The most high-calorie foods. The most high-calorie oil

Losing weight is easy. This truth is not tired of repeating our experts. It is not necessary to invent “effective” ways to mock your own body, and then experience hunger pangs.

We have compiled a list of tasty and healthy products, 100 grams of which contain only from zero to 70 kcal. The top lines are occupied by salad vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

How to use the list

This list is made specifically for those who are looking for an alternative to salads with mayonnaise and french fries for a side dish. Add low-calorie foods to your diet to make it tastier and healthier:

- use “light” ingredients in your favorite dishes,
- take fruits and vegetables with you as a snack,
- replace meat dishes with vegetables,
- experiment, invent new original combinations and tastes,
- Do not forget that the added fat makes even those dishes made from low-calorie ingredients more caloric.

0-20 kcal

Water, watercress, lettuce, cucumbers, white radishes and tomatoes.

20-30 kcal

Lemon, green and red bell peppers, celery, corn salad, broccoli, coriander, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, asparagus, cauliflower, pumpkin, champignons, lingonberries.

Eggplant is not as popular in our kitchen as the same cabbage. And in vain - one portion of these vegetables, stewed without fat, contains only about 35 kcal and saturates well. In some recipes, eggplant you can even replace meat.

30-40 kcal

Grapefruits, limes, watermelon, green beans, onions, green onions, strawberries, pomelo, peaches, melon, zucchini, radish, radish, nonfat curdled milk.

Grapefruits - one of the best low calorie snacks. Half of this citrus contains no more than 40 kcal and is rich in vitamin C.

Try adding grapefruit to a leafy salad - he can replace salt.

40-50 kcal

Carrots, root celery, stem celery, beets, blackberries, kohlrabi cabbage, gooseberries, nectarines, pineapple, cranberries, plums, oranges, apples, apricots, feijoa, fat-free kefir, skim milk.

What to eat to lose weight

To lose weight - you need to eat. But not everything in a row, but products that will help get rid of excess water and fat, build a new beautiful body, not be sad and look fresh. Check out our list of 50 super foods for those who are losing weight.

Carrot sticks and stem celery are not only a delicious snack, replacement chips, but also a real "help out" for those who stopped smoking. In one large stalk of celery - only ten kcal.


Cherries, raspberries, red currants, blueberries, pears, peeled potatoes.

Cherry contains bioflavonoid quercetin, which helps fight cancerous tumors. This berry can be bought fresh or frozen year-round and added to salads, dairy products or cereals.

60-70 kcal

Kiwi, leeks, black currants, cherries, beans, grapes, pomegranates, mangoes.

Onions and beans are the best ingredients for making low-calorie vegetable soups. By the way, in a portion of the Italian minestrone beloved - only 14 kcal. Of course, before the plate contains cheese or croutons.

The most important

A huge amount of healthy food with calories from zero to 70 kcal.

Most of the products listed here are available year-round, go well together and do not require significant cooking efforts.

Striving for ideal forms, one should begin this difficult path with adjusting nutrition. Creating a menu is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to pay attention to the caloric content of dishes and their nutritional value. To make it easier for you, we have selected the most delicious and healthy products for weight loss, indicating the calories of each.

Calories are necessary for a person to receive energy.

However, there are satisfying foods, the excessive consumption of which entails negative consequences:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases;
  • obesity etc.

Therefore, paying attention to the calorie content of dishes is important to everyone, but especially to those who follow their figure.

The number of calories received in the body largely depends on how much the energy value of the product is absorbed in the digestive tract.

During normal functioning of organs and in the absence of diseases, substances are absorbed in the following amounts:

  • fats - 9.3 kcal / g;
  • proteins - 4.5 kcal / g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.1 kcal / g.

The amount of calories contained in raw foods may vary depending on the following factors:

  1. Heat treatment. Cooking and frying increases the nutritional value of dishes.
  2. Grinding and mixing. Products in the consistency of mashed potatoes are more easily absorbed by the body with minimal loss of energy value.

Substances that could not be absorbed by the body are deposited in the fatty layer. Hence the notorious overweight.

Table: calorie content of slimming products by groups

Here are the main products that are traditionally "living" on our table, indicating the number of calories. For convenience, the calorie table of products is divided into groups.

Vegetables and greens

TitleCalories, per 100 g of product
Boiled potatoes80
White cabbage31
- red-headed34
- color30
Green onion21
- leek38
- onion41
Green pea75
Bell pepper38

Fruits and berries

Along with vegetables, fruits and berries are considered low-calorie foods.

