Indian curry spice. Curry seasoning: composition, effects of curry on health and benefits of curry

Curry is a mixture spicy seasonings. It is quite widespread throughout the world, but its homeland is India. There, the curry is prepared immediately before use, due to which this food additive has an even more spicy and fragrant aroma. The taste of curry is not spicy, a little specific, so it may not be to everyone’s liking.

Beneficial properties of curry

Home integral part curry is turmeric, a herbaceous plant from the Ginger family, which uses ground roots and stems containing essential oils. The turmeric content in curry is at least 30%. It has a pleasant spicy smell, a bitter, slightly astringent taste and a persistent yellow color that does not fade in the sun.

Turmeric is known to have anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties and improves liver function. The addition of turmeric to protein-rich dishes is especially useful - by stimulating the digestive glands, it improves the digestion of proteins.

Research into the properties of curcumin, a substance derived from turmeric, has proven its ability to prevent cancer and fight Alzheimer's disease.

In addition to turmeric, curry seasoning includes various other plants, the set of which may differ from person to person. different manufacturers curry.

Cumin in curry thanks to the set essential oils gives a pleasant and delicate aroma seasoning It has anti-inflammatory, carminative, lactogonic, antispasmodic properties, facilitates the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system, improves metabolism and skin condition. Thanks to cumin, the beneficial properties of curry have a positive effect on the course of gastritis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.

Mustard seed promotes absorption fatty foods, as it enhances the formation of gastric juice, improves appetite, and stimulates intestinal motility with a tendency to constipation. The last property of mustard seed is used to regulate intestinal function, including the seed in the composition stomach tea. Black mustard helps with arthritis and gout.

Cumin is very similar in appearance to cumin, but has a completely different taste. It removes toxins from the body, normalizes functions digestive tract, improves vision and brain function. When stored for more than a year, cumin becomes bitter and loses all its beneficial properties, so it is included in the curry recipe only when the seasoning is directly prepared.

The essential oils of coriander fruits in the seasoning give dishes a delicate and pleasant cooling smell and taste. Coriander has proven itself to be beneficial for gastritis and peptic ulcer– it eliminates pain and has an antiseptic effect. These properties made it possible to include coriander in gastric and choleretic preparations.

Ginger is added to curries either fresh or dry in powder form. It gives food spicy taste and provides useful action on digestion and blood circulation. Thus, ginger reduces gas formation, prevents constipation, and improves appetite.

Fennel gives the curry a sweetish taste. It is added to this seasoning very little, since in case of an overdose it becomes predominant in the entire dish. Fennel enhances lactation and sweating, and has carminative properties.

Black pepper gives food a hot, spicy taste. It is added in the form of peas or ground. This widely used supplement improves digestion and stimulates appetite. Sometimes other types of peppers are included in curries - Indian pippali, red capsicum, chili, serrano.

Shambhala grains give food a bitter, pungent, sweetish taste, tones and restores strength. Shambhala contains a lot folic acid and vitamin E, it improves hematopoiesis, strengthens hair and reduces weight. Hing gives the curry its spiciness.

Salt is added to the seasoning to preserve its remaining components. When preparing food, you should take into account that curry already contains salt, and add it to the dish with this in mind. Traditional Indian food differs in that more salt is added to food than is usually recommended.

Eating curry

The main purpose of seasoning is to improve the taste of dishes. The beneficial properties of curry improve the digestion of food by stimulating the digestive glands.

There is no exact ratio of ingredients when preparing curry, and in India, when preparing seasoning, the proportions are approximately followed. But despite this, the aroma of curry cannot be confused with any other.

Curry is suitable for adding it to meat, fish, vegetable dishes and rice Curry gives dishes an interesting golden hue. This seasoning perfectly complements the taste of pilaf, vegetable stew, chicken salad, pasta, meatballs, minced meat.

Caution in using curry is required if you have an individual intolerance to the seasoning.

Without adding various spices, which are pleasant and give an amazing taste. This article will talk about the curry spice and its useful properties Oh.

What is curry made from?

Curry is known to many, but not everyone knows about its composition. The main component is. It should be no less than a quarter of the total volume of the mixture. Turmeric has a very nice smell, it is soft and not sharp. The following components the spices in question are , And Cayenne pepper . These components are the main composition of curry seasoning. May also be present other additives, which will give dishes a different pleasant taste and aroma. This could be cumin, black pepper, and other spices.

