production boards marked “OS” “greens” “OV” “FV” “MV” “gastronomy” “poultry”


    frying pans

    baking trays

Non-mechanical – production tables, racks, hand basins, stock racks,

Mechanical – beater, vegetable cutter.

Weighing equipment – ​​scales.

Thermal - stoves, ovens, frying pans, boilers

Adjacent to the hot shop are procurement shops, a cold shop, a kitchen utensil washing room, and when dishes are released from the stove, a tableware washing room.

2.2.2. Primary processing of products.

Mechanical processing of potatoes

Potatoes are sorted, calibrated, peeled, and finished. Potatoes are sorted in mechanical sorting machines or manually. When sorting, rotten, beaten potatoes, foreign impurities (stones, chips) and sprouted tubers are removed.

Potatoes are calibrated by size in order to reduce waste during machine cleaning. Large tubers are peeled faster and by the end of peeling the entire potato, a layer of pulp, which contains a large amount of nutrients, is cut off from them. Washing potatoes helps to quickly clean them and improves sanitary conditions for further processing. Higher quality starch is obtained from washed potato peelings.

Peel potatoes in batch or continuous potato peelers. Cleaning duration is 2-2.5 minutes. The peeled potatoes are unloaded without turning off the electric motor. Peeling of potatoes is done manually with a root or groove knife. During post-cleaning, eyes, depressions, and dark spots are removed from the peeled tubers. The processed potatoes are washed in cold water.

Mechanical processing of beef

Primary processing of beef takes place in three stages:


The process of thawing meat can be carried out slowly and quickly, in large and small pieces, but it is best to use slow thawing of carcasses or large parts. With the slow thawing of carcasses or their large parts, the muscle fibers almost completely absorb the released meat juice and thereby restore their original qualities. Properly thawed meat is almost no different from chilled meat. In the meat industry, meat intended for slow thawing is placed in special chambers in which carcasses or parts thereof are hung on tinned hooks so that they do not come into contact with each other. Over the course of 3-4 days, the temperature in the chamber is gradually increased from 0 to 8°.

The meat is considered thawed when the temperature in its thickness reaches 0-4°. In catering establishments, meat is thawed in a storage chamber in which the temperature is maintained at 3-8°. Thawing under these conditions continues for 1-3 days, depending on the type of meat and the size of the pieces. Rapid thawing is used if the necessary conditions for slow thawing are not available or if the meat needs to be sold immediately. The process of rapid thawing is carried out at a temperature of 18-20°. When meat quickly thaws, the muscle fibers do not have time to completely absorb the released meat juice. As a result, some of the nutrients are lost and the meat does not restore its original qualities. After heat treatment, such meat turns out to be less juicy and tasty than slowly thawed meat.


Rinse the meat in running water. The water temperature for washing meat should be 25°. To better remove dirt, use grass brushes; unwashed areas and marks must be cut off. The washed meat is dried.


To do this, the meat is hung on hooks in a special room or placed in the workshop on grates located above the washing baths.

Mechanical processing of onions

Clean, wash, cut into cubes

Mechanical processing of carrots

Wash, clean, wash, cut into strips

2.2.3. Preparation of semi-finished products.

Mashed potatoes

    Peel potatoes

    Cut large tubers into 2 or 4 parts and place in a saucepan.

Onion sauce

    Finely chop the onion and lightly sauté

    Pour vinegar into sautéed onions.

Boiled beef

    Thaw large pieces of beef

    Meat is boiled in pieces weighing 1.5-2.5 kg in a small amount of water (1.5-2 liters of water per 1 kg of meat).

    The meat is immersed in boiling water and cooked until tender at a low simmer. This cooking method produces juicy and flavorful meat. To improve the taste of meat, it is recommended to add raw carrots, parsley, celery, and onions when cooking. At the end of cooking, add salt and bay leaf.

Cut into slices at an angle of 45°

2.2.4. Heat treatment. Cooking-

This is the heat treatment of products in a boiling liquid (water, milk, broth) or an atmosphere of water vapor. The duration of cooking depends on the temperature of the environment and the properties of the product. The higher the cooking temperature, the faster the product reaches culinary readiness.

