Bride salad with beets and carrots. "Bride" salad with beets

This wonderful dish is as delicate and light as the bride herself on her wedding day. The salad is prepared quickly, and you can constantly pamper your family with these culinary masterpieces, since most of the products from the composition are present in any refrigerator. The appetizer can be prepared both with meat and completely vegetable, so everyone can choose their own.

Layered salad with vegetables and cheese is a tasty and healthy dish. The composition contains foods rich in various microorganisms, which should be tried to be preserved during heat treatment. The best solution is to bake the root vegetables in the oven.

Bride salad ingredients:

  • Brown beets - 220 g;
  • Carrots - 160 g;
  • Potatoes - 210 g;
  • Onions - 90 g;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • Cheese - 160 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 80 ml;
  • Dill - 45 g.

Bride salad step by step recipe:

  1. Rinse potatoes, carrots and beets from dirt, boil in different pots. After the vegetables have softened, cool and peel. Then grind on a grater.
  2. Peel the onion, chop into thin and small pieces.
  3. Boil chicken eggs, cool, peel and chop.
  4. Grate cheese.
  5. Wash cucumbers, cut into slices.
  6. To make the dish more fresh, it is worth rinsing the dill in cool water, chopping it very finely (leaving a couple of twigs for decoration), add to mayonnaise. Smear every layer with this sauce, except for the last one.
  7. Place the beets at the bottom of the plate, then carrots, potatoes. Pour onions on them, then cheese and an egg.
  8. Decorate the salad with cucumber and dill sprigs.
  9. Leave the dish to soak for a while and serve.

Bride salad with melted cheese

This one has a meat product in its composition, so the taste becomes different, not the same as in the last dish. This option can appeal to everyone: both men and women, so you can safely prepare a snack for the holiday.

Cooking products (servings 4):

  • Smoked chicken meat - 290 g;
  • 4 eggs;
  • Cheese - 140 g;
  • Potatoes - 190 g;
  • Onions - 90 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 110 ml;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 15 ml;
  • Sugar - 10 g.

How to make a salad bride:

  1. Cut the meat into small cubes, and you should definitely remove the skin, if any.
  2. Place the sliced ​​product on a platter. Smear a little with mayonnaise, like the rest of the layers.
  3. Peel the onions, chop very finely, pour over the marinade, which is made from plain water mixed with apple cider vinegar and sugar. In this form, it is worth leaving the mass for a while. Then drain the liquid and put the onion in the salad.
  4. Wash the potatoes and cook directly in their uniform until tender. Peel after cooling, rub the next layer into the salad.
  5. Boil eggs, pour cold water, after they are ready. Peel and chop, then add to a snack.
  6. Pour grated cheese on top, and you can spread the top layer with dressing if you wish, or you can leave it without sauce.

TIP: When boiling potatoes, it is worth adding a little salt to the water, but so that it seeps through the peel and the root vegetable becomes salty, you need to make thin punctures in the uniform.

Salad bride recipe

This dish is very unusual in taste, as many dried fruits are used for cooking. Also of great importance are nuts, ground into crumbs, adding a pleasant smell.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Beets - 240 g;
  • Carrots - 220 g;
  • Cheese - 120 g;
  • Dried apricots - 170 g;
  • Dried prunes - 180 g;
  • Raisins - 90 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Nuts - 110 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 75 ml;
  • Salt - 4 g;
  • Peeled pomegranate - 80 g.

Preparation of the bride's salad:

  1. Boil the beets. After cooking, cool, peel, grind.
  2. Dry the kernels in a skillet. Then you need to grind them into crumbs and pour them over the grated beets. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise, stir.
  3. While the beets are boiling, it is necessary to pour boiling water over all the dried fruits. After the water has cooled, rinse them with cold water. Dried apricots and prunes cut into thin strips.
  4. Rinse carrots, peel, and grate raw. Add dried apricot and raisins to the mass. Mix with a little mayonnaise.
  5. Chop the cheese and mix with the garlic cloves, which are passed through a press. You also need to mix the mass with mayonnaise.
  6. To collect the salad, you need to put a carrot layer on the bottom of the dish, followed by beets, and prunes.
  7. Sprinkle the cheese and garlic evenly over the surface.
  8. Decorate with pomegranate seeds.

