Homemade chokeberry wine. Video recipe for quickly making wine from homemade chokeberry


Wine from chokeberry is a noble alcoholic drink that even a beginner in winemaking can prepare at home, since the recipe we propose to use is very simple. And although the process of making wine is quite lengthy (it takes about two months), the effort is still worth it! As you know, chokeberries ripen in September, which means you will have time to make wine from them in time for the New Year. And then fragrant Home wine will be a highlight festive table. Representatives of the fair half of humanity will especially love it. You'll see, ladies will ask again and again to renew the wine in their glasses.

Prepare noble drink we will not add ingredients such as yeast and vodka. All processes of fermentation and acquisition of strength will occur naturally. This means that such homemade chokeberry wine will not do you harm, only benefit! So, for example, not a large number of this wine will help reduce high blood pressure arterial pressure. And in general, chokeberry berries have a lot of useful properties. Only here in fresh You most likely will not be able to eat the berries, since they are quite sour. But as wine they taste simply wonderful. By enjoying it you will get everything beneficial features fresh berries!

We won’t torment you any longer with long conversations about the wonderful homemade chokeberry wine, but let’s proceed directly to the consideration step by step photo recipe for its preparation.


Cooking steps

    In order to make chokeberry wine, we need about 10-12 kg of berries. So we collect the harvest and bring it home. Just don’t rush to wash the rowan right away. This absolutely cannot be done. The fact is that the surface of the berries contains special yeast bacteria that contribute to the fermentation of wine. Without them, making this drink is simply impossible! In addition, keep in mind that these bacteria also die when low temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to catch the fellow rowan berries before frost. In addition, those berries that you have carefully frozen for the winter are not suitable for making wine. In general, this rule applies to all fruit and berry wines. Don't worry about dirt on the berries. It will eventually precipitate, and we will completely remove it during the filtration stage of the drink.

    So the first one preparatory stage passed, which means you can proceed directly to preparing chokeberry wine. 7-12 days of the first stage begin. To begin with, you need to crush the berries thoroughly so that they release the juice. You can do this by hand, or you can pass the rowan through a meat grinder or food processor. Here the choice is yours. If you mash the berries with your hands, then act as carefully as possible, otherwise the kitchen, and even your clothes, will not be washed.

    Now you need to add sugar to the resulting mass. For 1 kg of berries you should add about half a glass of sugar. If these proportions are observed, you will end up with dessert wine. Dry wine Chokeberry berries make it too sour and too sweet – also not for everyone. You should be very careful with the proportions of sugar in the drink, as if it is in excess, the taste will be irreparably spoiled. But you can add sweetness to the wine later. However, more on this later in the recipe.

    After adding sugar to the wine, you need to mix it thoroughly. You can do this directly with your hands. In general, wine really loves the touch of human hands. Then the container with the future wine should be covered with a lid and left to ferment for a week. It is advisable to place this workpiece in a warm place. However, temperatures above 25 degrees are undesirable. During the fermentation process, the wine will need to be stirred and carefully monitored so that it does not become moldy. Otherwise, the taste of the drink will be spoiled.

    A week later, or perhaps a little later large quantity After some time, the berries will swell well and float to the top. If you place your hand into the product, a foam characteristic of the fermentation process will appear. These signs will indicate that it is time to proceed to the next stage of preparation.

    We use our hands to catch the pulp from the future wine and squeeze it thoroughly. You should not use kitchen devices such as a juicer for this purpose, since it will quickly clog and the liquid output will be very small. After removing the pulp, pass the wine through a sieve. In this case, it is not necessary to remove all impurities from the wine. They will go away during the final filtration. Do not throw away the pulp, but put it in a separate container. We will still need it.

    Now the rowan wine should be poured into glass jars. In this case, two five-liter jars were needed.

    Let's deal with the pulp. We will send it for re-fermentation. So, fill the pulp with a glass of sugar and fill it with a liter cold water, but not tap water, it’s better to take a proven bottled one. Then you need to mix everything thoroughly. The pulp should settle to the bottom and the water should rise to the top. After this, cover the container with a lid and leave it to ferment for about another seven days.

    Let's return to bottled wine. It needs to be closed using a water seal, which you can very easily make with your own hands. So, we need a regular screw cap and an outlet tube. In the center of the cover, using a drill, we make a hole equal in diameter to the cross-section of the hose.