You can cook food in a large amount of liquid (the main method), at high pressure, low temperature, steam, or in a small amount of liquid (poaching).

The washed potatoes are placed in salted water and cooked until tender. Drain the broth, drain the potatoes, and cool. Then mash the potatoes very thoroughly with a potato masher. Then add part of the hot milk and beat until the potatoes absorb the milk, add the remaining milk (milk can be added in 2-3 additions) and beat thoroughly again. Add butter and beat until the butter is completely dissolved.

Preparing the sauce

Pour vinegar into the sautéed onions. Pour in the red main sauce, add sugar, salt and cook for 10-15 minutes. Season the sauce with butter. Baking

- This is the heat treatment of products in an oven in order to bring them to culinary readiness and the formation of a crispy crust. Baking is done with the addition of sauce, eggs, and milk. Do not turn the product over during baking. Baked dishes are served to the table in the same container in which they were baked (portioned frying pans, metal dishes).

2.2.5. Processes occurring during heat treatment.

Culinary processing, especially heat, causes profound physical and chemical changes in products. These changes can lead to losses of nutrients, significantly affect the digestibility and nutritional value of products, change their color, and lead to the formation of new flavoring and aromatic substances. Without knowledge of the essence of the processes taking place, it is impossible to consciously approach the choice of technological processing modes, ensure high quality of finished dishes, and reduce nutrient losses.

With any heat treatment, the destruction of vitamins, especially vitamin C, occurs most intensively.

Consider the cooking process:

If meat is placed in boiling water, the top layer of proteins quickly coagulates, which prevents the substances that make up the meat from turning into liquid. If the meat is placed in cold water, the predominant part of these substances goes into the broth. We are talking about soluble proteins, mineral salts and some other substances. Proteins that have passed into the broth coagulate under the influence of high temperature and form the so-called foam. The foam should not be skimmed as it has nutritional value and removing it will reduce the nutritional value of the broth.

It should be remembered that basically the richness of the broth and the quality of boiled meat depend precisely on the ratio of the amount of meat and water, and not on the method of laying it out. Therefore, you need to choose the right size of dishes.

When cooking, about 35% of the liquid contained in raw meat goes into the broth, and most of it in the first 15 minutes of boiling. That is, the broth becomes larger in volume, but the meat becomes significantly smaller. Therefore, you should not strive for the meat to be completely covered at the beginning of cooking.

Cooking should be carried out under a tightly closed lid at a minimum boil - so that the steam floats to the top. This boiling prevents the fat from emulsifying and giving the broth a greasy taste. And under a tightly closed lid, steam squeezes out the air and ensures a virtual absence of fat-oxidizing oxygen. In French cuisine, for greater compaction, after boiling, before the final closing of the lid, the edge of the pan is sometimes even greased with batter.

Any addition of water during the cooking process is unacceptable, since it irreparably worsens the taste of both the broth and the meat.

After cooking, without opening the lid, let the meat sit for 10 minutes. Then immediately remove the finished meat from the broth (so as not to get wet) and wrap tightly in foil (for storage) or serve immediately, cut into portions and sprinkle with hot broth (can be mixed with a small amount of butter) to prevent it from drying out.

Pour vinegar into the sautéed onions. Pour in the red main sauce, add sugar, salt and cook for 10-15 minutes. Season the sauce with butter.- the heating process, carried out by hot air or an air-smoke mixture, is used in the manufacture of smoked-baked, baked and fried whole muscle products. Baking temperature - 55°C-150°C.