TIP: Raisins should be chosen with stalks, it is considered that this is the highest quality and freshest product that has been properly dried.

How to prepare a salad bride

A fresh and light dish that will delight those who play sports and keep an eye on their weight. Also, the salad is quite satisfying, because it contains boiled meat.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • Green apple - 190 g;
  • Onions - 80 g;
  • 5 eggs;
  • Chicken meat - 330 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 90 ml;
  • Cheese - 120 g.

Bride salad step by step:

  1. Cook the chicken until tender, after washing the fillet. Cool in broth, cut into small pieces, put in a salad bowl, coat with mayonnaise dressing.
  2. Chop the peeled onion, put the next layer.
  3. Boil eggs, peel the shell, grind. Add to salad, coat with mayonnaise.
  4. Apple needs firm, slightly sour and juicy. Wash the fruit, peel the skin, chop into cubes and put in a salad bowl.
  5. Rub the cheese on top, which will be the final layer for the dish.
  • Pickled cheese - 140 g;
  • Salt - 6 g.
  • Cooking steps:

    1. Wash and boil the roots until softened, cool and peel, then grind.
    2. You can take a little more onions than usual as you use Shallots, a variety that is less pungent and great for salads. Peel the onion and chop.
    3. Boil eggs hard-boiled, cool, remove the shell and chop.
    4. Put on a salad bowl first beets, then carrots and potatoes, then onions, eggs.
    5. Each layer should be greased with mayonnaise for juiciness. If desired, sprinkle the food with salt and spices.

    The bride salad is more related to everyday use, it perfectly saturates the hungry body. You can treat your family to a snack for dinner, or take a container to work. And those who try this dish for the first time will certainly take an interest in the preparation procedure.
    Reviews about the bride's salad on the Internet are only positive, which means that the dish in the near future will become as popular as Olivier and a fur coat.

    Posted on August 26, 2017

    On the eve of any celebration, a large number of housewives are thinking about what to cook delicious and new to surprise the family and guests. I propose to prepare you a salad bride. Which is both delicious and not difficult to prepare.

    There are a lot of recipes for preparing this salad. So everyone can prepare this salad by choosing a recipe according to a set of ingredients. There are complex recipes that I will also talk about in this article and also give some simple salad preparation options. so that anyone can cook and taste a salad made with their own hands.

    If you have a celebration planned, then I think that you will not be limited to one bride's salad, and here are some useful and useful recipes for making salads that are popular. ... ...

    The salad got its name for the spectacular look like a bride at a wedding. The salad is the same delicate airy and white. So even at weddings, you can often find it on holiday tables.

    The first recipe will be the simplest and most popular so probably more than half of humanity has tried it for the first time. The salad turns out to be very tender and airy. And thanks to chicken meat it is not expensive either.


    • 2-3 medium potatoes.
    • 2-3 eggs.
    • Half a bunch of green onions or any other greenery.
    • 1 smoked chicken leg (you can just boiled it).
    • Hard cheese 100-120 grams.
    • Mayonnaise.

    Cooking process:

    1.For salad you need to boil potatoes and eggs. Therefore, we put a pot of water on the stove, add a little salt and throw in the eggs and washed potatoes. The salt in the water will prevent the eggshells from cracking and salt the potatoes a little.

    2.If no smoked leg was found. That can be used and chicken leg simply boiled in salted water. So if you do not have smoked, then along with the potatoes and eggs, you need to cook the chicken leg. But only in different pans.

    3. When the products are cooked, they need to be cooled and peeled from the potatoes and eggs, peel and shell, and remove the skin from the leg, as it will not go into the salad.

    4. Now that almost all the ingredients are prepared, you can start shaping the salad in a beautiful dish.

    5. At the bottom, put chicken meat cut into small strips.

    6.After the meat, eat a layer of chopped greens. It is preferable to use green onion feathers.

