How long should you cook raw corn? Boiled corn on the cob

    The calorie content of corn is quite high, but at the same time it is widely used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. The composition of the grain of this crop includes a mass useful substances, This:

  • vitamins different groups– beta-carotene, B9, B1, B5, B2, B6, E, K, C, PP, choline;
  • macroelements – magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium;
  • trace elements - copper, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese.

Moderate consumption of corn improves metabolism. Helps remove waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body, which in turn improves the condition of the skin of the face and body.

The use of corn in food also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels in the circulatory system, improves the condition of the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems body. This product is indispensable in the fight against depression.

There are contraindications - overuse corn can cause bloating and colic. Therefore, pregnant women, children and people with diseases of the intestines and duodenum need to be careful when introducing this product into their diet.

How to cook corn correctly?

Before cooking, corn cobs must be cleared of leaves. If the cobs are corn big size They can be cut in half if desired.

Cook the corn on the stove. We take a pan and put the leaves removed from the cobs on the bottom, and then the corn and fill it with water. Place the pan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. After boiling, it is necessary to cook: young corn for 20-25 minutes, fodder corn for 1-2 hours.

Cooking corn in a slow cooker. Place the leaves taken from the corn in a multi-cooker bowl, and put the cobs on top of them. Fill everything with water. For young corn, set the program “Cooking”, “Express” and the cooking time is 30-40 minutes. For fodder or old cobs, select the “Stew” program and cook for 1.5-2.5 hours.

Cook the corn in a double boiler. Place the cobs, cut in half, on the steamer rack. We set the timer for a time: for young corn 35-40 minutes, and for old or feed corn 2-2.5 hours.

Before you cook delicious corn, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the variety and degree of maturity of the cobs. Very often, inexperienced housewives buy feed varieties instead of food varieties. Sweet sweet corn it turns out tender and juicy, and forage varieties are more suitable for preparing soups and main courses - their grains are denser and almost not sweet. Dried corn kernels can be used to make popcorn, but sugary corn kernels are better suited for salads, snacks, and serving on the cob.

Choose unhusked corn - you can tell when the cobs were picked by the leaves. Young corn has bright green leaves and the stigmas, which are delicate hairs, should be light-colored and slightly moist. Checking the degree of ripeness is very simple. Open the leaves so that the cob is exposed approximately to the base - the grains should be smooth, not wrinkled, and have a delicate lemon tint. Use your fingernail to press on one of the grains - if the skin bursts easily and protrudes milk juice, means the corn is young, milky ripe. It is these cobs that have a pleasant sweetish taste and will be tender and juicy after cooking. If starch has already appeared in the grains, then such corn will be tougher and less sweet.

Depending on the degree of ripeness, the cooking time will vary. How long to cook fresh corn will also depend on where and how you are going to cook it.

Soft and juicy corn is great for serving as an independent treat or for adding to salads. Before soft-cooking corn, a certain preparation procedure must be carried out.

Only the top hard leaves need to be removed from the cob, leaving a few thin leaves.

The stigmas also should not be cleaned - they give unique taste and the aroma of this product. It is enough to tear off the upper blackened part of the hairs.

The cobs prepared in this way should be rinsed in running water and carefully placed on the bottom of a convenient, spacious container - it is best to take a pan with not very thin walls.

Corn prepared in this way is suitable for salads and snacks. To serve, it is better to clean the leaves completely and place them along with the stigmas on the bottom of the pan and only put the corn on top - this is done because the cobs are served hot and it will be problematic to clean them from the boiled leaves.

This cereal contains a lot useful vitamins and amino acids that need to be preserved during cooking. That is why it is very important to observe the temperature regime. According to experts, how to properly cook fresh corn, most useful properties will be preserved if cooked at a constant high temperature. Therefore, bring water to a boil, pour it over the prepared cobs and bring to a boil for high fire. After this, you will need to cover the pan with a lid and cook over medium heat so that the temperature inside the dish remains constant. Milk corn will be ready in 20 minutes, more mature cobs will be ready in 40-45 minutes.

Make sure that the corn is completely submerged in water - the top cobs will float, so they will need to be turned over periodically.