The specific features of the baking process compared to cooking are that: during baking, the outer layer is dehydrated due to the evaporation of water, the occurrence of thermal and moisture conductivity, the temperature of the outer layer rises, and processes of pyrogenetic decomposition of the components of the meat begin to occur in it, as a result of which chemical substances, partly volatile, with a specific pleasant aroma and taste. The process of decomposition with the formation of substances that cause a sensation of aroma and taste begins at 105? C and intensifies with increasing temperature;

baked products have higher yields, which is due to the formation of a compacted layer on the surface of the product, which subsequently prevents the evaporation of moisture and the release of broth and fat;

The vaporization that occurs during dry high-temperature heating inside the products creates excess stresses that expand the product, as a result of which its tenderness, juiciness increases, and its appearance, taste and smell improve;

Also during heat treatment the following goes through:

    Adhesion– adhesion of the surface of two dissimilar bodies

    Osmosis - diffusion through semi-permeable partitions

    Oxidation - observed during frying, deep-frying, when fat is used repeatedly and heated for a long time

    Dextrinization - occurs when starch is heated dry above 120C.

    Change in taste, aroma. IN During cooking, some aromatic and flavoring substances may be destroyed, evaporated or extracted by water.

    At the same time, a number of new substances are formed. Change in product mass

    due to the absorption or release of moisture.

Changes in vitamins, minerals, fiber.

2.2.6. Innings.

Serve in portioned pans in which the dish is baked, on a serving plate with a napkin. Before serving, sprinkle with fat and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Serving temperature for this dish is 65-75 o C

2.2.7. Requirements for the quality of the dish.- has a crispy, glossy, thin crust on the surface.

Dishes - a portioned frying pan, the surface of which should be completely clean, on a substitution plate with a napkin

Color - light brown.

Smell - beef, onion sauce,

Taste- soft, juicy, moderately salty, characteristic of this type of taste and smell. Foreign taste and smell of stale meat are not allowed

Consistency - soft, juicy.

Implementation time- 30 minutes at t=65-75 o C.

This dish cannot be stored, as its appearance and taste quickly deteriorate. Therefore, it is prepared shortly before distribution.

2.3. Rules for operating equipment.

Ovens are designed for baking culinary products (meat, fish, cereals, cottage cheese) and baking confectionery products.

Frying and pastry cabinet ShK-2A.

Made in the form of a body mounted on a metal frame with legs. The body is made of sheet steel and covered with enamel. Inside the case there are two cameras that operate independently of one another.

A layer of thermal insulation is laid between the body and the chambers.

The chambers are made of steel sheets and equipped with baking tray shelves inside. The doors, mounted on hinges, open downwards and are pressed tightly against the body. They are made double with thermal insulation. Vapors and gases generated during the frying process are removed through the ventilation holes.

The operating temperature of this cabinet is 100-350 o C
operating rules.

The amount of steam released during baking is adjusted using the vent depending on the requirements of the cooking process.

2.4. Sanitary requirements for the organization of workplaces and personal hygiene of the cook.

Sanitary requirements for the organization of the workplace.

    The workplace must be clean (cleaned daily after work);

    The table is stable on the floor and does not wobble;

    The marking of the board must correspond to the type of work (RS - raw fish, OS - raw vegetables, etc.);

    The knives are sharpened, the cauldrons and pots have strong, serviceable handles and a flat bottom;

    Cleanliness and serviceability of scales, mechanical and thermal equipment.

Personal hygiene of the cook.

Personal hygiene - This is a person’s observance of hygienic rules of behavior in everyday life in a production environment, which POP workers must observe in order not to be a source of disease.

Hygienic requirements:

    Keep body skin clean , because Metabolism occurs through the skin, and microbes from the air settle on the organic substances of the skin. Some microbes can cause illness, so take a shower daily (wash 1 or 2 times a week) because... Only clean skin releases lactic acid, which kills germs. Change underwear daily.


    Wash your hands thoroughly with soap up to the elbows, before work, after visiting the toilet, when moving to another type of work (laundry soap at work, baby soap at home);

    cut your nails short, do not apply varnish, keep them clean

before work, remove rings, watches, bracelets from your hands

    People are not allowed to work if they have pustules on their skin.

People who have pediculosis (lice) are not allowed to work. Before work, remove chains, earrings, and wash off makeup. Many microbes have been found in the oral cavity, their number increases with sore throat, flu, and caries. Therefore, brush your teeth 2 times a day. Visit the dentist once a year. The toothbrush is used for 3 months. For bleeding gums, massage and products with vitamin C. Patients with sore throat and flu are not allowed to work.