    7. Lay a net of mayonnaise on the onion.

    All other ingredients must be rubbed directly over the dish, as this is what gives the salad airiness and tenderness.

    9. Cover the potatoes with mayonnaise.

    10.Now grate only the yolks.

    11. The next layer of grated cheese. And a thin layer of mayonnaise.

    12. And the very last layer will be finely chopped proteins. If you succeed, then of course it is better to grate them. But this action does not work for me, so I finely chop the proteins and then sprinkle the salad on top.

    The salad is ready, it remains to give it 15-20 minutes for the layers to soak a little and you can serve the salad on the table.

    It is not worth cooking it early, as over time the layers will thicken and the airiness will disappear. So in advance, you can only prepare the ingredients and prepare this salad just before serving. It takes me no more than 20 minutes to cook it.

    So I wish you success and bon appetit.

    Bride salad with chicken and mushrooms

    The salad prepared therefore the recipe is slightly different from the general concept of a salad bride. But one way or another, this cooking recipe is very popular and is in demand among the Internet community and in general. I think that among your friends there will be an admirer of this particular version of the salad. And it is possible that you will like this recipe and it will become your favorite. And to understand this, you need to cook it.


    • Jar of pickled mushrooms (champignons)
    • Chicken meat (breast).
    • Hard cheese 100 grams.
    • 1-2 onion heads.
    • 2-3 pickled cucumbers.
    • 3 eggs.
    • Mayonnaise.
    • Vegetable oil.

    Cooking process:

    1. Since we will use onions, and as you know, it is too bitter, then in order to slightly remove the harsh taste of onions, and leave only its aroma, we will pour over it with boiling water. Peel the onion, cut the rings on the floor and pour boiling water over the whole story.

    2. Boil the eggs hard. Cool and clean.

    3. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry in vegetable oil. Fry the mushrooms over high heat for about 7 minutes without covering the pan with a lid.

    4. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

    5. All other products are cut into cubes. Namely chicken and cucumbers.

    6.Preparation of products is over now you can start assembling the salad in one dish.

    1 layer of chicken meat.

    Layer 2 consists of mushrooms and onions. Mix mushrooms and onions, lay on top of the chicken and cover with a layer of mayonnaise.

    3 layer of finely chopped yolks.

    4 layer of finely chopped cucumbers.

    5 layer egg whites, cut into small cubes.

    6 layer grated cheese.

    7.Finally, the grated cheese can be garnished with a mayonnaise net if desired.

    8. At this, the process of preparing the Bride salad with cheese and mushrooms is over, it remains to give the salad a few minutes to soak the layers and you can serve it on the table. Bon Appetit.

    Salad Bride recipe with beets

    This recipe is also designed for the amateur. Since it departs even further from the classic recipe for preparing a salad, the bride. But like the recipe before it is also popular. You can adjust the amount of the main ingredients yourself. If you like beets, then you can put them in more. Or if you don't like carrots, put them a little less, make a very thin layer of carrots. but it should be in the salad as each ingredient has its own flavor load.


    • Potato.
    • Eggs.
    • Beet.
    • Carrot.
    • Onion.
    • Cheese.
    • Mayonnaise.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1. Before proceeding to the formation of the salad, it is worth preparing. Or rather, boil the main ingredients. We put a few saucepans of water on the stove and begin to cook beets, potatoes, eggs.

    2. Grate the carrots and cheese on a standard grater.

    3. Peel the onion, cut into two halves and pour over with boiling water. Then cut into small cubes.

    1 layer of grated potatoes and mayonnaise.

    2 layer grated beets and mayonnaise.

    3 layer carrots and mayonnaise.

    4 layer grate the yolks and brush with mayonnaise.

    5 layer onion layer.

    6 layer of protein and grated cheese. Grate cheese last.

    On top of the cheese, you can lay mayonnaise beautifully and decorate the salad with sprigs of parsley or dill.

    The salad is ready to enjoy.

    Salad Bride with pineapple and chicken liver

    It is simply impossible to pass by such a combination, the liver goes very well with pineapple. The salad is both fruit and meat at the same time.


