Secrets to making the perfect spinach pasta. Spaghetti with creamy spinach sauce

Very simple and tasty option everyday food. It’s quick to prepare, the taste is pleasing, the ingredients are simple, no delicacies or expensive products. I can’t say what everyone likes, I can’t answer for everyone, but my family are definitely fans of this dish.

If you are making a creamy sauce for pasta, then spaghetti or some noodles are not the best the best choice. Let it be any hollow pasta - horns, shells and the like, since our sauce will flow perfectly into them, which is what we need. I will have farfalle bows, which are also good. But on spaghetti, such sauces don’t really like to linger, and everything flows to the bottom of the plate. And never skimp on pasta. Let her be from durum varieties wheat, otherwise you will most likely get plain pasta porridge, but we definitely don’t need it.

Again, if you want pasta with sauce, then never add vegetable oil while cooking, as many do to prevent the pasta from sticking. Again, the sauce won't like it and will drain faster. Just cook the pasta in large quantities water, based on approximately 100 g. pasta per 1 liter of water and nothing will stick together. By the way, I would say that a liter of water for every subsequent hundred of pasta is a lot, but a little less is possible, 700 grams is quite enough.

About portions. By and large, it is believed that one person needs 100 grams of dry pasta. For me personally, this amount is too much. The best thing is 80. But the husband, for example, will calmly eat all 120 grams. So look at your eaters, it is quite possible that 400 gr. There is enough pasta for five people.

250 grams of tomatoes is two or three medium tomatoes.

If you take fresh spinach, soak it in water for 15-20 minutes. Thus, nitrates (or at least part of them) will go into the water. Of course, if it's spinach from your garden, just rinse it. Next, cut and chop it. Place immediately after frying the garlic, along with green onions(see below, I will return to this in detail).

Total cooking time – 0 hours 30 minutes
Active cooking time – 0 hours 20 minutes
Cost – average cost
Calorie content per 100 g - 185 kcal
Number of servings – 4 servings

How to make pasta with spinach


Paste – 400 g
Spinach - 100 g frozen.
Tomato – 250 g
Green onion - 20 g
Garlic - 2 teeth.
Cream - 300 g
White pepper - 0.5 tsp.
Nutmeg - 0.5 tsp.
Thyme - 1 tsp. dry, without slide.
Hard cheese – 30 g
Salt - to taste
Vegetable oil- 1 tbsp.


The first thing I always do is boil the pasta water.

Next, boil some water in a kettle and pour it over our tomatoes, which should be placed in a bowl. Let them sit in boiling water for about a minute, then drain the water and remove the skin from them (the tomatoes). By the way, you can completely do without this point if this very skin doesn’t make you nervous. When the tomatoes are not cut coarsely, you will hardly feel it. And we will cut them into small cubes.

Peel and chop the garlic. Do not chop the onion coarsely.

I don’t defrost spinach in advance, it’s not important. I have it pressed into small cubes, about three centimeters, already crushed.

Add vegetable (you can also olive) oil to a heated frying pan. Add chopped garlic and fry for literally 30 seconds. Add green onions, chopped tomatoes and fry for about another minute. Unfortunately, you can’t see the onion in my photo... I just forgot to put it. But you definitely put it in, I like it better with it.

If you have chopped fresh spinach, now is the time to add it and fry until reduced in volume. Stir it all the time, lifting the lower leaves up and the upper ones, respectively, lowering them down. The process itself will take literally one and a half to two minutes.

Well, since I have it frozen, let’s move on to the next point.

Pour cream into the pan. As for me, the fatter they are, the tastier they are. My cream fat content is 36%. Bring them to a boil, reduce heat, simmer for a couple of minutes - let them reduce a little in volume, evaporate and thicken a little. Then add the spinach and cook further, stirring occasionally, until the spinach is completely defrosted.

The spinach will disintegrate in just a couple of minutes. Add salt white pepper(you can also use black, about a pinch or two), ground nutmeg and thyme. If you have fresh thyme - welcome - add about a third of a tablespoon of chopped thyme.

Spinach, spinach is not chocolate at all. Vegetable greens, popular all over the world, have not yet taken a leading position in the domestic food market, as did, for example, sweet product from cocoa beans. Why is spinach so loved by residents of other countries? What prevents us, Russian people, from joining in the love for this first spring fresh fruit in the garden beds? Let's try to add value to this greenery by offering universal recipe spinach sauce that will decorate and complement fish, meat and spaghetti dishes.


First, let’s dive a little into the history of spinach and tell you how this greenery got to Mother Russia. Spinach has its origins in Persia, according to the traditional point of view. Greens reached China along the Great Silk Road in the 7th century, where they received the appropriate name “Persian vegetable.”

In Sicily and Spain, spinach was tried around the 13th century. The Spaniards loved to eat these greens during Lent.

Italian by origin, Marina Medici introduced the tradition of eating this healthy food at the table. Russian rulers were able to taste overseas greens closer to the 18th century. A century later, spinach became available to the middle class.

