The most delicious protein desserts: step-by-step recipes with descriptions. Protein dessert

Hello, dear friends. Our conversation today is about what types of lowest calorie sweets . After all, we all want sweets, but we don’t want to harm our figure. So do such goodies exist and where to look for them?

Healthy sweets

Sugar is known to be the white death. Especially for those who are watching their weight. But a person is designed in such a way that he always wants sweets, and therefore he looks for ways to replace the usual sweetness. How?

I mentioned some methods in my articles and.

List Such delicacies are simple - dried fruits, honey, dark chocolate, marmalade and marshmallows. But, you must admit, the same thing quickly gets boring.

Of course, you can always cook something tasty and low-calorie like a cake, with recipes which can be found in the article .

However, often there is simply no time to stand at the stove, and you really want to treat yourself to something sweet.

Looking for the sweet life

And so, once in the store, we sometimes make a considerable effort of will to restrain ourselves and not buy something harmful to our figure.

However, if you look closely, you can find quite healthy sweets. Which? Let's take a closer look!

Fruit jellies

35-55 kcal per 100g

They are usually classified as the lowest-calorie store-bought sweets. As a rule, they contain very few calories (carefully read the packaging for details). calorie indication , as well as composition).

Also pay attention to the presence and quantity of all kinds of flavorings, food additives and conservatives.

It is better if it is prepared on the basis of agar-agar rather than gelatin; agar-agar is a natural, plant-based substitute for gelatin.

It is very tasty to eat jelly in combination with low-fat yoghurts, as well as with the addition of sweet fruits or berries.


One of the most popular snacks for tea , however, you need to choose it wisely.


About 420-437 kcal per 100 g

It is widely believed that the most low calorie cookies- this is oatmeal. However, this is only true for what is cooked at home.

If it's from a store , then it’s worth knowing that it contains white flour, margarine, confectionery fats, sugar, as well as various chemical additives designed to extend shelf life.

All this increases its calorie content and at the same time reduces its benefits. And so, in general, these are very nutritious cookies, rich in vitamins group B, micro and macroelements, fiber.


350-390 kcal per 100 g

In terms of energy value among cookies, it is at the very bottom of the list. That is, even nutritionists recommend drinking tea with it for those who are on a diet.

May include different products– partly rye, oatmeal or corn flour, oatmeal, all kinds flavorings like vanilla or cumin, as well as confectionery fats.

Special benefit biscuits is that there is a lot in it useful substances– vitamins and macro- and microelements.


380-410 kcal per 100 g

The energy value depends on the recipe used to prepare it. It comes with or without sour cream (it is replaced with pork rendered fat), the dough contains eggs, margarine or butter, flour, sugar and soda, preservatives and flavoring additives, and nuts, cocoa or jam as a filling.

Not too much healthy food for the figure (however, like all cookies), there are a lot of simple carbohydrates, which are quickly stored in reserve.


410-470 kcal per 100 g

Very popular and inexpensive product, which can hardly be called healthy. Consists of cheap ingredients like palm oil, flavorings and preservatives.

It is generally harmful to health and is not at all recommended for weight loss.

Muesli bars

Approximately 415 kcal per 100 g

A very popular snack, it gives a quick and large burst of energy, it is sold even in pharmacies, but in large quantities harmful.

Usually contains cereals, nuts, dried fruits, honey, seeds, which in itself looks healthy. However, there are studies that indicate the harm of such bars is equivalent to that caused by sweet soda.

It is believed that this is nothing more than a fast carbohydrate, which contains only empty, that is, useless calories.

Diet jams

From 0 kcal per 100 g

They are on the shelves of probably any supermarket. And the problem with them is the same as with the bars - some nutritionists say that these products are nothing more than fast carbohydrates, there is nothing natural in them, only dyes, thickeners and flavors.

To be honest, I never came to a common opinion. Maybe someone will share their thoughts on this in the comments?

Today on the market there is simply great amount There are such jams, they come in any flavor, there are also jams that instead of sugar contain, for example, stevia - a natural sugar substitute.

In general, the product is useful as a replacement usual jams, does not harm the figure. Such jams with sweeteners are considered to be carbohydrate-free - per 100 grams of product there is usually no more than 10 g of carbohydrates, and often much less.