    • Jar of canned pineapple slices.
    • 250 grams of chicken liver.
    • Mayonnaise.
    • 3 eggs.
    • A handful of walnuts.
    • 1 onion head.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.

    Cooking process:

    1.The liver must be fried with onions. We peel the onion, chop it on the floor of the ring and send it to the pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry the onion a little and add the chicken liver. Salt and pepper to taste, add a little water and simmer the liver and onions until tender.

    2. Boil the eggs, peel and chop finely.

    3. Open a jar of pineapples to drain the brine.

    4. Cheese, as always, grate.

    5. Chop the kernels of walnuts in any way possible. You can use a blender, or you can simply cut it with a knife.

    6. When the liver is ready, let it cool slightly and chop finely.

    8. At the bottom of the dish, put the chicken liver and grease the first layer with mayonnaise.

    9.In the second layer, lay the pineapple cubes. If the cubes are too large, cut them into smaller ones.

    10. Behind the pineapple is a layer of grated cheese with mayonnaise.

    12. It remains to distribute the nuts and cover them with cheese and mayonnaise.

    That's the whole recipe for making Bride salad with chicken liver and pineapple.

    Bon Appetit.

    Salad Bride with apple and without mayonnaise

    This salad recipe does not include mayonnaise. Therefore, it can be called a low-calorie bride salad recipe.


    • 2-3 sweet apples.
    • 100-120 grams of cheese.
    • A handful of prunes.
    • 1 onion head.
    • 2 eggs.
    • Half a lemon.

    Ingredients for the sauce:

    • 5-7 tablespoons of sour cream.
    • 3 teaspoons of mustard.
    • 2 yolks.
    • Half a lemon.
    • Salt and pepper to taste.
    • A handful of chopped walnuts.

    Cooking process:

    1. Pre-soak prunes in warm water.

    2. Peel the onion, cut into cubes. Add half a teaspoon of salt and sugar. Pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar over the onion. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the brine.

    3. Boil and peel the eggs.

    4. Since there is no mayonnaise in the recipe, and the salad without it may turn out to be too dry, you will have to prepare the sauce.

    5. Put the sour cream in a bowl, add salt, pepper to taste, mustard according to the recipe.

    Bride salad dressing recipe

    We take two chicken yolks, grind them with a fork and send them to sour cream. Add juice from half a lemon and mix everything well until smooth. We taste it. If in your opinion something is missing salt or pepper, add, mix and proceed to the assembly of the salad.

    6. On a dish, grate the eggs and coat them with the prepared sauce.

    7. The second layer is pickled onions and again a small layer of sauce.

    8. The third layer consists of cheese. For this layer, the cheese can be grated on a coarse grater. But for the latter, it is better to grate the cheese on a fine grater so it turns out to be more fluffy.

    9. So after the grated cheese, spread the finely chopped prunes and cover with the sauce.

    The salad is almost ready. Cover the salad with the rest of the sauce on all sides. And decorate with grated cheese and chopped nuts. We put the salad in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes to soak. And you can serve Bon appetit.

    Bride salad with Chinese cabbage

    Bon Appetit.

    The very name of this amazing dish indicates that the appetizer is incredibly tender, airy and at the same time easy to prepare. Even an inexperienced housewife can easily prepare this culinary masterpiece, the taste of which, despite the minimum number of components, turns out to be unsurpassed. on the festive table will outshine even everyone's favorite Olivier.

    This will turn out to be a real boon for vegetarians. The composition does not contain meat products. The salad turns out to be exquisitely tender, at the same time satisfying and fabulously beautiful.

    For a salad, a bride with beets you need:

    • 2 potatoes;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 2 beets;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 50 gr. leeks;
    • 100 g cheese;
    • 1/3 tsp salt;
    • 2 lettuce leaves;
    • 100 g mayonnaise.