    We thread the tube into the hole in the lid that we made. Now we need to expand the tube a little so that it fits tightly in the lid. To do this, we will proceed as follows. We insert the body of a regular ballpoint pen into the end of the tube that comes out from the inside of the lid and heat it with a lighter.

    All that remains is to put the lid on the jar and lower the free end of the tube into a suitable container of water. This way, the wine will not have contact with air, and excess gases will escape freely. In addition, the wine will not “suffocate”, as if using a rubber glove. Now we send closed jars with the future rowan wine in a dark place, preferably in a cool place (the temperature should be at least +18 degrees).

    Let's return to the pulp, which we previously mixed with water. It should ferment for about one to two weeks. We observe this mixture during the fermentation process. Under no circumstances should mold form on it. Therefore, we periodically stir the pulp, especially if it begins to float to the top. After a week or two of fermentation, we remove the pulp. Pass the resulting liquid through a sieve several times. If there are pulp particles in it, don’t worry. We'll get rid of them a little later.

    Remove the water seal from the bottles in which the wine ferments and remove the resulting foam from the surface of the drink. This can be done using a spoon or a small strainer.

    We mix the liquid that previously fermented with the pulp with rowan juice, which is in bottles under a water seal. Then we close the bottles again with a water seal and send them to a dark and cool place.

    Over the next month, you will need to remove the foam that forms on the wine once a week. In addition, the wine will need to be filtered. To do this, it will be enough to pour it from container to container, leaving a little wine with sediment at the bottom. As a result, the impurities in the drink should become less and less. In addition, once a month you need to carry out special filtration of the wine. To do this, you need to pour it through thin tube. It should be located slightly above the container into which you will pour the wine. A thin and high stream of the drink will be well ventilated, which means that the wine will acquire that special taste for which we love it.

    After a month of active fermentation of the wine, you will need to stimulate this process once every two weeks. To do this you need to add to the drink ammonia at the rate of one drop of ammonia per liter of wine. This procedure has a positive effect on the activity of the necessary bacteria, and the wine acquires a slightly stronger strength.

    After a month of active fermentation of our rowan wine, it should be thoroughly filtered more often, at least once every two weeks. Please note that sediment is no longer just dirt, it is bacteria that have done their job. It is imperative to remove them, as they will adversely affect the taste of the finished drink.

    After 1.5-2 months from the start of preparing the wine, it should contain less and less sediment, and it should also become lighter and more transparent. However, this will only be possible if you carried out the procedures according to all the rules, that is, if the wine fermentation process took place under a water seal, the drink was systematically filtered, as well as its aeration. In addition, you should definitely feed the bacteria with ammonia and observe hygiene when preparing wine (all utensils and utensils should be washed with soda and then dried well).

    If rowan wine becomes lighter, it means that it is approaching the final stage of its preparation. This is already a young wine from which you can take a sample. The drink should taste more sour than sweet. However, the sweet notes should be noticeable. If the taste of the wine is still sweet, then you need to carry out the procedure of aerating it twice, as described in step 14 (special filtration of the drink). If this manipulation did not save the situation and the taste of the drink did not change, then the strength finished wine will be lower than intended, and the fermentation process has almost stopped.

    After two months have passed since the start of preparing the wine, when it has become completely transparent and only a light cloudy coating forms at the bottom, you can sweeten the drink. To do this, just one tablespoon of sugar per liter of wine is enough. By changing the proportions up or down, you will get more or less, respectively. sweet drink. However, do not rush to send sugar directly into wine. Sweetening does not occur in the same way as in the case of, for example, tea. Required amount sugar is placed in a cotton cloth or in a cotton bag.

    The bag with sugar at the top should be tied with a string or thread, as shown in the photo below. Then we put it in the wine. The bag should be close to the surface of the drink. So, we fasten the string or thread, thereby fixing the position of the bag of sugar. We install a water seal on top of the bottle. Leave the wine in this position for about a week. During this time, the sugar should dissolve completely. After a week, be sure to make sure that the sugar has dissolved and remove the bag from the wine.

    So we got to last stage making wine from chokeberry. It should be poured into the containers in which you plan to store it. Just don’t cork the young wine tightly at first. It can still ferment a little longer, and therefore the gases released during this process can not only squeeze out the cork, but also cause the bottles to burst. Only cork tightly when you are 100% sure that the rowan wine has fermented. That's all. You can enjoy and taste.