TitleCalories per 100 g of product
The apples48
Dried Rosehip259
- fresh106
White currant37
- black38
- red39
Sweet cherry41

Cereals, Beans, and Cereals

Most of these foods are slow carbohydrates that provide the body with energy for a long time.

Therefore, despite the rather high calorie content, cereals and beans must be included in the diet menu.

TitleCalories per 100g
Boiled buckwheat92–110
Boiled rice116
Oatmeal porridge93
- rice79
- buckwheat137
- barley84
- semolina77

Fish and seafood

All kinds of marine reptiles and oily fish are an invaluable source of omega-3s. Alternatively, these acids can be obtained in sufficient quantities only from oils, which do not belong to dietary products at all.

Therefore, seafood must be present on the table of each person at least once a week, regardless of what diet he adheres to.

TitleCalories per 100 grams
Pink salmon151
Crab sticks73
Sea language79
Sea kale49
Herring (canned food)88
Breakdown sturgeon caviar123
Breakdown Alaska Caviar127

Meat, poultry and eggs

TitleCalories per 100 g of product
Beef liver100
Lean pork318
Pork liver105
Chicken eggs157
- quail168

Low Calorie Bakery

Of course, it is better to refuse bread and other baking on a diet.

But if it is psychologically difficult to do, then you should know which categories of bakery products are the least high in calories.

Nuts and butter

Despite the prohibitively high calorie content, these products must also be present in the diet to ensure the intake of valuable fats in the body.

It is best to season salads with oils and crushed nuts - tasty, healthy and without harm to the waist.

TitleCalories per 100 g of product
Olive oil780
- apricot899
- sesame seeds899
- almond816
- coconut899
- flaxseed898
- walnut898
- hemp899
- cocoa899
- sunflower899
Low Calorie Margarine545

Low calorie drinks

The menu of low-calorie drinks is varied. The table shows how many calories are in each glass.

Type of drinkCalories per 100 ml
Cucumber juice14
Vitamin waters
Water with Lemon Juice29
Watermelon mint25
Mineral or carbonated0
Teas (sugar free)
Black coffee without sugar2

Vegetable juices do not contain fats.

The “nuts and oils” group has the highest calorie foods. However, their use is necessary for the absorption of fats by the body. In addition, they are very useful. Calculate the daily fat intake for your body and eat nuts and oils in limited quantities.

The ratio of BJU in the diet should be maintained in the norm, regardless of the chosen diet. The lack of certain components can cause severe pathologies

  1. Squirrels. To calculate the protein norm, you need to multiply your weight in kilograms by 1.5. It is advisable that most of the diet consist of plant proteins.
  2. Fats. The daily rate of fat for women is 85 - 115 grams. Fat cannot be completely ruled out. Otherwise, the body will be weakened and undergo a number of diseases, and you will have to completely forget about the beauty of hair and skin.
  3. Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are needed primarily for energy. Therefore, their daily rate depends on age and stress. For example, for a woman of 30 years who is engaged in sports three times a week, 95 grams of carbohydrates per day is necessary. More detailed tables can be found in special online analyzers.

List of protein products for weight loss:

  1. Turkey.
  2. Chicken.
  3. Lean beef.
  4. Veal.
  5. Rabbit.
  6. Zander.
  7. Pollock.
  8. Pike.
  9. Flounder.
  10. Crucian.
  11. Chicken and quail eggs.
  12. Cottage cheese 5–9%.
  13. Kefir.

Low-calorie foods will lose their properties if cooked with plenty of oil. Therefore, they should be steamed, boiled or baked in foil.

What foods can I eat with weight loss?

We offer you to familiarize yourself with the list of the lowest calorie foods:

  1. Broccoli. It is a hypoallergenic, very healthy and low-calorie vegetable. It can be eaten both raw and boiled. It prepares quickly, just a few minutes. It is not recommended to overdo it with heat treatment in order to avoid the loss of useful properties.
  2. Carrot. Vitaminized and delicious vegetable. It is universal and useful in any form. However, the least calories will be in boiled carrots. However, as well as useful substances.
  3. Chilli. Spice is used as a preventive measure against cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Artichoke. It is a very healthy plant product that is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron. In addition, the artichoke normalizes metabolism, which helps in the fight against excess weight.
  5. Tea. The lowest calorie tea is green. It generally has no calories. Flavoring the product and adding sugar will add calories to the drink. It should be borne in mind that this drink increases blood viscosity, which somewhat inhibits metabolism.
  6. Cucumber. Green healthy vegetable, the use of which is allowed in any quantity.
  7. Grapefruit. Low calorie fat burner. The only negative is that not everyone likes its bitter taste.
  8. Salad. Greens, rich in vitamins and minerals.
  9. Onion. The vegetable is useful, but not recommended for use in its pure form in large quantities.
  10. Complex carbohydrates should make up most of the daily diet. In what products they are contained, we find out in the table.