    Cooking the bride salad with beets and carrots:

    1. Boil eggs until firm yolk, add cold water. When cooled down, they need to be cleaned and grated with small holes.
    2. Rinse the leeks and chop very finely with a knife.
    3. Now you need to lay out all the products in layers in a salad bowl, be sure to add some salt.
    4. Place the potatoes first, followed by the carrots.
    5. Add beets third, then leeks.
    6. Spread the eggs evenly over the entire surface of the dish and pour over the mayonnaise.
    7. In this form, the salad needs to be placed in the refrigerator for four hours to soak all layers.
    8. Rinse the lettuce leaves and tear into small pieces, put on top of the dish.
    9. Cut the cheese into thin slices, then form neat roses and decorate the appetizer.

    Important! It is necessary to lubricate not all layers with mayonnaise, as, for example, it is done in a fur coat, but only the last one, but very abundantly. Only in this case, the salad will not settle and will be truly airy.

    Puff bride salad

    Slightly sweetish boiled carrots give this delicate dish an even more original and unique taste. The addition of smoked chicken makes the bride bright and memorable.

    For a layered salad, the bride will need:

    • 300 gr. smoked chicken;
    • 50 gr. cheese;
    • 1 onion;
    • 3 potatoes;
    • 2 carrots;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 1 tsp vinegar 9%;
    • 100 g mayonnaise.

    Bride puff salad recipe:

    1. The onions are peeled and chopped into cubes. After that, the mass is poured with vinegar and mayonnaise, pickled.
    2. Eggs are boiled until firm yolk, poured with cold water. When cooled down, they are cleaned, disassembled into yolks and whites and rubbed on a grater with small holes in different vessels.
    3. Carrots and potatoes are washed, boiled, then cooled, peeled and rubbed.
    4. The smoked chicken fillet is cut into small pieces.
    5. Cheese is grated on a grater.
    6. In this case, all layers are coated with mayonnaise, the first of which is potato.
    7. Then add the meat and the onion squeezed from the marinade.
    8. The fourth is placed in a salad bowl with carrots, and yolk on it.
    9. Sprinkle cheese and protein evenly over the surface, which does not need to be soaked in the sauce.

    Important! Laying out products in layers, you cannot crush them, tamp them, so that in the end you get an airy dish.

    Bride salad with apple

    Despite the lightness and airiness, the bride's salad turns out to be hearty and nutritious. The mushrooms accentuate the flavor, while the apple keeps the dish light and fresh.

    You will need:

    • 300 gr. chicken meat;
    • 2 potatoes;
    • 300 gr. champignons;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 50 gr. leeks;
    • 150 g mayonnaise;
    • 1 apple;
    • 2 tbsp. l. oils;
    • 1/2 lemon.

    Bride salad with apple recipe:

    1. Chicken meat is washed, the films are cut and boiled in water with spices. After cooking, the fillets are cooled in the broth and cut into cubes.
    2. Potatoes are washed, boiled. After the root vegetable has cooled, it must be peeled and grated.
    3. The mushrooms are washed, cut into small slices and fried in a skillet with oil.
    4. Boil the eggs, cool in cold water, peel and rub.
    5. Rinse the leeks and cut them into small pieces with a knife.
    6. The apple is washed, peeled and grated. The resulting mass is sprinkled with lemon juice.
    7. Put chopped onions on the bottom of the salad bowl.
    8. Mayonnaise is added to the mushrooms, mixed and put on the onion.
    9. Mixed with sauce and potatoes, then put the mass on the mushrooms.
    10. Then add meat and an apple.
    11. At the end of cooking, grated eggs are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the dish and poured with mayonnaise.

    Tip: You can decorate the salad if you want. For decoration, herbs, vegetables and fruits are most often used.

    The bride's salad without chicken

    No meat is used in this recipe. Exclusively vegetables, eggs and cheese. Due to this, the dish turns out to be incredibly light and airy, pleasant to the taste and has a unique aroma.

    For a puff bride salad you need:

    • 100 g cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 potatoes;
    • 2 beets;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 onion;
    • 200 gr. mayonnaise.