    * The total time for preparing chokeberry wine is about two months, and the yield of the drink from 10-12 kg of berries is approximately 6-7 liters.

It's no secret that alcoholic drinks homemade much tastier and healthier than those made in production. After reading today's publication, you will learn more than one recipe for liqueur from

These berries contain a large amount of tannins, so they have tart taste. To make them suitable for further use, it is recommended to collect them after the first autumn frosts. If the berries are picked earlier, it is advisable to keep them in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Thanks to this preparation, you will get a tart and tasty

It is important to select high-quality and ripe berries. Before cooking, the fruits are carefully sorted, removing unripe or spoiled rowan berries, and cleaned of any remaining leaves. Do not forget that they do not tolerate prolonged soaking.

First option: list of ingredients

Since almost all homemade drinks are prepared to taste, this recipe does not clearly indicate the quantities of ingredients. In order for you to get a truly healthy chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaf, you should have at your disposal:

  • Liter of purified water.
  • 450-750 milliliters of vodka.
  • Three glasses of chokeberry.
  • 350-500 grams of granulated sugar.
  • 50-70 pieces of cherry leaves.
  • A tablespoon of citric acid.


To make it work aromatic liqueur from chokeberry with cherry leaf, the rowan is first washed under cool running water, placed in a saucepan and kneaded thoroughly with a spoon. After the berries release their juice, add chilled water and crush them a little more.

To make the future drink more aromatic and rich in flavor, pre-washed cherry leaves are placed in a container with berries and left for half an hour. After thirty minutes, the saucepan is placed on the stove and slightly heated, but not boiled.

After this, the contents of the dish are filtered through gauze folded in several layers and citric acid and granulated sugar are added. Then the container is placed on the stove and brought to a boil. After the pan is removed from the heat, vodka is poured into it.

Another liqueur recipe: a set of products

This version of the drink is liked by everyone without exception. It has a rich amber hue and an indescribable aroma. To prepare it, your kitchen must have:

  • 500 milliliters of water.
  • Half a kilogram of chokeberry.
  • 500 milliliters of cognac.
  • Half a kilogram of granulated sugar.
  • One whole lemon.
  • 150-200 cherry leaves.

Cooking technology

Pre-stemmed berries are washed in cold running water and dried. In order for you to get a truly healthy and aromatic liqueur from chokeberry with cherry leaf, you must strictly follow the recommended proportions of components.

The rowan is placed in a clean pan and filled with water. The leaves are sent to the same container and cooked all together over low heat for a quarter of an hour. It is important to constantly stir the contents of the dish. After this time, remove the pan from the stove and cool. To make the liqueur you prepared from chokeberry and cherry leaves not only healthy, but also tasty, filter it through several layers of gauze. The sediment remaining there can be thrown into the trash without regret.

Place the pan with the strained liquid on the stove, add granulated sugar and bring to a boil. After this, squeeze the juice of one lemon into it and remove from the heat. Cognac is added to the cooled drink, bottled and left to steep for a month.

Alternative option

Cooked according to this recipe Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaf is different delicious taste and aroma. To do this homemade drink, you need to stock up on all the necessary components in advance. Your kitchen should have:

  • 33 raspberry, cherry and blackcurrant leaves each.
  • One glass of chokeberry.
  • Half a liter of vodka.
  • A glass of granulated sugar.
  • A teaspoon of citric acid.

Pre-washed berries and leaves are placed in large saucepan, pour eight hundred milliliters of water, cover with a lid and place on the stove. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for half an hour.

After thirty minutes, the resulting drink is cooled and filtered through a colander. The leafy berry mass remaining on the sieve is lightly squeezed out with a tablespoon and thrown into the trash. Granulated sugar and citric acid are added to the resulting incredibly aromatic ruby ​​liquid. After this, the container filled with the almost finished drink is placed on the stove and the heat is turned on low. The contents of the pan are heated until the bulk components are completely dissolved.

After this, half a liter of vodka is poured into the still warm broth. If necessary, the last ingredient can be replaced with a self-made mixture consisting of one glass of alcohol and three hundred milliliters of purified water. Now the drink is completely ready to drink.

Chokeberry liqueur without vodka

It should be noted that this is one of the simplest recipes. For cooking of this drink All you need is sugar and the berries themselves. These components are taken in a ratio of 1:3. Thoroughly washed fruits are ground into a paste, layered and placed in a glass container. The bottle with the resulting mixture is covered with gauze and placed in a warm place.