Atkins bars

130 kcal per 34 g (this is the portion of the bar)

Diet food from the Atkins diet food set. This diet is based on low carbohydrate content. The bar contains 1 gram of sugar, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron.

Fat in its composition is about 20% of the total mass (peanut, palm oil). However, the Atkins diet itself does not refuse fats. Overall the bar is nutritious, but contains cheap fats.


About 300 kcal per 100 g

Sweetness from fruits, or rather, from fruit puree. The composition also includes egg whites, sugar syrup, agar-agar (or gelatin) and molasses.

There are practically no fats in marshmallows, and thanks to the relatively natural composition she could very well pass for dietary product. True, like most sweets, it is good only in moderation; you should not get carried away with marshmallows.


318 kcal per 100 g

An American version of marshmallow, at the same time reminiscent of marshmallows. It’s difficult to call it dietary, however, like many on the list that we have already reviewed.

Marshmallows are very tasty with cocoa, tea or coffee - just dip them in hot drink marshmallow and it will immediately disappear without a trace.

This pastille is prepared from whipped sugar, dyes, gelatin and corn syrup. There is nothing useful and that is why nutritionists look at this sweetness with skepticism.

However, there are dietary marshmallows on sale, which can safely be called low-carb. sweetness - it is stated that carbohydrates in unglazed candies range from 0.5 to 1.5 g per 100 grams. Hard to believe.

Ice cream

About 100 kcal per 100 g

It would seem that this product is not at all for slimming. However, there is an opinion that ice cream without fillers, or even better, made from yogurt, will protect your figure from extra pounds.

It is rich in minerals and nutrients and improves digestion. It’s best to take frozen yogurt in this case - this is relative New Product in our market, I personally have not seen it in stores.

Frozen yogurt

From 55 to 97 kcal per 100 g

It is believed that such yogurt contains only natural ingredients and live bacteria and does not contain sugar or preservatives.

At the same time, be careful not to confuse the yogurt and buy one that does not have living bacteria. This video tells about the dangers lurking here.

Candies based on dried fruits and nuts

Another answer from the food industry to those who watch their figure. Such a product is not cheap, because it is most often produced by small private factories.

The composition includes dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, oriental sweets(sherbet, halva). Exclusively natural ingredients, no chemical preservatives (at least that’s what the manufacturers say).

For those who want to try this delicacy, we can recommend preparing it at home, since the process is not at all complicated. Here, for example, is a recipe for sweets called.

Lemon balls


  • 140 g almonds
  • 150 g cashews
  • 15 dates
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

The calorie content of this dish is 154 kcal per 100 g

Mix all the ingredients one by one in a blender - first the nuts until they become flour, then add dates and lemon juice, beat everything thoroughly.

Then you need to roll the balls with your hands and send them to cool in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

What to remember

  • When purchasing sweets in a store, pay attention to the composition. It should contain no (or minimal) unknown ingredients. The more simple, familiar words, the better.
  • If sugar comes first, put this product away and never buy it.
  • It's also worth remembering that energy value indicated per 100 grams, and the product itself can weigh much more. And if you eat half a kilo of marshmallows, you will do nothing but harm your body.

It cannot be said that store-bought sweet products will be low-calorie and one hundred percent healthy, but, in small quantities, sometimes (no more than once a week) they will not bring great harm, but they will give you pleasure.

And this is important for a person trying to watch his figure. After all, nothing is as sweet as the forbidden fruit.

All I can do is wish you health and beautiful figure. Subscribe to blog updates and you will not miss a single news about proper weight loss! And see you again in new articles.

Preparing for summer means getting your body in perfect condition, but this is not a reason to give up sweets. These recipes will help make desserts not only tasty, but also healthy.

Incorrigible sweet tooths can enjoy protein treats without remorse.

So where to start? You can be calm about this, because there are five wonderful recipes for baking protein desserts that will not leave anyone indifferent. They will help maintain a balance between “uncontrollable cravings” for sweets and perfect figure. Waffles, donuts, cookies and pancakes - a little bit of everything and the sweet tooth's diet is met.

1. White chocolate waffles and brownies.

How to get by without a recipe that uses waffles? The answer is no. The dessert, which includes this crispy delicacy, has not only great taste, but charges the entire body with energy, and if prepared from the “right” products – useful energy. Due to the low sugar content per waffle, this dessert is low in calories. But this does not make the taste simple, because it contains chocolate. By adding protein powder, muscle mass will increase, but not overweight. So don’t be shy and you can bake a whole mountain of waffles. Minimum set ingredients, a little free time and you can enjoy.