Beneficial features

The spice in question can bring benefits for the body due to the ingredients it contains:

  • turmeric reduces the risk and normalizes absorption. Thanks to it, sugar levels do not jump sharply, and insulin sensitivity also improves;
  • the spice cleanses, normalizes function;
  • curry can reduce B levels and also prevent the formation of gallstones;
  • the mixture can remove heavy metals;
  • regular use of the spice in question is good;
  • curcumin, contained in turmeric, which is what curry seasoning is mainly made of, reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, after which they may disappear completely;
  • spices contained in curry have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Black pepper regulates the production of gastric juice and reduces gas formation. Bay leaf stabilizes the digestive process. Cinnamon and cloves help with vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach problems. Cumin and coriander can eliminate stomach pain;
  • fenugreek has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties;
  • ginger stimulates blood circulation.

Curry is often used for, as the seasoning improves metabolism. Scientists from Holland claim that by adding a pinch of curry (spicy) to regular curry, you can quickly get rid of it.

Possible harm

Before using curry, you need to know about the harm that seasoning can cause:

  • it impairs blood clotting;
  • a large number of Turmeric increases oxalate levels, which leads to the formation of stones in;
  • for stones in the gall bladder, the use of curry can cause pain, since the seasoning increases the contractions of this organ;
  • In case of illness, the seasoning should not be used, as it will only aggravate the condition.

Where can the seasoning be added and what can it be combined with?

Let's look at what dishes curry seasoning is used for. This spice added during cooking. It goes well with, giving it a beautiful shade and a pleasant smell. Chicken is marinated in the mixture. It also goes well with stews and soups.
This mixture is used to prepare various sauces. It is also added to and. Thanks to this yellow powder, food becomes beautiful colour and special taste and aroma.

How to make it yourself at home

Making your own curry seasoning is not difficult. To do this you should purchase necessary ingredients, after which you can start mixing them.


  • chili pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • turmeric seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cumin - 2 tsp;
  • fenugreek - 2 tsp;

In countries where they eat curry seasoning almost from infancy, its benefits and harms have long been known to everyone. In our country, few people are interested in such information. But in vain. Because this spice blend has a ton of it. positive qualities with almost complete absence of shortcomings. Let's figure it out together.

Harm of curry

As such, the spice mixture poses virtually no harm. Its danger lies in possible allergic reactions to any component.

Another interesting property Curry seasonings have the ability to influence hematopoietic processes and accelerate blood flow. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to eat it:

  1. Patients with hemophilia. Sudden internal bleeding can lead to a disastrous outcome.
  2. Simultaneously with aspirin and its derivatives. The powerful blood thinning effect is a very unpleasant thing.
  3. Patients with thrombophlebitis and people at risk. Increased blood flow can help the blood clot break off.
  4. People who have had a heart attack or stroke. Blood pressure surges will not bring anything good.

More harmful qualities There was no notice for curry seasoning. Well, unless a cook in an Indian restaurant makes a mixture that is too spicy. Then unpleasant sensations in the stomach and intestines are possible.

Benefits of curry

Due to the rapid spread of the aromatic mixture throughout the world (this happened with light hand British), scientists began to actively study the beneficial properties of curry. And a lot of interesting things turned out.

For example, it has already been scientifically proven that regular consumption of seasoning (in moderation) significantly stimulates the body’s activity in the fight against cancer cells. This applies in particular to malignant tumors gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.

For the heart and vascular system curry seasoning reserved another positive effect. It perfectly removes bad cholesterol. At the same time, it cleanses blood vessels and capillaries from atherosclerotic plaques. People who regularly flavor their food with curry are several times less at risk of stroke and heart attack.

Curry seasoning can also be beneficial for the digestive system. A mixture of spices normalizes the balance of native bacteria in the intestines, strengthening overall immunity. And some herbs in curry seasoning almost completely suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. That is why in India, a country of complete unsanitary conditions, curry is added to absolutely all dishes.

The reproductive system of both men and women is always grateful positive influence curry seasonings. The spices included in the composition increase blood circulation in the pelvic area. Which, in turn, has a good effect on enhancing libido and sexual desires. Maybe this is why so many people live in Asia?

Closer to old age, harmful proteins accumulate in the human body. They begin to intensively block the functioning of the brain, which threatens senile dementia. In other words, Alzheimer's disease develops. Recently, independent studies and numerous experiments have been conducted proving that the constant use of a mixture of spices causes immune system actively destroy these same proteins. Another confirmation of these data is a social survey. It showed that in India, among people over 60 years of age, only 4% suffer from dementia.

Curry has an excellent effect on rheumatism and arthritis. It relieves inflammation and pain. At the same time, it has a slight therapeutic effect. Remember how many people in India practice yoga until they are very old. And they don’t crunch with sore knees and spine.