The fermentation period takes on average about one and a half months. Throughout this time, the berries are mixed daily using a wooden spatula. The fermented drink is filtered through thick gauze, bottled, sealed and sent to further storage to a cool place. In three months you will have a delicious aged liqueur.

The season for making fruit wine is over, but the difficult period of classic winemaking from juicy grape varieties has not yet started. It's time to deviate a little from the planned schedule to make an extraordinary homemade chokeberry wine without yeast for the whole family using one of our simple recipes. Domestic winemakers characterize the finished drink as “high quality” and there are a number of reasons for this. Despite the long and complicated preparation, the wine turns out thick, rich and very aromatic. Its tart, deep taste is more “for an amateur” than for the average gourmet. But even this can be easily corrected by combining chokeberry with apples, fresh or frozen berries, and cherry leaves. Next, we’ll talk in detail about the technology and features of preparing the sweet “drink of the Gods.”

High-quality wine from fresh chokeberry at home - a simple recipe with photos

Aronia chokeberry ("chokeberry" among the people) in our area is represented by three popular types. And none of them were previously of interest to local residents as an ingredient for preparing food or drinks. Only in the last few decades has the berry gained popularity in home medicine and cosmetology, and then in cooking. Now chokeberry is a godsend for winemakers. Even the lightest wine from fresh chokeberry, prepared at home according to our simple recipe from the photo, it turns out to be of high quality, thick, extractive, with a bright ruby ​​color and a powerful aroma of autumn berries.

Necessary ingredients for high-quality homemade wine from fresh chokeberries

  • chokeberry - 12 kg
  • granulated sugar - 7 tbsp.
  • well water - 1 l

Step-by-step preparation of wine from fresh chokeberries at home

  • Collect 10-12 kg of ripe chokeberry. Remove the berries from the stems and leave them unwashed to preserve the yeast bacteria on the surface of the skin. Prepare the optimal vessel to begin the process.
  • On a note! The container for the first stage should be made of stainless steel or enameled metal (without cracks). Plastic, copper and aluminum utensils are not suitable for winemaking.

  • Having chosen a container, start kneading the chokeberry. Carefully crush each berry with your hands. Lazy people can use a potato masher, meat grinder or other kitchen device.
  • Pour granulated sugar into the crushed berries in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 2 kg chokeberry. To get a tart-sour drink, reduce the amount of sweetener; for a sweet dessert wine, increase the amount of sugar. But remember, excessive sweetness cannot be avoided, unlike its lack.
  • Mix the berry mixture with sugar thoroughly, feel free to dip your hand deeper into the bowl. Then cover the vessel with a lid and leave in a dark place at a temperature no higher than 25C for 7-13 days. Mix the juice with the pulp once a day or two to prevent mold from forming.
  • After a week or a week and a half, lift the container with the workpiece back and work hard with your hands, catching and squeezing the pulp from the juice. Leave the dry cake, it will be useful in further stages. Strain the juice through a kitchen sieve. Don’t worry about the purity of the liquid: any fines that slip through the holes will not harm the further winemaking process.
  • Pour all the resulting juice into two five-liter glass bottles. Considering that 12 kg of chokeberry are taken as a basis, this dish should be enough.
  • It's time to give the squeezed pulp a second life. To do this, fill the berry cake with a liter of well or bottled water and add one glass of sugar. Mix the mixture thoroughly and press the pulp to the bottom so that the liquid rises to the top. Cover the vessel with a lid and leave again for 1-1.5 weeks at +18C - +25C.
  • Protect previously squeezed and strained juice, poured into glass jars, from unnecessary contact with air. To do this, put caps with water seals on the bottles, and lower the ends of the tubes into a jar with clean water. Leave the juice for further fermentation in a cool place with a temperature not lower than +18C, but not higher than +25C.
  • Return back to the waterlogged pulp. Don't forget to stir it every day or once every two days. After 7-13 days, repeat the previously known process: squeeze out the pulp, strain the resulting juice through a sieve. This time you can throw away the cake; it will not survive a third fermentation.
  • It's time to get your first batch of juice. Remove the hydraulic seals from the bottles and carefully, using a small sieve, remove foam and any small debris from the surface of the liquid.
  • Drain the first and second batches of chokeberry juice in one huge vessel, and then distribute into two 5-liter containers. glass bottles. Return the water seals to their place and place the vessels at the desired temperature conditions for the next 7-12 days.
  • At first, remove the foam from the liquid (once every 5-7 days). But after 2 weeks, begin periodic filtration. To do this, use a thin flexible tube and additional glass bottles. Try to drain the wine each time without touching the sediment on the bottom of the jar.
  • On a note! The longer and thinner the stream when pouring, the better drink will be enriched with oxygen and become “more valuable”.