Required Products:

1. Waffles:

  • Wheat flour – 100 gr.
  • Protein powder - 50 gr.
  • Stevia seasoning (usually sold as seeds, but can also be in a processed version - granules) - 2 tbsp. lie
  • Cocoa powder – 1 tbsp. lie
  • Baking powder - ½ tsp.
  • Milk – ¾ cup.
  • Squirrels large eggs- 2 pcs..
  • Low-calorie yogurt (low-fat kefir is fine) – ¼ cup.

2. Used for filling following products per serving:

  • ready-made brownies cut into slices (about 100 grams),
  • white chocolate melted in a water bath (1 tbsp),
  • peanut butter(2 tablespoons).


  • First, you need to heat up the waffle iron over medium heat.
  • Mix all the dry ingredients, which are flour, protein (protein) powder, cocoa powder, Stevia seasoning and baking powder in a bowl.
  • In a separate bowl, thoroughly beat the egg whites, milk, yogurt (or kefir).
  • In a cup with milk and eggs in small portions add dry ingredients and beat gradually. The consistency should resemble sour cream.
  • In small portions, you need to send the mixture to the waffle iron and fry the waffles.

Serve with a generous drizzle of melted white chocolate, place brownie slices on top of the stack of waffles and scatter peanut butter in a chaotic manner with a dessert spoon. That's the whole recipe, you can enjoy it!

Nutritional value for one waffle without filling:

  • calories 120,
  • total amount of fat – 1.5 g.,
  • protein – 11 g..

2. Dark chocolate and coconut donuts.

Donuts! How hard it is to do without this delicious dessert in the name of slimming your own body! But this recipe will give you the opportunity to enjoy it without harming your figure, and the taste will be in no way inferior to “regular” donuts. So, all attention to the recipe.

Required Products:

1. Donuts:

  • Wheat flour coarse– 60 gr.,
  • Dark cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. false,
  • Baking powder - ¾ tsp.,
  • Large chicken egg (or 2 small) - 1,
  • Unsweetened almond milk – ¼ cup
  • Low-calorie yogurt (low-fat kefir is fine) – ¼ cup,
  • Canned pumpkin – ¼ cup (you can also use baby pumpkin puree),
  • Coconut extract – 1 tsp.

2. Glaze:

  • Coconut oil – 2 tbsp. false,
  • Low-calorie yogurt (low-fat kefir is fine) – 2 tbsp. false,
  • Almond milk without sugar - 3 tbsp. false,
  • Stevia seasoning - 1-2 tbsp. false,
  • Dark chocolate pieces - 2 tbsp. false..


  • Preheat the oven at maximum temperature.
  • Mix dry ingredients: flour, protein powder, cocoa powder, Stevia seasoning and baking powder in a deep bowl.
  • Almond milk, egg, yogurt, pumpkin and coconut extract - mix in a separate cup.
  • Then carefully mix everything, you can use a silicone spatula, mix until the products become a homogeneous viscous mass.
  • Grease the donut mold vegetable oil and put the dough in them.
  • Bake for about 12 minutes, longer if necessary. Check for doneness with a toothpick - it should be dry after dipping into the donut.
  • After baking, you need to let the donuts cool a little and “rest.”
  • While the donuts are cooling, you can start making the glaze.
  • Heat the coconut oil over heat for about 15–20 seconds; if necessary, use a regular microwave.
  • Add yogurt to butter almond milk and "Stevia". Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, you can even beat it.
  • Once the donuts have cooled, dip each one individually into the glaze.
  • Melt the dark chocolate and pour the glazed dessert on top.

This recipe will take a lot of time in the kitchen. But after tasting the donuts that melt in your mouth, it will immediately become clear that your hard work was not in vain!

Nutritional value for 1 donut without filling:

  • calories 155,
  • total amount of fat – 8 g.,
  • total amount of carbohydrates – 15 g.,
  • protein – 10 g..

3. Truffles from white chocolate"Oreo."

Don’t be afraid of the cookies that are part of this dessert; they will help preserve the spicy “truffle” note here. There is no reason to worry, because the addition of proteins and casein makes truffles very beneficial for muscle mass. And the white chocolate poured on top of the dessert makes it extraordinarily delicious! The only downside is the fact that there are always few of them, no matter how much you eat!