    How to make a bride salad:

    1. Wash the root vegetables, boil in different saucepans, cool and peel.
    2. Grind the potatoes, carrots and beets separately from each other.
    3. Boil eggs, cool in cold water, peel and grate.
    4. Peel the onion and chop finely.
    5. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
    6. In this case, each layer of the dish must be saturated with mayonnaise. Place the potatoes first.
    7. Then add onions and beets.
    8. Cover the beetroot layer with eggs.
    9. It remains only to lay out the carrots and sprinkle the dish with cheese.
    10. Put the salad in the refrigerator for several hours and only then serve it to the guests.
    1. Wash and boil the potatoes. After the root crop, cool, peel and grate.
    2. Boil the eggs, add cold water. Then remove the shell, divide into yolks and whites, and grate in different bowls.
    3. Peel the onion and chop finely with a knife.
    4. Grate cheese.
    5. Cut the chicken into small pieces.
    6. Collect the salad in layers, not forgetting to grease each product with mayonnaise: chicken, onions, potatoes, yolks, cheese, proteins.
    7. Before serving, we recommend insisting the dish in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

    Tip: in order for the salad to be as airy as possible, the ingredients to be grated should be grated directly into the dish.

    Bride's air salad today still cannot be called a popular and demanded dish. But from time to time, the appetizer began to be found on the festive menu. And all thanks to its incredibly delicate taste, pleasant, airy consistency and ease of preparation.

    This salad got its name for its delicate taste, airiness, simple and effective design. It is laid out in layers on a large flat dish, and on top must be decorated with grated egg whites or cheese. The white top immediately stands out from other snacks on the festive table, like a bride at a wedding.

    What's in it: processed cheese, beetroot or pineapple?

    It is not completely known what the very first recipe for the "Bride" salad was. Discussions are underway about who the author is and what set of basic components is required for the preparation of this dish. In addition to the classic combination of smoked chicken and processed cheese, there are dozens of other variations.

    1. The "Bride" salad with smoked chicken and melted cheese is one of the most popular recipes, which is considered a folk classic. For cooking, smoked thighs or wings are used, which give the dish a special taste, rich, with a haze aroma. Processed cheese emphasizes the presence of smoked meats, boiled potatoes and eggs make the salad more satisfying, and pickled onions add a touch of piquancy. Everything is laid out in layers and coated with mayonnaise sauce. The dish turns out to be tender and juicy, like all guests, without exception. For details on how to cook, see the step-by-step recipe with a photo, which is presented below with all the details.
    2. Salad "Bride" with beets - the classic three products of potatoes-eggs-meat are complemented by boiled beets. As in the classic solution, all products are laid out in layers, but the order is different: first, grated beets, then chicken fillet, boiled carrots, potatoes, onions, chopped eggs and grated cheese completes all. The dish looks even more elegant, especially in the context. It is better to serve it in portions using a salad forming ring.
    3. "Bride" salad with pineapple and liver - the addition of sweet and sour fruits enriches the taste of the dish, and also makes it more festive. For cooking, you need boiled chicken liver, canned mushrooms, walnuts, garlic, any cheese and pineapples in a jar. The liver should be boiled. Then all the ingredients need to be cut into strips, the cheese should be chopped on a coarse grater, and the nuts should be chopped with a knife. Layer in the following order: liver, pineapple, half cheese, nuts, eggs, remaining cheese. Coat with a mixture of mayonnaise and crushed garlic. It turns out a spicy salad, which will be appreciated by lovers of original flavor combinations.

    Cooking secrets

    • Laying the layers is best on a large flat dish and be sure to grind the ingredients by weight. This is what will create the effect of airiness, and the salad itself will turn out to be tender and lush.
    • Salad "Bride" with chicken and processed cheese should not contain bitter or too spicy ingredients, so the onion must be marinated.
    • To make it easier to grind, the cheese can be slightly frozen. Send it to the freezer for 15 minutes and it won't stick to the grater.
    • It is advisable to boil potatoes and eggs in advance. If all the products are chilled, then it will take much less time for impregnation, and the mayonnaise will not flow, it will remain thick.
    • Calculate the cooking time so that the salad has time to brew. The better the layers are saturated, the tastier the dish will be.