Curry is said to increase bone strength. And they even recommend eating a mixture of spices to speed up the healing of fractures. No one has conducted scientific research on this topic. Therefore, we will leave this statement on the conscience of the storytellers.

More recently, scientists have begun to study curcumin in earnest. But there are already the first results of experiments on mice, proving that curry seasoning helps the liver, cleanses the bile ducts well and quickly removes toxins from the body. It is quite possible that in the future hepatoprotectors will be made based on curry.

It turns out that the aromatic mixture contains a large amount of antioxidants and folic acid. This means that the seasoning is simply irreplaceable in women’s nutrition. Slowing down the aging process, improving performance endocrine system, blooming appearance- Isn’t this the dream of many women?

Despite the yellowish tint of curry seasoning, in cosmetology it successfully whitens the skin. Curry masks work especially well against freckles and age spots. They also tighten pores, relieve irritation and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Excessive consumption of curry spice can harm the kidneys. Too much spice increases oxalate levels in the body. This can provoke rapid formation of sand and stones in the renal pelvis.

Some people even manage to lose some weight by including a decent dose of curry in their diet. The fact is that the slight tanginess in the taste of spices greatly stimulates metabolism in the body and enhances metabolism.

Only such a diet should not differ in duration. The European nation is not accustomed to eating large amounts of spices. Therefore, such a fragrant blow to the digestive system can lead to intestinal upset. Or even worse - provoke the occurrence of gastritis.

And it would be even better not to engage in self-flagellation, but to consult with a specialist. A competent doctor will accurately determine whether you can lose weight with curry and prescribe the correct dosage without sad consequences for the body.

What a wonderful curry seasoning it is! Its benefits and harms are no longer a secret to you. Consume this amazing spice blend wisely to improve your health. And don't get sick!

Video: how to prepare curry seasoning

Curry is a popular Indian seasoning that is considered a true symbol of this sunny country. The popularity of the spice has long crossed the borders of India and today curry has become a favorite seasoning in many countries. And this is understandable, because in addition to the bright, rich taste and unique aroma, the benefits of the spice also include the benefits of curry for the body.

Curry Ingredients

Curry is a mixture of several spices. This unusual and original combination allows you to add a spicy spicy note to meat and fish delicacies. The seasoning is also added to cold dishes, drinks and even baked goods.

Curry Ingredients:

· turmeric – improves blood composition, promotes the removal of toxins from the body;

· cayenne pepper – stimulates blood circulation, accelerates food digestion and fat burning;

coriander – activates digestive processes;

· cumin – normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

· cardamom – has an antioxidant effect, tidies up the nervous system;

· Basil – considered a natural antidepressant, improves sleep, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

The seasoning recipe and its ingredients may vary depending on the region of India. Ginger, fenugreek, cinnamon, fennel or mustard seeds, as well as garlic and nutmeg.

The calorie content of the spice is 325 kcal per 100 g. But since the seasoning has the ability to speed up the metabolic process and burn fat, it is recommended to include it in the weight loss menu.

About the benefits of curry

The benefits of curry for the human body have been known since ancient times. One of the beneficial properties of the seasoning is its unique composition- a combination of several spices correct proportions gives an interesting original taste, which will perfectly complement almost any dish. At the same time, each of the ingredients has its own positive effect on the body.

Turmeric – improves brain functioning, effectively fights various tumors, and improves blood quality.

Pepper enhances the benefits of curry. It activates blood circulation, promotes rapid digestion of food, and normalizes stool. People who frequently use healthy seasoning, never experience constipation or diarrhea.

Coriander as part of the curry spice has a choleretic effect and normalizes the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Regular use dishes with this seasoning help improve digestion.

Quite often included aromatic seasoning includes cumin, which improves immunity and activates the body's defenses to fight viruses and germs.

Cardamom is known for its ability to tidy up the intestinal microflora, accelerate tissue regeneration, and normalize work nervous system, protect from stress.

Curry is ideal for people who want to lose a few extra pounds without special effort. This hot spice Due to its beneficial properties, it activates digestion, as a result of which fatty tissue is not formed. Also, the seasoning is a natural diuretic, removing from the body excess liquid and preventing the occurrence of edema.

Dishes seasoned with curry must be present on the table of people suffering from frequent headaches and migraines. The herbs included in its composition have antispasmodic properties and help solve the problem without pills.

In India, hot spices are believed to stimulate work. muscular system, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, removes accumulated waste and toxins. Due to its benefits, curry is recommended to be consumed regularly for the following diseases:

1. Bronchial asthma.

2. Flu and other acute respiratory diseases.

3. Arthritis.

4. Gout.

5. Rheumatism.

6. Tendency to bloating.

7. Alzheimer's disease.

During scientific research It was found that the aromatic mixture activates the body's defenses to fight cancer cells. In addition, people who regularly consume curry dishes notice improvements in their heart function and the condition of their vascular system. Spice cleanses blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, removes cholesterol and prevents the development of thrombosis.