Required Products:

  • Protein powder - 35 g.,
  • Casein powder – 31 g.,
  • Coconut flakes – ¼ cup + 2 tbsp. false,
  • Stevia seasoning – 3 tbsp. false,
  • Chocolate cookies (preferably round and small size, for example “Oreo”) - 10 pcs. and 5 pcs. (crush and use as a powder),
  • Oreo waffles – 10 small wafers,
  • Low-calorie yogurt (low-fat kefir is fine) – 1 cup,
  • White chocolate pieces - ¾ cup.


  • Protein and casein powders, flour, coconut flakes, whole cookies, waffles and Stevia are sent to a food processor for mixing and grinding.
  • Then add yogurt to this mixture and turn on the food processor again. The mixture should become thick and sticky.
  • This mixture makes approximately 21 balls. For convenience, you can wrap them in parchment paper and send it into the cold freezer for about half an hour.
  • During this time, we will prepare white chocolate; to do this, it must be melted by steam until liquid.
  • Dip each truffle individually into chocolate and place back on the parchment. While the chocolate has not yet completely hardened, you can sprinkle the truffles with crushed cookies.
  • Then put it in the freezer again for 30 minutes. And everything is ready, you can try!

Nutritional value for 1 truffle without filling:

  • calories 100,
  • total amount of carbohydrates – 13 g.,
  • protein – 5 g..

4. Confetti Cake Cookies

This recipe is quite complicated. To make it work delicious cookies, you need to make an effort, and for this you need to follow the recipe step by step. The cooking time is approximately 5 – 9 minutes, which means that it is better to cook it just before serving.

The weight of one cookie is 8 grams. This is quite a lot for one cookie and it may seem that the protein in this mass will be lost and will not act for its intended purpose. But this is only at first glance!

Required Products:

  • Protein powder – 67 g.,
  • Chickpeas – 1 can (240 gr.),
  • Stevia seasoning – ½ cup,
  • Coconut flakes - ¼ cup,
  • Brown (cane) sugar - 3 tbsp. false,
  • Large chicken egg – 1 pc.,
  • Applesauce – ½ cup,
  • Milk – 2 tbsp. false,
  • Vanilla extract – 1 teaspoon,
  • Colored cake topping – 2 tbsp. false..


  • Preheat the oven to maximum temperature.
  • Wash chickpeas well. Mix peas, egg, applesauce, milk and vanilla extract in food processor. Mix everything until smooth.
  • Then add Stevia Brown sugar, protein powder, coconut flakes and sprinkles. And mix everything again.
  • The dough is not kneaded hard-boiled, it should be liquid enough to stick to your hands, and thick enough to hold its shape on the baking sheet. If necessary, you can add a little more milk.
  • We form small cookies in the form of medals and place them on a baking sheet. This quantity makes approximately 10 pieces of dough.
  • Place in the oven and forget about the cookies for 8-10 minutes. You can do it longer if you like your cookies drier.

Nutritional value for 1 cookie without filling:

  • calories 115,
  • total amount of fat – 4 g.,
  • total amount of carbohydrates – 10 g.,
  • protein – 8 g..

5. Protein pancakes with raspberries and white chocolate.

Who doesn't love pancakes? The taste of childhood, will anyone refuse? No! Regular pancakes with added protein will simply be a “fighting blow” for your muscles, and raspberries and chocolate will make them extraordinarily tasty. Protein will also help restore strength after heavy training or heavy physical activity without affecting the content of excess fat. Cooking time will not take more than 15 minutes.

Required Products:

1. Pancakes:

  • Protein powder – 34 g.,
  • Coarse wheat flour - ½ cup,
  • Stevia seasoning – 1 tbsp. false,
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.,
  • Milk – ½ cup,
  • Large chicken egg – 1 pc.,
  • Applesauce – ¼ cup,
  • Pumpkin puree – ¼ cup,
  • Vanilla extract – ¼ tsp.,

2. Filling:

  • Frozen raspberries - ¼ cup,
  • Maple syrup – 2 tbsp. false,
  • Coconut oil – 1 tbsp. false,
  • White chocolate, melted - 1 tbsp. false,
  • Protein bars with raspberry and white chocolate flavors – 1–2 pcs.