  • Wine filtration can be done not too often - once every 3-4 weeks. But there is another, important and necessary procedure that promotes the active functioning of alcoholic yeast. This is a kind of “feeding”. Add 8-10 drops of an aqueous solution of ammonium chloride (ammonia) to the entire volume of the drink after a month of seething. Continue this session once every 2 weeks.
  • 2 months after the start of the winemaking process, the drink itself will begin to lighten. But this is not at all a reason to stop removing it from the sediment. Now filtration can be carried out every two weeks to eliminate all the “used” bacteria that have settled on the bottom of the bottle.
  • A clear lightening of the wine is a sign of approaching completion. Now the liquid in bottles is, although still young, wine! Now is the time to take a sample so you can correct any taste defects. The young drink should be slightly sour, but not too sour.
  • If the acidity seems excessive to you, sweeten the wine. To do this, place required quantity sugar into a sterile gauze bag and hang it just below the liquid level with a thread to the neck of the bottle. Put the water seal back on. Remove the bag only when the sugar has completely dissolved.
  • Ready quality wine from fresh chokeberry at home (according to a simple recipe with a photo), pour into bottles and close with lids. And only after the effects of fermentation have completely disappeared, replace the usual lids with tight sealed plugs.
  • Fragrant chokeberry wine at home: a simple recipe with video

    Despite the full details of the previous recipe for aromatic homemade wine from ripe chokeberry, we recommend watching the detailed video instructions. After all, experts say that it is better to see the winemaking process once than to hear about it several times. There are a number of small details and nuances that are noticeable only by visual observation. And if you decide to do the real thing aromatic wine from chokeberry at home, a simple recipe with video is essential for you.

    Homemade fortified wine from blueberries and chokeberries - recipe without yeast

    In general, the recipe for making fortified wine from berries (blueberries, currants, blackberries and chokeberries) without yeast is nothing more complex recipe others fruit and berry drinks at home. And in our case it’s even simpler. The next lesson is about quickly and simple preparation Not classic wine, but real rowan liqueur. This process does not require any heroism, and the finished drink turns out surprisingly aromatic, strong, deep and rich.

    Necessary ingredients for fortified blueberry and chokeberry wine without yeast

    • chokeberry - 1 kg
    • blueberries – 1 kg
    • sugar - 1 kg
    • gin (or other alcohol of identical strength) - 2 l

    Step-by-step preparation of fortified berry wine from blueberries and chokeberries at home without yeast

  • Collect or buy one kilogram of blueberries and chokeberries. Remove any leaves and stems, but leave the berries unwashed.
  • Using a wide funnel, pour the crop into one large glass jar. Please note: berries should occupy no more than 1/3 of the vessel. Since the recipe also includes sugar and alcohol filling.
  • Using the same funnel, add the required amount of sugar (1:2) to the mixture of blueberries and chokeberries. This way the drink will not be too sweet, with tart notes and light sourness. If you want to make a sweet, "sticky" liqueur, increase the amount of sweetener.
  • It's time to pour half of the gin into the jar. Such a drink, even if it is not of the highest quality, will do an excellent job as one of the components of the liqueur.
  • To significantly reduce the cost of producing excellent homemade wine, you can replace half of the gin with 40% vodka or rum of the same strength. Make sure that the bottle is not filled to the very neck.
  • On a note! It is very important that 1/4 - 1/5 of the free space remains in the vessel. Otherwise, further shaking of the bottle will not make any sense.

  • After pouring all the necessary liquid ingredients, seal the container tightly. Take the jar with both hands and shake well so that the sugar is evenly distributed throughout the vessel.
  • Place the container in a cool place without strong odors for a week. Shake the container every day. Then, for two months, drain the jar 1-2 times a week.
  • TO New Year's holidays fortified wine from blueberries and chokeberries at home according to a recipe without yeast will be completely ready for use. Strain the drink through a layer of gauze and pour into small glass bottles.
  • How to make delicious wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves

    Chokeberry wines are valued not only for their wonderful aroma and rich tart taste, but also for their benefits to the body. After all, chokeberry itself is filled with vitamins and beta-carotenes, fructose, tannic and pectin substances, macro- and microelements, including iron, copper, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, etc. This means that a drink based on such an amazing berry turns out to be completely harmless (in moderate doses) and even medicinal. Let's find out how to do delicious wine from chokeberry with cherry leaves.