Can curry be harmful?

Despite the huge list of beneficial properties of the spice, it is also known that curry is harmful. More often negative impact seasoning is associated with individual intolerance to the body or an allergic reaction to the spice.

Who shouldn't eat Indian spice?

· women treated for breast cancer;

· for kidney pathologies;

· after a heart attack or stroke;

people suffering gastrointestinal diseases;

· in case of obstruction of stones in gallbladder.

aromatic spice has a strong influence on the process of hematopoiesis. The harm of curry is that it slows down blood clotting and also increases the likelihood of bleeding. Therefore, dishes generously seasoned with curry should not be consumed by hemophiliacs.


The aromatic spice can add a touch of oriental sophistication to even the most ordinary dish. But beyond the original taste qualities do not forget about the dangers of curry and its combination with certain medicines.

The Indian spice is known for its effect on the circulatory system. Therefore, if a person is taking blood thinning medications, curry consumption should be strictly limited. Excessive passion spicy seasoning may lead to internal bleeding.

Also, doctors do not advise combining the use of Warfarin, Clopidogrel or Aspirin with a dish that includes an Indian spicy mixture. This may cause poor health and other side effects.

Using curry for weight loss

Herbs included in aromatic mixture, contain great amount antioxidants and folic acid. This means that it is simply irreplaceable for female beauty and health. Curry increases sexual activity, improves skin tone, and stimulates rejuvenation processes.

Indispensable Indian spice and for people who want to get rid of excess weight. Thanks to the spicy pungent taste curry perfectly speeds up metabolism and activates metabolism in the body. As a result, the accumulated kilograms simply “burn out.”

Curry is part of the dish of the same name, which is considered ideal option For fast weight loss. There are many varieties of it - with rice, lentils, fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and other spices. For dietary nutrition best to use low-fat varieties fish and meat, skinless chicken, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, corn, bell pepper.

In addition, the spicy Indian mixture can be added to various meat, fish and vegetable dishes, rice, and aromatic broths and sauces can be prepared on its basis.

The harm of curry for weight loss is that such a diet should not be long-term. Regular spicy food will be a real blow to the digestive system and can lead to such sad consequences as gastritis of the stomach.

Today, the favorite Indian seasoning, curry, occupies a strong place in our kitchen. In addition to the unique bright taste, this seasoning brings great benefit to our body.

In this article you will learn about the composition of your favorite seasoning, its harms and benefits, and also what curry products go best with.

Curry seasoning composition

If the curry seasoning you are using is a classic one, then it must contain coriander. Coriander is known to activate the digestive process, and also has a pleasantly pungent and cooling taste, which gives the seasoning a piquant and bright taste.

Ginger is often added to curries. It is also known to speed up the process of digesting food, and also stimulates blood circulation, eliminates bloating and promotes fat burning.

Curries often contain fenugreek, a spice that is an anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Turmeric, which gives curry its unique color, is a blood cleanser.

Cumin cleanses the body of toxins.

Benefits of curry seasoning

If we talk about the benefits of curry, first of all it is worth remembering turmeric, which is the main component of our favorite seasoning.

Turmeric really cleanses the blood, it will help fight inflammatory processes, normalize the functioning of the liver. Turmeric normalizes the absorption of protein in the body, prevents bloating and gas formation. It is thanks to turmeric that curry gives dishes such a bright and appetizing color.

Cumin, also often contained in curry, removes toxins and waste from our body, and also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the curry you use in the kitchen contains a lot of cumin, then this seasoning can be stored for no more than a year.

Fennel is often added to curries, which is very useful for nursing mothers; it increases milk production. In addition, fennel increases sweating. Fennel makes the curry sticky and also gives it a sweet taste.

Often added to curries a small amount of black pepper, it is beneficial for people who suffer diabetes mellitus 2 types, as it contains a lot of chromium.

Curry helps remove cholesterol from our blood vessels.

In India, curry has a special place; they believe that curry can cleanse the chakras and subtle bodies of a person. Curry and yogis are especially valued, as the seasoning stimulates the functioning of the muscular system and also has a general tonic property. In its homeland, curry is used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and also to get rid of gas.

Studies have shown that people who regularly eat curry are four times less likely to develop degenerative brain diseases.

Harm of curry seasoning

Despite the fact that there are incredibly many benefits in curry, there is also harm. For example, curry impairs blood clotting. If you are undergoing surgery, it is better to avoid eating curry.