Decide for yourself how long to cook fresh corn - check the grains for readiness. Depending on the variety, the time may take up to several hours - the finished grains should not have a starchy taste. If you bought a feed variety, it is best to cook corn in a pressure cooker or slow cooker at a temperature of 200-250 degrees. Then leave it in the water for a few minutes - this way even not very young corn will turn out juicy and soft.

Now you know how to quickly cook milky corn. But there's one more thing to remember important point, on which the taste of the finished grains will largely depend.

Salt - without this food additives no dish will be able to reveal its unique taste. To emphasize the sweetness of milk corn, sprinkle the finished cobs with a thin layer of salt just before serving. However, do not under any circumstances add salt to the water in which the corn will be boiled. Salt speeds up the boiling process of water and helps maintain high temperature, however, it is salt that speeds up the process of water release from the cereal. Therefore, if you add even a little salt to the water, the grains will no longer be so tender and juicy.

The taste of the finished treat will depend on how long you cook the corn, so try to buy only freshly picked ears. If you buy shelled cobs, inspect the kernels carefully. But even if you bought a fodder variety of corn by mistake, do not rush to throw it away. Wash the peeled cobs, wipe them dry and place them in freezer. This kind of corn needs to be boiled a little longer than milk corn, but if you add a pinch of sugar to the water, the grains will be soft and sweet. There is no need to defrost the cobs - immediately place them in boiling water.

Sweet corn is not only a very tasty plant, but also very healthy. Despite the fact that the grains have a fairly high starch content, this product can well be called medicinal and even dietary. Even in ancient times, these golden grains were called the elixir of youth. Amino acids that are large quantities are found in the grains of this plant, will help restore shine to your hair, improve memory, restore freshness to the skin and help get rid of steam extra pounds. Delicate aromatic grains will give you the warm energy of the sun on a cold cloudy day, lift your spirits and improve your well-being. Don't deny yourself the pleasure. Bon appetit!

Summer is a time when you not only want to relax and enjoy life. It's time to saturate your body with vitamins. There are many of them in fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes. And the smell of freshly cooked corn causes rapid salivation. And now we are already buying bright cobs. But only at home does the realization come that we don’t know at all how to cook corn correctly, and most importantly, how long. What if you buy a frozen product? A lot of questions arise. And experienced housewives can answer them.

How to choose

For cooking, you can use both sweet, or food, and fodder varieties of corn. More delicate texture, as well as rich bright taste sweet varieties of this delicacy have. Although there are fans of harsher varieties with a sugary aftertaste.

When choosing fresh corn on the cob, you should pay attention to the color of the kernels and leaves. The young ones have light green leaves and light yellow grains. Corn silks (hairs) should also be light and not dry. If you simply press on the grain with your fingernail, juice should come out. This means that you are looking at young ears of milk corn. Her taste qualities will be the most profitable. Young corn does not need to be cooked for long.

The fact that the corn has been lying on the counter for a long time is evidenced by dried stigmas and leaves. In old cobs, the color of the kernels is dark yellow. In terms of time, such a delicacy will have to be cooked much longer.

Cooking process

You should not store purchased cobs for a long time. This will cause them to lose their taste and most of their nutrients. Boil tasty treat You can use it in a saucepan, as well as in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, or double boiler. The cooking time will depend on this.

In a saucepan

Young corn needs to be freed from leaves and hairs. Rinse the cobs thoroughly with running water, place in a thick-walled pan and add water. There is no need to throw away light leaves. They can be used to transfer the cobs. This will add additional flavor to the finished product.

Young cobs should be cooked under a closed lid over medium heat. They should be completely covered with water. No salt is added during the cooking process. It takes only 15 to 20 minutes to cook young milk corn. But old fodder varieties will have to be boiled for at least three hours.

On a note! Corn is salted only after it is completely cooked. The hot delicacy is rubbed with salt and butter and served immediately.

In the microwave

Only young milk corn should be cooked in a microwave oven. To do this, the cobs are placed at the bottom of a special container, poured cold water, cover with a lid. At a power of 800 kW it needs to be cooked for 45 minutes. During cooking, add water as needed.

There is another, dry method of cooking in the microwave. To do this, milk cobs are placed inside a plastic bag and tied. Cook the product in this way for no more than 10 minutes.