    ProductsAmount of carbohydrates
    Grade 1 bread41,2
    Rye bread48,3
    Brown rice23
    Boiled potatoes20,1
    Boiled pasta26,5

    Foods rich in fast carbohydrates provoke obesity. Therefore, in the diet they should be in a minimal amount. And in the menu for weight loss it is generally better to exclude them. We are talking about all kinds of sweets, flour products and sugar.

    The average daily calorie intake for a woman is 2000 kcal. It all depends on age, physiology and occupation. The average rate for losing weight women is 1500 kcal. In order to calculate the correct dose of calories for weight loss, it is necessary to subtract 500 kcal from its norm.

The principles of proper nutrition, which should be followed by a person of any physique, imply the use of food of different calories. The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food should also be observed. But people who want to lose weight need to include the lowest-calorie foods in their diet. Eating low-calorie foods daily can help you lose weight effectively. But it is important not to overdo it so as not to deplete the body. Find out which foods are the lowest in calories and how to make the most delicious dishes out of them.

What are the lowest calorie foods

Before you make a nutrition plan, including the lowest-calorie foods there, you need to understand what calorie content is. This concept describes the amount of energy that a person receives after eating food. Most calories contain fats (about 9 per gram), fewer are carbohydrates with proteins (about four calories per gram). Acids also affect the calorific value of the product. For example, citric acid immediately contains 2.2 kcal per gram. During the period of weight loss, it is advisable to completely abandon alcohol, because one gram contains about 7 calories.

Low fat foods are not always the lowest calorie foods. For example, skim milk is inferior to an ordinary product in calories by only twenty positions - this is not too much. Having completely excluded fats from a daily diet, a person can feel negative changes in the body: disturbances in the digestive tract, deterioration of the skin and hair.

The lowest-calorie foods are considered to be fruits and vegetables. These products are usually rich in fiber, which is not absorbed by the body and helps to cleanse the human body of toxins, toxins, improve digestion, lower cholesterol. Eating vegetables with fruits is worth it in its raw form - so they retain the greatest amount of nutrients. However, do not abuse plant foods rich in simple carbohydrates (sugar). For example, bananas and grapes - their body can process into body fat.

Top 10 Low-Calorie Diet Products

Selecting low-calorie foods for daily nutrition, you can not completely give up high-calorie foods. Many cereals, cereals contain a large number of calories, but after cooking, their calorie content drops significantly. Doctors still do not recommend giving up legumes, which are an indispensable source of vegetable protein, although they themselves are high in calories. Here are the top 10 useful low-calorie foods that help you lose weight:

  1. Sea kale. It contains many useful substances: iodine, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, sodium, cobalt, manganese, vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, D. It contains folic acid, polysaccharides, and useful protein.
  2. Lettuce. This green leafy vegetable has a low calorie content, contains copper, zinc, cobalt, manganese, calcium, iodine, vitamins A, C.
  3. Parsley. It contains many vitamins of groups A, B, C, niacin, folic acid, manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.
  4. Cucumbers It is rich in vitamins of group B, C, it contains phosphorus, folic acid, iron, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, chlorophyll, carotene.
  5. Chives. Low-calorie product, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium.
  6. Radish. The composition of this root crop includes vitamins PP, B, C, and substances such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and iron.
  7. Chard (a subset of beets, but eating foliage). It contains vitamins B, C, PP, P, O, carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, lithium, iron, organic acids.
  8. Asparagus (Asparagus). It contains vitamins B, C, A, PP, alkaloids, carotene, chlorophyll, phosphorus, thiamine, calcium, coumarin, potassium.
  9. Celery. It is rich in vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, K, boron, calcium, chlorine, fatty acids, magnesium, selenium, sulfur, zinc, fiber.
  10. Spinach. The low-calorie product contains large amounts of vitamin C, A, B, PP, E, D, and the leafy vegetable also contains iodine, potassium, and iron.

Delicious recipes from low-calorie foods

If you think that following a diet, eating deliciously will not work, this is a misconception. There are many that even gourmets will like. These are all kinds of salads, soups, cold and hot snacks. Use simple and tasty recipes to diversify your low-calorie diet.