    Necessary ingredients for delicious rowan wine with cherry leaves

    • chokeberry - 1 tbsp.
    • cherry tree leaves - 100 g
    • vodka – 500 ml
    • water - 1 l
    • sugar - 1 tbsp.
    • citric acid - 1 tsp.

    Step-by-step preparation of homemade chokeberry wine with cherry leaves

  • Remove the rowan berries from the branches, rinse carefully and place in a saucepan. Also rinse the cherry leaves and add them to the bowl with the chokeberry.
  • Pour water over the ingredients, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain on a fine sieve, squeeze out the leaves and return the liquid back to the pan.
  • Boil the decoction with sugar and citric acid 15-20 minutes on low heat. Avoid excessive bubbling of the liquid.
  • After a third of an hour, remove the vessel from the stove, cool and filter the broth. Add the required amount of vodka to the base and mix well.
  • After 8-12 hours, delicious chokeberry wine with cherry leaves can be poured into decanters and tasted.
  • Wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home: video recipe

    If everything is already clear with the proportions and utensils for winemaking, then the selection of high-quality raw materials for wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home is still in question. It's time to discuss it:

    • firstly, the berries must be ripe (picked after the first autumn frosts) and healthy;
    • secondly, any damaged, wrinkled or spotted specimens should definitely be thrown away;
    • thirdly, the chokeberry should not be washed at the time of starting to make wine (you should not collect rowan after heavy rain);
    • fourthly, even apples to be added to berry wine must be correct: ripe, juicy, with a rich sweet and sour taste and slight astringency;
    • fifthly, if the recipe contains water, it must be bottled, pump room or well.

    Other details of making wine from frozen chokeberries and apples at home in video recipes:

    Making chokeberry wine at home is somewhat troublesome, but very enjoyable. Thanks to simple, detailed recipes for making a drink from berries, apples and cherry leaves without yeast, you can enjoy the amazing processes of winemaking without being distracted by mistakes and rework.

    Post Views: 43

    Many gardeners grow chokeberry, which in our country is most often called chokeberry, as an ornamental shrub. An unpretentious winter-hardy plant, which is characterized by early fruiting, not only decorates the garden, but also gives people the opportunity to improve their health. After all, the berries contain many vitamins (A, B, C, E, PP), microelements (boron, molybdenum, iodine, fluorine, iron, manganese, copper). Consumption of chokeberry has a beneficial effect on the condition blood vessels, reduces high blood pressure, increases immunity levels.

    Chokeberry berries are sweet and sour, tart, black, about 7 mm in diameter, ripen in late August - early September. From chokeberry they make jellies and mousses, dry them for making tea, prepare fillings for pies, and cook compotes. Homemade dessert wine is also produced from the berries - aromatic, moderately tart, pleasant sweet and sour in taste, dark burgundy in color. The strength of the drink varies between 10-12%. Dry wine from chokeberry is too sour (the sugar content of the berries is no more than 10%), and the strength of the drink will be low. But not everyone likes sweet wine.

    How to prepare chokeberry?

    Chokeberry, as some winemakers call the berry for short, is harvested on a warm, dry day. Typically, the chokeberry harvest occurs in September, but if the weather permits, you can cut the berry ridges in October, right up to the first frost. When collecting, you need to be careful, since chokeberry juice leaves marks on clothes that are difficult to wash.

    The whitish coating that is present on the berries does not need to be washed off. Otherwise, the yeast that lives on the berry skin will die. True, if the rowan was frozen, you will have to add wine yeast or unwashed raisins, otherwise the wine will not ferment. By the way, raisins are often added to wine even from fresh chokeberries so that fermentation occurs actively.

    To make chokeberry wine at home, you will need the highest quality berries. Rotten, unripe fruits and fruits spoiled by birds (birds love to damage chokeberry berries) must be gotten rid of, otherwise the taste of the drink will suffer. The ridges on which the berries are held, as well as accidentally torn leaves, will also have to be removed.