Conclusion: The catering worker is obliged to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

Sanitary clothing:


Protects food from contamination that may come from the cook's personal clothing. Clothes are made from white cotton fabric.

Composition and dressing order:

    A cap (starched), put on first, tucking the hair under the cap;

    jacket with a pocket for a scarf;

  1. towel;

Remove clothes in reverse order.

Second shoes: light, comfortable, with a heel, worn with clean socks.

Requirements for sanitary clothing:

    You cannot go to the toilet or go outside in sanitary clothes;

    You cannot wear clothes on your naked body, but only on a clean T-shirt;

    Clothes should not be pinned;

    You cannot store foreign objects in your pockets, except for a handkerchief;

    You cannot store sanitary clothing with personal clothing.

Wash clothes as they get dirty, but at least twice a week.

Specialist. cloth – protects sanitary clothing from pollution.

(When working in vegetable, fish, and meat shops, wear a plastic apron).

Purpose of medical examinations - do not allow sick bacteria carriers to work with products. The results of tests and medical examinations are entered into a personal medical record.

People with illnesses will not be allowed to work with products:

1. Intestinal infections;

2. Sexually transmitted diseases;

3. Turbeculosis;

4. Skin diseases;

5. Infectious diseases.


Meat is a valuable food product that occupies one of the most important places in our diet. It contains significant amounts of complete proteins, fats, vitamins, extractives and minerals. The protein content in meat ranges from 14.2 to 20.7%, the fat content depends on the fatness of the animal; Among the vitamins, the largest quantities are vitamins of groups B, K, E, PP, etc.

The technology of roasting meat is one of the most common and oldest method of cooking meat.

Useful tips for cooking meat

    Beef will cook faster and taste better if you rub it with mustard powder in the evening.

    Schnitzels and chops become softer if you brush them with a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil 1-2 hours before cooking.

    Chopped cutlets are easier to cut if you add a little potato flour to the minced meat.

    Before breading the cutlets in breadcrumbs, they are dipped in lezone (eggs mixed with water and milk). This will make them taste better.

    Semi-finished meat products intended for frying are salted immediately before heat treatment.

    Frozen meat is defrosted slowly at a temperature of 18-20°. In this case, the meat juice is absorbed back into the muscle fibers, which swell and largely restore their properties.

    To make the meat tasty, place it in boiling water and, when the water boils again, continue to cook at a very low boil or without boiling at a temperature of 80-90 ° C. Roots and onions are added 30 minutes before the end of cooking, spices and salt - 15 minutes at the rate of 10 g of salt and 0.1 g of bay leaf per 1 kg of meat.

    To speed up cooking and add juiciness to the meat of old and wild animals, it is first marinated and then fried.

    To make stringy and tough meat loosen better, it is recommended to chop it across the grain with the blunt side of a knife. To avoid loss of juice when frying heavily loosened meat, roll it in flour, egg lezone and breadcrumbs.

Useful tips for cooking potatoes

    When peeling potatoes, you need to cut the peel as thin as possible, there are vitamins under the peel.

    Potatoes will taste better if they are boiled for 10 minutes in salted water and then in milk. To prevent it from burning, shake the pan and reduce the heat.

    It is better to cook “jacket potatoes” over high heat, pouring boiling water over the tubers until the potatoes reach the height.

    The potatoes have already fried a little, a golden brown crust has appeared, but they are still damp. Add a little boiled water to the frying pan, reduce the heat and close the lid tightly - in 3 minutes the food will be ready.

    Before peeling potatoes, wash them thoroughly. Peeled potatoes should be used immediately before they turn dark.

    The old way of keeping it in water, as proven by scientists, is incorrect - many valuable substances pass into the water. If you really need to peel the potatoes in advance, put them in a plastic bag and tie them tightly.

    Potatoes boiled for mashing must be wiped hot.

    When preparing mashed potatoes, use only hot milk. If you take it cold, the puree will take on a gray tint.

    The potatoes are fried in a preheated frying pan, first over high heat, then reduce it.