Baked zucchini with cheese


  • 100 grams of low-fat light cheese;
  • two zucchini;
  • one carrot;
  • onion;
  • garlic clove;
  • one tomato.

How to cook:

  1. Zucchini wash well. Cut the vegetable in half, with a spoon, remove the pulp with seeds from there.
  2. Cut the carrots, onions, and pulp into small cubes.
  3. Grind garlic with tomato. Fry carrots, onions, pulp of zucchini in vegetable oil, add tomato and garlic at the end. Pour seasoning to taste if necessary.
  4. Put the resulting frying inside the zucchini, sprinkle with grated cheese. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and bake for about a quarter of an hour.

Kefir apple fritters


  • 2 eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar (unsweetened can be done without it);
  • half a liter of fat-free kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • apples.

How to cook:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar well, add kefir to the resulting mixture, add a little salt to taste.
  2. To make a lush dough, carefully pour flour there with soda. Mix everything well until smooth.
  3. Cut fruit into small pieces.
  4. Take a large spoon, scoop up a little dough and pour into a preheated pan with oil. While the mixture has not hardened, lay the sliced \u200b\u200bapples on top, squeeze them lightly. After frying one side, flip future pancakes.
  5. Remove from heat after golden crust appears.

Fresh low-calorie salad with feta cheese


  • a pound of bell pepper;
  • 300 grams of tomatoes;
  • 150 grams of cucumbers with feta cheese;
  • 100 grams of onion;
  • some olive oil for dressing;
  • salt, parsley, pepper, vinegar - to taste;
  • one chili pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Bulgarian low-calorie peppers put the oven on briefly to get slightly burnt peel of the vegetable. Then remove them and cool for twenty minutes.
  2. Remove the peel, clean the inside of excess pulp and seeds. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Grind tomatoes, cucumbers to small pieces.
  4. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  5. Put all the prepared vegetables in one bowl, mix well, add seasoning to taste, season with oil.
  6. Finely chop the chilli, grate the feta cheese on a fine grater. Put the resulting low-calorie salad on serving plates, sprinkle with chopped ingredients on top. The delicious dish is ready!

Table: List of Low-Calorie Foods

To lose weight, pay attention to foods that are not only low in calories, but also help burn fat. These include grapefruit, orange, blackberry, pear. Delicious fruits and berries such as watermelon, lingonberries, cherries help to overcome hunger. From meat it is worth being limited to chicken, turkey breast, liver. It is permissible to eat mushrooms, legumes, cereals, products containing a lot of water and low fat. The table "Low-calorie foods" will help you navigate when choosing food for your daily diet:

Calorie is not a sentence, it is just a unit of energy necessary for a person, which we all receive with food. High-calorie foods  - this is not always bad, among them there are both harmful and very useful for the human body. Today websitewill tell you what the most high-calorie foodsin the world, and which of them are useful to us in small quantities, and which consumption, it is better to refuse. Sit back, start the census of products.

The most high-calorie meat

The most high-calorie meat product  - it's fatty pork. Its calorie content is 491 kcal per 100 g. And pork salted pork fat (simply fat) has a record calorie content of 902 kcal.

So, going on a picnic with friends, it is better to give preference to barbecue meat from rabbit, turkey or, for that matter, it is better to buy lamb, but in no case fry lard with bread! So you directly eat fat in its pure form, which is immediately deposited in your problem areas. Do you need it ???

The most high-calorie porridge

Porridge is a very useful product, without which a person who adheres to proper nutrition, it is simply impossible to do. They are rich in useful vitamins, minerals, but the most important thing is that cereals are a source of slow carbohydrates that provide energy for the whole day. People involved in sports, it is very important to eat cereals in their daily diet.

But porridge is a fairly high-calorie meal, as they have an important mission, to stock up on energy for a long time. The most high-calorie porridge- this is millet. Its calorie content is 349 kcal per 100 g of product. But eating it for breakfast, you will benefit from its high calorie content, as you will stay full for a long time, and you will not want to have a snack next time.

For millet go corn (338 kcal) and rice (335 kcal). And oatmeal, contrary to popular belief, is one of the lowest-calorie ones - only 306 kcal per 100 g.

The most high-calorie dairy products

The most high-calorie milk products- This is curd cheese and fatty cheese. The average calorie content of glazed curd cheese is 407 kcal per 100 g. A   the most high-calorie cheese: Cheddar - 400 kcal, Gruyere - 396 kcal. When choosing dairy products, be careful and pay attention to the fat content and calorie content of the product. It is better to use fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content (2-5%), but not completely fat-free, since they contain a lot of SUGAR.