False fact

There was a misconception that spinach is extremely rich in iron and 100 g of its leaves contain 35 mg of this trace element. The erroneous opinion quickly spread and greatly increased the popularity of this green, especially clearly in the USA. In fact, 100 g of leaves contain only 3.5 mg of iron. According to one version, the confusion arose as a result of a study conducted by the Swiss Gustav von Bunge, who examined spinach and came to the conclusion of 35 mg of iron, but he studied dried spinach!

Useful material

Be that as it may, spinach has a really rich composition. Vitamins A, E, C, calcium, magnesium and iron - that’s how much benefit there is in each leaf! Fresh leaves will help saturate the body with antioxidants and also provide a decent amount of folic acid.

However, it is very difficult for the body to absorb iron and calcium from this type of greenery; the reason lies in the high content of phytic acid and oxalates, which primarily interfere with the absorption process.


Fresh spinach is actively used in salads, as well as in the preparation of sauces. Coarse leaves, from a later time of harvest, are well served steamed, stewed or fried.

During storage fresh spinach, please note that it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than 8 days - there is a danger of losing most of its nutrients. If you want to preserve vitamins until next spring, use the following method. Compress fresh leaves, roll into a ball and put in the freezer. Prepared in this way, they can be used within 8 months. The defrosted product can be fried, stewed and served with mushrooms, vegetables or grains.


Despite the above nutrients, spinach still contains elements, namely oxalates, which are not recommended for people with kidney stones to include in their diet. It is possible to reduce the oxalate content; for this, the leaves need to be subjected to heat treatment, but this way you can get rid of no more than 15% of these substances.

Spinach Dip Recipe

Spinach sauce with added cream is perfect for pasta, fish and meat. As you can see, the variety of dishes is wide, this is due to the lack of a strong taste in greens. Spinach harmonizes perfectly with all these dishes, making them even more expressive, tender and aromatic.

To make spinach sauce you will need the following ingredients:

  • spinach (fresh or frozen) – 200 g;
  • cream 10-15% - 200 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • hard cheese such as Parmesan – 50 g;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • lemon juice– 30 g;
  • herbs or spices - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

The creamy spinach sauce is prepared as follows:

  1. If you have fresh spinach, wash it thoroughly and chop it quite finely. If you have frozen spinach in front of you, you don’t need to defrost it first.
  2. On hot frying pan add butter and add spinach, fresh and chopped or frozen.
  3. While the spinach is stewing a little, grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. To the half-cooked greens, add garlic, lemon juice and the herbs chosen for the sauce, such as Provençal.
  5. 5 minutes of simmering will be enough, then you can pour in the cream. Do not make the heat too high, otherwise there is a danger that the cream will curdle due to the added lemon juice.
  6. After bringing to a boil, reduce heat and add grated cheese. While stirring, help the cheese melt.
  7. Serve the spinach sauce warm, pour it into a saucepan or small bowl.

Recipe Variations

It is not necessary to strictly follow all of these recommendations. It is possible to make some changes:

  • if you don’t like garlic, you can cross this ingredient off the list;
  • as an alternative to cream, not too fatty sour cream is suitable;
  • If you want to make the spinach sauce thicker, add a tablespoon of flour when stewing;
  • more easy option sauce can be replaced butter olive;
  • You can add your favorite herbs: dill, green onions, parsley.

Healthy and flavorful, these vegetable greens will fall in love with your heart from today. Subjugated excellent taste sauce, you will no longer look at it skeptically in the store, your hand will reach out to it to again prepare something very fresh, spring and extremely nutritious.

Step 1: Prepare the pasta.

Boil the pasta of your choice in salted water until half cooked. More precise instructions, including indicating and exact time When cooking pasta, look on the packaging, as each type has its own. The only thing I can say for sure is that they need to be cooked on 30-60 seconds less than the specified time, since after, during the cooking process of this dish, they will still have time to get there.
Drain the boiled pasta in a colander and cool. ice water so that they don't stick together. You can also add butter or vegetable oil to them and mix. Don’t throw out the water you cooked the pasta in yet; we may need it later.

Step 2: Prepare the spinach.

Wash the spinach leaves, shake off excess moisture and lightly dry, place on cutting board and cut into strips of medium thickness.

Step 3: Prepare the onions and garlic.

Peel the onions, cut off the excess and wash the vegetables under cold water. Peeled and washed onion cut into small cubes.
Separate the head of garlic into cloves, crush each one with the flat side of a knife blade, then peel and chop very finely.

Step 4: Prepare pasta with cream cheese and spinach.

Place a frying pan over medium heat, pour olive oil into it and heat it up. Add finely chopped onion, garlic and 5 grams thyme, add salt, stir and fry until translucent. If necessary, reduce the heat even more.

The spinach leaves should go into the pan next, stir them and wait until they begin to release their juice. Add cream cheese to the pan and mix everything well. Just stir very quickly so that nothing sticks.