  • Place the frying pan or saucepan over medium heat.
  • Mix flour, protein powder, Stevia and baking powder.
  • Separately, whisk eggs, milk, apple and pumpkin puree, and vanilla extract.
  • Then combine everything and mix, add raspberries.
  • Next, fry the pancakes in a frying pan on both sides for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  • For the filling you just need to beat all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • On ready-made pancakes Place pre-cut pieces on top protein bars and generously pour filling. Beautiful and very tasty!

Nutritional value for 1 pancake without filling:

  • calories 465,
  • total amount of fat – 10 g.,
  • total amount of carbohydrates – 56 g.,
  • protein – 40 g..

The biggest problem that probably everyone who loses weight faces is the craving for sweets. It’s difficult to limit yourself to fatty, fried foods, let alone sweet pie It’s completely unthinkable to refuse a piece of cake or a delicious cupcake. In fact, there are excellent dietary desserts for weight loss. If you learn how to cook them, you can stay slim as a reed and still enjoy sweets.

Features of preparing dietary desserts

It's hard to know what sweets you can eat on a diet. To navigate among the many recipes, use the following recommendations:

  1. Switch to carbohydrate-free sweets. Eliminate or minimize “short” carbohydrates. Sugar and refined fructose for losing weight dietary desserts unsuitable.
  2. Avoid dishes that contain fats in addition to “short” carbohydrates. Their calorie content may be low, but such desserts will not benefit the body.
  3. It is advisable to use not whole eggs, but only whites for cooking. However, among many dietary recipes this is not taken into account.
  4. If you prepare low-calorie sweets, use fruits and dairy products as a basis. It is not necessary that the fat content of cream, sour cream, yogurt, milk, and cottage cheese be minimal. The taste of dietary desserts for weight loss does not benefit from this. Suitable products medium degree fat content
  5. The fact that desserts are dietary does not mean that you are allowed to eat them in unlimited quantities at any time of the day. Eat no more than 150 grams of sweet food. It is advisable to do this in the morning.
  6. Diet sweets will not help you lose weight if you do not adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

The best recipes for delicious desserts for losing weight

To prepare dietary treat, take any fruits and dried fruits. Use cottage cheese and eggs. These ingredients contribute not only to weight loss, but also to the formation of muscle mass. When it comes to variety, you have many options: dietary baking, jellies, sorbets, soufflés, marmalade and even sweets homemade. Remember a few recipes for weight loss with calorie content, and you won’t be left without sweets while on a diet.

Cottage cheese mousse

Ingredients of the dietary dessert:

  • cottage cheese – 170 g;
  • honey – 50 g;
  • gelatin – 15 g;
  • egg white – 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice – 20 ml.

Preparing dessert for weight loss:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with honey, beat gently.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in warm water with lemon juice. Wait until it swells, put it on the fire until completely dissolved. Then cool slightly.
  3. Add gelatin to the cottage cheese, beat with a blender until smooth.
  4. Beat the egg whites until they form a stable foam and slowly add them to the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Pour the mousse into silicone molds, cool in the refrigerator. Serve garnished with mint leaves or berries.
  6. Calorie content of dietary dessert: 100 g – 115 kcal.

Oat cookies

  • extra oat flakes – 500 g;
  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • mixture of nuts and dried fruits - half a glass;
  • honey – 60 ml;
  • vanillin, cinnamon.

Cooking steps:

  1. Low calorie desserts very often prepared with the addition of oatmeal. Pour kefir over the flakes and leave for an hour. Need to take extra option instant cooking no good.
  2. Add dried fruits with crushed nuts, honey. Mix thoroughly, add vanilla and cinnamon. You should get a thick mass.
  3. Roll the dough into small balls, then flatten. You will get a neat one round cookies. Place it on a baking sheet previously lined with baking paper.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the mold there for 25-30 minutes.
  5. Remove the cookies and cool slightly.
  6. 100 g – 87 kcal.

Cottage cheese casserole

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

  • cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • kefir – 80 ml;
  • honey – 20 g;
  • raisins - half a glass.
  1. Beat the eggs vigorously.
  2. Mix cottage cheese with kefir. Add egg mass, honey, raisins to the container. If you wish, you can use dried apricots or other dry or fresh fruits.
  3. Transfer the dough into the mold.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the casserole there for 30-40 minutes. When she is ready she will appear golden crust. You can sprinkle cocoa powder on top for beauty. It is convenient to do this through a sieve.
  5. 100 g – 148 kcal.