In a steamer or pressure cooker

The golden delicacy is placed in a steamer container. To create a sufficient amount of steam, you only need to add 1 glass of water. Milk corn should be cooked for no more than ten minutes. Cooking old or feed corn in a steamer will take longer - 40 - 60 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, the golden delicacy can be cooked in the same amount of time as steaming. To do this, place the cobs on the bottom of the pressure cooker, add cold water, cover tightly with a lid and cook over medium heat. Cooking time for milk corn is from 10 to 15 minutes, for old corn - 40 to 60 minutes.

Frozen product

Today you can buy frozen corn everywhere. Before fast freezing it is treated with steam. Therefore, its preparation time is reduced. Frozen cobs should be dipped directly into boiling water, and after boiling, cook for 20 - 25 minutes.

Frozen corn beans can be cooked perfectly in a slow cooker. To do this, pour the contents of the package into a bowl, add a little salt and butter. A spoonful of milk or cream will add piquancy to your dish. In the “Stew” mode, the grains need to be cooked for 20 minutes. Ready dish Before serving, sprinkle with hard grated cheese.

This is interesting! Corn is the only food that is a natural carrier of gold. Awareness of this fact adds pleasure while consuming it.

Golden cobs contain a lot useful microelements, unsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, C, PP, E, potassium. Doctors recommend using it to prevent cancer, diabetes mellitus, allergic diseases, problems gastrointestinal tract, improving metabolic processes in the body. Don't deny yourself this delicious pleasure. Enjoy and stay healthy!

Corn is unique vegetable, which does not absorb harmful chemicals that are used to fertilize plants during the growing process. Also, corn cannot be genetically modified. Besides, this vegetable preserves everything perfectly nutrients and vitamins during heat treatment. However, in order for the cooked vegetable to be tasty, aromatic and healthy, certain rules for its preparation must be followed.

Depending on the ripeness, ripeness and method of cooking the corn, there may be different recommendations for following the process of cooking the vegetable.

Young and fresh corn differs in a lighter shade, it can be white and light yellow. To prepare it, 15 minutes are enough, put the corn in a pan with cold salted water and then boil for 10-15 minutes, but no more, otherwise it will be overcooked. It's better to set the time on your alarm clock in advance.

Older corn has a bright yellow hue.

To properly prepare such corn, you need to cook it for at least 30 minutes, then the grains will remain whole and dense. If you prefer more loose corn with burst kernels, then you need to cook it for 45-50 minutes. The finished corn is rubbed with salt and oil - it can be consumed in this form.

Corn on the cob should be cleared of dirty leaves, washed in water and placed on the bottom of the container in which it will be boiled, then it is filled with water. The duration of cooking corn on the cob depends on the variety and maturity of the vegetable.

Dairy corn is corn that is very young, the grains are white or light shade. Try the corn kernel; if it tastes sweet and the texture is soft and creamy, then this means that this is not just fresh corn, but milk corn. The younger the vegetable, the less time it takes to cook.

Since steam is hotter than boiling water, you can cook corn in a double boiler for a little less time. Young corn is steamed for 5 - 10 minutes, more mature - 30 - 40 minutes.

How to cook?

To cook corn, first fill it with cold water, and when the water boils, wait a certain time for cooking, depending on the type of vegetable. Salt can be added to the cooking water, or you can rub the corn with salt after cooking.

In the video below you can see how corn is cooked correctly:

In the microwave

There are many ways to cook corn, such as in the microwave. However, in this case, only young cobs are suitable. There are two options here:

  1. Young ears of corn are peeled and washed, and placed on the bottom of a container used in the microwave. Next, water is poured into the container with corn, the contents are covered with a lid and placed in the microwave. With a power of 700 - 800 W, the cooking time for this vegetable will be 45 minutes. You should regularly check the presence of water in the container, add boiling water if necessary, the water should not boil away completely;
  2. Cooking corn in a bag without water. Young corn is placed in a plastic bag, which is sealed tightly. The corn in the bag is placed in the microwave and cooked for 10 minutes at 800 W. You can also cut the cob in half and cook the part that is in the leaves for about 5 minutes in its own juice.