    Before cooking, place watery potatoes in a dry, warm place to dry thoroughly. It will taste better.

    When cooking potatoes, you need to pour a little water - the top potatoes may not be covered with water. It’s even better to steam it in special pans.

    Salads taste better if you boil the potatoes in a small amount of water.

    Boil potatoes without skins in a sealed container in a small amount of water for 10 minutes, then remove the lid until the water boils.

    Potato soups must be prepared shortly before meals, otherwise they lose their taste and nutritional qualities.

    Cook the potatoes over moderate heat, otherwise they will boil on the outside and remain raw on the inside.

    To quickly cook potatoes, put a tablespoon of margarine in the pan.



    Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. – M.: Economics 1983.

    Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. – M.: Economics. 1995.


Matyukhina, E.P. Korolkova; “Commodity Science of Food Products,” textbook, second edition, stereotypical; M.; "Academy", 2003


    Kovalev N.I., Kutkina M.N., Kravtsova V.A., Food preparation technology. – M.: Business literature, 2000.

    Kovalev N.I., Kutkina M.N., Kravtsova V.A., Food preparation technology. – M.: “Omega – L”, 2003.

    Dubtsov G.G. Cooking technology: Textbook - M.: “Mastership”, 2001. Radchenko L.A., Organization of production at public catering establishments, - Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2001. V onion sauce baked , solyanka, potato casserole, lamb with eggplant, veal puff pastry, beef sauce ... 6% 0,50 with veal beef sauce Beef , stewed cabbage, sauce. 26. ...

  1. onion

    Organization of production and jobs in the cold shop of the top-class restaurant Russian Troika

    ... sauce Abstract >> Economics onion in dairy sauce 160 52 504/798 Cod onion ... 245 52 628/768 with veal in sour cream Radchenko L.A., Organization of production at public catering establishments, - Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2001. V onion sauce V ... Beef tongue with potatoes baked under sauce

  2. with cheese and breadcrumbs...

    Calculation of required raw materials by gross and net weight

    Abstract >> sauce 160 52 504/798 Cod onion 1 Seafood with mayonnaise 20 2 3 3.4 3 2 2 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 2 Fish with veal in sour cream Radchenko L.A., Organization of production at public catering establishments, - Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2001. V onion 137 13,7 20,55 23 ...

  3. 40 4 6 6.8 6 4 4 0.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 Soups 1 Kharcho soup ... with prunes 80 8 12 13.6 12 8 8 1.6 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.4 7

    Report on practice in a summer cafe

    ... under Practice report >> Industry, production onion . Standards for serving dishes from baked , solyanka, potato casserole, lamb with eggplant, veal puff pastry,, sauce baked Practice report >> Industry, production under meat for 1 serving: cabbage rolls – 302 g, sauce ...

... – 367 g, hodgepodge in a frying pan – 284 g, lamb or veal

Cooking time: 1 hour

Number of servings: 4

How to cook beef in onion sauce, step-by-step recipe with photos:

For this recipe we need boiled meat, so immediately put the beef (without cutting into pieces) on the fire and cook until done.

Step 1. While the meat is boiling, cut the onion into thin half rings.

We need this amount of onions for the “pillow” on which we will bake the meat.

Step 2. Place the chopped onion in a frying pan and fry it over medium heat until transparent.

Step 3. When the onion has become transparent, add flour to the pan.

Flour is necessary to create thickness in the consistency of the sauce.

Step 4. When the flour is evenly distributed over the onion, pour in the broth from the cooked beef and vinegar in a thin stream, reduce the heat and simmer the onion under the lid for 15 minutes, stirring it occasionally.

Step 5. Cut the boiled beef into slices half a centimeter thick.

Step 6. In the form in which the meat will be baked, lay the onion in layers, then the meat on top of it, cover it with the onion again and sprinkle it all with finely chopped bread (black or white - it’s up to you).

Step 7. Bake the beef in onion sauce at 180 degrees for 20 minutes until the croutons are browned.

These crackers can later become an excellent addition to the recipe.

Bon appetit!