Fruit jelly cake

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

  • canned peaches– 1 bank;
  • oranges – 4 medium;
  • fresh or frozen pitted cherries – 100 g;
  • multifruit juice – 1 l;
  • almond petals– 100 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g.

Preparing a dietary dessert:

  1. Peel the oranges and divide them into slices.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of warm juice. Wait for it to melt. Pour the juice back through the strainer. If you find it not sweet enough, add honey.
  3. Cut the peaches into small slices.
  4. Give the form cold water. Place the oranges in the center, around the cherries. Place peaches along the edge. This is an optional order, you can distribute the fruits as you wish.
  5. Fill the mold with juice, carefully scatter the almond petals fried in a frying pan. Place the dessert in the refrigerator overnight.
  6. To remove the cake from the pan, dip it in the pan for a couple of seconds. hot water and turn it over.
  7. You can decorate the edges of the dessert with almond crumbs.
  8. 100 g – 92 kcal.

Dried fruit candies

Ingredients of the dietary dessert:

  • dried apricots – 6 pcs.;
  • prunes – 6 pcs.;
  • dates – 4 pcs.;
  • almonds – 50 g;
  • walnuts– 50 g;
  • oat bran – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coke shavings - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Ideas for dietary desserts for weight loss are very diverse, so you can even make sweets. Grind the nuts by hand or with a blender.
  2. Pass dried fruits through a meat grinder. Mix them with nuts and bran.
  3. Roll the mixture into balls and roll in coconut flakes. You can replace it with sesame seeds and cocoa powder. It all depends on your taste preferences.
  4. Store candy in the freezer. Not only do they taste amazing, but they are also very nutritious.
  5. 100 g – 187 kcal.

Berry cheesecake in a slow cooker

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

  • oat flakes – 40 g;
  • whole wheat flour– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder – 50 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 450 g;
  • yogurt – 250 ml;
  • sweetener - to taste;
  • berry mix– 250 g.
  1. Dietary desserts for weight loss are very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. Combine cereal, flour, cocoa. Add 100 g of cottage cheese and eggs. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Place the dough in the multicooker pan and cook on the “Baking” program for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Beat the remaining cottage cheese thoroughly with yogurt and sugar substitute, preferably with a blender. Add berries.
  4. Distribute the mixture over the crust, set the “Baking” program for 15 minutes. When the cheesecake is ready, the top will be golden. You can decorate it with fresh berries when serving.
  5. 100 g – 110 kcal.

Apples baked with honey and cinnamon in the oven

Diet dessert components:


  1. Desserts for losing weight are often baked in the oven, because this way they preserve everything nutrients. Pour boiling water over the apples, make neat cuts on top and remove the core and some of the pulp.
  2. Mash cottage cheese with honey, add cinnamon, raisins, currants. It must be defrosted first. If you want, beat this whole mixture with a blender.
  3. Stuff the apples with the resulting curd mass.
  4. Place the dish in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. A few minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the apples with a pinch of sugar, they will have a caramel crust.
  6. 100 g – 103 kcal.

Low-calorie no-bake cherry pie

Ingredients of the weight loss dessert:

  • cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • low-fat sour cream – 1 l;
  • cherries – 1 kg;
  • honey – 250 ml;
  • unsweetened cookies– 400 g;
  • butter – 200 g;
  • gelatin – 100 g;
  • cherry jelly– 2 sachets.

Preparing a dietary dessert:

  1. Soak the gelatin in half a liter of water and leave to swell.
  2. Mash the cookies to fine crumbs, pit the cherries.
  3. Melt the butter. Mix it with crushed cookies. Pour the mixture into the cake pan.
  4. Dissolve the jelly according to the recipe on the package.
  5. Beat cottage cheese with honey in a blender, add water and gelatin.
  6. Blend half a kilogram of cherries in a blender until pureed. Add it to curd cream, stir.
  7. Fill the cake with cream and leave in the refrigerator until the top hardens.
  8. Pour jelly over the set cake and cool well. The cake looks very beautiful not only in the photo, but also in life, you can safely prepare it for the holiday.
  9. Don't pay attention to what the recipe contains. butter. Its share in the pie is very small, so the dessert still turns out to be low-calorie.
  10. 100 g – 136 kcal.