In a saucepan

To cook corn in a saucepan, you should choose a container that is deep and has fairly thick walls. The pan must be closed with a lid, this is a prerequisite.

Young corn is cleaned of old leaves; clean and young ones can be left, they will add flavor when cooked. The washed cobs are lowered to the bottom of the pan, salt is added and the corn is poured with cold water on top, the cobs should be completely immersed in the liquid. After the water boils, the vegetables are cooked for 15 minutes, then with the stove turned off, you can leave the cobs in hot water for 10 minutes. In a pan, corn is cooked mainly on the cob; in the form of grains, it can be fried in a frying pan.

In a steamer and pressure cooker

Most housewives claim that cooked corn in a slow cooker turns out unusually soft and juicy. It is recommended to cook it in the “Steam” mode. The peeled cobs are placed in a basket for steaming, or they can also be placed on the bottom of the pan. Pouring required amount water and turn on the steam cooking mode for 20 minutes. After the specified time you get tasty, tender and juicy corn. When using a slow cooker, it is better not to salt the corn, this is the secret of such a taste. Cooking corn in a Redmond multicooker is no different from the process described above.

To cook corn in a pressure cooker, the cobs should first be cleaned and washed, then placed in a container and filled with water so that the vegetables are completely covered. Young corn is cooked for 10-15 minutes, old corn for about 40 minutes.

How to cook different types?

Most often sold on the market is sweet or sweet corn, which when proper preparation has juicy sweet taste and retains all its beneficial properties. Preparations sweet corn has no special secrets; any of the above methods are suitable for cooking this variety. It is advisable to choose young cobs.

Most of the corn that is sold at affordable prices, is aft. The one that is grown for people costs an order of magnitude more and is sold mainly in supermarkets. If feed corn is prepared correctly, the results will not disappoint. Forage varieties are cooked using any of the methods listed above, the only difference is the cooking time. Feed-grade corn should be cooked for at least 2 hours, or even more. To check readiness, you should try one grain; if it is soft and easy to chew, then the corn is ready.

Corn is often used by fishermen to catch carp. The cobs are cleaned, the grains are scraped into a separate container. Then pour water over the grains and leave them to swell for up to three days. During this time corn kernels will begin to ferment, and the skins of the grains will begin to disintegrate. After the specified time, the old water is drained and the grains are filled with new water. Place the bowl of new water on the stove and cook for an hour. Corn for fishing is ready, you can add flavorings if desired.

Often, to preserve all the beneficial properties, corn is frozen after harvest. To cook frozen corn, you should boil water in a saucepan in advance, place the cobs, peeled from old leaves, and cook the vegetables at a reduced temperature for 10 to 30 minutes, with the lid closed. The duration depends on the maturity of the corn.


Watch a video on how to cook corn in a slow cooker:

Don't forget that corn is enough high-calorie product, you should not abuse it. On the other hand, this vegetable helps reduce appetite. Accordingly, consuming it in moderation will not harm your figure.

Oct 16, 2015 Tatiana Sumo

Before figuring out how long to cook corn, you need to understand the product itself. You need to clearly understand what it is, and only then look at why and how best to prepare it.

Types of corn

It should be noted that corn is a cereal plant that was known several thousand years ago. Currently, scientists identify about six main types of this culture: tooth-like, waxy, sugar, flint, starchy and bursting. Each of them has its own distinctive features and related applications. Some species are used for food, others are used to feed livestock, and the rest are used in industry. True, it is difficult to draw a clear boundary between food and feed varieties. Both are used as food. Therefore, most often you have to judge a product by its external characteristics. Here you can distinguish young and old corn. The first grains have a color ranging from cream to pale yellow. They are sometimes called products of “milky-wax ripeness.” old corn distinguished by the bright yellow color of the grains. They are quite large and hard to the touch. This is where you need to know in advance how long to cook the corn depending on its age. Of course, a fresh young cob will cook faster than an old and overripe one.

Cooking conditions

In order to correctly answer the question of how long to cook corn, you must first decide how the cooking process itself will take place. U modern housewife There are a lot of helpers in the kitchen, and such a simple procedure as cooking can be done in several ways:

  • in a regular saucepan on the stove;
  • in a pressure cooker;
  • in the oven;
  • in a steamer;
  • in the microwave.