The most high-calorie fruit

Fruits for us are both a healthy snack and a delicious dessert all rolled into one. But surely, many have heard and are aware that fruits are, in essence, simple carbohydrates, so you should be careful when choosing a fruit. In my article I wrote about the lowest calorie fruits that can be consumed by losing weight girls without fear, and now it's time to find out which fruit is the highest calorie.

Banana - the most high-calorie fruit, but not fresh, which contains only 89 kcal, but dried, whose calorie content is 390 kcal per 100 grams.

Dried fruits, in comparison with their fresh originals, have a much higher calorie content. For example, the calorie content of fresh apples is 37 kcal, and dried apples - 253 kcal. And so with all the fruits. So, be careful when eating dried fruits, their amount per intake should be no more than 50 grams.

The most nutritious nut

Nuts are good for snacks, as they are very high in calories and hearty. Having eaten a handful of nuts, you can delay your lunch for another 1.5-2 hours. On the one hand it’s good, but on the other hand, you need to understand that nuts are enough high-calorie product, and you need to use it in small quantities for the whole day. The most nutritious nut  - Macadamia, its calorie content is 720 kcal per 100 g, it is also the most expensive nut. This is due to its healing properties, which are used everywhere in medicine and cosmetology. It can cure migraines, normalize metabolism, cure avitominosis and even promote weight loss. This miracle nut comes from distant Australia, so it can not always be found on the shelves of our supermarkets. But our native walnut did not go far from an overseas guest in terms of useful qualities, and healing properties, and calorie content. The calorie content of walnut is 700 kcal per 100 g.

The most high-calorie dessert

The most high-calorie desserts  - These are all cakes with a creamy filling, since all the fats in them are hidden. If you can cut off excess fat from a piece of pork, then, unfortunately, you can’t cut anything from a cake thoroughly saturated with fat cream and dab it with a napkin too. For example, a piece of Napoleon weighing 100 g has a calorie content of 550 kcal. In order to better understand how much this is, imagine a cucumber with a calorie content of only 16 kcal per 100 g. Now, next time think before deciding to eat another cake, is Napoleon’s minute pleasure worth all your efforts, efforts and positive the results that you achieved with regular fitness club activities? I think the answer is obvious. Of course not! Eliminate Everything From Your Diet high-calorie dessertsand see how quickly your weight goes down.

The most high-calorie drink

Some types of drinks are not inferior in caloric content to even the most high-calorie desserts. It all depends on the composition and amount of sugar that is present in the liquid. The main one, of course, is sugar, but such additives as: cream, chocolate, sweet fillers in the form of jam, honey, liquor, etc. - very much increase the total calorie content of the entire drink. The most high-calorie drink hot chocolate is considered - 490 kcal, and if it is also with cream, then the calorie content of this drink increases by a few more calories. So lovers of a sweet life, you need to carefully use hot chocolate, and even with cream. It is best to do this not very often and not too late to at least somehow reduce the consequences of such a meal.

The most high-calorie vegetable

The most high-calorie vegetable- this is potato, the calorie content of boiled potato is 76 kcal, baked in its uniform - 80 kcal, mashed potato - 300 kcal, potato chips - 500 kcal.

The most high-calorie oil

Vegetable oils are very useful for our body, since they contain the necessary fats for us, so we can’t completely consume vegetable oils, but their amount should be small - 1 tbsp. a spoon for dressing a vegetable salad will be more than enough. The average calorie content of vegetable oils is about 890 kcal, but the most high-calorie vegetable oil- soybean, its calorie content is 999 kcal, followed by coconut oil (925 kcal) and peanut butter (920 kcal).

Among this list high-calorie foodsthere are both very healthy (for example, nuts, fruits, vegetables), and harmful (desserts, sugary drinks, curd cheese). Consume one or the other high-calorie productfrom the list you need to deliberately and wisely. No one forbids you to eat cheese, but it’s better to choose low-fat cheese varieties with a fat content of not more than 40%, this will allow you not to deny yourself your favorite treat and still keep your figure. But it makes sense to forget about a cup of hot chocolate with cream at all, especially if you are in the process of losing weight.

So, in this article you were presented the most high-calorie foodswhich should be treated with extreme caution. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I am always glad to answer them.

  Your coach was with you, Janelia Skripinik!