Find out which ones you can use for daily cooking.

Video: how to prepare dietary sweets at home

You have seen how varied the choice of low-calorie sweet dishes is. To learn a few more diet desserts for weight loss, watch the following videos below. Prepare healthy and delicious dishes and eat them without any fear for your figure. After watching the videos, you will see that a diet is not necessarily strict restrictions. It's just a lot of new dishes that you can eat without causing harm to your body.

Diet pancakes

Strawberry marshmallows

Sorbet with berries and banana

Very tasty and light ice cream

Low-calorie panna cotta

Thousands of people have followed Dr. Pierre Dukan's diet over the past decades. Two steps to lose weight, and two steps to maintain the result - it works flawlessly protein diet. Forbidden desserts are what many people find most challenging about giving up all carbs and fats. We have selected 10 dessert recipes that can be included in the menu.

Attention, the recipes are suitable for stages 2, 3 and 4 of weight loss, all except stage 1 - “Attack”.

Protein days, recipes can be consumed on any day of any stage, except for “Attack”.

Lemon pie

3 eggs
300 ml cold water sweetener
1 lemon
a pinch of salt

Beat the yolks with sweetener. Add water, juice and zest, cook in a water bath over low heat until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat. Add salt, add egg whites, sweetener if necessary, and beat everything into a thick foam. Combine the whites with the warm mixture. Place in a baking dish (about 25 cm) and bake at 180C until golden brown.

Tea sorbet

100 ml water
juice of 1 lemon
2 tbsp. green tea
4 mint leaves
300 g low-fat cottage cheese

Boil 100 ml of water, add green tea and mint. Leave to infuse. Pour into a blender and mix with cottage cheese. To stir thoroughly. Place in the freezer for 2 hours, occasionally removing and stirring the resulting ice well. Just before serving, transfer to the refrigerator.

Almond jelly

400 ml skim milk
3 plates of gelatin (or 5 tbsp. loose)
6 drops almond flavoring

Bring milk with flavoring to almost a boil. While stirring, carefully dissolve the gelatin, avoiding the formation of lumps. Pour into vases or glasses and leave in the refrigerator until thickened.

Spicy cream

250 ml skim milk
200 g low-fat cottage cheese
1 star anise
vanilla pod
1 yolk
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
2 tbsp. sweetener
1 clove

Boil milk with spices. Beat the yolks with sweetener until the mixture turns white. Slowly pour the yolks into the milk, stirring. Cook for 12 minutes over low heat. Filter from spices, add cottage cheese and refrigerate. Serve chilled.

Protein-vegetable days

Curd almost cheesecake

5 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese 0%
2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
2 tbsp. l. corn starch
2 tbsp. l. sweetener or tab. sweetener
2 egg yolks
5 egg whites

In a blender bowl, beat cottage cheese, starch, yolks, sweetener and lemon juice until creamy. Beat the egg whites separately and fold into the cottage cheese using a wooden spatula. Pour into a baking dish and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes (depending on the thickness of the pie) at 200C. Cool and serve cold.

Chocolate mousse

125 g low-fat cottage cheese 0%
3 tbsp. l. water
6 proteins
125 g diet chocolate
a pinch of salt
1 tsp. instant coffee

In a small bowl, mix water, chocolate pieces and coffee. Melt in a water bath. Mix with cottage cheese and knead until smooth. Beat the whites with salt into a thick foam. Carefully connect with chocolate mixture, pour into glasses or vases and leave to harden in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

Oat cookies(contains 2 eligible products)

6 tbsp. l. oat bran
2 tbsp. l. milk powder
4 tbsp. l. corn starch
5 g baking powder
40 ml milk
200 ml low-fat yoghurt
sweetener to taste

Mix yogurt with milk and mix with a spoon. Add all dry ingredients. Line a baking tray baking paper, spoon out the mixture using a teaspoon. Bake cookies for 20 minutes at 175C.

Yogurt dessert (contains 1 permitted product)

2 eggs
200 g low-fat yogurt 0%
50 g corn starch
flavoring to taste
a pinch of salt

Beat the yolks with sweetener, yogurt, starch and flavoring. Separately, beat the whites with a pinch of salt. Mix together, pour into a 10 cm baking dish and bake for 25 minutes at 210 C.