The cooking time will vary depending on the option chosen. If you take an ordinary young cob and try to cook it using each of the listed methods, the result will look like this:

When choosing any device, you can already calculate in advance how long to cook corn in it and plan your work around the house. True, some options have their own characteristics, and you need to cook in them according to certain rules.

Where to buy and how long to cook cobs?

Corn season begins in late summer. In the city this becomes immediately noticeable. Enterprising sellers appear on every corner, offering to taste the fresh, still smoking cob. The smell of corn attracts attention, and many cannot deny themselves this pleasure. But, from a safety and hygiene point of view, it is better not to do this. Who knows in what hands the product has been? Where was it and what was it cooked in? For your own peace of mind and complete confidence, it is better to buy raw product and cook it yourself. To do this, you will need to find out how long you need to cook corn so that it can be eaten. Naturally, an undercooked product will not bring pleasure to anyone. Therefore, we must strictly adhere to temperature conditions and time periods. If you are in no hurry, you can use the oven or grill. You just need to wrap the cobs in foil or a special bag, and then put them in the oven for 40 minutes, placing them on a baking sheet or wire rack. You can do it differently. Place the corn in a greased baking dish and add water. In this case, you should not ask how long you need to cook the corn. The answer will be the same.

How long does it take to cook corn?

Many people set themselves such a task for the first time, so they approach it with the utmost responsibility. In order not to make mistakes in the little things, it is better to clarify specifically how many minutes to cook the corn. After choosing the method you like, the answer still depends on several important factors. Firstly, the variety. Sweet corn cooks much faster than others. This is due to the fact that its grains have a very thin skin. This significantly affects the speed of the process, that is, how many minutes to cook the corn. Secondly, the degree of maturity. If 15 minutes is enough for young food grains, then mature sweet corn will take the same amount of time to cook as feed corn. This will take about 40 minutes, no less. For forage varieties the situation will be somewhat different. A young cob will cook in 1 hour, while old and overripe ones will take 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Therefore, it is better to approach the choice of product more carefully than to rack your brains and waste precious time on lengthy processing.

The usual way

You don't need a recipe to cook corn. It simply doesn't exist. There are only small nuances or tips experienced chefs, which it is advisable to take into account when starting preparation. First, the selected cobs need to be washed well so that no dirt remains on them. Next you need to remove all the leaves along with the fibers. The topmost ones can be thrown away immediately, and the remaining ones can be sorted out and set aside. Then carefully place the cobs in a wide container and fill them with cold water. If there are large specimens among them, then do not be upset. A long cob can be easily cut crosswise with a knife. The top of the corn should be covered with clean leaves. You can also put fibers along with them. This is done to ensure that the final product is more flavorful. Now the finished structure can be put on fire. Under no circumstances should you add salt. Otherwise, the grains will turn out very hard and tasteless. After the water boils, you need to time it to control the duration of cooking. Young cobs will be ready in 15-20 minutes, but more mature ones will require additional time. This will take approximately 1-1.5 hours. Ready corn You can take it out onto a plate and eat it with pleasure.

Circumstances of cooking

Although there is no approved technology for how to cook corn, there are circumstances that help to get the best possible result. First, the dishes. Her choice must be approached thoroughly. To ensure that food does not burn and heats up evenly, it is best to use a saucepan or any other container with thick walls. It could even be a rustic cast iron. Secondly, temperature. The whole process should be carried out over low heat, since with a strong boil the water will evaporate very quickly and the contents will not be able to cook properly. Thirdly, the degree of readiness. Some housewives believe that the product is ready as soon as it begins to change color or emit a characteristic smell. In this case it doesn't work. The readiness of corn can only be judged by taste. To do this, as soon as the measured time has elapsed, you need to separate one grain from any cob and try it. If it bites easily and is soft inside, then the corn is ready.

Delicious anyway

Of course, the quality of the original product plays a significant role. But there is an option that allows you to make almost any corn tender and sweet. Even mature cobs after this treatment can be eaten with pleasure. All you need is fresh corn. pure water and a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

And everything is done very simply:

It is better to serve this corn with butter and salt.