And start the pasta last, if after this it turns out that the spinach has not given enough juice and the contents of the pan are a bit dry, pour out a little of the water in which you boiled pasta. Mix everything, add the remaining thyme, as well as salt and pepper if you see fit. Reduce heat to low and cook everything for 1-2 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove and leave the dish to cool slightly so that it does not burn.

Step 5: Serve pasta with cream cheese and spinach.

Macaroni with cream cheese and spinach should be served hot, it tastes better this way. This is a completely independent and complete dish, so you don’t need to supplement it with anything, just divide it into portions and enjoy the taste.
Bon appetit!

TO cream cheese You can also add hard, but before doing this you need to chop it using a fine grater.

Young spinach leaves don’t need to be chopped, they are already enough small size on their own.

Regardless of what kind of spinach you have in your refrigerator, just cut from the garden or frozen, it will always be an excellent field for tasty and healthy culinary experiments.

According to this recipe, you can prepare a sauce for any type of pasta, or you can take cannelloni (tubules) or conciglioni (shells), fill and bake, but then you will need one and a half times more spinach than indicated in the list of ingredients.

Pasta with spinach in creamy sauce - recipe, ingredients for 2 servings:

  1. 300 g fresh or frozen spinach
  2. 120 ml cream of any fat content
  3. 50 g Parmesan cheese
  4. 100 g of any soft cheese like “Feta” or “Brynza”
  5. 1 onion
  6. 250 g paste
  7. Nutmeg to taste
  8. Black ground pepper taste
  9. Salt to taste

Step-by-step preparation:

Step 1:

Peel the onion, finely chop and fry until translucent. vegetable oil. If you don't care about calorie counting, then go for the creamy one, and it will be even tastier.

Step 2:

Place washed and dried spinach or frozen bars into the same frying pan. There is no need to defrost the greens first.

And in a tiny one:

Step 3:

After 5-7 minutes, pour in the cream, continue to simmer, stirring occasionally for the same amount of time.

Salt, pepper, add nutmeg. The first two components are to taste. The latter - half a teaspoon is enough. It will give the sauce a pleasant spicy and slightly sweet aroma.

Step 4:

Cut the soft cheese into cubes, place in a frying pan and simmer the spinach for a couple of minutes.

Step 5:

Actually, our sauce is ready and can be mixed with any type of pasta. But since I simply adore conchiglioni, they are often stuffed with spinach, adding more greens or mushrooms, as I wrote above.

Here's what it looks like:

Then I sprinkle with grated Parmesan and put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10-12 minutes so that the cheese melts.

Pasta cooked according to classic recipe of this sauce in the preview.

Bon appetit! I'm sure you'll want to come back to this dish again and again!

Benefits from “Pate”: pasta with spinach in creamy sauce is prepared with boiled chicken, shrimp, mushrooms, bacon. Choose ingredients to taste and experiment. It's so interesting!

And one more for a snack cool recipe from cooking guru Jamie Oliver:

Spaghetti with spinach and mushrooms in cream sauce

Italians, lovers of pasta, know thousands or tens of thousands of recipes on how to cook delicious pasta with seasonal vegetables, mushrooms or herbs.

Of course, in such dishes, the main role is played not only by the combination of vegetables and type of pasta, but also by the dressing or sauce with which the main dish will be served!

The easiest way is to serve spaghetti (penne, farfalle, ditalini, etc. to choose from), seasoned with olive oil extra oil virgin fresh garlic and a mixture of dry Italian herbs(basil, oregano).

However, if you want to cook truly tasty, tender and healthy dish, then be sure to learn how to cook spaghetti with spinach and mushrooms with creamy sauce. For vegans, cream can always be replaced with vegetable or coconut milk. By the way, coconut milk goes well with mushrooms, making them “softer” in taste.

So, we will need:

  • 1 pack of spaghetti (400 g)
  • 1 bunch of fresh spinach or 200 gr. frozen
  • 300 gr. mushrooms (white, champignon, shiitake or other to taste)
  • 150 ml. cream or 150 ml. coconut milk
  • parmesan cheese for garnish (optional)
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper to taste

Step-by-step preparation of spaghetti with mushrooms and fresh spinach

Wash and chop the mushrooms. Fry until lightly browned in vegetable oil. Next add spinach leaves. If the spinach is not young, then it can be cut into large pieces or tear it with your hands.

Spinach should be fried over low heat for no more than 1 minute!

Now you can pour in the cream or plant milk. By the way, similar dish can be prepared from fresh vegetables, which is especially delicious during the ripening season of tomatoes and sweet peppers!

Don't forget to add salt and pepper to taste.

Simmer vegetables with cream for 3-4 minutes. In the meantime, you need to boil until full readiness spaghetti.

Then drain the water and pour the pasta into prepared mushrooms and spinach with cream. Cover with a lid and simmer for a few more seconds to infuse the spaghetti with flavor. cream sauce and mushrooms.

Ready pasta can be decorated thin slices hard cheese Parmesan and fresh herbs.

If you liked this dish, then be sure to try cooking Italian at home. Children really like “pasta” of this color and delight adult guests!

Bon appetit!