Spring pie

500 g low-fat cottage cheese
1 tbsp. l. skim milk
2 eggs
50 g sorrel
50 g basil
pinch of cinnamon

To keep your diet varied during any diet, don’t forget about desserts. Among modern diets, it is precisely one system that is the most loyal in this regard and offers not only tasty, but also quick desserts. According to Dukan, and it is his recipes that will be discussed, sweets are prepared from low-fat products and only on sweeteners.

You can learn more about the Dukan diet by reading. It describes the three main stages of the diet and provides a list of allowed foods. During the stage you can eat some Dukan desserts. “Alternation” and “Fixation”, of course, involve the use of delicious dietary sweets.

Using the list of allowed foods as a basis, you can very easily prepare dessert for yourself. Just remember to use a strictly defined amount every day. What I mean is that if you are going to prepare a delicacy, then take the ingredients for it from the total amount of daily products.

For those women who cannot come up with a dessert on their own, we have selected several proven recipes.

Chocolate desserts according to Dukan

Truffles in milk

Delicious truffles, sprinkled with white snow from powdered milk, are prepared without heat treatment.

  1. Mix skim milk powder (6 tbsp), 12% cocoa powder 12 (4 tbsp), sweetener (2 or 3 tbsp).
  2. Pour 12 tbsp into the resulting brown powder. skim milk and add a couple of drops of Tiramisu flavoring.
  3. Stir the mixture until smooth and thick and place it on a silicone sheet. Level it with the same spatula to a thickness of 2-3 ml.
  4. Place the sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes - during this time the chocolate mass will thicken even more and will not stick to your hands.
  5. Remove the sheet from the freezer, cut the frozen mass into squares and roll them into balls. Roll each ball in dry milk or cocoa powder.

Chocolate mousse

Cottage cheese and cocoa mousse will delight you with its melting light structure and exquisite taste.

  1. Rub 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese through a metal sieve.
  2. Stir in 1 raw cottage cheese egg yolk, 2 tbsp. dry milk without fat, a teaspoon of any liquid sweetener and 1 tbsp. cocoa powder 12% fat. Add some vanilla essence or Irish Cream flavoring.
  3. To the point thick foam beat 1 egg white. To make it strong, add two drops of lemon juice or a pinch of salt.
  4. Add egg foam to the cottage cheese with additives and mix the mixture.
  5. Post it chocolate mousse into bowls and place them in the refrigerator to harden the dessert.

Milk dessert according to Dukan

Prepare a delicate dessert from milk and gelatin like this...

  1. Pour 10 g of instant gelatin into a glass of milk with a fat content of no more than 15%. Let it swell for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour the milk and gelatin into a ladle and add so much more milk to make a total of 0.5 liters.
  3. Add also 6 measuring spoons FitParada and a pinch of vanilla sugar.
  4. Stir the mixture and place on the fire to heat - do not boil.
  5. Divide the hot mass into two parts and let cool to 50 degrees.
  6. Add 1 tsp to one part. low-fat cocoa powder and whisk the mixture until fluffy.
  7. Do the same with the white mixture.
  8. Place the brown and white mixture in layers in bowls and let the dessert harden in the refrigerator.

Dukan's curd dessert called "Cheesecake"

For dessert, first bake on Teflon frying pan cake For it, mix:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • skim milk - 3 tbsp;
  • oat bran - 2 tbsp;
  • wheat bran - 1 tbsp;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • sugar substitute - 3 tablets.

Bake the cake covered and turn it over once. When it is ready, set it to cool and make the cream at this time.

  1. 1 tbsp. pour gelatin skim milk in an amount of 100 ml. Allow the gelatin to swell, and then heat the mixture to steam bath, adding vanilla sugar to it.
  2. Mix 500 g of zero-fat cottage cheese with one raw egg and sugar substitute (6 tablets).
  3. Combine milk with gelatin dissolved in it with cottage cheese - stir until smooth.
  4. Line a round pan with sides cling film. Place the cooled cake on it, and put the curd cream on it.
  5. After the cream has hardened, cut the cheesecake into portions and sprinkle the pieces with cocoa powder.

Dukan protein dessert

How to prepare an unusual crispy dessert from proteins...