    By the way, only the chokeberry itself should be unwashed during the winemaking process. The fermentation container should be thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and dried. Also important is the cleanliness of your hands, spoons for mixing the wort, sieve, (gauze), and tube through which the wine will be poured from the sediment. It is advisable to choose dishes made of glass, stainless steel or with an intact enamel coating for fermentation. Sometimes, in the absence of one, plastic containers are used, but this can negatively affect the taste and aromatic qualities of the wine. Containers made of aluminum or copper are absolutely not suitable for winemaking due to their tendency to oxidize.

    Chokeberry wine recipe


    • Berries – 10 kg;
    • Sugar – 2 kg;
    • Water – 2 l;
    • Raisins – 100 g.

    Cooking process

    1. Sort out the chokeberry berries, mash them unwashed (with your hands, a wooden masher, using an electric meat grinder), place in a container of a suitable size;
    2. Add half of the prepared sugar (1 kg) and all the raisins (unwashed) to the berry mass. Mix the contents of the container thoroughly until the sugar dissolves;
    3. Close the container with the wort with a lid or bandage it with gauze. Take the container to a warm place (about 18-25 degrees) for a period of 3 to 10 days. You will need to periodically (twice or three times a day) stir the contents of the container with your hand or a wooden spoon to prevent the wort from becoming moldy;
    4. When the berries swell and are on the surface, and strong foam appears when stirring, it’s time to start filtering the chokeberry wort. The timing varies from 3 to 10 days depending on the room temperature and the degree of fermentation activity. So, squeeze out the pulp (the pulp and skin of the chokeberry that floated to the surface). There is no need to throw it away at this stage. Filter chokeberry juice through cheesecloth and pour into a fermentation container. Put a water seal or a punctured medical glove on the neck and take the container to a warm room;
    5. Add a kilo of sugar and water at room temperature to the remaining squeezed pulp, mix well. Take it into a warm place, after covering it with a lid or tying the container with gauze with the next portion of wort. Wait 5-7 days, stirring occasionally. Strain the wort, then discard the pulp;
    6. Remove the water seal (glove) from the container where the chokeberry juice ferments. Use a spoon to sting the foam and pour in a new portion of wort. Put the water seal (glove) back on and leave to ferment for 20 to 60 days;
    7. The following facts indicate the readiness of a wine: the appearance of sediment, the wine becoming lighter, the absence of bubbles from the water seal, or the fall of the glove. When all these signs manifest themselves, it is time to remove the wine from the sediment through a thin tube;
    8. The resulting wine does not taste as good, so it is better to let it mature. To do this, pour the filtered drink into a container of suitable volume to fill it and take it to a cool place (for example, a cellar) for 3-6 months. As sediment appears, you will need to pour the wine into another container, otherwise the wine will be bitter;
    9. Pour ripe black rowan wine into suitable bottles and store in a basement, refrigerator or cellar for about 5 years.
    If the strength of the drink is low (usually no more than 12%), you can add a strong alcoholic drink - alcohol or vodka - to the young wine (before putting it to ripening). To the wine obtained according to this recipe, you can add 80 ml of alcohol or 160 ml of vodka for each liter of drink. Then the strength of the wine will increase to 20% (provided that the initial strength of the drink is 12%).

    Recipe for wine from frozen chokeberries

    If there are a lot of chokeberries at your dacha, and large containers are not available, you can freeze the berries to use them later. If desired, you can make wine from frozen berries all year round. previous recipe, but it is possible to speed up the process somewhat by getting rid of the pulp immediately after squeezing the juice. By the way, sometimes the taste of chokeberry wine is slightly changed by adding a little cinnamon and cloves to the main ingredients at the initial stage.


    • Frozen chokeberry – 5 kg;
    • Sugar – 2.5 kg;
    • Water – 3 l;
    • Raisins – 200-250 g.

    Cooking process

    1. Thaw chokeberry berries. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into the fermentation container, and dispose of the pulp;
    2. Add the remaining ingredients to the juice, stir;
    3. Place a water seal on the neck of the container (or put on a glove). Keep in a warm place for 1-2 months;
    4. When fermentation is complete (sediment appears, the wine becomes lighter, the glove deflates, and the gurgling from the water seal stops), drain the wine from the sediment;
    5. Pour young wine from chokeberries into a container to the top, transfer to a cool place for at least 3 months. Filter the wine until sediment stops forming.

    For most gardeners, this berry is of no value in winemaking: it is usually dried and made into jams and compotes.