    • smoked chicken 300 g
    • chicken eggs 4 pcs.
    • processed cheese "Druzhba" 1 pc.
    • medium potatoes 2 pcs.
    • onions 1 pc.
    • mayonnaise 150 ml or to taste
    • salt 1-2 chips.
    • marinade sugar 1 tsp
    • 9% vinegar for marinade 1 tsp

    How to make Bride salad

    1. The first layer is smoked chicken. I separate the meat from the bones and cut it into small cubes (remove the skin so that it is not too greasy). Pieces of smoked chicken are evenly distributed on the bottom of the plate, greased with mayonnaise. In this recipe, it is fundamentally important to put the meat layer on the very bottom so that it is soaked in the sauce, gathers the flavors of all the top ingredients and turns out to be very tender.

    2. The second layer is pickled onions. I peel a medium-sized onion and chop it into small cubes. I fill it with a mixture of vinegar, hot boiled water and sugar. Marina for 10 minutes, then drain all the liquid, and squeeze the onion itself. I spread it in an even layer in a salad and cover it with a thin mayonnaise mesh. You don't need to spread it with a spoon.

    3. The third layer is boiled potatoes. I pre-boil and cool two medium-sized tubers, peel and grind on a coarse grater. I rub it on weight for airiness of the dish. I add a little salt. Top it abundantly with mayonnaise, distribute with a spoon gently, without pressing or pressing.

    4. The fourth layer is boiled yolks. They can be crumbled with a fork or grated. I spread the egg yolks evenly and brush the sauce again.

    5. The fifth layer is processed cheese. I freeze it in the freezer and grind it on a fine grater, top it with mayonnaise.

    6. The sixth layer is egg whites. I grind them on a fine grater and lay them out as a finishing layer, I do not grease them with anything on top.
    7. If desired, all layers can be alternated again, then the salad will turn out higher. From above it can be decorated with daikon flowers and sprigs of greenery. Roses cut from egg whites will also look beautiful. It is important not to overdo it here in order to preserve the traditional white top, which is the hallmark of the dish.
    8. Puff salad with smoked chicken and processed cheese "Bride" should be infused for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator so that all its layers are better saturated. Bon appetit to you and your guests!

    Greetings dear friends! According to your numerous requests in the comments on the site, and in the VK group, I have prepared for you a Bride puff salad with chicken and processed cheese. There are a lot of conflicting opinions on social networks, what is the right way to cook this salad: with chicken, or beets?

    But I'm still closer to the recipe for the Bride with Chicken salad, in which all the ingredients are white, as it should be in a bride's dress. And the version of the salad Bride with beets is most likely mistaken for the Mistress salad, which is just prepared with beets.

    Cooking puff salad Bride with chicken for the holiday

    In general, we will not make a mistress out of the bride, and we will prepare the Bride salad with melted cheese, smoked chicken, potatoes and other "white" ingredients. Cooking will not take much of your time, and if you are looking for a simple, tasty and inexpensive salad for the festive table, I can safely recommend the elegant Bride salad for cooking!

    Ingredients required

    • 200 gr. smoked chicken fillet
    • 3 pcs. boiled eggs
    • 2 pcs. boiled potatoes
    • 180 g (2 pcs.) Processed cheese
    • 1 onion
    • 150 g mayonnaise
    • ½ lemon
    • salt and sugar

    Step-by-step cooking

    Cut the smoked chicken fillet into cubes, peel and grate the potatoes, separate the yolks from the proteins, and also grate, as in my photo.

    A little secret to make the salad juicy

    We grate proteins and processed cheese. To make the curds easier to rub, send them to the freezer for 30 minutes.

    Now let's start assembling the Bride salad. It is best to collect this flaky salad in a glass salad bowl, or on a flat plate using a serving ring. I cut a small ring out of a plastic bottle to show you all the layers of the Bride salad.

    Build lettuce: layers and consistency

    So, the first layer we have is a fillet of smoked chicken, which needs to be greased with mayonnaise.

    The next layer is boiled potatoes + mayonnaise.

    Thoroughly coat the potato layer with a spoon to make the Bride salad juicy.

    Then processed cheese + mayonnaise.

    At this point, you can remove the serving ring from the salad.