    Maybe they just don’t know how tasty chokeberry wine is, and how healthy it is as well as apple, grape and other analogues. Let's learn how alcoholic drinks are made from of this product: what raw materials are needed and what technologies are needed to obtain high-quality alcohol for family feasts.

    For the manufacture of aromatic drink we will need the following products:

    • 2 liters of water;
    • 10 kg of ripe black rowan;

    • 2 kg sugar;
    • 100 g unwashed raisins.

    Be sure to sort through the berries to get rid of rotten, moldy, unripe and pest-damaged specimens. Inattentive selection of raw materials will lead to a deterioration in the quality of homemade chokeberry wine.

    Do not wash the berries under any circumstances, otherwise we will remove the yeast bacteria living on their surface. There is no need to worry about contamination of the product: dirt particles will settle to the bottom of the fermentation tank and will be removed during straining.

    How to make rowan wine

    Preparing a rowan drink is not a complicated technology; the main thing is to be patient and wait for it to ripen to the end. This recipe has been tested by many home wine lovers, and we can trust it without fear.

    So, let’s prepare a delicious, healthy wine, following this recipe:

    • Mash the prepared berries by hand or with a blender: it is important to crush each berry to get rowan juice.
    • In a boiled and dried enamel (glass) bowl, mix thoroughly berry puree, a kilogram of granulated sugar and unwashed raisins - they will speed up and improve fermentation.
    • Cover the neck with a waffle towel or double-layer gauze to prevent insects from getting into the wort. We remove the container for 7 days in a warm room with a temperature of at least 18 degrees. To avoid the appearance of mold and souring of the juice, stir the wort three times a day.
    • Squeeze the berry pulp by hand and set it aside: you still need it. We filter the wort along with the squeezed juice using gauze, securing it to the neck of a sterile bottle, filling it about 40 percent. If there is a lot of juice, we use a couple of containers. We put a water seal on the bottle and put it away in a warm room, darkening the container with a blanket or putting it in a closet.
    • Mix the remaining pulp with 2 liters of warm water and a kilogram of sugar, cover the bowl and leave at room temperature for seven days. Stir the wort every day.
    • We filter the pulp through cheesecloth, but do not squeeze it out - we do not need flakes, but pure juice. We throw away the remaining pulp, and mix the squeezed juice with the wort in the bottle, having first removed the foam from it. We put the shutter back on and wait for the wort to ferment, which takes from 25 to 50 days.
    • We pour the fermented black rowan wine into other containers through a tube, without touching the sediment, and try it. If you want to sweeten the drink, add as much sugar as needed and keep it sealed for another 10 days.
    • If you are satisfied with the taste, close the container and leave it to ripen in a cool place at 8-16 degrees for six months. Every month we filter the drink, getting rid of sediment.

    We pour ripened chokeberry wine with a strength of about 12 percent into sterile bottles, close it well and put it in the basement (refrigerator), where it can last up to five years.

    Fortified homemade chokeberry wine

    A stronger version of rowan wine will require the following components:

    • Rowan berries – 10 kg;
    • Sugar – 8 kg;

    • Vodka – 1 liter;
    • Cinnamon – 10 grams.

    Instead of vodka, we use alcohol or moonshine without adding flavorings, chaga, etc. And cinnamon is used to enrich the aroma and soften the harshness of the drink.

    Those who prefer stronger drinks will like fortified rowan wine. This drink is prepared quickly and does not require special effort and patience.

    Let's prepare it according to the following recipe:

    • We sort through the berries, discarding unripe, pest-damaged and spoiled ones, but do not wash them.
    • Pound the berries into puree using a masher or grind them with a blender - you get rowan puree.
    • Mix the puree thoroughly with granulated sugar and cinnamon, transfer to an enamel bowl, cover with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm place. Stir the wort frequently until fermentation begins.
    • Eight days after the start of the fermentation process, we filter the juice using gauze, pouring it into a glass bottle. Squeeze out the pulp and pour in the squeezed juice.
    • We put a water seal or put on a leaky glove, put it in a warm place and wait until fermentation is complete.

    Strain the drink again, mix with strong alcohol and pour it into bottles, filling them to the top. We close them with tight lids and store them in the refrigerator (cellar).

    As you can see, even a novice winemaker can make chokeberry wine, especially if it is a fortified drink. Black rowan wine will appeal not only to household members, but also to guests: they will definitely start asking you for the recipe!